922 resultados para peripheral nerve
El presente trabajo es un capítulo de libro titulado “Anestesia Regional y Periférica Guiada por Ultrasonido en el Paciente Crítico” que será incluido en la última edición del libro “Manual de Ultrasonido en Terapia Intensiva y Emergencias” cuyo editor es el Doctor José de Jesús Rincón Salas y que será publicado por la Editorial Prado de México para distribución latinoamericana desde dicho país. Por solicitud del editor y teniendo en cuenta el enfoque del libro, el presente trabajo está dirigido a estudiantes de formación, médicos graduados y especialistas en las áreas de cuidado intensivo, anestesiología, dolor, medicina interna y medicina de urgencias. Tiene como propósito empapar de conocimientos necesarios y prácticos en anestesia regional a personas que usualmente no han tenido contacto con la anestesia regional, pues desafortunadamente sólo en los últimos años ha sido posible que la anestesia regional haya comenzado a salir de las salas de cirugía, ámbito donde ha estado confinada tradicionalmente. El lenguaje utilizado es sencillo y el capítulo ha sido escrito para que sea fácil de leer y consultar, dejando así mensajes muy claros sobre la utilidad, viabilidad e implicaciones que tiene el uso de anestesia regional guiada por ultrasonido en cuidado intensivo. Los autores esperamos que de esta manera, el presente capítulo permita continuar superando los obstáculos que se interponen entre los invaluables beneficios de la anestesia regional y los pacientes de cuidado intensivo que necesitan de ella.
Neuropathic pain may arise following peripheral nerve injury though the molecular mechanisms associated with this are unclear. We used proteomic profiling to examine changes in protein expression associated with the formation of hyper-excitable neuromas derived from rodent saphenous nerves. A two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis ( 2D-DIGE) profiling strategy was employed to examine protein expression changes between developing neuromas and normal nerves in whole tissue lysates. We found around 200 proteins which displayed a > 1.75-fold change in expression between neuroma and normal nerve and identified 55 of these proteins using mass spectrometry. We also used immunoblotting to examine the expression of low-abundance ion channels Nav1.3, Nav1.8 and calcium channel alpha 2 delta-1 subunit in this model, since they have previously been implicated in neuronal hyperexcitability associated with neuropathic pain. Finally, S(35)methionine in vitro labelling of neuroma and control samples was used to demonstrate local protein synthesis of neuron-specific genes. A number of cytoskeletal proteins, enzymes and proteins associated with oxidative stress were up-regulated in neuromas, whilst overall levels of voltage-gated ion channel proteins were unaffected. We conclude that altered mRNA levels reported in the somata of damaged DRG neurons do not necessarily reflect levels of altered proteins in hyper-excitable damaged nerve endings. An altered repertoire of protein expression, local protein synthesis and topological re-arrangements of ion channels may all play important roles in neuroma hyper-excitability.
Many human behaviours and pathologies have been attributed to the putative mirror neuron system, a neural system that is active during both the observation and execution of actions. While there are now a very large number of papers on the mirror neuron system, variations in the methods and analyses employed by researchers mean that the basic characteristics of the mirror response are not clear. This review focuses on three important aspects of the mirror response, as measured by modulations in corticospinal excitability: (1) muscle specificity, (2) direction, and (3) timing of modulation. We focus mainly on electromyographic (EMG) data gathered following single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), because this method provides precise information regarding these three aspects of the response. Data from paired-pulse TMS paradigms and peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) are also considered when we discuss the possible mechanisms underlying the mirror response. In this systematic review of the literature, we examine the findings of 85 TMS and PNS studies of the human mirror response, and consider the limitations and advantages of the different methodological approaches these have adopted in relation to discrepancies between their findings. We conclude by proposing a testable model of how action observation modulates corticospinal excitability in humans. Specifically, we propose that action observation elicits an early, non-specific facilitation of corticospinal excitability (at around 90 ms from action onset), followed by a later modulation of activity specific to the muscles involved in the observed action (from around 200 ms). Testing this model will greatly advance our understanding of the mirror mechanism and provide a more stable grounding on which to base inferences about its role in human behaviour.
This work aimed to study the reproduction and description of technique for digital sampling images during rats gait and determination of the sciatic functional index (SFI), through a glass walkway to obtain shoots with a digital camera. After controlled injury by strangulation of sciatic nerve, with 3mm of length, during 30 seconds, using hemostatic forceps, a group of 32 rats was performed 24 hours before the lesion which served as control and 24 hours, 7, 14 and 21 days after injury. The tests consisted in the filming and shooting each animal in order to observe the view from below (by a mirror to 45 degrees) and subsequently analyzed using the IMAGE-J program. Measures were taken from the lengths of the legs (right and left), and the distance between the ankle. In the analysis of IFC, values close to zero (0) suggest that the function of the sciatic nerve is still preserved and values coming from "less one hundred" (-100) indicate total loss of function. It was verified in this study that 24 hours before surgery the average SFI was -7.07 +/- 7.88 and 24 hours after injury these values rose to an average of -77.95 +/- 13.81, being about 10 times larger, where 78% of the animals showed 60 to 100% of functional loss in motor activity, demonstrated by the gradual recovery over the days analyzed, confirming the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed methodology. These results suggest that studies can be conducted to simplify and reduce costs using the technique for digital images of footprints during rats gait in the laboratory.
Introduction: Radical prostatectomy surgery is the best treatment currently adopted by detecting prostate cancer. The urinary incontinence is one more common and difficult to treat postoperative complications, which causes a negative impact on quality of life of the individual prostatectomy . The surface electrical nerve stimulation involves the transmission of electrical impulses from an external stimulator for peripheral nerve through surface electrodes attached to skin. It is an easy and efficient technique, widely used for pain relief, rehabilitation and muscle strengthening. Objective: To analyze the effect of T10-L2 percutaneous electrical stimulation, in individuals with urinary incontinence who underwent radical prostatectomy by the laparoscopic technique. Methods: Six patients had previously undergone radical prostatectomy were submitted to 20 sections of surface electrical stimulation with frequency of 4 Hz, pulse width of 1ms during 20 minutes. All subjects fillid a quality of life - International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire- Short FormI - ICIQ-SF questionnaire evaluating. Results: Results showed reduction in the use of the number of pads, number of leaks before and after treatment, and reduced voiding frequency and consequent improvement in quality of life. No side effects were reported. Conclusion: Percutanous electrical stimulation in T10-L2 may be an effective technique to treat urinary incontinence (UI) after radical prostatectomy video laparoscopy
Estudamos 6 pacientes, 2 cães e um coelho com intoxicação crotálica. Avaliamos a condução nervosa periférica sensitiva e motora, a transmissão neuromuscular e eletromiografias. As biópsias de músculo foram processadas por histoquímica. Os 6 pacientes apresentaram mononeuropatia sensitiva no nervo periférico adjacente ao local da inoculação do veneno e encontramos evidências histoquímicas de miopatia mitocondrial. Os defeitos da transmissão neuromuscular foram mínimos. A maioria dos autores admite que veneno crotálico determina síndrome miastênica. Nossos achados indicam que ptose palpebral, facies miastênico e fraqueza muscular observados após acidente crotálico, correspondem provavelmente a miopatia mitocondrial, muitas vezes transitória e reversível.
Neurotrofinas são fatores de crescimento com papel fundamental na fisiopatologia neural. Esses mediadores modulam funcionalmente fibras nociceptivas. Mudanças em sua expressão têm sido relacionadas à perda precoce da nocicepção na hanseníase. Este estudo investigou a expressão de NGF, BDNF e NT3 em nervos dérmicos de pacientes hansenianos. A caracterização de fibras nervosas não mielinizadas foi feita por p75NTR e marcadores axonais NF-L e PGP 9.5. Os parâmetros clínicos de dano neural foram avaliados por monofilamentos Semmes-Wenstein. Nossos achados demonstram diminuição de NGF nos pacientes dimorfos em comparação aos controles. Resultados similares foram observados para PGP 9.5 (dimorfos: p<0,001; virchowianos: p<0,05) e NF-L (virchowianos: p<0.05), sugerindo degeneração avançada das terminações nervosas na hanseníase multibacilar. Foi observada correlação positiva entre p75NTR e PGP 9.5, indicando associação entre células de Schwann e axônios em fibras nervosas não mielinizadas. Os resultados indicam que o desequilíbrio na expressão das neurotrofinas pode participar do dano neural periférico.
São revisados os trabalhos que, a partir de 1975,estudaram a ocorrência de manifestações neurológicas centrais e periféricas em trabalhadores ocupacionalmente expostos ao chumbo, que apresentavam níveis de exposição supostamente insuficientes para causarem Saturnismo. A partir da revisão realizada é sugerido que os limites de tolerância biológica utilizados em nosso meio para firmar o diagnóstico de intoxicação profissional pelo chumbo devam ser revistos. Tal sugestão baseia-se na existência de evidências bem estabelecidas que apontam disfunções da condução nervosa periférica e central, além de alterações de várias funções nervosas superiores, em trabalhadores profissionalmente expostos ao chumbo que apresentam indicadores de efeito biológico e indicadores de exposição inferiores aos limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira.
Objective To assess the brachial plexus block in chickens by an axillary approach and using a peripheral nerve stimulator.Study design Prospective, randomized, double-blinded study.Animals Six, 84-week old, female chickens.Methods Midazolam (1 mg kg(-1)) and butorphanol (1 mg kg(-1)) were administered into the pectoralis muscle. Fifteen minutes later, the birds were positioned in lateral recumbency and following palpation of the anatomic landmarks, a catheter was inserted using an axillary approach to the brachial plexus. Lidocaine or bupivacaine (1 mL kg(-1)) was injected after plexus localization by the nerve stimulator. Sensory function was tested before and after blockade (carpus, radius/ulna, humerus and pectoralis muscle) in the blocked and unblocked wings. The latency to onset of motor and sensory block and the duration of sensory block were recorded. A Friedman nonparametric one-way repeated-measures ANOVA was used to compare scores from baseline values over time and to compare the differences between wings at each time point.Results A total of 18 blocks were performed with a success rate of 66.6% (12/18). The latency for motor block was 2.8 +/- 1.1 and 3.2 +/- 0.4 minutes for lidocaine and bupivacaine, respectively. The latencies for and durations of the sensory block were 6.0 +/- 2.5 and 64.0 +/- 18.0 and 7.8 +/- 5.8 and 91.6 +/- 61.7 minutes for lidocaine and bupivacaine, respectively. There was no statistical difference between these times for lidocaine or bupivacaine. Sensory function was not abolished in nonblocked wings.Conclusions and clinical relevance The brachial plexus block was an easy technique to perform but had a high failure rate. It might be useful for providing anesthesia or postoperative analgesia of the wing in chickens and exotic avian species that have similar wing anatomy.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Termino-lateral neurorrhaphies have been used up to the beginning of this century. After this period, they have no longer been reported. We tested the efficacy of a new type of latero-terminal neurorrhaphy and evaluated the role of the epineural sheath. A group of 10 rats had the fibular nerve sectioned and the distal ending was sutured to the lateral face of the tibial nerve without removing the epineurium. All experiments were made on the right side, the left one remaining untouched in half of the animals of each group. The other half were denervated by sectioning and inverting the endings of the fibular nerves. In this way, tibial cranial muscles were either normal or denervated in the left side and reinnervated through latero-terminal neurorrhaphy in the right side. After 7.7 months, the animals were subjected to electrophysiological tests, sacrificed, and the nerves and muscles were taken for histological exams. A response of the tibial cranial muscle was obtained in 75% of the animals. The distal ending of the fibular nerve showed an average of 498 nerve fibers. The average areas of the reinnervated tibial cranial muscles were (mu 2):841.30 for M2n and 1798.33 for M2d. We concluded that the termino-lateral neurorrhaphy was functional, conducting electrical stimuli and allowing the passage of axons from the lateral surface of a healthy nerve, to reconstitute the distal segment of a sectioned nerve. The presence of the epineurium was no impediment to axonal regeneration or to the passage of electrical stimuli.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
This is a cross-sectional study with a randomized choice of individuals aiming at studying the validity of the Brazilian biological exposure limits applied to lead level in the blood (PbB) and delta-aminolevulinic acid in the urine (ALAU), which are 60 μg/dl and 10 mg/g.creat., respectively. For this purpose, twenty workers, whose PbB and ALAU values have been below these limits over the past two years, were selected at random at a battery production plant in the State of S. Paulo, Brazil. The workers were submitted to a peripheral nerve conduction study. The results were compared with those obtained for workers of a control group also chosen at random. The lead workers showed a decrease in the velocity conduction of the radial nerves. Comparing this group with a randomized control group, a significant difference was observed (p-value = 0.0067). The results suggest that the Brazilian biological exposure limits above should be rearranged.
Laryngeal Electromyography (LEMG) is a diagnostic test commonly used in patients with vocal fold movement disorder The aim of this study is to describe LEMG in patients with vocalfold immobility. A total of 55 dysphonic patients with vocal fold immobility diagnosed by laryngeal endoscopy were grouped according to probable clinical cause: 1) unknown; 2) traumatic; or 3) tumoral compression. They were submitted to LEMG by percutaneous insertion of concentric needle electrode. LEMG was conclusive in all patients and showed a majority with peripheral nerve injury. LEMG diagnosed peripheral nerve damage in 25 group 1, 12 group 2, and 11 group 3 patients. LEMG was normal in 4 patients, suggesting cricoarytenoid joint fixation. Central nervous system disorders was suggested in 2 and myopathic pattern in 1. As the major cause of vocal fold immobility is peripheral nerve damage, LEMG is an important test to confirm diagnosis.
Diabetes Mellitus may lead to alterations in the eyes, kidneys, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, ears etc. The cognitive function, also, seems to be compromised in subjects presented with Diabetes Mellitus, since the cortical and subcortical structures responsible for this function are hindered in some insulin-dependent patients. The cognitive potential P300 has been used as an objective procedure to assess cerebral cognitive functions. Objective: Analyze the sensitivity of P300 cognitive potential for the detection of alterations on the auditory cortex secondary to Diabetes Mellitus. Study design: transversal cohort. Material and Method: Sixteen diabetic subjects of both genders aged 7 to 71 years, and seventeen non-diabetic individuals at the same age range participated in this study, the evaluation procedures were pure tone audiometry (PTA) and P300 cognitive potential. Glycemia of the group presented with Diabetes was assessed prior to applying the P300. Results: No statistically significant difference was shown for the PTA results. A statically significant difference was observed between groups when analyzing the latency of the P300 component measured in Fz. there was a correlation between glycemia and the latency and amplitude of P300. Conclusion: The investigation of the cognitive potential of P300 is an important procedure for the prevention and early diagnosis of neurological changes in individuals presented with Diabetes Mellitus.
18 rabbits, New Zealand, males, adults were used for clinical and histological evaluation of repair dorsal buccal branch of facial nerve after 15, 30 and 60 days postoperatively (PO). The animals were divided into two groups for transection and 10-0 nylon monofilament epineural suture of buccal branch. In animals in Group I, the nerve was coated with protection of jejunum allograft preserved in glycerin 98% and in group II was applied epineural suture. Both groups occurred the return of movement of the upper lip from the eighth week. There was infiltrated cellular and giant cells with fibrosis unsystematic and collagen fibers of the allograft jejunum joing to the connective tissue. At 15 and 30 days of PO, the distal nerve stumps of both groups were found with degeneration wallerian and in 60 days, regenerated fibers. The repair of the dorsal buccal branch of facial nerve with the allograft wasn't significantly different between the control rabbits as to the assessment of histological and functional recovery.