984 resultados para perceptual associative memory


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Traditional psychometric theory and practice classify people according to broad ability dimensions but do not examine how these mental processes occur. Hunt and Lansman (1975) proposed a 'distributed memory' model of cognitive processes with emphasis on how to describe individual differences based on the assumption that each individual possesses the same components. It is in the quality of these components ~hat individual differences arise. Carroll (1974) expands Hunt's model to include a production system (after Newell and Simon, 1973) and a response system. He developed a framework of factor analytic (FA) factors for : the purpose of describing how individual differences may arise from them. This scheme is to be used in the analysis of psychometric tes ts . Recent advances in the field of information processing are examined and include. 1) Hunt's development of differences between subjects designated as high or low verbal , 2) Miller's pursuit of the magic number seven, plus or minus two, 3) Ferguson's examination of transfer and abilities and, 4) Brown's discoveries concerning strategy teaching and retardates . In order to examine possible sources of individual differences arising from cognitive tasks, traditional psychometric tests were searched for a suitable perceptual task which could be varied slightly and administered to gauge learning effects produced by controlling independent variables. It also had to be suitable for analysis using Carroll's f ramework . The Coding Task (a symbol substitution test) found i n the Performance Scale of the WISe was chosen. Two experiments were devised to test the following hypotheses. 1) High verbals should be able to complete significantly more items on the Symbol Substitution Task than low verbals (Hunt, Lansman, 1975). 2) Having previous practice on a task, where strategies involved in the task may be identified, increases the amount of output on a similar task (Carroll, 1974). J) There should be a sUbstantial decrease in the amount of output as the load on STM is increased (Miller, 1956) . 4) Repeated measures should produce an increase in output over trials and where individual differences in previously acquired abilities are involved, these should differentiate individuals over trials (Ferguson, 1956). S) Teaching slow learners a rehearsal strategy would improve their learning such that their learning would resemble that of normals on the ,:same task. (Brown, 1974). In the first experiment 60 subjects were d.ivided·into high and low verbal, further divided randomly into a practice group and nonpractice group. Five subjects in each group were assigned randomly to work on a five, seven and nine digit code throughout the experiment. The practice group was given three trials of two minutes each on the practice code (designed to eliminate transfer effects due to symbol similarity) and then three trials of two minutes each on the actual SST task . The nonpractice group was given three trials of two minutes each on the same actual SST task . Results were analyzed using a four-way analysis of variance . In the second experiment 18 slow learners were divided randomly into two groups. one group receiving a planned strategy practioe, the other receiving random practice. Both groups worked on the actual code to be used later in the actual task. Within each group subjects were randomly assigned to work on a five, seven or nine digit code throughout. Both practice and actual tests consisted on three trials of two minutes each. Results were analyzed using a three-way analysis of variance . It was found in t he first experiment that 1) high or low verbal ability by itself did not produce significantly different results. However, when in interaction with the other independent variables, a difference in performance was noted . 2) The previous practice variable was significant over all segments of the experiment. Those who received previo.us practice were able to score significantly higher than those without it. J) Increasing the size of the load on STM severely restricts performance. 4) The effect of repeated trials proved to be beneficial. Generally, gains were made on each successive trial within each group. S) In the second experiment, slow learners who were allowed to practice randomly performed better on the actual task than subjeots who were taught the code by means of a planned strategy. Upon analysis using the Carroll scheme, individual differences were noted in the ability to develop strategies of storing, searching and retrieving items from STM, and in adopting necessary rehearsals for retention in STM. While these strategies may benef it some it was found that for others they may be harmful . Temporal aspects and perceptual speed were also found to be sources of variance within individuals . Generally it was found that the largest single factor i nfluencing learning on this task was the repeated measures . What e~ables gains to be made, varies with individuals . There are environmental factors, specific abilities, strategy development, previous learning, amount of load on STM , perceptual and temporal parameters which influence learning and these have serious implications for educational programs .


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The present study examined individual differences in Absorption and fantasy, as well as in Achiievement and achievement striving as possible moderators of the perceptual closure effect found by Snodgrass and Feenan (1990). The study also examined whether different instructions (experiential versus instrumental) interact with the personality variables to moderate the relationship between priming and subsequent performance on a picture completion task. 1 28 participants completed two sessions, one to fill out the MPQ and NEO personality inventories and the other to complete the experimental task. The experimental task consisted of a priming phase and a test phase, with pictures presented on a computer screen for both phases. Participants were shown 30 pictures in the priming phase, and then shovm the 30 primed pictures along with 30 new pictures for the test phase. Participants were randomly assigned to receive one of the two different instruction sets for the task. Two measures of performance were calculated, most fragmented measure and threshold. Results of the present study confirm that a five-second exposure time is long enough to produce the perceptual closure effect. The analysis of the two-way interaction effects indicated a significant quadratic interaction of Absorption with priming level on threshold performance. The results were in the opposite direction of predictions. Possible explanations for the Absorption results include lack of optimal conditions, lack of intrinsic motivation and measurement problems. Primary analyses also revealed two significant between-subject effects of fantasy and achievement striving on performance collapsed across priming levels. These results suggest that fantasy has a beneficial effect on performance at test for pictures primed at all levels, whereas achievement striving seems to have an adverse effect on performance at test for pictures primed at all levels. Results of the secondary analyses with a revised threshold performance measure indicated a significant quadratic interaction of Absorption, condition and priming level. In the experiential condition, test performance, based on Absorption scores for pictures primed at level 4, showed a positive slope and performance for pictures primed at levels 1 and 7 based on Absorption showed a negative slope. The reverse effect was found in the instrumental condition. The results suggest that Absorption, in combination with experiential involvement, may affect implicit memory. A second significant result of the secondary analyses was a linear three-way interaction of Achievement, condition and priming level on performance. Results suggest that as Achievement scores increased, test performance improved for less fragmented primed pictures in the instrumental condition and test performance improved for more highly fragmented primes in the experiential condition. Results from the secondary analyses suggest that the revised threshold measure may be more sensitive to individual differences. Results of the exploratory analyses with Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness and agentic positive emotionality (PEM-A) measures indicated no significant effects of any of these personality variables. Results suggest that facets of the scales may be more useful with regard to perceptual research, and that future research should examine narrowly focused personality traits as opposed to broader constructs.


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La présente thèse examine les liens entre le sommeil, la mémoire épisodique et les rêves. Dans une première étude, nous utilisons les technologies de la réalité virtuelle (RV) en liaison avec un paradigme de privation de sommeil paradoxal et de collecte de rêve en vue d'examiner l'hypothèse que le sommeil paradoxal et le rêve sont impliqués dans la consolidation de la mémoire épisodique. Le sommeil paradoxal a été associé au rappel des aspects spatiaux des éléments émotionnels de la tâche RV. De la même façon, l'incorporation de la tâche RV dans les rêves a été associée au rappel des aspects spatiaux de la tâche. De plus, le rappel des aspects factuels et perceptuels de la mémoire épisodique, formé lors de la tâche VR, a été associé au sommeil aux ondes lentes. Une deuxième étude examine l'hypothèse selon laquelle une fonction possible du rêve pourrait être de créer de nouvelles associations entre les éléments de divers souvenirs épisodiques. Un participant a été réveillé 43 fois lors de l'endormissement pour fournir des rapports détaillés de rêves. Les résultats suggèrent qu'un seul rêve peut comporter, dans un même contexte spatiotemporel, divers éléments appartenant aux multiples souvenirs épisodiques. Une troisième étude aborde la question de la cognition lors du sommeil paradoxal, notamment comment les aspects bizarres des rêves, qui sont formés grâce aux nouvelles combinaisons d'éléments de la mémoire épisodique, sont perçus par le rêveur. Les résultats démontrent une dissociation dans les capacités cognitives en sommeil paradoxal caractérisée par un déficit sélectif dans l'appréciation des éléments bizarres des rêves. Les résultats des quatre études suggèrent que le sommeil aux ondes lentes et le sommeil paradoxal sont différemment impliqués dans le traitement de la mémoire épisodique. Le sommeil aux ondes lentes pourrait être implique dans la consolidation de la mémoire épisodique, et le sommeil paradoxal, par l'entremise du rêve, pourrais avoir le rôle d'introduire de la flexibilité dans ce système mnémonique.


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In this thesis, the concept of reversed lack of memory property and its generalizations is studied.We we generalize this property which involves operations different than the ”addition”. In particular an associative, binary operator ” * ” is considered. The univariate reversed lack of memory property is generalized using the binary operator and a class of probability distributions which include Type 3 extreme value, power function, reflected Weibull and negative Pareto distributions are characterized (Asha and Rejeesh (2009)). We also define the almost reversed lack of memory property and considered the distributions with reversed periodic hazard rate under the binary operation. Further, we give a bivariate extension of the generalized reversed lack of memory property and characterize a class of bivariate distributions which include the characterized extension (CE) model of Roy (2002a) apart from the bivariate reflected Weibull and power function distributions. We proved the equality of local proportionality of the reversed hazard rate and generalized reversed lack of memory property. Study of uncertainty is a subject of interest common to reliability, survival analysis, actuary, economics, business and many other fields. However, in many realistic situations, uncertainty is not necessarily related to the future but can also refer to the past. Recently, Di Crescenzo and Longobardi (2009) introduced a new measure of information called dynamic cumulative entropy. Dynamic cumulative entropy is suitable to measure information when uncertainty is related to the past, a dual concept of the cumulative residual entropy which relates to uncertainty of the future lifetime of a system. We redefine this measure in the whole real line and study its properties. We also discuss the implications of generalized reversed lack of memory property on dynamic cumulative entropy and past entropy.In this study, we extend the idea of reversed lack of memory property to the discrete set up. Here we investigate the discrete class of distributions characterized by the discrete reversed lack of memory property. The concept is extended to the bivariate case and bivariate distributions characterized by this property are also presented. The implication of this property on discrete reversed hazard rate, mean past life, and discrete past entropy are also investigated.


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One of the major developments in memory research in the past decade or so has been a growing interest in implicit memory – task performance that is not accompanied by conscious or intentional recollection. In this article, we examine evidence for perceptual and conceptual implicit memory, using the accepted definitions, and suggest that there is in fact a lack of strong evidence for implicit memory in normal subjects. If more convincing evidence cannot be obtained, one solution might be to modify the current terminology. We suggest that the term implicit memory might have outgrown its usefulness as an overall descriptor.


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Three experiments examined transfer across form (words/pictures) and modality (visual/ auditory) in written word, auditory word, and pictorial implicit memory tests, as well as on a free recall task. Experiment 1 showed no significant transfer across form on any of the three implicit memory tests,and an asymmetric pattern of transfer across modality. In contrast, the free recall results revealed a very different picture. Experiment 2 further investigated the asymmetric modality effects obtained for the implicit memory measures by employing articulatory suppression and picture naming to control the generation of phonological codes. Finally, Experiment 3 examined the effects of overt word naming and covert picture labelling on transfer between study and test form. The results of the experiments are discussed in relation to Tulving and Schacter's (1990) Perceptual Representation Systems framework and Roediger's (1990) Transfer Appropriate Processing theory.


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McDaniel, Robinson-Riegler, and Einstein (1998) recently reported findings in support of the proposal that prospective remembering is largely conceptually driven. In each of the three experiments they reported, however, the task in which the prospective memory target was encountered at test had a predominantly conceptual focus, thereby potentially facilitating retrieval of conceptually encoded features of the studied target event. We report two experiments in which we manipulated the dimension (perceptual or conceptual) along which a target event varied between study and test while using a processing task, at both study and test, compatible with the relevant dimension of target change. When the target was encountered in a sentence validity task at study and test, and the semantic context in which a target was encountered was changed between these two occasions, prospective remembering declined (Experiment 1). A similar decline occurred, using a readability rating task, when the perceptual context (font in which the word was printed) was altered (Experiment 2). These results indicate that both perceptual and conceptual processes can support prospective remembering.


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Recalling information involves the process of discriminating between relevant and irrelevant information stored in memory. Not infrequently, the relevant information needs to be selected from amongst a series of related possibilities. This is likely to be particularly problematic when the irrelevant possibilities are not only temporally or contextually appropriate but also overlap semantically with the target or targets. Here, we investigate the extent to which purely perceptual features which discriminate between irrelevant and target material can be used to overcome the negative impact of contextual and semantic relatedness. Adopting a distraction paradigm, it is demonstrated that when distracters are interleaved with targets presented either visually (Experiment 1) or auditorily (Experiment 2), a within-modality semantic distraction effect occurs; semantically-related distracters impact upon recall more than unrelated distracters. In the semantically-related condition, the number of intrusions in recall is reduced whilst the number of correctly recalled targets is simultaneously increased by the presence of perceptual cues to relevance (color features in Experiment 1 or speaker’s gender in Experiment 2). However, as demonstrated in Experiment 3, even presenting semantically-related distracters in a language and a sensory modality (spoken Welsh) distinct from that of the targets (visual English) is insufficient to eliminate false recalls completely, or to restore correct recall to levels seen with unrelated distracters . Together, the study shows how semantic and non-semantic discriminability shape patterns of both erroneous and correct recall.


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In 1972, episodic and semantic memories were considered to reflect different types of knowledge (Tulving, 1972). However, these early definitions encountered many difficulties. Now, Episodic and semantic memories are discussed in terms of awareness associated with retrieval (Wheeler, Stuss, & Tulving, 1997): Autonoetic consciousness (i.e., feeling of remembering) is considered associated with retrieval from the episodic memory system, while noetic consciousness (i.e., feeling of knowing) is considered characterized by retrieval from the semantic memory system. The present article investigated determinants of autonoetic consciousness in order to clarify characteristics of perceptual knowledge that is being recalled, the more strongly the individual feels autonoetic consciousness during retrieval, and that autonoetic consciousness is based on rich sensory-perceptual knowledge. Furthermore, we suggested that the parietal and frontal lobes mediate the process of generating autonoetic consciousness. This suggested that sensory-perceptual knowledge, the parietal lobe and the frontal lobe are important factors for discriminating episodic memory afrom semantic memory.


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Possible impairments of memory in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) were investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, in which stimulus words were presented visually, participants were tested on conceptual or perceptual memory tasks, with retrieval being either explicit or implicit. Compared with healthy controls, ESRD patients were impaired when memory required conceptual but not when it required perceptual processing, regardless of whether retrieval was explicit or implicit. An impairment of conceptual implicit memory (priming) in the ESRD group represented a previously unreported deficit compared to healthy aging. There were no significant differences between pre- and immediate post-dialysis memory performance in ESRD patients on any of the tasks. In Experiment 2, in which presentation was auditory, patients again performed worse than controls on an explicit conceptual memory task. We conclude that the type of processing required by the task (conceptual vs. perceptual) is more important than the type of retrieval (explicit vs. implicit) in memory failures in ESRD patients, perhaps because temporal brain regions are more susceptible to the effects of the illness than are posterior regions.


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The purpose of this research was to verify the effect of age on the exponent of the power function in Perceptive, Memory, and Inference experimental conditions. In the Memory condition the intervals of 2 min., 8, 24, and 48 hr. and 1 wk. were used between acquisition of information and remembering. For each experimental condition the ages of observers ranged between 17 and 35 years (Group I), 40-55 years (Group II), and 60-77 years (Group III), and education ranged from high school to graduate school. The observers estimated the areas of the Brazilian states using the psychophysical method of magnitude estimation. No significant differences were obtained for Groups I, II, and III for each experimental condition, except in the Memory Condition with the 24-hr. interval. Analysis for experimental conditions and ages showed a significant difference between the Perceptive Condition and each of the others, but no difference between the Inference and Memory Conditions. These results indicated that in the remembering processes there is no loss of information as a function of age. From the small variability in the power function exponents for the three ages, we may assume that age could be related to amount of education of the observers, which suggests study is important.


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Norms for three visual memory tasks, including Corsi's block tapping test and the BEM 144 complex figures and visual recognition, were developed for neuropsychological assessment in Brazilian children. The tasks were measured in 127 children ages 7 to 10 years from rural and urban areas of the States of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. Analysis indicated age-related but not sex-related differences. A cross-cultural effect was observed in relation to copying and recall of Complex pictures. Different performances between rural and urban children were noted. © Perceptual and Motor Skills 2005.


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Purpose: To verify the efficacy of a perceptual and visual-motor skill intervention program for students with dyslexia. Methods: The participants were 20 students from third to fifth grade of a public elementary school in Marília, São Paulo, aged from 8 years to 11 years and 11 months, distributed into the following groups: Group I (GI; 10 students with developmental dyslexia) and Group II (GII; 10 students with good academic performance). A perceptual and visual-motor intervention program was applied, which comprised exercises for visual-motor coordination, visual discrimination, visual memory, visual-spatial relationship, shape constancy, sequential memory, visual figure-ground coordination, and visual closure. In pre- and post-testing situations, both groups were submitted to the Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills (TVPS-3), and the quality of handwriting was analyzed using the Dysgraphia Scale. Results: The analyzed statistical results showed that both groups of students had dysgraphia in pretesting situation. In visual perceptual skills, GI presented a lower performance compared to GII, as well as in the quality of writing. After undergoing the intervention program, GI increased the average of correct answers in TVPS-3 and improved the quality of handwriting. Conclusion: The developed intervention program proved appropriate for being applied to students with dyslexia, and showed positive effects because it provided improved visual perception skills and quality of writing for students with developmental dyslexia.


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Introduction and aims of the research Nitric oxide (NO) and endocannabinoids (eCBs) are major retrograde messengers, involved in synaptic plasticity (long-term potentiation, LTP, and long-term depression, LTD) in many brain areas (including hippocampus and neocortex), as well as in learning and memory processes. NO is synthesized by NO synthase (NOS) in response to increased cytosolic Ca2+ and mainly exerts its functions through soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) and cGMP production. The main target of cGMP is the cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG). Activity-dependent release of eCBs in the CNS leads to the activation of the Gαi/o-coupled cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) at both glutamatergic and inhibitory synapses. The perirhinal cortex (Prh) is a multimodal associative cortex of the temporal lobe, critically involved in visual recognition memory. LTD is proposed to be the cellular correlate underlying this form of memory. Cholinergic neurotransmission has been shown to play a critical role in both visual recognition memory and LTD in Prh. Moreover, visual recognition memory is one of the main cognitive functions impaired in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The main aim of my research was to investigate the role of NO and ECBs in synaptic plasticity in rat Prh and in visual recognition memory. Part of this research was dedicated to the study of synaptic transmission and plasticity in a murine model (Tg2576) of Alzheimer’s disease. Methods Field potential recordings. Extracellular field potential recordings were carried out in horizontal Prh slices from Sprague-Dawley or Dark Agouti juvenile (p21-35) rats. LTD was induced with a single train of 3000 pulses delivered at 5 Hz (10 min), or via bath application of carbachol (Cch; 50 μM) for 10 min. LTP was induced by theta-burst stimulation (TBS). In addition, input/output curves and 5Hz-LTD were carried out in Prh slices from 3 month-old Tg2576 mice and littermate controls. Behavioural experiments. The spontaneous novel object exploration task was performed in intra-Prh bilaterally cannulated adult Dark Agouti rats. Drugs or vehicle (saline) were directly infused into the Prh 15 min before training to verify the role of nNOS and CB1 in visual recognition memory acquisition. Object recognition memory was tested at 20 min and 24h after the end of the training phase. Results Electrophysiological experiments in Prh slices from juvenile rats showed that 5Hz-LTD is due to the activation of the NOS/sGC/PKG pathway, whereas Cch-LTD relies on NOS/sGC but not PKG activation. By contrast, NO does not appear to be involved in LTP in this preparation. Furthermore, I found that eCBs are involved in LTP induction, but not in basal synaptic transmission, 5Hz-LTD and Cch-LTD. Behavioural experiments demonstrated that the blockade of nNOS impairs rat visual recognition memory tested at 24 hours, but not at 20 min; however, the blockade of CB1 did not affect visual recognition memory acquisition tested at both time points specified. In three month-old Tg2576 mice, deficits in basal synaptic transmission and 5Hz-LTD were observed compared to littermate controls. Conclusions The results obtained in Prh slices from juvenile rats indicate that NO and CB1 play a role in the induction of LTD and LTP, respectively. These results are confirmed by the observation that nNOS, but not CB1, is involved in visual recognition memory acquisition. The preliminary results obtained in the murine model of Alzheimer’s disease indicate that deficits in synaptic transmission and plasticity occur very early in Prh; further investigations are required to characterize the molecular mechanisms underlying these deficits.