979 resultados para overtone NMR spectra


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Poly(alpha-methylstyrene peroxide) has been synthesized and characterized spectroscopically. The H-1 and C-13 NMR spectra are shown to reveal the stereochemical features and the endgroups in the peroxide chain. The preliminary studies on the chain dynamics of the polyperoxide chain has been done by measuring the spin-lattice relaxation times (T-1) of the main chain as well as the side chain carbons. It has been shown from the dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation times that the polyperoxide chain is more flexible compared to the corresponding hydrocarbon-backbone analog.


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One of the significant advancements in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR) in combating the problem of spectral complexity for deriving the structure and conformational information is the incorporation of additional dimension and to spread the information content in a two dimensional space. This approach together with the manipulation of the dynamics of nuclear spins permitted the designing of appropriate pulse sequences leading to the evolution of diverse multidimensional NMR experiments. The desired spectral information can now be extracted in a simplified and an orchestrated manner. The indirect detection of multiple quantum (MQ) NMR frequencies is a step in this direction. The MQ technique has been extensively used in the study of molecules aligned in liquid crystalline media to reduce spectral complexity and to determine molecular geometries. Unlike in dipolar coupled systems, the size of the network of scalar coupled spins is not big in isotropic solutions and the MQ 1H detection is not routinely employed,although there are specific examples of spin topology filtering. In this brief review, we discuss our recent studies on the development and application of multiple quantum correlation and resolved techniques for the analyses of proton NMR spectra of scalar coupled spins.


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The H-1 NMR spectroscopic discrimination of enantiomers in the solution state and the measurement of enantiomeric composition is most often hindered due to either very small chemical shift differences between the discriminated peaks or severe overlap of transitions from other chemically non-equivalent protons. In addition the use of chiral auxiliaries such as, crown ether and chiral lanthanide shift reagent may often cause enormous line broadening or give little degree of discrimination beyond the crown ether substrate ratio, hampering the discrimination. In circumventing such problems we are proposing the utilization of the difference in the additive values of all the chemical shifts of a scalar coupled spin system. The excitation and detection of appropriate highest quantum coherence yields the measurable difference in the frequencies between two transitions, one pertaining to each enantiomer in the maximum quantum dimension permitting their discrimination and the F-2 cross section at each of these frequencies yields an enantiopure spectrum. The advantage of the utility of the proposed method is demonstrated on several chiral compounds where the conventional one dimensional H-1 NMR spectra fail to differentiate the enantiomers.


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We present a new method for rapid NMR data acquisition and assignments applicable to unlabeled (C-12) or C-13-labeled biomolecules/organic molecules in general and metabolomics in particular. The method involves the acquisition of three two dimensional (2D) NMR spectra simultaneously using a dual receiver system. The three spectra, namely: (1) G-matrix Fourier transform (GFT) (3,2)D C-13, H-1] HSQC-TOCSY, (2) 2D H-1-H-1 TOCSY and (3) 2D C-13-H-1 HETCOR are acquired in a single experiment and provide mutually complementary information to completely assign individual metabolites in a mixture. The GFT (3,2)D C-13, H-1] HSQC-TOCSY provides 3D correlations in a reduced dimensionality manner facilitating high resolution and unambiguous assignments. The experiments were applied for complete H-1 and C-13 assignments of a mixture of 21 unlabeled metabolites corresponding to a medium used in assisted reproductive technology. Taken together, the experiments provide time gain of order of magnitudes compared to the conventional data acquisition methods and can be combined with other fast NMR techniques such as non-uniform sampling and covariance spectroscopy. This provides new avenues for using multiple receivers and projection NMR techniques for high-throughput approaches in metabolomics.


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We report a novel 1D J-edited pure shift NMR experiment (J-PSHIFT) that was constructed from a pseudo 2D experiment for the direct measurement of proton-proton scalar couplings. The experiment gives homonuclear broad-band H-1-decoupled H-1 NMR spectra, which provide a single peak for chemically distinct protons, and only retain the homonuclear-scalar-coupled doublet pattern at the chemical-shift positions of the protons in the coupled network of a specific proton. This permits the direct and unambiguous measurement of the magnitudes of the couplings. The incorporation of a 1D selective correlation spectroscopy (COSY)/ total correlation spectroscopy (TOCSY) block in lieu of the initial selective pulse, results in the exclusive detection of the correlated spectrum of a specific proton.


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A new approach for rapid resonance assignments in proteins based on amino acid selective unlabeling is presented. The method involves choosing a set of multiple amino acid types for selective unlabeling and identifying specific tripeptides surrounding the labeled residues from specific 2D NMR spectra in a combinatorial manner. The methodology directly yields sequence specific assignments, without requiring a contiguously stretch of amino acid residues to be linked, and is applicable to deuterated proteins. We show that a 2D N-15,H-1]HSQC spectrum with two 2D spectra can result in approximate to 50% assignments. The methodology was applied to two proteins: an intrinsically disordered protein (12kDa) and the 29kDa (268 residue) -subunit of Escherichia coli tryptophan synthase, which presents a challenging case with spectral overlaps and missing peaks. The method can augment existing approaches and will be useful for applications such as identifying active-site residues involved in ligand binding, phosphorylation, or protein-protein interactions, even prior to complete resonance assignments.


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Reconstruction of an image from a set of projections has been adapted to generate multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra, which have discrete features that are relatively sparsely distributed in space. For this reason, a reliable reconstruction can be made from a small number of projections. This new concept is called Projection Reconstruction NMR (PR-NMR). In this paper, multidimensional NMR spectra are reconstructed by Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC). This statistical method generates samples under the assumption that each peak consists of a small number of parameters: position of peak centres, peak amplitude, and peak width. In order to find the number of peaks and shape, RJMCMC has several moves: birth, death, merge, split, and invariant updating. The reconstruction schemes are tested on a set of six projections derived from the three-dimensional 700 MHz HNCO spectrum of a protein HasA.


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By using the solid-state MAS NMR technique, the hydrothermal stabilities (under 100% steam at 1073 K) of HZSM-5 zeolites modified by lanthanum and phosphorus have been studied. They are excellent zeolite catalysts for residual oil selective catalytic cracking (RSCC) processes. It was indicated that the introduction of phosphorus to the zeolite via impregnation with orthophosphoric acid led to dealumination as well as formation of different Al species, which were well distinguished by Al-27 3Q MAS NMR. Meanwhile, the hydrothermal stabilities of the zeolites (P/HZSM-5, La-P/HZSM-5) were enhanced even after the samples were treated under severe conditions for a prolonged time. It was found that the Si-O-Al bonds were broken under hydrothermal conditions, while at the same time the phosphorous compounds would occupy the silicon sites to form (SiO)(x)Al(OP)(4 - x) species. With increasing time, more silicon sites around the tetrahedral coordinated Al in the lattice can be replaced till the aluminum is completely expelled from the framework. The existence of lanthanum can partially restrict the breaking of the Si-O-Al bonds and the replacement of the silicon sites by phosphorus, thus preventing dealumination under hydrothermal conditions. This was also proved by P-31 MAS NMR spectra. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The toxicological effects of realgar after intragastrical administration (1 g/kg body weight) were investigated over a 21 day period in male Wistar rats using metabonomic analysis of H-1 NMR spectra of urine, serum and liver tissue aqueous extracts. Liver and kidney histopathology examination and serum clinical chemistry analyses were also performed. H-1 NMR spectra and pattern recognition analyses from realgar treated animals showed increased excretion of urinary Kreb's cycle intermediates, increased levels of ketone bodies in urine and serum, and decreased levels of hepatic glucose and glycogen, as well as hypoglycemia and hyperlipoidemia, suggesting the Perturbation of energy metabolism. Elevated levels of choline containing metabolites and betaine in serum and liver tissue aqueous extracts and increased serum creatine indicated altered transmethylation. Decreased urinary levels of trimethylamine-N-oxide, phenylacetylglycine and hippurate suggested the effects on the gut microflora environment by realgar.


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The biochemical effects of gadolinium chloride were studied using high-resolution H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to investigate the biochemical composition of tissue (liver and kidney) aqueous extracts obtained from control and gadolinium chloride (GdCl3) (10 and 50 mg/kg body weight, intraperitoneal injection. i.p.) treated rats. Tissue samples were collected at 48, 96 and 168 h p.d. after exposure to GdCl3, and extracted using methanol/chloroform solvent system. H-1 NMR spectra of tissue extracts were analyzed by pattern recognition using principal components analysis. The liver damages caused by GdCl3 were characterized by increased succinate and decreased glycogen level and elevated lactate, alanine and betaine concentration in liver. Furthermore, the increase of creatine and lactate, and decrease of glutamate, alanine, phosphocholine, glycophosphocholine (GPC), betaine, myo-inositol and trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) levels in kidney illustrated kidney disturbance induced by GdCl3.


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Metabolic profiling of serum from gadolinium chloride (GdCl3, 10 and 50 mg/kg body weight, intraperitoneal [i.p.])-treated rats was investigated by the NMR spectroscopic-based metabonomic strategy. Serum samples were collected at 48, 96, and 168 h postdose (p.d.) after exposure to GdCl3. H-1 NMR spectra of serum were analyzed by pattern recognition using principal components analysis. The studies showed that there was a dose-related biochemical effect of GdCl3 treatment on the levels of a range of low-molecular weight compounds in serum. The liver damage induced by GdCl3 was characterized by the elevation of lactate, pyruvate, and creatine as well as the decrease of branched-chain amino acids (valine and isoleucine), alanine, glucose, and trimethylamine-N-oxide concentration in serum samples. The biochemical effects of GdCl3 in rats could be consulted when evaluating the biochemical profile of gadolinium-containing compounds that are being developed for nuclear magnetic resonance imaging.


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Pattern recognition methods were applied to the analysis of 600 MHz H-1 NMR spectra of urine from rats dosed with compounds that induced organ-specific damage in the liver and kidney. Male Wistar rats were separated into groups (n=4) and each was treated with one of following compounds: HgCl2, CCl4, Lu(NO3)(3) and Changle (a kind of rare earth complex mixed with La, Ce, Pr and Nd). Urine samples from the rats dosed with HgCl2, CCl4 and Lu(NO3)(3) were collected over a 24 h time course and the samples from the rats administrated with Changle were gained after 3 months. These samples were measured by 600 MHz NMR spectroscopy. Each spectrum was data-processed to provide 223 intensity-related descriptors of spectra. Urine spectral data corresponding to the time intervals, 0-8 h (HgCl2 and CCl4), 4-8 (Lu(NO3)(3)) h and 90 d (Changle) were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA). Successful classification of the toxicity and biochemical effects of Lu(NO3)(3) was achieved.


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The subacute toxicity of aristolochic acid (AA) was investigated by H-1 NMR spectroscopic and pattern recognition (PR)-based metabonomic methods. Model toxins were used to enable comparisons of the urinary profiles from rats treated with known toxicants and AA at various time intervals. Urinary H-1 NMR spectra were data-processed and analyzed by pattern recognition method. The result of visual comparison of the spectra showed that AA caused a renal proximal tubular and papillary lesion and a slight hepatic impair. Pattern recognition analysis indicated that the renal proximal tubule lesion was the main damage induced by AA, and the renal toxicity induced by AA was a progressive course with the accumulation of dosage by monitoring the toxicological processes from onset, development and part-recovery. These results were also supported by the conventional clinical biochemical parameters.


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Metabolic profiles caused by rare earth complex were investigated using NMR and ICP-MS techniques. Male and female Wistar rats were treated orally with Changle (A kind of rare earth complex applied in agriculture to raise the production of crops) at dose of 2, 5 and 20 mg (.) kg(-1) body weight/day respectively for 90 d. Urine and serum samples are collected on 90 d. The relative concentrations of important endogenous metabolites in urine and serum are determined from H-1 NMR spectra and the contents of the four rare earth elements ( La, Ce, Pr and Nd) constituting Changle in the serum samples are measured by ICP-MS technique. Changle-induced renal and liver damage in rats is found based on the increase in the amounts of the amino acids, trimethylamine N-oxide, N, N-dimethyglycine, dimethylamine, succinate, aketoglutarate and ethanol as well as rare earth concentrations. The similarities and differentiations are found in the alteration patterns of metabolites and rare earth concentrations in serum.


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High resolution magic angle spinning (MAS)-H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic-based metabonomic approach was applied to the investigation on the acute biochemical effects of Ce(No-3)(3). Male Wistar rats were administrated with various doses of Ce (NO3)(3)(2, 10, and 50 mg(.)kg(-1) body weight), and MAS H-1 NMR spectra of intact liver and kidney tissues were analyzed using principal component analysis to extract toxicity information. The biochemical effects of Ce (NO3)(3) were characterized by the increase of triglycerides and lactate and the decrease of glycogen in rat liver tissue, together with an elevation of the triglyceride level and a depletion of glycerophosphocholine and betaine in kidney tissues. The target lesions of Ce (NO3)(3) on liver and kidney were found by MAS NMR-based metabonomic method. This study demonstrates that the combination of MAS H-1 NMR and pattern recognition analysis can be an effective method for studies of biochemical effects of rare earths.