842 resultados para oil production
O processo de recuperação secundária de petróleo é comumente realizado com a injeção de água ou gás no reservatório a fim de manter a pressão necessária para sua extração. Para que o investimento seja viável, os gastos com a extração precisam ser menores do que o retorno financeiro obtido com a produção de petróleo. Objetivando-se estudar possíveis cenários para o processo de exploração, costuma-se utilizar simulações dos processos de extração. As equações que modelam esse processo de recuperação são de caráter hiperbólico e não lineares, as quais podem ser interpretadas como Leis de Conservação, cujas soluções são complexas por suas naturezas descontínuas. Essas descontinuidades ou saltos são conhecidas como ondas de choque. Neste trabalho foi abordada uma análise matemática para os fenômenos oriundos de leis de conservação, para em seguida utilizá-la no entendimento do referido problema. Foram estudadas soluções fracas que, fisicamente, podem ser interpretadas como ondas de choque ou rarefação, então, para que fossem distinguidas as fisicamente admissíveis, foi considerado o princípio de entropia, nas suas diversas formas. As simulações foram realizadas nos âmbitos dos escoamentos bifásicos e trifásicos, em que os fluidos são imiscíveis e os efeitos gravitacionais e difusivos, devido à pressão capilar, foram desprezados. Inicialmente, foi feito um estudo comparativo de resoluções numéricas na captura de ondas de choque em escoamento bifásico água-óleo. Neste estudo destacam-se o método Composto LWLF-k, o esquema NonStandard e a introdução da nova função de renormalização para o esquema NonStandard, onde obteve resultados satisfatórios, principalmente em regiões onde a viscosidade do óleo é muito maior do que a viscosidade da água. No escoamento bidimensional, um novo método é proposto, partindo de uma generalização do esquema NonStandard unidimensional. Por fim, é feita uma adaptação dos métodos LWLF-4 e NonStandard para a simulação em escoamentos trifásicos em domínios unidimensional. O esquema NonStandard foi considerado mais eficiente nos problemas abordados, uma vez que sua versão bidimensional mostrou-se satisfatória na captura de ondas de choque em escoamentos bifásicos em meios porosos.
Neste trabalho, algumas caracterizações químicas foram realizadas em arenitos asfálticos da região de Piracicaba-SP, Formação Piramboia da Bacia do Paraná, para verificar seu potencial de produção de óleo. Para isso, as amostras obtidas da região foram submetidas a avaliação por termogravimetria, teor de umidade, teor de cinzas, teor de material orgânico por extração, pirólise, análise elementar e fracionamento em coluna. Por TGA observou-se que a 500 C praticamente todo material orgânico presente sofreu pirólise. A extração colaborou para se obter a classificação das amostras quanto ao teor de material orgânico, apresentando entre 4 e 13%, sendo que pelos teores encontrados a amostra AM06 é considerada de alto potencial produtivo, as amostras AM05, AM08 e AM09 são de médio, as amostras AM01, AM02, AM03 e AM07 possuem baixo, mas ainda atrativo, e a AM04 não possui atratividade. Pela avaliação elementar, a relação H/C e O/C dos extratos evidenciaram que algumas amostras estão no processo final da diagênese e outras no início da catagênese, indicando que elas estão no processo inicial de maturação. A avaliação cromatográfica dos extratos revelou que houve perdas de óleo por intemperismo restando majoritariamente compostos de alto peso molecular. O fracionamento permitiu verificar que as amostras AM01, AM06 e AM09 possuem maior quantidade de hidrocarbonetos livres e as amostras AM06 e AM07 e AM09 apresentaram maior teor de óleo. O procedimento de pirólise evidenciou que as amostras AM01, AM05, AM06 e AM09 apresentam maior potencial de geração de óleo, sendo que a faixa encontrada de óleo pirolítico ficou entre 2 e 8%, e através de avaliação por CGAR e CGAR-EM observou-se que ela promove a liberação de quantidades consideráveis de substâncias mais leves do que quando comparados aos extratos obtidos diretamente nas amostras originais. Além de produzir uma série homóloga de hidrocarbonetos parafínicos e olefínicos. A comparação dos produtos de pirólise dos arenitos com os produtos de pirólise de um resíduo de vácuo por CGAR-EM permitiu observar que existe similaridade entre suas composições, onde o processo de pirólise do resíduo de vácuo gera uma série homóloga de hidrocarbonetos entre C10 a C32, similar aos produtos de pirólise da amostra AM09, porém com menor variedade de tipos de hidrocarbonetos. A pré-avaliação da co-pirólise dos arenitos com resíduos plásticos indicou que é possível aumentar a geração de líquidos, porém é necessário mais estudo para afirmações inequívocas. Com base nos resultados das avaliações realizadas podemos concluir que a região apresenta na sua maioria potencial interessante para produção de óleo utilizando pirólise
Corais pétreos são formadores de recifes. Por secretarem carbonato de cálcio pela base de seus pólipos, esses corais zooxantelados formam um exoesqueleto, composto geralmente por cristais de aragonita. Os padrões de crescimento coralinos variam desde a escala sazonal a centenária e podem ser caracterizados pela medida da taxa de crescimento, a variabilidade dos isótopos estáveis de oxigênio e carbono e pelas razões elementares Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, U/Ca, Cd/Ca, Ra/Ca (entre outras) em seu esqueleto. Em um contexto global, os recifes cumprem importante papel como sumidouros de carbono atmosférico. Diante das evidências de um oceano mais quente na era moderna, a temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM) tem sido considerada um importante fator de controle da calcificação e crescimento coralino. Geralmente, a calcificação tende a aumentar com a elevação da TSM dentro de uma estreita faixa aceitável para o funcionamento pleno do metabolismo coralino. Neste trabalho, desenvolveu-se uma re-análise das taxas de crescimento de testemunhos de corais amostrados na costa brasileira (Salvador-Ba - Baía de Todos os Santos, Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos-Ba e Armação dos Búzios-RJ) empregando-se uma combinação de bandas de crescimento (alta e baixa densidades) auxiliado pelo método de luminescência e datação por radioisótopos de U e Th. As diferenças nas cronologias para os dois métodos variou de 1 ano para o caso de Abrolhos até 7,4 anos para Búzios (em seções específicas do testemunho). Foram analisadas variações de calcificação no esqueleto coralino e interpretadas à luz das razões Sr/Ca e U/Ca (ambos próxies da TSM), séries climáticas de AMO e PDO, e pH pelágico oceânico. Identificamos uma diminuição na taxa de calcificação do exoesqueleto no tempo estudado na amostra de Salvador de 0,4 g/cm2, e um aumento em Abrolhos de 0,4 g/cm2 e Búzios 0,3 g/cm2, exceto nos anos de 1950 ao final de 1980 e de 1910 ao final de 1930, respectivamente. Uma microtomografia de raio-X foi empregada para determinar micro-estruturas coralinas, sendo os parâmetros mais relevantes a microporosidade e a anisotropia. Para Abrolhos e Búzios, foi identificado um aumento na porosidade total do exoesqueleto, principalmente no começo de 1940 até o fim da década de 1980 e entre 1890 a 1930 respectivamente. Notou-se forte associação entre a redução do padrão de calcificação com o aumento da porosidade. Os testemunhos da espécie Siderastrea stellata coletados em Abrolhos e Búzios mostraram alta associação das razoes Sr/Ca e U/Ca com a taxa de calcificação, caracterizando uma resposta similar a de outros autores para a Grande Barreira na Austrália (DE'ATH et al., 2009) e para a região central do Mar Vermelho (CANTIN et al., 2010). Em relação as razões Ba/Ca, Salvador e Abrolhos evidenciaram variáveis que contribuíram para este aumento como a forçante de produção de petróleo e aumento populacional (economia), e TSM (oceano). Para Búzios, a TSM (oceano), produção de petróleo, aumento populacional e NDVI (economia). Após os anos de 1990, o impacto dos fatores econômicos, além das variáveis oceânicas respondem mais significativamente o aumento da razão Ba/Ca em todos os sítios quase que concomitantemente na costa brasileira.
Isolation of high neutral lipid-containing microalgae is key to the commercial success of microalgae-based biofuel production. The Nile red fluorescence method has been successfully applied to the determination of lipids in certain microalgae, but has been unsuccessful in many others, particularly those with thick, rigid cell walls that prevent the penetration of the fluorescence dye. The conventional "one sample at a time" method was also time-consuming. In this study, the solvent dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was introduced to microalgal samples as the stain carrier at an elevated temperature. The cellular neutral lipids were determined and quantified using a 96-well plate on a fluorescence spectrophotometer with an excitation wavelength of 530 nm and an emission wavelength of 575 run. An optimized procedure yielded a high correlation coefficient (R-2 = 0.998) with the lipid standard triolein and repeated measurements of replicates. Application of the improved method to several green algal strains gave very reproducible results with relative standard errors of 8.5%, 3.9% and 8.6%, 4.5% for repeatability and reproducibility at two concentration levels (2.0 mu g/mL and 20 mu g/mL), respectively. Moreover, the detection and quantification limits of the improved Nile red staining method were 0.8 mu g/mL and 2.0 mu g/mL for the neutral lipid standard triolein, respectively. The modified method and a conventional gravimetric determination method provided similar results on replicate samples. The 96-well plate-based Nile red method can be used as a high throughput technique for rapid screening of a broader spectrum of naturally-occurring and genetically-modified algal strains and mutants for high neutral lipid/oil production. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.
A series of significant oil-gas exploration progresses have been achieved in Nanpu depression with 1.02 billion ton oil-gas reserves have been proven. It has been confirmed that Nanpu beach has a geologic condition to be a major field based on exhaustive research. This finding, which is integrated reservoir,great reserves, thick oil layer and high productivity in Nanpu depression, is the most excited success in Chinese oil-gas exploration in recent years. This abundant oilfield found is significant to the strategy of oil production stability in the east of China. Nanpu depression exploration is also a crucial exploration project for Petrochina. Based on the comprehensive research on Nanpu formation testing data, we reevaluate and analyze the reservoir property and the structure characteristics, and propose a series of testing technique that are suitable for Jidong oil field development. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The reservoir parameters and characters are defined by formation test data interpretation and systemic dynamic-static data comparison. 2. Based on sources analysis and statistical research related to formation contaminants, some technique measures, which can not only prevent or reduce invasion damage for different formations but also can effectively improve completion efficiency, are proposed. 3. By selecting the testing pressure drawdown, optimum working regulation and flow /shut-in duration, and adopting dynamic-static flow parameters correlation analysis to predict production, an optimum research on working regulation and flow /shut-in duration was accomplished. Optimization formation test principles suitable for any kinds of Nanpu oilfield are established, which can improve test quality, construction efficiency and data recording quality. 4. By reasonable selection of perforating gun and penetrating charge, the perforation penetration has been improved effectively and the flow channel of the oil gas have been expanded, so that the communication between formations and the wellbore is improved better. 5. One joint working procedure which combining formation test, perforation, unloading and stimulation treatment has become the dominant testing technology in the Nanpu offshore Oilfield. This combination technique can implement several procedures using one pipe string, and achieve rapid testing purpose.
The Yaoyingtai Block is located within the northeastern Changling Depression of southern Songliao Basin, where the reservoir sandstones are petrophysically characterized by very low permeability, which results in the low success probability of artificial fracturing, and the low oil yield by water injection in the course of oil production. In order to improve the situations as stated above, this research aims to work out an integral fracturing technology and strategy applicable to the low permeable reservoirs in Yaoyingtai Block. Under the guidance of geological theory, reservoir engineering and technology, the subsurface occurrences of natural and hydraulic fractures in the reservoirs are expected to be delineated, and appropriate fracturing fluids and proppants are to be optimized, based on the data of drilling, well logging, laboratory and field experiments, and geological data. These approaches lay the basis of the integral fracturing technology suitable for the low permeable reservoir in the study area. Based on core sample test, in-situ stress analysis of well logging, and forward and inversion stress field modeling, as well as fluid dynamic analysis, the maximum in-situ stress field is unraveled to be extended nearly along the E-W direction (clustering along N85-135°E) as is demonstrated by the E-W trending tensional fractures. Hydraulic fractures are distributed approximately along the E-W direction as well. Faulting activities could have exerted obvious influences on the distribution of fractures, which were preferentially developed along fault zones. Based on reservoir sensitivity analysis, integrated with studies on rock mechanics, in-situ stress, natural fracture distribution and production in injection-production pilot area, the influences of primary fractures on fracturing operation are analyzed, and a diagnostic technology for primary fractures during depressurization is accordingly developed. An appropriate fracturing fluid (hydroxypropyl guar gum) and a proppant (Yixing ceramsite, with a moderate-density, 0.45-0.9mm in size) applicable to Qingshankou Formation reservoir are worked out through extensive optimization analysis. The fracturing fluid can decrease the damage to the oil reservoir, and the friction in fracturing operation, improving the effect of fracturing operation. Some problems, such as sand-out at early stage and low success rate of fracturing operations, have been effectively solved, through pre-fracturing formation evaluation, “suspension plug” fracturing, real-time monitoring and limited-flow fracturing. Through analysis of fracture-bearing tight reservoir with variable densities and dynamic analysis of influences of well patterns on fracturing by using numerical simulation, a fracturing operation scheme for the Qingshankou Formation reservoir is proposed here as being better to compress the short factures, rather than to compress the long fractures during hydraulic fracturing. It is suggested to adopt the 450m×150m inverted 9-spot well pattern in a diamond shape with wells placed parallel to fractures and a half fracture length of 60-75m.
The study of pore structure in reservoir was paid attention to in the early reservoir research and now a systematic research methodology is set up. On the limits of tools and conditions, methodologies and technologies on formation condition and distribution laws of pore structure and the relationship between remaining oil distribution and pore structure are uncertain and some knownage about it is also uncertain. As the development of petroleum industry, the characterization of pore structure and the prediction of remaining oil are the hot spot and difficult point in the research of oil development. The author pays a close attention to this subject and has done much research on it. In a case study in Linnan oilfield Huimin sag Jiyang Depression Bohai Bay basin by using a new method, named varied scale comprehensive modeling of pore structure, the author builds pore structure models for delta reservoir, reveals the remaining oil distribution laws in delta facies, and predicts the distribution of remaining oil in Linnan oilfield. By the application of stratigraphy, sedimentology and structure geology. the author reveals the genetic types of sandbody and its distribution laws, builds the reservoir geological models for delta sandstone reservoir in Shahejie group in Linnan oilfield and points out the geological Factors that control the development of pores and throats. Combining petrology and the reservoir sensitive analysis, the author builds the rock matrix models. It is the first time to state that rocks in different sentimental micro facies have different sensitive .response to fluid pressed into the rocks. Normally. the reservoirs in the delta front have weaker sensitivity to fluid than the reservoirs in delta plain, In same subfacies, the microfacies that have fine grain, such as bank and crevasse splay, have stronger reservoir sensitivity than the microfacies that have coarse grains, such as under-water branched channel and debauch bar. By the application of advanced testing, such as imagine analysis, scan electronic microscope, and morphology method, the author classifies the pore structure and set up the distribution models of pore, throat and pore structure. By the application of advanced theory in well-logging geology, the author finds the relationship between microscope pore structure and macroscopic percolation characteristics, and then builds the well-logging interpretation formulae for calculating pore structure parameters. By using the geostatistics methods, the author reveals the spatial correlative characteristics of pore structure. By application of conditional stochastic simulation methods, the author builds the 3D models of pore structure in delta reservoir. It is the base of predicting remaining oil distribution. By a great deal of experiments and theoretical deduction, The author expounds the laws of percolation flow in different pore structures, and the laws by which the pore structure controls the micro distribution of remaining oil, and then, states the micro mechanism of remaining oil distribution. There are two types of remaining oil. They are by-pass flow caused by micro-fingering and truncation caused by non-piston movement. By new method, the author states the different pore structure has different replacement efficiency, reveals the formation condition and distribution laws of remaining oil. predicts the remaining oil distribution in Linnan oil field, and put forward some idea about how to adjust the oil production. The study yielded good results in the production in Linnan oilfield.
Based on the study of fluvial sandstone reservoir in upper of Guantao group in Gudao and Gudong oilfields, this paper first introduces A.D.Miall's(1996a) architectural-element analysis method that was summarized from ground outcrop scale into the reservoir formation research of the study area, more subtly divides sedimentary microfacies and establishes sedimentary model of research area.on this base, this paper summarizes the laws of residual oil distribution of fluvial formation and the control effect of sedimentary microfacies to residual oil distribution, and reveals residual oil formation mechanism. These results have been applied to residual oil production, and the economic effect is good. This paper will be useful for residual oil research and production and enhancement of oil recovery in similar reservoir. The major conclusions of this paper are as follows. 1. Using the architectural-element analysis method to the core data, a interfacial division scheme of the first to the dixth scale is established for the studied fluvial formation. 2.Seven architectural-elements are divided in upper of Guantao group of study area. The sandstone group 5~1+2 of Neogene upper Gutao group belongs to high sinuous fine grain meandering river, and the sandstone group 6 is sandy braided river. 3. Inter layer, the residual oil saturation of "non-main layer" is higher than "main layer", but the residual recoverable reserve of former is larger. Therefore, "main layer" is the main body of residual oil distribution. The upper and middle part of inner layer has lower permeability and strong seeping resistance. Addition to gravity effect in process of driving, its driving efficiency is low; residual oil saturation is high. Because of controlling of inside non-permeable interlayer or sedimentary construction, the residual oil saturation of non-driving or lower driving efficiency position also is high. On plane, the position of high residual oil saturation mostly is at element LV, CS, CH (FF), FF etc, Which has lower porosity and permeability, as well as lens sand-body and sand-body edge that is not controlled by well-net, non-perfect area of injection and production, lower press difference resort area of inter-well diffiuent-line and shelter from fault, local high position of small structure. 4.Microscopic residual oil mainly includes the non-moved oil in the structure of fine pore network, oil in fine pore and path, oil segment in pore and path vertical to flow direction, oil spot or oil film in big pore, residual oil in non-connective pore. 5.The most essential and internal controlling factor of fluvial formation residual oil distribution is sedimentary microfacies. Status of injection and production is the exterior controlling factor of residual oil distribution. 6. The controlling effect of formation sedimentary microfacies to residual oil distribution indicates inter-layer vertical sedimentary facies change in scale of injection and production layer-series, planar sedimentary face change and inner-layer vertical sedimentary rhythm and interbed in single layer to residual oil distribution. 7. It is difficult to clear up the inter-layer difference in scale of injection and production layer-series. The using status of minor layer is not good and its residual oil saturation is high relatively. It is obvious that inter-layer vertical sedimentary facies changes control inter-layer residual oil distribution at the same or similar conditions of injection and production. For fluvial formation, this vertical sedimentary facies change mainly is positive
gyration. Namely, from down to top, channel sediment (element CHL, LA) changes into over-bank sediment (element LV, CR, CS).
8. In water-injection developing process of transverse connecting fluvial sandstone oil formation, injection water always comes into channel nearby, and breaks through along
channel and orientation of high pressure gradient, does not expand into side of channel until pressure gradient of channel orientation changes into low. It brings about that water-driving status of over-bank sedimentary element formation (LV, CR, CS) is not good, residual oil saturation is high. In non-connective abandoned channel element (CH
In this paper, the complex faulted-block oil reservoir of Xinzhen area in Dongying depression is systematically studied from basic conditions forming faulted-block oil and gas reservoir integrating geology, seismic, logging and reservoir engineering information and computer; guided by petroleum geology, geomechanics, structural geology and geophysics and other theories. Based on analysis of background condition such as regional strata, structure and petroleum geology, structural research on geometry, kinemaitcs and dynamics, oil-controlling fault research on the seal features, sealing mechanism and sealing pattern, and research on enrichment rules and controlling factors of complex faulted-block oil reservoir are carried out to give out the formation mechanics of oil reservoir of Xinzhen complex faulted-block oil reservoir. As a result, the reservoir formation pattern is established. At the same time, through dissecting the characteristics and hydrocarbon enrichment law of complex faulted-block oil reservoir, and studying its distribution law of remaining oil after entering extra high water-cut period, a set of technologies are formed to predict complex faulted-block oil reservoir and its remaining oil distribution and to enhance oil recovery (EOR). Based on the time relationship between migration of hydrocarbon and trap formation, accumulating period of Xinzhen oil reservoir is determined. The formation of Xinzhen anticlinal trap was prior to the primary migration. This is favorable to formation of Xinzhen anticlinal hydrocarbon reservoir. Meanwhile, because anticline top caving isn't at the sane time as that of moving or faulted-trap forming inner anticline, oil and gas migrated many times and Xinzhen complex faulted-block oil reservoir formed from ES_3~(upper) to EG. Accumulating law and controlling factors of complex faulted-block reservoir are analyzed from many aspects such as regional structure background controlling hydrocarbon accumulating, plastic arch-open structure controlling oil-bearing series and reservoir types, sealing-opening of fault controlling hydrocarbon distribution and structure pattern controlling enriched trap types. Also, we established the structure pattern in Xinzhen a'ea: the arch-open of underlying strata cause expanding fracture. The main block groups developed here are shovel-like normal fault block group in the north area of Xinzhen and its associated graben block group. Block groups dominate the formation and distribution of reservoirs. We studied qualitatively and quantitatively the sealing characteristics, sealing history and sealing mechanism of faults, too. And, the sealing characteristics are evaluated and the distribution pattern of hydrocarbon controlled by faults is researched. Due to movement intensity of big faults, deep falling of downthrown block, high degree of repture and development of fracture, shallow layers close to the downthrown block of secondary faults are unfavorable to hydrocarbon accumulation. This is confirmed by the exploration practice in Xinzhen anticline. In terms of the downthrown blocks of sencondary contemporaneous faults lied in the south and north area of Xinzhen, hydrocarbon is poor close to fracture belt, while it is relatively abundant in tertiary companion faults. Because of long-term movement of faults that control hydrocarbon, fi'om ES3 to EG, six set of oil-bearing series formed. And their opening causes the inhomogeneity in hydrocarbon abundance among each block--in two flanks of anticline reservoirs are abundant while in the axial area, oil and gas are sporadic. There the sealing characteristics control oil-bearing area of oil/gas accumulation and the height of oil reservoir. Longitudinally, oil and gas are enriched in dip-flat areas in mid-plane of faults. It is established that there are four types of accumulating patterns in complex faulted-block oil reservoirs in Xinzhen. The first is accumulating pattern of lithologic oil reservoirs in E~S_3~(mid-lowwer), that is, self-generating-self-reserving-self-covering lithologic trap pattern. The second is drag-anticline accumulating pattern in Xinzhen. The structure traps are drag anticlines formed by the contemporaneous faults of the second basement in the north of Xinzhen, and the multiple source rocks involve Ek_2, Es_4, Es_3 and Es_1 members. The reservoirs are fluvial-delta sandstones of the upper member of Shahejie formation and Guantao formation, covered by regional thick mudstone of the upper member of Guantao formation and MingHuazhen formation. The third is the accumulating pattern of reverse listric fault, the third-degree fault of Xinzhen anticline limb and the reservoirs form reservoir screened by reverse listric faults. The forth is accumulating pattern of crossing faults which form closing or semi-closing faulted-blocks that accumulate hydrocarbon. The technologies of predicting remaining oil in complex faulted-block reservoir during the mid and late development stage is formed. Remaining oil in simple large faulted-blocks enriches in structural high, structural middle, structural low of thick bottom water reservoirs, points near bent edge-fault oftertiary faults and part the fourth ones with big falling displacement, microstructure high place of oil-sandbodies and areas where local well pattern isn't perfect. While that in small complex faulted-blocks enriches near small nose, small high point, angle of small faults, small oil-bearing faulted-blocks without well and areas with non-perfect well pattern. The technologies of enhancing recovery factor in complex faulted-block reservoir during the mid and late development stage is formed as follows: fine reservoir description, drilling adjust wells, designing directional wells, sub-dividing layer series of development, improving flooding pattern, changing water-injection direction and enhancing swept volume, cyclic waterflooding and gas-injection, etc. Here, directional wells include directional deflecting wells, lateral-drilling wells, lateral-drilling horizontal wells and horizontal wells. The results of this paper have been used in exploration and development of Shengli oilfield, and have achieved great social and economic profit, especially in predicting distribution of complex faulted-block reservoir, remaining oil distribution during middle and late stage of development, and in EOR. Applying the achievement of fault-closure research, new hydrocarbon-bearing blocks are discovered in flanks of Dongying central uplift and in complex blocks with proved reserves 15 million tons. With the study of remaining oil distribution law in complex faulted-block reservoirs, recovery factors are increased greatly in Dongxin, Xianhe and Linpan complex faulted-block reservoirs and accumulated oil production increment is 3 million tons.
The foundation of reservoir model and residual oil prediction have been the core of reservoir detailed description for improved oil production and enhanced oil recovery. The traditional way of sandstone correlation based on the geometrical similarity of well-logs which emphasizes "based on the cycle and correlating from larger to smaller" has shown its theoretical limits when explaining the correlating and the scale, geometry, continuity, connectivity of sandstones and the law of the reservoir property. It has been an urgent and difficult subject to find new theory and methods to solve the reservoir correlation and property prediction. It's a new way to correlate strata and found framework of reservoir through the process-response analysis in the base-level cycles. And it is also possible to analyze the reservoir property in reservoir framework. Taking the reservoir of zonation 6-10 in S3~2 of Pucheng Oil Field in Henan Province as an example, we founded the detailed reservoir stratigraphic framework through base-level correlation. In the strata frame, sediment distribution and its development are discussed based on sediment volume partitioning and facies differentiation analysis. Reservoir heterogeneities and its relation to base-level are also discussed. The analysis of primary oil distribution shows the base-level controlled oil distribution in reservoir. In this paper, subjects as following are discussed in detail. Based on the analysis of sedimentary structure and sedimentary energy, the facies model was founded. Founding stratigraphy framework through base level analysis In the studying zone, one long term cycle, 6 middle term cycles and 27 short term cycles was identified and correlated. 3 Predicting the property of reservoir for improving oil development The base level controlled the property of sandbody. The short and very short term cycle controlled the pattern of heterogeneities in sandbody, and the middle and long term cycle controlled the area and inter-layer heterogeneities. On the lower location of the middle and long term base level, the sandbody is well developed, with a wide area and large thickness, while on the high location of base level, there is an opposite reservoir character. 4 The studying of reservoir development response and oil distribution making a solid base for development adjustment Primary oil distribution is controlled by base level location. It tells that the sandbody on the high base level location was poor developed for its difficulty to develop. While on the low location of the base level, the sandbody is well developed for its relative easy to develop and dominant role in the development, but high residual oil for its high original oil content.
The main reservoir type in the south of Dagang Oilfield is alluvial reservoir. In this paper, the reservoir structure model and the distribution of connected body and flow barrier were built on base of the study of high-resolution sequential stratigraphic skeleton and fine sedimentary microfacies on level of single sandbody. Utilizing the static and dynamic data synthetically and carrying out the comparision of the classification method for reservoir flow unit in different reservoir, the criterion, which can be used to classify the flow unit in first section of Kongdian formation of Kongnan area, was defined. The qualitative method of well-to-well correlation and the quantitative method of conditional simulation using multiple data are adopted to disclose the oil and water moving regulation in different flow unit and the distribution rule of remaining oil by physical simulation measure. A set of flow unit study method was formed that is suit for the Dagang Oilfield on account of the remaining oil production according to the flow unit. Several outstanding progresses was obtained in the following aspects:It is considered that the reservoir structure of Zao V iow oil group- Zao Vup4 layerand are jigsaw-puzzled reservoir, while ZaoVup3-ZaoVupi layers are labyrinth reservoir,which are studied on base of high-resolution sequential stratigraphic skeleton on the levelof single sandbody in first section of Kongdian formation of Kongnan area and accordingto the study of fine sedimentary microfacies and fault sealeing.When classifying the flow unit, only permeability is the basic parameter using thestatic and dynamic data and, and also different parameters should be chose or deleted, suchas porosity, effective thickness, fluid viscosity and so on, because of the weak or stronginterlayer heterogeneous and the difference of interlayer crude oil character.The method of building predicting-model of flow unit was proposed. This methodis according to the theories of reservoir sedimentology and high-resolution sequencestratigraphic and adopts the quantitative method of well-to well correlation and the quantitative method of stochastic simulation using integrateddense well data. Finally the 3-D predicting-model of flow unit and the interlay er distribution model in flow unit were built which are for alluvial fan and fan delta fades in first section of Kongdian formation of Kongnan area, and nine genetic model of flow unit of alluvial environment that spread in the space were proposed.(4) Difference of reservoir microscopic pore configuration in various flow units and difference of flow capability and oil displacement effect were demonstrated through the physical experiments such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), constant rate mercury penetration, flow simulation and so on. The distribution of remaining oil in this area was predicted combining the dynamic data and numerical modeling based on the flow unit. Remaining oil production measure was brought up by the clue of flow unit during the medium and late course of the oilfield development.
Gaochentou region is located in the southwest direction of Gaochentou village in Huanghua city of Hebei province. In regionally structural position, It lies in Qikou sag In the middle part of Huanghua depression, which belongs to the east part of the south Dagang structure zone in the middle part of Huanghua depression. Its' very beneficial at regional structure in Gaochentou , and It becomes the advantage area for oil and gas gathered and preserved, Sandstone reservoir of Dongying Formation is main bearing bed .Dongying Formation in Gaochentou region of Huanghua depression is consisted of set of mudstone and sandstone interbeds by deposited delta fades . Dongying Formation can be divided into 3 members from above to below: the first member of Dongying Formation (FMDF), the second member of Dongying Formation (SMDF), and third member of Dongying Formation (TMDF). The lithology of the upper part of FMDF was consisted of mostly middle-grained and fine-grained sandstone, and it is small for the oil-bearing area of the sand bodies .The lithology of the lower part is coarse-grained sandstone bodies which are well connected between sandstone bodies of wells, and the lower part was main bed of oil production in Dongying Formation; SMDF and TMDF are consisted of larger scale set of mudstone, in which the sandbodies are lenticular and pinch out quickly, and the lithology was mostly fine sandstone and silt stone, in which there are little oil and gas .Because the reservoirs in this area are largely influenced by the factors such as lithology, fault and others, and the reservoirs have the strong,heterogeneity , there exists the problem of oil-down and water-up for vertical distribution of oil and gas bearing. It is not very clearly for the three dimension distribution of sandstone , and the geology researchs is not enough. So, it can't satisfy the need of further development and production for Gaochentou oilfield.Having the key problem of oil-down and water-up and the mechanism of the reservoir for Gaochentou area, There are as follow study works, the first, is study of the high-resolution correlation of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary microfacies. Dongying Formation was divided into three parasequence sets and each parasequence set was divided into different amount of parasequences. FMDF, as the main oil and gas producing bed, can be divided into seven parasequences. Oil and gas are discovered in six parasequences except the seventh. On the basis of study of sedimentary microfacies, the sediments of Dongying Formation are considered deposited mainly in delta front subfacies. The microfacies types of Dongying Formation are sub-water distirbutary channel, sub-water natural bank, inter distributary channel bay, distributary channel mouth dam, and delta front mat sand.Seismic facies analysis and logging-constrained inversion technique were applied by Author for transverse prediction of sandstone reservoir. Having 4 modes of interwell single sandbodies correlation technique, Author have described distribution characteristics of sandbodies, and established geological reservoir model of Gaochentou reservoir.Author presented that the reservoirs characteristic have very strong heterogeneity ,and In the section of sandstone interlayed with mudstone,the folium sandstone interlayed with each other, and the wedge shaped sandbodies pinched out in the mudstone. So the pinch-out up sandstone trap and lenticular sandstone trap are easily formed. They are most small scale overlying pinches out in the place of slope. This article applies the concept of deep basin oil to resolve reasonably the problem of which the oil is below the water in Gaochentou area. Combined with the study of sedimentary facies, reservoir and other aspects, the mechanism and patterns of deep basin oil are studied on the basis of characteristics in Gaochentou area.On the basis of the above study, the mechanism of the oil and gas' migration and accumulation in isotropic sandstone and heterogeneous sandstone are thoroughly analyzed through experiments on physical modeling. Experiments on physical modeling show that the discrepancy between sand layers with different permeability and thickness has important influence on the direction, path, and injection layer of oil's migration. At the beginning of the injection of oil and gas in high permeability sand layer, the pressure is low, the migration resistance is small, and the oil and gas are more easily displacing the water in sand. So it can act as good transformation layer or reservoir. But at the beginning of the injection of oil and gas in sand layer with low permeability, the pressure is high, the migration resistance is big, and the oil and gas are more difficultly displacing the water in sand. So it can only act as bad or worse transformation layer or reservoir. Even if it cannot act as transformation layer or reservoir, it can act as water layer or dry layer. The discrepancy between sand layers on permeability and thickness can make discrepancy in injection of oil and gas between different layers. Consequently it leads to small amount of oil and gas injection in sand layers with low permeability. Ultimately it affects the oil's accumulation and distribution in different sand layers.At Last, combining analysis of the structure and pool forming condition, The thesis has established models of reservoir formation to predict the advantage distribution of oil and gas bearing , and put forward the prospective target It is not only of theoretical signification for explosion and importance, but also has realistic value in guiding the progressive petroleum exploration and exploitation.
With the development of oil and gas exploration, the exploration of the continental oil and gas turns into the exploration of the subtle oil and gas reservoirs from the structural oil and gas reservoirs in China. The reserves of the found subtle oil and gas reservoirs account for more than 60 percent of the in the discovered oil and gas reserves. Exploration of the subtle oil and gas reservoirs is becoming more and more important and can be taken as the main orientation for the increase of the oil and gas reserves. The characteristics of the continental sedimentary facies determine the complexities of the lithological exploration. Most of the continental rift basins in East China have entered exploration stages of medium and high maturity. Although the quality of the seismic data is relatively good, this areas have the characteristics of the thin sand thickness, small faults, small range of the stratum. It requests that the seismic data have high resolution. It is a important task how to improve the signal/noise ratio of the high frequency of seismic data. In West China, there are the complex landforms, the deep embedding the targets of the prospecting, the complex geological constructs, many ruptures, small range of the traps, the low rock properties, many high pressure stratums and difficulties of boring well. Those represent low signal/noise ratio and complex kinds of noise in the seismic records. This needs to develop the method and technique of the noise attenuation in the data acquisition and processing. So that, oil and gas explorations need the high resolution technique of the geophysics in order to solve the implementation of the oil resources strategy for keep oil production and reserves stable in Ease China and developing the crude production and reserves in West China. High signal/noise ratio of seismic data is the basis. It is impossible to realize for the high resolution and high fidelity without the high signal/noise ratio. We play emphasis on many researches based on the structure analysis for improving signal/noise ratio of the complex areas. Several methods are put forward for noise attenuation to truly reflect the geological features. Those can reflect the geological structures, keep the edges of geological construction and improve the identifications of the oil and gas traps. The ideas of emphasize the foundation, give prominence to innovate, and pay attention to application runs through the paper. The dip-scanning method as the center of the scanned point inevitably blurs the edges of geological features, such as fault and fractures. We develop the new dip scanning method in the shap of end with two sides scanning to solve this problem. We bring forward the methods of signal estimation with the coherence, seismic wave characteristc with coherence, the most homogeneous dip-sanning for the noise attenuation using the new dip-scanning method. They can keep the geological characters, suppress the random noise and improve the s/n ratio and resolution. The rutine dip-scanning is in the time-space domain. Anew method of dip-scanning in the frequency-wavenumber domain for the noise attenuation is put forward. It use the quality of distinguishing between different dip events of the reflection in f-k domain. It can reduce the noise and gain the dip information. We describe a methodology for studying and developing filtering methods based on differential equations. It transforms the filtering equations in the frequency domain or the f-k domain into time or time-space domains, and uses a finite-difference algorithm to solve these equations. This method does not require that seismic data be stationary, so their parameters can vary at every temporal and spatial point. That enhances the adaptability of the filter. It is computationally efficient. We put forward a method of matching pursuits for the noise suppression. This method decomposes any signal into a linear expansion of waveforms that are selected from a redundant dictionary of functions. These waveforms are chosen in order to best match the signal structures. It can extract the effective signal from the noisy signal and reduce the noise. We introduce the beamforming filtering method for the noise elimination. Real seismic data processing shows that it is effective in attenuating multiples and internal multiples. The s/n ratio and resolution are improved. The effective signals have the high fidelity. Through calculating in the theoretic model and applying it to the real seismic data processing, it is proved that the methods in this paper can effectively suppress the random noise, eliminate the cohence noise, and improve the resolution of the seismic data. Their practicability is very better. And the effect is very obvious.
Las cooperativas son entidades con una gran presencia económica y social en España, y tienen una gran influencia en la economía rural de las zonas donde están ubicadas. El principal objetivo del presente trabajo es el análisis del uso de las nuevas tecnologías por parte de las cooperativas agroalimentarias, centrándose en las productoras de aceite de oliva para determinar los principales factores que condicionan su comportamiento en la Red. En el presente estudio se analizan sus sitios web y se determina qué tipo de información aporta, tanto datos generales como datos de comercialización. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se busca la relación que pueda existir entre el tamaño de la cooperativa, su actividad exportadora o la actividad de comercio electrónico con la presencia online, mediante una regresión logística. De esta manera podremos conocer si realmente la implantación de nuevas tecnologías en las cooperativas permite desarrollar una óptima actividad económica.
Aims: Thymus species are wild species mostly found in the arid lands of Portugal. Possible antimicrobial properties of Thymus essential oils have been investigated. The chemical composition of the essential oils and the antimicrobial activity of Thymus mastichina (L) L. subsp. mastichina , T. camphoratus and T. lotocephalus from different regions of Portugal were analysed. Methods and Results: Hydrodistillation was used to isolate the essential oils and the chemical analyses were performed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC coupled to mass spectrometry. The antimicrobial activity was tested by the disc agar diffusion technique against Candida albicans , Escherichia coli , Listeria monocytogenes , Proteus mirabilis , Salmonella spp. and Staphylococcus aureus . Pure linalool, 1,8-cineole and a mixture (1:1) of these compounds were included. Linalool, 1,8-cineole or linalool/1,8-cineole and linalool/1,8-cineole/linalyl acetate were the major components of the essential oils, depending on the species or sampling place. The essential oils isolated from the Thymus species studied demonstrated antimicrobial activity but the micro-organisms tested had significantly different sensitivities. Conclusions: The antimicrobial activity of essential oils may be related to more than one component. Significance and Impact of the Study: Portuguese endemic species of Thymus can be used for essential oil production for food spoilage control, cosmetics and pharmaceutical use. Further studies will be required to elucidate the cell targets of the essential oil components.