974 resultados para network effect


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Cranial bone reconstructions are necessary for correcting large skull bone defects due to trauma, tumors, infections and craniotomies. Traditional synthetic implant materials include solid or mesh titanium, various plastics and ceramics. Recently, biostable glass-fiber reinforced composites (FRC), which are based on bifunctional methacrylate resin, were introduced as novel implant solution. FRCs were originally developed and clinically used in dental applications. As a result of further in vitro and in vivo testing, these composites were also approved for clinical use in cranial surgery. To date, reconstructions of large bone defects were performed in 35 patients. This thesis is dedicated to the development of a novel FRC-based implant for cranial reconstructions. The proposed multi-component implant consists of three main parts: (i) porous FRC structure; (ii) bioactive glass granules embedded between FRC layers and (iii) a silver-polysaccharide nanocomposite coating. The porosity of the FRC structure should allow bone ingrowth. Bioactive glass as an osteopromotive material is expected to stimulate the formation of new bone. The polysaccharide coating is expected to prevent bacterial colonization of the implant. The FRC implants developed in this study are based on the porous network of randomly-oriented E-glass fibers bound together by non-resorbable photopolymerizable methacrylate resin. These structures had a total porosity of 10–70 volume %, of which > 70% were open pores. The pore sizes > 100 μm were in the biologically-relevant range (50-400 μm), which is essential for vascularization and bone ingrowth. Bone ingrowth into these structures was simulated by imbedding of porous FRC specimens in gypsum. Results of push-out tests indicated the increase in the shear strength and fracture toughness of the interface with the increase in the total porosity of FRC specimens. The osteopromotive effect of bioactive glass is based on its dissolution in the physiological environment. Here, calcium and phosphate ions, released from the glass, precipitated on the glass surface and its proximity (the FRC) and formed bone-like apatite. The biomineralization of the FRC structure, due to the bioactive glass reactions, was studied in Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) in static and dynamic conditions. An antimicrobial, non-cytotoxic polysaccharide coating, containing silver nanoparticles, was obtained through strong electrostatic interactions with the surface of FRC. In in vitro conditions the lactose-modified chitosan (chitlac) coating showed no signs of degradation within seven days of exposure to lysozyme or one day to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The antimicrobial efficacy of the coating was tested against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The contact-active coating had an excellent short time antimicrobial effect. The coating neither affected the initial adhesion of microorganisms to the implant surface nor the biofilm formation after 24 h and 72 h of incubation. Silver ions released to the aqueous environment led to a reduction of bacterial growth in the culture medium.


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This study concerns performance measurement and management in a collaborative network. Collaboration between companies has been increased in recent years due to the turbulent operating environment. The literature shows that there is a need for more comprehensive research on performance measurement in networks and the use of measurement information in their management. This study examines the development process and uses of a performance measurement system supporting performance management in a collaborative network. There are two main research questions: how to design a performance measurement system for a collaborative network and how to manage performance in a collaborative network. The work can be characterised as a qualitative single case study. The empirical data was collected in a Finnish collaborative network, which consists of a leading company and a reseller network. The work is based on five research articles applying various research methods. The research questions are examined at the network level and at the single network partner level. The study contributes to the earlier literature by producing new and deeper understanding of network-level performance measurement and management. A three-step process model is presented to support the performance measurement system design process. The process model has been tested in another collaborative network. The study also examines the factors affecting the process of designing the measurement system. The results show that a participatory development style, network culture, and outside facilitators have a positive effect on the design process. The study increases understanding of how to manage performance in a collaborative network and what kind of uses of performance information can be identified in a collaborative network. The results show that the performance measurement system is an applicable tool to manage the performance of a network. The results reveal that trust and openness increased during the utilisation of the performance measurement system, and operations became more transparent. The study also presents a management model that evaluates the maturity of performance management in a collaborative network. The model is a practical tool that helps to analyse the current stage of the performance management of a collaborative network and to develop it further.


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Functional MRI (fMRI) resting-state experiments are aimed at identifying brain networks that support basal brain function. Although most investigators consider a ‘resting-state’ fMRI experiment with no specific external stimulation, subjects are unavoidably under heavy acoustic noise produced by the equipment. In the present study, we evaluated the influence of auditory input on the resting-state networks (RSNs). Twenty-two healthy subjects were scanned using two similar echo-planar imaging sequences in the same 3T MRI scanner: a default pulse sequence and a reduced “silent” pulse sequence. Experimental sessions consisted of two consecutive 7-min runs with noise conditions (default or silent) counterbalanced across subjects. A self-organizing group independent component analysis was applied to fMRI data in order to recognize the RSNs. The insula, left middle frontal gyrus and right precentral and left inferior parietal lobules showed significant differences in the voxel-wise comparison between RSNs depending on noise condition. In the presence of low-level noise, these areas Granger-cause oscillations in RSNs with cognitive implications (dorsal attention and entorhinal), while during high noise acquisition, these connectivities are reduced or inverted. Applying low noise MR acquisitions in research may allow the detection of subtle differences of the RSNs, with implications in experimental planning for resting-state studies, data analysis, and ergonomic factors.


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In the past ten years, many researchers have focussed their attention on parasites regarding the role they may play in causing variations in male secondary sexual traits and subsequent effects on female choice. Male age has also been suggested to be an important factor in female choice if old age reflects superior genes. This study investigated the effects that gregarine gut parasites, age, and diet have on the calling and mating behaviour of the male Texas field cricket, Gryllus integer. Male calling songs were recorded in the laboratory using a Digital Signal Processing Network. The song parameters measured were: pulse rate, pulse width, burst duration, pulses per burst, interburst interval, and percent missing pulses. The effects of parasite load and age on the various calling song parameters was investigated in crickets that were fed two different diets varying in nutritional quality. None of the calling song parameters were affected by either parasite load or age in either diet grou p. Courtship behaviour was ob served and recorded using an Eventlog recorder on an IBM computer in the laboratory. Females mated equally with paras(tized and unparasitized males and with old and young males The total duration and proportion of time spent performing each of 9 courtship displays were recorded for males on each diet. Only one display was affected by parasite load. Highly parasitized males fed the nutritionally inferior diet juddered for a proportionately shorter time than males with low parasite loads. Also, older males performed juddering and shaking antennae proportionally longer and juddering and raising wings for longer durations than younger males. Males that successfully mated were observed for performance of 8 post-copulatory guarding behaviour displays. None of the guarding behaviours were affected by parasite load. However, one display was affected by age, with older males performing guard turning for shorter durations than younger males. Results are discuss,ed in terms of the influence of parasites and age on female choice.


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While service-learning is often said to be beneficial for all those involved—students, community members, higher education institutions, and faculty members—there are relatively few studies of the attraction to, and effect of, service-learning on faculty members. Existing studies have tended to use a survey design, and to be based in the United States. There is a lack of information on faculty experiences with service-learning in Ontario or Canada. This qualitative case study of faculty experiences with service-learning was framed through an Appreciative Inquiry social constructionist approach. The data were drawn from interviews with 18 faculty members who belong to a Food Security Research Network (FSRN) at a university in northern Ontario, reports submitted by the network, and personal observation of a selection of network-related events. This dissertation study revealed how involvement with service-learning created opportunities for faculty learning and growth. The focus on food security and a commitment to the sustainability of local food production was found to be an ongoing attraction to service-learning and a means to engage in and integrate research and teaching on matters of personal and professional importance to these faculty members. The dissertation concludes with a discussion of the FSRN’s model and the perceived value of a themed, transdisciplinary approach to service-learning. This study highlights promising practices for involving faculty in service-learning and, in keeping with an Appreciative Inquiry approach, depicts a view of faculty work at its best.


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Cette thèse porte sur une classe d'algorithmes d'apprentissage appelés architectures profondes. Il existe des résultats qui indiquent que les représentations peu profondes et locales ne sont pas suffisantes pour la modélisation des fonctions comportant plusieurs facteurs de variation. Nous sommes particulièrement intéressés par ce genre de données car nous espérons qu'un agent intelligent sera en mesure d'apprendre à les modéliser automatiquement; l'hypothèse est que les architectures profondes sont mieux adaptées pour les modéliser. Les travaux de Hinton (2006) furent une véritable percée, car l'idée d'utiliser un algorithme d'apprentissage non-supervisé, les machines de Boltzmann restreintes, pour l'initialisation des poids d'un réseau de neurones supervisé a été cruciale pour entraîner l'architecture profonde la plus populaire, soit les réseaux de neurones artificiels avec des poids totalement connectés. Cette idée a été reprise et reproduite avec succès dans plusieurs contextes et avec une variété de modèles. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous considérons les architectures profondes comme des biais inductifs. Ces biais sont représentés non seulement par les modèles eux-mêmes, mais aussi par les méthodes d'entraînement qui sont souvent utilisés en conjonction avec ceux-ci. Nous désirons définir les raisons pour lesquelles cette classe de fonctions généralise bien, les situations auxquelles ces fonctions pourront être appliquées, ainsi que les descriptions qualitatives de telles fonctions. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'obtenir une meilleure compréhension du succès des architectures profondes. Dans le premier article, nous testons la concordance entre nos intuitions---que les réseaux profonds sont nécessaires pour mieux apprendre avec des données comportant plusieurs facteurs de variation---et les résultats empiriques. Le second article est une étude approfondie de la question: pourquoi l'apprentissage non-supervisé aide à mieux généraliser dans un réseau profond? Nous explorons et évaluons plusieurs hypothèses tentant d'élucider le fonctionnement de ces modèles. Finalement, le troisième article cherche à définir de façon qualitative les fonctions modélisées par un réseau profond. Ces visualisations facilitent l'interprétation des représentations et invariances modélisées par une architecture profonde.


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The HIV-1 accessory protein Vpu enhances virus particle release by counteracting a host factor that retains virions at the cell surface of infected cells. It was recently demonstrated that cellular protein BST2/CD317/Tetherin restricts HIV-1 release in a Vpu-dependent manner. CAML was also proposed to be involved in this process. We investigated whether CAML is involved in Tetherin cell-surface expression. Here, we show that CAML over-expression in permissive Cos-7 cells or CAML depletion in restrictive HeLa cells has no effect on HIV-1 release nor on Tetherin surface expression, indicating that CAML is not required for Tetherin-mediated restriction of HIV-1 release.


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MicroARN (miARN) ont récemment émergé comme un acteur central du gène réseau de régulation impliqués dans la prise du destin cellulaire. L'apoptose, un actif processus, par lequel des cellules déclenchent leur auto-destruction en réponse à un signal, peut être contrôlé par les miARN. Il a également été impliqué dans une variété de maladies humaines, comme les maladies du cœur, et a été pensé comme une cible pour le traitement de la maladie. Tanshinone IIA (TIIA), un monomère de phenanthrenequinones utilisé pour traiter maladies cardiovasculaires, est connu pour exercer des effets cardioprotecteurs de l'infarctus du myocarde en ciblant l'apoptose par le renforcement de Bcl-2 expression. Pour explorer les liens potentiels entre le miARN et l'action anti-apoptotique de TIIA, nous étudié l'implication possible des miARN. Nous avons constaté que l'expression de tous les trois membres de la famille miR-34, miR-34a, miR-34b et miR-34c ont été fortement régulée à la hausse après l'exposition soit à la doxorubicine, un agent endommageant l'ADN ou de pro-oxydant H2O2 pendant 24 heures. Cette régulation à la hausse causé significativement la mort cellulaire par apoptose, comme déterminé par fragmentation de l'ADN, et les effets ont été renversés par les ARNs antisens de ces miARN. Le prétraitement des cellules avec TIIA avant l'incubation avec la doxorubicine ou H2O2 a empêché surexpression de miR-34 et a réduit des apoptose. Nous avons ensuite établi BCL2L2, API5 et TCL1, en plus de BCL2, comme les gènes nouveaux cibles pour miR-34. Nous avons également élucidé que la répression des ces gènes par MiR-34 explique l'effet proapoptotique dans les cardiomyocytes. Ce que la régulation positive de ces gènes par TIIA realisée par la répression de l'expression de miR-34 est probable le mécanisme moléculaire de son effet bénéfique contre ischémique lésions cardiaques.


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La méditation par le ‘mindfulness’ favorise la stabilité émotionelle, mais les mécanismes neuroneux qui sous-tendent ces effets sont peu connus. Ce projet investiga l’effet du ‘mindfulness’ sur les réponses cérébrales et subjectives à des images négatives, positives et neutres chez des méditants expérimentés et des débutants au moyen de l’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf). Le ‘mindfulness’ atténua l’intensité émotionelle via différents mécanismes cérébraux pour chaque groupe. Comparés aux méditants, les débutants manifestèrent une déactivation de l’amygdale en réponse aux stimuli émotifs durant le ‘mindfulness’. Comparés aux débutants, les méditants exhibèrent une déactivation de régions du réseau du mode par défaut (RMD) pendant le ‘mindfulness’ pour tous stimuli (cortex médian préfrontal [CMP], cortex cingulaire postérieur [CCP]). Le RMD est constitué de régions fonctionnellement connectées, activées au repos et déactivées lors de tâches explicites. Cependant, nous ne connaissons pas les impacts de l’entraînement par la méditation sur la connectivité entre régions du RMD et si ces effets persistent au-delà d’un état méditatif. La connectivité fonctionnelle entre régions du RMD chez les méditants et débutants au repos fut investiguée au moyen de l’IRMf. Comparés aux débutants, les méditants montrèrent une connectivité affaiblie entre subdivisions du CMP, et une connectivité accrue entre le lobule pariétal inférieur et trois regions du RMD. Ces résultats reflètent que les bienfaits immédiats du ‘mindfulness’ sur la psychopathologie pourraient être dûs à une déactivation de régions limbiques impliquées dans la réactivité émotionelle. De plus, les bienfaits à long-terme de la méditation sur la stabilité émotionelle pourrait être dûs à une déactivation de régions corticales et cingulaires impliquées dans l’évaluation de la signification émotive et une connectivité altérée entre régions du RMD à l’état de repos.


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In this paper we report the preparation and dielectric properties of poly o-toluidine:poly vinyl chloride composites in pellet and film forms. The composites were prepared using ammonium persulfate initiator and HCl dopant. The characterization is done by TGA and DSC. The dielectric properties including dielectric loss, conductivity, dielectric constant, dielectric heating coefficient, absorption coefficient, and penetration depth were studied in the microwave field. An HP8510 vector network analyzer with rectangular cavity resonator was used for the study. Sbands (2-4 GHz), C band (5-8 GHz), and X band (8-12 GHz) frequencies were used in the microwave field. Comparisons between the pellet and film forms of composites were also included. The result shows that the dielectric properties in the microwave field are dependent on the frequency and on the method of preparation.


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Abstract 1: Social Networks such as Twitter are often used for disseminating and collecting information during natural disasters. The potential for its use in Disaster Management has been acknowledged. However, more nuanced understanding of the communications that take place on social networks are required to more effectively integrate this information into the processes within disaster management. The type and value of information shared should be assessed, determining the benefits and issues, with credibility and reliability as known concerns. Mapping the tweets in relation to the modelled stages of a disaster can be a useful evaluation for determining the benefits/drawbacks of using data from social networks, such as Twitter, in disaster management.A thematic analysis of tweets’ content, language and tone during the UK Storms and Floods 2013/14 was conducted. Manual scripting was used to determine the official sequence of events, and classify the stages of the disaster into the phases of the Disaster Management Lifecycle, to produce a timeline. Twenty- five topics discussed on Twitter emerged, and three key types of tweets, based on the language and tone, were identified. The timeline represents the events of the disaster, according to the Met Office reports, classed into B. Faulkner’s Disaster Management Lifecycle framework. Context is provided when observing the analysed tweets against the timeline. This illustrates a potential basis and benefit for mapping tweets into the Disaster Management Lifecycle phases. Comparing the number of tweets submitted in each month with the timeline, suggests users tweet more as an event heightens and persists. Furthermore, users generally express greater emotion and urgency in their tweets.This paper concludes that the thematic analysis of content on social networks, such as Twitter, can be useful in gaining additional perspectives for disaster management. It demonstrates that mapping tweets into the phases of a Disaster Management Lifecycle model can have benefits in the recovery phase, not just in the response phase, to potentially improve future policies and activities. Abstract2: The current execution of privacy policies, as a mode of communicating information to users, is unsatisfactory. Social networking sites (SNS) exemplify this issue, attracting growing concerns regarding their use of personal data and its effect on user privacy. This demonstrates the need for more informative policies. However, SNS lack the incentives required to improve policies, which is exacerbated by the difficulties of creating a policy that is both concise and compliant. Standardization addresses many of these issues, providing benefits for users and SNS, although it is only possible if policies share attributes which can be standardized. This investigation used thematic analysis and cross- document structure theory, to assess the similarity of attributes between the privacy policies (as available in August 2014), of the six most frequently visited SNS globally. Using the Jaccard similarity coefficient, two types of attribute were measured; the clauses used by SNS and the coverage of forty recommendations made by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office. Analysis showed that whilst similarity in the clauses used was low, similarity in the recommendations covered was high, indicating that SNS use different clauses, but to convey similar information. The analysis also showed that low similarity in the clauses was largely due to differences in semantics, elaboration and functionality between SNS. Therefore, this paper proposes that the policies of SNS already share attributes, indicating the feasibility of standardization and five recommendations are made to begin facilitating this, based on the findings of the investigation.


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We propose and estimate a financial distress model that explicitly accounts for the interactions or spill-over effects between financial institutions, through the use of a spatial continuity matrix that is build from financial network data of inter bank transactions. Such setup of the financial distress model allows for the empirical validation of the importance of network externalities in determining financial distress, in addition to institution specific and macroeconomic covariates. The relevance of such specification is that it incorporates simultaneously micro-prudential factors (Basel 2) as well as macro-prudential and systemic factors (Basel 3) as determinants of financial distress. Results indicate network externalities are an important determinant of financial health of a financial institutions. The parameter that measures the effect of network externalities is both economically and statistical significant and its inclusion as a risk factor reduces the importance of the firm specific variables such as the size or degree of leverage of the financial institution. In addition we analyze the policy implications of the network factor model for capital requirements and deposit insurance pricing.


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The effect of change of the rheological properties of gluten with the addition of fractions with specific molecular weight was investigated. Fractions extracted from Hereward, Riband and Soissons flours were added to the dough prior to gluten extraction. Once extracted, the glutens were subjected to temperature sweeps and creep recovery rheological tests. In the temperature sweeps, Hereward fractions containing the larger polypeptides had a strengthening effect on the gluten, indicated by a decrease in tan delta and an increase in elastic creep recovery, while those fractions that comprised monomeric gliadins had a weakening effect. Adding total gluten also had a strengthening effect. For the biscuit-making flour Riband, the results were quite the reverse: all fractions appeared to strengthen the gluten network, while the addition of total gluten did not have a strengthening effect. For Soissons gluten, the addition of total gluten had a strengthening effect while adding any individual fraction weakened the gluten. The results were confirmed with creep-recovery tests.


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Response surface methodology was used to study the effect of temperature, cutting time, and calcium chloride addition level on curd moisture content, whey fat losses, and curd yield. Coagulation and syneresis were continuously monitored using 2 optical sensors detecting light backscatter. The effect of the factors on the sensors’ response was also examined. Retention of fat during cheese making was found to be a function of cutting time and temperature, whereas curd yield was found to be a function of those 2 factors and the level of calcium chloride addition. The main effect of temperature on curd moisture was to increase the rate at which whey was expelled. Temperature and calcium chloride addition level were also found to affect the light backscatter profile during coagulation whereas the light backscatter profile during syneresis was a function of temperature and cutting time. The results of this study suggest that there is an optimum firmness at which the gel should be cut to achieve maximum retention of fat and an optimum curd moisture content to maximize product yield and quality. It was determined that to maximize curd yield and quality, it is necessary to maximize firmness while avoiding rapid coarsening of the gel network and microsyneresis. These results could contribute to the optimization of the cheese-making process.


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The paper discusses ensemble behaviour in the Spiking Neuron Stochastic Diffusion Network, SNSDN, a novel network exploring biologically plausible information processing based on higher order temporal coding. SNSDN was proposed as an alternative solution to the binding problem [1]. SNSDN operation resembles Stochastic Diffusin on Search, SDS, a non-deterministic search algorithm able to rapidly locate the best instantiation of a target pattern within a noisy search space ([3], [5]). In SNSDN, relevant information is encoded in the length of interspike intervals. Although every neuron operates in its own time, ‘attention’ to a pattern in the search space results in self-synchronised activity of a large population of neurons. When multiple patterns are present in the search space, ‘switching of at- tention’ results in a change of the synchronous activity. The qualitative effect of attention on the synchronicity of spiking behaviour in both time and frequency domain will be discussed.