969 resultados para multi-theoretical


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Ancient columns, made with a variety of materials such as marble, granite, stone or masonry are an important part of the
European cultural heritage. In particular columns of ancient temples in Greece and Sicily which support only the architrave are
characterized by small axial load values. This feature together with the slenderness typical of these structural members clearly
highlights as the evaluation of the rocking behaviour is a key aspect of their safety assessment and maintenance. It has to be noted
that the rocking response of rectangular cross-sectional columns modelled as monolithic rigid elements, has been widely investigated
since the first theoretical study carried out by Housner (1963). However, the assumption of monolithic member, although being
widely used and accepted for practical engineering applications, is not valid for more complex systems such as multi-block columns
made of stacked stone blocks, with or without mortar beds. In these cases, in fact, a correct analysis of the system should consider
rocking and sliding phenomena between the individual blocks of the structure. Due to the high non-linearity of the problem, the
evaluation of the dynamic behaviour of multi-block columns has been mostly studied in the literature using a numerical approach
such as the Discrete Element Method (DEM). This paper presents an introductory study about a proposed analytical-numerical
approach for analysing the rocking behaviour of multi-block columns subjected to a sine-pulse type ground motion. Based on the
approach proposed by Spanos (2001) for a system made of two rigid blocks, the Eulero-Lagrange method to obtain the motion
equations of the system is discussed and numerical applications are performed with case studies reported in the literature and with a
real acceleration record. The rocking response of single block and multi-block columns is compared and considerations are made
about the overturning conditions and on the effect of forcing function’s frequency.


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O estudo de escoamentos turbulentos em descarregadores em degraus tem sido um desafio para os investigadores. A macro-rugosidade do leito, a ondulação da superfície livre, a intermitência da localização da secção inicial de entrada de ar e o escoamento bi-fásico a jusante da secção inicial de entrada de ar fazem com que a caracterização do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus não seja simples. Actualmente, é possível combinar técnicas de medição fiáveis com simulações numéricas e análise teórica. Nesta dissertação, o estudo experimental baseia-se em resultados experimentais obtidos em duas instalações experimentais: a instalação A, do Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), dotada de um descarregador em degraus com declive de 1V:0.75H e a instalação B, do Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), dotada de um descarregador em degraus com declive de 1V:2H. Uma sonda de ar, um tubo de Pitot modificado e vários hidrómetros permitiram o estudo do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões mono- e bifásico ao longo do descarregador em degraus da instalação A. Na bacia de dissipação de energia, a observação visual do escoamento foi auxiliada pelas leituras efectuadas em tomadas de pressão localizadas na soleira da bacia e pelas leituras da altura do escoamento efectuadas em réguas graduadas localizadas nas paredes da bacia. Na instalação B foram utilizados um tubo de Pitot e vários hidrómetros para estudar a região não arejada do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões no descarregador em degraus. O estudo numérico é baseado em simulações numéricas da região não arejada do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões sobre descarregadores em degraus com o código comercial de CFD FLOW-3D® de modo a reproduzir as condições ensaiadas experimentalmente. As simulações beneficiaram da técnica de blocos múltiplos (multi-block) num sistema de coordenadas cartesianas, da determinação da superfície livre pelo método TruVOF e da utilização de dois modelos de turbulência: os modelos k- e RNG k-. Por último, o estudo teórico consistiu em desenvolver um modelo simplificado 1D para determinar as características hidráulicas principais do trecho não arejado do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus. O modelo foi desenvolvido a partir das equações de Navier-Stokes, conjuntamente com resultados experimentais e numéricos. Os resultados apresentados nesta dissertação contribuem para o conhecimento do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus, nomeadamente na região não arejada, na secção inicial de entrada de ar e na região arejada. A hidráulica dos dissipadores de energia a jusante de descarregadores em degraus, em particular das bacias tipo III do USBR, é também objecto de estudo. Em relação à região não arejada do escoamento em descarregadores com declive acentuado, e com base em resultados experimentais e numéricos, são propostas expressões para estimar o desenvolvimento da altura equivalente de água, da espessura da camada limite, da concentração média de ar, do coeficiente de energia cinética, da dissipação de energia, do factor de resistência e do coeficiente n da fórmula de Manning. São ainda propostas expressões adimensionais para a energia cinética turbulenta e sua dissipação. Para declives moderados, são propostas expressões para estimar o desenvolvimento da altura equivalente de água, do coeficiente de energia cinética e da energia específica residual. São ainda apresentados valores do expoente 1/N da expressão adimensional da distribuição de velocidades, quer para descarregadores com declive acentuado quer com declive moderado. Em conformidade com outros estudos centrados em escoamentos de parede e com derivações teóricas, para a região não arejada do escoamento em descarregadores em degraus de acentuado declive, observa-se que o factor de resistência depende da macro-rugosidade criada pelos degraus e da geometria da secção transversal e que o coeficiente n da fórmula de Manning aumenta com a rugosidade. A descrição estatística da turbulência do escoamento é igualmente explorada, contribuindo para o conhecimento da estrutura do escoamento. Observou-se que para números de Reynolds rugoso não superiores a 6.8x104 a energia cinética turbulência e a sua dissipação cumprem leis de semelhança. Estas expressões adimensionais estão de acordo com os resultados obtidos por outros autores para escoamentos completamente desenvolvidos em canais abertos e no escoamento em rios com leito de gravilha. Em acréscimo, a taxa de dissipação de energia, quer para descarregadores de declive acentuado quer de moderado declive, é baixa. Por último, observa-se que os valores da média temporal da concentração de ar entre 0 e 1 medidos na região não arejada do escoamento dizem respeito não só ao ar capturado entre ondas de água, na zona de ondulação da superfície livre, mas também ao ar emulsionado no escoamento, i.e., sob a forma de bolhas de ar, quando perto da secção média inicial de entrada de ar, devido à diferença entre localizações instantânea e média temporal. Foram revistas metodologias e fórmulas para estimar a localização da secção inicial de entrada de ar e apresentadas expressões para estimar a concentração média de ar e a altura equivalente de água nessa secção. Relativamente à região de escoamento arejado em descarregadores em degraus com declive acentuado, os resultados experimentais apresentados nesta dissertação permitiram estimar a influência da definição da superfície livre nos parâmetros hidráulicos da região do escoamento arejado e estimar a máxima elevação do escoamento nesta região do escoamento. Com base nos resultados experimentais obtidos na bacia de dissipação de energia do tipo III do USBR localizada a jusante do descarregador em degraus da instalação A, observou-se que os perfis da altura piezométrica e da altura do escoamento tendem a seguir o perfil recomendado pelo USBR para bacias tipo III. A excepção ocorre à entrada da bacia, onde as alturas piezométricas apresentadas nesta dissertação excedem largamente as apresentadas pelo USBR. É ainda observado que, tal como entre as bacias tipo I e tipo III do USBR, o ressalto hidráulico estabiliza muito mais rapidamente numa bacia tipo III a jusante de um descarregador em degraus do que uma bacia tipo I a jusante do mesmo descarregador em degraus. Finalmente, observa-se que os blocos de amortecimento a colocar no descarregador não têm influência visível nos resultados da altura piezométrica nem da altura do escoamento ao longo da bacia. Relativamente às simulações numéricas do escoamento não arejado, a proximidade entre resultados experimentais e numéricos permite validar o modelo teórico e a integração numérica usados no FLOW-3D®. As simulações desenvolvidas também mostraram que o modelo de turbulência k- permite representar as características do escoamento não arejado em descarregadores em degraus, uma vez que não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as simulações com este modelo e com o modelo RNG k-. Finalmente, observou-se que o modelo de entrada de ar usado no FLOW-3D® é válido para estimar a localização da secção inicial de entrada de ar. Por último, a proximidade entre os resultados obtidos da aplicação do modelo teórico desenvolvido no âmbito desta dissertação e os resultados experimentais indica que as hipóteses e simplificações consideradas no desenvolvimento do modelo são adequadas.


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The continuous demand for highly efficient wireless transmitter systems has triggered an increased interest in switching mode techniques to handle the required power amplification. The RF carrier amplitude-burst transmitter, i.e. a wireless transmitter chain where a phase-modulated carrier is modulated in amplitude in an on-off mode, according to some prescribed envelope-to-time conversion, such as pulse-width or sigma-delta modulation, constitutes a promising architecture capable of efficiently transmitting signals of highly demanding complex modulation schemes. However, the tested practical implementations present results that are way behind the theoretically advanced promises (perfect linearity and efficiency). My original contribution to knowledge presented in this thesis is the first thorough study and model of the power efficiency and linearity characteristics that can be actually achieved with this architecture. The analysis starts with a brief revision of the theoretical idealized behavior of these switched-mode amplifier systems, followed by the study of the many sources of impairments that appear when the real system is implemented. In particular, a special attention is paid to the dynamic load modulation caused by the often ignored interaction between the narrowband signal reconstruction filter and the usual single-ended switched-mode power amplifier, which, among many other performance impairments, forces a two transistor implementation. The performance of this architecture is clearly explained based on the presented theory, which is supported by simulations and corresponding measured results of a fully working implementation. The drawn conclusions allow the development of a set of design rules for future improvements, one of which is proposed and verified in this thesis. It suggests a significant modification to this traditional architecture, where now the phase modulated carrier is always on – and thus allowing a single transistor implementation – and the amplitude is impressed into the carrier phase according to a bi-phase code.


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No âmbito da unidade curricular Dissertação/Projeto/Estágio do 2º ano do Mestrado em Engenharia mecânica – Ramo Gestão Industrial do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, o presente trabalho de dissertação foi enquadrado num projeto de desenvolvimento de ferramentas de apoio à gestão de projetos. O projeto foi desenvolvido no Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica e Gestão Industrial (INEGI) na unidade de Desenvolvimento de Produto e Sistemas (DPS). A realização deste projeto teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento e adequação de ferramentas de apoio à gestão de multi-projeto no processo de desenvolvimento de produto na organização em estudo – o INEGI – DPS. A gestão de projetos tem hoje uma grande importância nos resultados das empresas essencialmente em virtude da necessidade de estas competirem num mundo em grande mudança com concorrentes ferozes, em que a capacidade de responder às mudanças a tempo e de uma forma integrada se torna cada vez mais importante. A atividade levada a cabo pela DPS impõe a necessidade de uma gestão de projetos mais eficaz e eficiente suportada numa gestão de informação centralizada. O presente projeto de investigação teve, numa primeira fase, uma adaptação à organização em estudo. De seguida, foi conduzida uma revisão da literatura com o objetivo de se obter a fundamentação teórica necessária ao desenvolvimento de ferramentas com base nas metodologias lean. Prosseguiu com o levantamento da situação inicial da organização e com a identificação dos problemas existentes na gestão de projetos. Incluiu também uma revisão e análise das ferramentas existentes na unidade em estudo. Este conhecimento permitiu delinear uma visão para guiar o desenvolvimento das ferramentas. Após a definição da visão foi, então, realizado o desenvolvimento das ferramentas de auxílio à gestão multi-projeto na organização. A concretização deste trabalho resultou no desenvolvimento de três ferramentas de auxílio à gestão multi-projeto na unidade. Estas ferramentas tornam o processo de gestão de projetos mais simples e fácil de assimilar, requerendo apenas alguns inputs por parte dos colaboradores. Estas ferramentas estão apoiadas nos pilares do lean, e deste modo estão vocacionadas para reduzir o desperdício, promover a melhoria contínua, aumentar o desempenho global dos vários atores nos projetos de modo a entregar mais valor e qualidade superior com menores custos. Acima de tudo, valorizar o trabalho dos colaboradores, tornando-os mais eficientes, eficazes, motivados e comprometidos com a organização.


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Double degree. A Work Project presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA- School of Business and Economics and Warsaw School of Economics


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IT outsourcing (ITO) refers to the shift of IT/IS activities from internal to external of an organization. In prior research, the governance of ITO is recognized with persistent strategic importance for practice, because it is tightly related to ITO success. Under the rapid transformation of global market, the evolving practice of ITO requires updated knowledge on effective governance. However, research on ITO governance is still under developed due to the lack of integrated theoretical frameworks and the variety of empirical settings besides dyadic client-vendor relationships. Especially, as multi-sourcing has become an increasingly common practice in ITO, its new governance challenges must be attended by both ITO researchers and practitioners. To address this research gap, this study aims to understand multi-sourcing governance with an integrated theoretical framework incorporating both governance structure and governance mechanisms. The focus is on the emerging deviations among formal, perceived and practiced governance. With an interpretive perspective, a single case study is conducted with mixed methods of Social Network Analysis (SNA) and qualitative inquiries. The empirical setting embraces one client firm and its two IT suppliers for IT infrastructure services. The empirical material is analyzed at three levels: within one supplier firm, between the client and one supplier, and among all three firms. Empirical evidences, at all levels, illustrate various deviations in governance mechanisms, with which emerging governance structures are shaped. This dissertation contributes to the understanding of ITO governance in three domains: the governance of ITO in general, the governance of multi-sourcing in particular, and research methodology. For ITO governance in general, this study has identified two research strands of governance structure and governance mechanisms, and integrated both concepts under a unified framework. The composition of four research papers contributes to multi-sourcing research by illustrating the benefits of zooming in and out across the multilateral relationships with different aspects and scopes. Methodologically, the viability and benefit of mixed-method is illustrated and confirmed for both researchers and practitioners.


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Cette thèse porte sur le rôle de l’espace dans l’organisation et dans la dynamique des communautés écologiques multi-espèces. Deux carences peuvent être identifiées dans les études théoriques actuelles portant sur la dimension spatiale des communautés écologiques : l’insuffisance de modèles multi-espèces représentant la dimension spatiale explicitement, et le manque d’attention portée aux interactions positives, tel le mutualisme, en dépit de la reconnaissance de leur ubiquité dans les systèmes écologiques. Cette thèse explore cette problématique propre à l’écologie des communautés, en utilisant une approche théorique s’inspirant de la théorie des systèmes complexes et de la mécanique statistique. Selon cette approche, les communautés d’espèces sont considérées comme des systèmes complexes dont les propriétés globales émergent des interactions locales entre les organismes qui les composent, et des interactions locales entre ces organismes et leur environnement. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de développer un modèle de métacommunauté multi-espèces, explicitement spatial, orienté à l’échelle des individus et basé sur un réseau d’interactions interspécifiques générales comprenant à la fois des interactions d’exploitation, de compétition et de mutualisme. Dans ce modèle, les communautés locales sont formées par un processus d’assemblage des espèces à partir d’un réservoir régional. La croissance des populations est restreinte par une capacité limite et leur dynamique évolue suivant des mécanismes simples de reproduction et de dispersion des individus. Ces mécanismes sont dépendants des conditions biotiques et abiotiques des communautés locales et leur effet varie en fonction des espèces, du temps et de l’espace. Dans un deuxième temps, cette thèse a pour objectif de déterminer l’impact d’une connectivité spatiale croissante sur la dynamique spatiotemporelle et sur les propriétés structurelles et fonctionnelles de cette métacommunauté. Plus précisément, nous évaluons différentes propriétés des communautés en fonction du niveau de dispersion des espèces : i) la similarité dans la composition des communautés locales et ses patrons de corrélations spatiales; ii) la biodiversité locale et régionale, et la distribution locale de l’abondance des espèces; iii) la biomasse, la productivité et la stabilité dynamique aux échelles locale et régionale; et iv) la structure locale des interactions entre les espèces. Ces propriétés sont examinées selon deux schémas spatiaux. D’abord nous employons un environnement homogène et ensuite nous employons un environnement hétérogène où la capacité limite des communautés locales évoluent suivant un gradient. De façon générale, nos résultats révèlent que les communautés écologiques spatialement distribuées sont extrêmement sensibles aux modes et aux niveaux de dispersion des organismes. Leur dynamique spatiotemporelle et leurs propriétés structurelles et fonctionnelles peuvent subir des changements profonds sous forme de transitions significatives suivant une faible variation du niveau de dispersion. Ces changements apparaissent aussi par l’émergence de patrons spatiotemporels dans la distribution spatiale des populations qui sont typiques des transitions de phases observées généralement dans les systèmes physiques. La dynamique de la métacommunauté présente deux régimes. Dans le premier régime, correspondant aux niveaux faibles de dispersion des espèces, la dynamique d’assemblage favorise l’émergence de communautés stables, peu diverses et formées d’espèces abondantes et fortement mutualistes. La métacommunauté possède une forte diversité régionale puisque les communautés locales sont faiblement connectées et que leur composition demeure ainsi distincte. Par ailleurs dans le second régime, correspondant aux niveaux élevés de dispersion, la diversité régionale diminue au profit d’une augmentation de la diversité locale. Les communautés locales sont plus productives mais leur stabilité dynamique est réduite suite à la migration importante d’individus. Ce régime est aussi caractérisé par des assemblages incluant une plus grande diversité d’interactions interspécifiques. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’une augmentation du niveau de dispersion des organismes permet de coupler les communautés locales entre elles ce qui accroît la coexistence locale et favorise la formation de communautés écologiques plus riches et plus complexes. Finalement, notre étude suggère que le mutualisme est fondamentale à l’organisation et au maintient des communautés écologiques. Les espèces mutualistes dominent dans les habitats caractérisés par une capacité limite restreinte et servent d’ingénieurs écologiques en facilitant l’établissement de compétiteurs, prédateurs et opportunistes qui bénéficient de leur présence.


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One of the fastest expanding areas of computer exploitation is in embedded systems, whose prime function is not that of computing, but which nevertheless require information processing in order to carry out their prime function. Advances in hardware technology have made multi microprocessor systems a viable alternative to uniprocessor systems in many embedded application areas. This thesis reports the results of investigations carried out on multi microprocessors oriented towards embedded applications, with a view to enhancing throughput and reliability. An ideal controller for multiprocessor operation is developed which would smoothen sharing of routines and enable more powerful and efficient code I data interchange. Results of performance evaluation are appended.A typical application scenario is presented, which calls for classifying tasks based on characteristic features that were identified. The different classes are introduced along with a partitioned storage scheme. Theoretical analysis is also given. A review of schemes available for reducing disc access time is carried out and a new scheme presented. This is found to speed up data base transactions in embedded systems. The significance of software maintenance and adaptation in such applications is highlighted. A novel scheme of prov1d1ng a maintenance folio to system firmware is presented, alongwith experimental results. Processing reliability can be enhanced if facility exists to check if a particular instruction in a stream is appropriate. Likelihood of occurrence of a particular instruction would be more prudent if number of instructions in the set is less. A new organisation is derived to form the basement for further work. Some early results that would help steer the course of the work are presented.


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In continuation of our previous work on doubly-excited ions with three and four electrons we present the first results on optical transitions in the term system of doubly-excited ions with five electrons. Transitions between such sextet states were identified in beam-foil spectra of the ions nitrogen, oxygen and fluorine. Assignments were first established by comparison with Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock calculations. Later assignments were aided by Multi-Configuration Hartree-Fock calculations (see the contribution by G. Miecznik et al. in this issue). Decay curves were recorded for all six candidate lines. The lifetime results are compared to theoretical values which confirm most of the assignments qualitatively.


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The technique of linear responsibility analysis is used for a retrospective case study of a private industrial development consisting of an engineering factory and offices. A multi-disciplinary professional practice was used to manage and design the project. The organizational structure adopted on the project is analysed using concepts from systems theory which are included in Walker's theoretical model of the structure of building project organizations (Walker, 1981). This model proposes that the process of buildings provision can be viewed as systems and sub-systems which are differentiated form each other at decision points. Further to this, the sub-systematic analysis of the relationship between the contributors gives a quantitative assessment of the efficiency of the organizational structure used. There was a high level of satisfaction with the completed project and this is reflected by the way in which the organization structure corresponded to the model's proposition. However, the project was subject to string environmental forces which the project organization was not capable of entirely overcoming.


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The modelled El Nino-mean state-seasonal cycle interactions in 23 coupled ocean-atmosphere GCMs, including the recent IPCC AR4 models, are assessed and compared to observations and theory. The models show a clear improvement over previous generations in simulating the tropical Pacific climatology. Systematic biases still include too strong mean and seasonal cycle of trade winds. El Nino amplitude is shown to be an inverse function of the mean trade winds in agreement with the observed shift of 1976 and with theoretical studies. El Nino amplitude is further shown to be an inverse function of the relative strength of the seasonal cycle. When most of the energy is within the seasonal cycle, little is left for inter-annual signals and vice versa. An interannual coupling strength (ICS) is defined and its relation with the modelled El Nino frequency is compared to that predicted by theoretical models. An assessment of the modelled El Nino in term of SST mode (S-mode) or thermocline mode (T-mode) shows that most models are locked into a S-mode and that only a few models exhibit a hybrid mode, like in observations. It is concluded that several basic El Nino-mean state-seasonal cycle relationships proposed by either theory or analysis of observations seem to be reproduced by CGCMs. This is especially true for the amplitude of El Nino and is less clear for its frequency. Most of these relationships, first established for the pre-industrial control simulations, hold for the double and quadruple CO2 stabilized scenarios. The models that exhibit the largest El Nino amplitude change in these greenhouse gas (GHG) increase scenarios are those that exhibit a mode change towards a T-mode (either from S-mode to hybrid or hybrid to T-mode). This follows the observed 1976 climate shift in the tropical Pacific, and supports the-still debated-finding of studies that associated this shift to increased GHGs. In many respects, these models are also among those that best simulate the tropical Pacific climatology (ECHAM5/MPI-OM, GFDL-CM2.0, GFDL-CM2.1, MRI-CGM2.3.2, UKMO-HadCM3). Results from this large subset of models suggest the likelihood of increased El Nino amplitude in a warmer climate, though there is considerable spread of El Nino behaviour among the models and the changes in the subsurface thermocline properties that may be important for El Nino change could not be assessed. There are no clear indications of an El Nino frequency change with increased GHG.


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Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning theory would predict that increasing natural enemy richness should enhance prey consumption rate due to functional complementarity of enemy species. However, several studies show that ecological interactions among natural enemies may result in complex effects of enemy diversity on prey consumption. Therefore, the challenge in understanding natural enemy diversity effects is to predict consumption rates of multiple enemies taking into account effects arising from patterns of prey use together with species interactions. Here, we show how complementary and redundant prey use patterns result in additive and saturating effects, respectively, and how ecological interactions such as phenotypic niche shifts, synergy and intraguild predation enlarge the range of outcomes to include null, synergistic and antagonistic effects. This study provides a simple theoretical framework that can be applied to experimental studies to infer the biological mechanisms underlying natural enemy diversity effects on prey.


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The following paper builds on ongoing discussions over the spatial and territorial turns in planning, as it relates to the dynamics of evidence-based planning and knowledge production in the policy process. It brings this knowledge perspective to the organizational and institutional dynamics of transformational challenges implicit in the recent enlargement of the EU. Thus it explores the development of new spatial ideas and planning approaches, and their potential to shape or ‘frame’ spatial policy through the formulation of new institutional arrangements and the de-institutionalization of others. That is, how knowledge is created, contested, mobilized and controlled across governance architectures or territorial knowledge channels. In so doing, the paper elaborates and discusses a theoretical framework through which the interplay of knowledge and policymaking can be conceptualized and analyzed.


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Wireless technology based pervasive healthcare has been proposed in many applications such as disease management and accident prevention for cost saving and promoting citizen’s wellbeing. However, the emphasis so far is on the artefacts with limited attentions to guiding the development of an effective and efficient solution for pervasive healthcare. Therefore, this paper aims to propose a framework of multi-agent systems design for pervasive healthcare by adopting the concept of pervasive informatics and using the methods of organisational semiotics. The proposed multi-agent system for pervasive healthcare utilises sensory information to support healthcare professionals for providing appropriate care. The key contributions contain theoretical aspect and practical aspect. In theory, this paper articulates the information interactions between the pervasive healthcare environment and stakeholders by using the methods of organisational semiotics; in practice, the proposed framework improves the healthcare quality by providing appropriate medical attentions when and as needed. In this paper, both systems and functional architecture of the multi-agent system are elaborated with the use of wireless technologies such as RFID and wireless sensor networks. The future study will focus on the implementation of the proposed framework.


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In barley, variation in the requirement for vernalization (an extended period of low temperature before flowering can occur) is determined by the VRN-H1, -H2 and -H3 loci. In European cultivated germplasm, most variation in vernalization requirement is accounted for by alleles at VRN-H1 and VRN-H2 only, but the range of allelic variation is largely unexplored. Here we characterise VRN-H1 and VRN-H2 haplotypes in 429 varieties representing a large portion of the acreage sown to barley in Western Europe over the last 60 years. Analysis of genotype, intron I sequencing data and growth habit tests identified three novel VRN-H1 alleles and determined the most frequent VRN-H1 intron I rearrangements. Combined analysis of VRN-H1 and VRN-H2 alleles resulted in the classification of seventeen VRN-H1/VRN-H2 multi-locus haplotypes, three of which account for 79% of varieties. The molecular markers employed here represent powerful diagnostic tools for prediction of growth habit and assessment of varietal purity. These markers will also allow development of germplasm to test the behaviour of individual alleles with the aim of understanding the relationship between allelic variation and adaptation to specific agri-environments.