954 resultados para mean-variance estimation


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A number of recent works have introduced statistical methods for detecting genetic loci that affect phenotypic variability, which we refer to as variability-controlling quantitative trait loci (vQTL). These are genetic variants whose allelic state predicts how much phenotype values will vary about their expected means. Such loci are of great potential interest in both human and non-human genetic studies, one reason being that a detected vQTL could represent a previously undetected interaction with other genes or environmental factors. The simultaneous publication of these new methods in different journals has in many cases precluded opportunity for comparison. We survey some of these methods, the respective trade-offs they imply, and the connections between them. The methods fall into three main groups: classical non-parametric, fully parametric, and semi-parametric two-stage approximations. Choosing between alternatives involves balancing the need for robustness, flexibility, and speed. For each method, we identify important assumptions and limitations, including those of practical importance, such as their scope for including covariates and random effects. We show in simulations that both parametric methods and their semi-parametric approximations can give elevated false positive rates when they ignore mean-variance relationships intrinsic to the data generation process. We conclude that choice of method depends on the trait distribution, the need to include non-genetic covariates, and the population size and structure, coupled with a critical evaluation of how these fit with the assumptions of the statistical model.


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The article offers information about hedge funds, which refers to pooled investments that are privately organized and professionally managed by investment managers. It examines the statistical properties of the 70 Asian hedge funds and shows the inappropriateness of the traditional mean-variance optimizer to form optimal hedge fund portfolios. The article also introduces a practical heuristic approach using the senti-variance as a measure for downside risk, and describes the risk measures and the methodology to generate optimal hedge fund portfolio.


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Understanding how agents formulate their expectations about Fed behavior is important for market participants because they can potentially use this information to make more accurate estimates of stock and bond prices. Although it is commonly assumed that agents learn over time, there is scant empirical evidence in support of this assumption. Thus, in this paper we test if the forecast of the three month T-bill rate in the Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF) is consistent with least squares learning when there are discrete shifts in monetary policy. We first derive the mean, variance and autocovariances of the forecast errors from a recursive least squares learning algorithm when there are breaks in the structure of the model. We then apply the Bai and Perron (1998) test for structural change to a forecasting model for the three month T-bill rate in order to identify changes in monetary policy. Having identified the policy regimes, we then estimate the implied biases in the interest rate forecasts within each regime. We find that when the forecast errors from the SPF are corrected for the biases due to shifts in policy, the forecasts are consistent with least squares learning. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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The European Carbon Emissions Trading Scheme introduced in 2005 has led to both spot and futures market trading of carbon emissions. However, despite seven years of trading, we have no knowledge on how profitable carbon emissions trading is. In this paper, we first test whether carbon forward returns predict carbon spot returns. We find strong evidence on both in-sample and out-of-sample predictability. Based on this evidence, we forecast carbon spot returns using both carbon forward returns and a constant. We consider a mean-variance investor and a CRRA investor, and show that they have higher utility and can make more statistically significant profits by following forecasts generated from the forward returns model than from a constant returns model.


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Understanding how agents formulate their expectations about Fed behavior is important for market participants because they can potentially use this information to make more accurate estimates of stock and bond prices. Although it is commonly assumed that agents learn over time, there is scant empirical evidence in support of this assumption. Thus, in this paper we test if the forecast of the three month T-bill rate in the Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF) is consistent with least squares learning when there are discrete shifts in monetary policy. We first derive the mean, variance and autocovariances of the forecast errors from a recursive least squares learning algorithm when there are breaks in the structure of the model. We then apply the Bai and Perron (1998) test for structural change to a forecasting model for the three month T-bill rate in order to identify changes in monetary policy. Having identified the policy regimes, we then estimate the implied biases in the interest rate forecasts within each regime. We find that when the forecast errors from the SPF are corrected for the biases due to shifts in policy, the forecasts are consistent with least squares learning.


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A new portfolio risk measure that is the uncertainty of portfolio fuzzy return is introduced in this paper. Beyond the well-known Sharpe ratio (i.e., the reward-to-variability ratio) in modern portfolio theory, we initiate the so-called fuzzy Sharpe ratio in the fuzzy modeling context. In addition to the introduction of the new risk measure, we also put forward the reward-to-uncertainty ratio to assess the portfolio performance in fuzzy modeling. Corresponding to two approaches based on TM and TW fuzzy arithmetic, two portfolio optimization models are formulated in which the uncertainty of portfolio fuzzy returns is minimized, while the fuzzy Sharpe ratio is maximized. These models are solved by the fuzzy approach or by the genetic algorithm (GA). Solutions of the two proposed models are shown to be dominant in terms of portfolio return uncertainty compared with those of the conventional mean-variance optimization (MVO) model used prevalently in the financial literature. In terms of portfolio performance evaluated by the fuzzy Sharpe ratio and the reward-to-uncertainty ratio, the model using TW fuzzy arithmetic results in higher performance portfolios than those obtained by both the MVO and the fuzzy model, which employs TM fuzzy arithmetic. We also find that using the fuzzy approach for solving multiobjective problems appears to achieve more optimal solutions than using GA, although GA can offer a series of well-diversified portfolio solutions diagrammed in a Pareto frontier.


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This paper investigates the price volatility interaction between the crude oil and equity markets in the US using 5-min data over the period 2009-2012. Our main findings can be summarised as follows. First, we find strong evidence to demonstrate that the integration of the bid-ask spread and trading volume factors leads to a better performance in predicting price volatility. Second, trading information, such as bid-ask spread, trading volume, and the price volatility from cross-markets, improves the price volatility predictability for both in-sample and out-of-sample analyses. Third, the trading strategy based on the predictive regression model that includes trading information from both markets provides significant utility gains to mean-variance investors.


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O tema central deste trabalho é a avaliação de riscos em estratégias de investimentos de longo prazo, onde a necessidade de um exemplo prático direcionou à aplicação de Asset Liability Models em fundos de pensão, mais especificamente, a planos de benefício definido. Com os instrumentos de análise apresentados, acreditamos que o investidor com um horizonte de retorno de longo prazo tenha uma percepção mais acurada dos riscos de mercado a que está exposto, permitindo uma seleção de carteiras mais adequada aos objetivos de gestão. Para tanto, a inclusão de variáveis de decisão que procuram quantificar os objetivos de gestão - indo além do modelo simplificado de média-variância - exerce papel de fundamental importância.


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Este trabalho examinou as características de carteiras compostas por ações e otimizadas segundo o critério de média-variância e formadas através de estimativas robustas de risco e retorno. A motivação para isto é a distribuição típica de ativos financeiros (que apresenta outliers e mais curtose que a distribuição normal). Para comparação entre as carteiras, foram consideradas suas propriedades: estabilidade, variabilidade e os índices de Sharpe obtidos pelas mesmas. O resultado geral mostra que estas carteiras obtidas através de estimativas robustas de risco e retorno apresentam melhoras em sua estabilidade e variabilidade, no entanto, esta melhora é insuficiente para diferenciar os índices de Sharpe alcançados pelas mesmas das carteiras obtidas através de método de máxima verossimilhança para estimativas de risco e retorno.


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We show how to include in the CAPM moments of any order, extending the mean-variance or mean-variance-skewness versions available until now. Then, we present a simple way to modify the formulae, in order to avoid the appearance of utility parameters. The results can be easily applied to practical portfolio design, with econometric inference and testing based on generalised method of moments procedures. An empirical application to the Brazilian stock market is discussed.


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In this paper, we focus on the tails of the unconditional distribution of Latin American emerging markets stock returns. We explore their implications for portfolio diversification according to the safety tirst principIe, tirst proposed by Roy (1952). We tind that the Latin American emerging markets have signiticantly fatter tails than industrial markets. especially, the lower tail of the distrihution. We consider the implication of the safety tirst principIe for a U .S. investor who creates a diversitied portfolio using Latin American stock markets. We tind that a U.S. investor gains by adding Latin American equity markets to her purely domestic portfolio. For different parameter specitications. we finu a more realistic asset allocation than the one suggested by the Iiterature haseu on the traditional mean-variance framework.


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Despite the large size of the Brazilian debt market, as well the large diversity of its bonds, the picture that emerges is of a market that has not yet completed its transition from the role it performed during the megainflation years, namely that of providing a liquid asset that provided positive real returns. This unfinished transition is currently placing the market under severe stress, as fears of a possible default from the next administration grow larger. This paper analyzes several aspects pertaining to the management of the domestic public debt. The causes for the extremely large and fast growth ofthe domestic public debt during the seven-year period that President Cardoso are discussed in Section 2. Section 3 computes Value at Risk and Cash Flow at Risk measures for the domestic public debt. The rollover risk is introduced in a mean-variance framework in Section 4. Section 5 discusses a few issues pertaining to the overlap between debt management and monetary policy. Finally, Section 6 wraps up with policy discussion and policy recommendations.


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Este trabalho se dedica a analisar o desempenho de modelos de otimização de carteiras regularizadas, empregando ativos financeiros do mercado brasileiro. Em particular, regularizamos as carteiras através do uso de restrições sobre a norma dos pesos dos ativos, assim como DeMiguel et al. (2009). Adicionalmente, também analisamos o desempenho de carteiras que levam em consideração informações sobre a estrutura de grupos de ativos com características semelhantes, conforme proposto por Fernandes, Rocha e Souza (2011). Enquanto a matriz de covariância empregada nas análises é a estimada através dos dados amostrais, os retornos esperados são obtidos através da otimização reversa da carteira de equilíbrio de mercado proposta por Black e Litterman (1992). A análise empírica fora da amostra para o período entre janeiro de 2010 e outubro de 2014 sinaliza-nos que, em linha com estudos anteriores, a penalização das normas dos pesos pode levar (dependendo da norma escolhida e da intensidade da restrição) a melhores performances em termos de Sharpe e retorno médio, em relação a carteiras obtidas via o modelo tradicional de Markowitz. Além disso, a inclusão de informações sobre os grupos de ativos também pode trazer benefícios ao cálculo de portfolios ótimos, tanto em relação aos métodos tradicionais quanto em relação aos casos sem uso da estrutura de grupos.


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In this paper, the optimal reactive power planning problem under risk is presented. The classical mixed-integer nonlinear model for reactive power planning is expanded into two stage stochastic model considering risk. This new model considers uncertainty on the demand load. The risk is quantified by a factor introduced into the objective function and is identified as the variance of the random variables. Finally numerical results illustrate the performance of the proposed model, that is applied to IEEE 30-bus test system to determine optimal amount and location for reactive power expansion.