492 resultados para magneto-intersubband scattenng


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We use a polarizer to investigate quantum-well infrared absorption, and report experimental results as follows. The intrasubband transition was observed in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiple quantum wells (MQWs) when the incident infrared radiation (IR) is polarized parallel to the MQW plane. According to the selection rule, an intrasubband transition is forbidden. Up to now, most studies have only observed the intersubband transition between two states with opposite parity. However, our experiment shows not only the intersubband transitions, but also the intrasubband transitions. In our study, we also found that for light doping in the well (4x10(18) cm(-3)), the intrasubband transition occurs only in the lowest subband, while for the heavy doping (8x10(18) cm(-3)), such a transition occurs not only in the lowest subband, but also in the first excited one, because of the electron subband filling. Further experimental results show a linear dependence of the intrasubband transition frequency on the root of the well doping density. These data are in good agreement with our numerical results. Thus we strongly suggest that such a transition can be attributed to plasma oscillation. Conversely, when the incident IR is polarized perpendicular to the MQW plane, intersubband-transition-induced signals appear, while the intrasubband-transition-induced spectra disappear for both light and heavy well dopings. A depolarization blueshift was also taken into account to evaluate the intersubband transition spectra at different well dopings. Furthermore, we performed a deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) measurement to determine the subband energies at different well dopings. A good agreement between DLTS, infrared absorption, and numerical calculation was obtained. In our experiment, two important phenomena are noteworthy: (1) The polarized absorbance is one order of magnitude higher than the unpolarized spectra. This puzzling result is well explained in detail. (2) When the IR, polarized perpendicular to the well plane, normally irradiates the 45 degrees-beveled edge of the samples, we only observed intersubband transition spectra. However, the intrasubband transition signals caused by the in-plane electric-field component are significantly absent. The reason is that such in-plane electric-field components can cancel each other out everywhere during the light propagating in the samples. The spectral widths of bound-to-bound and bound-to-continuum transitions were also discussed, and quantitatively compared to the relaxation time tau, which is deduced from the electron mobility. The relaxation times deduced from spectral widths of bound-to-bound and bound-to-continuum transitions are also discussed, and quantitatively compared to the relaxation time deduced from electron mobility. [S0163-1829(98)01912-2].


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Within the framework of the effective-mass envelope-function theory, the field-dependent intersubband optical properties of a Al0.4Ga0.6As/Al0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs step quantum well are investigated theoretically based on the periodic boundary condition. A very large Stark shift occurs when the lowest subband electron remains confined to the small well while the higher subband electron confined to the big well. The optical nonlinearity in a step well due to resonant intersubband transition (ISBT) is analyzed using a density-matrix approach. The second-harmonic generation coefficient chi(2 omega)((2)) and nonlinear optical rectification chi(0)((2)) have also been investigated theoretically. The results show that the ISBT in a step well can generate very large second order optical nonlinearities, chi(0)((2)) and chi(2 omega)((2)) can be tuned by the electric field over a wide range.


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The magneto-transport properties of a narrow quantum waveguide with lateral multibarrier modulation are investigated theoretically. It is found that the magnetoconductance as a function of Fermi energy or magnetic field exhibits square-wave-like oscillations. In the presence of magnetic field, the edge states are formed near each barrier and the boundaries. Therefore, the number of edge states increases with the number of lateral barriers, leading to the increase of the propagating modes. On the other hand, owing to the tunneling effect a pair of edge states around the barrier region with opposite moving directions may be coupled and formed a circulating localized state, leading to the quenching of the related propagating states. The resulting dispersion relation exhibits oscillation structures superimposed on the bulk Landau levels. These novel conductance characteristics may provide potential applications to the fabrication of new quantum devices.


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We present lateral intersubband photocurrent (PC) study on self-assembled InAs/InAIAs/InP(001) nanostructures in normal incidence. With the help of interband excitation, a broad PC signal has been observed in the photon energy range of 150-630 meV arising from the bound-to-continuum intersubband absorption in the InAs nanostructures. The large linewidth of the intersubband PC signal is due to the size inhomogeneity of the nanostructures. With the increase of the interband excitation the intersubband PC signal firstly increases with a redshift of PC peak and reaches its maximum, then decreases with no peak shift. The increase and redshift of the PC signal at low excitation level can be explained by the state filling effect. However, the decrease of PC signal at high excitation level may be due to the change of the mobility and lifetime of the electrons. The intersubband PC signal decreases when the temperature is increased, which can be explained by the decrease of the mobility and lifetime of the electrons and the thermal escape of electrons.


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The nonlinear optical absorption in a three-subband step asymmetric semiconductor quantum well driven by a strong terahertz (THz) field is investigated theoretically by employing the intersubband semiconductor-Bloch equations. We show that the optical absorption spectrum strongly depends on the intensity, frequency, and phase of the pump THz wave. The strong THz field induces THz sidebands and Autler-Townes splitting in the probe absorption spectrum. Varying the pump frequency can bring not only the new absorption peaks but also the changing of the energy separation of the two higher-energy levels. The dependence of the absorption spectrum on the phase of the pump THz wave is also very remarkable.


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We have grown a high-quality 20 period InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot superlattice with a standard structure typically used for quantum well infrared photodetector. Normal incident absorption was observed around 13-15 mu m. Potential applications for this work include high-performance quantum dot infrared detectors.


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Subband separation energy dependence of intersubband relaxation time in a wide quantum well (250 Angstrom) was studied by steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence. By applying a perpendicular electrical field, the subband separation energy in the quantum well is continuously tuned from 21 to 40 meV. As a result, it is found that the intersubband relaxation time undergoes a drastic change from several hundred picoseconds to subpicoseconds. It is also found that the intersubband relaxation has already become very fast before the energy separation really reaches one optical phonon energy. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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Intersubband absorption energy shifts in 3-level system stemming from depolarization and excitonlike effects are investigated. Analytically, the expressions we derive present good explanations to the conventional 2-level results and bare potential transition energy results; and numerical results show that they are more exact than the previous studies to describe the 3-level system depolarization and excitonlike shift (DES) character especially for higher carrier density (more than 8 x 10(11) cm(-2)). One interesting detail we find is that the "large blue" DES becomes "slight redshift" in the low doping limit (less than 1.9 x 10(11) cm(-2)), which may be neglected by the previous studies of intersubband transitions. Temperature character of DES in the step well structure is also numerically studied. Finally the above are applied to calculate asymmetric step quantum well structures. The two main functional aspects of terahertz (THz) emitters are discussed and several basic optimizing conditions are considered. By adjusting the well geometry parameters and material composition systematically, some optimized structures which satisfy all of the six conditions are recommended in tables. These optimizations may provide useful references to the design of 3-level-based optically pumping THz emitters.


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A simulation of the motion of molten aluminium inside an electrolytic cell is presented. Since the driving term of the aluminium motion is the Lorentz (j × B) body force acting within the fluid,this problem involves the solution of the magneto-hydro-dynamic equations. Different solver modules for the magnetic field computation and for the fluid motion simulation are coupled together. The interactions of all these are presented and discussed.


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An electrolytic cell for Aluminum production contains molten metal subject to high currents and magnetic flux density. The interaction between these two fields creates electromagnetic forces within the liquid metal and can generate oscillations of the fluid similar to the waves at the free surface of oceans and rivers. The study of this phenomenon requires the simulation of the current density field, of the magnetic flux density field and the solution of the equations of motion of the liquid mass. An attempt to analyze the dynamical behavior of this problem is made by coupling different codes, based on different numerical techniques, in a single tool. The simulations are presented and discussed.


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The Solar Eclipse Corona Imaging System (SECIS) observed a strong 6-s oscillation in an active region coronal loop, during the 1999 August 11 total solar eclipse. In the present paper we show that this oscillation is associated with a fast-mode magneto-acoustic wave that travels through the loop apex with a velocity of 2100 km s-1. We use near-simultaneous SOHO observations to calculate the parameters of the loop and its surroundings such as density, temperature and their spatial variation. We find that the temporal evolution of the intensity is in agreement with the model of an impulsively generated, fast-mode wave.