926 resultados para investigative practical work


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG


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Abstract Background Nectar reabsorption is a widely known phenomenon, related to the strategy of resource-recovery and also to maintain the nectar homeostasis at the nectary. The method currently performed to demonstrate nectar being reabsorbed involves the use of radioactive tracers applied to the nectary. Although this method works perfectly, it is complex and requires specific supplies and equipment. Therefore, here we propose an efficient method to obtain a visual demonstration of nectar reabsorption, adapting the use of Lucifer Yellow CH (LYCH), a fluorescent membrane-impermeable dye that can enter the vacuole by endocytosis. Results We applied a LYCH solution to the floral nectary (FN) of Cucurbita pepo L., which is a species known for its ability of nectar reabsorption, and to the extrafloral nectary (EFN) of Passiflora edulis Sims which does not reabsorb the secreted nectar. In all tests performed, we observed that LYCH stained the nectary tissues differentially according to the reabsorption ability of the nectary. The treated FN of C. pepo presented a concentrated fluorescence at the epidermis that decreased at the deeper nectary parenchyma, until reaching the vascular bundles, indicating nectar reabsorption in the flowers of the species. In contrast, treated EFN of P. edulis presented fluorescence only at the cuticle surface, indicating that nectar is not reabsorbed by that particular tissue. Conclusion LYCH is an efficient marker to demonstrate nectar reabsorption.


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The present study investigates the principles that effect the relationship between voice and movement in performance. The topic stresses a contemporary tendency, which emerges from the work of numerous artits and looks into a research field that has not yet been well explored. The research arises from what I observed and experienced during my performance practical work and what I deepened after theorical studies: expression through movement and voice reflects constant principles. The first two chapters of the former study analyze the compared lines of the inquiry, from a theoretical point of view (interior and exterior voice-movement spatial patterns, and temporal patterns) and a practical point of view referring to body, action and relation. The third one is a survey on 'vocal gesture' as devised by Francesca della Monica, a topic that finds here the first academic investigation, built after nine years sudies with the artist on the oral sources of her teaching. The research is based on practical and theorical sources (especially philosophical studies of Giovanni Piana, Carlo Serra, Merleau-Ponty; performing studies of Grotowski, Laban, Dalcroze, Tomatis; ancient greek philosophy and literature; bodywork tecqniques as Kineseology, Body-mind centering, Alexander, Feldenkrais). The purpose of the study is to theorize, sistematyze and expose clear lines of compared investigation awakening the performer's interest on a central issue of his work and drawing the researcher's attention to make further focusing on the matter. Abstract (Italian) La ricerca va incontro a una tendenza che la contemporaneità pone in risalto con l'opera di numerosi artisti, investigando un campo ancora poco visitato a livello critico. Essa teorizza, sistematizza ed espone le costanti riscontrate nella relazione tra voce e movimento. L'indagine deriva dal presupposto, a me suggerito dalla pratica e dallo scambio con maestri e performer, e qui approfondito e restituito a livello teorico, che nella danza e nel canto, nell'espressione attraverso il movimento o attraverso la voce, si riflettono gli stessi principi. La tesi è articolata in tre capitoli: i primi due sviluppano le linee di indagine comparata, prima da un punto di vista filosofico e poi da un punto di vista pratico, il terzo porta alla luce il concetto di gesto-vocale come inteso da Francesca della Monica, di cui questo studio rappresenta il primo contributo scientifico, aprendo una ricerca nuova agli studi di settore. Il primo capitolo, 'Risonanze', sviluppa le premesse filosofiche della questione, introduce il corpo come veicolo di voce e movimento, affronta il tema del movimento della voce nello spazio interno del corpo e nello spazio di relazione. Legge poi il movimento in termini temporali, secondo i concetti di istante, ritmo, forma e flusso. Il secondo capitolo, 'Costanti', espone le costanti concrete della relazione voce-movimento in riferimento allo spazio interno del corpo, all'azione, allo spazio esterno di relazione. Il terzo capitolo, 'Confini', analizza il gesto vocale, come inteso da Francesca della Monica, concetto sintesi dell'intera ricerca poiché integra, nella sua essenza, il movimento fisico e vocale, restituendo e approfondendo lo spettro di riflessioni emerse nei primi due capitoli. Il gesto vocale, nella sua accezione espressiva, così come il lavoro di Francesca della Monica, è ancora estraneo agli studi di settore e trova in questo studio un primo contributo accademico. Le fonti sono quelle dell'insegnamento orale di Francesca della Monica, che ho seguito per nove anni, fino a desumerne una mia personale sistematizzazione, integrata con altri punti di vista critici. Analizzo i diversi livelli di profondità del gesto vocale scandendo il tema secondo la categoria della relazione: relazioni motorie, relazioni materiche, relazioni spaziali, temporali, compositive e sinestesiche. Le fonti della ricerca sono scaturite da due sorgenti, quella sul campo, e quella della teoria, confluite qui in un unico flusso. Le fonti 'in presa diretta' sono state avvalorate e confrontate con le fonti relative agli studi di settore (in particolare per la filosofia Giovanni Piana, Carlo Serra, Merleau-Ponty, per il teatro, il canto e la danza Grotowski, Laban, Dalcroze, Tomatis) e le bodywork techniques (Kinesiologia, Body-mind centering, metodo Alexander, metodo Feldenkrais). Ampio spazio viene dato alla grecità antica, che propone sull'espressione di voce e movimento un pensiero integrato carico di speculazioni che racchiudono in nuce i principi sviluppati. Lo studio tenta di offrire un livello di lettura idoneo a suscitare l'interesse del performer, e a valere come momento di indagine per lo studioso, che possa da queste basi operare approfondimenti sulle connessioni proposte. L'obiettivo è restituire la conoscenza, intuita in virtù della pratica, elaborata ed arricchita grazie alla teoria, su un nodo fondamentale per gli studi teatrali e recente oggetto di attenzione da parte di critici e artisti.


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Das Jahr 1989 markiert nicht nur den Beginn entscheidender geopolitischer Veränderungen, sondern gleichzeitig den Ursprung eines bedeutsamen Wandels in der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Mit der viel beachteten Studie ‚Sub-Saharan Africa – From Crisis to Sustainable Growth’ initiierte die Weltbank eine Debatte über die Relevanz institutioneller Faktoren für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, die in den folgenden Jahren unter dem Titel ‚Good Governance’ erhebliche Bedeutung erlangte. Nahezu alle zentralen Akteure begannen, entsprechende Aspekte in ihrer praktischen Arbeit zu berücksichtigen, und entwickelten eigene Konzepte zu dieser Thematik. Wenn auch mit der Konzentration auf Institutionen als Entwicklungsdeterminanten eine grundlegende Gemeinsamkeit der Ansätze festzustellen ist, unterscheiden sie sich jedoch erheblich im Hinblick auf die Einbeziehung politischer Faktoren, so dass von einem einheitlichen Verständnis von ‚Good Governance’ nicht gesprochen werden kann. Während die meisten bilateralen Akteure sowie DAC und UNDP Demokratie und Menschenrechte explizit als zentrale Bestandteile betrachten, identifiziert die Weltbank einen Kern von Good Governance, der unabhängig von der Herrschaftsform, also sowohl in Demokratien wie auch in Autokratien, verwirklicht werden kann. Die Implikationen dieser Feststellung sind weit reichend. Zunächst erlaubt erst diese Sichtweise der Bank überhaupt, entsprechende Aspekte aufzugreifen, da ihr eine Berücksichtigung politischer Faktoren durch ihre Statuten verboten ist. Bedeutsamer ist allerdings, dass die Behauptung der Trennbarkeit von Good Governance und der Form politischer Herrschaft die Möglichkeit eröffnet, Entwicklung zu erreichen ohne eine demokratische Ordnung zu etablieren, da folglich autokratische Systeme in gleicher Weise wie Demokratien in der Lage sind, die institutionellen Voraussetzungen zu verwirklichen, welche als zentrale Determinanten für wirtschaftlichen Fortschritt identifiziert wurden. Damit entfällt nicht nur ein bedeutsamer Rechtfertigungsgrund für demokratische Herrschaft als solche, sondern rekurrierend auf bestimmte, dieser zu attestierende, entwicklungshemmende Charakteristika können Autokratien nun möglicherweise als überlegene Herrschaftsform verstanden werden, da sie durch jene nicht gekennzeichnet sind. Die Schlussfolgerungen der Weltbank unterstützen somit auch die vor allem im Zusammenhang mit der Erfolgsgeschichte der ostasiatischen Tigerstaaten vertretene Idee der Entwicklungsdiktatur, die heute mit dem Aufstieg der Volksrepublik China eine Renaissance erlebt. Der wirtschaftliche Erfolg dieser Staaten ist danach auf die überlegene Handlungsfähigkeit autokratischer Systeme zurückzuführen, während Demokratien aufgrund der Verantwortlichkeitsbeziehungen zwischen Regierenden und Regierten nicht in der Lage sind, die notwendigen Entscheidungen zu treffen und durchzusetzen. Die dargestellte Sichtweise der Weltbank ist allerdings von verschiedenen Autoren in Zweifel gezogen worden, die auch für ein im Wesentlichen auf technische Elemente beschränktes Good Governance-Konzept einen Zusammenhang mit der Form politischer Herrschaft erkennen. So wird beispielsweise vertreten, das Konzept der Bank bewege sich ausdrücklich nicht in einem systemneutralen Vakuum, sondern propagiere zumindest implizit die Etablierung demokratischer Regierungsformen. Im Übrigen steht die aus den Annahmen der Weltbank neuerlich abgeleitete Idee der Entwicklungsdiktatur in einem erheblichen Widerspruch zu der von multilateralen wie bilateralen Akteuren verstärkt verfolgten Förderung demokratischer Herrschaft als Mittel für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung sowie der fortschreitenden Verbreitung der Demokratie. Besteht nun doch ein Einfluss der Herrschaftsform auf die Verwirklichung von Good Governance als zentraler Entwicklungsdeterminante und kann zudem davon ausgegangen werden, dass Demokratien diesbezüglich Vorteile besitzen, dann ist eine Entwicklungsdiktatur keine denkbare Möglichkeit, sondern im Gegenteil demokratische Herrschaft der gebotene Weg zu wirtschaftlichem Wachstum bzw. einer Verbesserung der Lebensverhältnisse. Aufgrund der mit den Schlussfolgerungen der Weltbank verbundenen bedeutsamen Implikationen und der bisher weitestgehend fehlenden ausführlichen Thematisierung dieses Gegenstands in der Literatur ist eine detaillierte theoretische Betrachtung der Zusammenhänge zwischen den zentralen Elementen von Good Governance und demokratischer Herrschaft notwendig. Darüber hinaus sollen die angesprochenen Beziehungen auch einer empirischen Analyse unterzogen werden. Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist deshalb die Fragestellung, ob Good Governance eine von demokratischer Herrschaft theoretisch und empirisch unabhängige Entwicklungsstrategie darstellt.


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Grigorij Kreidlin (Russia). A Comparative Study of Two Semantic Systems: Body Russian and Russian Phraseology. Mr. Kreidlin teaches in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of the State University of Humanities in Moscow and worked on this project from August 1996 to July 1998. The classical approach to non-verbal and verbal oral communication is based on a traditional separation of body and mind. Linguists studied words and phrasemes, the products of mind activities, while gestures, facial expressions, postures and other forms of body language were left to anthropologists, psychologists, physiologists, and indeed to anyone but linguists. Only recently have linguists begun to turn their attention to gestures and semiotic and cognitive paradigms are now appearing that raise the question of designing an integral model for the unified description of non-verbal and verbal communicative behaviour. This project attempted to elaborate lexical and semantic fragments of such a model, producing a co-ordinated semantic description of the main Russian gestures (including gestures proper, postures and facial expressions) and their natural language analogues. The concept of emblematic gestures and gestural phrasemes and of their semantic links permitted an appropriate description of the transformation of a body as a purely physical substance into a body as a carrier of essential attributes of Russian culture - the semiotic process called the culturalisation of the human body. Here the human body embodies a system of cultural values and displays them in a text within the area of phraseology and some other important language domains. The goal of this research was to develop a theory that would account for the fundamental peculiarities of the process. The model proposed is based on the unified lexicographic representation of verbal and non-verbal units in the Dictionary of Russian Gestures, which the Mr. Kreidlin had earlier complied in collaboration with a group of his students. The Dictionary was originally oriented only towards reflecting how the lexical competence of Russian body language is represented in the Russian mind. Now a special type of phraseological zone has been designed to reflect explicitly semantic relationships between the gestures in the entries and phrasemes and to provide the necessary information for a detailed description of these. All the definitions, rules of usage and the established correlations are written in a semantic meta-language. Several classes of Russian gestural phrasemes were identified, including those phrasemes and idioms with semantic definitions close to those of the corresponding gestures, those phraseological units that have lost touch with the related gestures (although etymologically they are derived from gestures that have gone out of use), and phrasemes and idioms which have semantic traces or reflexes inherited from the meaning of the related gestures. The basic assumptions and practical considerations underlying the work were as follows. (1) To compare meanings one has to be able to state them. To state the meaning of a gesture or a phraseological expression, one needs a formal semantic meta-language of propositional character that represents the cognitive and mental aspects of the codes. (2) The semantic contrastive analysis of any semiotic codes used in person-to-person communication also requires a single semantic meta-language, i.e. a formal semantic language of description,. This language must be as linguistically and culturally independent as possible and yet must be open to interpretation through any culture and code. Another possible method of conducting comparative verbal-non-verbal semantic research is to work with different semantic meta-languages and semantic nets and to learn how to combine them, translate from one to another, etc. in order to reach a common basis for the subsequent comparison of units. (3) The practical work in defining phraseological units and organising the phraseological zone in the Dictionary of Russian Gestures unexpectedly showed that semantic links between gestures and gestural phrasemes are reflected not only in common semantic elements and syntactic structure of semantic propositions, but also in general and partial cognitive operations that are made over semantic definitions. (4) In comparative semantic analysis one should take into account different values and roles of inner form and image components in the semantic representation of non-verbal and verbal units. (5) For the most part, gestural phrasemes are direct semantic derivatives of gestures. The cognitive and formal techniques can be regarded as typological features for the future functional-semantic classification of gestural phrasemes: two phrasemes whose meaning can be obtained by the same cognitive or purely syntactic operations (or types of operations) over the meanings of the corresponding gestures, belong by definition to one and the same class. The nature of many cognitive operations has not been studied well so far, but the first steps towards its comprehension and description have been taken. The research identified 25 logically possible classes of relationships between a gesture and a gestural phraseme. The calculation is based on theoretically possible formal (set-theory) correlations between signifiers and signified of the non-verbal and verbal units. However, in order to examine which of them are realised in practice a complete semantic and lexicographic description of all (not only central) everyday emblems and gestural phrasemes is required and this unfortunately does not yet exist. Mr. Kreidlin suggests that the results of the comparative analysis of verbal and non-verbal units could also be used in other research areas such as the lexicography of emotions.


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SPatch is an open source virtual laboratory designed to perform simulated electrophysiological experiments without the technical difficulties inherent to laboratory work. It provides the core equipment necessary for recording neuronal activity and allows the user to install the equipment, design their own protocols, prepare solutions to bathe the preparation or to fill the electrodes, and gather data. Assistance is provided for most steps with predefined components that are appropriate to a range of standard procedures. Experiments that can be performed with SPatch at present concern the study of voltage-gated channels in isolated neurons. This allows understanding the ionic mechanisms of Na+ and Ca2+ action potentials, after spike hyperpolarization, pacemaker tonic or bursting activity of neurons, delayed or sustained or adaptive firing of neurons in response to a depolarization, spontaneous depolarization of the membrane following an hyperpolarization, etc. In an educational context, the main interest of SPatch is to allow students to focus on the concepts and thought processes of electrophysiological investigation without the high equipment costs and extensive training required to perform laboratory work. It can be used to acquaint students with the relevant procedures before starting work in a real lab, or to give students an understanding of single neuron behavior and the ways it can be studied without requiring practical work. We illustrate the function and use of SPatch, explore educational issues arising from the inevitable differences between simulated and real laboratory work, and outline possible improvements.


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This paper presents the innovations in the practical work of the Data Structures subject carried out in the last five years, including a transition period and a first year of implantation of the European Higher Education Area. The practical coursework is inspired by a project-based methodology and from 2008/2009 additional laboratory sessions are included in the subject schedule. We will present the academic results and ratios of the mentioned time period which imply a significant improvement on students' performance.


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El actual proyecto consiste en la creación de una interfaz gráfica de usuario (GUI) en entorno de MATLAB que realice una representación gráfica de la base de datos de HRTF (Head-Related Transfer Function). La función de transferencia de la cabeza es una herramienta muy útil en el estudio de la capacidad del ser humano para percibir su entorno sonoro, además de la habilidad de éste en la localización de fuentes sonoras en el espacio que le rodea. La HRTF biaural (terminología para referirse al conjunto de HRTF del oído izquierdo y del oído derecho) en sí misma, posee información de especial interés ya que las diferencias entre las HRTF de cada oído, conceden la información que nuestro sistema de audición utiliza en la percepción del campo sonoro. Por ello, la funcionalidad de la interfaz gráfica creada presenta gran provecho dentro del estudio de este campo. Las diferencias interaurales se caracterizan en amplitud y en tiempo, variando en función de la frecuencia. Mediante la transformada inversa de Fourier de la señal HRTF, se obtiene la repuesta al impulso de la cabeza, es decir, la HRIR (Head-Related Impulse Response). La cual, además de tener una gran utilidad en la creación de software o dispositivos de generación de sonido envolvente, se utiliza para obtener las diferencias ITD (Interaural Time Difference) e ILD (Interaural Time Difference), comúnmente denominados “parámetros de localización espacial”. La base de datos de HRTF contiene la información biaural de diferentes puntos de ubicación de la fuente sonora, formando una red de coordenadas esféricas que envuelve la cabeza del sujeto. Dicha red, según las medidas realizadas en la cámara anecoica de la EUITT (Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación), presenta una precisión en elevación de 10º y en azimut de 5º. Los receptores son dos micrófonos alojados en el maniquí acústico llamado HATS (Hats and Torso Simulator) modelo 4100D de Brüel&Kjaer. Éste posee las características físicas que influyen en la percepción del entorno como son las formas del pabellón auditivo (pinna), de la cabeza, del cuello y del torso humano. Será necesario realizar los cálculos de interpolación para todos aquellos puntos no contenidos en la base de datos HRTF, este proceso es sumamente importante no solo para potenciar la capacidad de la misma sino por su utilidad para la comparación entre otras bases de datos existentes en el estudio de este ámbito. La interfaz gráfica de usuario está concebida para un manejo sencillo, claro y predecible, a la vez que interactivo. Desde el primer boceto del programa se ha tenido clara su filosofía, impuesta por las necesidades de un usuario que busca una herramienta práctica y de manejo intuitivo. Su diseño de una sola ventana reúne tanto los componentes de obtención de datos como los que hacen posible la representación gráfica de las HRTF, las HRIR y los parámetros de localización espacial, ITD e ILD. El usuario podrá ir alternando las representaciones gráficas a la vez que introduce las coordenadas de los puntos que desea visualizar, definidas por phi (elevación) y theta (azimut). Esta faceta de la interfaz es la que le otorga una gran facilidad de acceso y lectura de la información representada en ella. Además, el usuario puede introducir valores incluidos en la base de datos o valores intermedios a estos, de esta manera, se indica a la interfaz la necesidad de realizar la interpolación de los mismos. El método de interpolación escogido es el de la ponderación de la distancia inversa entre puntos. Dependiendo de los valores introducidos por el usuario se realizará una interpolación de dos o cuatro puntos, siendo éstos limítrofes al valor introducido, ya sea de phi o theta. Para añadir versatilidad a la interfaz gráfica de usuario, se ha añadido la opción de generar archivos de salida en forma de imagen de las gráficas representadas, de tal forma que el usuario pueda extraer los datos que le interese para cualquier valor de phi y theta. Se completa el presente proyecto fin de carrera con un trabajo de investigación y estudio comparativo de la función y la aplicación de las bases de datos de HRTF dentro del marco científico y de investigación. Esto ha hecho posible concentrar información relacionada a través de revistas científicas de investigación como la JAES (Journal of the Audio Engineering Society) o la ASA (Acoustical Society of America), además, del IEEE ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) o la “Web of knowledge” entre otras. Además de realizar la búsqueda en estas fuentes, se ha optado por vías de información más comunes como Google Académico o el portal de acceso “Ingenio” a los todos los recursos electrónicos contenidos en la base de datos de la universidad. El estudio genera una ampliación en el conocimiento de la labor práctica de las HRTF. La mayoría de los estudios enfocan sus esfuerzos en mejorar la percepción del evento sonoro mediante su simulación en la escucha estéreo o multicanal. A partir de las HRTF, esto es posible mediante el análisis y el cálculo de datos como pueden ser las regresiones, siendo éstas muy útiles en la predicción de una medida basándose en la información de la actual. Otro campo de especial interés es el de la generación de sonido 3D. Mediante la base de datos HRTF es posible la simulación de una señal biaural. Se han diseñado algoritmos que son implementados en dispositivos DSP, de tal manera que por medio de retardos interaurales y de diferencias espectrales es posible llegar a un resultado óptimo de sonido envolvente, sin olvidar la importancia de los efectos de reverberación para conseguir un efecto creíble de sonido envolvente. Debido a la complejidad computacional que esto requiere, gran parte de los estudios coinciden en desarrollar sistemas más eficientes, llegando a objetivos tales como la generación de sonido 3D en tiempo real. ABSTRACT. This project involves the creation of a Graphic User Interface (GUI) in the Matlab environment which creates a graphic representation of the HRTF (Head-Related Transfer Function) database. The head transfer function is a very useful tool in the study of the capacity of human beings to perceive their sound environment, as well as their ability to localise sound sources in the area surrounding them. The binaural HRTF (terminology which refers to the HRTF group of the left and right ear) in itself possesses information of special interest seeing that the differences between the HRTF of each ear admits the information that our system of hearing uses in the perception of each sound field. For this reason, the functionality of the graphic interface created presents great benefits within the study of this field. The interaural differences are characterised in space and in time, varying depending on the frequency. By means of Fourier's transformed inverse of the HRTF signal, the response to the head impulse is obtained, in other words, the HRIR (Head-Related Impulse Response). This, as well as having a great use in the creation of software or surround sound generating devices, is used to obtain ITD differences (Interaural Time Difference) and ILD (Interaural Time Difference), commonly named “spatial localisation parameters”. The HRTF database contains the binaural information of different points of sound source location, forming a network of spherical coordinates which surround the subject's head. This network, according to the measures carried out in the anechoic chamber at the EUITT (School of Telecommunications Engineering) gives a precision in elevation of 10º and in azimuth of 5º. The receivers are two microphones placed on the acoustic mannequin called HATS (Hats and Torso Simulator) Brüel&Kjaer model 4100D. This has the physical characteristics which affect the perception of the surroundings which are the forms of the auricle (pinna), the head, neck and human torso. It will be necessary to make interpolation calculations for all those points which are not contained the HRTF database. This process is extremely important not only to strengthen the database's capacity but also for its usefulness in making comparisons with other databases that exist in the study of this field. The graphic user interface is conceived for a simple, clear and predictable use which is also interactive. Since the first outline of the program, its philosophy has been clear, based on the needs of a user who requires a practical tool with an intuitive use. Its design with only one window unites not only the components which obtain data but also those which make the graphic representation of the HRTFs possible, the hrir and the ITD and ILD spatial location parameters. The user will be able to alternate the graphic representations at the same time as entering the point coordinates that they wish to display, defined by phi (elevation) and theta (azimuth). The facet of the interface is what provides the great ease of access and reading of the information displayed on it. In addition, the user can enter values included in the database or values which are intermediate to these. It is, likewise, indicated to the interface the need to carry out the interpolation of these values. The interpolation method is the deliberation of the inverse distance between points. Depending on the values entered by the user, an interpolation of two or four points will be carried out, with these being adjacent to the entered value, whether that is phi or theta. To add versatility to the graphic user interface, the option of generating output files in the form of an image of the graphics displayed has been added. This is so that the user may extract the information that interests them for any phi and theta value. This final project is completed with a research and comparative study essay on the function and application of HRTF databases within the scientific and research framework. It has been possible to collate related information by means of scientific research magazines such as the JAES (Journal of the Audio Engineering Society), the ASA (Acoustical Society of America) as well as the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and the “Web of knowledge” amongst others. In addition to carrying out research with these sources, I also opted to use more common sources of information such as Academic Google and the “Ingenio” point of entry to all the electronic resources contained on the university databases. The study generates an expansion in the knowledge of the practical work of the HRTF. The majority of studies focus their efforts on improving the perception of the sound event by means of its simulation in stereo or multichannel listening. With the HRTFs, this is possible by means of analysis and calculation of data as can be the regressions. These are very useful in the prediction of a measure being based on the current information. Another field of special interest is that of the generation of 3D sound. Through HRTF databases it is possible to simulate the binaural signal. Algorithms have been designed which are implemented in DSP devices, in such a way that by means of interaural delays and wavelength differences it is possible to achieve an excellent result of surround sound, without forgetting the importance of the effects of reverberation to achieve a believable effect of surround sound. Due to the computational complexity that this requires, a great many studies agree on the development of more efficient systems which achieve objectives such as the generation of 3D sound in real time.


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Automatic Control Teaching in the new degree syllabus has reduced both, its contents and its implementation course, with regard to traditional engineering careers. On the other hand, where the qualification is not considered as automatic control specialist, it is required an adapted methodology to provide the minimum contents that the student needs to assimilate, even in the case that students do not perceive these contents as the most important in their future career. In this paper we present the contents of a small automatic course taught Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Degrees at the School of Naval Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. We have included the contents covered using the proposed methodology which is based on practical work after lectures. Firstly, the students performed exercises by hand. Secondly, they solve the exercises using informatics support tools, and finally, they validate their previous results and their knowledge in the laboratory platforms.


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El presente trabajo fin de grado, que, a partir de ahora, denominaré TFG, consiste en elaborar una monitorización de programas concurrentes en lenguaje Java, para que se visualicen los eventos ocurridos durante la ejecución de los dichos programas. Este trabajo surge en el marco de la asignatura “Concurrencia” de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, impartida por D. Julio Mariño y D. Ángel Herranz. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es crear una herramienta para el aprendizaje de la asignatura de concurrencia, facilitando la comprensión de los conceptos teóricos, de modo que puedan corregir los posibles errores que haya en sus prácticas. en este proyecto se expone el desarrollo de una librería de visualización de programas concurrentes programados en Java usando un formalismo gráfico similar al empleado en la asignatura. Además esta librería da soporte a los mecanismos de sincronización usados en las prácticas de la asignatura: la librería Monitor (desarrollada por los profesores de la asignatura, D. Ángel Herranz y D. Julio Mariño) y la librería JCSP (Universidad de Kent). ---ABSTRACT---This Bachelor Thesis addresses the problem of monitoring a Java program in order to trace and visualize a certain set of events produced during the execution of concurrent Java programs. This work originates in the subject "Concurrency" of the Computer Science and Engineering degree of our University. The main goal of this work is to have a tool that helps students learning the subject, so they can better understand the core concepts and correct common mistakes in the course practical work. We have implemented a library for visualizing concurrent Java programsusing a graphical notation similar to the one used in class, which supports the design of concurrent programs whose synchronization mechanisms are either monitors(using the Monitor package) or CSP(as implemented in the JCSP library from Kent University).


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Este PFC es un trabajo muy práctico, los objetivos fueron impuestos por el tutor, como parte del desarrollo de herramientas (software y hardware) que serán utilizados posteriormente a nivel de docencia e investigación. El PFC tiene dos áreas de trabajo, la principal y primera que se expone es la utilización de una herramienta de simulación térmica para caracterizar dispositivos semiconductores con disipador, la segunda es la expansión de una tarjeta de adquisición de datos con unas PCBs diseñadas, que no estaban disponibles comercialmente. Se ha probado y configurado “Autodesk 2013 Inventor Fusion” y “Autodesk 2013 Simulation and Multiphysics” para simulación térmica de dispositivos de alta potencia. Estas aplicaciones son respectivamente de diseño mecánico y simulación térmica, y la UPM dispone actualmente de licencia. En esta parte del proyecto se realizará un manual de utilización, para que se continúe con esta línea de trabajo en otros PFC. Además se han diseñado mecánicamente y simulado térmicamente diodos LED de alta potencia luminosa (High Brightness Lights Emitting Diodes, HB-LEDs), tanto blancos como del ultravioleta cercano (UVA). Las simulaciones térmicas son de varios tipos de LEDs que actualmente se están empleando y caracterizando térmicamente en Proyectos Fin de Carrera y una Tesis doctoral. En la segunda parte del PFC se diseñan y realizan unas placas de circuito impreso (PCB) cuya función es formar parte de sistemas de instrumentación de adquisición automática de datos basados en LabVIEW. Con esta instrumentación se pueden realizar ensayos de fiabilidad y de otro tipo a dispositivos y sistemas electrónicos. ABSTRACT. The PFC is a very practical work, the objectives were set by the tutor, as part of the development of tools (software and hardware) that will be used later at level of teaching and research. The PFC has two parts, the first one explains the use of a software tool about thermal simulation to characterize devices semiconductors with heatsink, and second one is the expansion of card data acquisition with a PCBs designed, which were not available commercially. It has been tested and configured "Autodesk 2013 Inventor Fusion" and "Autodesk 2013 Simulation Multiphysics” for thermal simulation of high power devices. These applications are respectively of mechanical design and thermal simulation, and the UPM has at present license. In this part of the project a manual of use will be realized, so that it is continued by this line of work in other PFC. Also they have been designed mechanically and simulated thermally LEDs light (High Brightness Lights Emitting Diodes , HB- LEDs) both white and ultraviolet. Thermal simulations are several types of LEDs are now being used in thermally characterizing in Thesis and PhD. In the second part of the PFC there are designed and realized circuit board (PCB) whose function is to be a part of instrumentation systems of automatic acquisition based on LabVIEW data. With this instrumentation can perform reliability testing and other electronic devices and systems.


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En esta tesis se aborda el problema de la externalización segura de servicios de datos y computación. El escenario de interés es aquel en el que el usuario posee datos y quiere subcontratar un servidor en la nube (“Cloud”). Además, el usuario puede querer también delegar el cálculo de un subconjunto de sus datos al servidor. Se presentan dos aspectos de seguridad relacionados con este escenario, en concreto, la integridad y la privacidad y se analizan las posibles soluciones a dichas cuestiones, aprovechando herramientas criptográficas avanzadas, como el Autentificador de Mensajes Homomórfico (“Homomorphic Message Authenticators”) y el Cifrado Totalmente Homomórfico (“Fully Homomorphic Encryption”). La contribución de este trabajo es tanto teórica como práctica. Desde el punto de vista de la contribución teórica, se define un nuevo esquema de externalización (en lo siguiente, denominado con su término inglés Outsourcing), usando como punto de partida los artículos de [3] y [12], con el objetivo de realizar un modelo muy genérico y flexible que podría emplearse para representar varios esquemas de ”outsourcing” seguro. Dicho modelo puede utilizarse para representar esquemas de “outsourcing” seguro proporcionando únicamente integridad, únicamente privacidad o, curiosamente, integridad con privacidad. Utilizando este nuevo modelo también se redefine un esquema altamente eficiente, construido en [12] y que se ha denominado Outsourcinglin. Este esquema permite calcular polinomios multivariados de grado 1 sobre el anillo Z2k . Desde el punto de vista de la contribución práctica, se ha construido una infraestructura marco (“Framework”) para aplicar el esquema de “outsourcing”. Seguidamente, se ha testado dicho “Framework” con varias implementaciones, en concreto la implementación del criptosistema Joye-Libert ([18]) y la implementación del esquema propio Outsourcinglin. En el contexto de este trabajo práctico, la tesis también ha dado lugar a algunas contribuciones innovadoras: el diseño y la implementación de un nuevo algoritmo de descifrado para el esquema de cifrado Joye-Libert, en colaboración con Darío Fiore. Presenta un mejor comportamiento frente a los algoritmos propuestos por los autores de [18];la implementación de la función eficiente pseudo-aleatoria de forma amortizada cerrada (“amortized-closed-form efficient pseudorandom function”) de [12]. Esta función no se había implementado con anterioridad y no supone un problema trivial, por lo que este trabajo puede llegar a ser útil en otros contextos. Finalmente se han usado las implementaciones durante varias pruebas para medir tiempos de ejecución de los principales algoritmos.---ABSTRACT---In this thesis we tackle the problem of secure outsourcing of data and computation. The scenario we are interested in is that in which a user owns some data and wants to “outsource” it to a Cloud server. Furthermore, the user may want also to delegate the computation over a subset of its data to the server. We present the security issues related to this scenario, namely integrity and privacy and we analyse some possible solutions to these two issues, exploiting advanced cryptographic tools, such as Homomorphic Message Authenticators and Fully Homomorphic Encryption. Our contribution is both theoretical and practical. Considering our theoretical contribution, using as starting points the articles of [3] and [12], we introduce a new cryptographic primitive, called Outsourcing with the aim of realizing a very generic and flexible model that might be employed to represent several secure outsourcing schemes. Such model can be used to represent secure outsourcing schemes that provide only integrity, only privacy or, interestingly, integrity with privacy. Using our new model we also re-define an highly efficient scheme constructed in [12], that we called Outsourcinglin and that is a scheme for computing multi-variate polynomials of degree 1 over the ring Z2k. Considering our practical contribution, we build a Framework to implement the Outsourcing scheme. Then, we test such Framework to realize several implementations, specifically the implementation of the Joye-Libert cryptosystem ([18]) and the implementation of our Outsourcinglin scheme. In the context of this practical work, the thesis also led to some novel contributions: the design and the implementation, in collaboration with Dario Fiore, of a new decryption algorithm for the Joye-Libert encryption scheme, that performs better than the algorithms proposed by the authors in [18]; the implementation of the amortized-closed-form efficient pseudorandom function of [12]. There was no prior implementation of this function and it represented a non trivial work, which can become useful in other contexts. Finally we test the implementations to execute several experiments for measuring the timing performances of the main algorithms.


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Los enjarjes, jarjas o jarjamentos conforman el comienzo de la bóveda de crucería, el lugar en el que todos los nervios nacen reunidos. Permiten la transición entre el muro y las dovelas que constituyen nervios, resolviendo un encuentro de gran importancia constructiva. Están compuestos por piezas de lechos horizontales que traban con el muro y que, además de conformar el arranque de los nervios, han de proporcionar apoyo a las primeras dovelas. Al construirse a la vez que el muro y antes que el resto de la bóveda, se podría decir que son los encargados de portar su ADN: en ellos queda registrado el número de nervios que tendrá la bóveda, su curvatura, desde qué altura arrancará cada uno, su perfil, etc. El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en estudio de los enjarjes en la obra de Guillem Sagrera abordando su dimensión tecnológica, constructiva y de diseño. Dos características los distinguen de otras soluciones y justifican su interés: los nervios surgen directamente del muro, sin la intermediación de capiteles, ménsulas o pilastras; y se diseñan con la intención de facilitar la aparición de intersecciones entre las molduras de sus perfiles, en algunos casos mediante el cruce de los ejes de los nervios. Sagrera nos acerca a una innovación arquitectónica en la que el esfuerzo no se centra en realizar bóvedas con muchos nervios o con trazados en planta complejos, sino en la cuidada resolución de este encuentro de nervios. En ella se adivina el trabajo minucioso con las plantillas que controlan el trazado del contorno de los lechos de las piezas y la hábil mano de los canteros que son capaces de tallar intersecciones de gran complejidad. Se ha realizado un repaso de los primeros experimentos relativos al modo de relacionarse los nervios entre sí para ilustrar el contexto y origen de las soluciones realizadas por Guillem Sagrera. Mostramos que ante ciertas dificultades, consecuencia de la reunión de nervios, los constructores fueron capaces de desarrollar nuevas soluciones, mediante la experimentación con un sistema constructivo que conocían y manejaban con destreza. Para acercarnos a la comprensión de las estrategias de diseño que permiten el proyecto de estos enjarjes y los procedimientos técnicos y constructivos necesarios para su ejecución, nos vimos en la necesidad de adentrarnos en la problemática general de los enjarjes de la bóveda de crucería. De este modo, lo que empezó siendo una introducción para poder contextualizar la obra del mallorquín acabó convirtiéndose en la primera parte de la tesis, cuyo volumen prácticamente equipara a la segunda. En ella presentamos el proceso de diseño, trazado y talla de los cuatro enjarjes llevados a cabo en el taller de cantería de la ETSAM, en los que hemos podido experimentar de manera práctica los aspectos teóricos desarrollados. Estos ensayos nos han permitido contrastar hipótesis y baremar la dificultad de ciertos procedimientos o procesos, así como acercarnos realmente al elemento constructivo. El trabajo práctico nos ha enseñado a no fiarnos siempre de las hipótesis que se desarrollan modelando con el ordenador o dibujando; a valorar el pensar con las manos. En relación con la obra de Sagrera, la presente investigación realiza aportaciones al conocimiento del cambio proyectual y constructivo llevado a cabo en los arranques de las bóvedas entre los siglos XIII y XV, cuando los nervios comienzan a surgir directamente de los soportes y se dan los primeros cruzamientos. Mostramos que ya no solamente se construyen enjarjes fruto directo de la geometría general de la bóveda, sino que se llevan a cabo cambios deliberados en relación a su resultado, en los que se advierten decisiones proyectuales que, por supuesto, no serían viables sin las posibilidades que ofrece el trabajo con plantillas. ABSTRACT The solid blocks commonly known as tas-de-charge (in Spanish enjarjes, jarjas or jarjamentos) constitute the beginning of the ribbed vault – the place from which all the ribs spring together. They facilitate a transition between the wall and the rib voussoirs, and thus solve a junction of utmost constructive importance. They consist of blocks set in horizontal courses which interlock with the wall and which, as well as constituting the springing of the ribs, serve as a support for their first voussoirs. The tas-de-charge are built simultaneously with the wall and well before the remainder of the vault – thus, they arguably carry its ‘DNA’, since they register how many ribs the vault will have as well as their curvature, their springing height or their profile. This work is focused on the study of the tas-de-charge in the works of Guillem Sagrera, and will address their technological, constructive and design aspects. Two characteristics set these apart from other solutions and justify their relevance: these are that the ribs spring directly from the wall without the mediation of capitals, corbels or pilasters; and that they are deliberately designed to force the intersection of their mouldings, in some cases by crossing the rib axes. Sagrera’s work tells a story of architectural innovation – one where the effort is not centred on creating vaults with numerous ribs or a sophisticated ground plan, but on carefully solving the rib unions, which evidence a meticulous use of templates to control the tracing of the pieces’ profiles as well as the skill of the stonemasons, able to carve highly complex intersections. An overview of the first experiments with rib relationships will illustrate the context and origin of Guillem Sagrera’s solutions. We show how, faced with difficulties arising from the convergence of ribs into the tas-de-charge, builders were able to develop new solutions by experimenting with a construction system that they were already familiar with and could control easily. In order to gain a better insight into the design strategies behind his tas-de-charge and the technical and constructive procedures required for their execution, we found ourselves facing the need to address the general subject of tas-de-charge in ribbed vaults. This, which began as an introduction meant as context for Sagrera’s work, took on a life of its own and became the first half of the thesis, with a volume practically equal to that of the second. We have devoted a chapter to experimental archaeology. It comprises the design, tracing and carving processes for the four tas-de-charge executed at the ETSAM Stonecutting Workshop, in which we have tested experimentally the theories studied in the previous chapters. These tests have allowed us to contrast hypotheses, assess the difficulty of certain procedures or processes and understand the built element as a real entity. The practical work has taught us not to always trust the hypotheses proposed through computer modelling or drawing – and to recognise the importance of coordinating the hands and the mind. After studying Sagrera’s work and contrasting it with other related or previous tas-de-charge, our research will seek to make a contribution to the study of the shift in the design and construction of vault springers that took place between the 13th and 14th centuries, when ribs began to spring directly from their support and moulding crossings began to appear. We show that, from then on, tas-de-charge would not only depend on the general vault geometry – deliberate modifications would be carried out in order to achieve the desired result. This reveals design decisions that would have been unworkable if not for the effective use of template strategies.