973 resultados para ict use
Sustainability issue of ICT have gathered attention in recent years, and researchers are working on this problem. Sustainability incorporates numerous interconnected aspects as well as methods to achieve it in ICT, so it is quite complicated to have a general view on a problem without a proper framework. However, a general methodology for such a research is missing. In this work it is proposed to use Biomimicry approach as a framework for sustainability research and development, as it introduces systematics and also forces to account sustainable aspects. Additionally, an interesting problem of green network measurements for enhancing sustainability in ICT will be researched using mentioned approach. The goal is to investigate Biomimicry as a systemic approach for developing sustainable systems, as well as to apply it in green network measurements study. Comparative study is performed for examining Biomimicry approach, as well as a use case of green network measurements research is presented. As a result, green network measurement can potentially improve sustainability, but only to a limited extent as it cannot incorporate all the aspects; within Biomimicry approach, two methodologies exist. It is possible to conclude that Biomimicry is a good framework for developing sustainable systems, nevertheless, another methodology has to be introduced within it; new methodology has to incorporate advantages of two existing ones.
Työn alustavana tavoitteena oli havaita yrityksen ict-ryhmässä käytettävien teknisten välineiden, informaation hallinnan järjestelmien ja ryhmän työtilojen vaikutus hiljasen tiedon jakamiseen tai sen estymiseen. Työssä tarkasteltiin myös vaikutusta ryhmän oppimiseen sekä ryhmään muodostuvan hiljaisen tiedon syntymisen ja henkilöitymisen syihin sekä hiljaisen tiedon laatuun. Lisäksi työssä pyritään löytämään tapoja, joiden avulla hiljaista tietoa voidaan hyödyntää ja jakaa ryhmässä siten että se mahdollistaa myös ryhmän oppimisen. Haastatteluissa nousivat esiin informaation hallintaongelmat, jotka johtuvat informaation hajautumisesta informaation eri hallinta järjestelmiin, tietoturvamääräysten aiheuttamiin esteisiin ja kriittisen teknisen dokumentaation tallentamiseen. Nämä vaikeuttavat tallennetun informaation hyödyntämistä ict-ryhmässä. Tämä osaltaan aiheuttaa hiljaisen tiedon henkilöitymistä ryhmässä ja hiljaisen tiedon jakamisen menetelmien jää hyödyntämättä. Haastatteluissa osoittautui, että hiljaisen tiedon hyödyntämisongelmat johtuvat osittain ryhmän sisäisten yhteyksien verkoston rakenteesta. Vahvojen linkkien vähyys ryhmässä ja vahvojen linkkien suuntautuminen ryhmän ulkoisiin verkostoihin vaikeuttaa hiljaisen tiedon siirtymistä ryhmässä ja aiheuttaa hiljaisen tiedon henkilöitymistä. Kiire todettiin ryhmän kannalta ongelmalliseksi hiljaisen tiedon jakamisen ja hyödyntämisen esteeksi. Tiedon adaptaatioon ja omaksumiseen liittyvät ongelmat ovat sidoksissa aikaan ja hiljaisen tiedon henkilöitymiseen ryhmässä. Ryhmätyö ja ryhmän päivittäisessä toiminnassa käytettävissä olevat hiljaisen tiedon jakamisen menetelmät osoittautuvat sopivimmiksi edistämään ryhmän yhteistyökykyä sekä sosiaalisen rakenteen ja luottamuksen kehittymistä. Ne poistavat myös tiedon omaksumisen ja adaptaation esteitä. Ryhmätyö vaikuttaa myönteisesti ryhmän kollektiiviseen osaamiseen ja ryhmän hiljaisen tiedon kehittymiseen. Lisäksi se parantaa teknisen dokumentaation ymmärrettävyyttä.
The shift from print to digital information has a high impact on all components of the academic library system in India especially the users, services and the staff. Though information is considered as an important resource, the use of ICT tools to collect and disseminate information has been in a slow pace in majority of the University libraries This may be due to various factors like insufficient funds, inadequate staff trained in handling computers and software packages, administrative concerns etc. In Kerala, automation has been initiated in almost all University libraries using library automation software and is under different stages of completion. There are not much studies conducted about the effects of information communication technologies on the professional activities of library professionals in the universities in Kerala. It is important to evaluate whether progress in ICT has had any impact on the library profession in these highest educational institutions. The aim of the study is to assess whether the developments in information communication technologies have any influence on the library professionals’ professional development, and the need for further education and training in the profession and evaluate their skills in handling developments in ICT. The total population of the study is 252 including the permanently employed professional library staff in central libraries and departmental libraries in the main campuses of the universities under study. This is almost a census study of the defined population of users. The questionnaire method was adopted for collection of data for this study, supplemented by interviews of Librarians to gather additional information. Library Professionals have a positive approach towards ICT applications and services in Libraries, but majority do not have the opportunities to develop their skills and competencies in their work environment. To develop competitive personnel in a technologically advanced world, high priority must be given to develop competence in ICT applications, library management and soft skills in library professionals, by the University administrators and Library associations. Library science schools and teaching departments across the country have to take significant steps to revise library science curriculum, and incorporate significant changes to achieve the demands and challenges of library science profession.
Page 1. ICT Tools for Teaching & Learning G Santhosh Kumar Cochin University Page 2. Agenda • What is ICT? • Why integrate ICT in Education? • What are the Challenges? • What are the good resources? Page 3. Questions # “Despite the increasing use of ICT, the need for teachers is as great as ever” # “Placing ICT in schools will automatically improve the quality of education that children receive” #”The Internet is unsafe for children to use because there is so much dangerous material available on it” Page 4. What is ICT? • ICT is short for ..
El acceso a la telefonía móvil en Colombia evidencia ciertas particularidades con respecto a otros países. En Colombia surgió una nueva alternativa de comunicación que consistía en la venta de minutos de celular en las calles y en pequeños negocios durante los primeros años de ésta década. En este documento se analizan las principales características de quienes usan esta modalidad de comunicación con base en una encuesta dirigida a usuarios y no usuarios de bajos ingresos. Se usa un modelo probabilístico para explicar las características de las personas que lo usan y se encuentra que las personas que están en la modalidad de contrato prepago y que viven en ciudades pequeñas tienen una mayor probabilidad de usar esta alternativa de comunicación. De otro lado se encuentra que quienes están con el operador dominante tienden a usar este servicio también de una forma más notoria. Estos resultados parecen indicar que los diferenciales de precios entre las llamadas off-net y on-net así como entre prepago y postpago son los que alimentaron el surgimiento de esta actividad
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Con el apoyo económico del departamento MIDE de la UNED. Incluye anexos
Purpose – The main aim of this paper is to present the results of a study examining managers' attitudes towards the deployment and use of information and communications technology (ICT) in their organisations. The study comes at a time when ICT is being recognised as a major enabler of innovation and new business models, which have the potential to have major impact on western economies and jobs. Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire was specially designed to collect data relating to three research questions. The questionnaire also included a number of open-ended questions. A total of 181 managers from a wide range of industries across a number of countries participated in the electronic survey. The quantitative responses to the survey were analysed using SPSS. Exploratory factor analysis using Varimax rotation was used and ANOVA to compare responses by different groups. Findings – The survey showed that many of the respondents appeared equipped to work “any place, any time”. However, it also highlighted the challenges managers face in working in a connected operation. Also, the data suggested that many managers were less than confident about their companies' policies and practices in relation to information management. Originality/value – A next step from this exploratory research could be the development of a model exploring the impact of ICT on management and organisational performance in terms of personal characteristics of the manager, the role performed, the context and the ICT provision. Also, further research could focus on examining in more detail differences between management levels.
A series of government initiatives has raised both the profile of ICT in the curriculum and the expectation that high quality teaching and learning resources will be accessible across electronic networks. In order for e-learning resources such as websites to have the maximum educational impact, teachers need to be involved in their design and development. Use-case analysis provides a means of defining user requirements and other constraints in such a way that software developers can produce e-learning resources which reflect teachers' professional knowledge and support their classroom practice. It has some features in common with the participatory action research used to develop other aspects of classroom practice. Two case-studies are presented: one involves the development of an on-line resource centred on transcripts of original historical documents; the other describes how 'Learning how to Learn', a major, distributed research project funded under the ESRC Teaching and Learning Research Programme is using use-case analysis to develop web resources and services.
Numerous Building Information Modelling (BIM) tools are well established and potentially beneficial in certain uses. However, issues of adoption and implementation persist, particularly for on-site use of BIM tools in the construction phase. We describe an empirical case-study of the implementation of an innovative ‘Site BIM’ system on a major hospital construction project. The main contractor on the project developed BIM-enabled tools to allow site workers using mobile tablet personal computers to access design information and to capture work quality and progress data on-site. Accounts show that ‘Site BIM’, while judged to be successful and actively supporting users, was delivered through an exploratory and emergent development process of informal prototyping. Technical IT skills were adopted into the construction project through personal relationships and arrangements rather than formal processes. Implementation was driven by construction project employees rather than controlled centrally by the corporate IT function.
Information and communications technology (ICT) is a broad concept, which is often discussed in relation to the development of education. More specially, ICT can be seen as a tool to help teachers individualize students’ education. Students who have literacy difficulties, such as dyslexia, are in constant need of new techniques to help them learn and new tools to make their educational development easier. The aim of this thesis is to show what views teachers have regarding using ICT in English teaching at a sample of schools in the south of Sweden. A secondary part of the aim is to see what ICT tools, or other non ICT related methods, these teachers use to improve literacy skills for students with dyslexia.This empirical study is based on interviews with six participants. Previous research within the area is presented and different aspects of ICT within the National Agency for Education in Sweden, and the English syllabus, are also discussed. The results of this thesis show that ICT is seen as a helpful tool to make education easier for both students and teachers. Tools such as ViTal, Spell Right and Legimus are being used and the participants of the study also use iPads and Chromebooks in their teaching. According to the interviews, ICT can tribute to a fun way of learning and a more individualized education. Other non ICT related methods are also used to help students with dyslexia and these are often in terms of pictures in connection to words. These findings are based on a limited number of participants in a small area of south of Sweden. Therefore, further research is needed to see if the findings can be verified with more participants, in different parts of the country.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
This issue of the Bulletin is based on the material presented at the seminar Information Technology for Development of Small and Medium-sized Exporters in East Asia and Latin America, which was held on 23 and 24 November 2004 at the headquarters of ECLAC in Santiago, Chile. The seminar was part of the project entitled Comparative Study on East Asian and Latin American IT Industry, financed by the thematic fund for information and communication technologies (ICT) for development of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and has been carried out in close collaboration with the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE), an organization that belongs to the Japanese External Trade Organization (JETRO). This article contains a discussion of the concepts, definitions and standards associated with electronic commerce, as well as the opportunities to be seized and the challenges to be met so that MSMEs can expand their electronic business.
The growth and integration of ICTs in the global economy have created conditions that profoundly affect our society, dividing communities between those who effectively appropriate these resources and those who do not, what is called the digital divide. This exploratory study seeks to propose and validate ways of assessing this phenomenon in higher education, from the construction of a model and a comprehensive methodology that value contextual conditions, in addition to measuring access factors and motivation for use, that have been employed in previous research. To obtain indications about the behavior of this phenomenon, we developed research with students from three universities in Bogota, administering 566 surveys in four phases that would test the variables proposed in the model. The results show that the variables of the model link causally, with the strongest relations between education, attitude towards ICTs and ICT application. Although students have good access to ICTs and high levels of education, no strong relationship was found in regards to perceived impact on production. This may be explained by a superficial appropriation of ICT, due to a context that is alien to its conditions of origin (industrialism, innovation), poor quality of education and economies not centered around R&D.