716 resultados para healthy food environments
Aims: The older the youngsters are, the more important role hobbies and leisure time activities have in their life. That is why various activities organized by the non-profit organizations have an important role concerning the development of food habits of youngsters. This study has three main themes. The themes and their respective study questions are: 1. The youngsters' conceptions on healthy eating and food choice: What kind of food do youngsters consider as healthy? How do they see their own eating habits from this point of view? 2. The youngsters and the significance of everyday food-related information: How do the youngsters perceive the role of different actors and these actors' role regarding their own food habits and food choice? 3. The possibilities of the organizations that work with youngsters to improve their food habits: What kind of role do the non-profit organizations have on the youngsters' food habits and healthy food choice? Methods: This study comprises of two types of data. First, a quantitative internet-based survey (N=582) was used to collect data on the 9th graders conceptions and understandings. The data was analyzed with the SPSS-program. Means, cross-tabulations, Pearson´s correlations and t-test were calculated from the data. The qualitative data was collected using interviews. The respondents were 12 experts from non-profit organizations. The interviews were analyzed with the qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions: The non-profit organizations studied have good possibilities to communicate with youngsters through their hobbies. As part of their activities these organizations are able to influence on health-promoting lifestyle and food habits of youngsters. In order to reach more youngsters, these organizations should actively act e.g. in virtual societies of youngsters. Youngsters will participate when activities are voluntary and exhilarating. From the point of food habits doing, learning and identifying are the most important factors to engage the young. Also the models of peers and adults are important. Non-profit organizations should offer youngsters activities but these organizations should also influence on society.
Knowledge of healthy food does not move alone our food choice. One also needs a piece of tongue evidence that food tastes good. Way to eat is part of our lifestyle. It is important to eat same foods with one`s friend. Aims: The overall aim of this study was to find out how youngsters themselves feel and sense of the school lunch, both food and whole lunch situation. This study has three specific research problems. The research problems are: 1. How the youngsters sense their school lunch events? 2. How the youngsters experience the physical conditions of their school lunch events? 3. How the youngsters think their lunch events could be changed? Methods: The data is collected in spring 2009 from two secondary school at the Kaarina city. The respondents were ninth grader. They were studying optional home economics classes. The number of respondents was 28 pupils. The respondents wrote a story, describing what kind of their school lunch situation should be. The story was based on youngsters own vision of school lunch situations. In this study the material is collected by the narrative method and the stories were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions: According to the results these youngsters wanted their lunch to be more cosier and also more quiet. School lunches should be the moment when they can eat in peace and at the same talk with their friends in the pleasant surroundings. The food selection should be more varied, including both salad and main food as well as bread.
Adverse health behaviors as well as obesity are key risk factors for chronic diseases. Working conditions also contribute to health outcomes. It is possible that the effects of psychosocially strenuous working conditions and other work-related factors on health are, to some extent, explained by adverse behaviors. Previous studies about the associations between several working conditions and behavioral outcomes are, however, inconclusive. Moreover, the results are derived mostly from male populations, one national setting only, and with limited information about working conditions and behavioral risk factors. Thus, with an interest in employee health, this study was set to focus on behavioral risk factors among middle-aged employees. More specifically, the main aim was to shed light on the associations of various working conditions with health behaviors, weight gain, obesity, and symptoms of angina pectoris. In addition to national focus, international comparisons were included to test the associations across countries thereby aiming to produce a more comprehensive picture. Furthermore, a special emphasis was on gaining new evidence in these areas among women. The data derived from the Helsinki Health Study, and from collaborative partners at the Whitehall II Study, University College London, UK, and the Toyama University, Japan. In Helsinki, the postal questionnaires were mailed in 2000-2002 to employees of the City of Helsinki, aged 40 60 years (n=8960). The questionnaire data covered e.g., socio-economic indicators and working conditions such as Karasek s job demands and job control, work fatigue, working overtime, work-home interface, and social support. The outcome measures consisted of smoking, drinking, physical activity, food habits, weight gain, obesity, and symptoms of angina pectoris. The international cohorts included comparable data. Logistic regression analysis was used. The models were adjusted for potential confounders such as age, education, occupational class, and marital status subject to specific aims. The results showed that working conditions were mostly unassociated with health behaviors, albeit some associations were found. Low job strain was associated with healthy food habits and non-smoking among women in Helsinki. Work fatigue, in turn, was related to drinking among men and physical inactivity among women. Work fatigue and working overtime were associated with weight gain in Helsinki among both women and men. Finally, work fatigue, low job control, working overtime, and physically strenuous work were associated with symptoms of angina pectoris among women in Helsinki. Cross-country comparisons confirmed mostly non-existent associations. High job strain was associated with physical inactivity and smoking, and passive work with physical inactivity and less drinking. Working overtime, in turn, related to non-smoking and obesity. All these associations were, however, inconsistent between cohorts and genders. In conclusion, the associations of the studied working conditions with the behavioral risk factors lacked general patters, and were, overall, weak considering the prevalence of psychosocially strenuous work and overtime hours. Thus, based on this study, the health effects of working conditions are likely to be mediated by adverse behaviors only to a minor extent. The associations of work fatigue and working overtime with weight gain and symptoms of angina pectoris are, however, of potential importance to the subsequent health and work ability of employees.
This literature review was undertaken to inform a settings based health promotion research project, conducted by a public health research team at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). The aim of this project is to identify how transport workplaces can support their truck drivers to access healthy food options and increase physical activity. Truck drivers in Australia are at increased risk of numerous chronic diseases, in part due to the restrictions placed upon them by the environment in which they work. Barriers to good health through adequate nutrition and physical activity are the result of a complex interaction between government regulations, corporate policies, the built environment and individual factors. Few interventions target this population in a meaningful and sustainable way, though evidence exists for interventions which can be translated into truck drivers working environment.
Presentado en el IIe Colloque International de l'IEHA: « Un aliment sain dans un corps sain ». Perspectives historiques - «Healthy Food in a Healthy Body», organizado por el Institut Européen d'Histoire de l'Alimentation y celebrado en Tours los días 14 y 15 de diciembre de 2002.
A alimentação fora do domicílio tem aumentado em muitos países, inclusive no Brasil, e esse hábito tem sido associado com o aumento da obesidade em países desenvolvidos. O objetivo desse trabalho é caracterizar a alimentação fora do domicílio na população brasileira e avaliar sua associação com a obesidade. Utilizou-se os dados da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF) 2002-2003 realizada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Foram incluídos na análise todos os indivíduos acima de 10 anos (N=146.525). Estimou-se as frequências de consumo de alimentos fora do domicílio segundo idade, gênero, nível de escolaridade, renda mensal familiar per capita, situação do domicílio (urbana/rural) e localização do domicílio (município da capital do estado ou outro). O consumo de alimentos fora do domicílio foi definido como a aquisição de, pelo menos, um tipo de alimento para consumo fora de casa no período de sete dias. Foram também estimadas as frequências do consumo de nove grupos de alimentos (bebidas alcoólicas, refrigerantes, biscoitos, frutas, doces, leite e derivados, refeições, fast foods e salgadinhos), segundo idade, gênero, renda mensal familiar per capita e situação do domicílio. Uma segunda análise avaliou a associação entre consumo fora de casa e obrepeso/obesidade dos indivíduos entre 25 e 65 anos de idade residentes em domicílios situados na área urbana (N=56.178). A prevalência de consumo fora do domicílio foi de 35%, sendo maior para os adultos jovens, do gênero masculino, com maior nível de escolaridade e de renda mensal familiar per capita, residentes em domicílios situados na área urbana e no município da capital. O grupo dos refrigerantes entre os demais itens alimentares foi o que apresentou maior frequência de consumo fora de casa no Brasil. O consumo de alimentos fora de casa foi positivamente associado com sobrepeso e obesidade somente em homens. O consumo de refeições e de refrigerantes fora do domicílio apresentou maior associação com sobrepeso e obesidade entre os homens, no entanto apresentou associação negativa entre as mulheres. Os gastos com refeições consumidas fora do domicílio foram em média quase três vezes maiores do que os gastos com o consumo de fast-foods. Em conclusão, a idade, o gênero, a escolaridade, a renda e o local de moradia influenciam o consumo de alimentos fora do domicílio, fatores a serem incorporados nas políticas públicas de alimentação saudável. Particularmente os homens parecem fazer escolhas alimentares menos saudáveis quando se alimentam fora do domicílio.
A tese descreve o consumo de alimentos marcadores da qualidade da dieta no Brasil e identifica os alimentos que mais contribuem com a ingestão de açúcar e sódio no país. Foram utilizados para este fim os dados do Sistema Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico (VIGITEL) realizado nos anos de 2007, 2008 e 2009 e os dados provenientes do primeiro Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação (INA) realizado nos anos de 2008-2009 no Brasil. Os resultados são apresentados na forma de quatro artigos. O primeiro artigo avaliou as questões marcadoras de consumo alimentar do Sistema VIGITEL e sua evolução temporal e inclui 135.249 indivíduos de 27 cidades brasileiras, entrevistados nos anos de 2007 2009. Para os demais artigos, utilizou-se os dados obtidos no INA, para descrever os alimentos mais consumidos no país segundo sexo, grupo etário, região e faixa de renda familiar per capita (artigo 2) e identificar os alimentos que mais contribuem para o consumo de sódio (artigo 3) e de açúcar na população brasileira (artigo 4). As análises do INA baseiam-se em informações do primeiro de dois dias não consecutivos de registro alimentar de 34.003 indivíduos com 10 anos ou mais de idade. Os resultados apresentados indicam que a alimentação dos brasileiros vem se caracterizando pela introdução de alimentos processados de alta densidade energética e bebidas com adição de açúcar, embora os hábitos tradicionais de alimentação, como o consumo de arroz e feijão, ainda sejam mantidos. Entre as bebidas açucaradas os refrigerantes aparecem como importante marcador da qualidade da dieta na população brasileira. Os dados do VIGITEL evidenciaram aumento no consumo deste item de 7% e dentre os itens avaliados no inquérito, foi o que mais discriminou o consumo alimentar na população. De acordo com os dados do INA, o refrigerante foi um dos itens mais consumidos pelos brasileiros, e constitui-se também como marcador do consumo de açúcar total, de adição e livre, juntamente com sucos, café e biscoitos doces. Adolescentes apresentaram o maior consumo de açúcar, comparados aos adultos e idosos e este resultado pode ser explicado pelo alto consumo de bebidas açucaradas e biscoitos doces observado nesta faixa etária. Quanto ao consumo de sódio, alimentos processados, como carne salgada, carnes processadas, queijos, biscoitos salgados, molhos e condimentos, sanduíches, pizzas e pães figuraram entre as principais fontes de sódio na dieta do brasileiro. Nossos achados reafirmam a importância de políticas de alimentação e nutrição, que estimulem o consumo de alimentos saudáveis, como frutas, verduras e grãos integrais, e a manutenção do consumo de alimentos básicos tradicionais, como o feijão. O sistema VIGITEL deve contemplar itens do consumo alimentar que possam ter impacto na redução das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis.
The ever-increasing population of the world and the growing need for animal protein has doubled the modern man’s demand for food. Additionally, the improvement in the general public health, and the worsening of environmental/ecological pollution have prompted today’s world to look for ways to procure healthy food. And one such attempt is the use of natural preservatives to decrease the bacterial load in foodstuffs, in other words, to increase their durability. This study evaluates the effects of different concentrations of Zataria multiflora Bioss (EO 0, 0.005, 0.015, 0.045, 0.135, 0.405%) and Nisin (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 μg/ml) and storage time (9 days) on the growth of Lactococcus garvieae Ir-170A(856bp) alone, and their combination in a food model system (fillets of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Additionally, the growth of a sample of this bacteria in laboratory conditions was studied. The results of this study showed that different concentrations of Nisin had a significant impact (p<0.05) on Lactococcus garvieae. With the value of t in 0.75 μg/ml, the effectiveness rose to 65.77%; the biggest effect on Lactococcus garvieae. And the effect at 4 0C exceeded 80C. The study has also demonstrated that all concentrations of Zataria multiflora Bioss were effective against Lactococcus garvieae. However, with the value of t at 0.405%, the effectiveness was 71.91%. This value had the biggest effect on Lactococcus garvieae. At 4 0C, the effect surpassed the one at 80C. The synergistic effects of the EO and Nisin showed that with the value of t at 0.405% EO and 0.75 μg/ml Nisin was 14.62% had the greatest effect on Lactococcus garvieae. In this study, multi-factorial effects for different concentrations of Zataria multiflora Bioss (EO 0, 0.005, 0.015, 0.0025%), three different concentrations of 122 Nisin (0, 0.25,0.75 μg/ml) and two different levels of PH (5.5 , 7) at two incubation temperatures (15,37) on logp% of Lactococcus garvieae during 43 days in BHI broth were evaluated. Most of the effects on Lactococcus garvieae occurred in PH 5.5 and at a temperature of 150C.
OBJECTIVE: Despite rapid declines over the last two decades, coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality rates in the British Isles are still amongst the highest in Europe. This study uses a modelling approach to compare the potential impact of future risk factor scenarios relating to smoking and physical activity levels, dietary salt and saturated fat intakes on future CHD mortality in three countries: Northern Ireland (NI), Republic of Ireland (RoI) and Scotland.
METHODS: CHD mortality models previously developed and validated in each country were extended to predict potential reductions in CHD mortality from 2010 (baseline year) to 2030. Risk factor trends data from recent surveys at baseline were used to model alternative future risk factor scenarios: Absolute decreases in (i) smoking prevalence and (ii) physical inactivity rates of up to 15% by 2030; relative decreases in (iii) dietary salt intake of up to 30% by 2030 and (iv) dietary saturated fat of up to 6% by 2030. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses were then conducted.
RESULTS: Projected populations in 2030 were 1.3, 3.4 and 3.9 million in NI, RoI and Scotland respectively (adults aged 25-84). In 2030: assuming recent declining mortality trends continue: 15% absolute reductions in smoking could decrease CHD deaths by 5.8-7.2%. 15% absolute reductions in physical inactivity levels could decrease CHD deaths by 3.1-3.6%. Relative reductions in salt intake of 30% could decrease CHD deaths by 5.2-5.6% and a 6% reduction in saturated fat intake might decrease CHD deaths by some 7.8-9.0%. These projections remained stable under a wide range of sensitivity analyses.
CONCLUSIONS: Feasible reductions in four cardiovascular risk factors (already achieved elsewhere) could substantially reduce future coronary deaths. More aggressive polices are therefore needed in the British Isles to control tobacco, promote healthy food and increase physical activity.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Educação (Área de Especialização em Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014
Increases in gross domestic product (GDP) beyond a threshold of basic needs do not lead to further increases in well-being. An explanation is that material consumption (MC) also results in negative health externalities. We assess how these externalities influence six factors critical for well-being: (i) healthy food; (ii) active body; (iii) healthy mind; (iv) community links; (v) contact with nature; and (vi) attachment to possessions. If environmentally sustainable consumption (ESC) were increasingly substituted for MC, thus improving well-being and stocks of natural and social capital, and sustainable behaviours involving non-material consumption (SBs-NMC) became more prevalent, then well-being would increase regardless of levels of GDP. In the UK, the individualised annual health costs of negative consumption externalities (NCEs) currently amount to £62 billion for the National Health Service, and £184 billion for the economy (for mental ill-health, dementia, obesity, physical inactivity, diabetes, loneliness and cardiovascular disease). A dividend is available if substitution by ESC and SBs-NMC could limit the prevalence of these conditions.
As artes culinárias, os seus intervenientes e a envolvente associada às mesmas, assumem hoje um interesse crescente por parte dos consumidores, podendo funcionar como uma ferramenta de educação, tornando os consumidores mais recetivos à influência da alimentação na saúde. Por outro lado, o entretenimento direcionado para alimentação poderá conduzir o consumidor a um desvio das suas práticas alimentares saudáveis, envolvendo os espetadores numa fantasia e glamour, de cenários encenados que parecem reais em particular para pessoas sem qualificações em artes culinárias. Esta investigação pretende aferir a perceção dos Chefs sobre o conceito de alimentação saudável e a sua influência no bem-estar das pessoas na região da grande Lisboa. Metodologicamente, realizaram-se entrevistas a Chefs, privilegiando o método qualitativo. A informação recolhida foi tratada recorrendo-se à análise de conteúdo, utilizando-se o software QSR Nvivo 10®. As entrevistas seguiram um guião pré-estabelecido, incidindo sobre os seguintes temas: i) hábitos alimentares dos Chefs em casa; ii) perceção sobre alimentação saudável; iii) práticas em contexto de trabalho. Os Chefs percecionaram corretamente o conceito de alimentação saudável e associaram o bem-estar como o principal benefício associado à sua prática. Porém, nos seus locais de trabalho, os Chefs referem que se sentem pressionados pelas questões economicistas aquando da elaboração das suas receitas. Importa pois promover uma oferta alimentar atrativa e simultaneamente saudável, contribuindo para o bem-estar das pessoas.
Field lab in marketing: Children consumer behaviour
PURPOSE: In obesity prevention, understanding psychosocial influences in early life is pivotal. Reviews reported contradictory results and a lack of longitudinal studies focusing on underlying lifestyle factors. This study tested whether psychosocial Quality-Of-Life (QOL) was associated with pre-schoolers' lifestyle and adiposity changes over one school year and whether lifestyle moderated the latter. It was hypothesised that QOL might not impact adiposity in everybody but that this might depend on preceding lifestyle. METHOD: Longitudinal data from 291 Swiss pre-schoolers (initially 3.9-6.3 years) was available. The following measures were used in longitudinal regressions: psychosocial QOL by PedsQL, adiposity (BMI z-score, waist, fat%), diet (food frequency), sedentary time and accelerometer-based activity. RESULTS: Concerning lifestyle, low psychosocial QOL was only related to unfavourable changes in diet (less fruit β = 0.21 and more fat intake β = -0.28) and lower physical activity (β = 0.21). Longitudinal QOL-adiposity relations appeared only after moderation by lifestyle factors (beta-range 0.13-0.67). Low psychosocial QOL was associated with increased adiposity in children with an unhealthy diet intake or high sedentary time. By contrast, low psychosocial QOL was associated with decreasing adiposity in high fruit consumers or more physically active pre-schoolers. CONCLUSION: Results emphasise the need for testing moderation in the QOL-adiposity relation. An unhealthy diet can be a vulnerability factor and high physical activity a protective factor in QOL-related adiposity. Consequently, QOL and lifestyle should be targeted concurrently in multi-factorial obesity prevention. The environment should be an 'activity encouraging, healthy food zone' that minimises opportunities for stress-induced eating. In addition, appropriate stress coping skills should be acquired.
Au Canada, la proportion de la population âgée de 65 ans et plus a augmenté depuis 1980. Bien que la dénutrition ne soit pas inévitable avec le vieillissement, certains changements et facteurs physiopathologiques, environnementaux et psycho socio-économiques peuvent entraîner une détérioration des choix alimentaires et donc, de la qualité de vie des aînés [1]. Plusieurs études font le lien entre l’état nutritionnel et la morbidité ainsi qu’avec les capacités fonctionnelles [2]. Ces observations expliquent l'intérêt de la prévention et du traitement de la dénutrition afin d’optimiser la prise alimentaire et un meilleur état de santé de cette population. Objectifs :1) Explorer les barrières individuelles et socio-environnementales, réelles et perçues, qui peuvent mener à la détérioration des choix et de la qualité alimentaires et entraîner une dénutrition chez les personnes âgées vivant à domicile. 2) Examiner la distribution de ces facteurs dans la population à l’étude. 3) Étudier la relation entre ces facteurs afin de dresser un portrait plus éclairé des déterminants négatifs de l’alimentation chez les adultes âgés pour mieux comprendre les barrières à la prise alimentaire saine. Méthodologie : Il s'agit d'une analyse secondaire réalisée à partir des données recueillies auprès des participants (n=1 602), âgés entre 67 et 84 ans,de l’Étude longitudinale québécoise sur la nutrition et le vieillissement réussi (NuAge) débutée en 2003 et dont le suivi était prévu sur cinq ans [3]. Le but principal de NuAge était de déterminer le rôle de la nutrition dans l’accomplissement d’un vieillissement réussi. Les données comprennent des mesures socio-démographiques, nutritionnelles, fonctionnelles, sociales de même que biologiques et médicales. À partir d'un modèle théorique des déterminants de la prise alimentaire chez la population âgée, ces données ont été mises en lien avec la qualité alimentaire. Cette dernière a été déterminée selon l’adaptation canadienne de l’indice d’alimentation saine (C-HEI), calculé à partir des données alimentaires et nutritionnelles obtenues par le questionnaire de fréquence alimentaire administré aux participants au T1, soit à leur entrée dans l'étude. Résultats : Les barrières qui pourraient freiner la qualité alimentaire des femmes incluent un statut affectif fragile et un fonctionnement social limité. Ce qui ressort, comme étant des barrières au C-HEI chez les hommes, est un revenu perçu comme étant insuffisant pour satisfaire les besoins, le port de prothèses dentaires et le fait de manger souvent au restaurant. Étonnamment, le nombre d’attitudes positives relatives à l’alimentation et un score plus élevé de la composante mentale du SF-36 prédisent un C-HEI plus faible. La nature des réponses auto rapportées pourrait expliquer ces résultats. Conclusion : Les résultats de cette recherche permettent de mieux comprendre les barrières d’une saine alimentation au sein d’une population bien-portante. Il est souhaité que les résultats contribueront au développement d’interventions efficaces ciblant les personnes âgées pour favoriser un apport nutritionnel et un état de santé optimal.