756 resultados para health food store
Background and Objective: Estimates of dietary folate intake are currently of considerable interest, but no rapid tools are available to assess dietary intake of folate that are well suited to everyday health promotion activities, We developed and tested the reliability and validity of two prototypes of a rapid dietary assessment tool (a folate intake tool, FIT) to determine dietary intake of folate. Study Design and Setting: Five hundred and sixty eight men and women aged 33-93 years from Perth, Western Australia. Completed one of the two prototypes of the tool and gave a fasting blood sample for measurement of serum folate. A subset (n - 277) of participants completed the same tool on a second occasion 3-6 weeks later. Results: The Pearson correlations (r) between folate score from the tool and serum folate were moderately high for both prototypes (FIT-A r = 0.54-, FIT-B r = 0.49). The folate scores for the two prototypes were similar on repeat testing and correlated strongly (FIT-A r = 0.75; FIT-B r = 0.68). Conclusions: The rapid dietary assessment tool described here, FIT, provides a valid and reliable measurement of dietary intake of folate for both men and women. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Focuses on deprived neighbourhoods where instances of “food deserts” have been found and explores, through focus groups, consumer experiences of food store choices. Focusing on suburban neighbourhoods in Portsmouth, identifies significant differences in experiences of choice both between and within neighbourhoods. In some localities, the research also finds dissatisfaction with the (supposedly-coveted) “small local store”. Shows that choice is very different from provision, and conceptualises how consumers’ circumstances, situation and individual characteristics can significantly reduce a broad theoretical provision of food stores to a limited set of perceived real choices.
Background Sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.) are a nutritious fruit which are rich in polyphenols and have high antioxidant potential. Most sweet cherries are consumed fresh and a small proportion of the total sweet cherries production is value added to make processed food products. Sweet cherries are highly perishable fruit with a short harvest season, therefore extensive preservation and processing methods have been developed for the extension of their shelf-life and distribution of their products. Scope and Approach In this review, the main physicochemical properties of sweet cherries, as well as bioactive components and their determination methods are described. The study emphasises the recent progress of postharvest technology, such as controlled/modified atmosphere storage, edible coatings, irradiation, and biological control agents, to maintain sweet cherries for the fresh market. Valorisations of second-grade sweet cherries, as well as trends for the diversification of cherry products for future studies are also discussed. Key Findings and Conclusions Sweet cherry fruit have a short harvest period and marketing window. The major loss in quality after harvest include moisture loss, softening, decay and stem browning. Without compromising their eating quality, the extension in fruit quality and shelf-life for sweet cherries is feasible by means of combination of good handling practice and applications of appropriate postharvest technology. With the drive of health-food sector, the potential of using second class cherries including cherry stems as a source of bioactive compound extraction is high, as cherry fruit is well-known for being rich in health-promoting components.
A Sociedade é cada vez mais exigente, e para satisfazer o consumidor quer em qualidade quer em segurança alimentar, a legislação em vigor deve ser cumprida com rigor, de forma a garantir que os produtos da origem até ao consumo sejam alimentos seguros. O presente trabalho aborda a importância da segurança alimentar, desde a origem ao consumo, com destaque nas exigências sanitárias contidas no Regulamento (CE) 852/2004, em vigor desde 1 de janeiro de 2006, tendo sempre em conta as boas práticas de higiene dos manipuladores intervenientes, das instalações, equipamentos, receção das matérias-primas, armazenagem das mesmas e respetivo processamento dos alimentos. Aborda-se ainda a Norma ISO 22000, que especifica os requisitos para um sistema de gestão da segurança alimentar e que combina os elementos-chave geralmente reconhecidos como essenciais, que permitem assegurar a segurança dos géneros alimentícios ao longo da cadeia alimentar até ao seu consumo final. Para além destes temas são abordados ainda dois exemplos práticos relativos à implementação da segurança alimentar desde a origem da matéria-prima, até ao consumo de alimentos em dois setores. O primeiro é o de uma empresa do setor de distribuição, enquadrando-se nesta o fornecedor de origem, onde se realizam as etapas de abate, desmancha e embalamento, e o segundo é do setor da restauração.
Introdução – O recurso à utilização de plantas com fins terapêuticos, é uma das mais antigas formas de prática medicinal da humanidade, sobretudo por parte da população de países menos desenvolvidos, que ainda hoje, segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde, recorre, em muitas situações, à utilização das plantas medicinais como a única forma de acesso aos cuidados básicos de saúde. Porém, e apesar do advento da medicina moderna, que se correndo do avanço da biotecnologia, por meio da qual as plantas, consideradas medicinais, podem ter seu potencial terapêutico aprovado pela ciência para fins medicamentosos, uma parte significativa da comercialização de plantas medicinais continua a não ser feita em farmácias ou lojas de produtos naturais, mas sim comercializadas em feiras livres, pelos chamados raizeiros. Partindo deste enquadramento, os objetivos centrais desta investigação foram: identificar quais as espécies de plantas medicinais mais indicadas por comerciantes, raizeiros, no tratamento de feridas e que são comercializadas nas mais importantes feiras livres da cidade de Maceió, e caracterizar a fonte de conhecimento desses raizeiros, em relação às mesmas. Métodos – Realizou-se um estudo que seguiu os pressupostos de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, de matriz transversal, com recurso a uma amostra não probabilística, acidental e por conveniência constituída por 26 raizeiros, na sua maioria pertencentes ao do grupo etário dos 37-52 anos (46,14%), que desenvolvem a atividade comercial de plantas medicinais como sua única e/ou principal atividade produtiva (76,90%), e em que 50% são do sexo feminino. Como instrumento de recolha de dados recorreu-se à entrevista, a partir de convites efectuados pela autora do estudo na sequência da realização de visitas às principais feiras livres da cidade de Maceió-AL. Resultados – Os dados recolhidos pela totalidade das entrevistas permitiram constatar que o barbatimão (Stryphnodendron barbatiman) é a planta mais frequentemente indicada para o tratamento em feridas, logo seguida da Aroeira (MyracrodruonurundeuvaLâmina), e da Sambacaitá (Hyptis pectinata). As menos recomendadas são a Garra do Diabo (Harpagophytum procubens); a Jatobá (Hymenae acourbaril L.) e a Babosa (Aloe arborescens). A maioria dos raizeiros afirmaram também que recomendavam a “casca” e a “entre casca” como a forma farmacêutica mais eficaz. Em relação à aprendizagem/ conhecimento sobre a utilização medicinal do barbatimão (Stryphnodendron barbatiman): 69,3% dos raizeiros entrevistados afirmaram ter aprendido com familiares; 19,2 com amigos e 11,5% através de conversas com outros comerciantes do mesmo ramo de negócio. Cem por cento dos entrevistados afirmaram que o Stryphnodendron barbatiman, independetemente de ser a planta mais recomendada pelos raizeiros, é a planta mais procurada pela população e, que segundo a mesma, é a que apresenta um melhor resultado. Apenas 50% dos entrevistados refere que o barbatimão é armazenado seco e ensacado, e quanto questionados sobre a validade do mesmo, 69,3% dos raizeiros afirmaram que esse prazo é indeterminado. Quanto à duração da “terapia” pelo barbatimão, 100% dos raizeiros entrevistados, afirmaram que deve permanecer durante o tempo que o paciente ou o profissional de saúde que estiver acompanhando o caso, julgar necessário. Conclusões – Os resultados deste estudo vêm confirmar que o recurso à utilização de plantas com fins terapêuticos no tratamento de feridas, por parte da população brasileira, continua sendo muito usual, sendo o barbatimão (Stryphnodendron barbatimam) o mais indicado e conhecido pela cultura popular. Nesse sentido é relevante que, por um lado, o profissional de enfermagem, procure entender a utilização dessa planta medicinal, popularmente utilizada, com afirmativa de êxito, no tratamento de feridas, e por outro, entendemos ser necessária a realização de estudos multidisciplinares que permitam a ampliação e a profundidade dos conhecimentos das plantas medicinais, como agem, quais são os seus efeitos tóxicos e colaterais, e quais as suas verdadeiras indicações terapêuticas. Palavras-chave: Plantas Medicinais, Ferimentos e lesões, Tratamento, Enfermagem, Raizeiros.
Objectives To determine whether a home based exercise programme can improve outcomes in patients with knee pain. Design Pragmatic, factorial randomised controlled trial of two years' duration. Setting Two general practices in Nottingham. Participants 786 men and women aged >45 years with self reported knee pain. Interventions Participants were randomised to four groups to receive exercise therapy, monthly telephone contact, exercise therapy plus telephone contact, or no intervention. Patients in the no intervention and combined exercise and telephone groups were randomised to receive or not receive a placebo health food tablet. Main outcome measures Primary outcome was self reported score for knee pain on the Western Ontario and McMaster universities (WOMAC) osteoarthritis index at two years. Secondary outcomes included knee specific physical function and stiffness (scored on WOMAC index), general physical function (scored on SF36 questionnaire), psychological outlook (scored on hospital anxiety and depression scale), and isometric muscle strength. Results 600 (76.3%) participants completed the study. At 24 months, highly significant reductions in knee pain were apparent for the pooled exercise groups compared with the nonexercise groups (mean difference –0.82, 95% confidence interval –1.3 to –0.3). Similar improvements were observed at 6, 12, and 18 months. Regular telephone contact alone did not reduce pain. The reduction in pain was greater the closer patients adhered to the exercise plan. Conclusions A simple home based exercise programme can significantly reduce knee pain. The lack of improvement in patients who received only telephone contact suggests that improvements are not just due to psychosocial effects because of contact with the therapist.
Orthodox teaching and practice on nutrition and health almost always focuses on nutrients, or else on foods and drinks. Thus, diets that are high in folate and in green leafy vegetables are recommended, whereas diets high in saturated fat and in full-fat milk and other dairy products are not recommended. Food guides such as the US Food Guide Pyramid are designed to encourage consumption of healthier foods, by which is usually meant those higher in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients seen as desirable.What is generally overlooked in such approaches, which currently dominate official and other authoritative information and education programmes, and also food and nutrition public health policies, is food processing. It is now generally acknowledged that the current pandemic of obesity and related chronic diseases has as one of its important causes increased consumption of convenience including pre-prepared foods(1,2). However, the issue of food processing is largely ignored or minimised in education and information about food, nutrition and health, and also in public health policies.A short commentary cannot be comprehensive, and a general proposal such as that made here is bound to have some problems and exceptions. Also, the social, cultural, economic and environmental consequences of food processing are not discussed here. Readers comments and queries are invited
Phenolic compounds have been extensively studied in recent years. The presence of these compounds in various foods has been associated with sensory and health promoting properties. These products from the secondary metabolism of plants act as defense mechanisms against environmental stress and attack by other organisms. They are divided into different classes according to their chemical structures. The objective of this study was to describe the different classes of phenolic compounds, the main food sources and factors of variation, besides methods for the identification and quantification commonly used to analyze these compounds. Moreover, the role of phenolic compounds in scavenging oxidative stress and the techniques of in vitro antioxidant evaluation are discussed. In vivo studies to evaluate the biological effects of these compounds and their impact on chronic disease prevention are presented as well. Finally, it was discussed the role of these compounds on the sensory quality of foods.
AICMA 2012 (BIT's 1st Annual International Congress of Marine Algae), World Expo Center, Dalian, China, 20-23 de Setembro.
Background Over the years, food industry wastes have been the focus of a growing interest due to their content in high added-value compounds. A good example are the olive oil by-products (OOBP), which retain a great amount of phenolic compounds during olive oil production. Their structure and biological properties justify their potential use as antioxidants in other food products. The efficient recovery of phenolic compounds has been extensively studied and optimized in order to maximize their reintroduction in the food chain and contribute to a higher valorization and better management of wastes from olive oil industry. Scope and approach This paper reviews the most representative phenolic compounds described in OOBP and their biological properties. New extraction procedures to efficiently recover these compounds and the most advanced chromatographic techniques that have been used for a better understanding of the phenolic profile of these complex matrices are also referred. Finally, this paper reports the main applications of OOBP, with emphasis on their phenolic content as natural antioxidants for food applications. Key findings and conclusions Besides their antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds from OOBP have also shown antimicrobial and antitumoral properties. Their application as food antioxidants requires new extraction techniques, including the use of non-toxic solvents and, in a pilot scale, the use of filters and adsorbent resins. The inclusion of phenolic compounds from OOBP in some food matrices have improved not only their antioxidant capacity but also their sensory attributes.
This study aimed to verify the correlation among the nutritional composition of the food consumed in the work environment, the energy expenditure and the nutritional status of workers from different sectors (administration and production) in different industries. The anthropometric data, in addition to the energy expenditure and food intake at lunch were evaluated for 292 workers, all of them included in the Brazilian Worker Food Program (also called PAT). The food consumption was assessed from the direct observation of the meal, for five consecutive days. The obtained data were analyzed by Pearson correlation test and by a Principal Components Analysis. Prevalence of overweight was detected in the studied population, according to the Body Mass Index (BMI). A statistically significant difference was found in terms of the energy expenditure of physical activity and daily energy expenditure in relation to gender and the working sector. The obtained results indicate that there is significant positive correlation (p < 0.01) between the following variables: body weight and BMI (r = 0.84), weight and daily energy expenditure (DEE) (r = 0.52), BMI and DEE (r = 0.27), DEE and energy (r = 0.38), and energy and lipid intake (r = 0.50). These findings seems to indicate the importance of ensuring an adequate balance of nutrients at meals, due to the heterogeneity of workers, in particular in the case of those workers who perform tasks or functions requiring less energy expenditure.
The Official Food Safety laboratories have a critical role in ensuring food safety and public health for the whole population of the Republic of Ireland. These public health laboratories are made up of 7 microbiological testing laboratories and 3 chemical or Public Analyst’s laboratories. The laboratories are regionally based and offer an accredited (INAB) service to 10 health boards thus spanning the country. The role of the laboratories is to test food for compliance with the relevant legislation and guidelines, identify food-borne hazards and disease outbreaks, provide essential risk assessment information for national and international needs, provide a food testing service for consumers and a water testing service on a national basis. They also participate in dedicated National and EU surveys under the auspices of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI). There has been significant investment and development in food-related public health protection in Ireland in recent years. However, there are still a number of issues that have the potential to impact on these laboratories in delivering a fully effective public health service in a cost efficient manner. Building on what has been achieved to date, this strategic review identifies those issues to be addressed in order to ensure (1) a cost effective national co-ordinated food safety laboratory service, (2) that future laboratory service needs are accounted for in the delivery of their Public Health role, and (3) that this Service meets both national and international requirements and standards.
The Food and Health Project offers practical healthy eating and lifestyle courses to groups cooking on a lower income. Courses offered include: C/O Athlone Community Taskforce Ball Alley Lane Athlone Westmeath HSE and community group Initiative Type Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Longford Westmeath Funding HSE and community group Partner Agencies HSE
Provision of community based Healthy Food Made Easy, Cool Dude and related courses. Based at Birchgrove Community Centre, Birchgrove, Portlaoise. HSE Initiative Type Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Laois Offaly Funding HSE Partner Agencies HSE Health Promotion