189 resultados para glicomacropeptídeo (GMP)
Many effects of nitric oxide (NO) are mediated by the activation of guanylyl cyclases and subsequent production of the second messenger cyclic guanosine-3',5'-monophosphate (cGMP). cGMP activates cGMP-dependent protein kinases (PRKGs), which can therefore be considered downstream effectors of NO signaling. Since NO is thought to be involved in the regulation of both sleep and circadian rhythms, we analyzed these two processes in mice deficient for cGMP-dependent protein kinase type I (PRKG1) in the brain. Prkg1 mutant mice showed a strikingly altered distribution of sleep and wakefulness over the 24 hours of a day as well as reductions in rapid-eye-movement sleep (REMS) duration and in non-REM sleep (NREMS) consolidation, and their ability to sustain waking episodes was compromised. Furthermore, they displayed a drastic decrease in electroencephalogram (EEG) power in the delta frequency range (1-4 Hz) under baseline conditions, which could be normalized after sleep deprivation. In line with the re-distribution of sleep and wakefulness, the analysis of wheel-running and drinking activity revealed more rest bouts during the activity phase and a higher percentage of daytime activity in mutant animals. No changes were observed in internal period length and phase-shifting properties of the circadian clock while chi-squared periodogram amplitude was significantly reduced, hinting at a less robust oscillator. These results indicate that PRKG1 might be involved in the stabilization and output strength of the circadian oscillator in mice. Moreover, PRKG1 deficiency results in an aberrant pattern, and consequently a reduced quality, of sleep and wakefulness, possibly due to a decreased wake-promoting output of the circadian system impinging upon sleep.
En la asignatura de Farmacia Galénica III y Gestión de Calidad se ha llevado a cabo una actividad de campo en el curso 2011/2012, que consistía en una visita a 4 labo-ratorios farmacéuticos autorizados (Kern Pharma, Almirall, Reig Jofré y Novartis) para ver evidencias de cumplimientos de las NCF o GMP (Normas de Correcta Fa-bricación o Good Manufacturing Practices) en el entorno profesional y real.El objetivo del estudio es evaluar la capacidad analítica de los estudiantes de 4º cur-so de farmacia en cuanto a cumplimiento de las NCF. Para el desarrollo de la activi-dad se han organizado los estudiantes en diferentes grupos con la finalidad de “auditar”. La actividad implicaba preparar un cuestionario previo, realizar la visita y elaborar el informe final. Los resultados obtenidos han sido que aproximadamente un 97,1% de los alumnos han superado esta actividad con una nota media de 8,23. Se constata que la realización de esta actividad por parte de los estudiantes comporta una mejora de la calificación final de la asignatura respecto al curso previo.
Puhdastilojen suunnittelussa pyritään saamaan hallittu ja valvottu ilmanpuhtaus luokiteltuun tilaan.Luokittelu tapahtuu puhdastilastandardeilla, lisäksi lääkevalmisteita valmistettavassa tilassa GMP -säädösten mukaisin luokituksin. Puhdastilastandardi ISO 14644 käsittää seitsemän osaa, jossa on käsitelty puhdastilaa koskevia määräyksiä suunnittelusta käyttöön ja testaukseen. GMP-säädökset sisältävät yhdeksän kappaletta, joista kappale 3: 'Tilat ja laitteet' on keskeinen osa lääkeainevalmistuksen puhdastilasuunnittelua. Puhtaan ilman aikaansaamiseksi puhdastilaan merkittävimmät roolit ovat ilmanvaihdolla, puhdastilarakenteilla ja rakennusautomaatiolla. Ilma voidaan tuoda tilaan kolmella eri periaatteella. Ilmaa tuodaan tilaan yhdensuuntaisesti, turbulenttisesti tai sekavirtauksena HEPA -suodattimien kautta, joilla varmistetaan epäpuhtauksien korkea suodatusaste. Ilmapoistetaan rei'itettyjen, korotettujen lattioiden kautta tai tilan alaosassa olevien poistoilmasäleikköjen kautta, josta se johdetaan noin 75-90%:sti kierrätettynä takaisin tilaan. Lääketeollisuudessa rei'itettyjä, korotettuja lattioita eivoida käyttää kontaminaatiovaaran, vuoksi. Tilaan suunniteltuja olosuhteita ylläpidetään rakennusautomaation avulla ja monitorointijärjestelmällä valvotaan tilassa olevan ilman laatua. Kaikki GMP-luokituksen mukaiset puhdastilat tulee validoida. Validointiin kuuluu teknisten järjestelmien kvalifiointi ja koko prosessin validointi. Teknisten järjestel-mien kvalifiointi käsittää suunnitelmien tarkastuksen (DQ), asennus - ja käyttöönotto tarkastukset (IQ), toiminnan testauksen (OQ) ja suorituksen testauksen (PQ). Kvali-fiointi kuuluu yhtenä osa-alueena validointiin. Prosessin validointi on osa yrityksen laadunvarmistusta. Validoinnilla hankitaan dokumentoidut todisteet siitä, että tila tai prosessi todella täyttää annetut vaatimukset. Tässä työssä laadittiin esimerkinomainen kvalifiointisuunnitelma puhdastilan tekni-sille järjestelmille. Suunnitelma sisältää asennus- ja käyttöönoton mukaiset tarkastukset (IQ)ja toiminnan aikaiset testaukset (OQ).
Aquest projecte s’emmarca dins els sistemes de sanejament i forma part del projecte GEISTTAR finançat pel Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) (CTM2011-27163) liderat per la investigadora Maite Pijuan, el qual te l’objectiu d’estudiar la formació de gasos d’efecte hivernacle que es produeixen en Estacions Depuradores d’Aigües Residuals (EDARs), concretament en el reactor biològic. Una tasca dins el projecte, liderada per l’investigador Lluís Corominas, és la modelització de processos biològics en l’EDAR de Granollers per ajudar a entendre els mecanismes de degradació de matèria orgànica i nitrogen. Aquest treball estableix les bases per poder realitzar aquesta modelització en estat estacionari, seguint els passos proposats pel Good Modelling Practice (GMP) Task Group de la IWA. Els objectius específics que es proposen són l’anàlisi i estudi dels resultats del test de traçadors realitzat per l’Institut Català de Recerca de l’Aigua (ICRA) i realitzar una bona recopilació de dades sobre l’EDAR de Granollers per facilitar els estudis posteriors a aquest projecte.
Spontaneous CD8 T-cell responses occur in growing tumors but are usually poorly effective. Understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms that drive these responses is of major interest as they could be exploited to generate a more efficacious antitumor immunity. As such, stimulator of IFN genes (STING), an adaptor molecule involved in cytosolic DNA sensing, is required for the induction of antitumor CD8 T responses in mouse models of cancer. Here, we find that enforced activation of STING by intratumoral injection of cyclic dinucleotide GMP-AMP (cGAMP), potently enhanced antitumor CD8 T responses leading to growth control of injected and contralateral tumors in mouse models of melanoma and colon cancer. The ability of cGAMP to trigger antitumor immunity was further enhanced by the blockade of both PD1 and CTLA4. The STING-dependent antitumor immunity, either induced spontaneously in growing tumors or induced by intratumoral cGAMP injection was dependent on type I IFNs produced in the tumor microenvironment. In response to cGAMP injection, both in the mouse melanoma model and an ex vivo model of cultured human melanoma explants, the principal source of type I IFN was not dendritic cells, but instead endothelial cells. Similarly, endothelial cells but not dendritic cells were found to be the principal source of spontaneously induced type I IFNs in growing tumors. These data identify an unexpected role of the tumor vasculature in the initiation of CD8 T-cell antitumor immunity and demonstrate that tumor endothelial cells can be targeted for immunotherapy of melanoma.
Drying is a major step in the manufacturing process in pharmaceutical industries, and the selection of dryer and operating conditions are sometimes a bottleneck. In spite of difficulties, the bottlenecks are taken care of with utmost care due to good manufacturing practices (GMP) and industries' image in the global market. The purpose of this work is to research the use of existing knowledge for the selection of dryer and its operating conditions for drying of pharmaceutical materials with the help of methods like case-based reasoning and decision trees to reduce time and expenditure for research. The work consisted of two major parts as follows: Literature survey on the theories of spray dying, case-based reasoning and decision trees; working part includes data acquisition and testing of the models based on existing and upgraded data. Testing resulted in a combination of two models, case-based reasoning and decision trees, leading to more specific results when compared to conventional methods.
Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) production of nitric oxide (NO) has been mostly associated with so-called nitrosative stress or interaction with superoxide anion. However, recent investigations have indicated that, as for the other isoenzymes producing NO, guanylyl cyclase (GC) is a very sensitive target of iNOS activity. To further investigate this less explored signaling, the NO-cyclic guanosine 3'-5'-monophosphate (NO-cGMP)-induced vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) phosphorylation on serine 239 was investigated in human embryonic kidney 293 cells (HEK cells). First, the expression and activity of alpha2 and beta1 NO-sensitive GC subunits was determined by Western blot analysis, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and NO donors administration. Then, the expression of a functional cGMP-dependent protein kinase I (PKGI) was verified by addition of 8-Br-cGMP followed by determination of phosphorylation of VASP on serine 239. Finally, iNOS activation of this signaling pathway was characterized after transfection of HEK cells with human iNOS cDNA. Altogether our data show that iNOS-derived NO activates endogenous NO-sensitive GC and leads to VASP phosphorylation in HEK cells.
In pig and humans, whose kidneys have a multi-calyceal collecting system, the initiation of ureteral peristalsis takes place in the renal calyces. In the pig and human ureter, recent evidence suggests that nitric oxide (NO) is an inhibitory mediator that may be involved in the regulation of peristalsis. This study was designed to assess whether the NO synthase/NO/cyclic GMP pathway modulates the motility of pig isolated calyceal smooth muscle. Immunohistochemistry revealed a moderate overall innervation of the smooth muscle layer, and no neuronal or inducible NO synthase (NOS) immunoreactivities. Endothelial NOS immunoreactivities were observed in the urothelium and vascular endothelium, and numerous cyclic GMP-immunoreactive (-IR) calyceal smooth muscle cells were found. As measured by monitoring the conversion of L-arginine to L-citrulline, Ca(2+)-dependent NOS activity was moderate. Assessment of functional effects was performed in tissue baths and showed that NO and SIN-1 decreased spontaneous and induced contractions of isolated preparations in a concentration-dependent manner. In strips exposed to NO, there was a 10-fold increase of the cyclic GMP levels compared with control preparations (P < 0.01). It is concluded that a non-neuronal NOS/NO/cyclic GMP pathway is present in pig calyces, where it may influence motility. The demonstration of cyclic GMP-IR smooth muscle cells suggests that NO acts directly on these cells. This NOS/NO/cyclic GMP pathway may be a target for drugs inhibiting peristalsis of mammalian upper urinary tract. Neurourol. Urodynam. 18:673-685, 1999.
Nitric oxide (NO) is a cellular messenger which is mutagenic in bacteria and human TK6 cells and induces deamination of 5-methylcytosine (5meC) residues in vitro. The aims of this study were: (i) to investigate whether NO induces 5meC deamination in codon 248 of the p53 gene in cultured human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B); and (ii) to compare NO mutagenicity to that of ethylnitrosourea (ENU), a strong mutagen. Two approaches were used: (i) a novel genotypic assay, using RFLP/PCR technology on purified exon VII sequence of the p53 gene; and (ii) a phenotypic (HPRT) mutation assay using 6-thioguanine selection. BEAS-2B cells were either exposed to 4 mM DEA/NO (Et2N[N2O2]Na, an agent that spontaneously releases NO into the medium) or transfected with the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) gene. The genotypic mutation assay, which has a sensitivity of 1 x 10(-6), showed that 4 mM ENU induces detectable numbers of G --> A transitions in codon 248 of p53 while 5-methylcytosine deamination was not detected in either iNOS-transfected cells or cells exposed to 4 mM DEA/NO. Moreover, ENU was dose-responsively mutagenic in the phenotypic HPRT assay, reaching mutation frequencies of 24 and 96 times that of untreated control cells at ENU concentrations of 4 and 8 mM respectively; by contrast, 4 mM DEA/NO induced no detectable mutations in this assay, nor were any observed in cells transfected with murine iNOS. We conclude that if NO is at all promutagenic in these cells, it is significantly less so than the ethylating mutagen, ENU.
NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">Alphaproteobacteria include many medically and environmentally important organisms. Despite the diversity of their niches and lifestyles, from free-living to host-associated, they usually rely on very similar mechanisms to control their cell cycles. Studies on Caulobacter crescentus still lay the foundation for understanding the molecular details of pathways regulating DNA replication and cell division and coordinating these two processes with other events of the cell cycle. This review highlights recent discoveries on the regulation and the mode of action of conserved global regulators and small molecules like c-di-GMP and (p)ppGpp, which play key roles in cell cycle control. It also describes several newly identified mechanisms that modulate cell cycle progression in response to stresses or environmental conditions.
Neurons which release atrial natriuretic peptide (ANPergic neurons) have their cell bodies in the paraventricular nucleus and in a region extending rostrally and ventrally to the anteroventral third ventricular (AV3V) region with axons which project to the median eminence and neural lobe of the pituitary gland. These neurons act to inhibit water and salt intake by blocking the action of angiotensin II. They also act, after their release into hypophyseal portal vessels, to inhibit stress-induced ACTH release, to augment prolactin release, and to inhibit the release of LHRH and growth hormone-releasing hormone. Stimulation of neurons in the AV3V region causes natriuresis and an increase in circulating ANP, whereas lesions in the AV3V region and caudally in the median eminence or neural lobe decrease resting ANP release and the response to blood volume expansion. The ANP neurons play a crucial role in blood volume expansion-induced release of ANP and natriuresis since this response can be blocked by intraventricular (3V) injection of antisera directed against the peptide. Blood volume expansion activates baroreceptor input via the carotid, aortic and renal baroreceptors, which provides stimulation of noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus and possibly also serotonergic neurons in the raphe nuclei. These project to the hypothalamus to activate cholinergic neurons which then stimulate the ANPergic neurons. The ANP neurons stimulate the oxytocinergic neurons in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei to release oxytocin from the neural lobe which circulates to the atria to stimulate the release of ANP. ANP causes a rapid reduction in effective circulating blood volume by releasing cyclic GMP which dilates peripheral vessels and also acts within the heart to slow its rate and atrial force of contraction. The released ANP circulates to the kidney where it acts through cyclic GMP to produce natriuresis and a return to normal blood volume
During three decades, an enormous number of studies have demonstrated the critical role of nitric oxide (NO) as a second messenger engaged in the activation of many systems including vascular smooth muscle relaxation. The underlying cellular mechanisms involved in vasodilatation are essentially due to soluble guanylyl-cyclase (sGC) modulation in the cytoplasm of vascular smooth cells. sGC activation culminates in cyclic GMP (cGMP) production, which in turn leads to protein kinase G (PKG) activation. NO binds to the sGC heme moiety, thereby activating this enzyme. Activation of the NO-sGC-cGMP-PKG pathway entails Ca2+ signaling reduction and vasodilatation. Endothelium dysfunction leads to decreased production or bioavailability of endogenous NO that could contribute to vascular diseases. Nitrosyl ruthenium complexes have been studied as a new class of NO donors with potential therapeutic use in order to supply the NO deficiency. In this context, this article shall provide a brief review of the effects exerted by the NO that is enzymatically produced via endothelial NO-synthase (eNOS) activation and by the NO released from NO donor compounds in the vascular smooth muscle cells on both conduit and resistance arteries, as well as veins. In addition, the involvement of the nitrite molecule as an endogenous NO reservoir engaged in vasodilatation will be described.
A proteólise do leite UAT/UHT durante a estocagem à temperatura ambiente é um dos fatores limitantes de sua vida de prateleira. Neste trabalho, dois lotes de leite cru contendo 10 amostras cada e, posteriormente ao processamento, dois lotes de leite UAT/UHT contendo 25 amostras cada foram colhidos em um laticínio para a contagem de microrganismos psicrotróficos (leite cru) e para o estudo do comportamento reológico e o índice proteolítico (leite UAT/UHT durante 120 dias de estocagem). Para a contagem de microrganismos psicrotróficos, foi utilizada a técnica da contagem padrão em placas. Para a determinação do índice proteolítico, foi determinada a presença de glicomacropeptídeo livre por espectrofotometria a 470 nm. A determinação dos parâmetros reológicos foi efetuada à temperatura ambiente, em quintuplicata em um reômetro de cone e placa. Houve aumento da proteólise no decorrer do armazenamento e aumento da viscosidade aparente após 60 dias de estocagem, provavelmente relacionados à presença de proteases de bactérias psicrotróficas do leite cru.
During enzymatic process of cheese manufacturing, rennin cleaves κ-casein releasing two fractions: para-κ-casein and glycomacropeptide (GMP), which remains soluble in milk whey. GMP is a peptide with structural particularities such as chain carbohydrates linked to specific threonine residues, to which a great variety of biological activities is attributed. Worldwide cheese production has increased generating high volumes of milk whey that could be efficiently used as an alternative source of high quality peptide or protein in foodstuff formulations. In order to evaluate isolation and recovery on whey GMP by means of thermal treatment (90 °C), 18 samples (2 L each) of sweet whey, resuspended commercial whey (positive control) and acid whey (negative control) were processed. Indirect presence of GMP was verified using chemical tests and PAGE-SDS 15%. At 90 °C treated sweet whey, 14, 20 and 41 kDa bands were observed. These bands may correspond to olygomers of GMP. Peptide recovery showed an average of 1.5 g/L (34.08%). The results indicate that industrial scale GMP production is feasible; however, further research must be carried out for the biological and nutritional evaluation of GMP's incorporation to foodstuff as a supplement.
The potential of functional foods to decrease the risks of chronic non-communicable diseases has motivated the development of products with beneficial effects on fat and carbohydrate metabolism. The present study aimed at analyzing the physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory properties of a bioactive food blend developed to help the nutritional therapy provided to hypolipidemic and hyperglycemic patients with HIV/AIDS treated with antiretroviral therapy. The food blend was evaluated for moisture, protein, carbohydrate, fats, fixed mineral residue, total fiber content, and fatty acid composition, according to the standards established by the Instituto Adolfo Lutz. Food safety was assessed by microbiological analyses for Bacillus cereus, Salmonella spp, and coliforms. Sensory acceptance and intention to purchase were also evaluated. The food blend showed good nutritional potential, with low atherogenicity and thrombogenicity indexes, good macronutrient balance, and high energy value. The adoption of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) resulted in a product suitable for consumption. With respect to sensory aspects, the food blend showed satisfactory indexes of acceptability and promising marketing potential.