955 resultados para feeding behavior


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A poluição sonora é um grave problema nos oceanos devido à eficiência de propagação do som na água e à importância da comunicação acústica para os organismos marinhos. Delfinídeos utilizam o som para comunicação, coordenação de grupo, percepção do hábitat e busca por alimentos, já tendo sido demonstrado que podem alterar suas vocalizações em função do aumento do ruído subaquático. O presente estudo realizou uma comparação dos assobios do boto-cinza Sotalia guianensis em dois ambientes acústicos distintos, um silencioso e um ruidoso, dentro da Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Também foram realizadas investigadas as relações dos parâmetros acústicos dos assobios de S. guianensis com os valores de pressão sonora do ruído subaquático. O sistema de gravação foi totalmente calibrado e consistiu de um gravador digital Marantz PMD670 com taxa de amostragem de 96 kHz e um hidrofone HTI-96MIN (5 Hz 30 kHz, sensibilidade média de -170,5 dB re 1 Pa). As gravações realizadas dos assobios e do ruído subaquático ocorreram simultaneamente em duas regiões da baía: a APA de Guapimirim e o Canal central. Durante o período de amostragem os grupos de S. guianensis foram observados em três estados comportamentais: alimentação, deslocamento e socialização; foram anotadas também informações quanto a tamanho e composição de grupo. A análise dos assobios foi realizada no software Raven 1.4 e 10 parâmetros acústicos foram extraídos. Também foi calculada a razão de emissão de assobios. A análise de ruído subaquático foi realizada no software Adobe Audition 1.5, onde foram extraídos valores de pressão sonora do ruído 300ms imediatamente antes de cada assobio analisado, sendo utilizados para análise estatística os maiores valores de pressão sonora dentro de sete intervalos de frequência. Um Teste U de Mann-Whitney foi aplicado para comparar os parâmetros acústicos dos assobios e os valores de pressão sonora das duas regiões amostradas. Esta comparação foi feita para cada estado comportamental observado durante a coleta. Posteriormente foi realizado um teste de correlações de Spearman para investigar a relação entre os parâmetros acústicos e os valores de pressão sonora. Este teste também foi feito separadamente para cada estado comportamental. No comportamento de alimentação foi encontrada diferença na duração, na frequência central e em todos os valores de pressão sonora. Durante o comportamento de socialização foi encontrada diferença na duração e em todos os valores de pressão sonora. Durante o comportamento de alimentação foi encontrada relação entre cinco parâmetros acústicos, a taxa de vocalização e a pressão sonora. Durante o comportamento de socialização foi encontrada relação entre a duração e a pressão sonora. S. guianensis alterou seu comportamento acústico em situações ruidosas, diminuindo a duração e aumentando a taxa de vocalização. Na Baía de Guanabara esta espécie está exposta diariamente a poluição sonora, sendo a APA de Guapimirim o ambiente acústico menos perturbado a que S. guianensis tem acesso.


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O desmame precoce (DP) leva ao desenvolvimento tardio de obesidade e de resistência insulínica (RI), sendo essas alterações prevenidas quando os animais são suplementados com cálcio. Sabe-se que os peptídeos gastrointestinais (GI) atuam na regulação do apetite e em diversos outros processos, podendo ter um papel relevante no desenvolvimento da obesidade e RI. Uma vez que os animais programados pelo DP são obesos e hiperfágicos, investigamos o perfil plasmático e tecidual de GLP-1, CCK e PYY (anorexígenos) de grelina (orexígena) e de seus receptores, assim como o efeito da dieta rica em cálcio sobre estes peptídeos a fim de identificar algum distúrbio no controle do apetite. Ao nascimento das proles, ratas lactantes Wistar foram separadas em: grupo DP (desmame precoce, n=20), filhotes cujas mães tiveram as mamas enfaixadas, impedindo o acesso da prole ao leite nos últimos 3 dias de lactação; e grupo C (controle, n=10), filhotes com livre acesso ao leite materno. Aos 120 dias, as proles DP foram subdivididas em: grupo DP, alimentado com ração comercial padrão, e grupo DPCa, alimentado com ração suplementada com cálcio (10g de carbonato de cálcio/Kg de ração). Os animais foram sacrificados aos 21 e 180 dias de vida. Quantificamos: GLP-1, CCK, PYY, grelina e citocinas (IL-6, TNF-α e IL-10) plasmáticas por ELISA; o conteúdo de grelina no estômago por ELISA e imunohistoquímica; o conteúdo de GLP-1 (intestino), GLP1-R (intestino, TA e ARC) e GHSR-1a (estômago e ARC) por Western blotting. Dados significativos quando p<0,05. Aos 21 dias, a prole DP apresentou aumento de GLP-1 no plasma (+168%) e GLP1-R no tecido adiposo (+72%), embora menor conteúdo de GLP-1 (-59%) e GLP1-R (-58%) no intestino. Não observamos alterações plasmáticas de grelina, CCK e PPY e no conteúdo de GHSR-1a no estômago aos 21 dias. Aos 180 dias, não verificamos diferença em nenhum dos peptídeos GI no plasma na prole DP. Porém, observamos menor conteúdo intestinal de GLP-1 tanto no grupo DP (-33%) quanto no DPCa (-32%), e uma tendência da grelina (+20%) e do GHSR-1a (+31%) a estarem elevados no estômago do grupo DP. Além de menor conteúdo de GLP1-R no tecido adiposo no grupo DP (-59%) e maior conteúdo de GLP1-R no intestino da prole DPCa (+62%). Não encontramos diferença entre os grupos na expressão de GLP1-R e GHSR-1a no ARC. O grupo DP apresentou ainda um perfil pró-inflamatório caracterizado por maior TNF-α e menor IL-10 no plasma. O DP alterou o perfil dos peptídeos GI a curto e longo prazos, o que pode ter colaborado para o desenvolvimento da obesidade, hiperfagia e RI neste modelo, uma vez que o GLP-1, único peptídeo alterado no período de imprinting, possui um possível papel adipogênico. A suplementação com cálcio foi capaz de reverter todas as alterações produzidas pelo DP. Evidenciamos, então, a importância do aleitamento materno na formação do comportamento alimentar e do balanço metabólico, bem como o papel da suplementação com cálcio no tratamento da obesidade e seus distúrbios associados, inclusive nas alterações do apetite.


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Crianças de mães fumantes são mais suscetíveis a se tornarem adultos obesos e se viciarem em drogas ou alimentos palatáveis. Drogas e alimentos ativam a via mesolímbica de recompensa, causando sensação de prazer que induz ainda mais o consumo. Assim, avaliamos a relação entre a exposição apenas à nicotina ou à fumaça do cigarro durante a lactação com a preferência alimentar e sistema dopaminérgico de recompensa cerebral das proles, em dois modelos de programação: Modelo I: no 2o dia pós-natal (PN), lactantes receberam implante de minibombas osmóticas que liberam nicotina (NIC) ou salina (C), durante 14 dias. Em PN150 e novamente em PN160, as proles foram divididas em 4 grupos para um desafio alimentar: N-SC e C-SC que receberam ração padrão; N-SSD e C-SSD que podiam escolher livremente entre as dietas hiperlipídica e hiperglicídica. A ingestão alimentar foi avaliada após 12 h. As mães foram sacrificadas apenas na 21 da lactação (desmame) e as proles em PN15 (com nicotina), PN21 e PN170 (ausência da NIC). Ao desmame, as ratas lactantes NIC apresentaram menor conteúdo de tirosina hidroxilase (TH), maior OBRb e SOCS3 na area tegmentar ventral (VTA); menor TH, maior receptor de dopamina 1 (D1R), receptor de dopamina 2 (D2R) e transportador de dopamina (DAT) no núcleo accumbens (NAc); maior conteúdo de TH no estriado dorsal (DS); e maior D2R e SOCS3 no núcleo arqueado (ARC). Em PN15, os filhotes NIC apresentaram maior conteúdo de D1R, D2R e menor DAT no NAc, enquanto em PN21, apresentaram apenas menor DAT no DS, e menor conteúdo de pSTAT3 em ARC. Aos 170 dias, as proles SSD demonstraram maior preferência para a ração hiperlipídica. No entanto, os animais N-SSD consumiram mais ração hiperglicidica do que as proles C-SSD. A prole N apresentou menor conteúdo de D2R e DAT no NAc e menor D2R no ARC. Modelo II: as mães e suas proles foram divididas em: expostos à fumaça do cigarro (grupo S: 4 vezes / dia, do 3 ao 21 dia de lactação), e expostos ao ar filtrado (grupo C). Em PN175, as proles foram divididas em 4 grupos para o desafio alimentar S-SC, C-SC, S-SSD e C-SSD. A ingestão alimentar foi avaliada após 30 min e 12 h. Em PN180, as proles foram sacrificadas. O grupo S-SSD ingeriu mais das rações palatáveis do que o grupo C-SSD em 30 min e 12 h. Ambos os grupos preferiram a ração hiperlipídica. No entanto, os animais S-SSD consumiram mais ração hiperlipídica do que C-SSD em 30 min. A prole S apresentou menor conteúdo de TH no VTA, menor conteúdo de TH, D2R e maior conteúdo de D1R no NAc e menor OBRb no ARC. Demonstramos que tanto a nicotina isolada como a exposição à fumaça do cigarro durante a lactação resultaram em mudanças no sistema dopaminérgico das proles, programando o comportamento alimentar devido à diminuição da dopamina no NAc.


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A obesidade é um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública que cresce em todo o mundo, resultante de um desequilíbrio entre ingestão alimentar e gasto energético. Pode-se dizer que a obesidade é o principal fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas de maior prevalência como dislipidemias, doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes do tipo 2 e esteatose hepática não alcóolica, acarretando na redução da qualidade e expectativa de vida. A Grelina é um hormônio sintetizado pelo estômago, que atua em diferentes tecidos através de um receptor específico (GHS-R1a), incluindo hipotálamo e tecidos periféricos, como o fígado. Esse hormônio está envolvido no comportamento alimentar e adiposidade, modulando o armazenamento ou utilização dos substratos energéticos no coração, músculo esquelético, adipócitos e fígado, além disso, revela-se de grande importância na manutenção do metabolismo energético hepático. Estes dados suportam a hipótese de que as vias de sinalização responsivas à grelina são um importante componente da regulação do metabolismo energético hepático e da homeostase glicêmica. O objetivo deste trabalho, foi estudar o metabolismo energético hepático e a sinalização da grelina em camundongos Swiss adultos obesos submetidos a dieta ocidental rica em gordura saturada e carboidratos simples. Avaliamos o efeito desta dieta a partir do 21 dia de idade (desmame) até o 133 dia destes animais, através de parâmetros biométricos e bioquímicos, avaliação histomorfológica, respirometria de alta resolução, conteúdo de glicogênio hepático e conteúdo de algumas proteínas envolvidas na sinalização de insulina e grelina, além do metabolismo energético hepático. Baseado em nossos resultados observamos que o consumo de dieta ocidental rica em gordura saturada e carboidrato simples durante 16 semanas causa hiperfagia, levando ao quadro de obesidade na idade adulta e prejuízo nas vias de sinalização dos hormônios insulina e grelina, que são importantes moduladores do metabolismo energético hepático, favorecendo o desenvolvimento de esteatose hepática não alcoólica.


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The carnivorous feeding behavior of some adults of Schizothorax longipinnis Heckel was observed during 1979-81 and the details are presented in this communication.


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Humans perform fascinating science experiments at home on a daily basis when they undertake the modification of natural and naturally-derived materials by a cooking process prior to consumption. The material properties of such foods are of interest to food scientists (texture is often fundamental to food acceptability), oral biologists (foods modulate feeding behavior), anthropologists (cooking is probably as old as the genus Homo and distinguishes us from all other creatures) and dentists (foods interact with tooth and tooth replacement materials). Materials scientists may be interested in the drastic changes in food properties observed over relatively short cooking times. In the current study, the mechanical properties of one of the most common (and oldest at 4,000+ years) foods on earth, the noodle, were examined as a function of cooking time. Two types of noodles were studied, each made from natural materials (wheat flour, salt, alkali and water) by kneading dough and passing them through a pasta-making machine. These were boiled for between 2-14 min and tested at regular intervals from raw to an overcooked state. Cyclic tensile tests at small strain levels were used to examine energy dissipation characteristics. Energy dissipation was >50% per cycle in uncooked noodles, but decreased by an order of magnitude with cooking. Fractional dissipation values remained approximately constant at cooking times greater than 7 min. Overall, a greater effect of cooking was on viscoplastic dissipation characteristics rather than on fracture resistance. The results of the current study plot the evolution of a viscoplastic mixture into an essentially elastic material in the space of 7 minutes and have broad implications for understanding what cooking does to food materials. In particular, they suggest that textural assessment by consumers of the optimally cooked state of food has a definite physical definition. © 2007 Materials Research Society.


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A novel 28-amino acid peptide, termed bombinakinin-GAP, was purified and characterized from skin secretions of the toad Bombina maxima. Its primary structure was established as DMYEIKQYKTAHGRPPICAPGEQCPIWV-NH2, in which two cysteines form a disulfide bond. A FASTA search of SWISS-PROT databank detected a 32% sequence identity between the sequences of the peptide and a segment of rat cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART). Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of the peptide induced a significant decrease in food intake in rats, suggesting that it played a role in the control of feeding by brain. Analysis of its cDNA structure revealed that this peptide is coexpressed with bombinakinin M, a bradykinin-related peptide from the same toad. Bombinakinin-GAP appears to be the first example of a novel class of bioactive peptides from amphibian skin, which may be implicated in feeding behavior. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Cetacean respiration usually happen in bouts. The most widely applied quantitative method used to analyze the structure of these bouts is the log(e)-survivorship analysis, based on the assumption that the respiratory intervals are distributed as negative exponentials. However, for the data collected from three captive Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis), we failed to obtain a convergent result with the application of log,survivorship analysis. However, the two-Gaussian model, which was recently proposed to analyze the feeding behavior of cows, was successfully fitted to the data. According to the fitting results, the overall respiratory pattern of the captive Yangtze finless porpoises can be described as a dive with a mean duration of around 30-40 s, followed by two or three ventilations with a mean interval of approximately 9 s. The average intra-bout intervals during both active and inactive periods are constant at 7.7-9.9 s for all individuals. However, when shifting from active to inactive states, the adult male and female decrease their mean numbers of respirations per bout and average length of inter-bout respiratory intervals, while the estimates of both parameters increase for the juvenile female. It was pointed out that the two-Gaussian model might be more adequate for cetacean respiratory-bout structure analyses than the log(e)-survivorship technique.


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In the current abalone hatchery in China, insufficient diatoms on vertically placed corrugated pvc plates at later stage often could not support the growth of postlarvae up to the stage that they can feed on live macroalgae. As a result, stripping the spats (35 mm) off by anaesthetization and switching the diet from live diatoms to artificial powdered diet in combination has to be performed in most of the abalone farms. This manipulation normally leads to more than 50% mortality. Here we report the direct use of the unicellular green alga Platymonas helgolandica Kylin var. tsingtaoensis as a potential alga to be used to settle the veliger larvae of the Pacific abalone Haliotis discus hannai and to feed the postlarvae. Settlement rate of 2-day-old veliger larvae in mono culture of P helgolandica could be as high as 92% ( +/- 4.2%) on day 10 in small scale trials, higher than that in the selected benthic diatom strain (53.6% +/- 12.7%) when settled in the water in which bacteria propagation was controlled by treatment of 2 ppm of benzylpenicillinum calcium and streptomycin sulfate. Postlarvae fed solely on P. helgolandica or the selected benthic diatom Navicula-2005-A grew at rates of 40.1 ( +/- 1.9) and 45.8 (+/- 13.4) mu m day(-1), respectively, when raised at 22 degrees C until day 50 postfertilization. P. helgolandica was shown to have distinct diurnal settling rhythm characterized with a peak of settled cells in the middle of the night for cell division and a peak of free-swimming cells in the middle of the day. High density of attached P. helgolandica cells on the inner surface of the culture facility in the night fits the nocturnal feeding behavior of the abalone spats. Judged by the promising larvae settling rate, growth and survival rates of the postlarvae fed with this alga, the free-swimming micro-green alga P. helgolandica constitutes a potential species for settling the veliger larvae and for supporting the growth of postlarvae as well. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Fatty acids in milk reflect the interplay between species-specific physiological mechanisms and maternal diet. Anthropoid primates (apes, Old and New World monkeys) vary in patterns of growth and development and dietary strategies. Milk fatty acid profiles also are predicted to vary widely. This study investigates milk fatty acid composition of five wild anthropoids (Alouatta palliata, Callithrix jacchus, Gorilla beringei beringei, Leontopithecus rosalia, Macaca sinica) to test the null hypothesis of a generalized anthropoid milk fatty acid composition. Milk from New and Old World monkeys had significantly more 8:0 and 10:0 than milk from apes. The leaf eating species G. b. beringei and A. paliatta had a significantly higher proportion of milk 18:3n-3, a fatty acid found primarily in plant lipids. Mean percent composition of 22:6n-3 was significantly different among monkeys and apes, but was similar to the lowest reported values for human milk. Mountain gorillas were unique among anthropoids in the high proportion of milk 20:4n-6. This seems to be unrelated to requirements of a larger brain and may instead reflect species-specific metabolic processes or an unknown source of this fatty acid in the mountain gorilla diet.


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Primate species often eat foods of different physical properties. This may have implications for tooth structure and wear in those species. The purpose of this study was to examine the mechanical defenses of leaves eaten by Alouatta palliata from different social groups at Hacienda La Pacifica in Costa Rica. Leaves were sampled from the home-ranges of groups living in different microhabitats. Specimens were collected during the wet and dry seasons from the same tree, same plant part, and same degree of development as those eaten by the monkeys. The toughness of over 300 leaves was estimated using a scissors test on a Darvell mechanical tester. Toughness values were compared between social groups, seasons, and locations on the leaves using ANOVA. Representative samples of leaves were also sun-dried for subsequent scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analyses in an attempt to locate silica on the leaves. Both forms of mechanical defense (toughness and silica) were found to be at work in the plants at La Pacifica. Fracture toughness varied significantly by location within single leaves, indicating that measures of fracture toughness must be standardized by location on food items. Monkeys made some food choices based on fracture toughness by avoiding the toughest parts of leaves and consuming the least tough portions. Intergroup and seasonal differences in the toughness of foods suggest that subtle differences in resource availability can have a significant impact on diet and feeding in Alouatta palliata. Intergroup differences in the incidence of silica on leaves raise the possibility of matching differences in the rates and patterns of tooth wear.


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Ecosystems are being altered on a global scale by the extirpation of top predators. The ecological effects of predator removal have been investigated widely; however, predator removal can also change natural selection acting on prey, resulting in contemporary evolution. Here we tested the role of predator removal on the contemporary evolution of trophic traits in prey. We utilized a historical introduction experiment where Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) were relocated from a site with predatory fishes to a site lacking predators. To assess the trophic consequences of predator release, we linked individual morphology (cranial, jaw, and body) to foraging performance. Our results show that predator release caused an increase in guppy density and a "sharpening" of guppy trophic traits, which enhanced food consumption rates. Predator release appears to have shifted natural selection away from predator escape ability and towards resource acquisition ability. Related diet and mesocosm studies suggest that this shift enhances the impact of guppies on lower trophic levels in a fashion nuanced by the omnivorous feeding ecology of the species. We conclude that extirpation of top predators may commonly select for enhanced feeding performance in prey, with important cascading consequences for communities and ecosystems.


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Understanding animals' spatial perception is a critical step toward discerning their cognitive processes. The spatial sense is multimodal and based on both the external world and mental representations of that world. Navigation in each species depends upon its evolutionary history, physiology, and ecological niche. We carried out foraging experiments on wild vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) at Lake Nabugabo, Uganda, to determine the types of cues used to detect food and whether associative cues could be used to find hidden food. Our first and second set of experiments differentiated between vervets' use of global spatial cues (including the arrangement of feeding platforms within the surrounding vegetation) and/or local layout cues (the position of platforms relative to one another), relative to the use of goal-object cues on each platform. Our third experiment provided an associative cue to the presence of food with global spatial, local layout, and goal-object cues disguised. Vervets located food above chance levels when goal-object cues and associative cues were present, and visual signals were the predominant goal-object cues that they attended to. With similar sample sizes and methods as previous studies on New World monkeys, vervets were not able to locate food using only global spatial cues and local layout cues, unlike all five species of platyrrhines thus far tested. Relative to these platyrrhines, the spatial location of food may need to stay the same for a longer time period before vervets encode this information, and goal-object cues may be more salient for them in small-scale space.


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We evaluated whether Pavlovian conditioning methods could be used to increase the ingestion of non-preferred solutions by formula-fed human infants. In baseline measures, 5-7 month old infants sucked less frequently and consumed less water than regular formula. During a 3-day olfactory conditioning period, parents placed a small scented disk, the conditioned stimulus, on the rim of their infants' formula bottle at every feeding. Following this training, infants' responses to water were tested when their water bottles had a disk scented with the training odor, a novel odor, or no odor. Infants tested with the training odor sucked more frequently and consumed significantly more water than they had at baseline. Infants tested with no odor or a novel odor consumed water at or below baseline levels. These data demonstrate that olfactory conditioning can be used to enhance ingestion in infants and suggest that such methods may be useful for infants experiencing difficulty when making transitions from one diet to another.


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Starvation during early development can have lasting effects that influence organismal fitness and disease risk. We characterized the long-term phenotypic consequences of starvation during early larval development in Caenorhabditis elegans to determine potential fitness effects and develop it as a model for mechanistic studies. We varied the amount of time that larvae were developmentally arrested by starvation after hatching ("L1 arrest"). Worms recovering from extended starvation grew slowly, taking longer to become reproductive, and were smaller as adults. Fecundity was also reduced, with the smallest individuals most severely affected. Feeding behavior was impaired, possibly contributing to deficits in growth and reproduction. Previously starved larvae were more sensitive to subsequent starvation, suggesting decreased fitness even in poor conditions. We discovered that smaller larvae are more resistant to heat, but this correlation does not require passage through L1 arrest. The progeny of starved animals were also adversely affected: Embryo quality was diminished, incidence of males was increased, progeny were smaller, and their brood size was reduced. However, the progeny and grandprogeny of starved larvae were more resistant to starvation. In addition, the progeny, grandprogeny, and great-grandprogeny were more resistant to heat, suggesting epigenetic inheritance of acquired resistance to starvation and heat. Notably, such resistance was inherited exclusively from individuals most severely affected by starvation in the first generation, suggesting an evolutionary bet-hedging strategy. In summary, our results demonstrate that starvation affects a variety of life-history traits in the exposed animals and their descendants, some presumably reflecting fitness costs but others potentially adaptive.