903 resultados para family law
This article explores the outcomes experienced by abducting primary carer mothers and their children post-return to Australia under the Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.1 The circumstances faced by families that experience international parental child abduction are examined by considering how part VII of the Australian Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) is applied to resolve parenting disputes post-return. At present, the statutory criteria found in part VII encourage an equal shared parental responsibility and shared care parenting approach.2 This emphasis aligns children’s best interests with collaborative parenting3 and their parents living within close geographical proximity of each other to facilitate the practicalities of the approach.4 Arguably, these statutory criteria guide the exercise of judicial discretion to determine a child’s best interests towards a parenting arrangement that is incompatible with the lifestyle and functional characteristics of these families.
This article critiques the usefulness of habitual residence as the sole connecting factor in Hague Convention child abduction cases. This is achieved by examining the quality of this jurisdiction in light of changes in the gender dynamics underpinning international parental child abduction and the transnational family phenomenon. Arguably, the child’s habitual residence as a home environment of the nature anticipated by the Convention’s drafters is an increasingly outdated construct. This is due to an increase in both the number of abducting primary-carer mothers, and their families’ growing mobility. Judicial determinations of habitual residence made during Conven- tion return proceedings are entrenched in the state-centric paradigm. This paradigm is becoming increasingly incompatible with the lives of families which experience international parental child abduction.
This article reports the findings of an empirical study of outcomes experienced by abducting primary-carer mothers and their children post-return to Australia under the Hague Child Abduction Convention. The study specifically focused on legal and factual outcomes post-return to Australia as the child's habitual residence. The study contributes an original critique of the Convention's operation by examining the collective operation of Convention return proceedings and Pt VII proceedings under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) post-return. Convention return proceedings, and the resolution of the substantive parenting dispute post-return to Australia, are not distinct stages operating in isolation. Viewing them as such is a purely theoretical exercise divorced from the reality of the lives of transnational families. Arguably, a better measure of the Convention's success is the outcomes it produces as part of the entire system designed to address the contemporary problem of international parental child abduction. When a child is returned to Australia this system includes the operation of Australian family law.
In the United Kingdom, recent investigations into child sexual abuse occurring within schools, the Catholic Church and the British Broadcasting Corporation, have intensified debate on ways to improve the discovery of child sexual abuse, and child maltreatment generally. One approach adopted in other jurisdictions to better identify cases of severe child maltreatment is the introduction of some form of legislative mandatory reporting to require designated persons to report known and suspected cases. The debate in England has raised the prospect of whether adopting a strategy of some kind of mandatory reporting law is advisable. The purpose of this article is to add to this debate by identifying fundamental principles, issues and complexities underpinning policy and even legislative developments in the interests of children and society. The article will first highlight the data on the hidden nature of child maltreatment and the background to the debate. Secondly, it will identify some significant gaps in knowledge that need to be filled. Thirdly, the article will summarise the barriers to reporting abuse and neglect. Fourthly, we will identify a range of options for, and clarify the dilemmas in developing, legislative mandatory reporting, addressing two key issues: who should be mandated to report, and what types of child maltreatment should they be required to report? Finally, we draw attention to some inherently different goals and competing interests, both between and within the various institutions involved in the safeguarding of children and the criminal prosecution of some offenders. Based on this analysis we offer some concluding observations that we hope contribute to informed and careful debate about mandatory reporting.
This work conducts a comprehensive historical review and analysis of the legislative principles for mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse in each State and Territory of Australia. The research traces and explains all the significant changes in the development of the laws in each jurisdiction since their inception in 1969 to the year 2013. The research also identifies why the legislation changed in each jurisdiction, covering research into publicly available records, focusing on significant government inquiries and law reform reports, and parliamentary debates. The research is situated within a treatment of the modern discovery of child sexual abuse as a widespread phenomenon of significant public health concern.
This commentary offers a feminist analysis of relocation cases through the lens of U v U [2002] HCA 36, and with reference to the re-written judgment for the Australian Feminist Judgments project. First, the commentary considers the gendered nature of relocation cases, and analyses aspects of the reasoning and outcome of U v U that are of concern from a feminist perspective. Second, the commentary discusses how the re-written judgment addresses these concerns, thereby offering a feminist judgment on the issue of relocation in family law.
Busca-se no presente estudo tecer alguns comentários sobre tema muito controvertido: a possibilidade, ou não, de condenação à reparação de danos morais nas relações de família envolvendo idosos. Primeiramente, o objetivo será traçar notas sobre a evolução do direito de família e a importância da Constituição de 1988 nesse contexto. Também será dado destaque para os elementos da responsabilidade civil, a noção de dano moral e os direitos garantidos pelo Estatuto do Idoso. Apontado como paradigma para uma melhor análise do tema principal, será analisada a obrigação de reparar danos morais em razão de abandono afetivo de filho menor. O terceiro ponto, por sua vez, pretende trazer à baila a discussão acerca da responsabilidade civil nas relações com idosos no seio da família. Serão enfrentadas questões importantes, introduzidas por uma análise psicanalítica do processo de envelhecimento. Serão estudados qual o conceito de família e de idoso para os fins da responsabilidade civil, os seus elementos aplicados à hipótese, bem como a possibilidade de reparação pecuniária nestes casos.
Família e direito são instituições culturais em pleno descompasso. Direito e poder obrigam a formação da família pelos mecanismos convencionais, ainda que a sexualidade e o afeto das pessoas se manifeste de forma plural. No âmbito constitucional consagra-se como princípio jurídico a dignidade humana e, como conseqüência, a liberdade, que garante a possibilidade de escolha do indivíduo para decidir como formará a sua família. Impõe-se uma cláusula de não-direito, em que o legislador se autolimita, reconhecendo que a família não é matéria de interesse público, mas sim privado de cada adulto que constitui família. A tutela dessa autonomia privada, que é realizada na esfera infraconstitucional, deve corresponder à infungibilidade dos modelos de família, à ausência de deveres pré-concebidos para moldar a conduta sexual e afetiva, à despatrimonialização da família, para que afeto e união patrimonial sejam escolhas desvinculadas e, finalmente, à própria ausência de modelos de família previstos pela lei que condicionem sugestivamente a escolha das pessoas.
O estudo do domínio público no direito autoral não se resume a analisar os prazos de proteção conferido às obras intelectuais. De tratamento escasso pela doutrina, o tema é bem mais complexo do que aparenta em um primeiro momento, abrangendo diversas áreas do direito e tendo implicações diretas na vida da sociedade. Uma vez que o direito autoral é composto de dois feixes distintos de direitos o patrimonial e o moral compreender o domínio público é, em primeiro lugar, determinar que efeitos decorrem do ingresso de determinada obra em domínio público quanto a cada um de tais grupos de direitos. Além disso, o impacto do domínio público se faz sentir em outras áreas jurídicas, como direito contratual, direito de propriedade, direito do consumidor, direito de família, direito das sucessões. Sem contar com a relação inevitável a aspectos econômicos e sociais relacionados ao uso de obras em domínio público.Esta tese procura determinar a estrutura jurídica do domínio público no direito autoral brasileiro a partir das leis atualmente em vigor, bem como traçar a função do instituto, a fim de dar ao domínio público a importância devida e estimular o desenvolvimento sócio-cultural do país.
Listening to children in the field of education: experience in Wales, (2007) 19 Child and Family Law Quarterly 161-182 pp.161-182 RAE2008
Outlines the ways by which personal property can be acquired through the gift of chattels, referring to case law including the Court of Appeal rulings in Re Cole (A Bankrupt) and Re Kirkland, and through the declaration of trust, with reference to the Chancery Division ruling in Rowe v Prance. Compares this to the use of constructive trusts or proprietary estoppel to secure assets and considers the need to prove detrimental reliance.
Discusses the entitlement to occupation rent where one party to a relationship no longer lives in the matrimonial or family home in which he/she has an interest and a right of occupation. Describes the case law illustrating that forceful exclusion of the non-occupying party is not a prerequisite to entitlement to an occupation rent. Considers the calculation of the parties' respective credits where the occupying party has made mortgage repayments since the separation and the other is entitled to an occupation rent.
Explores the issue of the share of beneficial entitlement to the family home where the legal title is jointly owned, but where there has not been an express declaration of a beneficial joint tenancy. Discusses the House of Lords judgment in Stack v Dowden which addressed this point. Explains how the judges moved the focus away from the court imposing its own sense of fairness on the parties or imputing an intention based on the circumstances to one where the concentration will be on the parties' relevant conduct. Outlines three other points of interest referred to in the judgment: (1) whether an indirect financial contribution could support a constructive trust; (2) whether proprietary estoppel and common intention constructive trusts should be assimilated; and (3) whether a mortgage liability is equivalent to a financial contribution.