950 resultados para false memories


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Current models of motor learning posit that skill acquisition involves both the formation and decay of multiple motor memories that can be engaged in different contexts. Memory formation is assumed to be context dependent, so that errors most strongly update motor memories associated with the current context. In contrast, memory decay is assumed to be context independent, so that movement in any context leads to uniform decay across all contexts. We demonstrate that for both object manipulation and force-field adaptation, contrary to previous models, memory decay is highly context dependent. We show that the decay of memory associated with a given context is greatest for movements made in that context, with more distant contexts showing markedly reduced decay. Thus, both memory formation and decay are strongest for the current context. We propose that this apparently paradoxical organization provides a mechanism for optimizing performance. While memory decay tends to reduce force output, memory formation can correct for any errors that arise, allowing the motor system to regulate force output so as to both minimize errors and avoid unnecessary energy expenditure. The motor commands for any given context thus result from a balance between memory formation and decay, while memories for other contexts are preserved.


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This paper presents the vulnerabilities of single event effects (SEEs) simulated by heavy ions on ground and observed oil SJ-5 research satellite in space for static random access memories (SRAMs). A single event upset (SEU) prediction code has been used to estimate the proton-induced upset rates based oil the ground test curve of SEU cross-section versus heavy ion linear energy transfer (LET). The result agrees with that of the flight data.


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Liu, Yonghuai. Eliminating False Matches for the Projective Registration of Free-Form Surfaces with Small Translational Motions. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 607-624, 2005.


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T. Boongoen and Q. Shen. 'Detecting False Identity through Behavioural Patterns', In Proceedings of International Crime Science Conference, British Library, London UK, 2008. Publisher's online version forthcoming.;The full text is currently unavailable in CADAIR pending approval by the publisher. Sponsorship: UK EPSRC grant EP/D057086


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Programmers of parallel processes that communicate through shared globally distributed data structures (DDS) face a difficult choice. Either they must explicitly program DDS management, by partitioning or replicating it over multiple distributed memory modules, or be content with a high latency coherent (sequentially consistent) memory abstraction that hides the DDS' distribution. We present Mermera, a new formalism and system that enable a smooth spectrum of noncoherent shared memory behaviors to coexist between the above two extremes. Our approach allows us to define known noncoherent memories in a new simple way, to identify new memory behaviors, and to characterize generic mixed-behavior computations. The latter are useful for programming using multiple behaviors that complement each others' advantages. On the practical side, we show that the large class of programs that use asynchronous iterative methods (AIM) can run correctly on slow memory, one of the weakest, and hence most efficient and fault-tolerant, noncoherence conditions. An example AIM program to solve linear equations, is developed to illustrate: (1) the need for concurrently mixing memory behaviors, and, (2) the performance gains attainable via noncoherence. Other program classes tolerate weak memory consistency by synchronizing in such a way as to yield executions indistinguishable from coherent ones. AIM computations on noncoherent memory yield noncoherent, yet correct, computations. We report performance data that exemplifies the potential benefits of noncoherence, in terms of raw memory performance, as well as application speed.


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Speech can be understood at widely varying production rates. A working memory is described for short-term storage of temporal lists of input items. The working memory is a cooperative-competitive neural network that automatically adjusts its integration rate, or gain, to generate a short-term memory code for a list that is independent of item presentation rate. Such an invariant working memory model is used to simulate data of Repp (1980) concerning the changes of phonetic category boundaries as a function of their presentation rate. Thus the variability of categorical boundaries can be traced to the temporal in variance of the working memory code.


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This article introduces a new neural network architecture, called ARTMAP, that autonomously learns to classify arbitrarily many, arbitrarily ordered vectors into recognition categories based on predictive success. This supervised learning system is built up from a pair of Adaptive Resonance Theory modules (ARTa and ARTb) that are capable of self-organizing stable recognition categories in response to arbitrary sequences of input patterns. During training trials, the ARTa module receives a stream {a^(p)} of input patterns, and ARTb receives a stream {b^(p)} of input patterns, where b^(p) is the correct prediction given a^(p). These ART modules are linked by an associative learning network and an internal controller that ensures autonomous system operation in real time. During test trials, the remaining patterns a^(p) are presented without b^(p), and their predictions at ARTb are compared with b^(p). Tested on a benchmark machine learning database in both on-line and off-line simulations, the ARTMAP system learns orders of magnitude more quickly, efficiently, and accurately than alternative algorithms, and achieves 100% accuracy after training on less than half the input patterns in the database. It achieves these properties by using an internal controller that conjointly maximizes predictive generalization and minimizes predictive error by linking predictive success to category size on a trial-by-trial basis, using only local operations. This computation increases the vigilance parameter ρa of ARTa by the minimal amount needed to correct a predictive error at ARTb· Parameter ρa calibrates the minimum confidence that ARTa must have in a category, or hypothesis, activated by an input a^(p) in order for ARTa to accept that category, rather than search for a better one through an automatically controlled process of hypothesis testing. Parameter ρa is compared with the degree of match between a^(p) and the top-down learned expectation, or prototype, that is read-out subsequent to activation of an ARTa category. Search occurs if the degree of match is less than ρa. ARTMAP is hereby a type of self-organizing expert system that calibrates the selectivity of its hypotheses based upon predictive success. As a result, rare but important events can be quickly and sharply distinguished even if they are similar to frequent events with different consequences. Between input trials ρa relaxes to a baseline vigilance pa When ρa is large, the system runs in a conservative mode, wherein predictions are made only if the system is confident of the outcome. Very few false-alarm errors then occur at any stage of learning, yet the system reaches asymptote with no loss of speed. Because ARTMAP learning is self stabilizing, it can continue learning one or more databases, without degrading its corpus of memories, until its full memory capacity is utilized.


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A working memory model is described that is capable of storing and recalling arbitrary temporal sequences of events, including repeated items. These memories encode the invariant temporal order of sequential events that may be presented at widely differing speeds, durations, and interstimulus intervals. This temporal order code is designed to enable all possible groupings of sequential events to be stably learned and remembered in real time, even as new events perturb the system.


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Autobiographical memories of trauma victims are often described as disturbed in two ways. First, the trauma is frequently re-experienced in the form of involuntary, intrusive recollections. Second, the trauma is difficult to recall voluntarily (strategically); important parts may be totally or partially inaccessible-a feature known as dissociative amnesia. These characteristics are often mentioned by PTSD researchers and are included as PTSD symptoms in the DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). In contrast, we show that both involuntary and voluntary recall are enhanced by emotional stress during encoding. We also show that the PTSD symptom in the diagnosis addressing dissociative amnesia, trouble remembering important aspects of the trauma is less well correlated with the remaining PTSD symptoms than the conceptual reversal of having trouble forgetting important aspects of the trauma. Our findings contradict key assumptions that have shaped PTSD research over the last 40 years.


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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects regions that support autobiographical memory (AM) retrieval, such as the hippocampus, amygdala and ventral medial prefrontal cortex (PFC). However, it is not well understood how PTSD may impact the neural mechanisms of memory retrieval for the personal past. We used a generic cue method combined with parametric modulation analysis and functional MRI (fMRI) to investigate the neural mechanisms affected by PTSD symptoms during the retrieval of a large sample of emotionally intense AMs. There were three main results. First, the PTSD group showed greater recruitment of the amygdala/hippocampus during the construction of negative versus positive emotionally intense AMs, when compared to controls. Second, across both the construction and elaboration phases of retrieval the PTSD group showed greater recruitment of the ventral medial PFC for negatively intense memories, but less recruitment for positively intense memories. Third, the PTSD group showed greater functional coupling between the ventral medial PFC and the amygdala for negatively intense memories, but less coupling for positively intense memories. In sum, the fMRI data suggest that there was greater recruitment and coupling of emotional brain regions during the retrieval of negatively intense AMs in the PTSD group when compared to controls.


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Participants with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and participants with a trauma but without PTSD wrote narratives of their trauma and, for comparison, of the most-important and the happiest events that occurred within a year of their trauma. They then rated these three events on coherence. Based on participants' self-ratings and on naïve-observer scorings of the participants' narratives, memories of traumas were not more incoherent than the comparison memories in participants in general or in participants with PTSD. This study comprehensively assesses narrative coherence using a full two (PTSD or not) by two (traumatic event or not) design. The results are counter to most prevalent theoretical views of memory for trauma.


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In three related experiments, 250 participants rated properties of their autobiographical memory of a very negative event before and after writing about either their deepest thoughts and emotions of the event or a control topic. Levels of emotional intensity of the event, distress associated with the event, intrusive symptoms, and other phenomenological memory properties decreased over the course of the experiment, but did not differ by writing condition. We argue that the act of answering our extensive questions about a very negative event led to the decrease, thereby masking the effects of expressive writing. To show that the changes could not be explained by the mere passage of time, we replicated our findings in a fourth experiment in which all 208 participants nominated a very negative event, but only half the participants rated properties of their memory in the first session. Implications for reducing the effects of negative autobiographical memories are discussed.


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To investigate the neural systems that contribute to the formation of complex, self-relevant emotional memories, dedicated fans of rival college basketball teams watched a competitive game while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). During a subsequent recognition memory task, participants were shown video clips depicting plays of the game, stemming either from previously-viewed game segments (targets) or from non-viewed portions of the same game (foils). After an old-new judgment, participants provided emotional valence and intensity ratings of the clips. A data driven approach was first used to decompose the fMRI signal acquired during free viewing of the game into spatially independent components. Correlations were then calculated between the identified components and post-scanning emotion ratings for successfully encoded targets. Two components were correlated with intensity ratings, including temporal lobe regions implicated in memory and emotional functions, such as the hippocampus and amygdala, as well as a midline fronto-cingulo-parietal network implicated in social cognition and self-relevant processing. These data were supported by a general linear model analysis, which revealed additional valence effects in fronto-striatal-insular regions when plays were divided into positive and negative events according to the fan's perspective. Overall, these findings contribute to our understanding of how emotional factors impact distributed neural systems to successfully encode dynamic, personally-relevant event sequences.