80 resultados para estatinas
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
A periodontite é uma doença crônica inflamatória mediada por marcadores inflamatórios, tais como as citocinas: IL-1β, IL-10 e TNF-α, que provoca a destruição dos tecidos gengivais e osso alveolar, causando perda de inserção dentária e posterior perda dental. A perda óssea é causada pela ativação de prostaglandinas oriundas do ácido araquidônico, através da ação da enzima ciclooxigenase 2 (COX-2), promovendo a liberação de enzimas proteolíticas, as metaloproteinases de matriz, principalmente a MMP-2 e MMP-9, que promovem reabsorção óssea. Além disso, ocorre o desequilíbrio entre a ação de RANKL e OPG, havendo uma maior ativação de RANKL, e por consequência a maior ativação de osteoclastos e maior reabsorção óssea. Mediadores inflamatórios e espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) produzidos localmente possuem potencial para disseminar na corrente sanguínea e iniciar ou exacerbar doenças sistêmicas como as cardiovasculares. O tratamento atual da doença consiste em terapêutica local, mas a necessidade de estudos sobre fármacos de atuação sistêmica culminou nesta pesquisa, que realizou a avaliação dos fármacos: atorvastatin, carvedilol, olmesartan e telmisartan, quanto a sua ação anti-inflamatória sobre a doença periodontal induzida por ligadura em ratos Wistar. Os animais foram divididos em 5 grupos, para cada fármaco, separadamente: (NL) grupo não ligado, (L) grupo ligado sem tratamento, (1mg/Kg) grupo ligado que recebeu dose de 1mg/Kg de fármaco, (5 ou 6 mg/Kg) grupo ligado que recebeu dose de 5 ou 6 mg/Kg de fármaco, (10 mg/Kg) grupo ligado que recebeu dose de 10mg/Kg de fármaco. Foram realizadas avaliações: histopatológica, perda óssea alveolar, imuno-histoquímica (para COX-2, MMP-2, MMP-9, RANK-L, RANK e OPG), e ELISA (para mieloperoxidase, glutationa, malonaldeído e as citocinas: IL-1β, IL-10 e TNF-α). Os grupos tratados com olmesartana a 6 mg/Kg, e atorvastatin, carvedilol e telmisartan a 10mg/Kg, mostraram diminuição da perda óssea, redução de: MPO, MDA, IL-1β, TNF-α, MMP-2, MMP-9, COX-2, RANKL/RANK, e aumento na expressão da OPG e da IL-10.
Statins are widely recognized as hypolipemic drugs, but some studies have observed anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, known as pleiotropic. The aims of this work was to study possible anti-inflammatory effects of simvastatin in abdominal sepsis. Serum pro-inflammatory cytokines and leukocytes count were determined in an experimental model of abdominal sepsis, using cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) in rats. Methods: Twenty eigth Wistar rats weighing 285±12g were randomly divided in: CLP/Sinvastatin rats (n=7), treated with 10 mg/Kg of oral simvastatin 18 and 2 hs berofe CLP; CLP/Saline group rats (n=7), treated with oral saline; group Sham/Simvastatin (n=7), treated with simvastatin, and group Sham/Saline (n=7), treated with saline. Serum TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 by ELISA and total leukocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and eosinophils were determined 24 hs after CLP. ANOVA and Tukey test were used considering significant p<0.05. Results: It was demonstrated that serum TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 were respectively 364,8±42pg/mL; 46,3±18pg/mL and 28,4±13pg/mL in CLP/Sinvastatin rats, significantly lower (p<0.05) than in group CLP/Saline (778,5±86pg/ml; 176,9±46pg/ ml; 133,6±21 pg/ml, respectively). The same results were observed in total leukocytes and neutrophils counts. Conclusion: These results clearly demonstrate that simvastatin is an effective agent that reduces cytokines levels and leukocyte count in sepsis, independently of its well-known lipid-lowering effects. Thus, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors like simvastatin have important anti-inflammatory effects in abdominal sepsis in rats
Statins are widely recognized as hypolipemic drugs, but some studies have observed anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, known as pleiotropic. The aims of this work was to study possible anti-inflammatory effects of simvastatin in abdominal sepsis. Serum pro-inflammatory cytokines and leukocytes count were determined in an experimental model of abdominal sepsis, using cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) in rats. Methods: Twenty eigth Wistar rats weighing 285±12g were randomly divided in: CLP/Sinvastatin rats (n=7), treated with 10 mg/Kg of oral simvastatin 18 and 2 hs berofe CLP; CLP/Saline group rats (n=7), treated with oral saline; group Sham/Simvastatin (n=7), treated with simvastatin, and group Sham/Saline (n=7), treated with saline. Serum TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 by ELISA and total leukocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and eosinophils were determined 24 hs after CLP. ANOVA and Tukey test were used considering significant p<0.05. Results: It was demonstrated that serum TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 were respectively 364,8±42pg/mL; 46,3±18pg/mL and 28,4±13pg/mL in CLP/Sinvastatin rats, significantly lower (p<0.05) than in group CLP/Saline (778,5±86pg/ml; 176,9±46pg/ ml; 133,6±21 pg/ml, respectively). The same results were observed in total leukocytes and neutrophils counts. Conclusion: These results clearly demonstrate that simvastatin is an effective agent that reduces cytokines levels and leukocyte count in sepsis, independently of its well-known lipid-lowering effects. Thus, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors like simvastatin have important anti-inflammatory effects in abdominal sepsis in rats
This report was prepared as part of the Project “Monitoring Influenza vaccine effectiveness during influenza seasons and pandemics in the European Union” and describes the results obtained in Portugal under the Protocol Agreement celebrated between EpiConcept SARL, Paris and National Health Institute Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Lisbon. Data and activities related to the individuals 65 years and more were funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 634446.