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Backhousia citriodora is typical of the many commercially valuable woody Australian Myrtaceae species that are recalcitrant in forming adventitious roots from cuttings after maturation. A series of experiments were conducted to identify an endogenous rooting inhibitor in line with established criteria. Endogenous levels of citral were correlated with the rooting capacities of juvenile versus mature, and easy- versus difficult-to-root genotypes of B. citriodora, in both winter and summer. The biological activity of citral was confirmed in bioassays on mung beans and easy-to-root B. citriodora seedlings. Evidence of a common mechanism of root inhibition with other species in the Myrtaceae and the role of action of citral are discussed.
The specific essential work of fracture, w(e), has been measured for a relatively thick walled uPVC pipe as a function of position through the wall of the pipe. w(e) was highest at the surface of the pipe and decreased significantly at the centre of the pipe wall. The variation in w(e) through the wall of the pipe correlated with the processing level of the uPVC material as measured by the critical temperature, T-c. The variability in the measured values of w(e) was substantially higher in the centre of the pipe where the processing levels were lower. This was likely to be a result of the variability in the microstructure of the material where poor processing had introduced regions of poor fusion of primary PVC particles. (C) 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
A number of full-length cDNA clones of Kunjin virus (KUN) were previously prepared; it was shown that two of them, pAKUN and FLSDX, differed in specific infectivities of corresponding in vitro transcribed RNAs by similar to100,000-fold (A. A. Khromykh et al., J. Virol. 72:7270-7279, 1998). In this study, we analyzed a possible genetic determinant(s) of the observed differences in infectivity initially by sequencing the entire cDNAs of both clones and comparing them with the published sequence of the parental KUN strain MRM61C. We found six common amino acid residues in both cDNA clones that were different from those in the published MRM61C sequence but were similar to those in the published sequences of other flaviviruses from the same subgroup. pAKUN clone had four additional codon changes, i.e., Ile59 to Asn and Arg175 to Lys in NS2A and Tyr518 to His and Ser557 to Pro in NS3. Three of these substitutions except the previously shown marker mutation, Arg175 to Lys in NS2A, reverted to the wild-type sequence in the virus eventually recovered from pAKUN RNA-transfected BHK cells, demonstrating the functional importance of these residues in viral replication and/or viral assembly. Exchange of corresponding DNA fragments between pAKUN and FLSDX clones and site-directed mutagenesis revealed that the Tyr518-to-His mutation in NS3 was responsible for an similar to5-fold decrease in specific infectivity of transcribed RNA, while the Ile59-to-Asn mutation in NS2A completely blocked virus production. Correction of the Asn59 in pAKUN NS2A to the wild-type lie residue resulted in complete restoration of RNA infectivity. Replication of KUN replicon RNA with an Ile59-to-Asn substitution in NS2A and with a Ser557-to-Pro substitution in NS3 was not affected, while the Tyr518-to-His substitution in NS3 led to severe inhibition of RNA replication. The impaired function of the mutated NS2A in production of infectious virus was complemented in trans by the helper wild-type NS2A produced from the KUN replicon RNA. However, replicon RNA with mutated NS2A could not be packaged in trans by the KUN structural proteins. The data demonstrated essential roles for the KUN nonstructural protein NS2A in virus assembly and for NS3 in RNA replication and identified specific single-amino-acid residues involved in these functions.
Essential oils of rice flower, Ozothamnus diosmifolius, were analyzed by capillary gas chromatograplay-mass spectrometry. Flower oil contained beta-pinene (28.4%) and 1,8-cineole (28.2%), while the leaf oil contained a-pinene (26.0%), beta-pinene (11.6%) and 1,8-cineole (22.2%). Both oils had small amounts of spathulenol (4.1% and 5.2%, respectively).
Eucalyptol is an essential oil that relaxes bronchial and vascular smooth muscle although its direct actions on isolated myocardium have not been reported. We investigated a putative negative inotropic effect of the oil on left ventricular papillary muscles from male Wistar rats weighing 250 to 300 g, as well as its effects on isometric force, rate of force development, time parameters, post-rest potentiation, positive inotropic interventions produced by Ca2+ and isoproterenol, and on tetanic tension. The effects of 0.3 mM eucalyptol on myosin ATPase activity were also investigated. Eucalyptol (0.003 to 0.3 mM) reduced isometric tension, the rate of force development and time parameters. The oil reduced the force developed by steady-state contractions (50% at 0.3 mM) but did not alter sarcoplasmic reticulum function or post-rest contractions and produced a progressive increase in relative potentiation. Increased extracellular Ca2+ concentration (0.62 to 5 mM) and isoproterenol (20 nM) administration counteracted the negative inotropic effects of the oil. The activity of the contractile machinery evaluated by tetanic force development was reduced by 30 to 50% but myosin ATPase activity was not affected by eucalyptol (0.3 mM), supporting the idea of a reduction of sarcolemmal Ca2+ influx. The present results suggest that eucalyptol depresses force development, probably acting as a calcium channel blocker.
A atenção primária visa garantir cobertura e acesso a cuidados de saúde abrangentes e aceitáveis pela população enfatizando a prevenção e a educação (STARFIELD, 2004). No Brasil a Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) é o modelo implantado pelo Ministério da Saúde (MS) com a finalidade de reestruturação da atenção primária e já abrange cerca de 50% da população. Segundo Starfield (2004) a atenção primária pode ser avaliada através de seus atributos essenciais: atenção de primeiro contato (utilização e acessibilidade), longitudinalidade, integralidade e coordenação de cuidados. No contexto da atenção à saúde brasileira, a mortalidade infantil é fato preocupante, principalmente a mortalidade que ocorre nos primeiros dias de vida. Este componente da mortalidade é intimamente relacionado à qualidade da atenção recebida no período gestacional. A atenção pré-natal deve incluir ações organizadas, amplas, integradas e com cobertura abrangente de promoção e prevenção da saúde, além de diagnóstico e tratamento adequado dos problemas que possam vir a ocorrer nesse período. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o pré-natal de um grupo de puérperas quanto aos atributos da atenção primária acessibilidade e longitudinalidade. Para alcançar este objetivo foram realizadas 80 entrevistas com mulheres que realizaram pré-natal na atenção primária e 19 mulheres que realizaram pré-natal no Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antônio de Moraes (HUCAM). Utilizou-se parcialmente o questionário de avaliação da atenção primária PCATool. As puérperas também foram questionadas quanto à percepção da adequação do pré-natal realizado. A acessibilidade foi baixa para a maioria das entrevistadas. Nas puérperas que realizaram o pré-natal na Atenção primária a acessibilidade foi estatisticamente maior naquelas que realizaram pré-natal na ESF e naquelas que utilizaram as unidades de saúde do município de Vitória (ES). A longitudinalidade se relacionou ao tipo de unidade de saúde do pré-natal, ao número de consultas realizadas e ao índice de Ápgar no primeiro minuto. A percepção de um pré-natal adequado se relacionou com a utilização da ESF como serviço de pré-natal e à realização de seis ou mais consultas. Apesar de as puérperas do grupo que realizou o pré-natal no HUCAM perceberem o atendimento pré-natal como adequado, algumas questões revelaram fragilidades na assistência, principalmente quanto ao acesso ao serviço. A impossibilidade de receber atendimento pela equipe fora dos horários de funcionamento do ambulatório, a falta de um número de telefone no qual possam sanar dúvidas ou falar com o médico responsável pelo pré-natal, a percepção de dificuldade na marcação de consultas e a espera prolongada no dia do atendimento são pontos que devem ser melhorados nessa assistência.
Everyone knows that democracy played a role in the Bush Doctrine. What not everyone knows is that this role was essential for the doctrine to be put into operation under which the Iraq invasion was prepared and launched. We argue moreover that, even if aggressive, the Bush doctrine is compatible with the American Liberal Tradition. To demonstrate these arguments we analyze the links between democracy, security, and the US national interests as expressed in the pillars of the American foreign policy since the end of Cold War. The consequential belief of the Bush Administration on the positive effect of exporting democracy by the use of force to Afghanistan and Iraq to fight terrorism will be remarked. It will be shown, however, that in the first years of the Bush Administration, among the justifications for the military interventions in the two countries, security reasons prevailed over democratic concerns, although the latter was significantly present since the early hours after September 11. It was only when it became clear that WMDs did not exist in Iraq that the exporting of democracy as the ultimate weapon to fight terrorism grew remarkably and prevailed over security reasons to invade those rogue states. The paper uses quantitative and qualitative content analysis of the speeches of President Bush and his Secretaries of State and Defense.
Although the 12-lead electrocardiogram has become an essential medical and research tool, many current and envisaged applications would benefit from simpler devices, using 3-lead ECG configuration. This is particularly true for Ambient Assisted Living (in a broad perspective). However, the chest anatomy of female patients, namely during pregnancy, can hamper the adequate placement of a 3-lead ECG device and, very often, electrodes are placed below the chest rather than at the precise thoracic landmarks. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare the effect of electrode positioning on the ECG signal of pregnant women and provide guidelines for device development. The effect of breast tissue on the ECG signal was investigated by relating breast size with the signal-to-noise ratio, root mean square and R-wave amplitude. Results show that the 3-lead ECG should be placed on the breast rather than under the breast and indicate positive correlation between breast size and signal-to-noise ratio.
It is known the power of ideas is tremendous. But there are employees in many companies who have good ideas but not put them into practice. On the other hand, there are many others who have good ideas and are encouraged to contribute their ideas for innovation in the company. This study attempts to identify factors that contribute to success in managing ideas and consequent business innovation. The method used was the case study applied to two companies. During the investigation, factors considered essential for the success of an idea management program were identified, of which we highlight, among others, evidences the results, involvement of the top management, establishment of goals and objectives; recognition; dissemination of good results. Companies with these implemented systems, capture the best ideas from their collaborators and apply them internally. This study intends to contribute to business innovation in enterprises through creation and idea management, mainly through collecting the best ideas of their own employees. The results of this study can be used to help improving deployed suggestions systems, as well as, all managers who wish to implement suggestions systems/ideas management systems.
During the second half of 1986 the impact of the improvement of water supply and excreta disposal facilities on diarrheal diseases and intestinal parasitosis was studied in 254 children up to six years of age from two favelas (shanty towns) of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The estimated incidence of diarrhea was 6.2 episodes/child year and the estimated period prevalence reached 31.0 episode days/ child/ year. The point prevalence of parasitosis was 70.7% (Ascaris lumbricoides: 55.4%, Trichuris trichiura: 19.6%, Giardia lamblia: 17.9%). The estimated prevalence of diarrhea decreased with improvement of water supply and sanitation facilities to 45% and 44% respectively, but no statistically significant impact was observed in the case of parasitosis. School education and weaning practice were found to be other important determinants of diarrhea.
BACKGROUND: Characterisation of the essential oils from O. glandulosum collected in three locations of Tunisia, chemical composition and the evaluation of their antioxidant activities were carried out. RESULTS: The essential oils from Origanum vulgare L. subsp. glandulosum (Desf.) letswaart collected from three localities of north Tunisia - Krib, Bargou and Nefza - were obtained in yields of 2.5, 3.0 and 4.6% (v/w), respectively. The essential oils were analysed by GC and GC/MS and assayed for their total phenolics content, by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, and antioxidant effectiveness, using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil (DPPH) radical scavenging assay. The main components of these essential oils, from Nefza, Bargou and Krib, were p-cymene (36%, 40% and 46%), thymol (32%, 39% and 18%), gamma-terpinene (24%, 12% and 16%) and carvacrol (2%, 2% and 15%), respectively). The ability to scavenge the DPPH radicals, expressed by IC50, ranged from 59 to 80 mg L-1. The total phenolic content, expressed in gallic acid equivalent (GAE) g kg(-1) dry weight, varied from 9.37 to 17.70 g kg(-1) dw. CONCLUSIONS: A correlation was identified between the total phenolic content of the essential oils and DPPH radical scavenger capacity. The occurrence of a p-cymene chemotype of O. glandulosum in the northern region of Tunisia is demonstrated.
Reuse of tire crumb in sport facilities is currently a very cost-effective waste management measure. Considering that incorporation of the waste materials in artificial turf would be facilitated if the rubber materials were already colored green, coatings were specifically developed for this purpose. This paper presents an experimental toxicological and environmental assessment aimed at comparing the obtained emissions to the environment in terms of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals, and ecotoxicity for coated and noncoated rubber granulates. This study is a comprehensive evaluation of the major potential critical factors related with the release of all of these classes of pollutants because previous studies were not systematically performed. It was concluded that between the two types of coatings tested, one is particularly effective in reducing emissions to the environment, simultaneously meeting the requirements of adherence and color stability.