956 resultados para equação de predição
Objectivo: Proceder à validação da equação de Slaugther e col., (1988), na estimação da percentagem de massa gorda (%MG), em crianças com 9 anos de idade, tendo a DXA como método de referência. Metodologia: A avaliação da composição corporal foi realizada em 450 crianças, das quais 219 eram raparigas (idade: 9.74 ± 0.33 anos; altura: 136.88 ± 6.8 cm; peso: 33.77 ± 8.16 kg; índice de massa corporal (IMC): 17.85 ± 3.16 kg/m2) e 231 eram rapazes (idade: 9.75 ± 0.33 anos; altura: 137.17 ± 6.97cm; peso: 34.3 ± 8.09 kg; IMC: 18.09 ± 3.17 kg/m2), pela DXA (QDR – 1500: Hologic, Waltham, MA, pencil beam mode, software version 5.67 anhanced whole body analisis) e pelas pregas adiposas subcutâneas, cujo os valores das pregas adiposas tricipital e geminal foram utilizados na equação desenvolvida por Slaugther e col., (1988). Na análise estatística, foram utilizadas a comparação de médias, a regressão linear e a concordância entre os métodos. Resultados: A %MG obtida por ambos os métodos apresentou diferenças significativas (p<0.05) entre os géneros, sendo as raparigas as que apresentam, em média, maiores valores de gordura corporal. Tanto para os rapazes como para as raparigas a %MGDXA é superior à %MGSKF. Na predição dos valores de %MG, a equação de Slaugther e col., (1988) tem para ambos os sexos (raparigas: r=0.94; EPE=3.2 e rapazes: r=0.96; EPE=2.7) uma correlação elevada com reduzido erro padrão de estimação com a DXA. Na análise de concordância entre os métodos, os rapazes parecem apresentar uma maior concordância entre o método alternativo e o método de referência, com os limites de concordância a variarem entre -9.26 e 1.57, enquanto nas raparigas variam entre -11.19 e 3.16. Em ambos os sexos é visível a subestimação, em valor médio, do método de referência, com uma média da diferença a situar-se nos -3.8% e -4.0%, respectivamente para rapazes e raparigas. Discussão: A equação de Slaugther e col., (1988) explica, para as raparigas, 87.5% da variância do método de referência, enquanto nos rapazes, 91.3% da variância é explicada.A diferença entre os métodos alternativo e de referência está dependente do nível de adiposidade, sendo que o método alternativo tende a sobrestimar a %MG nas crianças mais magras e a subestimar nas mais gordas. A equação de Slaugther e col., (1988) apresentou uma validade aceitável na avaliação da composição corporal num grupo de crianças, constituindo uma alternativa rápida na estimação da composição corporal numa avaliação inicial em escolas, clubes e estudos de larga escala. Contudo a sua utilidade, para uma correcta intervenção na saúde da criança, pode apresentar uma validade limitada, pelo que pode ser justificada a utilização de um método mais válido em termos clínicos, como a DXA.
Este estudo quantitativo, transversal e preditivo tem como objectivo analisar a influência da autoeficácia na satisfação profissional dos professores portugueses. A amostra é constituída por 327 professores do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (trabalham com alunos dos 6 aos 10 anos) que responderam a um questionário de dados sociodemográficos e escalas validadas para a população portuguesa para as variáveis em estudo. Realizada a análise de regressão linear múltipla, verificou-se que o aumento da “eficácia instrucional” e da “eficácia nos relacionamentos interpessoais” predizem um aumento da satisfação docente na dimensão “relação com a profissão” (R2 = .27). A uma melhor perceção da “relação interpessoal/institucional” (R2 = .20), corresponde uma diminuição da “eficácia instrucional” e um aumento da eficácia nos relacionamentos interpessoais.
In recent decades the public sector comes under pressure in order to improve its performance. The use of Information Technology (IT) has been a tool increasingly used in reaching that goal. Thus, it has become an important issue in public organizations, particularly in institutions of higher education, determine which factors influence the acceptance and use of technology, impacting on the success of its implementation and the desired organizational results. The Technology Acceptance Model - TAM was used as the basis for this study and is based on the constructs perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. However, when it comes to integrated management systems due to the complexity of its implementation,organizational factors were added to thus seek further explanation of the acceptance of such systems. Thus, added to the model five TAM constructs related to critical success factors in implementing ERP systems, they are: support of top management, communication, training, cooperation, and technological complexity (BUENO and SALMERON, 2008). Based on the foregoing, launches the following research problem: What factors influence the acceptance and use of SIE / module academic at the Federal University of Para, from the users' perception of teachers and technicians? The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of organizational factors, and behavioral antecedents of behavioral intention to use the SIE / module academic UFPA in the perspective of teachers and technical users. This is applied research, exploratory and descriptive, quantitative with the implementation of a survey, and data collection occurred through a structured questionnaire applied to a sample of 229 teachers and 30 technical and administrative staff. Data analysis was carried out through descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling with the technique of partial least squares (PLS). Effected primarily to assess the measurement model, which were verified reliability, convergent and discriminant validity for all indicators and constructs. Then the structural model was analyzed using the bootstrap resampling technique like. In assessing statistical significance, all hypotheses were supported. The coefficient of determination (R ²) was high or average in five of the six endogenous variables, so the model explains 47.3% of the variation in behavioral intention. It is noteworthy that among the antecedents of behavioral intention (BI) analyzed in this study, perceived usefulness is the variable that has a greater effect on behavioral intention, followed by ease of use (PEU) and attitude (AT). Among the organizational aspects (critical success factors) studied technological complexity (TC) and training (ERT) were those with greatest effect on behavioral intention to use, although these effects were lower than those produced by behavioral factors (originating from TAM). It is pointed out further that the support of senior management (TMS) showed, among all variables, the least effect on the intention to use (BI) and was followed by communications (COM) and cooperation (CO), which exert a low effect on behavioral intention (BI). Therefore, as other studies on the TAM constructs were adequate for the present research. Thus, the study contributed towards proving evidence that the Technology Acceptance Model can be applied to predict the acceptance of integrated management systems, even in public. Keywords: Technology
The assessment of building thermal performance is often carried out using HVAC energy consumption data, when available, or thermal comfort variables measurements, for free-running buildings. Both types of data can be determined by monitoring or computer simulation. The assessment based on thermal comfort variables is the most complex because it depends on the determination of the thermal comfort zone. For these reasons, this master thesis explores methods of building thermal performance assessment using variables of thermal comfort simulated by DesignBuilder software. The main objective is to contribute to the development of methods to support architectural decisions during the design process, and energy and sustainable rating systems. The research method consists on selecting thermal comfort methods, modeling them in electronic sheets with output charts developed to optimize the analyses, which are used to assess the simulation results of low cost house configurations. The house models consist in a base case, which are already built, and changes in thermal transmittance, absorptance, and shading. The simulation results are assessed using each thermal comfort method, to identify the sensitivity of them. The final results show the limitations of the methods, the importance of a method that considers thermal radiance and wind speed, and the contribution of the chart proposed
The Noise Pollution causes degradation in the quality of the environment and presents itself as one of the most common environmental problems in the big cities. An Urban environment present scenario and their complex acoustic study need to consider the contribution of various noise sources. Accordingly to computational models through mapping and prediction of acoustic scene become important, because they enable the realization of calculations, analyzes and reports, allowing the interpretation of satisfactory results. The study neighborhood is the neighborhood of Lagoa Nova, a central area of the city of Natal, which will undergo major changes in urban space due to urban mobility projects planned for the area around the stadium and the consequent changes of urban form and traffic. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the noise impact caused by road and morphological changes around the stadium Arena das Dunas in the neighborhood of Lagoa Nova, through on-site measurements and mapping using the computational model SoundPLAN year 2012 and the scenario evolution acoustic for the year 2017. For this analysis was the construction of the first acoustic mapping based on current diagnostic acoustic neighborhood, physical mapping, classified vehicle count and measurement of sound pressure level, and to build the prediction of noise were observed for the area study the modifications provided for traffic, urban form and mobility work. In this study, it is concluded that the sound pressure levels of the year in 2012 and 2017 extrapolate current legislation. For the prediction of noise were numerous changes in the acoustic scene, in which the works of urban mobility provided will improve traffic flow, thus reduce the sound pressure level where interventions are expected
One of the main activities in the petroleum engineering is to estimate the oil production in the existing oil reserves. The calculation of these reserves is crucial to determine the economical feasibility of your explotation. Currently, the petroleum industry is facing problems to analyze production due to the exponentially increasing amount of data provided by the production facilities. Conventional reservoir modeling techniques like numerical reservoir simulation and visualization were well developed and are available. This work proposes intelligent methods, like artificial neural networks, to predict the oil production and compare the results with the ones obtained by the numerical simulation, method quite a lot used in the practice to realization of the oil production prediction behavior. The artificial neural networks will be used due your learning, adaptation and interpolation capabilities
The human respiratory system was so designed that would allow efficient ventilation, regardless of variations in the external environment that may hinder the act of breathing, such an act involves dozens of variables, among them we find the respiratory depression, which is nothing more than respiratory muscle strength. The pressures are widely used in several cases: Neuro-muscular; evolution of pulmonary dysfunction and a predictor for discontinuation of mechanical ventilation. Therefore it was proposed to carry out evaluations of these respiratory pressures for children and adolescents aged 10 to 16 years and propose a predictive equation that involves the anthropometric variables age (A, years), body mass (BM, kilograms) and height (H, meters) with maximal respiratory pressures (maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressure). Evaluations were performed in this age group of students in public and private schools of the Grande Natal , measurements were performed using the analogue manometer, were children and adolescents and their parents gave informed consent. 517 samples were taken, and 250 for males (M), 255 for females (F) and 12 were excluded according to our exclusion criteria. The sample was subdivided into three age groups (10-11, 12-13 and 14 to 16 years old). It was found through the student s t test (p ≤ 0.05) for all variables studied, children and male adolescents had higher means than females, except for the MC. For the correlation between the variables found significant correlation (p <0.05) among all the variables when analyzed as pairs except between MIP and height for females. The development of predictive equations (for p ≤ 0.05) based on three types of strategies adopted were restricted to two association between anthropometric variables isolated, resulting in: for males: MIP = -32.29 + (-2.11*A) + (-0.52*BM), MIP = 9.99 + (-0.36*BM) + (-49.40*H); MEP = 18.54 + 3.53*A + 0, 42*BM, MEP = -33.37 + 2.78*A + 52.18* H, MEP = -17.39 + 0.33*BM + 55.04*H; and, for females we find: MEP = 24.32 + 2.59 * A + 0.24*BM
The objective of this work was to determine the crude protein requirements for broiler breeder pullets, using the factorial method. The protein requirements for maintenance were obtained by comparative slaughter technique and also by nitrogen balance technique, as usual. In the case of comparative slaughter technique we have examined the nitrogen retained as function of different nitrogen intake levels (ad libitum, 54, 24 and 19% of the ad libitum). For the nitrogen balance technique it has been investigated the nitrogen balance as function of nitrogen intake, at different protein levels (16, 10 6 and 3% CP). The results obtained were 3.77 and 2.02 CP/kg(0.75)/day for comparative slaughter and nitrogen balance techniques, respectively. The protein requirements for weight gain were achieved by weekly following the nitrogen level in the body, during the period from 3 to 20 weeks of age. The results were 350, 406 and 463 mg of CP/g of gain in the phases of 3 to 8, 9 to 14 and 15 to 20 weeks, respectively.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo estimar equações de regressão linear múltipla tendo, como variáveis explicativas, as demais características avaliadas em experimento de milho e, como variáveis principais, a diferença mínima significativa em percentagem da média (DMS%) e quadrado médio do erro (QMe), para peso de grãos. Com 610 experimentos conduzidos na Rede de Ensaios Nacionais de Competição de Cultivares de Milho, realizados entre 1986 e 1996 (522 experimentos) e em 1997 (88 experimentos), estimaram-se duas equações de regressão, com os 522 experimentos, validando estas pela análise de regressão simples entre os valores reais e os estimados pelas equações, com os 88 restantes, observando que, para a DMS% a equação não estimava o mesmo valor que a fórmula original e, para o QMe, a equação poderia ser utilizada na estimação. Com o teste de Lilliefors, verificou-se que os valores do QMe aderiam à distribuição normal padrão e foi construída uma tabela de classificação dos valores do QMe, baseada nos valores observados na análise da variância dos experimentos e nos estimados pela equação de regressão.
O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar equações de predição das exigências de proteína bruta (PB) para frangos de corte machos e fêmeas através do método fatorial. Na determinação das exigências de proteína bruta para mantença, foi utilizada a técnica do balanço de nitrogênio. As exigências de proteína bruta para o crescimento foram determinadas em função do conteúdo de nitrogênio na carcaça e a eficiência de utilização do nitrogênio da dieta. A partir dos valores das exigências para mantença e para crescimento foram elaboradas equações de predição para as exigências diárias de PB (g/ ave/ dia) para frangos de corte machos (7 a 21 dias - PB = 1,323xP0,75 + 0,256xG, 22 a 42 dias - PB = 1,323xP0,75 + 0,277xG e 43 a 56 dias - PB = 1,323xP0,75 + 0,283xG) e fêmeas (7 a 21 dias - PB = 1,748xP0,75 + 0,258xG, 22 a 42 dias - PB = 1,748xP0,75 + 0,274xG, e 43 a 56 dias - PB = 1,748xP0,75 + 0,300xG), em que P = peso corporal (kg) e G = ganho de peso diário (g/dia). Recomenda-se a utilização das equações para a determinação das exigências mínimas de nitrogênio ou proteína bruta somente com atenção no atendimento das exigências em aminoácidos.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a perda de solo de área de nascentes da Microbacia do Córrego do Tijuco, SP. Foi utilizada a análise espacial dos fatores da equação universal da perda de solo (EUPS), em integração com análise de componentes principais e geoestatística. A perda de solo média, estimada para a área, foi de 118,5 Mg ha‑1 por ano, considerada alta. Próximo à zona urbana, houve alta interação dos fatores erosividade da chuva e práticas conservacionistas, o que evidencia grande perda de solo, em razão da concentração da água proveniente da camada impermeabilizada urbana, com alta velocidade de escoamento. Nos divisores de águas, a atuação da erodibilidade foi proeminente, em contraste com o fator topográfico. Foram observadas áreas com atuação conjunta destes fatores, inclusive em locais de inclinação suave, porém com alto potencial natural de erosão. A interação das análises multivariadas e geoestatística permite a estratificação da área, identifica locais com propriedades específicas quanto à perda de solo, e espacializa os fatores do processo erosivo e suas interações ao longo do relevo.
One of the greatest challenges of demography, nowadays, is to obtain estimates of mortality, in a consistent manner, mainly in small areas. The lack of this information, hinders public health actions and leads to impairment of quality of classification of deaths, generating concern on the part of demographers and epidemiologists in obtaining reliable statistics of mortality in the country. In this context, the objective of this work is to obtain estimates of deaths adjustment factors for correction of adult mortality, by States, meso-regions and age groups in the northeastern region, in 2010. The proposal is based on two lines of observation: a demographic one and a statistical one, considering also two areas of coverage in the States of the Northeast region, the meso-regions, as larger areas and counties, as small areas. The methodological principle is to use the General Equation and Balancing demographic method or General Growth Balance to correct the observed deaths, in larger areas (meso-regions) of the states, since they are less prone to breakage of methodological assumptions. In the sequence, it will be applied the statistical empirical Bayesian estimator method, considering as sum of deaths in the meso-regions, the death value corrected by the demographic method, and as reference of observation of smaller area, the observed deaths in small areas (counties). As results of this combination, a smoothing effect on the degree of coverage of deaths is obtained, due to the association with the empirical Bayesian Estimator, and the possibility of evaluating the degree of coverage of deaths by age groups at counties, meso-regions and states levels, with the advantage of estimete adjustment factors, according to the desired level of aggregation. The results grouped by State, point to a significant improvement of the degree of coverage of deaths, according to the combination of the methods with values above 80%. Alagoas (0.88), Bahia (0.90), Ceará (0.90), Maranhão (0.84), Paraíba (0.88), Pernambuco (0.93), Piauí (0.85), Rio Grande do Norte (0.89) and Sergipe (0.92). Advances in the control of the registry information in the health system, linked to improvements in socioeconomic conditions and urbanization of the counties, in the last decade, provided a better quality of information registry of deaths in small areas