957 resultados para embedded system


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En la actualidad se estudia en numerosos campos cómo automatizar distintas tareas ejecutadas por aeronaves con tripulación humana. Estas tareas son en todos los casos muy costosos, debido al gran consumo de combustible, gran coste de adquisición y mantenimiento de la propia aeronave, todo ello sin contar el riesgo para los mismos tripulantes. Como ejemplo de estas tareas se puede incluir la vigilancia policial y fronteriza, revisiones de tendidos de alta tensión, la alerta temprana de incendios forestales y la medición de parámetros contaminantes. El objetivo de este proyecto es el diseño y la construcción de un prototipo electrónico empotrado basado en microcontrolador con núcleo C8051 de Silicon labs, que sea capaz de gobernar una aeronave de radiocontrol de forma transparente, de manera que en un futuro se pueda sustituir el propio aeromodelo, con la modificación de algunos parámetros, para poder incorporar sistemas de video o distintos medios de detección de variables. El prototipo seguirá una ruta confeccionada y transferida como un archivo de texto con un formato determinado que contendrá los datos necesarios para poder navegar mediante GPS. El trabajo con los modelos de motorización térmica (motores de combustión interna tipo glow, en este caso) resulta peligroso debido a la gran energía que son capaces de alcanzar. A fin de mantener la máxima seguridad durante la evolución del proyecto, se ha diseñado un proceso de tres partes independientes que permitan la correcta familiarización de los distintos componentes que se emplearán. Las fases son las siguientes: 1. Test y modelado de todos los componentes mediante pequeños montajes con protoboard de inserción y programas individuales. Se realizará mediante una tarjeta multipropósito que contendrá un microcontrolador similar en características, aunque de menor complejidad, al del prototipo final. 2. Integración de todos los componentes mediante una tarjeta especialmente diseñada que servirá de interfaz entre la tarjeta multipropósito y todo el hardware necesario para el control de un vehículo terrestre de iguales características (actuadores y motorización) al aeromodelo. 3. Diseño de un sistema embebido que concentre todos los subsistemas desarrollados en las fases anteriores y que integre todos los componentes necesarios para el gobierno de una aeronave de ala fija. ABSTRACT. Nowadays, the way of automating different tasks done by manned vehicles is studied. These tasks are any case very expensive, due to large fuel consumption, costs of aircraft buying, without taking into account the risk for human crew. As an example of these tasks, we can include policing or border surveillance, maintenance of high voltage lines, early warning of forest fire and measuring of pollution parameters. The target of this project is the design and construction of an embedded electronic prototype, based on a microcontroller with C8051 core from Silicon labs, and it will be able to controlling an aircraft transparently, in order that in the future the flying model could be changed with the modification of some parameters, and video or any variables detection systems could be added. The prototype will follow a designed and transferred path as an plain text file with a given format, that will contain all the necessary data for GPS navigation. Working with heat engine models (internal combustion engine, glow type, in this case) becomes dangerous due to the large energy that can be able to acquire. In order to keep the maximum safety level during the project evolution a three independent stages process have been designed, this allows familiarizing properly with the parts that will be used. The stages are as follows: 1. Test and modeling of all of the parts by little assemblies with through-hole protoboard and stand alone programs. It will be done with a multipurpose card which contains a microcontroller of similar characteristics, although less complex, of the final prototype. 2. Integrating of all of parts through a dedicated design card that will serve as interface between multipurpose card and all the necessary hardware for controlling a ground vehicle with the same characteristics (actuators and engine) of the flying model. 3. Embedded system designing that contains all the developed subsystems in the previous stages and integrates all the necessary parts for controlling a fixed-wing aircraft.


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Este Proyecto Fin de Grado (PFG) recoge el trabajo de depuración realizado sobre el prototipo PCCMuTe v2.2, un sistema empotrado que dispone de la instrumentación necesaria para medir el consumo de potencia/energía en cada uno de sus dominios de tensión, y posteriormente digitalizar y enviar los resultados al procesador que se encuentra en su interior. Su uso permite la obtención de información en tiempo real sobre el consumo del hardware de la placa, en especial del procesador, pudiendo relacionar la potencia consumida con el software ejecutado. El proyecto está orientado a medir el consumo de energía derivado de la decodificación de vídeo. El software utilizado para controlar el hardware se basa en Linux. En este proyecto se distinguen principalmente dos actividades, depuración hardware y depuración software. Los resultados muestran avances en la depuración hardware hasta obtener un prototipo en completo funcionamiento. Los avances en el apartado del software habilitan las comunicaciones SPI, necesarias para la transmisión de los resultados de consumo al procesador. En la fase final de este PFG se hace uso de una aplicación previamente desarrollada por miembros del GDEM con la que se obtienen los primeros datos de consumo, pero por falta de tiempo estos resultados no pueden ser verificados. Por la misma razón no ha sido posible diseñar y codificar una nueva aplicación que mejore la forma en la que se obtienen esos datos. ABSTRACT. This bachelor final project includes the debugging work done on the prototype PCCMuTe v2.2, an embedded system with the necessary instrumentation to measure the power/ energy consumption in each of its voltage domains, scan and send the results to its processor. The purpose of this device is to obtain real-time information about the hardware power consumption, especially from the processor, being able to relate the power consumed with the software executed. The project aims to measure the energy consumption of video decoding. The software used to control the hardware is based on Linux. In this project there are two main activities: hardware and software debugging. The results show advances in hardware debugging, and finally a fully functioning prototype is obtained. Advances in software debugging enable SPI communications, used to transmit the consumption data to the processor. In the last part of this final bachelor project an application previously coded by other members of the GDEM is used to obtain the first data. The results can not finally be verified because of the lack of time. For the same reason it is not possible to design and code a new application that improves the way the data is obtained.


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El particionado hardware/software es una tarea fundamental en el co-diseño de sistemas embebidos. En ella se decide, teniendo en cuenta las métricas de diseño, qué componentes se ejecutarán en un procesador de propósito general (software) y cuáles en un hardware específico. En los últimos años se han propuesto diversas soluciones al problema del particionado dirigidas por algoritmos metaheurísticos. Sin embargo, debido a la diversidad de modelos y métricas utilizadas, la elección del algoritmo más apropiado sigue siendo un problema abierto. En este trabajo se presenta una comparación de seis algoritmos metaheurísticos: Búsqueda aleatoria (Random search), Búsqueda tabú (Tabu search), Recocido simulado (Simulated annealing), Escalador de colinas estocástico (Stochastic hill climbing), Algoritmo genético (Genetic algorithm) y Estrategia evolutiva (Evolution strategy). El modelo utilizado en la comparación está dirigido a minimizar el área ocupada y el tiempo de ejecución, las restricciones del modelo son consideradas como penalizaciones para incluir en el espacio de búsqueda otras soluciones. Los resultados muestran que los algoritmos Escalador de colinas estocástico y Estrategia evolutiva son los que mejores resultados obtienen en general, seguidos por el Algoritmo genético.


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La partición hardware/software es una etapa clave dentro del proceso de co-diseño de los sistemas embebidos. En esta etapa se decide qué componentes serán implementados como co-procesadores de hardware y qué componentes serán implementados en un procesador de propósito general. La decisión es tomada a partir de la exploración del espacio de diseño, evaluando un conjunto de posibles soluciones para establecer cuál de estas es la que mejor balance logra entre todas las métricas de diseño. Para explorar el espacio de soluciones, la mayoría de las propuestas, utilizan algoritmos metaheurísticos; destacándose los Algoritmos Genéticos, Recocido Simulado. Esta decisión, en muchos casos, no es tomada a partir de análisis comparativos que involucren a varios algoritmos sobre un mismo problema. En este trabajo se presenta la aplicación de los algoritmos: Escalador de Colinas Estocástico y Escalador de Colinas Estocástico con Reinicio, para resolver el problema de la partición hardware/software. Para validar el empleo de estos algoritmos se presenta la aplicación de este algoritmo sobre un caso de estudio, en particular la partición hardware/software de un codificador JPEG. En todos los experimentos es posible apreciar que ambos algoritmos alcanzan soluciones comparables con las obtenidas por los algoritmos utilizados con más frecuencia.


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With the fast changing global business landscape, manufacturing companies are facing increasing challenge to reduce cost of production, increase equipment utilization and provide innovative products in order to compete with countries with low labour cost and production cost. On of the methods is zero down time. Unfortunately, the current research and industrial solution does not provide user friendly development environment to create “Adaptive microprocessor size with supercomputer performance” solution to reduce downtime. Most of the solutions are PC based computer with off the shelf research software tools which is inadequate for the space constraint manufacturing environment in developed countries. On the other hand, to develop solution for various manufacturing domain will take too much time, there is lacking tools available for rapid or adaptive way of create the solution. Therefore, this research is to understand the needs, trends, gaps of manufacturing prognostics and defines the research potential related to rapid embedded system framework for prognostic.


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The real-time embedded systems design requires precise control of the passage of time in the computation performed by the modules and communication between them. Generally, these systems consist of several modules, each designed for a specific task and restricted communication with other modules in order to obtain the required timing. This strategy, called federated architecture, is already becoming unviable in front of the current demands of cost, required performance and quality of embedded system. To address this problem, it has been proposed the use of integrated architectures that consist of one or few circuits performing multiple tasks in parallel in a more efficient manner and with reduced costs. However, one has to ensure that the integrated architecture has temporal composability, ie the ability to design each task temporally isolated from the others in order to maintain the individual characteristics of each task. The Precision Timed Machines are an integrated architecture approach that makes use of multithreaded processors to ensure temporal composability. Thus, this work presents the implementation of a Precision Machine Timed named Hivek-RT. This processor which is a VLIW supporting Simultaneous Multithreading is capable of efficiently execute real-time tasks when compared to a traditional processor. In addition to the efficient implementation, the proposed architecture facilitates the implementation real-time tasks from a programming point of view.


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In this work a system of autonomous agents engaged in cyclic pursuit (under constant bearing (CB) strategy) is considered, for which one informed agent (the leader) also senses and responds to a stationary beacon. Building on the framework proposed in a previous work on beacon-referenced cyclic pursuit, necessary and suffi- cient conditions for the existence of circling equilibria in a system with one informed agent are derived, with discussion of stability and performance. In a physical testbed, the leader (robot) is equipped with a sound sensing apparatus composed of a real time embedded system, estimating direction of arrival of sound by an Interaural Level and Phase Difference Algorithm, using empirically determined phase and level signatures, and breaking front-back ambiguity with appropriate sensor placement. Furthermore a simple framework for implementing and evaluating the performance of control laws with the Robot Operating System (ROS) is proposed, demonstrated, and discussed.


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Reconfigurable platforms are a promising technology that offers an interesting trade-off between flexibility and performance, which many recent embedded system applications demand, especially in fields such as multimedia processing. These applications typically involve multiple ad-hoc tasks for hardware acceleration, which are usually represented using formalisms such as Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs), Data Flow Graphs (DFGs), Control and Data Flow Graphs (CDFGs) or Petri Nets. However, none of these models is able to capture at the same time the pipeline behavior between tasks (that therefore can coexist in order to minimize the application execution time), their communication patterns, and their data dependencies. This paper proves that the knowledge of all this information can be effectively exploited to reduce the resource requirements and the timing performance of modern reconfigurable systems, where a set of hardware accelerators is used to support the computation. For this purpose, this paper proposes a novel task representation model, named Temporal Constrained Data Flow Diagram (TCDFD), which includes all this information. This paper also presents a mapping-scheduling algorithm that is able to take advantage of the new TCDFD model. It aims at minimizing the dynamic reconfiguration overhead while meeting the communication requirements among the tasks. Experimental results show that the presented approach achieves up to 75% of resources saving and up to 89% of reconfiguration overhead reduction with respect to other state-of-the-art techniques for reconfigurable platforms.


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In this report, we develop an intelligent adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller by using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) techniques. We begin by starting with a standard proportional-derivative (PD) controller and use the PD controller data to train the ANFIS system to develop a fuzzy controller. We then propose and validate a method to implement this control strategy on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware. An analysis is made into the choice of filters for attitude estimation. These choices are limited by the complexity of the filter and the computing ability and memory constraints of the micro-controller. Simplified Kalman filters are found to be good at estimation of attitude given the above constraints. Using model based design techniques, the models are implemented on an embedded system. This enables the deployment of fuzzy controllers on enthusiast-grade controllers. We evaluate the feasibility of the proposed control strategy in a model-in-the-loop simulation. We then propose a rapid prototyping strategy, allowing us to deploy these control algorithms on a system consisting of a combination of an ARM-based microcontroller and two Arduino-based controllers. We then use a combination of the code generation capabilities within MATLAB/Simulink in combination with multiple open-source projects in order to deploy code to an ARM CortexM4 based controller board. We also evaluate this strategy on an ARM-A8 based board, and a much less powerful Arduino based flight controller. We conclude by proving the feasibility of fuzzy controllers on Commercial-off the shelf (COTS) hardware, we also point out the limitations in the current hardware and make suggestions for hardware that we think would be better suited for memory heavy controllers.


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Zincblende Mn-rich Mn(Ga)As nanoclusters embedded in GaAs matrices are fabricated by in situ postgrowth annealing diluted magnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As films with Mn concentration ranging from 2.6% to 8% at 650 degrees C. Magnetization measurements show that memory effect and slow magnetic relaxation, the typical characteristics of the spin-glass-like phase, occur below the blocking temperature of 45 K in samples with high Mn concentration, while for samples with low Mn concentration, ferromagnetic order remains up to 360 K. The behavior of low-temperature spin dynamics can be explained by the hierarchical model. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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For many wireless sensor networks applications, indoor light energy is the only ambient energy source commonly available. Many advantages and constraints co-exist in this technology. However, relatively few indoor light powered harvesters have been presented and much research remains to be carried out on a variety of related design considerations and trade-offs. This work presents a solution using the Tyndall mote and an indoor light powered wireless sensor node. It analyses design considerations on several issues such as indoor light characteristics, solar panel component choice, maximum power point tracking, energy storage elements and the trade-offs and choices between them.