935 resultados para electronic conducting polymers
A review is given about the most relevant advances on the analytical applications of conducting polymers in potentiometric sensors. These organic polymers represent a new class of materials with conducting properties due to its doping by ions. Several polymers already were synthesized such as polypyrrole, polyaniline, polythiophene, among others. Particular attention is devoted to the main advantages supplied by ion selective electrodes and gas sensors using conducting polymers, as well as the incorporation of bioactive elements in these polymers for the construction of biosensors. The correlation between structure, stability and ability to ion exchange of some conducting polymers applied as potentiometric transducers, is discussed.
The construction of a temperature controllable spectroelectrochemical cell is described. Its use in the analysis of the thermodynamic and structural parameters of the electrochromic process of poly(3-methyl thiophene) in the temperature range between -40ºC and 60ºC is given as an example of application.
This paper describes a sample holder for the electrical measurement of oxides or conducting polymers in the form of pellets or films which are used as gas sensors. The system makes it possible to control the sample temperature, the gas pressure and composition. The temperature in the sample can be changed from 25ºC to 450ºC, and the gas pressure in the chamber is controlled between 5 ¥ 10-4 and 1000 mbar. The performance of the system in resistance measurements of doped tin oxide pellets and polyaniline films deposited on platinum electrodes for methane is analyzed.
In this work we discuss the aspects related to the phenomenon of mass transport in thin electroactive polymer films. Such phenomenon must be considered because the properties and consequent applications of these materials largely depend on the movement of charge carriers, i.e. ions, electrons or holes. The most recent majority of the techniques, methods and theoretical models used in this type of study are gathered and discussed, providing an easy and critical way for choosing the methodology for an investigation.
The influence of acidity on the synthesis and redox behavior of polypyrrole films was studied using galvanostatic and potentiodynamic techniques employing aqueous solutions formed by H2SO4/Na2SO4 , HCl/NaCl and HCl/CsCl. The chemical structure of the films were investigated using the FTIR technique. The polymer behavior as a function of the pH used in the cyclic voltammetric measurements is explained in terms of the mechanism responsible for the charge compensation formed during the polymer chain oxidation. From the FTIR measurements, it is seen that the water nucleophilic attack during the synthesis, does not occur under the experimental conditions employed in this work.
The self-assembly technique is a powerful tool to fabricate ultrathin films from organic compounds aiming at technological applications in molecular electronics. This relatively new approach allows molecularly flat films to be obtained on a simple and cheap fashion from various types of material, including polyelectrolytes, conducting polymers, dyes and proteins. The resulting multilayer films may be fabricated according to specific requirements since their structural and physical properties may be controlled at the molecular level. In this review we shall comment upon the evolution of preparation methods for ultrathin films, the process of adsorption and their main properties, as well as some examples of technological applications of layer-by-layer or self-assembled films.
The most relevant advances on the analytical applications of chemically modified electrodes (CME) are presented. CME have received great attention due to the possibility of electrode surface modification including chemisorption, composite generation and polymer coating. In recent years, the interest in CME has increased overall to improve the sensitivity and selectivity of the electroanalytical probes, considering the electron mediator incorporation and the new conducting polymers development. The general procedures employed for the electrode modification and the operational characteristics of some electrochemical sensors are discussed.
The potentialities of X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) of the N K edge (N K) obtained with the spherical grating monochromator beam line at the Brazilian National Synchrotron Light Laboratory are explored in the investigation of poly(aniline), nanocomposites and dyes. Through the analysis of N K XANES spectra of conducting polymers and many other dye compounds that are dominated by 1s®p* transitions, it was possible to correlate the band energy value with the nitrogen oxidation states. An extensive N K XANES spectral database was obtained, thus permitting the elucidation of the nature of different nitrogens present in the intercalated conducting polymers.
This paper reports the use of an electrode modified with poly(o-methoxyaniline) for detecting lithium ions. These ions are present in drugs used for treating bipolar disorder and that requires periodical monitoring of the concentration of lithium in blood serum. Poly(o-methoxyaniline) was obtained electrochemically by cyclic voltammetry on the surface of a gold electrode. The results showed that the electrode modified with a conducting polymer responded to lithium ions in the concentration range of 1 x 10-5 to 1 x 10-4 mol L-1 . The results also confirmed that the performance of the modified electrode was comparable to that of the standard method (atomic emission spectrophotometry).
This paper presents a review of different chemical compositions that are used in the production of mixed ionic-electronic conducting membranes with the perovskite structure. In these dense membranes, oxygen from the air is permeated through ionic and electronic processes, and high oxygen permeation fluxes are observed at high temperatures (800-900 ºC). Various membranes were compared for their performance and properties after being synthesized by different methods.
The development of organic devices based on conducting polymers for biofilm detection requires the combination of superior electrical response and high surface area for biofilm incorporation. Polypyrrole is a potential candidate for application in biofilm detection and control due to its characteristic superior electrical response and strong interaction with bacteria, which enables the use of the bioelectric effect in resulting devices. In this study, chemically synthesized polypyrrole was applied as a support for biofilm growth of S. aureus. Modifications in the electrical response of the polymeric template were explored to identify general mechanisms established during the deposition of the biofilm.
In this article, we report the preparation of conducting natural rubber (NR) with polyaniline (Pani). NR was made into a conductive material by the compounding of NR with Pani in powder form. NR latex was made into a conductive material by the in situ polymerization of aniline in the presence of NR latex. Different compositions of Pani- NR semi-interpenetrating networks were prepared, and the dielectric properties of all of the samples were determined in microwave frequencies. The cavity perturbation techpique was used for this study. A HP8510 vector network analyzer with a rectangular cavity resonator was used for this study. S bands 2-4 GHz in frequency were used. Thermal studies were also carried out with thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry.
In this article, we report the preparation of conducting natural rubber (NR) with polyaniline (Pani). NR was made into a conductive material by the compounding of NR with Pani in powder form. NR latex was made into a conductive material by the in situ polymerization of aniline in the presence of NR latex. Different compositions of Pani- NR semi-interpenetrating networks were prepared, and the dielectric properties of all of the samples were determined in microwave frequencies. The cavity perturbation techpique was used for this study. A HP8510 vector network analyzer with a rectangular cavity resonator was used for this study. S bands 2-4 GHz in frequency were used. Thermal studies were also carried out with thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry.
Poly(6-tert-butyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-1,3-benzoxazine) was synthesized by thermally activated cationic ring opening polymerization. The structure of the polymer was confirmed by spectral and thermal studies. The highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) were estimated using cyclic voltammetry and optical absorption. Modulated photocurrent measurement technique was employed to study the spectral and field dependence of photocurrent. Photocurrent of the order of 1.5 micro A/m2 was obtained for polymer at a biasing electric field of 40 V/mico m.
Discovery of coherent optical sources four decades ago has revolutionized all fields of scientific development. One of the path breaking applications of lasers is the emergence of various thermo optic techniques to unravel some of the mysteries of light matter interactions.Thermo optic technique is a valuable tool to evaluate optical and thermal properties of materials in solid,liquid and gaseous states .This technique can also be employed effectively in nondestructive quality evaluation. In this doctoral thesis , the use of photothermal techniques based on photoacoustic and photothermal deflection phenomena for the study of certain class of photonics materials such as semiconductors, nano metal dispersed ceramics, composites of conducting polymers and liquid crystals is elaborated.