872 resultados para elderly voice
Objective: Physical and psychological incapacity, including fear of falling is related to decreased satisfaction with life in osteoporosis (OP). The impact of a balance exercise program on improving the quality of life is not well established. We have, therefore, investigated the effect of 12-month Balance Training Program in quality of life, functional balance and falls in elderly OP women. Methods: Sixty consecutive women with senile OP were randomized into a Balance Training Group (BT) of 30 patients and no intervention control group (CG) of 30 patients. The BT program included techniques to improve balance over a period of 12 months (1 h exercise session/week and home-based exercises). The quality of life was evaluated before and at the end of the trial using the Osteoporosis Assessment Questionnaire (OPAQ), functional balance was evaluated by Berg Balance Scale (BBS). Falls in the preceding year were noted and compared to the period of study. Results: The comparison of OPAQ variations (INITIAL-FINAL) revealed a significant improvement in quality of life in all parameters for BT compared to CG: well-being (1.61 +/- 1.44 vs. -1.46 +/- 1.32, p < 0001), physical function (1.30 +/- 1.33 vs. -0.36 +/- 0.82, p < 0.001), psychological status (1.58 +/- 1.36 vs. -1.02 +/- 0.83, p < 0.001), symptoms (2.76 +/- 1.96 vs. -0.63 +/- 0.87, p < 0.001), social interaction (1.01 +/- 1.51 vs. 0.35 +/- 1.08, p < 0.001). Of note, this overall benefit was paralleled by an improvement of BBS (-5.5 +/- 5.67 vs. +0.5 +/- 4.88 p < 0.001) and a reduction of falls in 50% in BT group vs. 26.6% for the CG (RR: 1.88, p < 0.025). Conclusion: The long-term Balance Training Program of OP women provides a striking overall health quality of life improvement in parallel with improving functional balance and reduced falls. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Measures of vocal intensity, frequency and harshness were compared for 19 hearing-impaired and 21 normal-hearing people over 60 years of age. Significantly greater comfortable intensity levels were found in the hearing-impaired group, but the other measures of frequency and harshness were not significantly different. A large proportion of the subjects in both groups reported a history of gastro-oesophageal reflux (GER), a condition associated with vocal fold pathology and hoarseness. Comparison of the GER and non-GER subjects on the measures of vocal function showed that the female GER speaker exhibited lower frequency on the vowel /u/ than the non-GER subjects. Clinicians need to be aware of the effect of highly prevalent disorders such as hearing impairment and GER on the voices of elderly speakers.
Objective:To determine the risk factors for the presence of moderate/severe vertebral fracture, specifically 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD). Study design: Cross-sectional study conducted for 2 years in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil including community-dwelling elderly women. Methods: Bone mineral density (BMD), serum 25-OHD, intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), calcium and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) were examined in 226 women without vertebral fractures (NO FRACTURE group) and 189 women with at least one moderate/severe vertebral fracture (FRACTURE group). Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) was evaluated using both the Genant semiquantitative (SQ) approach and morphometry. Results: Patients in the NO FRACTURE group had lower age, increased height, higher calcium intake, and higher BMD compared to those patients in the FRACTURE group (p < 0.05). Of interest, serum levels of 25-OHD in the NO FRACTURE group were higher than those observed in the FRACTURE group (51.73 nmol/L vs. 42.31 nmol/L, p < 0.001). Reinforcing this finding, vitamin D insufficiency (25-OHD < 75 nmol/L) was observed less in the NO FRACTURE group (82.3% vs. 93.65%, p = 0.001). After adjustment for significant variables within the patient population (age, height, race, calcium intake, 25-OHD, eGFR and sites BMD), the logistic-regression analyses revealed that age (OR = 1.09, 95% Cl 1.04-1.14, p < 0.001) femoral neck BMD (OR = 0.7, 95% CI 0.6-0.82, p < 0.001) and 25-OHD <75 nmol/L (OR = 2.38, 95% CI 1.17-4.8, p = 0.016) remains a significant factor for vertebral fracture. Conclusion: Vitamin D insufficiency is a contributing factor for moderate/severe vertebral fractures. This result emphasizes the importance of including this modifiable risk factor in the evaluation of elderly women. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Previous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies described consistent age-related gray matter (GM) reductions in the fronto-parietal neocortex, insula and cerebellum in elderly subjects, but not as frequently in limbic/paralimbic structures. However, it is unclear whether such features are already present during earlier stages of adulthood, and if age-related GM changes may follow non-linear patterns at such age range. This voxel-based morphometry study investigated the relationship between GM volumes and age specifically during non-elderly life (18-50 years) in 89 healthy individuals (48 males and 41 females). Voxelwise analyses showed significant (p < 0.05, corrected) negative correlations in the right prefrontal cortex and left cerebellum, and positive correlations (indicating lack of GM loss) in the medial temporal region, cingulate gyrus, insula and temporal neocortex. Analyses using ROI masks showed that age-related dorsolateral prefrontal volume decrements followed non-linear patterns, and were less prominent in females compared to males at this age range. These findings further support for the notion of a heterogeneous and asynchronous pattern of age-related brain morphometric changes, with region-specific non-linear features. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic widespread pain (CWP) in community-dwelling elderly individuals living in Sao Paulo, to assess the spectrum of problems related to these diseases using the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) and to correlate the FIQ with the number of tender points and with pain threshold. Methods: Our sample consisted of 361 individuals (64% women, 36% men, mean age of 73.3 +/- 5.7 years). Individuals were classified into four groups: FM (according to American College of Rheumatology criteria), CWP, regional pain (RP) and no pain (NP). Pain characteristics and dolorimetry for 18 tender points and the FIQ were assessed. Results: The prevalence of FM was 5.5% [95% confidence interval (CI) = 5.4-5.7], and the prevalence of CWP was 14.1% (95% Cl: 10.5-17.7%). The frequency of RP was 52.6% and the prevalence of NP was 27.7%. FIQ scores were higher in people with FM (44.5), followed by CWP (31.4), RP (18.1) and NP (5.5) (p < 0.001). There was a positive correlation between the domains of the FIQ and the number of tender Points (p < 0.05), and a negative correlation between FIQ score and pain threshold (p < 0.05). Conclusion: In our elderly subjects, the prevalence of FM was slightly higher compared to previously reported studies, and CWP was around 14%. The spectrum of problems related to chronic pain was more severe in FM followed by CWP, strongly suggesting that these conditions should be diagnosed and adequately treated in older individuals. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Morbid obesity is highly prevalent in the Western World, and its consequences present a real public health challenge. Voice alterations can represent one of these consequences and represent an opportunity for interference with therapeutic methods. This particularly features of the individual`s voice was the goal of the present study. A group of 45 adult volunteers of both sexes with a BMI greater than 35 Kg/m(2) was selected among patients of the Obesity Ambulatory of the Digestive Surgery Division. The control group consisted of volunteers matched by sex, age (+/- 1 year), and smoking habits, but with a BMI bellow 30 Kg/m(2). All subjects were submitted to laryngoscopic examination, audio perceptive analysis, and voice acoustics determination. Examinations were always performed by the same doctor, and diagnoses were provided by two different physician specialists in laryngology and voice. Obese individuals exhibit the following modifications in voice feature: hoarseness, murmuring, vocal instability, altered jitter and shimmer, and reduced maximum phonation times as well the presence of voice strangulation at the end of emission. The voices of individuals with morbid obesity are different of the voice of nonobese people and demonstrate significant changes in vocal characteristics.
Absorption kinetics of solutes given with the subcutaneous administration of fluids is ill-defined. The gamma emitter, technitium pertechnetate, enabled estimates of absorption rate to be estimated independently using two approaches. In the first approach, the counts remaining at the site were estimated by imaging above the subcutaneous administration site, whereas in the second approach, the plasma technetium concentration-time profiles were monitored up to 8 hr after technetium administration. Boluses of technetium pertechnetate were given both intravenously and subcutaneously on separate occasions with a multiple dosing regimen using three doses on each occasion. The disposition of technetium after iv administration was best described by biexponential kinetics with a V-ss of 0.30 +/- 0.11 L/kg and a clearance of 30.0 +/- 13.1 ml/min. The subcutaneous absorption kinetics was best described as a single exponential process with a half-life of 18.16 +/- 3.97 min by image analysis and a half-life of 11.58 +/- 2.48 min using plasma technetium time data. The bioavailability of technetium by the subcutaneous route was estimated to be 0.96 +/- 0.12. The absorption half-life showed no consistent change with the duration of the subcutaneous infusion. The amount remaining at the absorption site with time was similar when analyzed using image analysis, and plasma concentrations assuming multiexponential disposition kinetics and a first-order absorption process. Profiles of fraction remaining at the absorption sire generated by deconvolution analysis, image analysis, and assumption of a constant first-order absorption process were similar. Slowing of absorption from the subcutaneous administration site is apparent after the last bolus dose in three of the subjects and can De associated with the stopping of the infusion. In a fourth subject, the retention of technetium at the subcutaneous site is more consistent with accumulation of technetium near the absorption site as a result of systemic recirculation.
According to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the elderly population grew 47.8% in the last decade in Brazil. A portion of this population has severe and/or profound hearing loss and do not benefit from conventional hearing aids. Thus, the use of cochlear implant is required. Aim: To analyze the benefits of cochlear implants in the elderly based on the comparison of primary auditory thresholds before and after the operation, discrimination of sentences in speech and in talking on the telephone. Methodology: Retrospective cohort study, analyzing medical records from patients aged over 60 years, users of cochlear implant for at least 1 year. Results: Fourteen medical records were analyzed. Mean age of patients was 63.07 years. The mean pure tone thresholds between 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz and 4kHz before the implantation was 113dBHL. None of the patients, before operation, could discriminate sentences in open sets and only 3 scored 17% in closed sets sentence recognition. After one year of implantation, the mean sound field thresholds reached 34dBHL, and open set sentences recognition of 93.57%, while 71% of the patients had become able to have a conversation on the telephone. Conclusion: The elderly users of cochlear implant showed important outcomes, with significant improvement in understanding in the open set and in using the telephone.
The metallic voice is usually confused with ring or nasality by singers and nontrained listeners. who are not used to perceptual vocal analysis. They believe a metallic voice results from a rise in fundamental frequency. A diagnostic error in this aspect may lead to lowering pitch, an incorrect procedure that Could Cause vocal overload and fatigue. The purpose of this article is to Study the quality of metallic voice considering the correlation between information of the physiological and acoustic plans, based on a perceptive consensual assumption. Fiberscopic video pharyngolaryngoscopy was performed on 21 professional singers while speaking vowel [e]-in normal and metallic modes to observe muscular movements and structural changes of the velopharynx, pharynx, and larynx. Vocal samples captured simultaneously to the fiberscopic examination were acoustically analyzed. Frequency and amplitude of the first four formants (F(1), F(2), F(3), and F(4)) were extracted by means of linear predictor coefficients (LPC) Spectrum and were statistically analyzed. Vocal tract adjustments such as velar lowering, pharyngeal wall narrowing, laryngeal rise, aryepiglottic, and lateral laryngeal constrictions were frequently found: there were no significant changes in frequency and amplitude of F(1) in the metallic voiced there were significant increases in amplitudes of F(2), F(3), and F(4) and in frequency for F, metallic Voice perceived as louder was correlated to an increase ill amplitude of F(3) and F(4). Physiological adjustments of velopharynx, pharynx, and larynx are combined in characterizing the metallic voice and can be acoustically related to changes in formant pattern.
The risk of osteoporotic fractures is known to vary among populations. There are no studies analyzing concomitantly clinical, densitometric, and lab risk factors in miscigenated community-dwelling population of Brazil. A total of 1007 elderly subjects (600 women and 407 men) from Sao Paulo, were evaluated using a questionnaire that included risk factors for osteoporotic fractures. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at the hip and lumbar spine. Laboratory blood tests were also obtained. The prevalence of osteoporotic fractures was 13.2% (133 subjects), and the main fracture sites were distal forearm (6.0%), humerus (2.3%), femur (1.3%), and ribs (1.1%). Women had a higher prevalence (17.5%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 14.6-20.6) than men (6.9%; 95% CI: 4.4-9.3) (p < 0.001). After adjusting for significant variables, logistic regression revealed that female gender (odds ratio [OR] = 2.7; 95% CI; 1.6-4.5; p < 0.001), current smoking (OR = 1.9; 95% CI: 1.2-3.3; p = 0.013), and the femoral neck T-score (OR = 0.7; 95% CI: 0.5-0.9; p = 0.001) remain significant risk factors for osteoporotic fractures in the community-dwelling elderly. Our findings identified that female gender, current smoking, and low hip BMD are independent risk factors for osteoporotic fractures.
Objective: To assess the serum levels of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) in elderly depressed patients in comparison with nondepressed healthy elderly subjects. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Tertiary memory clinic. Participants: Twenty-three antidepressant-free elderly depressed patients and 44 nondepressed healthy elderly comparison group were enrolled to this study. Measurement: Serum IL-1 beta levels were determined with highly sensitive colorimetric sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Severity of the depressive episode was determined by scores on the Hamilton Depression Scale-21 item and cognitive performance by the scores on the Cambridge Cognition Examination, Mini Mental State Examination clock drawing test, and verbal fluency. Results: IL-1 beta serum levels were increased in elderly patients versus nondepressed elderly (t = 2.21, df = 65, p = 0.04). After categorizing elderly depressed subjects into late onset (LOD) versus early onset (EOD), patients with EOD had the highest IL-1 beta levels, when compared with nondepressed elderly patients and patients with LOD in analysis of variance (F = 4.9, df = 2, 64, p < 0.01). Conclusions: Late-life depression is associated with higher IL-1 beta levels suggesting that increased proinflammatory state may play a role in the physiopathology of depression in the elderly. The authors further show that this might be more prominent in those patients with EOD geriatric depression. (Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2010; 18: 172-176)
Phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)) are ubiquitous enzymes involved in membrane fatty acid metabolism and intracellular signalling. Recent studies have shown that PLA(2) subtypes are implicated in the modulation of pathways related to memory acquisition and retrieval. We investigated the effects of cognitive training on platelet PLA(2) activity in healthy elderly individuals. Twenty-three cognitively unimpaired older adults were randomly assigned to receive memory training or standard outpatient care only. Both groups were cognitively assessed by the same protocol, and the experimental group (EG) underwent a four-session memory training intervention. Pre- and post-test measures included prose and list recall, WAIS-III digit symbol, strategy use measures and platelet PLA(2) group activity. After cognitive training, patients in the EG group had significant increase in cytosolic, calcium-dependent PLA(2) (cPLA(2)), extracellular (or secreted), calcium-dependent PLA(2) (sPLA(2)), total platelet PLA(2) activity, and significant decrease in platelet calcium-independent PLA(2) (iPLA(2)) activity. Our results suggest that memory training may have a modulating effect in PLA(2)-mediated biological systems associated with cognitive functions and neurodegenerative diseases. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To compare the volume of the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus in elderly individuals with and without depressive disorders, and to determine whether the volumes of these regions correlate with scores on memory tests. Method: Clinical and demographic differences, as well as differences in regional gray matter volumes, were assessed in 48 elderly patients with depressive disorders and 31 control subjects. Brain (structural MRI) scans were processed using statistical parametric mapping and voxel-based morphometry. Cognitive tests were administered to subjects in both groups. Results: There were no between-group gray matter volume differences in the hippocampus or parahippocampal gyrus. In the elderly depressed group only, the volume of the left parahippocampal gyrus correlated with scores on the delayed naming portion of the visual verbal learning test. There were also significant direct correlations in depressed subjects between the volumes of the left hippocampus, right and left parahippocampal gyrus and immediate recall scores on verbal episodic memory tests and visual learning tests. In the control group, there were direct correlations only between overall cognitive performance (as assessed with the MMSE) and the volume of right hippocampus, and between the total score on the visual verbal learning test and the volume of the right and left parahippocampal gyrus. Conclusions: These findings highlight different patterns of relationship between cognitive performance and volumes of medial temporal structures in depressed individuals and healthy elderly subjects. The direct correlation between delayed visual verbal memory recall scores with left parahippocampal volumes specifically in elderly depressed individuals provides support to the view that depression in elderly populations may be a risk factor for dementia. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
One of the challenges in screening for dementia in developing countries is related to performance differences due to educational and cultural factors. This study evaluated the accuracy of single screening tests as well as combined protocols including the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Verbal Fluency animal category (VF), Clock Drawing test (CDT), and Pfeffer Functional Activities Questionnaire (PFAQ) to discriminate illiterate elderly with and without Alzheimer`s disease (AD) in a clinical sample. Cross-sectional study with 66 illiterate outpatients diagnosed with mild and moderate AD and 40 illiterate normal controls. Diagnosis of AD was based on NINCDS-ADRDA. All patients were submitted to a diagnostic protocol including a clinical interview based on the CAMDEX sections. ROC curves area analyses were carried out to compare sensitivity and specificity for the cognitive tests to differentiate the two groups (each test separately and in two by two combinations). Scores for all cognitive (MMSE, CDT, VF) and functional assessments (PFAQ) were significantly different between the two groups (p < 0.001). The best screening instruments for this sample of illiterate elderly were the MMSE and the PFAQ. The cut-off scores for the MMSE, VF, CDT, and PFAQ were 17.5, 7.5, 2.5, and 11.5, respectively. The most sensitive combination came from the MMSE and PFAQ (94.1%), and the best specificity was observed with the combination of the MMSE and CDT (89%). Illiterate patients can be successfully screened for AD using well-known screening instruments, especially in combined protocols.