964 resultados para efficient algorithm


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The end of Dennard scaling has promoted low power consumption into a firstorder concern for computing systems. However, conventional power conservation schemes such as voltage and frequency scaling are reaching their limits when used in performance-constrained environments. New technologies are required to break the power wall while sustaining performance on future processors. Low-power embedded processors and near-threshold voltage computing (NTVC) have been proposed as viable solutions to tackle the power wall in future computing systems. Unfortunately, these technologies may also compromise per-core performance and, in the case of NTVC, xreliability. These limitations would make them unsuitable for HPC systems and datacenters. In order to demonstrate that emerging low-power processing technologies can effectively replace conventional technologies, this study relies on ARM’s big.LITTLE processors as both an actual and emulation platform, and state-of-the-art implementations of the CG solver. For NTVC in particular, the paper describes how efficient algorithm-based fault tolerance schemes preserve the power and energy benefits of very low voltage operation.


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This thesis studies properties and applications of different generalized Appell polynomials in the framework of Clifford analysis. As an example of 3D-quasi-conformal mappings realized by generalized Appell polynomials, an analogue of the complex Joukowski transformation of order two is introduced. The consideration of a Pascal n-simplex with hypercomplex entries allows stressing the combinatorial relevance of hypercomplex Appell polynomials. The concept of totally regular variables and its relation to generalized Appell polynomials leads to the construction of new bases for the space of homogeneous holomorphic polynomials whose elements are all isomorphic to the integer powers of the complex variable. For this reason, such polynomials are called pseudo-complex powers (PCP). Different variants of them are subject of a detailed investigation. Special attention is paid to the numerical aspects of PCP. An efficient algorithm based on complex arithmetic is proposed for their implementation. In this context a brief survey on numerical methods for inverting Vandermonde matrices is presented and a modified algorithm is proposed which illustrates advantages of a special type of PCP. Finally, combinatorial applications of generalized Appell polynomials are emphasized. The explicit expression of the coefficients of a particular type of Appell polynomials and their relation to a Pascal simplex with hypercomplex entries are derived. The comparison of two types of 3D Appell polynomials leads to the detection of new trigonometric summation formulas and combinatorial identities of Riordan-Sofo type characterized by their expression in terms of central binomial coefficients.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2015


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Recently simple limiting functions establishing upper and lower bounds on the Mittag-Leffler function were found. This paper follows those expressions to design an efficient algorithm for the approximate calculation of expressions usual in fractional-order control systems. The numerical experiments demonstrate the superior efficiency of the proposed method.


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Recently simple limiting functions establishing upper and lower bounds on the Mittag-Leffler function were found. This paper follows those expressions to design an efficient algorithm for the approximate calculation of expressions usual in fractional-order control systems. The numerical experiments demonstrate the superior efficiency of the proposed method.


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In a recent paper, Bai and Perron (1998) considered theoretical issues related to the limiting distribution of estimators and test statistics in the linear model with multiple structural changes. In this companion paper, we consider practical issues for the empirical applications of the procedures. We first address the problem of estimation of the break dates and present an efficient algorithm to obtain global minimizers of the sum of squared residuals. This algorithm is based on the principle of dynamic programming and requires at most least-squares operations of order O(T 2) for any number of breaks. Our method can be applied to both pure and partial structural-change models. Secondly, we consider the problem of forming confidence intervals for the break dates under various hypotheses about the structure of the data and the errors across segments. Third, we address the issue of testing for structural changes under very general conditions on the data and the errors. Fourth, we address the issue of estimating the number of breaks. We present simulation results pertaining to the behavior of the estimators and tests in finite samples. Finally, a few empirical applications are presented to illustrate the usefulness of the procedures. All methods discussed are implemented in a GAUSS program available upon request for non-profit academic use.


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L’apprentissage supervisé de réseaux hiérarchiques à grande échelle connaît présentement un succès fulgurant. Malgré cette effervescence, l’apprentissage non-supervisé représente toujours, selon plusieurs chercheurs, un élément clé de l’Intelligence Artificielle, où les agents doivent apprendre à partir d’un nombre potentiellement limité de données. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans cette pensée et aborde divers sujets de recherche liés au problème d’estimation de densité par l’entremise des machines de Boltzmann (BM), modèles graphiques probabilistes au coeur de l’apprentissage profond. Nos contributions touchent les domaines de l’échantillonnage, l’estimation de fonctions de partition, l’optimisation ainsi que l’apprentissage de représentations invariantes. Cette thèse débute par l’exposition d’un nouvel algorithme d'échantillonnage adaptatif, qui ajuste (de fa ̧con automatique) la température des chaînes de Markov sous simulation, afin de maintenir une vitesse de convergence élevée tout au long de l’apprentissage. Lorsqu’utilisé dans le contexte de l’apprentissage par maximum de vraisemblance stochastique (SML), notre algorithme engendre une robustesse accrue face à la sélection du taux d’apprentissage, ainsi qu’une meilleure vitesse de convergence. Nos résultats sont présent ́es dans le domaine des BMs, mais la méthode est générale et applicable à l’apprentissage de tout modèle probabiliste exploitant l’échantillonnage par chaînes de Markov. Tandis que le gradient du maximum de vraisemblance peut-être approximé par échantillonnage, l’évaluation de la log-vraisemblance nécessite un estimé de la fonction de partition. Contrairement aux approches traditionnelles qui considèrent un modèle donné comme une boîte noire, nous proposons plutôt d’exploiter la dynamique de l’apprentissage en estimant les changements successifs de log-partition encourus à chaque mise à jour des paramètres. Le problème d’estimation est reformulé comme un problème d’inférence similaire au filtre de Kalman, mais sur un graphe bi-dimensionnel, où les dimensions correspondent aux axes du temps et au paramètre de température. Sur le thème de l’optimisation, nous présentons également un algorithme permettant d’appliquer, de manière efficace, le gradient naturel à des machines de Boltzmann comportant des milliers d’unités. Jusqu’à présent, son adoption était limitée par son haut coût computationel ainsi que sa demande en mémoire. Notre algorithme, Metric-Free Natural Gradient (MFNG), permet d’éviter le calcul explicite de la matrice d’information de Fisher (et son inverse) en exploitant un solveur linéaire combiné à un produit matrice-vecteur efficace. L’algorithme est prometteur: en terme du nombre d’évaluations de fonctions, MFNG converge plus rapidement que SML. Son implémentation demeure malheureusement inefficace en temps de calcul. Ces travaux explorent également les mécanismes sous-jacents à l’apprentissage de représentations invariantes. À cette fin, nous utilisons la famille de machines de Boltzmann restreintes “spike & slab” (ssRBM), que nous modifions afin de pouvoir modéliser des distributions binaires et parcimonieuses. Les variables latentes binaires de la ssRBM peuvent être rendues invariantes à un sous-espace vectoriel, en associant à chacune d’elles, un vecteur de variables latentes continues (dénommées “slabs”). Ceci se traduit par une invariance accrue au niveau de la représentation et un meilleur taux de classification lorsque peu de données étiquetées sont disponibles. Nous terminons cette thèse sur un sujet ambitieux: l’apprentissage de représentations pouvant séparer les facteurs de variations présents dans le signal d’entrée. Nous proposons une solution à base de ssRBM bilinéaire (avec deux groupes de facteurs latents) et formulons le problème comme l’un de “pooling” dans des sous-espaces vectoriels complémentaires.


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This report examines how to estimate the parameters of a chaotic system given noisy observations of the state behavior of the system. Investigating parameter estimation for chaotic systems is interesting because of possible applications for high-precision measurement and for use in other signal processing, communication, and control applications involving chaotic systems. In this report, we examine theoretical issues regarding parameter estimation in chaotic systems and develop an efficient algorithm to perform parameter estimation. We discover two properties that are helpful for performing parameter estimation on non-structurally stable systems. First, it turns out that most data in a time series of state observations contribute very little information about the underlying parameters of a system, while a few sections of data may be extraordinarily sensitive to parameter changes. Second, for one-parameter families of systems, we demonstrate that there is often a preferred direction in parameter space governing how easily trajectories of one system can "shadow'" trajectories of nearby systems. This asymmetry of shadowing behavior in parameter space is proved for certain families of maps of the interval. Numerical evidence indicates that similar results may be true for a wide variety of other systems. Using the two properties cited above, we devise an algorithm for performing parameter estimation. Standard parameter estimation techniques such as the extended Kalman filter perform poorly on chaotic systems because of divergence problems. The proposed algorithm achieves accuracies several orders of magnitude better than the Kalman filter and has good convergence properties for large data sets.


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We present a set of techniques that can be used to represent and detect shapes in images. Our methods revolve around a particular shape representation based on the description of objects using triangulated polygons. This representation is similar to the medial axis transform and has important properties from a computational perspective. The first problem we consider is the detection of non-rigid objects in images using deformable models. We present an efficient algorithm to solve this problem in a wide range of situations, and show examples in both natural and medical images. We also consider the problem of learning an accurate non-rigid shape model for a class of objects from examples. We show how to learn good models while constraining them to the form required by the detection algorithm. Finally, we consider the problem of low-level image segmentation and grouping. We describe a stochastic grammar that generates arbitrary triangulated polygons while capturing Gestalt principles of shape regularity. This grammar is used as a prior model over random shapes in a low level algorithm that detects objects in images.


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In this paper, we present a P2P-based database sharing system that provides information sharing capabilities through keyword-based search techniques. Our system requires neither a global schema nor schema mappings between different databases, and our keyword-based search algorithms are robust in the presence of frequent changes in the content and membership of peers. To facilitate data integration, we introduce keyword join operator to combine partial answers containing different keywords into complete answers. We also present an efficient algorithm that optimize the keyword join operations for partial answer integration. Our experimental study on both real and synthetic datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of our algorithms, and the efficiency of the proposed query processing strategies.


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This paper derives an efficient algorithm for constructing sparse kernel density (SKD) estimates. The algorithm first selects a very small subset of significant kernels using an orthogonal forward regression (OFR) procedure based on the D-optimality experimental design criterion. The weights of the resulting sparse kernel model are then calculated using a modified multiplicative nonnegative quadratic programming algorithm. Unlike most of the SKD estimators, the proposed D-optimality regression approach is an unsupervised construction algorithm and it does not require an empirical desired response for the kernel selection task. The strength of the D-optimality OFR is owing to the fact that the algorithm automatically selects a small subset of the most significant kernels related to the largest eigenvalues of the kernel design matrix, which counts for the most energy of the kernel training data, and this also guarantees the most accurate kernel weight estimate. The proposed method is also computationally attractive, in comparison with many existing SKD construction algorithms. Extensive numerical investigation demonstrates the ability of this regression-based approach to efficiently construct a very sparse kernel density estimate with excellent test accuracy, and our results show that the proposed method compares favourably with other existing sparse methods, in terms of test accuracy, model sparsity and complexity, for constructing kernel density estimates.


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The pipe sizing of water networks via evolutionary algorithms is of great interest because it allows the selection of alternative economical solutions that meet a set of design requirements. However, available evolutionary methods are numerous, and methodologies to compare the performance of these methods beyond obtaining a minimal solution for a given problem are currently lacking. A methodology to compare algorithms based on an efficiency rate (E) is presented here and applied to the pipe-sizing problem of four medium-sized benchmark networks (Hanoi, New York Tunnel, GoYang and R-9 Joao Pessoa). E numerically determines the performance of a given algorithm while also considering the quality of the obtained solution and the required computational effort. From the wide range of available evolutionary algorithms, four algorithms were selected to implement the methodology: a PseudoGenetic Algorithm (PGA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), a Harmony Search and a modified Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm (SFLA). After more than 500,000 simulations, a statistical analysis was performed based on the specific parameters each algorithm requires to operate, and finally, E was analyzed for each network and algorithm. The efficiency measure indicated that PGA is the most efficient algorithm for problems of greater complexity and that HS is the most efficient algorithm for less complex problems. However, the main contribution of this work is that the proposed efficiency ratio provides a neutral strategy to compare optimization algorithms and may be useful in the future to select the most appropriate algorithm for different types of optimization problems.


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The issue of how children learn the meaning of words is fundamental to developmental psychology. The recent attempts to develop or evolve efficient communication protocols among interacting robots or Virtual agents have brought that issue to a central place in more applied research fields, such as computational linguistics and neural networks, as well. An attractive approach to learning an object-word mapping is the so-called cross-situational learning. This learning scenario is based on the intuitive notion that a learner can determine the meaning of a word by finding something in common across all observed uses of that word. Here we show how the deterministic Neural Modeling Fields (NMF) categorization mechanism can be used by the learner as an efficient algorithm to infer the correct object-word mapping. To achieve that we first reduce the original on-line learning problem to a batch learning problem where the inputs to the NMF mechanism are all possible object-word associations that Could be inferred from the cross-situational learning scenario. Since many of those associations are incorrect, they are considered as clutter or noise and discarded automatically by a clutter detector model included in our NMF implementation. With these two key ingredients - batch learning and clutter detection - the NMF mechanism was capable to infer perfectly the correct object-word mapping. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The subgradient optimization method is a simple and flexible linear programming iterative algorithm. It is much simpler than Newton's method and can be applied to a wider variety of problems. It also converges when the objective function is non-differentiable. Since an efficient algorithm will not only produce a good solution but also take less computing time, we always prefer a simpler algorithm with high quality. In this study a series of step size parameters in the subgradient equation is studied. The performance is compared for a general piecewise function and a specific p-median problem. We examine how the quality of solution changes by setting five forms of step size parameter.


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Background qtl.outbred is an extendible interface in the statistical environment, R, for combining quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping tools. It is built as an umbrella package that enables outbred genotype probabilities to be calculated and/or imported into the software package R/qtl. Findings Using qtl.outbred, the genotype probabilities from outbred line cross data can be calculated by interfacing with a new and efficient algorithm developed for analyzing arbitrarily large datasets (included in the package) or imported from other sources such as the web-based tool, GridQTL. Conclusion qtl.outbred will improve the speed for calculating probabilities and the ability to analyse large future datasets. This package enables the user to analyse outbred line cross data accurately, but with similar effort than inbred line cross data.