997 resultados para ecological observations
The complex interactions among endangered ecosystems, landowners` interests, and different models of land tenure and use, constitute an important series of challenges for those seeking to maintain and restore biodiversity and augment the flow of ecosystem services. Over the past 10 years, we have developed a data-based approach to address these challenges and to achieve medium and large-scale ecological restoration of riparian areas on private lands in the state of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Given varying motivations for ecological restoration, the location of riparian areas within landholdings, environmental zoning of different riparian areas, and best-practice restoration methods were developed for each situation. A total of 32 ongoing projects, covering 527,982 ha, were evaluated in large sugarcane farms and small mixed farms, and six different restoration techniques have been developed to help upscale the effort. Small mixed farms had higher portions of land requiring protection as riparian areas (13.3%), and lower forest cover of riparian areas (18.3%), than large sugarcane farms (10.0% and 36.9%, respectively for riparian areas and forest cover values). In both types of farms, forest fragments required some degree of restoration. Historical anthropogenic degradation has compromised forest ecosystem structure and functioning, despite their high-diversity of native tree and shrub species. Notably, land use patterns in riparian areas differed markedly. Large sugarcane farms had higher portions of riparian areas occupied by highly mechanized agriculture, abandoned fields, and anthropogenic wet fields created by siltation in water courses. In contrast, in small mixed crop farms, low or non-mechanized agriculture and pasturelands were predominant. Despite these differences, plantations of native tree species covering the entire area was by far the main restoration method needed both by large sugarcane farms (76.0%) and small mixed farms (92.4%), in view of the low resilience of target sites, reduced forest cover, and high fragmentation, all of which limit the potential for autogenic restoration. We propose that plantations should be carried out with a high-diversity of native species in order to create biologically viable restored forests, and to assist long-term biodiversity persistence at the landscape scale. Finally, we propose strategies to integrate the political, socio-economic and methodological aspects needed to upscale restoration efforts in tropical forest regions throughout Latin America and elsewhere. (C) 2010 Elsevier BA/. All rights reserved.
Many tropical tree species produce growth rings in response to seasonal environmental factors that influence the activity of the vascular cambium. We applied the following methods to analyze the annual nature of treering formation of 24 tree species from a seasonal semi-deciduous forest of southeast Brazil: describing wood anatomy and phenology, counting tree rings after cambium markings, and using permanent dendrometer bands. After 7 years of systematic observations and measurements, we found the following: the trees lost their leaves during the dry season and grew new leaves at the end of the same season; trunk increment dynamics corresponded to seasonal changes in precipitation, with higher increment (active period) during the rainy season (October-April) and lower increment (dormant period) during the dry season (May-September); the number of tree rings formed after injuries to the cambium coincided with the number of years since the extraction of the wood samples. As a result of these observations, it was concluded that most study trees formed one growth ring per year. This suggests that tree species from the seasonal semi-deciduous forests of Brazil have an annual cycle of wood formation. Therefore, these trees have potential for use in future studies of tree age and radial growth rates, as well as to infer ecological and regional climatic conditions. These future studies can provide important information for the management and conservation of these endangered forests.
Aceria inusitata Britto and Navia n. sp. (Acari: Eriophyidae) is described from protogynes, deutogynes and two forms of males occurring under a ""patches of webbing"" from ""pau-brasil,"" Caesalpinia echinata L. (Caesalpiniaceae), leaves. This is the first example of a deuterogynous eriophyid mite in tropical regions with two forms of males, one resembling the protogyne and the other the deutogyne. In addition, biological observations are presented. Aberoptus cerostructor Flechtmann, is given a new generic assignment, Aceria cerostructor n. comb.
Lamington National Park in Queensland, Australia is noted for its rainforest and is part of the World Heritage listed property but prior to this work, no systematic study has been done of the importance of birds to its visitors. This study is based on data from survey forms handed to visitors at an important site in the park and completed by visitors following their visit. It yielded 622 useable responses. These enabled us to establish the comparative importance of birds as an attraction to this site for this sample of visitors. Furthermore, logit regression is used to target analysis and to identify factors that increase the likelihood of a visitor saying that birds are an important attraction. In addition, the relative importance to visitors of various attributes of birds at this site is established. These attributes include hearing birds, diversity of birds, seeing lots of birds, presence of rare birds, presence of brightly coloured birds and physical contact with birds. Logit regression analysis is used to isolate independent variables that increase or decrease the likelihood that visitors find diversity of birds, brightly coloured birds or physical contact with birds at this site to be important. For example, factors such as the level of education of visitors, their gender, knowledge of birds and conservation attitudes and statistically significant influences. As a result of the analysis potential conflicts between different types of park visitors in relation to human interaction with birds are identified. Some potential ecological implications of human interactions with birds are modelled and discussed, and their economic conservation and biodiversity consequences are considered
The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) initiation process for 4340 high strength steel in distilled water at room temperature was studied using a new kind of instrument: an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM). It was found that the applied stress accelerated oxide film formation which has an important influence on the subsequent SCC initiation. SCC was observed to initiate in the following circumstances: (1) cracking of a thick oxide film leading to SCC initiation along metal grain boundaries, (2) the initiation of pits initiating SCC in the metal and (3) SCC initiating from the edge of the specimen. All these three SCC initiation circumstances are consistent with the following model which couples SCC initiation with cracking of a surface protective oxide. There is a dynamic interaction between oxide formation, the applied stress, oxide cracking, pitting and the initiation of SCC. An aspect of the dynamic interaction is cracks forming in a protective surface oxide because of the applied stress, exposing to the water bare metal at the oxide crack tip, and oxidation of the bare metal causing crack healing. Oxide crack healing would be competing with the initiation of intergranular SCC if an oxide crack meets the metal surface at a grain boundary. If the intergranular SCC penetration is sufficiently fast along the metal grain boundary, then the crack yaws open preventing healing of the oxide crack. If intergranular SCC penetration is not sufficiently fast, then the oxidation process could produce sufficient oxide to fill both the stress corrosion crack and the oxide crack; in this case there would be initiation of SCC but only limited propagation of SCC. Stress-induced cracks in very thin oxide can induce pits which initiate SCC, and under some conditions such stress induced cracks in a thin oxide can directly initiate SCC.
The Hubble Deep Field South (HDF-S) Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations are expected to begin in 1998 October. We present a composite spectrum of the QSO in the HDF-S held covering UV/optical/near-IR wavelengths, obtained by combining data from the Australian National University 2.3 m telescope with STIS on the HST.(1) This intermediate-resolution spectrum covers the range 1600-10000 Angstrom and allows us to derive some basic information on the intervening absorption systems which will be important in planning future higher resolution studies of this QSO. The QSO J2233 - 606 coordinates are alpha = 22(h)33(m)37(s).6, delta = -60 degrees 33'29 (J2000), the magnitude is B = 17.5, and its redshift is z(em) = 2.238, derived by simultaneously fitting several emission lines. The spectral index is alpha = -0.7 +/- 0.1, measured between the Ly alpha and Mg II emission lines. Many absorption systems are present, including systems with metal lines redward of the Ly alpha emission line at z(abs) 2.204, 1.942, 1.870, 1.787 and a few very strong Ly alpha features at z(abs) = 2.077, 1.928, without similarly strong metal lines. There is a conspicuous Lyman limit (LL) absorption system that is most likely associated with the z(abs) = 1.942 system with a neutral hydrogen column density of N-HI = (3.1 +/- 1.0) x 10(17) cm(-2). There is some evidence for the presence of a second LL absorber just to the blue of the conspicuous system at z = 1.870. We have employed a new technique, based on an analysis of the shape of the observed spectrum in the region of the LL absorption, to explore the properties of the gas. We tentatively conclude that this system might have suitable characteristics for measuring the deuterium-to-hydrogen (D/H) ratio.
The diet and feeding habits of the epaulette shark, Hemiscyllium ocellatum, were investigated through stomach content analysis. Five groups of prey items were found. The index of relative importance showed worms and crabs,to be of greatest value at 51.3% and 40.1% respectively. The three minor prey groups were shrimps (7.7%), small fishes (0.7%) and amphipods (0.3%). Epaulette sharks tend to be crepuscular, although feeding bouts may occur at any time. They appear to be opportunistic predators, using olfaction and electroreception in prey capture. This species appears to be an important benthic predator in the reef flat environment on Heron Island Reef.
Testing ecological models for management is an increasingly important part of the maturation of ecology as an applied science. Consequently, we need to work at applying fair tests of models with adequate data. We demonstrate that a recent test of a discrete time, stochastic model was biased towards falsifying the predictions. If the model was a perfect description of reality, the test falsified the predictions 84% of the time. We introduce an alternative testing procedure for stochastic models, and show that it falsifies the predictions only 5% of the time when the model is a perfect description of reality. The example is used as a point of departure to discuss some of the philosophical aspects of model testing.
Lizards and birds are both popular model organisms in behavioural ecology, but the interactions between them have attracted little study. Given the putative importance of birds as predators of diurnal Lizards, it is of considerable interest to know which traits (of lizards as well as birds) influence the outcome of a predatory attempt. We studied predation by giant terrestrial kingfishers (kookaburras, Dacelo novaeguineae: Alcedinidae) on heliothermic diurnal lizards (highland water skinks, Eulamprus tympanum: Scincidae), with particular reference to the role of prey (lizard) size. Our approach was twofold: to gather direct evidence (sizes of lizards consumed in the field, compared to those available) and indirect evidence rite-related shifts in lizard behaviour). We quantified the size structure of a natural population of skinks (determined by an extensive mark-recapture program), and compared it to the sizes of wild lizards taken by kookaburras (determined by analysis of prey remains left at the birds' nests,. Kookaburras showed size-based predation: they preyed mainly on small and medium-sized rather than large lizards in the field. However, the mechanism producing this bias remains elusive. It is not due to any distinctive behavioural attributes (locomotor ability, activity level, habitat usage) of the lizards of the size class disproportionately taken by the kookaburras. The greater vulnerability of subadult lizards may reflect subtle ontogenetic shifts in ecological and behavioural traits, but our data suggest that great caution is needed in inferring patterns of vulnerability to predation from indirect measures based on either the prey or the predator alone. Instead, we need direct observations on the interaction between the two.