982 resultados para ddc:400


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L’objecte del projecte és dissenyar una central productora d’energia elèctrica a través d’una turbina de vapor i un generador acoblat a aquesta, mitjançant concentradors d’energia solar cilindro-parabòlics. Aquests concentradors captaran la radiació directa del sol per concentrar-la al focus de la paràbola, on s’hi col·locarà un receptor per l’interior del qual hi passarà un fluid que s’escalfarà gràcies a aquests raigs concentrats. En el projecte s’ha dissenyat la instal·lació i estudiat la radiació disponible a la zona, s’ha realitzat un estudi de la viabilitat de la instal·lació necessària i del cost econòmic d’una central d’energia termoelèctrica fictícia a la zona de Tarragona


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El trabajo se asienta sobre en el estudio y la edición de un libro de contabilidad del siglo XV Libre de la magnifica señora Caterina Llull començat el 2 de jener de 1472 compilado por una mujer catalana Caterina Llull y Çabastida que vivió entre Siracusa y Barcelona y que se conserva en el Archivo del Centro Borja de S. Cugat del Vallès dentro del fondo archivístico privado de la familia Requesens. La investigación de la fuente mencionada se ha completado con otros documentos del mismo archivo familiar y con la documentación de otros archivos catalanes permitiendome, además, profundizar en algunos aspectos económicos y sociales de la Sicilia oriental del siglo XV, y llevar a cabo un análisis más amplio de las características y de los diferentes aspectos del así llamado "Medioevo en femenino". La tesis està dividida en tres partes: estudio paleografico-codocologico, socio-economico y transcripciòn completa del manuscrito con indice onomàstico.


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The ability of human postprandial triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins (TRLs), isolated after meals enriched in saturated fatty acids (SFAs), n-6 PUFAs, and MUFAs, to inhibit the uptake of I-125-labeled LDL by the LDL receptor was investigated in HepG2 cells. Addition of TRLs resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of heparin-releasable binding, cell-associated radioactivity, and degradation products of I-125-labeled LDL (P < 0.001). SFA-rich Svedberg flotation rate (S-f) 60-400 resulted in significantly greater inhibition of cell-associated radioactivity than PUFA-rich particles (P = 0.016) and total uptake of I-125-labeled LDL compared with PUFA- and MUFA-rich particles (P = 0.02). Normalization of the apolipoprotein (apo)E but not apoC-III content of the TRLs removed the effect of meal fatty acid composition, and addition of an anti-apoE antibody reversed the inhibitory effect of TRLs on the total uptake of I-125-labeled LDL. Real time RT-PCR showed that the SFA-rich Sf 60-400 increased the expression of genes involved in hepatic lipid synthesis (P < 0.05) and decreased the expression of the LDL receptor-related protein 1 compared with MUFAs (P = 0.008). In conclusion, these findings suggest an alternative or additional mechanism whereby acute fat ingestion can influence LDL clearance via competitive apoE-dependent effects of TRL on the LDL receptor.-Jackson, K. G., V. Maitin, D. S. Leake, P. Yaqoob, and C. M. Williams. Saturated fat-induced changes in Sf 60 400 particle composition reduces uptake of LDL by HepG2 cells.


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The present study was designed to examine whether the type of fat ingested in an initial test meal influences the response and density distribution of dietary-derived lipoproteins in the Svedberg flotation rate (Sf)>400, Sf 60 - 400 and Sf 20 - 60 lipoprotein fractions. A single-blind randomized within-subject crossover design was used to study the effects of palm oil, safflower oil, a mixture of fish and safflower oil, and olive oil on postprandial apolipoprotein (apo) B-48, retinyl ester and triacylglycerol responses in each lipoprotein fraction following an initial test meal containing one of the oils and a second standardized test meal. For all dietary oils, late postprandial (300min) concentrations of triacylglycerol and apo B-48 were significantly higher in the Sf 60 - 400 fraction than in the Sf>400 fraction (P<0.02). Significantly greater apo B-48 incremental areas under the curve (IAUCs) were also observed in the Sf 60 - 400 fraction than in the Sf>400 fraction following palm oil, safflower oil and olive oil (P<0.04), with a similar non-significant trend for fish/safflower oil. Olive oil resulted in a significantly greater apo B-48 IAUC in the Sf>400 fraction (P<0.02) than did any of the other dietary oils, as well as a tendency for a higher IAUC in the Sf 60 - 400 fraction compared with the palm, safflower and fish/safflower oils. In conclusion, we have found that the majority of intestinally derived lipoproteins present in the circulation following meals enriched with saturated, polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fatty acids are of the density and size of small chylomicrons and chylomicron remnants. Olive oil resulted in a greater apo B-48 response compared with the other dietary oils following sequential test meals, suggesting the formation of a greater number of small (Sf 60 - 400) and large (Sf>400) apo B-48-containing lipoproteins in response to this dietary oil.


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Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate physical characteristics and to examine association between somatotype and performance in collegiate runners of 100 m and 400 m. Methods: The sample, male runners (n=39) competing at the regional level in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, had height, body mass, skinfolds, limb circumference and skeletal breadths measured. Then, the somatotype was calculated by Health-Carter method. Races (100 m and 400 m) were held to assess athletic performance. Descriptive statistics were calculated for the total sample, as well as for the 100 m and 400 m groups, and established four subgroups, named quartiles. For analysis between groups of runners (100 m x 400 m) was used Student's t test for independent samples. To examine the relationship between the race times and anthropometric variables, was used the Pearson correlation test. The somatotype dispersion distance and somatotype spatial distance were calculated among subgroups. One-way analysis of variance, the Wilcoxon test followed of Tukey post test, and correlation analysis were used with a significance level of p<0.05. Results: Somatotype with mesomorphy and ectomorphy dominance was exhibited by 100 m and 400 m athletes. Endomorphy was low in both groups, especially in 400m runners, who had more elongated body types than 100 m runners. When separately compared by athletic performance quartile, 100 m sprinters of better qualifications (G100-G1) had somatotype with dominant mesomorphy, whereas 400 m runners had somatotype with dominant ectomorphy. A significant correlation (r = -0.55, p=0.008) between calf circumference and 100 m race times was observed showing the importance of muscularity, whereas a significant correlation was found between height and 400 m race times (r = -0.53, p=0.02) showing the importance of linearity. Conclusion: Runners of 100 and 400 may show differences in physical characteristics, depending on the level of athletic performance. Anthropometric periodic evaluations may help in the training process of these athletes. However, more specific assessment parameters should be taken into account, because somatotype by itself has not power to predict whether an individual will succeed in racing speed


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade fisiológica das sementes de milho-doce em função do teor de água na colheita e da temperatura de secagem em espiga. O experimento foi instalado na área experimental da FCA/Unesp, Botucatu-SP. Utilizou-se a cultivar BR 400 (bt) 'Super doce'. O delineamento experimental empregado foi o de blocos ao acaso com seis repetições, constituindo os tratamentos as épocas de colheitas. As colheitas das espigas foram iniciadas após a maturidade fisiológica; após despalhadas e divididas em duas porções, as espigas foram submetidas a secagem em estufas com circulação forçada nas temperaturas de 30 e 40ºC. Foi utilizada uma testemunha com sementes secadas no campo com 10,1% de teor de água. Foram determinados os teores de água das sementes, inicial e após a secagem, de todas as colheitas. Após a secagem, as espigas foram debulhadas manualmente, as sementes acondicionadas em saco de papel e armazenadas em condições ambientais de laboratório. As avaliações da qualidade fisiológica das sementes (emergência de plântulas no campo, índice de velocidade de emergência, matéria seca de plântulas, germinação, vigor-primeira contagem do teste de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, teste de frio, condutividade elétrica e teores de Ca, Mg, K e Na lixiviados na solução do teste de condutividade elétrica) foram realizadas antes e após seis meses de armazenamento. As sementes de milho-doce cultivar BR 400 (bt), com teor de água igual ou menor do que 35%, podem ser submetidas à secagem em espiga a temperatura de 30 ou 40ºC, sem perdas significativas em sua qualidade fisiológica.


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In this study a pulsed Nd:YAG laser was used to join Monel 400 thin foil with 100 mu m thickness. Pulse energy was varied from 1.0 to 2.25J at small increments of 0.25J. The macro and microstructures were analyzed by optical microscopy, tensile shear test and microhardness. Sound laser welds without discontinuities were obtained with 1.5 J pulse energy. Results indicate that using a precise control of the pulse energy, and so a control of the bottom foil dilution rate, it is possible to weld Monel 400 thin foil. The process appeared to be very sensitive to the gap between couples.


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We have investigated a high-resolution Fourier transform (FT) absorption spectrum of the (CH3OH)-C-13 isotopomer of methanol from 400 to 950 cm(-1) with the Ritz program. We present the assignments of 7160 transitions, 3021 of which belong to Asymmetry, and 4139 to E-symmetry. These transitions occur between states labeled by K quantum numbers up to 14, and by torsional quantum numbers n up to 4. The Ritz program evaluated the energies of the 4684 involved levels with an accuracy of the order of 10(-4) cm(-1). All of the assigned lines correspond to transitions involving torsionally excited levels within the ground small-amplitude vibrational state. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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U-238 and its radiogenic daughter U-234 have been utilized for dating soil formation and groundwater residence time during the last 1.5 million years, in this case based on the U-clissolution/precipitation occurring during modifications of the oxidation-reduction conditions. In this paper, we report a 400-600 kyr proxy of wet periods from sediments occurring in a soil profile developed over rocks outcropping at the Parana sedimentary basin in Brazil, and from groundwater exploited of Guarani aquifer at the same basin. The approaches indicated successful use of the U-modeled ages for suggesting wet periods exceeding the past 116-210 kyr from previous studies. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.