959 resultados para crisis communication


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Handover, or the communication of patient information between clinicians, is a fundamental component of health care. Psychiatric settings are dynamic environments relying on timely and accurate communication to plan care and manage risk. Crisis assessment and treatment teams are the primary interface between community and mental health services in many Australian and international health services, facilitating access to assessment, treatment, and admission to hospital. No previous research has investigated the handover between crisis assessment and treatment teams and inpatient psychiatric units, despite the importance of handover to care planning. The aim of the present study was to identify the nature and types of information transferred during these handovers, and to explore how these guides initial care planning. An observational, exploratory study design was used. A 20-item handover observation tool was used to observe 19 occasions of handover. A prospective audit was undertaken on clinical documentation arising from the admission. Clinical information, including psychiatric history and mental state, were handed over consistently; however, information about consumer preferences was reported less consistently. The present study identified a lack of attention to consumer preferences at handover, despite the current focus on recovery-oriented models for mental health care, and the centrality of respecting consumer preferences within the recovery paradigm.


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Subsequent to the Australian 'Black Saturday' bushfires there were a number of issues arising from investigations with regard to the functional stability and resilience of communications systems and the flow of information between emergency response organisations, and their ability to provide relevant information to the general public. In some cases, the transference of information failed or was late or ineffective with regard to decisions, advice and information broadcasting during the crisis. This was particularly evident in terms of managing emergency organisational information requests and field situational advice both to and from emergency response management teams and the delivery of informative advice to the public. This paper analyses one such case study with a view of applying a systems modelling technique to determine the viability of the communication systems and information exchange structures associated with an emergency response agency.


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Communication Studies currently undergoes a crisis of paradigms that requires an ontological review that must begin with a debate about the conditions of possibility of every communicational phenomena. In this article we argue that semiosis offers a conceptual framework that allows for the study of communication as qualitative action. Semiosis, or the action of the sign, is here defined as a fundamental process based on perception that models the world of species, creating cognition and culture. At the core of semiosis are dynamic structures that the authors have defined as 'ontological diagrams'. The first purpose of Semiotics of Communication is to understand how these modeling systems evolve ontologically and phylogenically, producing, in the case of human culture, means of communication ever more varied and technologically advanced.


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Over the last decade European democracies have been facing a challenge by the rising force of new populist movements. The emergence of the financial and sovereign debt crisis in Europe created new fertile soil for the strengthening of old-established – and the development of new – populist parties in several EU-member states. José Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, emphasized his increased unease concerning these developments when he was speaking at the annual Brussels Think Tank Forum on 22. April 2013: “I am deeply concerned about the divisions that we see emerging: political extremes and populism tearing apart the political support and the social fabric that we need to deal with the crisis; […]” (Barroso 2013). Indeed, European elites seem to be increasingly worried by these recent developments which are perceived as an impending stress test of the Union and the project of European integration as a whole (Hartleb 2013). Sure enough, the results of the recent European Parliament Elections 2014 revealed a great support for populist political parties in many societies of EU-member countries. To understand the success of populist parties in Europe it is crucial to first shed light on the nature of populist party communication itself. Significant communicative differences may explain the varying success of populist parties between and within countries, while a pure demand-side approach (i.e. a focus on the preferences of the electorate) often fails to do so (Mudde 2010). The aim of this study is therefore to analyse what different types of populist communication styles emerge during the EP election campaign 2014 and under which conditions populist communication styles are selected by political parties. So far, the empirical measurement of populism has received only scarce attention (Rooduijn & Pauwels 2011). Besides, most of the existing empirical investigations of populism are single case studies (Albertazzi & McDonnell 2008) and scholars have not yet developed systematic methods to measure populism in a comparative way (Rooduijn & Pauwels 2011). This is a consequence of a lack of conceptual clarity which goes along with populism (Taggart 2000; Barr 2009; Canovan 1999) due to its contextual sensitivity. Hence, populism in Europe should be analysed in a way that clarifies the concept of populism and moreover takes into account that the Europeanization of politics has an influence on the type of populist party communication, which is intended in the course of that study.


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This article examines the issue of climate change in the context of ecocriticism. It analyzes some of the narrative forms employed in the mediation of climate change science, focusing on those used by mediators who are not themselves scientists in the transmission of scientific information to a nonspecialist readership or audience. It reviews four relevant works that combine the communication of scientific theories and facts with pedagogical and motivational impulses. These include David Guggenheimer’s documentary film An Inconvenient Truth, Fred Pearce’s book The Last Generation: How Nature Will Take Her Revenge for Climate Change and the climate change manuals The Live Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook and How to Save the Climate.


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Objective. This study examines post-crisis family stress, coping, communication, and adaptation using the Double ABC-X Model of Family Adaptation in families with a pregnant or postpartum adolescent living at home. ^ Methods. Ninety-eight pregnant and parenting adolescents between ages 14 and 18 years (Group 1 at 20 or more weeks gestation; Group 2 at delivery and 8 weeks postpartum) and their parent(s) completed instruments congruent with the model to measure family stress, coping, communication, and adaptation. Descriptive family data was obtained. Mother-daughter data was analyzed for differences between subjects and within subjects using paired t-tests. Correlational analysis was used to examine relationships among variables. ^ Results. More than 90% of families were Hispanic. There were no significant differences between mother and daughter mean scores for family stress or communication. Adolescent coping was not significantly correlated to family coping at any interval. Adolescent family adaptation scores were significantly lower than mothers' scores at delivery and 8 weeks postpartum. Mean individual ratings of family variables did not differ significantly between delivery and 8 weeks postpartum. Simultaneous multiple regression analysis showed that stress, coping, and communication significantly influenced adaptation for mothers and daughters at all three intervals. The relative contributions of the three independent variables exhibited different patterns for mothers and daughters. Parent-adolescent communication accounted for most of the variability in adaptation for daughters at all three intervals. Daughters' family stress ratings were significant for adaptability (p = .01) during the pregnancy and for cohesion (p = .03) at delivery. Adolescent coping (p = .03) was significant for cohesion at 8 weeks postpartum. Family stress was a significant influence at all three intervals for mothers' ratings of family adaptation. Parent-adolescent communication was significant for mother's perception of both family cohesion (p < .001) and adaptability (p < .001) at delivery and 8 weeks, but not during pregnancy. ^ Conclusions. Mothers' and daughters' ratings of family processes were similar regarding family stress and communication, but were significantly different for family adaptation. Adolescent coping may not reflect family coping. Family communication is a powerful component in family functioning and may be an important focus for interventions with adolescents and parents. ^


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Los medios online representan actualmente una gran apuesta para la publicidad. Desde la planificación de medios publicitarios, los nuevos medios ofrecen otros caminos para llegar al público, pero añaden mayor complejidad. La capacidad comunicativa de los medios online y el mayor consumo de esos medios por parte de la población abre el debate de la necesidad de replantear el enfoque de la planificación de medios, digamos, tradicional, cuya estructura y procesos de trabajo se desarrollaron cuando los medios eran offline. Así, este artículo proporciona una panorámica general de la influencia de los nuevos medios en la planificación. Para ello, en primer lugar, describe el escenario actual, analizando la penetración y las inversiones publicitarias en Internet. Además, expone los principales soportes online según su proximidad a la concepción de la planificación de medios offline. En segundo lugar, aborda los retos actuales en la medición de los nuevos medios como síntoma del impulso del cambio de modelo. Finalmente, el artículo termina exponiendo algunas tendencias que se presentan como motores de cambio. Sin embargo, tras este análisis se advierte que tales aspectos no modificarían la esencia de la planificación de medios, por lo que cabe cuestionarse si se puede hablar de crisis, o si los nuevos medios están mostrando la necesidad de que la investigación y planificación se comprometa con este nuevo escenario.


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Nowadays, online media represent a great choice for advertising. From de advertising media planning, new media give new ways to reach the consumers, but they also add more complexity. The communication capacity of online media and the greater use of that media by part of the users open up the debate about the necessity of rethinking the approach of the ‘traditional’ advertising media planning, which structure and work processes were developed when media were offline. So, this article gives a panoramic view about the influence of new media in advertising media planning. To do this, in first place, describes the current scenario, analyzing the penetration and advertising expenditure in Internet. Also, it shows the main online media according to their proximity to the offline advertising media planning conception. In second place, this article addresses the current challenges at measuring new media as a symptom of the impulse at the change of model. Finally, the article ends up showing some trends that are presented as drivers of change. However, after this analysis, comes up the point that those aspects would not change the essence of advertising media planning, so it is questionable if we can speak of a crisis or, instead, if new media are showing the necessity that media planning have to be involved with this new scenario.


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After a week in which Cypriot politicians reassured people that their deposits were safe, followed by the announcement of a bank levy on savings, then a rush to withdraw cash amid general confusion and anxiety, Cypriot Senior Researcher Leonor Coutinho argues that in the case of a banking crisis it is vital for policy-makers to treat communication as an important component of the policy toolkit.


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En prenant pour appui initial le caractère équivoque de la communication, cette dissertation interroge les manières par lesquelles la vie en commun prend aussi effet comme œuvre de mort. S’inspirant du renouvellement de la recherche sur le thème de la communauté, l’interrogation se déploie en trois mouvements principaux. Chacun de ces mouvements ouvre et négocie trois grandes impasses : épistémologique, politique et éthique. La recherche propose de s’y frayer un chemin en s’appuyant principalement sur les travaux de Jean-Luc Nancy, Giorgio Agamben et Roberto Esposito. Le premier mouvement ouvre au voilement de l’idée de communication. L’idée de communication est voilée par une idéologie qui hérite elle-même d’une certaine conception humaniste de la communauté. Un examen de l’essai de Pic de la Mirandole Sur la dignité de l’homme permet d’exposer les valeurs associées à cette tradition qui recouvrent le caractère ambivalent de la communication. Ce premier mouvement mène au seuil de la situation politique contemporaine, marquée notamment par la nécessité de penser « notre » condition après la crise des valeurs humanistes. Le deuxième mouvement s’applique à l’examen de trois événements politiques contemporains. Chacun donne à comprendre comment s’exprime le péril associé à ce voilement : la fusillade au Collège Dawson de Montréal en 2006, un incident impliquant l’usage de gaz lacrymogènes lors de manifestations menées en 2013 à la Place Taksim à Istanbul, en Turquie, et une analyse de la crise de la dette publique grecque. L’aporie qui articule communication et incommunicabilité y est examinée à partir des thèmes de l’incommensurabilité des modes de vie en commun, de la biopolitique et du fascisme. Le fait que le péril qui menace de « nous » partager soit encore, malgré tout, ce que « nous » avons en partage invite à avancer là où aucune voie ne semble s’ouvrir. Le troisième mouvement présente les manières par lesquelles l’aporie de la communication peut être saisie en montrant qu’il est possible de penser par delà l’opposition de la communication et de la non-communication. Ce problème est abordé à l’horizon de la tradition philosophique concernant la question de l’être. Le saisissement du commun comme d’un propre — l’appropriation de l’inappropriable — ouvre à une conception de la communication « hors du commun ». Ces trois mouvements ne portent pas jusqu’à une conclusion. Ils ouvrent plutôt sur une autre conception de la communication. Celle-ci expose la possibilité sans cesse reconduite de l’événement fragile et intime dont « nous » sommes le nom.


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En prenant pour appui initial le caractère équivoque de la communication, cette dissertation interroge les manières par lesquelles la vie en commun prend aussi effet comme œuvre de mort. S’inspirant du renouvellement de la recherche sur le thème de la communauté, l’interrogation se déploie en trois mouvements principaux. Chacun de ces mouvements ouvre et négocie trois grandes impasses : épistémologique, politique et éthique. La recherche propose de s’y frayer un chemin en s’appuyant principalement sur les travaux de Jean-Luc Nancy, Giorgio Agamben et Roberto Esposito. Le premier mouvement ouvre au voilement de l’idée de communication. L’idée de communication est voilée par une idéologie qui hérite elle-même d’une certaine conception humaniste de la communauté. Un examen de l’essai de Pic de la Mirandole Sur la dignité de l’homme permet d’exposer les valeurs associées à cette tradition qui recouvrent le caractère ambivalent de la communication. Ce premier mouvement mène au seuil de la situation politique contemporaine, marquée notamment par la nécessité de penser « notre » condition après la crise des valeurs humanistes. Le deuxième mouvement s’applique à l’examen de trois événements politiques contemporains. Chacun donne à comprendre comment s’exprime le péril associé à ce voilement : la fusillade au Collège Dawson de Montréal en 2006, un incident impliquant l’usage de gaz lacrymogènes lors de manifestations menées en 2013 à la Place Taksim à Istanbul, en Turquie, et une analyse de la crise de la dette publique grecque. L’aporie qui articule communication et incommunicabilité y est examinée à partir des thèmes de l’incommensurabilité des modes de vie en commun, de la biopolitique et du fascisme. Le fait que le péril qui menace de « nous » partager soit encore, malgré tout, ce que « nous » avons en partage invite à avancer là où aucune voie ne semble s’ouvrir. Le troisième mouvement présente les manières par lesquelles l’aporie de la communication peut être saisie en montrant qu’il est possible de penser par delà l’opposition de la communication et de la non-communication. Ce problème est abordé à l’horizon de la tradition philosophique concernant la question de l’être. Le saisissement du commun comme d’un propre — l’appropriation de l’inappropriable — ouvre à une conception de la communication « hors du commun ». Ces trois mouvements ne portent pas jusqu’à une conclusion. Ils ouvrent plutôt sur une autre conception de la communication. Celle-ci expose la possibilité sans cesse reconduite de l’événement fragile et intime dont « nous » sommes le nom.


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The aim of this paper is to analyze what different types of populist communication styles emerged during the 2014 EP election campaign and under which conditions political parties selected specific populist communication styles. To do this, a comparative quantitative content analysis of press releases in the run-up of the latest EP elections has been conducted for parties in France, Germany, Austria and Greece. The paper presents a definition of populism based on the contemporary academic discourse, which focuses on the transnational nature of the European political field. It is shown that populist party communication is more pronounced on the fringes of the political spectrum and in countries struggling with severe macroeconomic difficulties. Contrary to intuitive expectations, the perceived populist rhetoric of exclusivity in the context of the European sovereign debt crisis, which is identified as a central feature of right-wing populism, barely takes place within populist party communication.


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Purpose - Many managers would like to take a strategic approach to preparing the organisation to avoid impending crisis but instead find themselves fire-fighting to mitigate its impact. This paper seeks to examine an organisation which made major strategic changes in order to respond to the full effect of a crisis which would be realised over a two to three year period. At the root of these changes was a strategic approach to managing knowledge. The paper's purpose is to reflect on managers' views of the impact this strategy had on preparing for the crisis and explore what happened in the organisation during and after the crisis. Design/methodology/approach - The paper examines a case-study of a financial services organisation which faced the crisis of its impending dissolution. The paper draws upon observations of change management workshops, as well as interviews with organisational members of a change management task force. Findings - The response to the crisis was to recognise the importance of the people and their knowledge to the organisation, and to build a strategy which improved business processes and communication flow across the divisions, as well as managing the departure of knowledge workers from an organisation in the process of being dissolved. Practical implications - The paper demonstrates the importance of building a knowledge management strategy during times of crisis, and draws out important lessons for organisations facing organisational change. Originality/value - The paper represents a unique opportunity to learn from an organisation adopting a strategic approach to managing its knowledge during a time of crisis. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Policy issues which receive large inputs of scientific and technical information are frequently marred by acrimonious controversies between contributing experts. There are few if any examples of a public policy decision being based on a firm consensus of scientific and technical experts. Such a consensus is taken for granted by the `Rational' model of decision making and its derivatives. Comparing the dynamics of conflict in policy-relevant issues with those of conflict in `pure' science, one is struck by their great similarity. In both cases we witness examples of rhetorical statements about incompetence, conflicting interpretations of data, and interdisciplinary communication problems. Noting this similarity, this thesis attempts to answer the question, `Is there a similarity of cause: do the same causes lie at the roots of conflict in policy-relevant and policy-irrelevant science?' In answering this question this thesis examines recent controversies in a generally policy-irrelevant science - evolutionary biology. Three episodes of conflict are studied: the `Neutral Allele Theory', `Punctuated Equilibrium', and `Structuralist versus Functionalist approaches to evolution'. These controversies are analysed in terms of both Kuhn's account of scientific `crises' and Collingridge and Reeve's (1986) `Overcritical Model'. Comparing its findings with those of Collingridge and Reeve, this thesis concludes that, (a) there is a Kuhnian crisis in contemporary evolution theory and, (b) that common causes do lie at the roots of conflict in policy-relevant and policy-irrelevant science. Science has an inherent tendency to degenerate into acrimonious conflict but at the same time has mechanisms which eventually resolve such conflicts. Unfortunately, when science is incorporated into the policy arena these mechanisms are prevented from operating. This thesis reinforces Collingridge and Reeve's conclusion that science is of little use to policy.