321 resultados para conviction


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Primum non nocere or comments on the workshop: a case study This article provides a detailed analysis of the Polish translation of a manual of homiletics against the background of the broader question regarding the translator’s workshop. The various translational solutions are subsequently discussed in sections devoted to grammatical and lexical errors, metaphorical and terminological incoherence, and collocational and stylistic errors. It is suggested that the deficient workshop of the translator manifested in numerous errors, chiefly attributable to insufficient understanding of the source language by the translator, may correspond to the quasi-theological conviction according to which the crucial characteristic of the translator is the passion rather than linguistic competence. The article ends with the appeal to translators of various texts – not just theological ones – to observe the ancient principle of primum non nocere in order to ensure the acceptable quality of their works.


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Ethel Smyth’s opera, Der Wald, met with mixed reactions at its premiere in Berlin in 1902. Many factors contributed to this, not least, as Smyth herself observed, anti-British sentiment in Germany following the second Boer War. One might have expected that the reception of the opera at its British premiere on 18 July at Covent Garden might have been more positive, but even here critical opinion was divided. Even positive reviews were not free from gender discrimination, and other reviews condemned the opera for being too German or Wagnerian. What was meant by ‘Wagnerian’? This article answers the question in three ways. Firstly, I argue that ‘Wagnerian’ meant not a leitmotif-filled, through-composed work (as distinct from a number opera), but simply a lyrical drama; for British audiences the model for this was Tannhäuser or Lohengrin, not the Ring or Tristan. Secondly, taking this definition on board, I analyse the musical language of the opera, in particular the key structure. The central duet sung by the doomed lovers, Heinrich and Röschen, is in F major, almost the furthest possible distance from the home key of the opera (E major), which characterizes the forest and ‘nature’ in general; by contrast, the next scene, where the Kundry-like Iolanthe attempts to seduce Heinrich (a crucial reversal of the more conventional power relations of the love duet), sees a return to the home key. Thirdly, I set the hermeneutical implications of this reversal in the context of the decadent movement, with which late nineteenth-century Wagnerism was associated, and which, following the conviction of Oscar Wilde in 1895, was discredited. Der Wald thus failed because of its ‘guilt by association’ with an aesthetic that had fallen into disrepute.


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In this article, we argue that the history of bail foretells the future of parole. Under a plancalled the Conditional Post-Conviction Release Bond Act (recently passed into law inthree states), US prisoners can secure early release only after posting ‘post-convictionbail’. As with pre-trial bail, the fledgling model would require prisoners to pay a percent-age of the bail amount to secure their release under the contractual responsibility of acommercial bail agency. If release conditions are breached, bounty hunters are legallyempowered to seize and return the parolee to prison. Our inquiry outlines the origins of this post-conviction bond plan and the research upon which it is based. Drawing on the‘new penology’ framework, we identify several underlying factors that make for a ripeadvocacy environment and set the stage for widespread state-level adoption of this planin the near future. Post-conviction bail fits squarely within the growing policy trendstoward privatization, managerialism, and actuarial justice. Most importantly, though,advocates have the benefit of precedent on their side, as most US states have longrelied on a system of commercial bail bonding and private bounty hunting to manageconditional pretrial release.


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2013 marks 10 years since the Sexual Offences Act 2003 was passed. That Act made significant changes to the law of rape which appear now to have made very little difference to reporting, prosecution or conviction rates. This article argues that the Act has failed against its own measures because it remains enmeshed within a conceptual framework of sexual indifference in which woman continues to be constructed as man’s (defective) other. This construction both constricts the frame in which women’s sexuality can be thought and distorts the harm of rape for women. It also continues woman’s historic alienation from her own nature and denies her entitlement to a becoming in line with her own sexuate identity. Using Luce Irigaray’s critical and constructive frameworks, the article seeks to imagine how law might ‘cognize’ sexual difference and thus take the preliminary steps to a juridical environment in which women can more adequately understand and articulate the harm of rape.


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Objective: This paper uses data provided by the Police Service for Northern Ireland (PSNI) to compare the characteristics and outcomes of reported sexual offences involving child and adult victims and explore the factors associated with case outcomes.
Method: PSNI provided data on 8,789 sexual offences recorded between April 2001 and March 2006. Case outcomes were based on whether a case was recorded by police as having sufficient evidence to summons, charge, or caution an offender (detected). Where an offender was summonsed, charged, or cautioned, this is classified as detection with a formal sanction. A case can also be classified as "detected" without a formal sanction. The analysis focused on two key categories of detection without formal sanction: cases in which the police deem there to be sufficient evidence to charge an offender but took no further action because the victim did not wish to prosecute, or because the police or the Public Prosecution Service (PPS) decided that no useful purpose would be served by proceeding.
Results: The analysis confirmed that the characteristics of recorded sexual offences involving adult and child victims vary significantly according to gender, offence type, the timing of report and victim-offender relationship. Almost half of child sex abuse cases are not detected by police and a quarter do not proceed through the criminal justice system because either the victim declines to prosecute or the Police/PPS decide not to proceed. Only one in five child cases involved detection with a formal sanction. Child groups with lower detection with formal sanction rates included children under 5, teenagers, those who do not report when the abuse occurs but disclose at a later date; and those who experience abuse at the hands of peers and adults known to them but not related. The analysis also highlighted variation in formal sanction rates depending on where the offence was reported.
Conclusions: Consideration needs to be given to improving the criminal justice response to specific child groups as well as monitoring detection rates in different police areas in order to address potential practice variation.
Practice implications: Consideration needs to be given to improving the professional response in relation to with particularly lower detection with formal sanction rates. There is also a need to monitor case outcomes to ensure that child victims in different areas receive a similar service.


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Cross education is the process whereby training of one limb gives rise to enhancements in the performance of the opposite, untrained limb. Despite interest in this phenomenon having been sustained for more than a century, a comprehensive explanation of the mediating neural mechanisms remains elusive. With new evidence emerging that cross education may have therapeutic utility, the need to provide a principled evidential basis upon which to design interventions becomes ever more pressing. Generally, mechanistic accounts of cross education align with one of two explanatory frameworks. Models of the 'cross activation' variety encapsulate the observation that unilateral execution of a movement task gives rise to bilateral increases in corticospinal excitability. The related conjecture is that such distributed activity, when present during unilateral practice, leads to simultaneous adaptations in neural circuits that project to the muscles of the untrained limb, thus facilitating subsequent performance of the task. Alternatively, 'bilateral access' models entail that motor engrams formed during unilateral practise, may subsequently be utilised bilaterally - that is, by the neural circuitry that constitutes the control centres for movements of both limbs. At present there is a paucity of direct evidence that allows the corresponding neural processes to be delineated, or their relative contributions in different task contexts to be ascertained. In the current review we seek to synthesise and assimilate the fragmentary information that is available, including consideration of knowledge that has emerged as a result of technological advances in structural and functional brain imaging. An emphasis upon task dependency is maintained throughout, the conviction being that the neural mechanisms that mediate cross education may only be understood in this context. © 2013 Ruddy and Carson.


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‘RELEASE’ a documentary by Declan Keeney

Everyone has a past; but should they be defined by it? The legacy of the conflict in Northern Ireland weighs heavily on many of those who experienced it. The pain and loss is as relevant today as it was 30 years ago. The act of remembering itself can be a difficult and dangerous journey. The documentary film 'Release' shot and directed by Declan Keeney explores the life stories of six remarkable men, told in their own words and in their own way through an original Theatre of Witness production of the same name that toured Northern Ireland and the Border Counties in 2012. The film explores themes of forgiveness, remembering and the pain of living with our ever-present past.
With great courage and conviction, a former RUC detective, a former Prison Governor, a former British soldier, two ex-prisoners and a community activist who survived a car bomb as a child come together across the sectarian divide to create a group of men working for peace. Their journey is at times heart breaking, extraordinary, breathtakingly brave but ultimately transformational. It is a story of survival, but most importantly it is their story and in their own words.


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International exhibitions were greatly responsible for the modernization of western society. The motive for these events was based on the possibility of enhancing the country’s international status abroad. The genesis of world exhibitions came from the conviction that humanity as a whole would improve the continual flow of new practical applications, the development of modern communication techniques and the social need for a medium that could acquaint the general public with changes in technology, economy and society .
Since the first national industrial exhibitions in Paris during the eighteenth century and especially starting from the first Great Exhibition in London’s Hyde Park in 1851 these international events spread steadily all over Europe and the United States, to reach Latin America in the beginnings of the twentieth century . The work of professionals such as Daniel Burnham, Werner Hegemann and Elbert Peets made the relation between exhibitions and urban transformation a much more connected one, setting a precedent for subsequent exhibitions.
In Buenos Aires, the celebration of the centennial of independence from Spain in 1910 had many meanings and repercussions. A series of factors allowed for a moment of change in the city. Official optimism, economical progress, inequality and social conflict made of this a suitable time for transformation. With the organization of the Exposición Internacional the government had, among others, one specific aim: to achieve a network of visual tools to set the feeling of belonging and provide an identity for the mixture of cultures that populated the city of Buenos Aires at the time. Another important objective of the government was to put Buenos Aires at the level of European cities.
Foreign professionals had a great influence in the conceptual and factual shaping of the exhibition and in the subsequent changes caused in the urban condition. The exhibition had an important role in the ways of thinking the city and in the leisure ideas it introduced. The exhibition, as a didactic tool, worked as a precedent for conceiving leisure spaces in the future. Urban and landscape planners such as Joseph Bouvard and Charles Thays were instrumental in great part of the design of the Exhibition, but it was not only the architects and designers who shaped the identity of the fair. Other visitors such as Jules Huret or Georges Clemenceau were responsible for giving the city an international image it did not previously have.
This paper will explore on the one hand the significance of the exhibition of 1910 for the shaping of the city and its image; and on the other hand, the role of foreign professionals and the reach these influences had.


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The idea that Roma communities need to be included in public life is rather uncontroversial, widely accepted by Roma activists, academics and policy-makers in national and transnational political contexts. But, what do we mean by participation? Are we talking about formal political structures or do we refer to the capacity of ordinary Roma to have a presence in public life? The right to participation for minorities is specified by international norms but is interpreted differently in national contexts. Nevertheless, participation alone is not enough, thus minorities require 'effective' participation given that the utilitarian principles of liberal democracy means that groups such as Roma will always be outvoted. This article is based on the conviction that addressing the multiple and inter-connected issues facing Roma communities across Europe requires the participation of Roma in social, economic and political life. Whilst the article acknowledges the structural barriers which inhibit attempts to foster the integration of Roma communities, it does consider different conceptions of political participation including presence, voice and influence and how these are understood by the European Union and its member states with regards to Roma.


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As alterações introduzidas pela actual reforma da Administração Pública preconizam uma gestão determinada por objectivos motivando os trabalhadores para um desempenho de qualidade reconhecendo o mérito e a excelência. A avaliação de desempenho dos enfermeiros regulamentada desde 1993, estabelece como princípios orientadores a objectividade, a continuidade, a flexibilidade e a periodicidade, em que a atribuição de uma menção qualitativa resulta da avaliação contínua centrada no conteúdo funcional de cada categoria profissional. A abordagem da justiça organizacional justifica-se, tendo em conta os efeitos das percepções de (in)justiça nas atitudes e comportamentos das pessoas. Essas reacções podem ter efeitos directos e indirectos no funcionamento dos grupos e da organização. Neste contexto, surge este estudo, não experimental, transversal e correlacional de tipo quantitativo, para o qual definimos como objectivos fundamentais: conhecer o nível de satisfação dos enfermeiros com o processo de avaliação de desempenho e variáveis relacionadas; avaliar a percepção de justiça organizacional dos enfermeiros e analisar as possíveis relações entre a satisfação com o processo de avaliação de desempenho e a percepção de justiça organizacional Os dados foram obtidos, através da aplicação de um questionário aos enfermeiros do Hospital em estudo e concluímos que, os enfermeiros avaliam positivamente o nível de satisfação com o processo de avaliação de desempenho, com valores superiores na dimensão comportamental, referente aos aspectos interaccionais do que na dimensão cognitiva, relacionada com os aspectos procedimentais. Os enfermeiros chefes são a categoria profissional com nível mais baixo de satisfação na dimensão referente aos aspectos interaccionais. A análise dos dados referentes ao nível de finalização das diferentes fases do processo de avaliação indicam uma clara descontinuidade dado que, apenas 23,8% dos enfermeiros participa na elaboração das normas e critérios e, inversamente, 97,6% elaboraram o relatório crítico de actividades sendo este o documento de suporte documental que permite a atribuição da menção qualitativa reforçando assim as críticas de burocratização do processo. Relativamente à percepção de justiça organizacional verificamos que a vertente distributiva é a que apresenta valores mais baixos sendo a vertente interaccional aquela em que se verifica valores médios mais elevados. Verificámos existirem correlações positivas e significativas entre as dimensões procedimental e interaccional da percepção de justiça, quer para a dimensão cognitiva quer para a dimensão comportamental do nível de satisfação com a avaliação de desempenho dos enfermeiros. O estudo reforça a convicção de que o processo de avaliação de desempenho deve ser mantido tal como regulamentado, devendo os esforços serem canalizados para corrigir os aspectos referentes à precisão com que o processo avalia o desempenho e o cumprimento de todas as etapas o que só se consegue com a participação reflectida na adesão a um sistema de valores que privilegie a qualidade e definição de indicadores de produtividade e qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem.


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O presente estudo ocupa-se de uma problemática em Didática – as relações entre a investigação científica e o desenvolvimento do campo – e assenta no pressuposto de que essas relações se constroem conjugando o pensamento e a atuação de investigadores, académicos, professores, e formadores de professores, numa ação conjunta conduzida com a participação comprometida das suas instituições profissionais e orientada para o desenvolvimento de todos os intervenientes, da sua área de atividade e, assim, do ensino/aprendizagem e dos alunos. Nesse sentido, o estudo foi concebido no intuito de criar condições propícias ao estreitamento das relações em foco, tendo em vista, simultaneamente, o aprofundamento do conhecimento sobre a problemática. Assumiu, pois, uma finalidade de intervenção no terreno e uma finalidade científica de avaliação da experiência proporcionada por essa intervenção, na expectativa do alargamento da compreensão do objeto de estudo. Na confluência dessas finalidades, a investigação desenvolveu-se como um estudo de caso norteado por duas proposições teóricas: - A colaboração entre académicos e professores, no âmbito de projetos de investigação em Didática, e o comprometimento das instituições profissionais de ambos com essas iniciativas colaborativas poderão favorecer o desenvolvimento do campo, dos atores que nele intervêm e das instituições implicadas. - A formação contínua de professores centrada na investigação em Didática poderá constituir espaço privilegiado para o desenvolvimento dessas dinâmicas de colaboração. No alinhamento destas proposições com a finalidade interventiva do estudo, diferentes atores em Didática foram desafiados a envolver-se numa iniciativa de investigação/formação colaborativa e daí resultou o caso analisado nesta investigação, o projeto ICA/DL (Investiga, Colabora e Atua em Didática de Línguas). Tal projeto, realizado no âmbito de uma parceria formalizada num Protocolo de Colaboração, envolveu uma equipa composta por cinco docentes do Departamento de Didática e Tecnologia Educativa (atual Departamento de Educação) da Universidade de Aveiro e por 4 professores da Escola Secundária Dr. João Carlos Celestino Gomes – Ílhavo e implicou ainda, institucionalmente, a universidade, a escola e o Centro de Formação das Escolas do Concelho de Ílhavo (atualmente, Centro de Formação de Associação de Escolas dos Concelhos de Ílhavo, Vagos e Oliveira do Bairro). As atividades do projeto iniciaram-se no final de 2003, com os primeiros encontros de negociação da parceria, e prolongaram-se até meados de 2007, altura em que a equipa reuniu pela última vez. O programa operacional central desenvolveu-se entre janeiro de 2004 e novembro de 2005 e concretizou-se num percurso de investigação e de formação em colaboração entre académicos e professores, concebido e implementado pela equipa e acreditado pelo Conselho Científico-Pedagógico da Formação Contínua. Tal programa centrou-se no estudo de um tópico em Didática de Línguas (a competência de aprendizagem plurilingue), na realização de intervenções de ensino/aprendizagem, no âmbito do mesmo tópico, junto dos alunos na escola e na avaliação da experiência com base em dados empíricos. A investigação que sobre o caso se conduziu, ao orientar-se, na prossecução da segunda finalidade estabelecida, para a compreensão da influência das dinâmicas colaborativas de investigação/formação sobre o desenvolvimento dos intervenientes (equipa, parceiros institucionais e alunos na escola), é também um estudo de impacte. A condução do processo empírico deu prioridade à produção de uma leitura integrada e complexa, capaz de evidenciar os impactes do projeto, interpretando-os com base na análise dos processos que terão condicionado a sua ocorrência. Nessa medida, a metodologia revestiu-se, intencionalmente, de uma natureza eminentemente interpretativa e qualitativa, socorrendo-se da triangulação de fontes, dados e procedimentos de análise. Contudo, o método integrou também procedimentos quantitativos, em particular, um exercício estatístico que, correlacionando totais de evidências verificadas e totais de evidências possíveis, procurou tornar mais precisa a avaliação da dimensão do impacte alcançado pelo projeto. Ensaiou-se, assim, uma abordagem metodológica em estudos de impacte em Educação, que propõe potenciar a compreensão de casos complexos, conjugando interpretação e objetivação/quantificação. A análise desvendou constrangimentos e obstáculos na vivência dos princípios conceptuais fundadores da noção de investigação/formação colaborativa que sustentou as proposições de partida e que fez emergir o ICA/DL. Tais dificuldades limitaram a assunção de responsabilidades partilhadas na condução processual da experiência, condicionaram dinâmicas supervisivas nem sempre colaborativas e facilitadoras e manifestaram-se em atitudes de compromisso por vezes frágil com o projeto. E terão afetado a concretização das expectativas iniciais de desenvolvimento de todos os participantes, determinando impactes de dimensão globalmente algo dececionante, assimetrias substantivas de influência da experiência levada a cabo no desenvolvimento profissional dos elementos da equipa e no desenvolvimento institucional e repercutindo-se em efeitos pouco expressivos no desenvolvimento dos alunos, no que toca a capacidades ativas de comunicação e de aprendizagem, enquadradas pelo tópico didático trabalhado no âmbito do projeto. Mas revelaram-se também sinais claros de que se avançou no sentido da concretização dos pressupostos colaborativos que sustentaram a iniciativa. Foi possível reunir académicos, professores e instituições educativas em torno da ideia de investigação/formação em colaboração e mobilizá-los como parceiros que se comprometeram na construção de um projeto assente nessa ideia. E percebeu-se que, apesar de pouco expressivo, houve impacte, pois há indicadores de que o projeto contribuiu positivamente para o desenvolvimento dos intervenientes. Na equipa, sinalizaram-se efeitos sobretudo nas práticas de ensino/aprendizagem das professoras e, no caso particular de uma delas, que teve uma participação mais envolvida em atividades de investigação, manifestaram-se impactes substancialmente mais notórios do que nos restantes elementos do grupo e que abrangeram diferentes dimensões da profissionalidade. As académicas, embora menos do que as professoras, também evidenciaram desenvolvimento, dominantemente, nos planos da investigação em Didática de Línguas e da formação de professores. E o ICA/DL parece ter proporcionado também impactes positivos junto das instituições implicadas, especialmente junto da universidade, designadamente, no que toca ao aprofundamento do pensamento sobre a problemática que sustentou a experiência e ao desenvolvimento de projetos de investigação. Por seu turno, os alunos, tendo revelado sinais modestos de reforço das suas capacidades de ação como interlocutores em situações de comunicação plurilingue e como aprendentes de línguas, deram mostras claras de terem tomado consciência de atitudes e de recursos que favorecem o desenvolvimento desses dois papéis. Para além disso, os responsáveis pela parceria, apesar dos obstáculos que limitaram o alcance dos seus propósitos, reafirmaram, na conclusão do projeto, a sua confiança nos princípios colaborativos que os uniram, antecipando a continuidade de uma experiência que entenderam como primeiro passo na concretização desses princípios. No balanço das fragilidades vividas e dos ganhos conquistados pelo ICA/DL, o estudo permite renovar a convicção inicial no poder transformador das práticas de investigação/formação colaborativa em Didática, e assim, na emergência de uma comunidade una de professores e de académicos, movida por um projeto comum de desenvolvimento da Educação. Nessa perspetiva, avançam-se sugestões que abrangem a investigação, o processo de ensino/aprendizagem nas escolas, a formação de professores, as políticas em Didática e a Supervisão.


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The main motivation for the work presented here began with previously conducted experiments with a programming concept at the time named "Macro". These experiments led to the conviction that it would be possible to build a system of engine control from scratch, which could eliminate many of the current problems of engine management systems in a direct and intrinsic way. It was also hoped that it would minimize the full range of software and hardware needed to make a final and fully functional system. Initially, this paper proposes to make a comprehensive survey of the state of the art in the specific area of software and corresponding hardware of automotive tools and automotive ECUs. Problems arising from such software will be identified, and it will be clear that practically all of these problems stem directly or indirectly from the fact that we continue to make comprehensive use of extremely long and complex "tool chains". Similarly, in the hardware, it will be argued that the problems stem from the extreme complexity and inter-dependency inside processor architectures. The conclusions are presented through an extensive list of "pitfalls" which will be thoroughly enumerated, identified and characterized. Solutions will also be proposed for the various current issues and for the implementation of these same solutions. All this final work will be part of a "proof-of-concept" system called "ECU2010". The central element of this system is the before mentioned "Macro" concept, which is an graphical block representing one of many operations required in a automotive system having arithmetic, logic, filtering, integration, multiplexing functions among others. The end result of the proposed work is a single tool, fully integrated, enabling the development and management of the entire system in one simple visual interface. Part of the presented result relies on a hardware platform fully adapted to the software, as well as enabling high flexibility and scalability in addition to using exactly the same technology for ECU, data logger and peripherals alike. Current systems rely on a mostly evolutionary path, only allowing online calibration of parameters, but never the online alteration of their own automotive functionality algorithms. By contrast, the system developed and described in this thesis had the advantage of following a "clean-slate" approach, whereby everything could be rethought globally. In the end, out of all the system characteristics, "LIVE-Prototyping" is the most relevant feature, allowing the adjustment of automotive algorithms (eg. Injection, ignition, lambda control, etc.) 100% online, keeping the engine constantly working, without ever having to stop or reboot to make such changes. This consequently eliminates any "turnaround delay" typically present in current automotive systems, thereby enhancing the efficiency and handling of such systems.


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Dissertação de mest. , Psicologia, Especialização em Psicologia da Saúde, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Português e Francês, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização Orientada pela Mestre Maria Luísa Verdelho Alves