906 resultados para compressed air
Crack initiation was studied for asphalt mixtures under external compressive loads. High tensile localized stresses e direction of the external loads. A quantitative crack initiation criterion the edges of compressed air voids lead to the growth of wing cracks in thon was derived using pseudostrain energy balance principle. Bond energy is determined and it increases with aging and loading rate while decreases with temperature. Cohesive and adhesive cracking occur simultaneously and a method was proposed to determine the individual percentage. The crack initiation criterion is simplified and validated through comparing the predicted and measured compressive strength of the asphalt mixtures.
The sudden hydrocarbon influx from the formation into the wellbore poses a serious risk to the safety of the well. This sudden influx is termed a kick, which, if not controlled, may lead to a blowout. Therefore, early detection of the kick is crucial to minimize the possibility of a blowout occurrence. There is a high probability of delay in kick detection, apart from other issues when using a kick detection system that is exclusively based on surface monitoring. Down-hole monitoring techniques have a potential to detect a kick at its early stage. Down-hole monitoring could be particularly beneficial when the influx occurs as a result of a lost circulation scenario. In a lost circulation scenario, when the down-hole pressure becomes lower than the formation pore pressure, the formation fluid may starts to enter the wellbore. The lost volume of the drilling fluid is compensated by the formation fluid flowing into the well bore, making it difficult to identify the kick based on pit (mud tank) volume observations at the surface. This experimental study investigates the occurrence of a kick based on relative changes in the mass flow rate, pressure, density, and the conductivity of the fluid in the down-hole. Moreover, the parameters that are most sensitive to formation fluid are identified and a methodology to detect a kick without false alarms is reported. Pressure transmitter, the Coriolis flow and density meter, and the conductivity sensor are employed to observe the deteriorating well conditions in the down-hole. These observations are used to assess the occurrence of a kick and associated blowout risk. Monitoring of multiple down-hole parameters has a potential to improve the accuracy of interpretation related to kick occurrence, reduces the number of false alarms, and provides a broad picture of down-hole conditions. The down-hole monitoring techniques have a potential to reduce the kick detection period. A down-hole assembly of the laboratory scale drilling rig model and kick injection setup were designed, measuring instruments were acquired, a frame was fabricated, and the experimental set-up was assembled and tested. This set-up has the necessary features to evaluate kick events while implementing down-hole monitoring techniques. Various kick events are simulated on the drilling rig model. During the first set of experiments compressed air (which represents the formation fluid) is injected with constant pressure margin. In the second set of experiments the compressed air is injected with another pressure margin. The experiments are repeated with another pump (flow) rate as well. This thesis consists of three main parts. The first part gives the general introduction, motivation, outline of the thesis, and a brief description of influx: its causes, various leading and lagging indicators, and description of the several kick detection systems that are in practice in the industry. The second part describes the design and construction of the laboratory scale down-hole assembly of the drilling rig and kick injection setup, which is used to implement the proposed methodology for early kick detection. The third part discusses the experimental work, describes the methodology for early kick detection, and presents experimental results that show how different influx events affect the mass flow rate, pressure, conductivity, and density of the fluid in the down-hole, and the discussion of the results. The last chapter contains summary of the study and future research.
Com este trabalho pretende-se analisar o consumo de energia na indústria de faiança e identificar medidas de poupança energética. Em 2014, o consumo específico foi de 191 kgep/t e a intensidade carbónica 2,15 tCO2e/t, tendo havido uma redução de, respectivamente, 50,2% e 1,3%, comparativamente a 2010. O consumo total correspondeu a 1108 tep, sendo 66% relativo ao consumo de gás natural. Foi utilizado um analisador de energia eléctrica nos principais equipamentos consumidores, e na desagregação de consumos térmicos, efectuaram-se leituras no contador geral de gás natural e foram utilizados dados das auditorias ambiental e energética. O processo de cozedura é responsável por 58% do consumo térmico da instalação, seguido da pintura com 24%. A conformação é o sector com maior consumo de energia eléctrica, correspondendo a 23% do consumo total. As perdas térmicas pelos gases de exaustão dos equipamentos de combustão e pela envolvente do forno, considerando os mecanismos de convecção natural e radiação, correspondem a cerca de 6% do consumo térmico total, sendo necessário tomar medidas a nível do isolamento térmico e da redução do excesso de ar. A instalação de variadores de velocidade nos ventiladores do ar de combustão do forno poderia resultar em poupanças significativas, em particular, no consumo de gás natural – redução de 4 tep/ano e cerca de 2500€/ano– tendo um tempo de retorno do investimento inferior a 1 ano. Deverá ser, no entanto, garantida a alimentação de ar combustão a todos os queimadores, bem como, a combustão completa do gás natural. O funcionamento contínuo do forno poderia resultar no aumento da sua eficiência energética, com redução de custos de operação e manutenção, sendo necessário avaliar os custos adicionais de stock e de mão de obra. Verificou-se que as medidas relacionadas com a monitorização de consumos, eliminação de fugas de ar comprimido e a instalação de variadores de velocidade nos ventiladores do ar de combustão do forno poderiam resultar em reduções de consumo de 26 tep e de emissões de 66tCO2e, num total de quase 14 000€.
A Refinaria de Matosinhos é um dos complexos industriais da Galp Energia. A sua estação de tratamento de águas residuais industriais (ETARI) – designada internamente por Unidade 7000 – é composta por quatro tratamentos: o pré-tratamento, o tratamento físico-químico, o tratamento biológico e o pós-tratamento. Dada a interligação existente, é fundamental a otimização de cada um dos tratamentos. Este trabalho teve como objetivos a identificação dos problemas e/ou possibilidades de melhoria do pré-tratamento, tratamento físico-químico e pós-tratamento e principalmente a otimização do tratamento biológico da ETARI. No pré-tratamento verificou-se que a separação de óleos e lamas não era eficaz uma vez que se formam emulsões destas duas fases. Como solução, sugeriu-se a adição de agentes desemulsionantes, que se revelou economicamente inviável. Assim, sugeriu-se como alternativa o recurso a técnicas de tratamento da emulsão gerada, tais como a extração com solvente, centrifugação, ultrassons e micro-ondas. No tratamento físico-químico constatou-se que o controlo da unidade de saturação de ar na água era feito com base na análise visual dos operadores, o que pode conduzir a condições de operação afastadas das ótimas para este tratamento. Assim, sugeriu-se a realização de um estudo de otimização desta unidade com vista à determinação da razão ar/sólidos ótima para este efluente. Para além disto, constatou-se, ainda, que os consumos de coagulante aumentaram cerca de -- % no último ano, pelo que foi sugerido o estudo da viabilidade do processo de eletrocoagulação como substituto do sistema de coagulação existente. No pós-tratamento identificou-se o processo de lavagem dos filtros como sendo a etapa com possibilidade de ser otimizada. Através de um estudo preliminar concluiu-se que a lavagem contínua de um filtro por cada turno melhorava o desempenho dos mesmos. Constatou-se, ainda, que a introdução de ar comprimido na água de lavagem promove uma maior remoção de detritos do leito de areia, no entanto esta prática parece influenciar negativamente o desempenho dos filtros. No caso do tratamento biológico, identificaram-se problemas ao nível do tempo de retenção hidráulico do tratamento biológico II, que apresentou elevada variabilidade. Apesar de identificado concluiu-se que este problema era de difícil solução. Verificou-se, também, que o oxigénio dissolvido não era monitorizado, pelo que se sugeriu a instalação de uma sonda de oxigénio dissolvido numa zona de baixa turbulência do tanque de arejamento. Concluiu-se que o oxigénio era distribuído de forma homogénea por todo o tanque de arejamento e tentou-se identificar quais os fatores que influenciariam este parâmetro, no entanto, dada a elevada variabilidade do efluente e das condições de tratamento, tal não foi possível. Constatou-se, também, que o doseamento de fosfato para o tratamento biológico II era pouco eficiente já Otimização dos sistemas biológicos e melhorias nos tratamentos da ETARI da Refinaria de Matosinhos que em -- % dos dias se verificaram níveis baixos de fosfato no licor misto (< - mg/L). Foi, por isso, proposta a alteração do atual sistema de doseamento por gravidade para um sistema de bomba doseadora. Para além disso verificou-se que os consumos deste nutriente aumentaram significativamente no último ano (cerca de --%), situação que se constatou estar relacionada com um aumento da população microbiana para este período. Foi possível relacionar-se o aparecimento frequente de lamas à superfície dos decantadores secundários com incrementos repentinos de condutividade, pelo que se sugeriu o armazenamento do efluente nas bacias de tempestade, nestas situações. Verificou-se que a remoção de azoto era praticamente ineficaz uma vez que a conversão de azoto amoniacal em nitratos foi muito baixa. Assim, sugeriu-se o recurso à técnica de bio-augmentação ou a transformação do sistema de lamas ativadas num sistema bietápico. Por fim, constatou-se que a temperatura do efluente à entrada da ETARI apresenta valores bastante elevados para o tratamento biológico (aproximadamente de --º C) pelo que se sugeriu a instalação de uma sonda de temperatura no tanque de arejamento de modo a controlar de forma mais eficaz a temperatura do licor misto. Ainda no que diz respeito ao tratamento biológico, foi possível desenvolver-se um conjunto de ferramentas que visaram o funcionamento otimizado deste tratamento. Nesse sentido, foram apresentadas várias sugestões de melhoria: a utilização do índice volumétrico de lamas como indicador da qualidade das lamas em alternativa à percentagem de lamas; foi desenvolvido um conjunto de fluxogramas para a orientação dos operadores de exterior na resolução de problemas; foi criada uma “janela de operação” que pretende ser um guia de apoio à operação; foi ainda proposta a monitorização frequente da idade das lamas e da razão alimento/microrganismo.
Biomass is considered the largest renewable energy source that can be used in an environmentally sustainable. From the pyrolysis of biomass is possible to obtain products with higher energy density and better use properties. The liquid resultant of this process is traditionally called bio-oil. The use of infrared burners in industrial applications has many advantages in terms of technical-operational, for example, uniformity in the heat supply in the form of radiation and convection, with a greater control of emissions due to the passage of exhaust gases through a macroporous ceramic bed. This paper presents a commercial infrared burner adapted with an ejector proposed able to burn a hybrid configuration of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and bio-oil diluted. The dilution of bio-oil with absolute ethanol aimed to decrease the viscosity of the fluid, and improving the stability and atomization. It was introduced a temperature controller with thermocouple modulating two stages (low heat / high heat), and solenoid valves for fuels supply. The infrared burner has been tested, being the diluted bio-oil atomized, and evaluated its performance by conducting energy balance. The method of thermodynamic analysis to estimate the load was used an aluminum plate located at the exit of combustion gases and the distribution of temperatures measured by thermocouples. The dilution reduced the viscosity of the bio-oil in 75.4% and increased by 11% the lower heating value (LHV) of the same, providing a stable combustion to the burner through the atomizing with compressed air and burns combined with LPG. Injecting the hybrid fuel there was increase in the heat transfer from the plate to the environment in 21.6% and gain useful benefit of 26.7%, due to the improved in the efficiency of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics of infrared burner
The increasing integration of renewable energies in the electricity grid contributes considerably to achieve the European Union goals on energy and Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions reduction. However, it also brings problems to grid management. Large scale energy storage can provide the means for a better integration of the renewable energy sources, for balancing supply and demand, to increase energy security, to enhance a better management of the grid and also to converge towards a low carbon economy. Geological formations have the potential to store large volumes of fluids with minimal impact to environment and society. One of the ways to ensure a large scale energy storage is to use the storage capacity in geological reservoir. In fact, there are several viable technologies for underground energy storage, as well as several types of underground reservoirs that can be considered. The geological energy storage technologies considered in this research were: Underground Gas Storage (UGS), Hydrogen Storage (HS), Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES), Underground Pumped Hydro Storage (UPHS) and Thermal Energy Storage (TES). For these different types of underground energy storage technologies there are several types of geological reservoirs that can be suitable, namely: depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs, aquifers, salt formations and caverns, engineered rock caverns and abandoned mines. Specific site screening criteria are applicable to each of these reservoir types and technologies, which determines the viability of the reservoir itself, and of the technology for any particular site. This paper presents a review of the criteria applied in the scope of the Portuguese contribution to the EU funded project ESTMAP – Energy Storage Mapping and Planning.
Die Trocknung ist eines der am häufigsten verwendeten Verfahren, um die Haltbarkeit von landwirtschaftlichen Gütern zu verlängern. Von den vielen gebräuchlichen Trocknungsarten ist die Konvektionstrocknung, die Luft als Energie- und Feuchteträger verwendet, weiterhin die wichtigste. Trotz ihrer Nachteile und ihres hohen spezifischen Energieverbrauchs sind Satztrockner für die Getreide-, Kräuter- und Heutrocknung noch weit verbreitet. Ferner werden Konvektionstrockner gemeinhin zur künstlichen Trocknung eingesetzt. Diese Arbeit ist Teil eines Forschungsprojekts, welches eine sorptionsgestützte solare Trocknung von landwirtschaftlichen Gütern untersucht. Bei dieser wird kühle feuchte Luft in Kontakt mit einer konzentrierten hygroskopischen Salzlösung gebracht. Während dieses Prozesses wird die Luft entfeuchtet und mit Hilfe der freigesetzten Verdampfungsenthalpie erwärmt. Die Anwendung dieses Verfahrens zur Trocknung landwirtschaftlicher Güter ist besonders interessant für Produkte, die bei niedrigen Temperaturen verarbeitet werden, um ihre Qualität nicht negativ zu beeinflussen. Bei allen energieintensiven Prozessen und vor allem bei der Verwendung von Solarenergie ist ein effizienter Energieverbrauch äußerst wichtig für den technischen und ökonomischen Erfolg. Eine ungleichmäßige Trocknung ist oftmals bei Satztrocknern zu beobachten, was die Energieeffizienz negativ beeinflusst. Aus diesem Grund lag im agrartechnischen Teil des Projekts der Schwerpunkt auf der Trocknung bei niedrigen Temperaturen und geringer Luftfeuchte, die der Sorptionsprozess liefert, sowie auf der Verbesserung der Luftverteilung und der Gleichmäßigkeit der Trocknung in lockeren und verdichteten Schüttungen. Es wurden Dünnschicht-Trocknungsexperminente für Blattsellerie bei unterschiedlichen Lufttemperaturen und unterschiedlicher relativer Luftfeuchte durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eindeutig, dass nicht nur die Lufttemperatur einen großen Einfluss auf die Trocknungsgeschwindigkeit hat, sondern auch die relative Luftfeuchte. Dies ist vor allem bei niedrigen Temperaturen, wie sie vom Sorptionssystem geliefert werden, der Fall. Um die Luftverteilung und Gleichmäßigkeit der Trocknung lockerer Schüttungen zu untersuchen, wurde ein Kistentrockner experimentell und in Strömungssimulationen getestet. Die Leistung des ursprünglichen Trockners wurde signifikant durch einfache Veränderungen des Designs verbessert. Diese stellten einen gleichmäßigeren Luftstrom durch das Produkt sicher. Die Trocknung von Heu-Rundballen stellt eine Herausforderung dar, da diese sehr stark verdichtet sind und die Dichte innerhalb eines Ballens stark schwankt. Strömungs- und Trocknungssimulationen so wie experimentelle Messungen zeigten, dass das Trocknerdesign einen großen Einfluss auf die Gleichmäßigkeit der Trocknung hat. Bei den einfachsten Trocknervarianten war die Verteilung auch bei optimal gepressten Ballen unzureichend, während komplexere Trockner eine gleichmäßigere Trocknung erzielten. Jedoch werden auch hier die Ergebnisse stark von der Verteilung der Dichte im Ballen beeinflusst, welche in der Praxis weiterhin nicht ideal ist. Abschließend wurde, um den Trocknungsfortschritt zu überwachen, eine Methodik getestet, bei der zur Messung des durchschnittlichen aktuellen Feuchtegehalts des Produktes psychrometrische Messungen und Messungen des Luftstroms in kurzen Abständen durchgeführt wurden. Die Menge des tatsächlich entfernten Wassers stimmte in den meisten Fällen gut mit der geschätzten Menge überein. Jedoch hängt der Erfolg dieser Methode stark von der Genauigkeit der Messfühler ab.
Surface pressure measurements and external reflection FTIR spectroscopy have been used to probe protein-lipid interactions at the air/water interface. Spread monomolecular layers of stearic acid and phosphocholine were prepared and held at different compressed phase states prior to the introduction of protein to the buffered subphase. Contrasting interfacial behaviour of the proteins, albumin and lysozyme, was observed and revealed the role of both electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions in protein adsorption. The rate of adsorption of lysozyme to the air/water interface increased dramatically in the presence of stearic acid, due to strong electrostatic interactions between the negatively charged stearic acid head group and lysozyme, whose net charge at pH 7 is positive. Introduction of albumin to the subphase resulted in solubilisation of the stearic acid via the formation of an albumin-stearic acid complex and subsequent adsorption of albumin. This observation held for both human and bovine serum albumin. Protein adsorption to a PC layer held at low surface pressure revealed adsorption rates similar to adsorption to the bare air/water interface and suggested very little interaction between the protein and the lipid. For PC layers in their compressed phase state some adsorption of protein occurred after long adsorption times. Structural changes of both lysozyme and albumin were observed during adsorption, but these were dramatically reduced in the presence of a lipid layer compared to that of adsorption to the pure air/water interface.
The focus of this thesis was the in-situ application of the new analytical technique "GCxGC" in both the marine and continental boundary layer, as well as in the free troposphere. Biogenic and anthropogenic VOCs were analysed and used to characterise local chemistry at the individual measurement sites. The first part of the thesis work was the characterisation of a new set of columns that was to be used later in the field. To simplify the identification, a time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) detector was coupled to the GCxGC. In the field the TOF-MS was substituted by a more robust and tractable flame ionisation detector (FID), which is more suitable for quantitative measurements. During the process, a variety of volatile organic compounds could be assigned to different environmental sources, e.g. plankton sources, eucalyptus forest or urban centers. In-situ measurements of biogenic and anthropogenic VOCs were conducted at the Meteorological Observatory Hohenpeissenberg (MOHP), Germany, applying a thermodesorption-GCxGC-FID system. The measured VOCs were compared to GC-MS measurements routinely conducted at the MOHP as well as to PTR-MS measurements. Furthermore, a compressed ambient air standard was measured from three different gas chromatographic instruments and the results were compared. With few exceptions, the in-situ, as well as the standard measurements, revealed good agreement between the individual instruments. Diurnal cycles were observed, with differing patterns for the biogenic and the anthropogenic compounds. The variability-lifetime relationship of compounds with atmospheric lifetimes from a few hours to a few days in presence of O3 and OH was examined. It revealed a weak but significant influence of chemistry on these short-lived VOCs at the site. The relationship was also used to estimate the average OH radical concentration during the campaign, which was compared to in-situ OH measurements (1.7 x 10^6 molecules/cm^3, 0.071 ppt) for the first time. The OH concentration ranging from 3.5 to 6.5 x 10^5 molecules/cm^3 (0.015 to 0.027 ppt) obtained with this method represents an approximation of the average OH concentration influencing the discussed VOCs from emission to measurement. Based on these findings, the average concentration of the nighttime NO3 radicals was estimated using the same approach and found to range from 2.2 to 5.0 x 10^8 molecules/cm^3 (9.2 to 21.0 ppt). During the MINATROC field campaign, in-situ ambient air measurements with the GCxGC-FID were conducted at Tenerife, Spain. Although the station is mainly situated in the free troposphere, local influences of anthropogenic and biogenic VOCs were observed. Due to a strong dust event originating from Western Africa it was possible to compare the mixing ratios during normal and elevated dust loading in the atmosphere. The mixing ratios during the dust event were found to be lower. However, this could not be attributed to heterogeneous reactions as there was a change in the wind direction from northwesterly to southeasterly during the dust event.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are common environmental pollutants that occur naturally in complex mixtures. Many of the adverse health effects of PAHs including cancer are linked to the activation of intracellular stress response signaling. This study has investigated intracellular MAPK signaling in response to PAHs in extracts from urban air collected in Stockholm, Sweden and Limeira, Brazil, in comparison to BP in HepG2 cells. Nanomolar concentrations of PAHs in the extracts induced activation of MEK4 signaling with down-stream increased gene expression of several important stress response mediators. Involvement of the MEK4/JNK pathway was confirmed using siRNA and an inhibitor of JNK signaling resulting in significantly reduced MAPK signaling transactivated by the AP-1 transcription factors ATF2 and c-Jun. ATF2 was also identified as a sensitive stress responsive protein with activation observed at extract concentrations equivalent to 0.1 nM BP. We show that exposure to low levels of environmental PAH mixtures more strongly activates these signaling pathways compared to BP alone suggesting effects due to interactions. Taken together, this is the first study showing the involvement of MEK4/JNK/AP-1 pathway in regulating the intracellular stress response after exposure to nanomolar levels of PAHs in environmental mixtures.
The objective of the study is to evaluate the effect of the daily variation in concentrations of fine particulate matter (diameter less than 2.5µm - PM2.5) resulting from the burning of biomass on the daily number of hospitalizations of children and elderly people for respiratory diseases, in Alta Floresta and Tangará da Serra in the Brazilian Amazon in 2005. This is an ecological time series study that uses data on daily number of hospitalizations of children and the elderly for respiratory diseases, and estimated concentration of PM2.5. In Alta Floresta, the percentage increases in the relative risk (%RR) of hospitalization for respiratory diseases in children were significant for the whole year and for the dry season with 3-4 day lags. In the dry season these measurements reach 6% (95%CI: 1.4-10.8). The associations were sig-nificant for moving averages of 3-5 days. The %RR for the elderly was significant for the current day of the drought, with a 6.8% increase (95%CI: 0.5-13.5) for each additional 10µg/m3 of PM2.5. No as-sociations were verified for Tangara da Serra. The PM2.5 from the burning of biomass increased hospitalizations for respiratory diseases in children and the elderly.
In this communication we describe the application of a conductive polymer gas sensor as an air pressure sensor. The device consists of a thin doped poly(4'-hexyloxy-2,5-biphenylene ethylene) (PHBPE) film deposited on an interdigitated metallic electrode. The sensor is cheap, easy to fabricate, lasts for several months, and is suitable for measuring air pressures in the range between 100 and 700 mmHg.
BACKGROUND: The findings of prior studies of air pollution effects on adverse birth outcomes are difficult to synthesize because of differences in study design. OBJECTIVES: The International Collaboration on Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes was formed to understand how differences in research methods contribute to variations in findings. We initiated a feasibility study to a) assess the ability of geographically diverse research groups to analyze their data sets using a common protocol and b) perform location-specific analyses of air pollution effects on birth weight using a standardized statistical approach. METHODS: Fourteen research groups from nine countries participated. We developed a protocol to estimate odds ratios (ORs) for the association between particulate matter <= 10 mu m in aerodynamic diameter (PM(10)) and low birth weight (LBW) among term births, adjusted first for socioeconomic status (SES) and second for additional location-specific variables. RESULTS: Among locations with data for the PM(10) analysis, ORs estimating the relative risk of term LBW associated with a 10-mu g/m(3) increase in average PM(10) concentration during pregnancy, adjusted for SES, ranged from 0.63 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.30-1.35] for the Netherlands to 1.15 (95% CI, 0.61-2.18) for Vancouver, with six research groups reporting statistically significant adverse associations. We found evidence of statistically significant heterogeneity in estimated effects among locations. CONCLUSIONS: Variability in PM(10)-LBW relationships among study locations remained despite use of a common statistical approach. A more detailed meta-analysis and use of more complex protocols for future analysis may uncover reasons for heterogeneity across locations. However, our findings confirm the potential for a diverse group of researchers to analyze their data in a standardized way to improve understanding of air pollution effects on birth outcomes.
BACKGROUND: Ambient levels of air pollution may affect the health of children, as indicated by studies of infant and perinatal mortality. Scientific evidence has also correlated low birth weight and preterm birth, which are important determinants of perinatal death, with air pollution. However, most of these studies used ambient concentrations measured at monitoring sites, which may not consider differential exposure to pollutants found at elevated concentrations near heavy-traffic roadways. OBJECTIVES: Our goal was to examine the association between traffic-related pollution and perinatal mortality. METHODS: We used the information collected for a case-control study conducted in 14 districts in the City of Sao Paulo, Brazil, regarding risk factors for perinatal deaths. We geocoded the residential addresses of cases (fetal and early neonatal deaths) and controls (children who survived the 28th day of life) and calculated a distance-weighted traffic density (DWTD) measure considering all roads contained in a buffer surrounding these homes. RESULTS: Logistic regression revealed a gradient of increasing risk of early neonatal death with higher exposure to traffic-related air pollution. Mothers exposed to the highest quartile of the DWTD compared with those less exposed exhibited approximately 50% increased risk (adjusted odds ratio = 1.47; 95% confidence interval, 0.67-3.19). Associations for fetal mortality were less consistent. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that motor vehicle exhaust exposures may be a risk factor for perinatal mortality.