135 resultados para collocation


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit des affaires"


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Ce mémoire présente une évaluation des différentes méthodes utilisées en lexicographie afin d’identifier les liens lexicaux dans les dictionnaires où sont répertoriées des collocations. Nous avons ici comparé le contenu de fiches du DiCo, un dictionnaire de dérivés sémantiques et de collocations créé selon les principes de la lexicologie explicative et combinatoire, avec les listes de cooccurrents générées automatiquement à partir du corpus Le Monde 2002. Notre objectif est ici de proposer des améliorations méthodologiques à la création de fiches de dictionnaire du type du DiCo, c’est-à-dire, des dictionnaires d’approche qualitative, où la collocation est définie comme une association récurrente et arbitraire entre deux items lexicaux et où les principaux outils méthodologiques utilisés sont la compétence linguistique de ses lexicographes et la consultation manuelle de corpus de textes. La consultation de listes de cooccurrents est une pratique associée habituellement à une approche lexicographique quantitative, qui définit la collocation comme une association entre deux items lexicaux qui est plus fréquente, dans un corpus, que ce qui pourrait être attendu si ces deux items lexicaux y étaient distribués de façon aléatoire. Nous voulons mesurer ici dans quelle mesure les outils utilisés traditionnellement dans une approche quantitative peuvent être utiles à la création de fiches lexicographiques d’approche qualitative, et de quelle façon leur utilisation peut être intégrée à la méthodologie actuelle de création de ces fiches.


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Cette recherche vise à décrire 1) les erreurs lexicales commises en production écrite par des élèves francophones de 3e secondaire et 2) le rapport à l’erreur lexicale d’enseignants de français (conception de l’erreur lexicale, pratiques d’évaluation du vocabulaire en production écrite, modes de rétroaction aux erreurs lexicales). Le premier volet de la recherche consiste en une analyse d’erreurs à trois niveaux : 1) une description linguistique des erreurs à l’aide d’une typologie, 2) une évaluation de la gravité des erreurs et 3) une explication de leurs sources possibles. Le corpus analysé est constitué de 300 textes rédigés en classe de français par des élèves de 3e secondaire. L’analyse a révélé 1144 erreurs lexicales. Les plus fréquentes sont les problèmes sémantiques (30%), les erreurs liées aux propriétés morphosyntaxiques des unités lexicales (21%) et l’utilisation de termes familiers (17%). Cette répartition démontre que la moitié des erreurs lexicales sont attribuables à une méconnaissance de propriétés des mots autres que le sens et la forme. L’évaluation de la gravité des erreurs repose sur trois critères : leur acceptation linguistique selon les dictionnaires, leur impact sur la compréhension et leur degré d’intégration à l’usage. Les problèmes liés aux registres de langue sont généralement ceux qui sont considérés comme les moins graves et les erreurs sémantiques représentent la quasi-totalité des erreurs graves. Le troisième axe d’analyse concerne la source des erreurs et fait ressortir trois sources principales : l’influence de la langue orale, la proximité sémantique et la parenté formelle entre le mot utilisé et celui visé. Le second volet de la thèse concerne le rapport des enseignants de français à l’erreur lexicale et repose sur l’analyse de 224 rédactions corrigées ainsi que sur une série de huit entrevues menées avec des enseignants de 3e secondaire. Lors de la correction, les enseignants relèvent surtout les erreurs orthographiques ainsi que celles relevant des propriétés morphosyntaxiques des mots (genre, invariabilité, régime), qu’ils classent parmi les erreurs de grammaire. Les erreurs plus purement lexicales, c’est-à-dire les erreurs sémantiques, l’emploi de termes familiers et les erreurs de collocation, demeurent peu relevées, et les annotations des enseignants concernant ces types d’erreurs sont vagues et peu systématiques, donnant peu de pistes aux élèves pour la correction. L’évaluation du vocabulaire en production écrite est toujours soumise à une appréciation qualitative, qui repose sur l’impression générale des enseignants plutôt que sur des critères précis, le seul indicateur clair étant la répétition. Les explications des enseignants concernant les erreurs lexicales reposent beaucoup sur l’intuition, ce qui témoigne de certaines lacunes dans leur formation en lien avec le vocabulaire. Les enseignants admettent enseigner très peu le vocabulaire en classe au secondaire et expliquent ce choix par le manque de temps et d’outils adéquats. L’enseignement du vocabulaire est toujours subordonné à des tâches d’écriture ou de lecture et vise davantage l’acquisition de mots précis que le développement d’une réelle compétence lexicale.


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Cette recherche constitue une première étape dans l’élaboration d’un dictionnaire de collocations du lexique scientifique transdisciplinaire (LST), conçu pour aider des étudiants ou des chercheurs dans la rédaction de discours scientifiques ou universitaires, quel que soit leur domaine d’études. Elle a permis de concevoir deux modèles originaux d’articles de dictionnaire donnant accès aux collocations de termes nominaux et verbaux caractéristiques du LST. Les modèles d’articles sont ensuite appliqués à la description d’un échantillon de termes nominaux : analyse, caractéristique, figure, hypothèse, rapport et résultat; et verbaux : décrire et étudier. Les articles conçus dans ce mémoire offrent un accès convivial aux collocations du LST en situation de rédaction. Ils ont l’avantage de proposer une organisation cohérente de ce lexique sur les plans syntaxique et sémantique. En outre, ils permettent de présenter les termes du LST dans des contextes variés, ce qui peut contribuer au développement de la compétence lexicale.


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We consider a first order implicit time stepping procedure (Euler scheme) for the non-stationary Stokes equations in smoothly bounded domains of R3. Using energy estimates we can prove optimal convergence properties in the Sobolev spaces Hm(G) (m = 0;1;2) uniformly in time, provided that the solution of the Stokes equations has a certain degree of regularity. For the solution of the resulting Stokes resolvent boundary value problems we use a representation in form of hydrodynamical volume and boundary layer potentials, where the unknown source densities of the latter can be determined from uniquely solvable boundary integral equations’ systems. For the numerical computation of the potentials and the solution of the boundary integral equations a boundary element method of collocation type is used. Some simulations of a model problem are carried out and illustrate the efficiency of the method.


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Course notes for the Numerical Methods course (joint MATH3018 and MATH6111). Originally by Giampaolo d'Alessandro, modified by Ian Hawke. These contain only minimal examples and are distributed as is; examples are given in the lectures.


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In this paper we consider boundary integral methods applied to boundary value problems for the positive definite Helmholtz-type problem -DeltaU + alpha U-2 = 0 in a bounded or unbounded domain, with the parameter alpha real and possibly large. Applications arise in the implementation of space-time boundary integral methods for the heat equation, where alpha is proportional to 1/root deltat, and deltat is the time step. The corresponding layer potentials arising from this problem depend nonlinearly on the parameter alpha and have kernels which become highly peaked as alpha --> infinity, causing standard discretization schemes to fail. We propose a new collocation method with a robust convergence rate as alpha --> infinity. Numerical experiments on a model problem verify the theoretical results.


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[English] This paper is a tutorial introduction to pseudospectral optimal control. With pseudospectral methods, a function is approximated as a linear combination of smooth basis functions, which are often chosen to be Legendre or Chebyshev polynomials. Collocation of the differential-algebraic equations is performed at orthogonal collocation points, which are selected to yield interpolation of high accuracy. Pseudospectral methods directly discretize the original optimal control problem to recast it into a nonlinear programming format. A numerical optimizer is then employed to find approximate local optimal solutions. The paper also briefly describes the functionality and implementation of PSOPT, an open source software package written in C++ that employs pseudospectral discretization methods to solve multi-phase optimal control problems. The software implements the Legendre and Chebyshev pseudospectral methods, and it has useful features such as automatic differentiation, sparsity detection, and automatic scaling. The use of pseudospectral methods is illustrated in two problems taken from the literature on computational optimal control. [Portuguese] Este artigo e um tutorial introdutorio sobre controle otimo pseudo-espectral. Em metodos pseudo-espectrais, uma funcao e aproximada como uma combinacao linear de funcoes de base suaves, tipicamente escolhidas como polinomios de Legendre ou Chebyshev. A colocacao de equacoes algebrico-diferenciais e realizada em pontos de colocacao ortogonal, que sao selecionados de modo a minimizar o erro de interpolacao. Metodos pseudoespectrais discretizam o problema de controle otimo original de modo a converte-lo em um problema de programa cao nao-linear. Um otimizador numerico e entao empregado para obter solucoes localmente otimas. Este artigo tambem descreve sucintamente a funcionalidade e a implementacao de um pacote computacional de codigo aberto escrito em C++ chamado PSOPT. Tal pacote emprega metodos de discretizacao pseudo-spectrais para resolver problemas de controle otimo com multiplas fase. O PSOPT permite a utilizacao de metodos de Legendre ou Chebyshev, e possui caractersticas uteis tais como diferenciacao automatica, deteccao de esparsidade e escalonamento automatico. O uso de metodos pseudo-espectrais e ilustrado em dois problemas retirados da literatura de controle otimo computacional.


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This paper provides evidence for the claim made in Baetens Beardsmore (1971) that the grammatical collocation "chercher après" «to look for», which is very frequent in Brussels French, is the result of transfer from the contact language, Brussels Dutch. A detailed quantitative analysis of this construction in different varieties of French which have more or less contact with a Germanic language was made to investigate the likelihood of influence from the Germanic substrate. The differences between the meaning of "chercher" and "chercher après" are also analysed in some depth, to find out whether or not the particle is redundant. According to Trudgill (2004) redundant constructions are more often found in contact situations involving long-term, stable contact and child bilingualism. The particle "après" was found to add a particular shade of meaning to "chercher", and is thus not redundant. Therefore no evidence could be obtained from the current data for Trudgill’s (2004) claim.


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We consider the numerical treatment of second kind integral equations on the real line of the form ∅(s) = ∫_(-∞)^(+∞)▒〖κ(s-t)z(t)ϕ(t)dt,s=R〗 (abbreviated ϕ= ψ+K_z ϕ) in which K ϵ L_1 (R), z ϵ L_∞ (R) and ψ ϵ BC(R), the space of bounded continuous functions on R, are assumed known and ϕ ϵ BC(R) is to be determined. We first derive sharp error estimates for the finite section approximation (reducing the range of integration to [-A, A]) via bounds on (1-K_z )^(-1)as an operator on spaces of weighted continuous functions. Numerical solution by a simple discrete collocation method on a uniform grid on R is then analysed: in the case when z is compactly supported this leads to a coefficient matrix which allows a rapid matrix-vector multiply via the FFT. To utilise this possibility we propose a modified two-grid iteration, a feature of which is that the coarse grid matrix is approximated by a banded matrix, and analyse convergence and computational cost. In cases where z is not compactly supported a combined finite section and two-grid algorithm can be applied and we extend the analysis to this case. As an application we consider acoustic scattering in the half-plane with a Robin or impedance boundary condition which we formulate as a boundary integral equation of the class studied. Our final result is that if z (related to the boundary impedance in the application) takes values in an appropriate compact subset Q of the complex plane, then the difference between ϕ(s)and its finite section approximation computed numerically using the iterative scheme proposed is ≤C_1 [kh log⁡〖(1⁄kh)+(1-Θ)^((-1)⁄2) (kA)^((-1)⁄2) 〗 ] in the interval [-ΘA,ΘA](Θ<1) for kh sufficiently small, where k is the wavenumber and h the grid spacing. Moreover this numerical approximation can be computed in ≤C_2 N log⁡N operations, where N = 2A/h is the number of degrees of freedom. The values of the constants C1 and C2 depend only on the set Q and not on the wavenumber k or the support of z.


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The paper considers second kind integral equations of the form $\phi (x) = g(x) + \int_S {k(x,y)} \phi (y)ds(y)$ (abbreviated $\phi = g + K\phi $), in which S is an infinite cylindrical surface of arbitrary smooth cross section. The “truncated equation” (abbreviated $\phi _a = E_a g + K_a \phi _a $), obtained by replacing S by $S_a $, a closed bounded surface of class $C^2 $, the boundary of a section of the interior of S of length $2a$, is also discussed. Conditions on k are obtained (in particular, implying that K commutes with the operation of translation in the direction of the cylinder axis) which ensure that $I - K$ is invertible, that $I - K_a $ is invertible and $(I - K_a )^{ - 1} $ is uniformly bounded for all sufficiently large a, and that $\phi _a $ converges to $\phi $ in an appropriate sense as $a \to \infty $. Uniform stability and convergence results for a piecewise constant boundary element collocation method for the truncated equations are also obtained. A boundary integral equation, which models three-dimensional acoustic scattering from an infinite rigid cylinder, illustrates the application of the above results to prove existence of solution (of the integral equation and the corresponding boundary value problem) and convergence of a particular collocation method.


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Research in social psychology has shown that public attitudes towards feminism are mostly based on stereotypical views linking feminism with leftist politics and lesbian orientation. It is claimed that such attitudes are due to the negative and sexualised media construction of feminism. Studies concerned with the media representation of feminism seem to confirm this tendency. While most of this research provides significant insights into the representation of feminism, the findings are often based on a small sample of texts. Also, most of the research was conducted in an Anglo-American setting. This study attempts to address some of the shortcomings of previous work by examining the discourse of feminism in a large corpus of German and British newspaper data. It does so by employing the tools of Corpus Linguistics. By investigating the collocation profiles of the search term feminism, we provide evidence of salient discourse patterns surrounding feminism in two different cultural contexts.


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This article suggests a theoretical and methodological framework for a systematic contrastive discourse analysis across languages and discourse communities through keywords, constituting a lexical approach to discourse analysis which is considered to be particularly fruitful for comparative analysis. We use a corpus assisted methodology, presuming meaning to be constituted, revealed and constrained by collocation environment. We compare the use of the keyword intégration and Integration in French and German public discourses about migration on the basis of newspaper corpora built from two French and German newspapers from 1998 to 2011. We look at the frequency of these keywords over the given time span, group collocates into thematic categories and discuss indicators of discursive salience by comparing the development of collocation profiles over time in both corpora as well as the occurrence of neologisms and compounds based on intégration/Integration.


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Simultaneous nadir overpasses (SNOs) of polar-orbiting satellites are most frequent in polar areas but can occur at any latitude when the equatorial crossing times of the satellites become close owing to orbital drift. We use global SNOs of polar orbiting satellites to evaluate the intercalibration of microwave humidity sounders from the more frequent high-latitude SNOs. We have found based on sensitivity analyses that optimal distance and time thresholds for defining collocations are pixel centers less than 5 km apart and time differences less than 300 s. These stringent collocation criteria reduce the impact of highly variable surface or atmospheric conditions on the estimated biases. Uncertainties in the estimated biases are dominated by the combined radiometric noise of the instrument pair. The effects of frequency changes between different versions of the humidity sounders depend on the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. There are significant scene radiance and thus latitude dependencies in the estimated biases and this has to taken into account while intercalibrating microwave humidity sounders. Therefore the results obtained using polar SNOs will not be representative for moist regions, necessitating the use of global collocations for reliable intercalibration.


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Sea surface gradients derived from the Geosat and ERS-1 satellite altimetry geodetic missions were integrated with marine gravity data from the National Geophysical Data Center and Brazilian national surveys. Using the least squares collocation method, models of free-air gravity anomaly and geoid height were calculated for the coast of Brazil with a resolution of 2` x 2`. The integration of satellite and shipborne data showed better statistical results in regions near the coast than using satellite data only, suggesting an improvement when compared to the state-of-the-art global gravity models. Furthermore, these results were obtained with considerably less input information than was used by those reference models. The least squares collocation presented a very low content of high-frequency noise in the predicted gravity anomalies. This may be considered essential to improve the high resolution representation of the gravity field in regions of ocean-continent transition. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.