999 resultados para clay rich


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As reported by Shipboard Scientific Party (2001b, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.191.104.2001) in the Site 1179 chapter of the Initial Reports volume, Leg 191 Site 1179 is located on abyssal seafloor northwest of Shatsky Rise, ~1650 km east of Japan. This part of the Pacific plate was formed during the Early Cretaceous, as shown by northeast-trending M-series magnetic lineations that become younger toward the northwest (Larson and Chase, 1972, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1972)83[3627:LMEOTW]2.0.CO;2; Sager et al., 1988, doi:10.1029/JB093iB10p11753; Nakanishi et al., 1989, doi:10.1029/1999JB900002). The site is situated on magnetic Anomaly M8 (Nakanishi et al., 1999, doi:10.1029/1999JB900002), corresponding to an age of ~129 Ma and the Hauterivian stage of the Early Cretaceous (Gradstein et al., 1994, doi:10.1029/94JB01889; 1995). The sediments recovered at Site 1179 are split into four lithostratigraphic units based on composition and color (Shipboard Scientific Party, 2001b, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.191.104.2001). Unit I (0-221.52 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) is a dominantly olive-gray clay- and radiolarian-bearing diatom ooze. Unit II (221.52-246.0 mbsf) is a yellowish brown to light brown clay-rich and diatom-bearing radiolarian ooze. Unit III (246.0-283.53 mbsf) is composed of brown pelagic clay. Unit IV (283.53-377.15 mbsf) is composed of chert and some porcellanite; any softer sediments present were washed out of the core barrel by the fluid circulating during the coring process.


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A relatively complete lower Paleocene to lower Oligocene sequence was recovered from the Southern High of Shatsky Rise at Sites 1209, 1210, and 1211. The sequence consists of nannofossil ooze and clay-rich nannofossil ooze. Samples from these sites have been the target of intensive calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic investigations. Calcareous nannofossils are moderately preserved in most of the recovered sequence, which extends from nannofossil Zones CP1 to CP16. Most traditional zonal markers are present; however, the rarity and poor preservation of key species in the uppermost Paleocene and lower Eocene inhibits zonal subdivision of part of this sequence.


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A biostratigraphically continuous, but intensely bioturbated, Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sequence was cored during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 113 on Maud Rise (65°S) in the Weddell Sea off East Antarctica. This interval is the first recovered by ODP/DSDP in the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean and offers a unique opportunity to study the nannofossil sequences leading up to and beyond the terminal Cretaceous event at a high southern latitude. The K/T boundary lies just within Chron 29R and is placed at ODP Sample 113-690C-15X-4, 41.5 cm. An iridium anomaly was independently noted at about this level as well. Upper Maestrichtian-lower Paleocene sediments consist mostly of light-colored nannofossil chalks. Dark brown sediments at the base of the Danian (Zone CPla) are characterized by an increased clay content attributed to a drop in calcareous microplankton productivity following the terminal Cretaceous event. Although delineation of the boundary is hampered by intense bioturbation, the sharp color contrast between overlying clay-rich, dark brown chalks of the Tertiary and light cream colored chalks of the Cretaceous aids in the selection of the K/T horizon. Several dark colored burrows sampled at intervals as far as 1.3 m below the boundary and within the light colored Cretaceous chalk were found to contain up to 17% Tertiary nannofossils. Calcareous nannofossils from the boundary interval were divided into three groups for quantitative study. The three groups, "Cretaceous," "Tertiary," and "Survivor," exhibit a sequential change across the boundary with the Cretaceous forms giving way to a Survivor-dominated assemblage beginning at the boundary followed shortly thereafter by the appearance of the Tertiary taxa, Cruciplacolithus and Hornibrookina. The species, H. edwardsii, comprises nearly 50% of the assemblage just above the Zone CPla/CPlb boundary, an abundance not reported elsewhere at this level. Calculation of individual species abundances reveals several additional differences between this K/T boundary interval and those studied from middle and low latitude sections. The percentage of Thoracosphaera is much lower at the boundary in this section and a small form, Prediscosphaera stoveri, is extremely abundant in Cretaceous sediments just below the boundary.


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A pulse of intense carbonate dissolution occurred during the early late Paleocene at 58.4 Ma. A prominent 5 to 25 cm-thick dark brown clay-rich calcareous nannofossil ooze was found on Shatsky Rise at Sites 1209, 1210, 1211, and 1212 during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 198. The layer corresponds to the lower part of planktonic foraminiferal Zone P4 and coincides with the evolutionary first occurrence of the nannolith Heliolithus kleinpellii, an important component of late Paleocene assemblages and a marker for the base of Zone CP5. The clay-rich layer contains common crystals of phillipsite, fish teeth, and phosphatic micronodules and corresponds to a prominent peak in magnetic susceptibility that probably reflects these high amounts of detrital and authigenic materials. Detailed quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages across the clay-rich nannofossil ooze layer shows that fundamental changes in faunal composition occurred before, during, and after deposition of the clay-rich ooze. Planktonic foraminifers in the clay-rich layer are characterized by a low-diversity, largely dissolved assemblage dominated by representatives of the genus Igorina (mainly Igorina tadjikistanensis and Igorina pusilla). Conversely, Igorina albeari, morozovellids, acarininids, globanomalinids, subbotinids, and chiloguembelinids are common below the clay-rich layer, almost disappear within it, and reappear in low abundances above the clay-rich layer. These changes in faunal compositions are likely a response to a change in carbonate saturation that caused increased dissolution on the seafloor owing to the shoaling of the lysocline and the carbonate compensation depth.


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In the deep-sea, the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is often marked by clay-rich condensed intervals caused by dissolution of carbonate sediments, capped by a carbonate-rich interval. Constraining the duration of both the dissolution and subsequent cap-carbonate intervals is essential to computing marine carbon fluxes and thus testing hypotheses for the origin of this event. To this end, we provide new high-resolution helium isotope records spanning the Paleocene-Eocene boundary at ODP Site 1266 in the South Atlantic. The extraterrestrial 3He, 3HeET, concentrations replicate trends observed at ODP Site 690 by Farley and Eltgroth (2003, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00017-7). By assuming a constant flux of 3HeET we constrain relative changes in accumulation rates of sediment across the PETM and construct a new age model for the event. In this new chronology the zero carbonate layer represents 35 kyr, some of which reflects clay produced by dissolution of Paleocene (pre-PETM) sediments. Above this layer, carbonate concentrations increase for ~165 kyr and remain higher than in the latest Paleocene until 234 +48/-34 kyr above the base of the clay. The new chronology indicates that minimum d13C values persisted for a maximum of 134 +27/-19 kyr and the inflection point previously chosen to designate the end of the CIE recovery occurs at 217 +44/-31 kyr. This allocation of time differs from that of the cycle-based age model of Röhl et al. (2007, doi:10.1029/2007GC001784) in that it assigns more time to the clay layer followed by a more gradual recovery of carbonate-rich sedimentation. The new model also suggests a longer sustained d13C excursion followed by a more rapid recovery to pre-PETM d13C values. These differences have important implications for constraining the source(s) of carbon and mechanisms for its subsequent sequestration, favoring models that include a sustained release


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Laboratory measurements of the acoustic and physical properties of deep-sea sediments and rocks are important for the interpretation of seismic reflection and refraction data and estimation of in situ physical property values. Furthermore, the results of such measurements can be used to design geoacoustic models of the upper oceanic crust that can relate the physical properties of deep-sea sediments to lithology, depth of burial, and diagenetic effects (Hamilton, 1980; Milholland et al., 1980). The purpose of this paper is to report the results of laboratory measurements of wet-bulk density, compressionalwave velocity, and velocity anisotropy on sediments cored during DSDP Leg 79. The sample suite consists of 11 calcareous claystones and clay-rich chalks recovered between 370 to 720 m sub-bottom at Holes 545 and 547A.


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The location of the seaward tip of a subduction thrust controls material transfer at convergent plate margins, and hence global mass balances. At approximately half of those margins, the material of the subducting plate is completely underthrust so that no accretion or even subduction erosion takes place. Along the remaining margins, material is scraped off the subducting plate and added to the upper plate by frontal accretion. We here examine the physical properties of subducting sediments off Costa Rica and Nankai, type examples for an erosional and an accretionary margin, to investigate which parameters control the level where the frontal thrust cuts into the incoming sediment pile. A series of rotary-shear experiments to measure the frictional strength of the various lithologies entering the two subduction zones were carried out. Results include the following findings: (1) At Costa Rica, clay-rich strata at the top of the incoming succession have the lowest strength (µres = 0.19) while underlying calcareous ooze, chalk and diatomite are strong (up to µres = 0.43; µpeak = 0.56). Hence the entire sediment package is underthrust. (2) Off Japan, clay-rich deposits within the lower Shikoku Basin inventory are weakest (µres = 0.13-0.19) and favour the frontal proto-thrust to migrate into one particular horizon between sandy, competent turbidites below and ash-bearing mud above. (3) Taking in situ data and earlier geotechnical testing into account, it is suggested that mineralogical composition rather than pore-pressure defines the position of the frontal thrust, which locates in the weakest, clay mineral-rich (up to 85 wt.%) materials. (4) Smectite, the dominant clay mineral phase at either margin, shows rate strengthening and stable sliding in the frontal 50 km of the subduction thrust (0.0001-0.1 mm/s, 0.5-25 MPa effective normal stress). (5) Progressive illitization of smectite cannot explain seismogenesis, because illite-rich samples also show velocity strengthening at the conditions tested.


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The scope of this technical report is to establish the mechanisms by which the eastbound lanes of Interstate 82 at mile post (MP) 91.9 near Benton City continue to deform. Within the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), the area is known as the Prosser Landslide and has been an ongoing concern since the 1980s. Results from previous technical investigations have been conflicted or inconclusive as to whether landslide movement persists beneath or through the shear key-buttress or that pavement distress is related to swelling of a clay-rich unit that underlies the slope and interstate. For this report, the following steps were taken. First, I conducted a desk review of archived reports, memos, data, and drill logs from the original construction of I-82 and previous geotechnical investigations commissioned by WSDOT. Findings of this desk review are reported in Part III. Second, WSDOT drillers drilled two new boreholes at the Prosser Landslide site above the buttress and instrumentation was installed within the boreholes. Borehole logs produced from the 2013 drilling can be found in Appendix A of this report. Material retrieved from the suspected failure zone during drilling was tested at the WSDOT Materials Lab by WSDOT personnel for its mechanical properties including Atterberg limits, grain-size analysis, and residual shear strength (Appendix B). Samples were also analyzed for mineral content using X -ray powder diffraction (XRD). These data and observations are reported in Part III and Appendix C. Finally, using drill logs produced by WSDOT from the latest drilling and from historic drilling campaigns, I constructed a 2-D geologic model of the landslide site. This model is the basis for slope stability analysis reported in Part IV and Appendix D. This study concludes that the deformation observed in the eastbound lanes of I-82 could be the result of continued landslide movement, despite previous remediation efforts.


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Airborne LIDAR (Light Detecting and Ranging) is a relatively new technique that rapidly and accurately measures micro-topographic features. This study compares topography derived from LIDAR with subsurface karst structures mapped in 3-dimensions with ground penetrating radar (GPR). Over 500 km of LIDAR data were collected in 1995 by the NASA ATM instrument. The LIDAR data was processed and analyzed to identify closed depressions. A GPR survey was then conducted at a 200 by 600 m site to determine if the target features are associated with buried karst structures. The GPR survey resolved two major depressions in the top of a clay rich layer at ~10m depth. These features are interpreted as buried dolines and are associated spatially with subtle (< 1m) trough-like depressions in the topography resolved from the LIDAR data. This suggests that airborne LIDAR may be a useful tool for indirectly detecting subsurface features associated with sinkhole hazard.


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Pelagic sedimentation during the Early Cretaceous at Site 603 produced alternations of laminated marly limestone and bioturbated limestone-a facies typical of the "Blake-Bahama Formation" of the western Atlantic. This limestone is a nannofossil micrite, rich in calcified radiolarians, with variable amounts of organic matter, pyritized radiolarian tests, fish debris, and micaceous silt. The laminated marly limestone layers are enriched in organic matter when compared with the intervals of bioturbated limestone. The organic carbon is predominantly terrestrial plant debris; where the organic-carbon content is in excess of 1%, there is also a significant marine-derived component. Laminations can result either from bands of alternately enriched and depleted opaque material and clay, or from bands of elongate lenses (microflasers) of micrite, which could be plastically deformed pellets or diagenetic features. The alternating intervals of laminated and bioturbated structures may have resulted from combined changes in surface productivity, in the influx of terrigenous organic matter, and in the intensity of bottom circulation, which led to episodic oxygen depletion in the bottom water and sediments. Variations in the relative proportions of laminated clay-rich and bioturbated lime-rich limestone and in the development of cycles between these structures make it possible to subdivide the Lower Cretaceous pelagic facies into several subunits which appear to be regional in extent. Bioturbated limestone is dominant in the Berriasian, laminated marly limestone in the Valanginian and Barremian-lower Aptian, and well-developed alternations between these end members in the Hauterivian. The Hauterivian to lower Aptian sediments contain abundant terrigenous clastic turbidites associated with a submarine fan complex. These changes in the general characteristics of the pelagic sediment component of the Blake-Bahama Formation at Site 603 are synchronous with those in the Blake-Bahama Basin (Sites 534 and 391) to the south. Carbonate sedimentation ended in the early Aptian, probably because of a regional shoaling of the carbonate compensation depth.


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Twenty-one core samples from DSDP/IPOD Leg 63 were analyzed for products of chlorophyll diagenesis. In addition to the tetrapyrrole pigments, perylene and carotenoid pigments were isolated and identified. The 16 core samples from the San Miguel Gap site (467) and the five from the Baja California borderland location (471) afforded the unique opportunity of examining tetrapyrrole diagenesis in clay-rich marine sediments that are very high in total organic matter. The chelation reaction, whereby free-base porphyrins give rise to metalloporphyrins (viz., nickel), is well documented within the downhole sequence of sediments from the San Miguel Gap (Site 467). Recognition of unique arrays of highly dealkylated copper and nickel ETIO-porphyrins, exhibiting nearly identical carbonnumber homologies (viz., C-23 to C-30; mode = C-26), enabled subtraction of this component (thought to be derived from an allochthonous source) and thus permitted description of the actual in situ diagenesis of autochthonous chlorophyll derivatives.


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The Gorleben salt dome is actually investigated for its suitability as a repository for radioactive waste. It is crossed by a subglacial drainage channel, formed during the Elsterian glaciation (Gorleben channel). Some units of its filling vary strongly in niveau and thickness. Lowest positions and/or largest thickness are found above the salt dome. This is interpreted as a result of subrosion during the Saalean glaciation. The rate can be calculated from niveau differences of sediments formed during the Holsteinian interglacial. However, their position might have been influenced by other factors also (relief of the channel bottom, glacial tectonics, settlement of underlying clay-rich sediments). Their relevance was estimated applying statistical techniques to niveau and thickness data from 79 drillings in the Gorleben channel. Two classes of drillings with features caused by either Saalean subrosion or sedimentary processes during the filling of the Gorleben channel can be distinguished by means of factor and discriminant analysis. This interpretation is supported by the results of classwise correlation and regression analysis. Effects of glacial tectonics on the position of Holsteinian sediments cannot be misunderstood as subrosional. The influence of the settlement of underlying clay sediments can be estimated quantitatively. Saalean subrosion rates calculated from niveau differences of Holsteinian sediments between both classes differ with respect to the method applied: maximum values are 0,83 or 0,96 mm/a, average values are 0,31 or 0,41 mm/a.


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Geomorphological mapping is a powerful instrument improving the geomorphological interpretation and understanding of the processes and forms used in landscape studies, with the ability of organizing different thematic layers in the same map. The presented map provide relevant information about the different geomorphological units of the central Algarve (i.e. the Carboniferous flysch mountains; the Barrocal, with marly and karstified subunits), where a karst system is prominent. Solution karst morphologies and large dry areas are common in the elevated areas of the Barrocal, suggesting deep circulation of groundwater. These recharge areas feed the perched aquifers of the area, where discharge is controlled by the impervious lithologies (clay-rich strata of the turbidites, marls and argilites) in the valley bottoms or other leaks in dammed aquifers. In springs related to the main aquifers tufa are actively being formed and, close coupled to spring location, different tufa depositional systems develop.


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The insoluble residues of samples from ODP Sites 626 and 627 can be subdivided into four groups: (1) illite, 7 A minerals, quartz and feldspar; (2) smectite and zeolite (clinoptilolite); (3) palygorskite and in places sepiolite; and (4) glauconite and pyrite. Whereas group 1 is clearly terrigenous and group 4 authigenic, group 2 is most probably authigenic, as indicated by its abundance in samples with small insoluble residues and its appearance in SEM photographs. Group 3 is authigenic in Albian peritidal dolomite and possibly terrigenous in middle Miocene slumps and debris flows. Smectite crystallinity increases with age. This increase, however, is less pronounced in the Bahamian carbonate-rich samples than in the carbonate-poor silts south of Guatemala (DSDP Leg 84, Sites 569 and 570, the only comparable investigation) as far as can be judged from such a small number of samples.


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Detailed mineralogical studies of the matrix and fracture-fill materials of a large number of samples from the Rustler Formation have been carried out using x-ray diffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis, x-ray fluorescence, and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. These analyses indicate the presence of four clay minerals: interstratified chlorite/saponite, illite, chlorite, and serpentine. Corrensite (regularly stratified chlorite/saponite) is the dominant clay mineral in samples from the Culebra dolomite and two shale layers of the lower unnamed member of the Rustler Formation. Within other layers of the Rustler Formation, disordered mixed chlorite/saponite is usually the most abundant clay mineral. Studies of the morphology and composition of clay crystallites suggest that the corrensite was formed by the alteration of detrital dioctahedral smectite in magnesium-rich pore fluids during early diagenesis of the Rustler Formation. This study provides initial estimates of the abundance and nature of the clay minerals in the Culebra dolomite in the vicinity of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.