148 resultados para carrageenan


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The effect of viable splenic lymphoid cells and their constituents (filtrate) on carrageenan-induced acute pleurisy was investigated in rats. Suspensions of lymphoid cells administered intravenously to recipients just prior to initiation of pleurisy enhance both the volume of exudate and cell accumulation in the pleural cavity 3 h after the irritation. Similar results were observed when filtrate of disrupted lymphoid cells was injected either 30 or 5 min before the carrageenan, but not when administered 30 min afterwards. Suspensions of bone marrow cells, on the contrary, were ineffective in producing an enhancement of the parameters studied. When administered into the pleural cavity together with carrageenan, the lymphoid cell filtrate augmented the inflammatory response to the irritant. Nevertheless, it was ineffective, per se, to elicit any local change. It is suggested that lymphoid cells may play a pro-inflammatory role in the initiation of the process by enhancing both the fluid and the cellular components of inflammation.


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Objective and Design: To determine the alpha-2-macroglobulin (alpha2M) levels in mice during acute and chronic inflammatory responses. Materials and Methods: Inflammation was induced by one of the following stimuli: carrageenin, zymosan, lipopolysacharide, thioglycollate, bacilli Calmette Guerin, PPD (in pre-immunized and non-immunized animals) and tumor cells. The concentration of alpha2M was determined in plasma or peritoneal liquid by electroimmunoassay. Results: In all the treatments employed, the plasma levels of alpha2M were higher than in untreated animals. This increase varied from 9%, 24 h after injection up a maximum of 66% 72 h post-injection. When compared to animals injected only with saline, the increases were significant 48 h after treatment with either zymosan or LPS, and 72 h after treatment with either thioglycollate or carrageenin. Treatment with BCG triggers an increase in alpha2M levels after 24 h (18.60%) and 48 h (27.90%). Immunized mice presented higher levels of this protein than non-immunized animals after challenge with PPD. The growth of Ehrlich tumor cells in the peritoneal cavity was directly correlated with the local levels of alpha2M which increased 3.5 fold, 10 days after injection. Conclusions: These results strongly indicate that in mice, the concentration of alpha2M can increase during acute and chronic inflammatory reactions with kinetics dependent on the particular kind of inflammatory agent.


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The effects of some B vitamins on chemical nociception in mice or paw edema in rats were investigated. A combination of thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6) and cyanocobalamin (B12), in doses of 100,100 and 5mg/kg, i.p., respectively, potentiated the inhibition by diclofenac or thalidomide of paw edema induced by carrageenin in rat. Antinociceptive effects of diclofenac and thalidomide inhibition of abdominal contortion were also potentiated by the combination of the vitamins B1, B6 and B12. Thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin given singly were effective in potentiating antinociceptive effects of thalidomide, but only cyanocobalamin potentiated these effects of diclofenac, probably reflecting the differing mechanisms of action of the two drugs. The results document the positive influence of B vitamins on antinociceptive effects of diclofenac or thalidomide and support the use of B vitamins to shorten the treatment time and reduce the daily dose of anti-inflammatories.


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Phenolic compounds are numerous and ubiquitous in the plant kingdom, being particularly present in health-promoting foods. Epidemiological evidences suggest that the consumption of polyphenol-rich foods reduces the incidence of cancer, coronary heart disease and inflammation. Chlorogenic acid (CGA) is one of the most abundant polyphenol compounds in human diet. Data obtained from in vivo and in vitro experiments show that CGA mostly presents antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic activities. However, the effects of CGA on the inflammatory reaction and on the related pain and fever processes have been explored less so far. Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive and antipyretic activities of CGA in rats. In comparison to control, CGA at doses 50 and 100 mg/kg inhibited carrageenin-induced paw edema beginning at the 2nd hour of the experimental procedure. Furthermore, at doses 50 and 100 mg/kg CGA also inhibited the number of flinches in the late phase of formalin-induced pain test. Such activities may be derived from the inhibitory action of CGA in the peripheral synthesis/release of inflammatory mediators involved in these responses. On the other hand, even at the highest tested dose (200 mg/kg), CGA did not inhibit the febrile response induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in rats. Additional experiments are necessary in order to clarify the true target for the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of CGA. © 2006 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.


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The effects of a combination of some B vitamins and diclofenac or nimesulide on chemical nociception in mice or paw edema in rats were investigated. While the vitamins alone had no effect, combination of thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6) and cyanocobalamin (B12), given i.p. in doses of 100mg and 5mg/kg, respectively, potentiated the inhibition by nimesulide (5mg/kg) of paw edema induced by carrageenin in rats. Antinociceptive effects of diclofenac and nimesulide (inhibition of abdominal writhing induced by acetic acid in mice) were also potentiated by the combination of the vitamins B1, B6 and B12. Thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin given singly were effective in potentiating antinociceptive effects of nimesulide, but only cyanocobalamin potentiated these effects of diclofenac, probably reflecting the differing mechanisms of action of the two drugs. The results document the positive influence of B vitamins on the antinociceptive effects of diclofenac or nimesulide and support the use of B vitamins to shorten the treatment time and reduce the daily dose of anti-inflammatories.


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Ethnopharmacological relevance: Lychnophora passerina (Asteraceae), popularly known as arnica, is used to treat inflammation, pain, rheumatism, contusions, bruises and insect bites in Brazilian traditional medicine. Materials and methods: The anti-inflammatory activity of crude ethanolic extract of aerial parts of L. passerina and its ethyl acetate and methanolic fractions had their abilities to modulate the production of NO, TNF-α and IL-10 inflammatory mediators in LPS/IFN-γ-stimulated J774.A1 macrophages evaluated. Moreover, the crude ethanolic extract and derived fractions were also in vivo assayed by carrageenan-induced paw oedema in mice. Results: In vitro assays showed remarkable anti-inflammatory activity of L. passerina crude ethanolic extract (EE) and its ethyl acetate (A) and methanolic (M) fractions, through the inhibition of production of NO and TNF-α inflammatory mediators and induction of production of IL-10 anti-inflammatory cytokine. In vivo assays showed anti-inflammatory activity for EE 10% ointment, similar to the standard drug diclofenac gel. The A and M fraction ointments 20% presented anti-inflammatory activity. Conclusion: The results obtained showed that possible anti-inflammatory effects of EE and its A and M fractions may be attributed to inhibition pro-inflammatory cytokines production, TNF-α and NO and to increased IL-10 production. EE, A and M ointments showed topical in vivo anti-inflammatory activity. The in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of EE of L. passerina may be related to synergistic effects of different substances in the crude extract. Therefore, traditional use of aerial parts of L. passerina in the inflammatory conditions could be beneficial to treat topical inflammatory conditions, as evidenced by the present study. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Some of the Piper species have been applied for the treatment of several diseases (anti-oxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic), considering multiple applications used in traditional medicine of different countries. About these, the present study evaluated some biological activities of Piper cubeba, as writhing test induced by acetic acid, ear edema induced by croton oil and paw edema induced by carrageenan were used by evaluated the analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of crude hydroalcoholic extract (PCE) and its fractions of different polarities of P. cubeba L. seeds. The lethal dose (LD50) and the effective dose (ED50) were evaluated too. Both the PCE and dichloromethane fraction showed decrease values of edema and abdominal constrictions. The results obtained in this study confirm the low toxicity and analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of PCE from P. cubeba seeds, justifying its use in folk medicine. Copyright © 2013, Phcog.Net, Published by Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Farmacologia) - IBB


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A Aniba canelilla (H.B.K) Mez, conhecida popularmente como casca-preciosa é uma espécie da família Lauraceae que apresenta ampla distribuição na região amazônica. O chá das folhas e das cascas são utilizados na medicina popular como digestivo, carminativo e antiinflamatório. Neste estudo decidiu-se avaliar se esta atividade é devida a um de seus principais constituintes, o 1-nitro-2-feniletano. A amostra obtida por purificação do óleo essencial de Aniba canelilla possui 97,5% de 1-nitro-2-feniletano foi fornecida pelo Laboratório de Engenharia Química da UFPA. Nos modelos de nocicepção foram realizados os testes da contorção abdominal, placa quente e formalina. Enquanto que nos modelos de inflamação foram realizados a dermatite induzido pelo óleo de croton, edema de pata induzido por dextrana e carragenina e peritonite induzido pela carragenina. No teste de contorção abdominal induzido por ácido acético, o 1-nitro-2-feniletano nas doses de 15, 25 e 50 mg/kg reduziu de maneira significativa o número de contorções abdominais. No teste de placa quente (55 0,5 C), o 1-nitro-2-feniletano nas doses de 50, 100 e 200 mg/kg não induziu alterações no tempo de latência quando comparado ao grupo controle. No teste de formalina, o 1-nitro-2-feniletano nas doses de 25 e 50 mg/kg reduziu de maneira significativa o estímulo álgico na 2 fase do teste. Além disso, a antinocicepção foi revertida pela naloxona na segunda fase. Na dermatite induzida pelo óleo de croton, o 1-nitro-2-feniletano nas doses de 25 e 50 mg/kg reduziu de maneira significativa o eritema em relação ao grupo controle (inibição de 73% e 79%, respectivamente). Nos edemas de pata induzido por carragenina e dextrana, o 1-nitro-2-feniletano foi capaz de impedir o desenvolvimento do edema, nas doses de 25 e 50 mg/kg, em comparação com o grupo controle. Na peritonite induzida por carragenina, o 1-nitro-2-feniletano na dose de 25 mg/kg reduziu o número de células globais e o número de neutrófilos quando comparado ao grupo controle (inibição de 22,55% e 38,13%, respectivamente). Nossos resultados sugerem que o 1-nitro-2-feniletano tem atividade antinociceptiva e antiinflamatória, provavelmente, de origem periférica, além disso, os resultados sugerem que os receptores opióides estão envolvidos no efeito antinociceptivo do 1-nitro-2-feniletano.


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Hyptis crenata (Pohl) ex Benth. é uma planta herbácea, medicinal e aromática, pertencente à família lamiaceae, conhecida popularmente como salva-do-marajó, malva-do-marajó e hortelã-bravo. Distribui-se no estuário do Rio Amazonas, Pantanal e no estado de Minas-Gerais. Seu óleo essencial é caracterizado pela presença de monoterpenos e sesquiterpenos. É utilizada popularmente como sudorífico, tônico, estimulante, bem como para tratar inflamação de olhos e garganta, constipação e artrite. Baseado nessas informações, decidiu-se avaliar a atividade antinociceptiva e antiinflamatória do óleo essencial desta espécie (OEHc) através dos seguintes testes: teste das contorções abdominais induzidas por ácido acético, placa quente, formalina, dermatite induzida pelo óleo de croton, edemas induzidos por dextrana e carragenina e peritonite induzida por carragenina. Para a análise estatística utilizou-se ANOVA seguida de um método de múltiplas comparações (Teste de Student-Newman-Keuls ou teste "t" de Student). O óleo foi extraído por hidrodestilação, obtendo um rendimento de 0,6%. É composto predominantemente por monoterpenos (94,5%). A dose letal media DL50 foi de 5000 mg/kg. Nas contorções abdominais induzidas por ácido acético o óleo (250, 350 e 500 mg/kg) reduziu de forma significante de maneira dose-dependente estas contorções em 22,56%, 60,76% e 75,53%, respectivamente, cujo coeficiente de correlação linear foi de r = 0,9341 e DE50 = 364,22 mg/kg. No teste da placa quente, o óleo não foi capaz de aumentar o tempo de latência de maneira significante. No teste da formalina, o OEHc produziu uma inibição da 1 fase em 26,49% e da 2 fase em 43,39%. Além disso, a naloxona reverteu o efeito do OEHc neste teste. Na dermatite induzida pelo óleo de croton, o OEHc reduziu o edema de maneira significante em 44,26%. No edema induzido por dextrana, o óleo foi capaz de impedir o desenvolvimento do edema na dose de 364,22 mg/kg de maneira significante em relação ao grupo controle. Porém, no edema induzido por carragenina esta inibição não foi observada. Na peritonite induzida por carragenina, o OEHc reduziu o número de leucócitos e o de neutrófilos em 47,55% e 66,47%, respectivamente. A partir dos resultados obtidos, sugere-se que o OEHc apresenta atividade antinociceptiva provavelmente através da ação direta sobre as fibras nociceptivas, além de sugerir que os receptores opióides possam estar envolvidos neste processo; e atividade antiinflamatória provavelmente de origem periférica. Pode-se sugerir, também, que os possíveis componentes responsáveis por essas ações sejam os compostos monoterpênicos presentes no OEHc.


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ABSTRACT: Mikania lindleyana DC., Asteraceae (sucuriju), grows in the Amazon region, where is frequently used to treat pain, inflammatory diseases and scarring. This study was carried out to investigate phytochemical profile accompanied by in vivo antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory screening of n-hexane (HE), dichloromethane (DME) and methanol (ME) extracts obtained from the aerial parts of the plant. The oral administration of ME (0.1, 0.3, 1 g/kg) caused a dose-related reduction (16.2, 42.1 e 70.2%) of acetic acid-induced abdominal writhing while HE and DME (1 g/kg, p.o.) were ineffective. In the hot plate test, ME (300 mg/kg, p.o.) increased the latency of heat stimulus between 30 and 120 min and inhibited the first (45%) and second (60%) phases of nociception in the formalin test. The antinociception induced by ME or positive control fentanyl (150 µg/kg, s.c.) in hot plate and formalin tests was prevented by naloxone (3 mg/kg, s.c.). When submitted to the carrageenan-induced peritonitis test, ME (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 g/kg, p.o.) impaired leukocyte migration into the peritoneal cavity by 46.8, 59.4 and 64.8% respectively, while positive control dexamethasone (2 mg/kg, s.c.), inhibited leukocyte migration by 71.1%. These results indicate that the antinociception obtained after oral administration of methanol extract of M. lindleyana involves anti-inflammatory mechanisms accompanied with opioid-like activity which could explain the use of the specie for pain and inflammatory diseases.


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Croton pullei var. glabrior Lanj. (Euphorbiaceae) é uma liana, amplamente distribuída na Floresta Amazônica. Na medicina popular, diversas plantas do gênero Croton têm sido utilizadas com fins terapêuticos em patologias que envolvem dor e inflamação, o que justifica este trabalho. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as atividades antinociceptiva e do extrato metanólico das folhas de C. pullei (MECP). O MECP reduziu, de forma dose-dependente, o número de contorções abdominais (1,2 %) em camundongos, sugerindo uma atividade antinociceptiva da planta. Por outro lado, o MECP não alterou significativamente a reatividade ao estímulo térmico no teste da placa quente e a reatividade à estimulação química na primeira fase do teste da formalina, indicando um mecanismo não-opioidérgico. O MECP reduziu a nocicepção na segunda fase do teste da formalina, inibiu o edema de orelha induzido pelo óleo de croton e reduziu a migração leucocitária no teste da peritonite induzida por carragenina, indicando uma atividade antiinflamatória. Apesar dos mecanismos responsáveis pelos efeitos da planta ainda não estarem completamente esclarecidos, estes resultados parecem justificar o uso medicinal potencial de Croton pullei var. glabrior Lanj. em patologias que envolvam dor e inflamação.