939 resultados para cardiac pleural effusion
OBJETIVO: Descrever características clínicas e laboratoriais em pacientes com derrames pleurais linfocíticos secundários a tuberculose ou linfoma, a fim de identificar as variáveis que possam contribuir no diagnóstico diferencial dessas doenças. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com 159 pacientes adultos HIV negativos com derrame pleural linfocítico secundário a tuberculose ou linfoma (130 e 29 pacientes, respectivamente) tratados no Ambulatório da Pleura, Instituto do Coração, Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (SP), entre outubro de 2008 e março de 2010. RESULTADOS: A média de idade e de duração dos sintomas foi menor no grupo tuberculose que no grupo linfoma. Os níveis pleurais de proteínas, albumina, colesterol, amilase e adenosina desaminase (ADA), assim como os níveis séricos de proteínas, albumina e amilase, foram maiores no grupo tuberculose, enquanto os níveis séricos de colesterol e triglicérides foram maiores no grupo linfoma. As contagens de leucócitos e linfócitos no líquido pleural foram maiores no grupo tuberculose. Células malignas estavam ausentes no grupo tuberculose, entretanto, linfócitos atípicos foram observados em 4 desses pacientes. No grupo linfoma, a citologia para células neoplásicas foi positiva, suspeita e negativa em 51,8%, 24,1% e 24,1% dos pacientes, respectivamente. A imunofenotipagem do líquido pleural foi conclusiva na maioria dos pacientes com linfoma. CONCLUSÕES: Nossos resultados demonstram semelhanças clínicas e laboratoriais entre os pacientes com tuberculose ou linfoma. Embora os níveis de proteínas e ADA no líquido pleural tendam a ser mais elevados no grupo tuberculose que no grupo linfoma, mesmo essas variáveis mostraram uma sobreposição. Entretanto, nenhum paciente com tuberculose apresentou níveis de ADA no líquido pleural inferiores ao ponto de corte (40 U/L).
Non-contrast post-mortem computed tomography (pm-CT) is useful in the evaluation of bony pathologies, whereas minimally invasive pm-CT-angiography allows for the detection of subtle vascular lesions. We present a case of an accidentally self-inflicted fatal bullet wound to the chest where pm-CT-angiography revealed a small laceration of the anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery and a tiny disruption of the right ventricle with pericardial and pleural effusion. Subsequent autopsy confirmed our radiological findings. Post-mortem CT-angiography has a great potential for the detection of vascular lesions and can be considered equivalent to autopsy for selected cases in forensic medicine.
Two healthy cats underwent elective surgical procedures under general anesthesia. One developed severe esophagitis leading to esophageal rupture, mediastinitis, and pyothorax. The other cat developed esophageal stricture, diverticulum formation, and suspected iatrogenic perforation. Both cats had signs of dysphagia and regurgitation beginning a few days after anesthesia. The first cat also had severe dyspnea due to septic pleural effusion and pneumomediastinum. In the second cat, endoscopy revealed diffuse esophagitis, an esophageal stricture, and a large esophageal diverticulum. Rupture of the esophageal wall occurred while inflating the esophagus for inspection. Due to the poor prognosis, both cats were euthanized. Necropsy revealed severe esophageal changes. Postanesthetic esophagitis has been previously described in dogs and cats; however, severe life-threatening esophageal injuries rarely occur as a sequel to general anesthesia. To the authors' knowledge, esophageal rupture secondary to perianesthetic reflux has never been reported in cats.
Three horses (age 17 - 23 years) were referred to the equine clinic of the University of Berne due to colic, fever, tachycardia and tachypnea. All horses showed pleural effusion. Clinical findings in 2 of the horses were highly suggestive of an intra-thoracic esophageal perforation. Severe septic pleuropneumonia without suspicion of an esophageal lesion was diagnosed in the 3rd horse. In addition, an 11 year old stallion was referred to the equine clinic for treatment of a presumptive large colon impaction. The horse was given laxatives after nasogastric intubation. Subsequent dramatic clinical deterioration and signs consistent with severe pleuropneumonia suggest that esophageal perforation had occurred when passing the nasogastric tube. All 4 horses were euthanized due to a poor prognosis. Esophageal perforation was diagnosed or confirmed post mortem in all cases. A hypertrophy of the tunica muscularis of the intra-thoracic esophagus was found in 3 of 4 horses.
An expert multidisciplinary panel in the treatment of type B aortic dissection reviewed available literature to develop treatment algorithms using a consensus method. Data from 63 studies published from 2006 to 2012 were retrieved for a total of 1,548 patients treated medically, 1,706 patients who underwent open surgery, and 3,457 patients who underwent thoracic endovascular repair (TEVAR). For acute (first 2 weeks) type B aortic dissection, the pooled early mortality rate was 6.4% with medical treatment and increased to 10.2% with TEVAR and 17.5% with open surgery, mostly for complicated cases. Limited data for treatment of subacute (2 to 6 weeks after onset) type B aortic dissection showed an early mortality rate of 2.8% with TEVAR. In chronic (after 6 weeks) type B aortic dissection, 5-year survival of 60% to 80% was expected with medical therapy because complications were likely. If interventional treatment was applied, the pooled early mortality rate was 6.6% with TEVAR and 8.0% with open surgery. Medical treatment of uncomplicated acute, subacute, and chronic type B aortic dissection is managed with close image monitoring. Hemodynamic instability, organ malperfusion, increasing periaortic hematoma, and hemorrhagic pleural effusion on imaging identify patients with complicated acute type B aortic dissection requiring urgent aortic repair. Recurrence of symptoms, aortic aneurysmal dilation (>55 mm), or a yearly increase of >4 mm after the acute phase are predictors of adverse outcome and need for delayed aortic repair ("complicated chronic aortic dissections"). The expert panel is aware that this consensus document provides proposal for strategies based on nonrobust evidence for management of type B aortic dissection, and that literature results were largely heterogeneous and should be interpreted cautiously.
Exaggerated renal sodium retention with concomitant potassium loss is a hallmark of cirrhosis and contributes to the accumulation of fluid as ascites, pleural effusion, or edema. This apparent mineralocorticoid effect is only partially explained by increased aldosterone concentrations. I present evidence supporting the hypothesis that cortisol confers mineralocorticoid action in cirrhosis. The underlying molecular pathology for this mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) activation by cortisol is a reduced activity of the 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2, an enzyme protecting the MR from promiscuous activation by cortisol in healthy mammalians.
BACKGROUND: Bronchopulmonary sequestration is a lung malformation characterized by nonfunctioning lung tissue without primary communication with the tracheobronchial tree. Intrauterine complications such as mediastinal shift, pleural effusion or fetal hydrothorax can be present. We present the case of a newborn with bilateral intralobar pulmonary sequestration. METHODS: Prenatal ultrasonography in a primigravida at 20 weeks of gestation revealed echogenic masses in the right fetal hemithorax with mediastinal shift towards the left side. Serial ultrasound confirmed persistence of the lesion with otherwise appropriate fetal development. Delivery was uneventful and physical examination revealed an isolated intermittent tachypnea. Chest CT scan and CT angiography showed a bilateral intrathoracic lesion with arterial supply from the aorta. Baby lung function testing suggested possible multiple functional compartments. RESULTS: Right and left thoracotomy was performed at the age of 7 months. A bilateral intralobar sequestration with vascularisation from the aorta was resected. Pathological and histological examination of the resected tissue confirmed the surgical diagnosis. At the age of 24 months, the child was doing well without pulmonary complications. CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral pulmonary sequestration requires intensive prenatal and postnatal surveillance. Though given the fact of a bilateral pulmonary sequestration, postnatal outcome showed similar favourable characteristics to an unilateral presentation. Baby lung function testing could provide additional information for optimal postnatal management and timing of surgical intervention.
OBJECTIVES: To assess complication rate, risk factors for complications and outcome in dogs with oesophageal and gastric endoscopic foreign body (FB) removal. METHODS: Medical records of 102 dogs undergoing endoscopic removal of oesophageal and/or gastric FBs from March 2001 to November 2006 were retrospectively reviewed. All owners were contacted by telephone to provide follow-up information. RESULTS: West Highland white terriers, Yorkshire terriers and Bernese mountain dogs were over-represented compared to the hospital population. Endoscopy alone was successful in 92/102 dogs (90.2 per cent), whereas gastrotomy (but no oesophagotomy) was required in 10 dogs (9.8 per cent). Complications in 13/102 dogs (12.7 per cent) were perforation (8), oesophageal stricture (1), oesophageal diverticula (1), perioesophageal abscess (1), pneumothorax and pleural effusion (1) and respiratory arrest (1). Six dogs (all weighing <10 kg) had complications resulting in death or euthanasia. Bone FBs, bodyweight of less than 10 kg, and oesophageal or gastric FB in place for more than three days were significant risk factors for complications. Of the dogs available for follow-up (75/96), 92 per cent had no complications after discharge. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Endoscopic FB removal is associated with a low overall complication rate with bone FBs and bodyweight of less than 10 kg as significant risk factors.
Leptospirosis pulmonary haemorrhage syndrome (LPHS) is a frequent manifestation of Leptospira infection in dogs and is associated with a high morbidity and mortality. Three helical 16-slice thoracic CT scans were performed in 10 dogs naturally infected with Leptospira, within 24 hours of admission, and three and seven days later. Patients were sedated and scanned without breathhold, with a protocol adapted for rapid scanning. One dog died of respiratory failure on the morning following the first scan. On the initial scan, imaging features of LPHS included ground-glass nodules (10/10), peribronchovascular interstitial thickening (10/10), diffuse or patchy ground-glass opacity (9/10), solid nodules (8/10) and consolidation (7/10). Temporary bronchiolar dilation was observed in all dogs in association with peribronchovascular interstitial thickening, which had completely resolved at day 7. Nodules were with few exceptions assigned to the centrilobular region. Regression of lesion severity was observed after each subsequent scan. Consolidation and solid nodules changed over time into lesions of ground-glass attenuation. Pleural effusion (3/10) and mediastinal effusion (2/10) were mild and transient. Lesion severity appeared unassociated with survival to discharge.
A case of pulmonary tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis was diagnosed in a horse. Clinical evaluation performed prior to euthanasia did not suggest tuberculosis, but postmortem examination provided pathological and bacteriological evidence of mycobacteriosis. In the lungs, multiple tuberculoid granulomas communicating with the bronchiolar lumen, pleural effusion, and a granulomatous lymphadenitis involving mediastinal and tracheobronchial lymph nodes were found. Serologic response to M. tuberculosis antigens was detected in the infected horse, but not in the group of 42 potentially exposed animals (18 horses, 14 alpacas, 6 donkeys, and 4 dogs) which showed no signs of disease. Diagnosis of tuberculosis in live horses remains extremely difficult. Four of 20 animal handlers at the farm were positive for tuberculous infection upon follow-up testing by interferon-gamma release assay, indicating a possibility of interspecies transmission of M. tuberculosis.
BACKGROUND Chylothorax is an extremely rare but potentially life-threatening complication after radical neck dissection. We report the case of a bilateral chylothorax after total thyroidectomy and cervico-central and cervico-lateral lymphadenectomy for thyroid carcinoma. CASE PRESENTATION A 40-year-old European woman underwent total thyroidectomy and neck dissection for papillary thyroid carcinoma. Postoperatively she developed dyspnoea and pleural effusion. A chylothorax was found and the initial conservative therapy was not successful. She had to be operated on again and the thoracic duct was legated. CONCLUSION The case presentation reports a very rare complication after total thyroidectomy and neck dissection, but it has to be kept in mind to prevent dangerous complications.
Objetivo: Comunicar un caso de cetoacidosis inducida por corticoides y gatifloxacina y discutir los mecanismos de esta inusual y seria complicación. Caso clínico: Mujer de 32 años, ingresa por neumonía adquirida en la comunidad de 5 días de evolución. Antecedentes: AR probable diagnosticada 4 meses antes tratada con metotrexate y corticoides intermitente. Examen físico: regular estado general, IMC 21, Tº 38ºC, FR 32/min, derrame pleural derecho, FC 96/min, PA 110/70, artralgias sin artritis. Exámenes complementarios: Hto 23%, GB 16300/mm3, VSG 96mm/1ºh, glucemia 0.90mg/dl, función hepática y amilasa normales, uremia 1.19g/l, creatinina 19mg/l. Hemocultivos (2) y esputo positivos para Neumococo penicilina-sensible. La neumonía responde a gatifloxacina. Deteriora la función renal hasta la anuria con acidosis metabólica. Se interpreta como glomerulonefritis lúpica rápidamente progresiva por proteinuria de 2g/24hs, FR (+) 1/1280, FAN (+) 1/320 homogéneo, Anti ADN (+) , complemento bajo: C3 29.4mg/dl y C4 10mg/dl, Ac anti Ro, La, Scl70, RNP y anticardiolipinas positivos. Se indica metilprednisolona EV (3 bolos 1g), complicándose con hiperglucemias de >6 g/l y cetoacidosis con cetonuria (+); Ac anti ICA y antiGAD negativos con HbA1C 5.2%. Es tratada en UTI (insulina y hemodiálisis). La paciente mejora, se desciende la dosis de corticoides, con normalización de la glucemia sin tratamiento hipoglucemiante. Comentarios 1) La presencia de HbA1C nomal, Ac anti ICA y GAD negativos permite descartar con razonable grado de certeza una diabetes tipo1 asociada al lupus. 2) El desarrollo de la cetoacidosis durante el tratamiento con corticoides y gatifloxacina y su resolución posterior avalan el rol etiológico de los mismos. 3) La cetoacidosis puede explicarse por estimulación de la gluconeogénesis y la insulinoresistencia a nivel de receptor y post-receptor generada por los fármacos potenciado por el estado inflamatorio relacionado con el lupus y la sepsis.
We review a single surgeon and surgical centre's experience with congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung (CCAML) in relation to clinical spectrum, operative experience, and postoperative course. A retrospective hospital record review was done on surgically treated cases of CCAML over a 10-year period, focusing on number with antenatal diagnosis, spectrum of postnatal presentation, type of surgery performed, and outcome. Forty-seven patients from birth to 14 years of age underwent surgery for CCAML. Antenatal diagnosis (ante) was made in 30 cases. Of these, 10 became symptomatic before surgery. Six of the 17 postnatally-diagnosed (pnd) cases were an asymptomatic incidental finding. Overall, 16 were symptomatic in the 1st year of life, and five were symptomatic beyond 1 year of age. Symptoms varied from respiratory distress (seven ante, six pnd) to chronic cough (three, and recurrent chest infection (three ante, two pnd). All preoperative diagnoses were confirmed with chest CT. Most patients (25) were operated on before 3 months of age. Eleven were operated on in the first 2 weeks of life as emergency surgery for respiratory distress. The most common lobe involved was the right upper lobe (16), and lobectomy was performed in 42 cases, segmentectomy in four, and pneumonectomy in one. Seventeen cases were extubated immediately postoperatively; 29 required postoperative ventilation overnight, and nine needed more prolonged ventilation. Early postoperative complications included pneumothorax (two), pleural effusion (one), and chylous effusion (one). Late complications included recurrence in three cases (all segmentectomy), who then subsequently underwent lobectomy. There was one death from respiratory failure. Because there is an increasing trend in the detection of asymptomatic antenatally-diagnosed CCAML, consideration of early surgical excision to prevent complications is suggested by our series. CT scanning is mandatory for postnatal evaluation because chest x-ray could be normal. Safe elective excision after 3 months is supported by our low morbidity and less need for postoperative ventilation. Lobectomy is the procedure of choice to prevent recurrence.
Case summary: A 7-week-old, intact female Pug was referred with an acute history of expiratory dyspnea, tachypnea, and pyrexia. Radiologic evaluation revealed bilateral pleural effusion and a poorly demarcated area of soft tissue opacity cranial to the heart. The presence of air bronchograms in the cranial lung lobes suggested alveolar parenchymal pathology consistent with pulmonary edema, congestion, or cellular infiltration. Exploratory thoracotomy revealed a segmental torsion of the left cranial lung lobe. The affected lobe was removed and the puppy recovered uneventfully. Unique information: Lung lobe torsion tends to occur more frequently in mature large breed dogs at a mean age of 3 years. The age, breed, and segmental nature of the torsion in the reported case are contrary to most of the previously documented cases of lung lobe torsion. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of lung lobe torsion in a 7-week-old dog.