997 resultados para calcium oxide micro pulverized


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Tehokkain tapavalkaista mekaanisesti kuidutettua puumassaa on suorittaa se hapettavasti peroksidikemikaalilla vahvasti alkalisissa oloissa. Perinteisesti alkalisuus on aikaansaatu natriumhydroksidin ja -silikaatin avulla. Se kuitenkin liuottaa massasta merkittävästi ligniiniä, mikä huonontaa saantoa ja suurentaa valkaisun jätevesien orgaanisen hiilen määrää sekä kemiallista hapenkulutusta. Yhä kovenevien vaaleustavoitteiden ja tiukentuneen vedenkäytön seurauksena on syntynyt tarve etsiä parempia valkaisun alkaleja. Kirjallisuuden pohjalta valittiinkokeellisesti tutkittaviksi alkaleiksi magnesiumhydroksidi, magnesiumoksidi, kalsiumhydroksidi sekä kalsiumoksidi. Niiden toimivuutta hapettavan vetyperoksidivalkaisun alkaleina tutkittiin valkaisukokein natriumsilikaattilisäyksen kanssa sekä ilman. Näistä parhaiten toimivaksi osoittautui Mg(OH)2. Sen avulla suoritettiin jatkoksi laboratoriokoevalkaisuja korkeassa sakeudessa. Keski- ja korkeasakeusvalkaisukokeiden tulosten mukaan käytettäessä Mg(OH)2 -alkalia natriumydroksidin ja -silikaatin asemesta jää massan loppuvaaleus noin yhden ISO-prosentin verran heikommaksi. Tällöin valkaisusuodoksessa oli vain varsin vähäinen määrä massasta liuennutta orgaanista hiiliainesta, noin 45 % siitä, mitä natriumin yhdisteiden käyttö vertailukokeessa tuotti. Tulosta varmennettiin suorittamalla korkea-sakeusvalkaisukokeita hiokemassatehtaan olosuhteissa, massoilla ja kiertovesillä.Myös tehdaskokeiden mukaan valkaistun massan loppuvaaleus jää noin yhden ISO-prosentin alhaisemmaksi, mutta valkaisusuodoksen orgaanisen hiilen määrä (TOC) jääalle puoleen Na-kemikaalein suoritetusta vertailukokeesta.


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The effect of different heterogeneous catalysts on the microwave-assisted transesterification of sunflower oil for the production of methylic biodiesel in a monomode microwave reactor is described. The experiments were carried out at 70 ºC with a 16:1 methanolsunflower oil molar ratio and different heterogeneous basic and acidic catalysts. The results showed that the microwave-heated reactions occur up to four times faster than those carried out with conventional heating. The reactions were performed with 24 catalysts; pure calcium oxide (CaO) and potassium carbonate, either pure or supported by alumina (K2CO3/Al2O3), were the most efficient catalysts.


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The consumption of manganese is increasing, but huge amounts of manganese still end up in waste in hydrometallurgical processes. The recovery of manganese from multi-metal solutions at low concentrations may not be economical. In addition, poor iron control typically prevents the production of high purity manganese. Separation of iron from manganese can be done with chemical precipitation or solvent extraction methods. Combined carbonate precipitation with air oxidation is a feasible method to separate iron and manganese due to the fast kinetics, good controllability and economical reagents. In addition the leaching of manganese carbonate is easier and less acid consuming than that of hydroxide or sulfide precipitates. Selective iron removal with great efficiency from MnSO4 solution is achieved by combined oxygen or air oxidation and CaCO3 precipitation at pH > 5.8 and at a redox potential of > 200 mV. In order to avoid gypsum formation, soda ash should be used instead of limestone. In such case, however, extra attention needs to be paid on the reagents mole ratios in order to avoid manganese coprecipitation. After iron removal, pure MnSO4 solution was obtained by solvent extraction using organophosphorus reagents, di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) and bis(2,4,4- trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid (CYANEX 272). The Mn/Ca and Mn/Mg selectivities can be increased by decreasing the temperature from the commonly used temperatures (40 –60oC) to 5oC. The extraction order of D2EHPA (Ca before Mn) at low temperature remains unchanged but the lowering of temperature causes an increase in viscosity and slower phase separation. Of these regents, CYANEX 272 is selective for Mn over Ca and, therefore, it would be the better choice if there is Ca present in solution. A three-stage Mn extraction followed by a two-stage scrubbing and two-stage sulfuric acid stripping is an effective method of producing a very pure MnSO4 intermediate solution for further processing. From the intermediate MnSO4 some special Mn- products for ion exchange applications were synthesized and studied. Three types of octahedrally coordinated manganese oxide materials as an alternative final product for manganese were chosen for synthesis: layer structured Nabirnessite, tunnel structured Mg-todorokite and K-kryptomelane. As an alternative source of pure MnSO4 intermediate, kryptomelane was synthesized by using a synthetic hydrometallurgical tailings. The results show that the studied OMS materials adsorb selectively Cu, Ni, Cd and K in the presence of Ca and Mg. It was also found that the exchange rates were reasonably high due to the small particle dimensions. Materials are stable in the studied conditions and their maximum Cu uptake capacity was 1.3 mmol/g. Competitive uptake of metals and acid was studied using equilibrium, batch kinetic and fixed-bed measurements. The experimental data was correlated with a dynamic model, which also accounts for the dissolution of the framework manganese. Manganese oxide micro-crystals were also bound onto silica to prepare a composite material having a particle size large enough to be used in column separation experiments. The MnOx/SiO2 ratio was found to affect significantly the properties of the composite. The higher the ratio, the lower is the specific surface area, the pore volume and the pore size. On the other hand, higher amount of silica binder gives composites better mechanical properties. Birnesite and todorokite can be aggregated successfully with colloidal silica at pH 4 and with MnO2/SiO2 weight ratio of 0.7. The best gelation and drying temperature was 110oC and sufficiently strong composites were obtained by additional heat-treatment at 250oC for 2 h. The results show that silica–supported MnO2 materials can be utilized to separate copper from nickel and cadmium. The behavior of the composites can be explained reasonably well with the presented model and the parameters estimated from the data of the unsupported oxides. The metal uptake capacities of the prepared materials were quite small. For example, the final copper loading was 0.14 mmol/gMnO2. According to the results the special MnO2 materials are potential for a specific environmental application to uptake harmful metal ions.


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Oxy-fuel combustion in a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler appears to be a promising option for capturing CO2 in power plants. Oxy-fuel combustion is based on burning of fuel in the mixture of oxygen and re-circulated flue gas instead of air. Limestone (CaCO3) is typically used for capturing of SO2 in CFB boilers where limestone calcines to calcium oxide (CaO). Because of high CO2 concentration in oxy-fuel combustion, calcination reaction may be hindered or carbonation, the reverse reaction of calcination, may occur. Carbonation of CaO particles can cause problems especially in the circulation loop of a CFB boiler where temperature level is lower than in the furnace. The aim of the thesis was to examine carbonation of CaO in a fluidized bed heat exchanger of a CFB boiler featuring oxy-fuel combustion. The calculations and analyzing were based on measurement data from an oxy-fuel pilot plant and on 0-dimensional (0D) gas balance of a fluidized bed heat exchanger. Additionally, the objective was to develop a 1-dimensional (1D) model of a fluidized bed heat exchanger by searching a suitable pre-exponential factor for a carbonation rate constant. On the basis of gas measurement data and the 0D gas balance, it was found that the amount of fluidization gas decreased as it flew through the fluidized bed heat exchanger. Most likely the reason for this was carbonation of CaO. It was discovered that temperature has a promoting effect on the reaction rate of carbonation. With the 1D model, a suitable pre-exponential factor for the equation of carbonation rate constant was found. However, during measurements there were several uncertainties, and in the calculations plenty of assumptions were made. Besides, the temperature level in the fluidized bed heat exchanger was relatively low during the measurements. Carbonation should be considered when fluidized bed heat exchangers and the capacity of related fans are designed for a CFB boiler with oxy-fuel combustion.


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Meesauunia käytetään sellun tuotantoprosessissa kemiallisessa reaktiossa, jossa kalsiumkarbonaatti muutetaan kalsiumoksidiksi. Reaktio on osa sellutehtaan kemikaalikiertoa, missä sellun valmistamisessa käytettävät kemikaalit kierrätetään uusiokäyttöön. Tässä diplomityössä on kehitetty meesauunin kannatusten automatisoitu suunnittelutyökalu vanhan AutoLispillä kehitetyn ohjelman perusteella. Kehitetyn suunnittelutyökalun tärkeimmät osat ovat Excelissä tehdyt kuormituslaskenta ja mitoituslaskenta. Näillä ohjataan Autodeskin Inventoriin kehitettyä cad-mallia ja valmistuspiirustusta. Laskentaohjelmat ja cad-malli on kehitetty mahdollistamaan uusien uunikokojen helpon lisäämisen ohjelmaan. Diplomityössä on perehdytty kuormituslaskentaan standardien mukaisesti. Käytettyjä standardeja ovat esimerkiksi Eurokoodi ja Uniform Building Code. Epätavallisten tilanteiden kuormituslaskennassa käytettiin apuna FE-analyysilla kehitettyjä laskentamalleja. Näitä käytettiin uunin taipumisesta aiheutuvien voimien laskennassa ja lovetun kannatinpyörän aiheuttamien impulssivoimien suuruuden määrittämisessä. Lisäksi diplomityössä perehdyttiin suunnitteluautomaatin kehittämiseen Exceliä apuna käyttäen. Suunnittelutyökalun toimivuutta on verifioitu suunnittelemalla kehitetyllä suunnittelutyökalulla standardiuuneja ja verrattu tuloksia ja valmistuspiirustuksia vanhalla ohjelmalla tulostettuihin tuloksiin. Tulosten perusteella uutta suunnittelutyökalua voidaan käyttää meesauunin kannatuksien suunnitteluun.


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A large amount of fly ash is produced in power plants and a big fraction of it ends up as waste to landfills. Disposal of fly ash to landfills is expensive for power plants due to for example waste taxation. However fly ash can utilized in different applications. Possibility of utilizing fly ash can be increased by granulation which also removes the dustiness problems of ash. This Thesis deals with the prerequisites for commercialization of a new granulation technique, tube granulation. Tube granulation technique utilizes water, calcium oxide in fly ash plus carbon dioxide and heat from flue gas. This Thesis determines the necessary auxiliary equipment for tube granulation, approaches for process dimensioning and implementation of the granulation process into a continuous power plant process. In addition, the economic benefits of tube granulation are examined from the user’s perspective. A continuous tube granulation process requires the following auxiliary systems to function: ash system, water feed system and flue gas system. Implementation of tube granulation system into a power plant process depends on the specific power plant but a general principle is that fly ash should be obtained to the granulator as fresh as possible and flue gas should be taken from the pressure side of a flue gas fan. Dimensioning of the process can be examined for example in terms of degree of filling and residence time in the granulator or in terms of granule drying. Determining the optimal dimensioning parameters requires pilot tests with the granulator.


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The system in-Ceram Alumina, produced by VITA, consists in a technique of prepare of a substructure of ceramics to dental crowns. First burning is made in the alumina decanted by slip casting process under a stone die that reproduces the tooth prepared to receive a crown. In a second burning, alumina is infiltrated by vitreous system, giving to this set a high mechanic resistance. In this work, it s made a study of the composition of a new infiltrating material more used nowadays, giving to alumina desirable mechanics proprieties to its using like substructure of support to ceramic s crown used in the market today. The addition of Lanthanum oxide (frit A) and calcium oxide (frit B) was made in attempt to increase the viscosity of LZSA and to reduce fusion temperature. The frits were put over samples of alumina and took to the tubular oven to 1400ºC under vacuum for two groups (groups 1 and 2). For another two groups (groups 3 and 4) it was made a second infiltration, following the same parameters of the first. A fifth group was utilized like group of control where the samples of pure alumina were not submitted to any infiltrating process. Glasses manifested efficient both in quality and results of analysis of mechanic resistance, being perfectly compatible with oral environment in this technical requisite. The groups that made a second infiltration had he best results of fracture toughness, qualify the use in the oral cavity in this technical question. The average of results achieved for mechanic resistance to groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were respectively 98 MPa, 90 MPa, 144 MPa, 236 MPa and 23 MPa


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Nowadays, the search for new technologies that are able to follow the upcoming challenges in oil industry is a constant. Always trying properties improvements of the used materials, looking for the best performance and greater life time. Besides the search for technologies that show an improvement of performance, the search for materials environmentally correct along the whole production process. In Oil well cementing, this search for new technologies passes through the development of slurry systems that support these requests and that are also environmentally friendly. In this context, the use of geopolymer slurries is a great alternative route to cementing oil wells. Besides having good properties, comparable to Portland cement slurries, this alternative material releases much less CO2 gas in the production of their root materials when compared the production of Portland cement, which releases tons of CO2. In order to improve the properties of geopolymer slurries has been added Calcium Oxide, as observed in other studies that slurries where the Calcium is present the values of compressive strength is greater. The addition has been realized based in the CaO/SiO2 molar ratio of 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15. Have been performed compressive strength tests, thickening time, rheology and fliud loss control test of the slurries, following NBR 9831, as well as the physical chemical characterization of XRD, SEM and TG. Has been observed in most of the tests the slurries follow a tendency until the ratio of 0.10, which inverses in the ratio 0.15. This behavior can be explained by two phenomena that occur simultaneously, the first one is the break of the polymer chains and a consequent increase in molucules mobility, which prevails until the ratio of 0.1, and the second is possible approach of the chains due to the capacity of the calcium ions stabilize the charges of two different aluminum. There is only one linearity in the mechanical behavior that can be attributed to the appereance of the C-S-H phase. Based on this, it is concluded that the phenomenon of breaking the polymer chains predominates until the ratio of 0.1, causing an increase of the filtrate volume, lower rheological parameters and increasing thickening time. From the ratio of 0.15 the approach of the chains predominates, and the behavior is reversed


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da inclusão de aditivos químicos na ensilagem de resíduos (entrecasca) da produção de palmito pupunha (Bactris gasipaes, Kunth). Utilizaram-se silos experimentais (baldes de 20 litros) providos de aparatos para determinação gravimétrica de perdas por gases e efluentes. Os tratamentos aplicados foram: controle (sem aditivos); ureia (1% da MV) e cal virgem (1% da MV). Decorridos 70 dias de armazenagem, os silos foram pesados, abertos e amostrados. As perdas por efluentes e gases aumentaram com a aplicação de cal virgem na ensilagem. As perdas totais de MS foram de 15,1; 14,4 e 26,6% nas silagens controle, ureia e cal, respectivamente. em todas as silagens, houve redução no teor de FDN e elevação da fração FDA, o que indica desaparecimento da fração hemicelulose. A relação cálcio:fósforo aumentou substancialmente com a adição de cal virgem, de 4,1:1 na silagem controle para 15,6:1 na silagem com cal. O resíduo da extração do palmito pupunha pode ser classificado como alimento de média qualidade e alto teor de umidade. Os aditivos aplicados na ensilagem não são efetivos em reduzir as perdas fermentativas no processo de conservação.


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Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de óxido de cálcio (CaO) e/ou L. buchneri (LB) sobre as perdas e alterações químicas de silagens de cana-de-açúcar in natura ou queimada. Foram avaliadas silagens de cana-de-açúcar in natura ou queimada produzidas sem aditivo; com Lactobacillus buchneri; com óxido de cálcio equivalente 1% da matéria natural; ou com a associação do L. buchneri e do óxido de cálcio. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial (2 × 4), considerando fatores a queima (presença ou ausência) e o uso de aditivos (L. buchneri, óxido de cálcio e sua associação), cada um avaliado com três repetições. O óxido de cálcio foi mais eficiente em reduzir a variação no teor de matéria seca tanto nas silagens de cana-de-açúcar in natura quanto na queimada. Nas silagens de cana-de-açúcar sem aditivos, maiores recuperações de matéria seca foram observadas quando a ensilagem foi feita com cana in natura (63,5%) em comparação à cana queimada (46,8%). Todavia, quando utilizados aditivos, não houve diferenças entre as silagens de cana-de-açúcar in natura e queimada. A presença de óxido de cálcio foi o fator que promoveu maior diferença entre as silagens. O óxido de cálcio é eficiente em reduzir as perdas e as alterações químicas na ensilagem de cana-de-açúcar, tanto in natura quanto queimada. O L. buchneri atua eficientemente em silagens de cana-de-açúcar queimada. Silagens de cana-de-açúcar queimada são mais propensas às perdas que as de cana-de-açúcar in natura.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Foram avaliados os efeitos do óxido de cálcio aplicado no momento da ensilagem nas doses de 0,5; 1 e 2% sobre a composição química de silagens de cana-de-açúcar durante a fermentação e pós-abertura. Antes da ensilagem, doses crescentes de óxido promoveram redução dos teores de FDN, FDA e lignina e aumento da hemicelulose e da digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS). No momento da abertura dos silos, os teores de FDN e FDA foram superiores aos observados antes da ensilagem e menores nas silagens com doses mais altas de aditivo. Nesta mesma fase, quanto maior o nível do aditivo maior a DIVMS. do momento da abertura ao 3º dia, não houve alteração significativa nos teores de PB, FDN, FDA, lignina e hemicelulose ou na DIVMS. O teor de FDN das silagens controle e com 0,5% de aditivo aumentou do 3º ao 6º dia. Silagens com 0,5% de cal tiveram aumento do teor de FDN também do 6c ao 9ºdia, enquanto, nas silagens com 1% de cal, esse aumento ocorreu do 3º ao 9º dia e, nas silagens com 2%, não houve alteração após abertura. Na silagem com 2% de óxido de cálcio, a maior recuperação de matéria seca digestível verdadeira e de CNF ocorreu na ensilagem e, naquelas com 1 e 2% de aditivo, após a abertura do silo. A adição de cal virgem reduziu o teor de FDN das silagens em todos os momentos e manteve o teor de FDN mais estável após abertura.


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The physical properties and the excitations spectrum in oxides and semiconductors materials are presented in this work, whose the first part presents a study on the confinement of optical phonons in artificial systems based on III-V nitrides, grown in periodic and quasiperiodic forms. The second part of this work describes the Ab initio calculations which were carried out to obtain the optoeletronic properties of Calcium Oxide (CaO) and Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) crystals. For periodic and quasi-periodic superlattices, we present some dynamical properties related to confined optical phonons (bulk and surface), obtained through simple theories, such as the dielectric continuous model, and using techniques such as the transfer-matrix method. The localization character of confined optical phonon modes, the magnitude of the bands in the spectrum and the power laws of these structures are presented as functions of the generation number of sequence. The ab initio calculations have been carried out using the CASTEP software (Cambridge Total Sequential Energy Package), and they were based on ultrasoft-like pseudopotentials and Density Functional Theory (DFT). Two di®erent geometry optimizations have been e®ectuated for CaO crystals and CaCO3 polymorphs, according to LDA (local density approximation) and GGA (generalized gradient approximation) approaches, determining several properties, e. g. lattice parameters, bond length, electrons density, energy band structures, electrons density of states, e®ective masses and optical properties, such as dielectric constant, absorption, re°ectivity, conductivity and refractive index. Those results were employed to investigate the confinement of excitons in spherical Si@CaCO3 and CaCO3@SiO2 quantum dots and in calcium carbonate nanoparticles, and were also employed in investigations of the photoluminescence spectra of CaCO3 crystal


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The present study utilized the thermogravimetry (TG) and optical emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma - ICP / OES to determine the calcium content in tablets of carbonate, citrate and calcium lactate used in the treatment of osteoporosis. The samples were characterized by IR, SEM, TG / DTG, DTA, DSC and XRD. The thermal analysis evaluated the thermal stability and physical-chemical events and showed that the excipients influence the decomposition of active ingredients. The results of thermogravimetry indicated that the decomposition temperature of the active CaCO3 (T = 630.2 °C) is lower compared to that obtained in samples of the tablets (633.4 to 655.2 °C) except for sample AM 2 (Ti = 613.8 oC). In 500.0 °C in the samples of citrate and calcium lactate, as well as their respective active principles had already been formed calcium carbonate. The use of N2 atmosphere resulted in shifting the initial and final temperature related to the decomposition of CaCO3. In the DTA and DSC curves were observed endo and exothermic events for the samples of tablets and active ingredients studied. The infrared spectra identified the main functional groups in all samples of active ingredients, excipients and tablets studied, such as symmetric and asymmetric stretches of the groups OH, CH, C = O. Analysis by X-ray diffraction showed that all samples are crystalline and that the final residue showed peaks indicative of the presence of calcium hydroxide by the reaction of calcium oxide with moisture of the air. Although the samples AM 1, AM 2, AM 3 and AM 6 in their formulations have TiO2 and SiO2 peaks were not observed in X-ray diffractograms of these compounds. The results obtained by TGA to determine the calcium content of the drugs studied were satisfactory when compared with those obtained by ICP-OES. In the AM 1 tablet was obtained the content of 35.37% and 32.62% for TG by ICP-OES, at 6 AM a percentage of 17.77% and 16.82% and for AM 7 results obtained were 8.93% for both techniques, showing that the thermogravimetry can be used to determine the percentage of calcium in tablets. The technique offers speed, economy in the use of samples and procedures eliminating the use of acid reagents in the process of the sample and efficiency results.


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O experimento foi conduzido para avaliar as características bromatológicas e a digestibilidade in vitro de quatro variedades de cana-de-açúcar submetidas ou não à hidrólise com cal virgem. Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três repetições, arranjadas em esquema fatorial 4 × 2, com quatro variedades de cana-de-açúcar (SP 52454, RB 867515, RB 855536 e IAC 862480), hidrolisadas ou não. Houve efeito significativo para as características brix (p < 0,05) e fibra industrial (p < 0,05), sendo a variedade IAC 862480 a que apresentou os menores teores de fibra industrial. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas (p > 0,05) nos teores de fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido e lignina entre as variedades de cana-de-açúcar estudadas, bem como para cana-de-açúcar hidrolisada ou não. O uso da hidrólise da cana-de-açúcar com 1% de cal virgem melhora a digestibilidade in vitro da FDN e FDA independente da variedade estudada. A hidrólise com 1% de cal virgem não modificou a composição químico-bromatológica da cana-de-açúcar.