655 resultados para bosonic strings


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The entropy of the states associated to the solutions of the equations of motion of the bosonic open string with combinations of Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions is given. Also, the entropy of the string in the states \A(i)] = alpha(-1)(i)\0] and \phi(a)]= alpha(-1)(a)\0] that describe the massless fields on the world-volume of the Dp-brane is computed. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using the U(4) hybrid formalism, manifestly N = (2,2) worldsheet supersymmetric sigma models are constructed for the type-IIB superstring in Ramond-Ramond backgrounds. The Kahler potential in these N = 2 sigma models depends on four chiral and antichiral bosonic superfields and two chiral and antichiral fermionic superfields. When the Kahler potential is quadratic, the model is a free conformal field theory which describes a flat ten-dimensional target space with Ramond-Ramond flux and non-constant dilaton. For more general Kahler potentials, the model describes curved target spaces with Ramond-Ramond flux that are not plane-wave backgrounds. Ricci-flatness of the Kahler metric implies the on-shell conditions for the background up to the usual four-loop conformal anomaly.


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A general formulation of Thermo Field Dynamics using transformation generators that form the SU(1, 1) group, is presented and applied to the closed bosonic string and for bosonic D-p-brane with an external field.


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In this work, we present the gravitational field generated by a cosmic string carrying a timelike current in the scalar-tensor gravities. The mechanism of formation and evolution of wakes is fully investigated in this framework. We show explicitly that the inclusion of electromagnetic properties for the string induces logarithmic divergences in the accretion problem.


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In this Letter new aspects of string theory propagating in a pp-wave time dependent background with a null singularity are explored. It is shown the appearance of a 2d entanglement entropy dynamically generated by the background. For asymptotically flat observers, the vacuum close to the singularity is unitarily inequivalent to the vacuum at tau = -infinity and it is shown that the 2d entanglement entropy diverges close to this point. As a consequence. The positive time region is inaccessible for observers in tau = -infinity. For a stationary measure, the vacuum at finite time is seen by those observers as a thermal state and the information loss is encoded as a heat bath of string states. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chiral cosmic strings are naturally produced at the end of D-term inflation and they present very interesting cosmological consequences. In this work, we investigate the formation and evolution of wakes by a chiral string. We show that, for cold dark matter, the mechanism of forming wakes by a chiral string is similar to the mechanism by an ordinary string.


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We investigate the nature of ordinary cosmic vortices in some scalar-tensor extensions of gravity. We find solutions for which the dilaton field condenses inside the vortex core. These solutions can be interpreted as raising the degeneracy between the eigenvalues of the effective stress-energy tensor, namely, the energy per unit length U and the tension T, by picking a privileged spacelike or timelike coordinate direction; in the latter case, a phase frequency threshold occurs that is similar to what is found in ordinary neutral current-carrying cosmic strings. We find that the dilaton contribution for the equation of state, once averaged along the string worldsheet, vanishes, leading to an effective Nambu-Goto behavior of such a string network in cosmology, i.e. on very large scales. It is found also that on small scales, the energy per unit length and tension depend on the string internal coordinates in such a way as to permit the existence of centrifugally supported equilibrium configuration, also known as vortons, whose stability, depending on the very short distance (unknown) physics, can lead to catastrophic consequences on the evolution of the Universe.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this paper we discuss the Lax formulation of the Grassmannian and Bosonic Thirring models in the presence of jump defects. For the Grassmannian case, the defect is described by Backlund transformation which is responsible for preserving the integrability of the model. We then propose an extension of the Backlund transformation for the Bosonic Thirring model which is verified by some Backlund transitions like vacuum-one soliton, one soliton-one soliton, one soliton-two solitons and two solitons-two solitons. The Lax formulation within the space split by the defect leads to the integrability of Bosonic Thirring model with jump defects.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We use the non-minimal pure spinor formalism to compute in a super-Poincare covariant manner the four-point massless one and two-loop open superstring amplitudes, and the gauge anomaly of the six-point one-loop amplitude. All of these amplitudes are expressed as integrals of ten-dimensional superfields in a pure spinor superspace which involves five theta coordinates covariantly contracted with three pure spinors. The bosonic contribution to these amplitudes agrees with the standard results, and we demonstrate identities which show how the t(8) and epsilon(10) tensors naturally emerge from integrals over pure spinor superspace.


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We give a gauge and manifestly SO(2,2) covariant formulation of the field theory of the self-dual string. The string fields are gauge connections that turn the super-Virasoro generators into covariant derivatives, © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The ten-dimensional superparticle is covariantly quantized by constructing a BRST operator from the fermionic Green-Schwarz constraints and a bosonic pure spinor variable. This same method was recently used for covariantly quantizing the superstring, and it is hoped that the simpler case of the superparticle will be useful for those who want to study this quantization method. It is interesting that quantization of the superparticle action closely resembles quantization of the worldline action for Chern-Simons theory.


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Using the U(4) hybrid formalism, manifestly N = (2,2) worldsheet supersymmetric sigma models are constructed for the type-IIB superstring in Ramond-Ramond backgrounds. The Kahler potential in these N = 2 sigma models depends on four chiral and antichiral bosonic superfields and two chiral and antichiral fermionic superfields. When the Kahler potential is quadratic, the model is a free conformal field theory which describes a flat ten-dimensional target space with Ramond-Ramond flux and non-constant dilaton. For more general Kahler potentials, the model describes curved target spaces with Ramond-Ramond flux that are not plane-wave backgrounds. Ricci-flatness of the Kahler metric implies the on-shell conditions for the background up to the usual four-loop conformal anomaly. © SISSA/ISAS 2002.


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We complete the construction of the Neveu-Schwarz sector of heterotic string field theory begun in [9] by giving a closed-form expression for the action and gauge transformations. Just as the Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) action for open superstring field theory can be constructed from pure-gauge fields in bosonic open string field theory, our heterotic string field theory action is constructed from pure-gauge fields in bosonic closed string field theory. The construction involves a simple alternative form of the WZW action which is consistent with the algebraic structures of closed string field theory. © SISSA/ISAS 2004.