993 resultados para bile acids


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Gallstone disease is very common among native Americans and Hispanics, and similar to 20 million patients are treated for this disease annually in the US. The nuclear farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is the receptor for bile acids, and GW4064 is a synthetic agonist at the FXR. FXR-/- mice fed a lithogenic diet (high fat, cholesterol and cholic acid) are more susceptible to gallstone disease than wild-type mice with the same mixed background, thus establishing that the ablation of FXR is associated with this disease. The C57L mouse is susceptible to gallstone formation. When C57L mice are fed a lithogenic diet for a week, the bile contains large aggregates of cholesterol precipitates, and two of five C57L mice had macroscopic cholesterol crystals. in contrast, when C57L mice were fed the lithogenic diet and administered GW4064 100 mg/kg/day by oral gavage, there was no precipitation of cholesterol. Treatment with this agent also increased bile salt and phospholipid concentration, and prevented gallbladder epithelium damage. As FXR agonism with GW4064 has been shown to be useful in a mouse model of cholesterol gallstone disease, it should undergo further development for the treatment of this condition.


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Lipids can modulate the risk of developing sporadic colorectal adenocarcinoma (SCA), since alterations into lipid metabolism and transport pathways influence directly cholesterol and lipids absorption by colonic cells and indirectly reactive oxygen species (ROS) synthesis in rectum cells due to lipid accumulation. Lipid metabolism is regulated by several proteins APOA1, APOB, APOC3, APOE, CETP, NPY, PON1 and PPARG that could influence both metabolism and transport processes. Is been reported that several common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes could influence their function and/or expression, changing lipid metabolism balance. Thus, genetic changes in those genes can influence SCA development, once the majority of them were never studied in this disease. Furthermore, there are contradictory results between some studied polymorphisms and SCA risk. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore and describe lipid metabolism-associated genes common polymorphisms (APOA1 -75 G>A; APOB R3500Q; APOC3 C3175G, APOC3 T3206G; APOE Cys112/158Arg; CETP G279A, CETP R451Q; NPY Leu7Pro; PON1 Q192R; PPARG Pro12Ala) status among SCA, and their relationship with SCA risk. Genotyping of common lipid metabolism genes polymorphisms (APOA1 75 G>A; APOB R3500Q; APOC3 C3175G, APOC3 T3206G; APOE Cys112/158Arg; CETP G279A, CETP R451Q; NPY Leu7Pro; PON1 Q192R; PPARG Pro12Ala) were done by PCR-SSP techniques, from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded biopsies of 100 healthy individuals and 68 SCA subjects. Mutant genotypes of APOA1 -75AA (32% vs 12%; p=0.001; OR=3.51; 95% CI 1.59-7.72); APOB 3500AA (7% vs 0%; p=0.01); APOC3 3175GG (19% vs 2%; p=0.0002; OR=11.58; 95% CI 2.52-53.22), APOC3 3206GG (19% vs 0%; p<0.0001); CETP 279AA (12% vs 1%; p=0.003; OR=13.20; 95% CI 1.61-108.17), CETP 451AA (16% vs 0%; p<0.0001); NPY 7CC (15% vs 0%; p<0.0001); PPARG 12GG (10% vs 0%; p=0.001); and heterozygote genotype PON1 192AG (56% vs 22%; p<0.0001; OR=4.49; 95% CI 2.298.80) were found associated with SCA prevalence. While, APOE E4/E4 (0% vs 8%; p=0.02) mutant haplotype seemed to have a protective effect on SCA. Moreover, it also been founded differences between APOB 3500GA, APOC3 3206TG, CETP 279AA genotypes and PPARG 12Ala allele prevalence and tissue localization (colon vs rectum). These findings suggest a positive association between most of common lipid metabolism genes polymorphisms studied and SCA prevalence. Dysregulation of APOA1, APOB, APOC3, CETP, NPY, PON1 and PPARG genes could be associated with lower cholesterol plasma levels and increase ROS among colon and rectum mucosa. Furthermore, these results also support the hypothesis that CRC is related with intestinal lipid absorption decrease and secondary bile acids production increase. Moreover, the polymorphisms studied may play an important role as biomarkers to SCA susceptibility.


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Lipids can modulate the risk of developing sporadic colorectal adenocarcinoma (SCA), since alterations into lipid metabolism and transport pathways influence directly cholesterol and lipids absorption by colonic cells and indirectly reactive oxygen species (ROS) synthesis in rectum cells due to lipid accumulation. Lipid metabolism is regulated by several proteins APOA1, APOB, APOC3, APOE, CETP, NPY, PON1 and PPARG that could influence both metabolism and transport processes. Is been reported that several common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes could influence their function and/or expression, changing lipid metabolism balance. Thus, genetic changes in those genes can influence SCA development, once the majority of them were never studied in this disease. Furthermore, there are contradictory results between some studied polymorphisms and SCA risk. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore and describe lipid metabolism-associated genes common polymorphisms (APOA1 -75 G>A; APOB R3500Q; APOC3 C3175G, APOC3 T3206G; APOE Cys112/158Arg; CETP G279A, CETP R451Q; NPY Leu7Pro; PON1 Q192R; PPARG Pro12Ala) status among SCA, and their relationship with SCA risk. Genotyping of common lipid metabolism genes polymorphisms (APOA1 75 G>A; APOB R3500Q; APOC3 C3175G, APOC3 T3206G; APOE Cys112/158Arg; CETP G279A, CETP R451Q; NPY Leu7Pro; PON1 Q192R; PPARG Pro12Ala) were done by PCR-SSP techniques, from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded biopsies of 100 healthy individuals and 68 SCA subjects. Mutant genotypes of APOA1 -75AA (32% vs 12%; p=0.001; OR=3.51; 95% CI 1.59-7.72); APOB 3500AA (7% vs 0%; p=0.01); APOC3 3175GG (19% vs 2%; p=0.0002; OR=11.58; 95% CI 2.52-53.22), APOC3 3206GG (19% vs 0%; p<0.0001); CETP 279AA (12% vs 1%; p=0.003; OR=13.20; 95% CI 1.61-108.17), CETP 451AA (16% vs 0%; p<0.0001); NPY 7CC (15% vs 0%; p<0.0001); PPARG 12GG (10% vs 0%; p=0.001); and heterozygote genotype PON1 192AG (56% vs 22%; p<0.0001; OR=4.49; 95% CI 2.298.80) were found associated with SCA prevalence. While, APOE E4/E4 (0% vs 8%; p=0.02) mutant haplotype seemed to have a protective effect on SCA. Moreover, it also been founded differences between APOB 3500GA, APOC3 3206TG, CETP 279AA genotypes and PPARG 12Ala allele prevalence and tissue localization (colon vs rectum). These findings suggest a positive association between most of common lipid metabolism genes polymorphisms studied and SCA prevalence. Dysregulation of APOA1, APOB, APOC3, CETP, NPY, PON1 and PPARG genes could be associated with lower cholesterol plasma levels and increase ROS among colon and rectum mucosa. Furthermore, these results also support the hypothesis that CRC is related with intestinal lipid absorption decrease and secondary bile acids production increase. Moreover, the polymorphisms studied may play an important role as biomarkers to SCA susceptibility.


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Introducción. Los trabajadores de los talleres de reparación de automóviles conviven diariamente con la exposición a los solventes orgánicos, exposición que se convierte en un riesgo para su salud que generalmente en el corto plazo se presenta como déficits de concentración, memoria y tiempo de reacción y en el largo plazo produciendo graves repercusiones clínicas como efectos mutagénicos y carcinogénicos. Objetivo. Caracterizar las condiciones higiénicas y de seguridad de trabajadores ocupacionalmente expuestos a solventes orgánicos y determinar los niveles ambientales de benceno, tolueno y xileno (BTX) en talleres de lámina y pintura automotriz de la ciudad de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio de corte transversal en 60 trabajadores que laboran expuestos a solventes orgánicos en talleres de reparación automotriz en Bogotá. Se realizó una encuesta con variables sociodemográficas, laborales y se determinaron los niveles en aire de benceno, tolueno y xileno. Para los muestreos ambientales, las bombas se colocaron en una posición fija representativa del ambiente general, con el objeto de conocer la distribución de los solventes en el área de trabajo. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo por conteos de frecuencia, medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Se utilizó prueba de bondad de ajuste para distribución normal (Kolmogorov-Smirnov o Shapiro Wilk), prueba t Student para comparación de medias, o en su defecto prueba U de Mann Whitney para comparación de medianas. Para identificar la relación entre las características sociodemográficas y ocupacionales con la exposición a BTX, se utilizaron pruebas de asociación Chi cuadrado o análisis de correlación según la naturaleza de las variables. El nivel de significancia para cada prueba fue 0.05. Resultados. La edad promedio de los trabajadores fue de 43 años y un tiempo total de exposición a solventes de 20 años. Respecto al uso de protección corporal, 45 (75%) de los trabajadores manifestaron que usaban uniforme, mientras que 14 (23,3%) usaban ropa de calle durante la jornada laboral. El 46,7% manifestaron usar protección respiratoria. La concentración de benceno en aire fue entre 0,1 y 0,45 mg/l (mediana de 0,31 mg/l; DE 0,13 mg/l); la de tolueno estuvo entre 8,25 y 27,22 mg/l (mediana de 14,5 mg/l; DE 6.99 mg/l) y la de xileno entre 19,34 y 150,15 mg/l (mediana de 70,12 mg/l; DE 40,82 mg/l). Conclusión. Los pintores de automóviles están expuestos a niveles elevados de solventes en los lugares de trabajo y no cuentan con condiciones de higiene y seguridad industrial adecuados. Un gran número de pintores son informales lo que les impide el acceso a los beneficios del Sistema de Seguridad Social Integral.


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The binding of the fluorescent probes 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate and dansyl cadaverine to the sodium salts of cholic, deoxycholic and dehydrocholic acids has been investigated. Enhanced probe solubilisation accompanies aggregation. Monitoring of fluorescence intensities as a function of bile salt concentration permits the detection of primary micelle formation, as well as secondary association. The transition concentrations obtained by fluorescence are in good agreement with values determined for the critical micelle concentrations, by other methods. Differences in the behaviour of cholate and deoxycholate have been noted. Fluorescence polarisation studies of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene solubilised in bile salt micelles suggest a higher microviscosity for the interior of the deoxycholate micelle as compared to cholate. 1H NMR studies of deoxycholate over the range 1–100 mg/ml suggest that micelle formation leads to a greater immobilisation of the C18 and C19 methyl groups as compared to the C21 methyl group. Well resolved 13C resonances are observed for all three steroids even at high concentration. Both fluorescence and NMR studies confirm that dehydrocholate does not aggregate.


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A wide variety of novel compounds obtained by combining two types of known organogelators, viz., bile acid alkyl amides and pyrene alkanoic acids, were synthesized and screened for their gelation ability. The 3 alpha esters of 1-pyrene butyric acid (PBA) of alkylamides of deoxycholic acid (DCA) turned out to be effective in the gel formation with many organic solvents although the gelation has to be triggered by the addition of a charge transfer (CT) agent 2,4,7-trinitrofluorenone (TNF). The special feature of these molecules is that the organogelation is achieved only after derivatizing the acid moiety of the 1-pyrenealkanoic acids. Additionally, the gelation properties can be fine-tuned by inserting different functional groups at the bile acid side chain. The gels obtained are deep red in colour and optically transparent up to 2% w/v. The SEM studies of the obtained xerogels revealed bundled rod-like morphology without specialized branching.


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Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are related to different aspects of diseases like pathogenesis, diagnosis and even prognosis. While in some diseases, levels of all the BCAAs are perturbed; in some cases, perturbation occurs in one or two while the rest remain unaltered. In case of ischemic heart disease, there is an enhanced level of plasma leucine and isoleucine but valine level remains unaltered. In `Hypervalinemia', valine is elevated in serum and urine, but not leucine and isoleucine. Therefore, identification of these metabolites and profiling of individual BCAA in a quantitative manner in body-fluid like blood plasma/serum have long been in demand. H-1 NMR resonances of the BCAAs overlap with each other which complicates quantification of individual BCAAs. Further, the situation is limited by the overlap of broad resonances of lipoprotein with the resonances of BCAAs. The widely used commercially available kits cannot differentially estimate the BCAAs. Here, we have achieved proper identification and characterization of these BCAAs in serum in a quantitative manner employing a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-based technique namely T-2-edited Correlation Spectroscopy (COSY). This approach can easily be extended to other body fluids like bile, follicular fluids, saliva, etc.


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The structures of two 1:1 proton-transfer red-black dye compounds formed by reaction of aniline yellow [4-(phenyldiazenyl)aniline] with 5-sulfosalicylic acid and benzenesulfonic acid, and a 1:2 nontransfer adduct compound with 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid have been determined at either 130 or 200 K. The compounds are 2-(4-aminophenyl)-1-phenylhydrazin-1-ium 3-carboxy-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonate methanol solvate, C12H12N3+.C7H5O6S-.CH3OH (I), 2-(4-aminophenyl)-1-hydrazin-1-ium 4-(phenydiazinyl)anilinium bis(benzenesulfonate), 2C12H12N3+.2C6H5O3S-, (II) and 4-(phenyldiazenyl)aniline-3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid (1/2) C12H11N3.2C~7~H~4~N~2~O~6~, (III). In compound (I) the diaxenyl rather than the aniline group of aniline yellow is protonated and this group subsequently akes part in a primary hydrogen-bonding interaction with a sulfonate O-atom acceptor, producing overall a three-dimensional framework structure. A feature of the hydrogen bonding in (I) is a peripheral edge-on cation-anion association involving aromatic C--H...O hydrogen bonds, giving a conjoint R1/2(6)R1/2(7)R2/1(4)motif. In the dichroic crystals of (II), one of the two aniline yellow species in the asymmetric unit is diazenyl-group protonated while in the other the aniline group is protonated. Both of these groups form hydrogen bonds with sulfonate O-atom acceptors and thee, together with other associations give a one-dimensional chain structure. In compound (III), rather than proton-transfer, there is a preferential formation of a classic R2/2(8) cyclic head-to-head hydrogen-bonded carboxylic acid homodimer between the two 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid molecules, which in association with the aniline yellow molecule that is disordered across a crystallographic inversion centre, result in an overall two-dimensional ribbon structure. This work has shown the correlation between structure and observed colour in crystalline aniline yellow compounds, illustrated graphically in the dichroic benzenesulfonate compound.


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The structures of bis(guanidinium)rac-trans-cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylate, 2(CH6N3+) C8H10O4- (I), guanidinium 3-carboxybenzoate monohydrate CH6N3+ C8H5O4- . H2O (II) and bis(guanidinium) benzene-1,4-dicarboxylate trihydrate, 2(CH6N3+) C8H4O4^2- . 3H2O (III) have been determined and the hydrogen bonding in each examined. All three compounds form three-dimensional hydrogen-bonded framework structures. In anhydrous (I), both guanidinium cations give classic cyclic R2/2(8) N--H...O,O'(carboxyl) and asymmetric cyclic R1/2(6) hydrogen-bonding interactions while one cation gives an unusual enlarged cyclic interaction with O acceptors of separate ortho-related carboxyl groups [graph set R2/2(11)]. Cations and anions also associate across inversion centres giving cyclic R2/4(8) motifs. In the 1:1 guanidinium salt (II), the cation gives two separate cyclic R1/2(6) interactions, one with a carboxyl O-acceptor, the other with the water molecule of solvation. The structure is unusual in that both carboxyl groups give short inter-anion O...H...O contacts, one across a crystallographic inversion centre [2.483(2)\%A], the other about a two-fold axis of rotation [2.462(2)\%A] with a half-occupancy hydrogen delocalized on the symmetry element in each. The water molecule links the cation--anion ribbon structures into a three-dimensional framework. In (III), the repeating molecular unit comprises a benzene-1,4-dicarboxylate dianion which lies across a crystallographic inversion centre, two guanidinium cations and two water molecules of solvation (each set related by two-fold rotational symmetry), and a single water molecule which lies on a two-fold axis. Each guanidinium cation gives three types of cyclic interactions with the dianions: one R^1^~2~(6), the others R2/3(8) and R3/3(10) (both of these involving the water molecules), giving a three-dimensional structure through bridges down the b cell direction. The water molecule at the general site also forms an unusual cyclic R2/2(4) homodimeric association across an inversion centre [O--H...O, 2.875(2)\%A]. The work described here provides further examples of the common cyclic guanidinium cation...carboxylate anion hydrogen-bonding associations as well as featuring other less common cyclic motifs.


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The structures of the anhydrous 1:1 proton-transfer compounds of isonipecotamide (piperidine-4-carboxamide) with the three isomeric mononitro-substituted benzoic acids and 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid, namely 4-carbamoylpiperidinium 2-nitrobenzoate (I), 4-carbamoylpiperidinium 3-nitrobenzoate (II), 4-carbamoylpiperidinium 4-nitrobenzoate (III), (C6H13N2O+ C7H4NO4-) and 4-carbamoylpiperidinium 3,5-dinitrobenzoate (IV) (C6H13N2O+ C7H5N2O6-)respectively, have been determined at 200 K. All salts form hydrogen-bonded structures: three-dimensional in (I), two-dimensional in (II) and (III) and one-dimensional in (IV). Featured in the hydrogen bonding of three of these [(I), (II) and (IV)] is the cyclic head-to-head amide--amide homodimer motif [graph set R2/2~(8)] through a duplex N---H...O association, the dimer then giving structure extension via either piperidinium or amide H-donors and carboxylate-O and in some examples [(II) and (IV)], nitro-O atom acceptors. In (I), the centrosymmetric amide-amide homodimers are expanded laterally through N-H...O hydrogen bonds via cyclic R2/4(8) interactions forming ribbons which extend along the c cell direction. These ribbons incorporate the 2-nitrobenzoate cations through centrosymmetric cyclic piperidine N-H...O(carboxyl) associations [graph set R4/4(12)], giving inter-connected sheets in the three-dimensional structure. In (II) in which no amide-amide homodimer is present, duplex piperidinium N-H...O(amide) hydrogen-bonding homomolecular associations [graph set R2/2(14)] give centrosymmetric head-to-tail dimers. Structure extension occurs through hydrogen-bonding associations between both the amide H-donors and carboxyl and nitro O-acceptors as well as a three-centre piperidinium N-H...O,O'(carboxyl) cyclic R2/1(4) association giving the two-dimensional network structure. In (III), the centrosymmetric amide-amide dimers are linked through the two carboxyl O-atom acceptors of the anions via bridging piperidinium and amide N-H...O,O'...H-N(amide) hydrogen bonds giving the two-dimensional sheet structure which features centrosymmetric cyclic R4/4(12) associations. In (IV), the amide-amide dimer is also centrosymmetric with the dimers linked to the anions through amide N-H...O(nitro) interactions. The piperidinium groups extend the structure into one-dimensional ribbons via N-H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen bonds. The structures reported here further demonstrate the utility of the isonipecotamide cation in molecular assembly and highlight the efficacy of the cyclic R2/2(8) amide-amide hydrogen-bonding homodimer motif in this process and provide an additional homodimer motif type in the head-to-tail R2/2(14) association.


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Introduction. There are two binding sites on the β1-adrenoceptor (AR), β1H and β1L corresponding to high and low affinity binding sites respectively, which can be activated to cause cardiostimulation. Some β-blockers that block β1AR and β2ARs can activate β1LARs at higher concentrations than those required to cause blockade. The β2AR does not form a corresponding low affinity binding site and therefore we postulated that heterologous amino acids are responsible for the formation of β1LAR. Aim. To investigate whether heterologous amino acids of transmembrane domain V (TMDV) of β1AR and β2ARs contribute to β1LAR. Methods. β1ARs, β2ARs and mutant β1ARs containing all (β1(β2TMDV)AR) or single amino acids of TMDV of the β2AR were prepared and stably expressed in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells. Concentration-effect curves for cyclicAMP accumulation were carried out for (-)-CGP12177 in the absence or presence of (-)-bupranolol. Results. The potencies (pEC50) of (-)-CGP12177 were β2AR (9.24 ± 0.14, n = 5), β1(V230I)AR (9.07 ± 0.07, n = 10), β1(β2TMDV)AR (8.86 ± 0.10, n = 15), β1(R222Q)AR (8.09 ± 0.29, n = 6), β1AR (8.00 ± 0.11, n = 11). The affinities (pKB) of (-)-bupranolol were β2AR (9.82 ± 0.52, n = 5), β1(V230I)AR (7.64 ± 0.12, n = 8), β1(β2TMV)AR (8.06 ± 0.17, n = 8), β1(R222Q)AR (7.33 ± 0.23, n = 5), β1AR (7.23 ± 0.23, n = 5). Discussion. The potency of (-)-CGP12177 was higher at β2AR than at β1AR consistent with activation through a low affinity site at the β1AR (β1LAR). The presence of V230 in β1AR accounted for the lower potency of (-)-CGP 12177. The affinity of (-)-bupranolol was lower at β1AR compared to β2AR. The presence of V230 in β1AR accounted in part for the lower affinity. In conclusion TMDV of the β1AR contributes in part to the low affinity binding site of β1AR.


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There are two binding sites on the β1-adrenoceptor (AR), β1H and β1L corresponding to high and low affinity binding sites respectively, which can be activated to cause cardiostimulation (reviewed Kaumann and Molenaar, 2008). Some β-blockers that block β1AR and β2ARs can activate β1LARs at higher concentrations than those required to cause blockade. The β2AR does not form a corresponding low affinity binding site (Baker et al 2002) and therefore we postulated that heterologous amino acids are responsible for the formation of β1LAR. Our aim was to investigate whether heterologous amino acids of transmembrane domain V (TMDV) of β1AR and β2ARs contribute to β1LAR. β1ARs, β2ARs and mutant β1ARs containing all (β1(β2TMDV)AR) or single amino acids of TMDV of the β2AR were prepared and stably expressed in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells. Concentration-effect curves for cyclicAMP accumulation were carried out for (-)-CGP12177 or (-)-isoprenaline in the absence or presence of (-)-bupranolol. _______________________________________________________________________ (-)-CGP 12177 (-)-Bupranolol affinity (pKB) pEC50 vs (-)-CGP 12177 vs (-)-isoprenaline _______________________________________________________________________ β1AR 8.00 ± 0.11 (11) 7.23 ± 0.23 (5) 9.52 ± 0.28 (5) β2AR (high density) 9.24 ± 0.14 (5) 9.82 ± 0.52 (8) xPaulxxxxxxx β2AR (low density) no effect β1(β2TMV)AR 8.86 ± 0.10 (15) 8.06 ± 0.17 (8) 9.08 ± 0.22 (6) β1(V230I)AR 9.07 ± 0.07 (10) 7.64 ± 0.12 (8) 9.36 ± 0.28 (9) β1(R222Q)AR 8.09 ± 0.29 (6) 7.33 ± 0.23 (5) 9.36 ± 0.08 (6) β1(V230A)AR 7.59 ± 0.09 (6) 7.32 ± 0.24 (4) 8.62 ± 0.18 (5) _______________________________________________________________________ The potency of (-)-CGP12177 was higher at β2AR than at β1AR consistent with activation through a low affinity site at the β1AR (β1LAR) but not β2AR. The presence of V230 in β1AR accounted for the lower potency of (-)-CGP 12177. The affinity of (-)-bupranolol at β1AR and mutants was higher when determined with (-)-isoprenaline than with (-)-CGP 12177. The affinity of (-)-bupranolol determined against (-)-CGP 12177 was lower at β1AR compared to β2AR. The presence of V230 in β1AR accounted in part for the lower affinity. In conclusion V230 of the β1AR contributes in part to the low affinity binding site of β1AR. Baker JG, Hall IP, Hill SJ (2002). Pharmacological characterization of CGP12177 at the human β2-adrenoceptor. Br J Pharmacol 137, 400−408 Kaumann AJ, Molenaar P (2008) The low-affinity site of the β1-adrenoceptor and its relevance to cardiovascular pharmacology. Pharmacol Ther 118, 303-336