868 resultados para asset allocation


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The paper identifies the structural restrictions on preferences required for them to exhibit both translation homotheticity in particular direction and radial homotheticity. The results are illustrated by an application to an asset allocation problem in the absence of riskless asset.


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This study examines the selectivity and timing performance of 218 UK investment trusts over the period July 1981 to June 2009. We estimate the Treynor and Mazuy (1966) and Henriksson and Merton (1981) models augmented with the size, value, and momentum factors, either under the OLS method adjusted with the Newey-West procedure or under the GARCH(1,1)-in-mean method following the specification of Glosten et al. (1993; hereafter GJR-GARCH-M). We find that the OLS method provides little evidence in favour of the selectivity and timing ability, consistent with previous studies. Interestingly, the GJR-GARCH-M method reverses this result, showing some relatively strong evidence on favourable selectivity ability, particularly for international funds, as well as favourable timing ability, particularly for domestic funds. We conclude that the GJR-GARCH-M method performs better in evaluating fund performance compared with the OLS method and the non-parametric approach, as it essentially accounts for the time-varying characteristics of factor loadings and hence obtains more reliable results, in particular, when the high frequency data, such as the daily returns, are used in the analysis. Our results are robust to various in-sample and out-of-sample tests and have valuable implications for practitioners in making their asset allocation decisions across different fund styles. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Este proyecto de investigación construye y evalúa la asignación de activos para el portafolio de Pensión Obligatoria de Retiro Programado, el cual atiende los retiros a los que un pensionado tiene derecho a través de su mesada pensional, utilizando el modelo de Frontera Eficiente de Markowitz, en combinación con la teoría de Momentum -- Para la ejecución del modelo se determinaron los activos de inversión admisibles en el Régimen de Inversiones -- Posteriormente, se construyen las matrices de rentabilidades, de restricciones, de varianzas y covarianzas, las cuales constituyen los insumos para ejecutar el modelo de optimización de portafolios de Markowitz -- A continuación, se realiza la selección de los portafolios obtenidos, teniendo en cuenta el nivel de volatilidad que el portafolio de Obligatorias Retiro Programado debe presentar; lo anterior, con el fin de cumplir con el objetivo de preservación del capital en la cuenta individual del pensionado, de manera que se pueda atender, de acuerdo a su esperanza de vida y la de sus beneficiarios, el pago de las mesadas pensionales que le correspondan -- El resultado obtenido corresponde a una asignación, en gran parte, en activos de Renta Fija expedidos por el Gobierno Nacional (TES), tanto en tasa fija como en tasa indexada a la UVR -- Adicionalmente, el modelo de optimización sugiere participaciones en activos de renta variable y, particularmente, no asigna recursos representativos en títulos de deuda privada indexados al IPC -- Esta investigación puede ser útil al momento de diseñar un portafolio base para Obligatorias Retiro Programado que, bajo una administración pasiva, permita cumplir el objetivo de otorgar a los pensionados una mesada para satisfacer las necesidades básicas


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In this paper, we provide the first comprehensive UK evidence on the profitability of the pairs trading strategy. Evidence suggests that the strategy performs well in crisis periods, so we control for both risk and liquidity to assess performance. To evaluate the effect of market frictions on the strategy, we use several estimates of transaction costs. We also present evidence on the performance of the strategy in different economic and market states. Our results show that pairs trading portfolios typically have little exposure to known equity risk factors such as market, size, value, momentum and reversal. However, a model controlling for risk and liquidity explains a far larger proportion of returns. Incorporating different assumptions about bid-ask spreads leads to reductions in performance estimates. When we allow for time-varying risk exposures, conditioned on the contemporaneous equity market return, risk-adjusted returns are generally not significantly different from zero.


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The debate about the dynamics and potential policy responses to asset inflation has intensified in recent years. Some analysts, notably Borio and Lowe, have called for 'subtle' changes to existing monetary targeting frameworks to try to deal with the problems of asset inflation and have attempted to developed indicators of financial vulnerability to aid this process. In contrast, this paper argues that the uncertainties involved in understanding financial market developments and their potential impact on the real economy are likely to remain too high to embolden policy makers. The political and institutional risks associated with policy errors are also significant. The fundamental premise that a liberalised financial system is based on 'efficient' market allocation cannot be overlooked. The corollary is that any serious attempt to stabilize financial market outcomes must involve at least a partial reversal of deregulation.


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Introduction This dissertation consists of three essays in equilibrium asset pricing. The first chapter studies the asset pricing implications of a general equilibrium model in which real investment is reversible at a cost. Firms face higher costs in contracting than in expanding their capital stock and decide to invest when their productive capital is scarce relative to the overall capital of the economy. Positive shocks to the capital of the firm increase the size of the firm and reduce the value of growth options. As a result, the firm is burdened with more unproductive capital and its value lowers with respect to the accumulated capital. The optimal consumption policy alters the optimal allocation of resources and affects firm's value, generating mean-reverting dynamics for the M/B ratios. The model (1) captures convergence of price-to-book ratios -negative for growth stocks and positive for value stocks - (firm migration), (2) generates deviations from the classic CAPM in line with the cross-sectional variation in expected stock returns and (3) generates a non-monotone relationship between Tobin's q and conditional volatility consistent with the empirical evidence. The second chapter proposes a standard portfolio-choice problem with transaction costs and mean reversion in expected returns. In the presence of transactions costs, no matter how small, arbitrage activity does not necessarily render equal all riskless rates of return. When two such rates follow stochastic processes, it is not optimal immediately to arbitrage out any discrepancy that arises between them. The reason is that immediate arbitrage would induce a definite expenditure of transactions costs whereas, without arbitrage intervention, there exists some, perhaps sufficient, probability that these two interest rates will come back together without any costs having been incurred. Hence, one can surmise that at equilibrium the financial market will permit the coexistence of two riskless rates that are not equal to each other. For analogous reasons, randomly fluctuating expected rates of return on risky assets will be allowed to differ even after correction for risk, leading to important violations of the Capital Asset Pricing Model. The combination of randomness in expected rates of return and proportional transactions costs is a serious blow to existing frictionless pricing models. Finally, in the last chapter I propose a two-countries two-goods general equilibrium economy with uncertainty about the fundamentals' growth rates to study the joint behavior of equity volatilities and correlation at the business cycle frequency. I assume that dividend growth rates jump from one state to other, while countries' switches are possibly correlated. The model is solved in closed-form and the analytical expressions for stock prices are reported. When calibrated to the empirical data of United States and United Kingdom, the results show that, given the existing degree of synchronization across these business cycles, the model captures quite well the historical patterns of stock return volatilities. Moreover, I can explain the time behavior of the correlation, but exclusively under the assumption of a global business cycle.


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This paper, examines whether the asset holdings and weights of an international real estate portfolio using exchange rate adjusted returns are essentially the same or radically different from those based on unadjusted returns. The results indicate that the portfolio compositions produced by exchange rate adjusted returns are markedly different from those based on unadjusted returns. However following the introduction of the single currency the differences in portfolio composition are much less pronounced. The findings have a practical consequence for the investor because they suggest that following the introduction of the single currency international investors can concentrate on the real estate fundamentals when making their portfolio choices, rather than worry about the implications of exchange rate risk.


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This study considers the consistency of the role of both the private and public real estate markets within a mixed-asset context. While a vast literature has developed that has examined the potential role of both the private and public real estate markets, most studies have largely relied on both single time horizons and single sample periods. This paper builds upon the analysis of Lee and Stevenson (2005) who examined the consistency of REITs in a US capital market portfolio. The current paper extends that by also analyzing the role of the private market. To address the question, the allocation of both the private and traded markets is evaluated over different holding periods varying from 5- to 20-years. In general the results show that optimum mixed-asset portfolios already containing private real estate have little place for public real estate securities, especially in low risk portfolios and for longer investment horizons. Additionally, mixed-asset portfolios with public real estate either see the allocations to REITs diminished or eliminated if private real estate is also considered. The results demonstrate that there is a still a strong case for private real estate in the mixed-asset portfolio on the basis of an increase in risk-adjusted performance, even if the investor is already holding REITs, but that the reverse is not always the case.


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Booth and Fama (1992) observe that the compound return and so the terminal wealth of a portfolio is greater than the weighted average of the compound returns of the individual investments, a difference referred to as the return due to diversification (RDD). Thus assets that offer high RDD should be particularly attractive investments. This paper test the proposition that US direct real estate is such an asset class using annual data over the period 1951-2001. The results show that adding real estate to an existing mixed-asset portfolio increases the compound return and so the terminal wealth of the fund. However, the results are dependent on the percentage allocation to real estate and the asset class replaced.


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The recent poor performance of the equity market in the UK has meant that real estate is increasingly been seen as an attractive addition to the mixed-asset portfolio. However, determining whether the good return enjoyed by real estate is a temporary or long-term phenomenon is a question that remains largely unanswered. In other words, there is little or no evidence to indicate whether real estate should play a consistent role in the mixed-asset portfolio over short- and long-term investment horizons. Consistency in this context refers to the ability of an asset to maintain a positive allocation in an efficient portfolio over different holding periods. Such consistency is a desirable trait for any investment, but takes on particular significance when real estate is considered, as the asset class is generally perceived to be a long-term investment due to illiquidity. From an institutional investor’s perspective, it is therefore crucial to determine whether real estate can be reasonably expected to maintain a consistent allocation in the mixed-asset portfolio in both the short and long run and at what percentage. To address the question of consistency the allocation of real estate in the mixed-asset portfolio was calculated over different holding periods varying from 5- to 25-years.


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A dissertação tem como objetivo analisar dois aspectos do processo de bookbuilding nas emissões de debêntures no mercado brasileiro. O primeiro aspecto é verificar se o underwriter utiliza, a exemplo do que ocorre no Initial Public Offering (IPO) de ações, o poder discricionário nas alocações das debêntures entre os investidores. O segundo consiste em encontrar as características, tanto do emissor quanto do investidor, que influenciam na eficiência do bidder no processo de bookbuilding. Para realizar os testes empíricos foi utilizada uma base de dados composta por 40 books1 (totalizando 727 bids) fornecidos por um banco de investimento.Verifica-se que o underwriter não beneficia nenhum investidor na alocação final das debêntures. Essa afirmação fica evidenciada quando se calcula a diferença entre alocação final (efetivamente recebida pelo investidor) e alocação teórica (estimada com base no método pro-rata) para os 27 books (totalizando 557 bids) que apresentam demanda superior a oferta. A diferença é nula para 96.6% da amostra, sendo que das 19 observações não nulas, 15 possuem diferença absoluta de uma debênture entre a alocação teórica e a final, resultado explicado em função do arredondamento das alocações.Contrariando a teoria de leilão de titulos públicos, onde autores, como Scott and Wolf (1979), defendem que os investidores devem utilizar o step bid como estratégia ótima de bid, este trabalho verificou que no caso de bookbuilding de debêntures no mercado brasileiro, os investidores usuários de step bid posssuem menos chances de ter seu bid atendido plenamente pelo underwriter. Quando o investidor é um gestor de recursos de terceiros (asset management), aumenta-se a possibilidade de ter sua demanda atendida. O maior sucesso do asset management no bookbuilding deve-se às peculiaridades do mercado brasileiro: (i) somente investidores locais participam dos bookbuilding, já que investidores estrangeiros possuem preferência e incentivos por títulos públicos; (ii) gestores de recursos de terceiros representam 75% da demanda por debêntures; (iii) o mercado de gestão de recursos é concentrado: os 5 maiores gestores concentram 60% da indústria. Com isso os gestores de recursos podem desenvolver uma expertise própria, já que são os principais demandadores e frequentemente participam dos bookbuilding. As características do emissor também influenciam no desempenho dos bidders: as debêntures de baixo e médio risco aumentam a possibilidade do bidder ter seu pedido atendido na íntegra. Além disso, como era esperado, quanto maior for a demanda do título, mais dificil é para o investor conseguir a quantidade desejável.


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Il lavoro persegue l’obiettivo generale di indagare sulle scelte di investimento dei fondi pensione italiani. Per giungere al suddetto obiettivo il lavoro si articola in quattro capitoli principali corredati da premessa e conclusioni. Il primo capitolo si preoccupa di analizzare in quale modo le scelte operate dal legislatore italiano abbiano influenzato e influenzino le politiche di investimento dei fondi pensione. E’ indubbio, infatti, che l’intervento del legislatore abbia un forte ascendente sull’operatività dei fondi e possa limitarne o, viceversa, agevolarne l’attività. Alla luce di queste considerazioni, il secondo capitolo mira ad analizzare nel concreto l’influenza delle scelte operate dal legislatore sullo sviluppo del mercato dei fondi pensione italiani. In sostanza, l’obiettivo è quello di fornire informazioni circa il mercato italiano dei fondi pensione sviluppatosi in conseguenza alla normativa testé presentata. Il successivo capitolo, il terzo, propone un’analisi della letteratura che, nel contesto nazionale ed internazionale, ha analizzato la tematica dei fondi pensione. Più nel dettaglio, si propone una disamina dei riferimenti letterari che, affrontando il problema della gestione finanziaria dei fondi pensione, trattano delle politiche e delle scelte di investimento operate da questi. Il quarto capitolo riguarda un’analisi empirica mirata ad analizzare le politiche di investimento dei fondi pensione, in particolare quelle relative agli investimenti alternativi e soprattutto, tra questi, quelli immobiliari. L’obiettivo generale perseguito è quello di analizzare la composizione del patrimonio dei fondi appartenenti al campione considerato e ricavarne indicazioni circa le scelte manageriali operate dai fondi, nonché trarre indicazioni circa lo spazio riservato e/o riservabile alle asset class alternative, soprattutto a quelle di tipo immobiliare. Si evidenzia, infatti, che la verifica presentata riguarda prevalentemente gli investimenti immobiliari che rappresentano nella realtà italiana l’alternative class maggiormente diffusa. L’analisi si concentra, anche se in modo inferiore e con un approccio quasi esclusivamente qualitativo, su altre asset class alternative (hedge fund e private equity). Si precisa, inoltre, che la volontà di focalizzare la verifica sugli alternative investment limita l’analisi ai soli fondi pensione preesistenti che, ad oggi, rappresentano l’unica categoria alla quale è consentito effettuare investimenti di tipo alternativo. A differenza dei fondi di nuova generazione, tali fondi, infatti, non sono sottoposti a limitazioni nell’attività di investimento e, almeno in linea teorica, essi possono optare senza alcuna restrizione per l’asset allocation ritenuta più appropriata Tre sono le domande di ricerca a cui l’analisi proposta mira a dare risposta: Quale è la dimensione e la composizione del portafoglio dei fondi pensione preesistenti? Quale è la dimensione e la tipologia di investimento immobiliare all’interno del portafoglio dei fondi pensione preesistenti? Esiste uno “spazio” ulteriore per gli investimenti immobiliari e/o per altri alternative investment nel portafoglio dei fondi pensione preesistenti? L’analisi è condotta su un campione di dieci fondi preesistenti, che rappresenta il 60% dell’universo di riferimento (dei 29 fondi pensione preesistenti che investono in immobiliare) e la metodologia utilizzata è quella della case study. Le dieci case study, una per ogni fondo preesistente analizzato, sono condotte e presentate secondo uno schema quanto più standard e si basano su varie tipologie di informazioni reperite da tre differenti fonti. 2 La prima fonte informativa utilizzata è rappresentata dai bilanci o rendiconti annuali dei fondi analizzati. A questi si aggiungono i risultati di un’intervista svolta nei mesi di gennaio e febbraio 2008, ai direttori generali o ai direttori dell’area investimento dei fondi. Le interviste aggiungono informazioni prevalentemente di tipo qualitativo, in grado di descrivere le scelte manageriali operate dai fondi in tema di politica di investimento. Infine, laddove presente, sono state reperite informazioni anche dai siti internet che in taluni casi i fondi possiedono. Dalle case study condotte è possibile estrapolare una serie di risultati, che consentono di dare risposta alle tre domande di ricerca poste in precedenza. Relativamente alla prima domanda, è stato possibile stabilire che il portafoglio dei fondi pensione preesistenti analizzati cresce nel tempo. Esso si compone per almeno un terzo di titoli di debito, prevalentemente titoli di stato, e per un altro terzo di investimenti immobiliari di vario tipo. Il restante terzo è composto da altre asset class, prevalentemente investimenti in quote di OICR. Per quanto riguarda la politica d’investimento, si rileva che mediamente essa è caratterizzata da un’alta avversione al rischio e pochissimi sono i casi in cui i fondi prevedono linee di investimento aggressive. Relativamente alla seconda domanda, si osserva che la dimensione dell’asset class immobiliare all’interno del portafoglio raggiunge una quota decrescente nell’arco di tempo considerato, seppur rilevante. Al suo interno prevalgono nettamente gli investimenti diretti in immobili. Seguono le partecipazioni in società immobiliari. L’analisi ha permesso, poi, di approfondire il tema degli investimenti immobiliari consentendo di trarre indicazioni circa le loro caratteristiche. Infine, relativamente all’ultima domanda di ricerca, i dati ottenuti, soprattutto per mezzo delle interviste, permettono di stabilire che, almeno con riferimento al campione analizzato, l’investimento immobiliare perde quota e in parte interesse. Questo risulta vero soprattutto relativamente agli investimenti immobiliari di tipo diretto. I fondi con patrimoni immobiliari rilevanti, infatti, sono per la totalità nel mezzo di processi di dismissione degli asset, mirati, non tanto all’eliminazione dell’asset class, ma piuttosto ad una riduzione della stessa, conformemente anche a quanto richiesto dalle recenti normative. Le interviste hanno messo in luce, tuttavia, che a fronte di un’esigenza generale di contentere la quota investita, l’asset immobiliare è considerato positivamente soprattutto in termini di opportunità di diversificazione di portafoglio e buoni rendimenti nel lungo periodo. I fondi appaiono interessati in modo particolare a diversificare il portafoglio immobiliare, dismettendo parte degli asset detenuti direttamente e aumentando al contrario le altre tipologie di investimento immobiliare, soprattutto quote di OICR immobiliari. Altrettanto positivi i giudizi relativi alle altre asset class alternative. Pur restando ancora limitato il totale delle risorse destinate, tali investimenti sono percepiti come una buona opportunità di diversificazione del portafoglio. In generale, si è rilevato che, anche laddove l’investimento non è presente o è molto ridotto, nel breve periodo è intenzione del management aumentare la quota impiegata.


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The European market for asset-backed securities (ABS) has all but closed for business since the start of the economic and financial crisis. ABS (see Box 1) were in fact the first financial assets hit at the onset of the crisis in 2008. The subprime mortgage meltdown caused a deterioration in the quality of collateral in the ABS market in the United States, which in turn dried up overall liquidity because ABS AAA notes were popular collateral for inter-bank lending. The lack of demand for these products, together with the Great Recession in 2009, had a considerable negative impact on the European ABS market. The post-crisis regulatory environment has further undermined the market. The practice of slicing and dicing of loans into ABS packages was blamed for starting and spreading the crisis through the global financial system. Regulation in the post-crisis context has thus been relatively unfavourable to these types of instruments, with heightened capital requirements now necessary for the issuance of new ABS products. And yet policymakers have recently underlined the need to revitalise the ABS market as a tool to improve credit market conditions in the euro area and to enhance transmission of monetary policy. In particular, the European Central Bank and the Bank of England have jointly emphasised that: “a market for prudently designed ABS has the potential to improve the efficiency of resource allocation in the economy and to allow for better risk sharing... by transforming relatively illiquid assets into more liquid securities. These can then be sold to investors thereby allowing originators to obtain funding and, potentially, transfer part of the underlying risk, while investors in such securities can diversify their portfolios... . This can lead to lower costs of capital, higher economic growth and a broader distribution of risk” (ECB and Bank of England, 2014a). In addition, consideration has started to be given to the extent to which ABS products could become the target of explicit monetary policy operations, a line of action proposed by Claeys et al (2014). The ECB has officially announced the start of preparatory work related to possible outright purchases of selected ABS1. In this paper we discuss how a revamped market for corporate loans securitised via ABS products, and how use of ABS as a monetary policy instrument, can indeed play a role in revitalising Europe’s credit market. However, before using this instrument a number of issues should be addressed: First, the European ABS market has significantly contracted since the crisis. Hence it needs to be revamped through appropriate regulation if securitisation is to play a role in improving the efficiency of resource allocation in the economy. Second, even assuming that this market can expand again, the European ABS market is heterogeneous: lending criteria are different in different countries and banking institutions and the rating methodologies to assess the quality of the borrowers have to take these differences into account. One further element of differentiation is default law, which is specific to national jurisdictions in the euro area. Therefore, the pool of loans will not only be different in terms of the macro risks related to each country of origination (which is a ‘positive’ idiosyncratic risk, because it enables a portfolio manager to differentiate), but also in terms of the normative side, in case of default. The latter introduces uncertainties and inefficiencies in the ABS market that could create arbitrage opportunities. It is also unclear to what extent a direct purchase of these securities by the ECB might have an impact on the credit market. This will depend on, for example, the type of securities targeted in terms of the underlying assets that would be considered as eligible for inclusion (such as loans to small and medium-sized companies, car loans, leases, residential and commercial mortgages). The timing of a possible move by the ECB is also an issue; immediate action would take place in the context of relatively limited market volumes, while if the ECB waits, it might have access to a larger market, provided steps are taken in the next few months to revamp the market. We start by discussing the first of these issues – the size of the EU ABS market. We estimate how much this market could be worth if some specific measures are implemented. We then discuss the different options available to the ECB should they decide to intervene in the EU ABS market. We include a preliminary list of regulatory steps that could be taken to homogenise asset-backed securities in the euro area. We conclude with our recommended course of action.


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Analysis of the equity premium puzzle has focused on private sector capital markets. The object of this paper is to consider the welfare and policy implications of each of the broad classes of explanations of the equity premium puzzle. As would be expected, the greater the deviation from the first-best outcome implied by a given explanation of the equity premium puzzle, the more interventionist are the implied policy conclusions. Nevertheless, even explanations of the equity premium puzzle consistent with a general consumption-based asset pricing model have important welfare and policy implications.


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Mestrado em Economia Monetária e Financeira