920 resultados para assessment tools


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, Perfil de Engenharia de Sistemas Ambientais


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RESUMO: O acelerado processo de envelhecimento da população portuguesa apresentando taxa negativa de crescimento (OCDE, 2013) corrobora para o surgimento de doença crónicas e incapacitantes que, por conseguinte, pode levar os idosos a apresentar dificuldades na deglutição. Alguns instrumentos de despiste das dificuldades de deglutição estão surgindo ao longo dos últimos anos facilitando o rastreio rápido dessas dificuldades. Objectivo: Este trabalho teve como objectivos de estudo caracterizar uma população de idosos institucionalizados e utentes de centro de dia quantos aos seus dados sócio demográficos, deglutição e a linguagem, bem como contribuir para a validação da versão portuguesa do P-EAT-10. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo do tipo descritivo, transversal, analítico-correlacional com abordagem quantitativa, onde foi feito um levantamento dos dados sociodemográficos e das condições de saúde de 30 idosos institucionalizados e utentes de centro de dia, de ambos os sexos e com idades acima dos 64 anos. Foram aplicados instrumentos para verificar a percepção do estado de saúde (EQ-5D), o estado cognitivo (MMSE), o estado de depressão (EDP), o grau de dependência (IB), a deglutição (P-EAT-10 e 3OZ Wst), a linguagem (TN e TT). Algumas hipóteses foram levantadas e para estudálas utilizamos testes não-paramétricos (U de Mann Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis e Correlação de Spearman, p<0,05). Resultados: Observou-se que os idosos do sexo feminino é maioria (72,7%) na população estudada. Os idosos com mais de 84 anos apresentaram maior percentagem de deficit cognitivo e sinais depressivos. Quanto a deglutição a maioria dos idosos tem percepção das dificuldades de deglutição. Verificou-se haver relação significativa entre o score do P-EAT-10 e o score do 3OZwst (p= 0,016), assim como também entre as habilitações literárias, as morbilidades e a linguagem (nomeação, p<0,047). Conclusão: Nosso estudo levou-nos a concluir a necessidade de testes de rastreio para as dificuldades da deglutição para a população em estudo, sendo o P-EAT-10 um bom instrumento e que associado a outros instrumentos de avaliação podem ajudar na prevenção das dificuldades de deglutição/ disfagia.---------------ABSTRACT:The accelerated aging of the Portuguese population showed a negative growth rate (OECD, 2013) corroborates the emergence of chronic and disabling diseases. Therefore, can lead seniors have difficulty in swallowing. Some screening instruments of swallowing difficulties are emerging over the last few years facilitating rapid screening of these difficulties. Methods: We conducted a descriptive study, crosssectional,correlational with quantitative analytical approach, where a survey was made of sociodemographic and health status of 30 institutionalized elderly and users of the day center, of both sexes and ages above 64 years. Instruments were applied to verify the perception of health status (EQ-5D), cognitive status (MMSE), the severity of depression (EDP), the degree of dependence (IB), swallowing (P-EAT-10:03 OZ Wst), and language (TN and TT). Some hypotheses were to study them and used nonparametric tests (Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman correlation, p <0.05). Results: It was observed that the elderly female is majority (72.7%) in the study population. Elderly patients over 84 years were mainly cognitive deficits and depressive signs. As for swallowing most seniors have perceptions of swallowing difficulties. Found to be no significant relationship between the score of the P-EAT-10 score and the 3OZwst (p = 0.016), as well as between educational attainment, the morbidities and language (naming, p <0.047). Conclusion: Our study led us to conclude the need for screening tests for swallowing difficulties for the population being studied, and the PEAT-10 a good instrument and associated with other assessment tools can help to prevent difficulties swallowing / dysphagia.


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RESUMO: Objetivo Principal • Determinar a consistência da utilização dos instrumentos de avaliação da capacidade intelectual – escalas de Griffiths e WISC III – no enquadramento dos domínios e dos qualificadores da CIF-CJ, restrita às funções mentais do corpo. Objetivo secundário: • Estudar a efetividade e concordância inter-observador da aplicação da CIF, com base na leitura dos dados obtidos em avaliação efetuada com os instrumentos referidos, por duas observadoras independentes, em contexto de articulação saúde, respetivamente educação e segurança social Métodos • Estudo observacional, descritivo, transversal e prospetivo. • Foi estudada uma amostra de conveniência 355 crianças, num período de três anos (Maio de 2010 a 30 de Abril de 2013), com patologia da área da pediatria do neurodesenvolvimento (total de 4000 consultas) no Centro de Desenvolvimento (CD) do Hospital de Dona Estefânia (HDE), Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, EPE (CHLC, EPE). • Critérios de inclusão: crianças de ambos os sexos, observadas no CD do HDE, CHLC (primeiras consultas e consultas de reavaliação) com idade ≥12 meses e ≤17 anos e incapacidade intelectual definida de acordo com os critérios da DSM-IV-TR, DSM 5 e CID-10. • Critérios de exclusão: crianças com autismo, perturbações específicas da linguagem, hiperatividade, défice de atenção e concentração, défices sensoriais congénitos (baixa visão e ou audição), ou com outros diagnósticos de perturbações de neurodesenvolvimento. • O estudo teve duas fases: na primeira, a investigadora principal colheu ou atualizou a história clínica, observou clinicamente as crianças solicitando os exames complementares considerados necessários e foi efetuada avaliação psicológica com os instrumentos adiante descritos, pela mesma psicóloga clínica, devidamente credenciada, e com larga experiência nas escalas referidas. Com base nos dados colhidos, quer por observação direta, quer através dos resultados das escalas Griffiths e WISC – III, a investigadora aplicou a CIF-CJ, circunscrita aos domínios e funções (variáveis): 1. FUNÇÕESMENTAIS GLOBAIS (b110- Funções da consciência, b114- Funções da orientação no espaço e no tempo, b117 – Funções intelectuais, b122- Funções psicossociais globais, b125- Funções intrapessoais, b126- Funções do temperamento e da personalidade); 2.FUNÇÕES MENTAIS ESPECÌFICAS (b140- funções da atenção, b147- Funções psicomotoras, b152- Funções emocionais, b156- Funções da perceção, b163- Funções cognitivas básicas, b164- Funções cognitivas de nível superior, b167- Funções mentais da linguagem 3. FUNÇÕES DA VOZ E DA FALA (b320- Funções da articulação, b330- Funções da fluência e do ritmo da fala). Numa segunda fase, foi solicitada a colaboração de duas co-investigadoras, com formação específica nas escalas utilizadas e na CIF-CJ, a aplicação da CIF nos mesmos domínios e funções. Estas observadoras não efetuaram observações diretas das crianças envolvidas. • Para efetuar a análise estatística e analisar a relação entre os qualificadores (0 a 4) das variáveis da CIF em estudo (b117, b122, b147, b163, b164, b167, b320 e b330) e os instrumentos psicométricos (escalas de Griffiths e WISC III), que constitui a primeira parte do estudo, recorreu-se à técnica estatística não paramétrica do coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, que quantifica a intensidade e sinal da eventual correlação existente entre as variáveis em estudo. • Para determinar as correlações referentes à segunda parte do estudo, foram utilizados os programas SPSS®, (IBM SPSS Statistics) e Statistica® (StatSoft, Inc., 2011). STATISTICA (data analysis software system, version 10. www.statsoft.com.), tendo-se dado preferência aos gráficos deste último. Resultados 1. Observou-se um predomínio do sexo masculino (relação de 1:1,9); relativamente à idade no momento de avaliação, 242 crianças (68,1%) tinham entre zero e seis anos e, dentro destas, a maioria (189) situava-se entre os três e os seis anos. 2. De acordo com a DSM-IV e DSM-5, 261 (73,4%) crianças apresentavam incapacidade intelectual ligeira. 3. A avaliação da competência intelectual pelas escalas de Ruth Griffiths e WISC III (QI), revelaram correlação negativa predominantemente forte e muito forte (índice de Spearman) com os qualificadores das funções do corpo estudadas (funções mentais, mentais específicas e da voz). Os resultados obtidos pela co-investigadora A foram sobreponíveis aos da investigadora principal. Os resultados obtidos pela co-investigadora B revelaram correlação negativa moderada e forte, correlação inferior à da investigadora principal; Conclusões Os resultados permitem inferir que as escalas de Ruth Griffiths e WISC-III são instrumentos adequados para caracterizar a incapacidade intelectual na CIF-CJ; a concordância inter-observador, moderada, nos qualificadores atribuídos nas funções em análise pela investigadora e co-investigadoras, permite concluir que as escalas de Ruth Griffiths e WISC IIIl são bons instrumentos para caracterizar os qualificadores nos domínios e funções estudados, por diferentes grupos de profissionais ligados à infância. Subsistem dificuldades na diferenciação entre qualificadores, designadamente entre os qualificadores 1 e 2, o que tem necessariamente implicações na elegibilidade das crianças para os apoios preconizados pelo DL 3/2008. ------------------------ ABSTRACT: Main objective • To determine the consistency of the use of assessment tools for intellectual ability - Griffiths and WISC III scales - in the context of domains and qualifiers for the ICF-CY, restricted to the mental functions of the body. Secondary objective • Studying the effectiveness and inter-observer concordance concerning the application of the ICF, based on the data recovered from the assessment made with the mentioned instruments, carried out by two independent observers including their perspective on health, education and social security. Methods • Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective study. • A convenience sample of 355 children was studied over a period of three years (May 2010 to April 2013), with a pathology in the area of pediatric neurodevelopment – intellectual disability (total of 4000 consultations, including first consultations and revaluations) were observed in the Development Centre (CD) in Hospital de Dona Estefânia (HDE), Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, EPE (CHLC). • Inclusion criteria: children of both sexes aged ≥12 months and years ≤17 and intellectual disability defined according to the criteria in the DSM-IV-TR, DSM 5 and ICD-10. • Exclusion criteria: children with autism; specific language impairment, hyperactivity; attention deficit disorder; severe birth sensory deficits (eg, impaired vision and hearing); amongst other diagnoses for neurodevelopmental disorders. • The study was conducted in two phases: in the first phase the principal investigator collected or updated medical history, clinically observed children requesting additional investigations if she deemed necessary. Psychological evaluation was performed by a single, duly licensed clinical psychologist with extensive experience in the referred scales using the instruments described below. Based on data collected, either by direct observation or through the results of Griffiths scales and WISC - III, the researcher applied the ICF-CY confined to the following fields and functions (variables): 1. GLOBAL MENTAL FUNCTIONS (b110- functions of consciousness, b114- Functions referring to space and time orientation , b117 - intellectual functions, b122- global psychosocial functions, b125- intrapersonal functions, b126- functions related to temperament and personality); 2. SPECIFIC MENTAL FUNCTIONS ( b140- attention functions, b147-psychomotor functions, b152- Emotional functions, b156- perception functions, b163- basic cognitive functions and cognitive functions b164- top level b167- language related mental functions. ) 3. VOICE AND SPEECH FUNCTIONS (b320-articulation functions, b330- fluency and rhythm of speech functions). • In the second phase, two co-investigators, with specific training on the scales used and the ICF-CY have applied the ICF in the domains and functions mentioned above, based on the scales results. These co-investigators did not make any direct observation of the studied children. • To perform the statistical analysis and analyze the relationship between the qualifiers (0-4) of the variables in the ICF study (b117, b122, b147, B163, B164, b167, b320 and B330) and psychometric instruments (Griffiths scale and WISC III), which is the first part of the study, the statistical technique of non-parametric Spearman correlation coefficient was used, which quantifies the strength and sign of the possible correlation between the variables under study. • For submission of correlations related to the second part of the study, SPSS (IBM SPSS) and Statistica (StatSoft, Inc., 2011) programs were used. STATISTICA (data analysis software system, version 10 www.statsoft.com.). Preference was given to graphs computed in Statistica. Results • Male predominated (ratio of 1: 1.9). 242 children (68.1% of the sample) were aged between zero and six years and, among these, the majority (189) was aged largest number between three and six years. • According to the DSM-IV and DSM-5, 261 (73.4%) children had mild intellectual disability. The correlation between the assessment of intellectual competence by Ruth Griffiths scales and WISC III (QI), was predominantly negative strong and very strong correlation with the qualifiers of body functions studied (specific mental functions, mental and voice functions using Spearman index). The levels of correlation obtained by the co-investigatores were in agreeance with the results from the principal investigator. The results obtained by co-investigator B showed moderate to strong negative correlation, levels that were lower to the those registered by the principal investigator; Conclusions These results indicate that Ruth Griffiths and WISC-III scales are adequate tools to characterize intellectual disability in the ICF-CY; moderate inter-observer agreement in the qualifiers assigned the functions under analysis by the researcher and co-researchers, shows that the scales are also good tools to measure CIF qualifyers by diferent technicians with different professional orientations, related to children. However, there are still difficulties in differentiating qualifiers, namely between qualifiers 1/2 and 3/4, which necessarily has implications for the eligibility of children for the state support advocated by the Portuguese Decret Law 3/2008.


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The healthcare project design requires a several number of concerns with the satisfaction and well‐being of the working team, patient and administrators, has a strong social responsibility and impact on the city. Due to various design requirements, these buildings are not designed and used in a sustainable way, because there are still no effective methods to support designers in this context. Consequently, they do not know what the best criteria to be followed and their managers are not aware of the measuresthatshould be adopted for efficient use. Furthermore, the aim of this study is to present a proposal for a Healthcare Building Sustainability Assessment (HBSA) method adapted for the Portuguese context and considering the work developed so far in the standardization bodies (CEN and ISO). For this, the chosen methodology is analysed and compared the most relevant building sustainability assessment tools in the context of healthcare buildings.  


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En els darrers temps el debat dels agrocombustibles s’ha caracteritzat per l’aparició d’incerteses científiques i la discussió dels impactes ambientals i socioeconòmics, sovint difícils de mesurar i quantificar, que es podrien derivar de la implementació de la política pública d’impuls d’aquesta nova font energètica. Els sistemes tradicionals d’avaluació experta i les eines de decisió polítiques es veuen limitats per trobar solucions als problemes ambientals complexes com és el dels agrocombustibles, ja que es basen en el coneixement disciplinari i la previsió, sense considerar de forma explícita les incerteses. En l’estudi del debat i del procés d’elaboració de la política pública s’ha percebut una manca d’espais de comunicació i presa de decisions estructurats i integradors. Davant d’aquest context, en aquest treball s’ha dissenyat un procés participatiu d’avaluació de la implementació de la política pública. La proposta elaborada consta d’uns escenaris de futur sobre l’aplicació dels agrocombustibles a Catalunya, que han de ser valorats de forma participativa en grups de discussió. La identificació de les variables determinants i els nous escenaris de futur que resulten del procés, esdevindrien la informació per a reiniciar un nou procés d’avaluació. L’aplicació de nous procediments i noves eines d’anàlisi pot ser útil per reestructurar el problema i fonamentar les decisions polítiques, per tal d’augmentar-ne l’eficàcia,la legitimitat, i assegurar-ne criteris social i ambientalment justos.


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BACKGROUND: The Adolescent Drug Abuse Diagnosis (ADAD) and Health of Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA) are both measures of outcome for adolescent mental health services. AIMS: To compare the ADAD with HoNOSCA; to examine their clinical usefulness. METHODS: Comparison of the ADAD and HoNOSCA outcome measures of 20 adolescents attending a psychiatric day care unit. RESULTS: ADAD change was positively correlated with HoNOSCA change. HoNOSCA assesses the clinic's day-care programme more positively than the ADAD. The ADAD detects a group for which the mean score remains unchanged whereas HoNOSCA does not. CONCLUSIONS: A good convergent validity emerges between the two assessment tools. The ADAD allows an evidence-based assessment and generally enables a better subject discrimination than HoNOSCA. HoNOSCA gives a less refined evaluation but is more economic in time and possibly more sensitive to change. Both assessment tools give useful information and enabled the Day-care Unit for Adolescents to rethink the process of care and of outcome, which benefited both the institution and the patients.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the quality of preventive care according to physician and patient gender in a country with universal health care coverage. METHODS: We assessed a retrospective cohort study of 1001 randomly selected patients aged 50-80years followed over 2years (2005-2006) in 4 Swiss university primary care settings (Basel, Geneva, Lausanne, Zürich). We used indicators derived from RAND's Quality Assessment Tools and examined percentages of recommended preventive care. Results were adjusted using hierarchical multivariate logistic regression models. RESULTS: 1001 patients (44% women) were followed by 189 physicians (52% women). Female patients received less preventive care than male patients (65.2% vs. 72.1%, p<0.001). Female physicians provided significantly more preventive care than male physicians (p=0.01) to both female (66.7% vs. 63.6%) and male patients (73.4% vs. 70.7%). After multivariate adjustment, differences according to physician (p=0.02) and patient gender (p<0.001) remained statistically significant. Female physicians provided more recommended cancer screening than male physicians (78.4 vs. 71.9%, p=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: In Swiss university primary care settings, female patients receive less preventive care than male patients, with female physicians providing more preventive care than male physicians. Greater attention should be paid to female patients in preventive care and to why female physicians tend to provide better preventive care.


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La qualitat de vida s’està convertint en un concepte clau i unificador en l’atenció i educació de les persones amb discapacitat intel•lectual. Així mateix, la percepció actual sobre les persones amb discapacitat ha canviat substancialment. En el moment actual, cal plantejar-se quines són les aplicacions i les implicacions que tenen per l’atenció i educació de les persones amb discapacitat intel•lectual els principis derivats del nou concepte de discapacitat i de la qualitat de vida. Aquesta investigació pretén essencialment elaborar un conjunt d’instruments que permetin avaluar la qualitat de les pràctiques educatives dels centres d’educació especial. Amb aquest objectiu s’ha seguit un procediment estructurat i ordenat en l’elaboració dels instruments com en la seva valoració inicial. Per avaluar la qualitat dels centres d’educació especial es proposen una sèrie qüestionaris tant pels professionals, les famílies i els alumnes. Els resultats indiquen que el conjunt d’instruments d’avaluació permeten recollir informació àmplia i variada de les pràctiques d’un centre d’educació especial, determinar les seves fortaleses i debilitats i servir de base per establir plans de millora estretament relacionats amb el context particular del centre i amb el que es considera una bona pràctica educativa.


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BACKGROUND: Modern theories define chronic pain as a multidimensional experience - the result of complex interplay between physiological and psychological factors with significant impact on patients' physical, emotional and social functioning. The development of reliable assessment tools capable of capturing the multidimensional impact of chronic pain has challenged the medical community for decades. A number of validated tools are currently used in clinical practice however they all rely on self-reporting and are therefore inherently subjective. In this study we show that a comprehensive analysis of physical activity (PA) under real life conditions may capture behavioral aspects that may reflect physical and emotional functioning.¦METHODOLOGY: PA was monitored during five consecutive days in 60 chronic pain patients and 15 pain-free healthy subjects. To analyze the various aspects of pain-related activity behaviors we defined the concept of PA 'barcoding'. The main idea was to combine different features of PA (type, intensity, duration) to define various PA states. The temporal sequence of different states was visualized as a 'barcode' which indicated that significant information about daily activity can be contained in the amount and variety of PA states, and in the temporal structure of sequence. This information was quantified using complementary measures such as structural complexity metrics (information and sample entropy, Lempel-Ziv complexity), time spent in PA states, and two composite scores, which integrate all measures. The reliability of these measures to characterize chronic pain conditions was assessed by comparing groups of subjects with clinically different pain intensity.¦CONCLUSION: The defined measures of PA showed good discriminative features. The results suggest that significant information about pain-related functional limitations is captured by the structural complexity of PA barcodes, which decreases when the intensity of pain increases. We conclude that a comprehensive analysis of daily-life PA can provide an objective appraisal of the intensity of pain.


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BACKGROUND: Standard indicators of quality of care have been developed in the United States. Limited information exists about quality of care in countries with universal health care coverage.OBJECTIVE: To assess the quality of preventive care and care for cardiovascular risk factors in a country with universal health care coverage.DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: Retrospective cohort of a random sample of 1,002 patients aged 50-80 years followed for 2 years from all Swiss university primary care settings.MAIN MEASURES: We used indicators derived from RAND's Quality Assessment Tools. Each indicator was scored by dividing the number of episodes when recommended care was delivered by the number of times patients were eligible for indicators. Aggregate scores were calculated by taking into account the number of eligible patients for each indicator.KEY RESULTS: Overall, patients (44% women) received 69% of recommended preventive care, but rates differed by indicators. Indicators assessing annual blood pressure and weight measurements (both 95%) were more likely to be met than indicators assessing smoking cessation counseling (72%), breast (40%) and colon cancer screening (35%; all p < 0.001 for comparisons with blood pressure and weight measurements). Eighty-three percent of patients received the recommended care for cardiovascular risk factors, including > 75% for hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes. However, foot examination was performed only in 50% of patients with diabetes. Prevention indicators were more likely to be met in men (72.2% vs 65.3% in women, p < 0.001) and patients < 65 years (70.1% vs 68.0% in those a parts per thousand yen65 years, p = 0.047).CONCLUSIONS: Using standardized tools, these adults received 69% of recommended preventive care and 83% of care for cardiovascular risk factors in Switzerland, a country with universal coverage. Prevention indicator rates were lower for women and the elderly, and for cancer screening. Our study helps pave the way for targeted quality improvement initiatives and broader assessment of health care in Continental Europe.


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The purpose of this review is to critically appraise the pain assessment tools for non communicative persons in intensive care available in the literature and to determine their relevance for those with brain injury. Nursing and medical electronic databases were searched to identify pain tools, with a description of psychometric proprieties, in English and French. Seven of the ten tools were considered relevant and systematically evaluated according to the criteria and the indicators in the following five areas: conceptualisation, target population, feasibility and clinical utility, reliability and validity. Results indicate a number of well designed pain tools, but additional work is necessary to establish their accuracy and adequacy for the brain injured non communicative person in intensive care. Recommendations are made to choose the best tool for clinical practice and for research.


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L'objectiu o finalitat del present treball és: contribuir, mitjançant l'aplicació de diferents eines d'avaluació, a aportar informació sobre l'eficàcia de les aplicacions tecnològiques en el Museu de Lleida Diocesà i Comarcal.


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Early detection of breast cancer (BC) with mammography may cause overdiagnosis andovertreatment, detecting tumors which would remain undiagnosed during a lifetime. The aims of this study were: first, to model invasive BC incidence trends in Catalonia (Spain) taking into account reproductive and screening data; and second, to quantify the extent of BC overdiagnosis. We modeled the incidence of invasive BC using a Poisson regression model. Explanatory variables were:age at diagnosis and cohort characteristics (completed fertility rate, percentage of women that use mammography at age 50, and year of birth). This model also was used to estimate the background incidence in the absence of screening. We used a probabilistic model to estimate the expected BC incidence if women in the population usedmammography as reported in health surveys. The difference between the observed and expected cumulative incidences provided an estimate of overdiagnosis.Incidence of invasive BC increased, especially in cohorts born from 1940 to 1955. The biggest increase was observed in these cohorts between the ages of 50 to 65 years, where the final BC incidence rates more than doubled the initial ones. Dissemination of mammography was significantly associated with BC incidence and overdiagnosis. Our estimates of overdiagnosis ranged from 0.4% to 46.6%, for women born around 1935 and 1950, respectively.Our results support the existence of overdiagnosis in Catalonia attributed to mammography usage, and the limited malignant potential of some tumors may play an important role. Women should be better informed about this risk. Research should be oriented towards personalized screening and risk assessment tools


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Como resultado del desarrollo de este trabajo se ha implementado una aplicación web dinámica para la corrección automática de pruebas. Este sistema da solución a algunas de las carencias habituales en sistemas de evaluación automática. Además, esta aplicación está enfocada especialmente a entornos colaborativos en los que se utilicen tests como herramienta de evaluación.


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Aquesta comunicació presenta el projecte Aula de Tests desenvolupat com a suport en el desplegament de les assignatures de física i matemàtiques de primer curs dels estudis d'enginyeria de l’Escola Superior Politècnica de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. El projecte té com a objectiu dissenyar eines d'auto aprenentatge i d'avaluació contínua accessible on-line a través de l'entorn Moodle per a afavorir el procés d'aprenentatge de l’estudiant. El context d’aquesta experiència es caracteritzaper la inherent dificultat dels estudis d’enginyeria, pel fet que molts estudiants entren a la universitat amb mancances substancials de coneixements en aquestes àrees així com la heterogeneïtat en quant a la formació pre-universitària. S’hi descriuen lescaracterístiques de les activitats programades i el context on s’han aplicat i es presenten els resultats de satisfacció, participació i notes que aporten informació útil al professorat per a adequar la planificació i les activitats els cursos següents.