978 resultados para arsenite, leiteite, reinerite, Raman Spectroscopy, single crystal


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Raman spectroscopy with far-red excitation has been investigated as a simple and rapid technique for composition profiling of seized ecstasy (MDMA, N-methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine) tablets. The spectra obtained are rich in vibrational bands and allow the active drug and excipient used to bulk the tablets to be identified. Relative band heights can be used to determine drug/excipient ratios and the degree of hydration of the drug while the fact that 50 tablets per hour can be analysed allows large numbers of spectra to be recorded. The ability of Raman spectroscopy to distinguish between ecstasy tablets on the basis of their chemical composition is illustrated here by a sample set of 400 tablets taken from a large seizure of > 50000 tablets that were found in eight large bags. The tablets are all similar in appearance and carry the same logo. Conventional analysis by GC-MS showed they contained MDMA. Initial Raman studies of samples from each of the eight bags showed that despite some tablet-to-tablet variation within each bag the contents could be classified on the basis of the excipients used. The tablets in five of the bags were sorbitol-based, two were cellulose-based and one bag contained tablets with a glucose excipient. More extensive analysis of 50 tablets from each of a representative series of sample bags gave distribution profiles that showed the contents of each bag were approximately normally distributed about a mean value, rather than being mixtures of several discrete types. Two of the sorbitol-containing sample sets were indistinguishable while a third was similar but not identical to these, in that it contained the same excipient and MDMA with the same degree of hydration but had a slightly different MDMA/sorbitol ratio. The cellulose-based samples were badly manufactured and showed considerable tablet-to-tablet variation in their drug/excipient ratio while the glucose-based tablets had a tight distribution in their drug/excipient ratios. The degree of hydration in the MDMA feedstocks used to manufacture the cellulose-, glucose- and sorbitol-based tablets were all different from each other. This study, because it centres on a single seizure of physically similar tablets with the same active drug, highlights the fact that simple physical descriptions coupled with active drug content do not in themselves fully characterize the nature of the seized materials. There is considerable variation in the composition of the tablets within this single seizure and the fact that this variation can be detected from Raman spectra demonstrates that the potential benefits of obtaining highly detailed spectra can indeed translate into information that is not readily available from other methods but would be useful for tracing of drug distribution networks.


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The quality of single crystal diamond obtained by microwave CVD processes has been drastically improved in the last 5 years thanks to surface pretreatment of the substrates [A. Tallaire, J. Achard, F. Silva, R.S. Sussmann, A. Gicquel, E. Rzepka, Physica Status Solidi (A) 201, 2419-2424 (2004); G. Bogdan, M. Nesladek, J. D'Haen, J. Maes, V.V. Moshchalkov, K. Haenen, M. D'Olieslaeger, Physica Status Solidi (A) 202, 2066-2072 (2005); M. Yamamoto, T. Teraji, T. Ito, Journal of Crystal Growth 285, 130-136 (2005)]. Additionally, recent results have unambiguously shown the occurrence of (110) faces on crystal edges and (113) faces on crystal corners [F. Silva, J. Achard, X. Bonnin, A. Michau, A. Tallaire, O. Brinza, A. Gicquel, Physica Status Solidi (A) 203, 3049-3055 (2006)]. We have developed a 3D geometrical growth model to account for the final crystal morphology. The basic parameters of this growth model are the relative displacement speeds of (111), (110) and (113) faces normalized to that of the (100) faces, respectively alpha, beta, and gamma. This model predicts both the final equilibrium shape of the crystal (i.e. after infinite growth time) and the crystal morphology as a function of alpha, beta, gamma, and deposition time.

An optimized operating point, deduced from the model, has been validated experimentally by measuring the growth rate in (100), (111), (110), and (113) orientations. Furthermore, the evolution of alpha, beta, gamma as a function of methane concentration in the gas discharge has been established. From these results, crystal growth strategies can be proposed in order, for example, to enlarge the deposition area. In particular, we will show, using the growth model, that the only possibility to significantly increase the deposition area is, for our growth conditions, to use a (113) oriented substrate. A comparison between the grown crystal and the model results will be discussed and characterizations of the grown film (Photoluminescence spectroscopy, EPR, SEM) will be presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this experimental study, diamond turning of single crystal 6H-SiC was performed at a cutting speed of 1 m/s on an ultra-precision diamond turning machine (Moore Nanotech 350 UPL) to elucidate the microscopic origin of ductile-regime machining. Distilled water (pH value 7) was used as a preferred coolant during the course of machining in order to improve the tribological performance. A high magnification scanning electron microscope (SEM FIB- FEI Quanta 3D FEG) was used to examine the cutting tool before and after the machining. A surface finish of Ra=9.2 nm, better than any previously reported value on SiC was obtained. Also, tremendously high cutting resistance was offered by SiC resulting in the observation of significant wear marks on the cutting tool just after 1 km of cutting length. It was found out through a DXR Raman microscope that similar to other classical brittle materials (silicon, germanium, etc.) an occurrence of brittle-ductile transition is responsible for the ductile-regime machining of 6H-SiC. It has also been demonstrated that the structural phase transformations associated with the diamond turning of brittle materials which are normally considered as a prerequisite to ductile-regime machining, may not be observed during ductile-regime machining of polycrystalline materials.


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The electrochemical uptake of oxygen on a Ru(0001) electrode was investigated by electron diffraction, Auger spectroscopy, and cyclic voltammetry. An ordered (2 × 2)-O overlayer forms at a potential close to the hydrogen region. At +0.42 and +1.12 V vs Ag/AgCl, a (3 × 1) phase and a (1 × 1)-O phase, respectively, emerge. When the Ru electrode potential is maintained at +1.12 V for 2 min, RuO2 grows epitaxially with its (100) plane parallel to the Ru(0001) surface. In contrast to the RuO domains, the non-oxidized regions of the Ru electrode surface are flat. If, however, the electrode potential is increased to +1.98 V for 2 min, the remaining non-oxidized Ru area also becomes rough. These findings are compared with O overlayers and oxides on the Ru(0001) and Ru(101¯1) surfaces created by exposure to gaseous O under UHV conditions. On the other hand, gas-phase oxidation of the Ru(101¯0) surface leads to the formation of RuO with a (100) orientation. It is concluded that the difference in surface energy between RuO(110) and RuO(100) is quite small. RuO again grows epitaxially on Ru(0001), but with the (110) face oriented parallel to the Ru(0001) surface. The electrochemical oxidation of the Ru(0001) electrode surface proceeds via a 3-dimensional growth mechanism with a mean cluster size of 1.6 nm, whereas under UHV conditions, a 2-dimensional oxide film (1-2 nm thick) is epitaxially formed with an average domain size of 20 µm. © 2000 American Chemical Society.


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The solid-state transformation of carbamazepine from form III to form I was examined by Fourier Transform Raman spectroscopy. Using a novel environmental chamber, the isothermal conversion was monitored in situ at 130◦C, 138◦C, 140◦C and 150◦C. The rate of transformation was monitored by taking the relative intensities of peaks arising from two C H bending modes; this approach minimised errors due to thermal artefacts and variations in power intensities or scattering efficiencies from the samples in which crystal habit changed from a characteristic prism morphology (form III) to whiskers (form I). The solid-state transformation at the different temperatures was fitted to various solid-state kinetic models of which four gave good fits, thus indicating the complexity of the process which is known to occur via a solid–gas–solid mechanism. Arrhenius plots from the kinetic models yielded activation energies from 344 kJ mol−1 to 368 kJ mol−1 for the transformation. The study demonstrates the value of a rapid in situ analysis of drug polymorphic type which can be of value for at-line in-process control.


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Surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) is used for single-molecule detection from spatially resolved 1-mum(2) sections of a Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) monolayer deposited onto a Ag film. The target molecule, his (benzimidazo) thioperylene (BZP), is dispersed in an arachidic acid monomolecular layer containing one BZP molecule per mum(2) which is also the probing area of the Raman microscope. For concentrated samples (attomole quantities in the field of view), average SERRS, surface-enhanced fluorescence (SEF), and Raman imaging, including line mapping and global images at different temperatures, were recorded. Single-molecule SERRS spectra, obtained using an LB monolayer, present changes in bandwidth and relative intensities, highlighting the properties of single-molecule SERRS that are lost in average SERRS measurements of mixed LB monolayers obtained at the same temperatures. Also, the dilute system phenomenon of blinking is discussed with regard to results obtained from LB monolayers. The dilution process used in the single-molecule LB SERRS work is independently supported by fluorescence results obtained from very dilute solutions with monomer concentrations down to 10(-12) M.


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Conductivity behavior of the Bi12TiO20 single crystal was investigated by the electric modulus spectroscopy, which was carried out in the frequency range from 5 Hz to 13 MHz and at temperatures higher than 400 degrees C. The resistance curve exhibits a set of properties correlated to a negative temperature coefficient thermistor. In the temperature range investigated, the characteristic parameter (,8) of the thermistor is equal to 4834 degrees C. Temperature coefficients of the resistance (a) were derived being equal to -3.02 x 10(-2) degrees C-1 at 400 degrees C and equal to -9.86 x 10(-3) degrees C-1 at 700 degrees C. The nature of the electric relaxation phenomenon and magnitude dc conductivity are approached. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Extended X-ray absorption fine spectroscopy (EXAFS) and Raman scattering studies of InF3-BaF2 and InF3-SrF2 binary glasses are reported. For all compositions, the local structure of the glasses is built with InF6 units. For all glasses studied, the indium neighbour's number and the In-F mean bond length are equal to the values of the InF3 crystalline phase (6 and 0.205 nm, respectively). © 1996 Chapman & Hall.


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Dopamine is the biological molecule responsible, among other functions, of the heart beat and blood pressure regulation. Its loss, in the human body, can result in serious diseases such as Parkinson's, schizophrenia or depression. Structurally, this molecule belongs to the group of catecholamines, together with epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline). The hydroquinone moiety of the molecule can be easily oxidized to quinone, rendering the electrochemical methods a convenient approach for the development of dopamine biosensors. The reactivity of similar aromatic molecules, such as catechol and hydroquinone, at well-ordered platinum surfaces, has recently been investigated in our group. In this paper, we extend these studies to the structurally related molecule dopamine. The study has been performed in neutral pH, since this is closer to the natural conditions for these molecules in biological media. Cyclic voltammetry and in situ infra-red spectroscopy have been combined to extract information about the behavior of this molecule on well-defined platinum surfaces. Dopamine appears to be electrochemically active and reveals interesting adsorption phenomena at low potentials (0.15–0.25 V vs RHE), sensitive to the single crystal orientation. The adsorption of dopamine on these surfaces is very strong, taking place at much lower potentials than the electron transfer from solution species. Specifically, the voltammetry of Pt(1 1 1) and Pt(1 0 0) in dopamine solutions shows an oxidation peak at potentials close to the onset of hydrogen evolution, which is related to the desorption of hydrogen and the adsorption of dopamine. On the other hand, adsorption on Pt(1 1 0) is irreversible and the surface appears totally blocked. Spectroscopic results indicate that dopamine is adsorbed flat on the surface. At potentials higher than 0.6 V vs RHE the three basal planes show a common redox process. The initial formation of the quinone moiety is followed by a chemical step resulting in the formation of 5,6-dihydroxyindoline quinone as final product. This oxidation process has also been investigated by vibrational spectroscopy.


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The electrochemical behavior of methanesulfonic acid on platinum single crystal electrode surfaces is investigated by cyclic voltammetry and infrared spectroscopy measurements. The results are compared with the voltammetric profiles of perchloric and trifluoromethanesulfonic acids. The differences are interpreted in terms of the effect of the anion on the structure of water. No adsorbed species are detected by infrared spectroscopy.


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Cadwaladerite (Al(OH)2Cl∙4H2O) collected from Cerro Pintados, Chile described by Gordon in 1941 is designated as “doubtful” by the IMA. Material collected from the same locality in 2015 resembling the description of cadwaladerite gave a powder XRD pattern similar to lesukite (Al2(OH)5Cl∙2H2O). However, Gordon provided no X-ray data for his material from Cerro Pintados. In order to determine whether cadwaladerite and lesukite are the same mineral species, measurements were made on a suite of samples from various localities. A portion of the material collected by Gordon in 1941 was also obtained from the Mineralogical Museum of Harvard University. Type material of lesukite from a fumarolic environment at the Tolbachik Fissure in Kamchatka, Russia was obtained as well as lesukite from the Maria Mine, Chile (Arica Province) and a previously undescribed locality for lesukite (Barranaca del Sulfato, Mejillones Peninsula, Antofagasta Province). All samples are yellow to yellow-orange in colour and all exhibit small cubic crystals (up to 50µm), even Gordon’s cadwaladerite which was thought to be amorphous. The Chilean samples are all associated with halite and sometimes with anhydrite. These five samples were studied by SEM, FTIR, powder XRD, and Raman spectroscopy. A ratio of Al:Cl less than or equal to 1.3:1 was observed for all the samples, including measurements made on lesukite from the Russian locality Vergasova et al. studied in 1997, and determined to have a 2:1 ratio. SEM-EDS analyses also show all samples to have minor iron substitution, as well as copper substitution in two samples. FTIR spectra are very similar for all samples. Raman spectroscopy done on both samples collected in Cerro Pintados and the Russian lesukite gave similar spectra. Powder XRD analyses on all samples showed spectra identified to be lesukite, including Gordon’s cadwaladerite. Crystal cell parameters calculated from powder XRD ranged from 19.778Å to 19.878Å. Results using modern instrumental techniques confirm Gordon’s cadwaladerite, collected in 1939 and described in 1941, and lesukite are the same mineral species.


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Cadwaladerite (Al(OH)2Cl∙4H2O) collected from Cerro Pintados, Chile described by Gordon in 1941 is designated as “doubtful” by the IMA. Material collected from the same locality in 2015 resembling the description of cadwaladerite gave a powder XRD pattern similar to lesukite (Al2(OH)5Cl∙2H2O). However, Gordon provided no X-ray data for his material from Cerro Pintados. In order to determine whether cadwaladerite and lesukite are the same mineral species, measurements were made on a suite of samples from various localities. A portion of the material collected by Gordon in 1941 was also obtained from the Mineralogical Museum of Harvard University. Type material of lesukite from a fumarolic environment at the Tolbachik Fissure in Kamchatka, Russia was obtained as well as lesukite from the Maria Mine, Chile (Arica Province) and a previously undescribed locality for lesukite (Barranaca del Sulfato, Mejillones Peninsula, Antofagasta Province). All samples are yellow to yellow-orange in colour and all exhibit small cubic crystals (up to 50µm), even Gordon’s cadwaladerite which was thought to be amorphous. The Chilean samples are all associated with halite and sometimes with anhydrite. These five samples were studied by SEM, FTIR, powder XRD, and Raman spectroscopy. A ratio of Al:Cl less than or equal to 1.3:1 was observed for all the samples, including measurements made on lesukite from the Russian locality Vergasova et al. studied in 1997, and determined to have a 2:1 ratio. SEM-EDS analyses also show all samples to have minor iron substitution, as well as copper substitution in two samples. FTIR spectra are very similar for all samples. Raman spectroscopy done on both samples collected in Cerro Pintados and the Russian lesukite gave similar spectra. Powder XRD analyses on all samples showed spectra identified to be lesukite, including Gordon’s cadwaladerite. Crystal cell parameters calculated from powder XRD ranged from 19.778Å to 19.878Å. Results using modern instrumental techniques confirm Gordon’s cadwaladerite, collected in 1939 and described in 1941, and lesukite are the same mineral species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Raman spectra of chillagite, wulfenite, stolzite, scheelite and wolframite were obtained at 298 and 77 K using a Raman microprobe in combination with a thermal stage. Chillagite is a solid solution of wulfenite and stolzite. The spectra of these molybdate minerals are orientation dependent. The band at 695 cm-1 is interpreted as an antisymmetric bridging mode associated with the tungstate chain. The bands at 790 and 881 cm-1 are associated with the antisymmetric and symmetric Ag modes of terminal WO2 whereas the origin of the 806 cm-1 band remains unclear. The 4(Eg) band was absent for scheelite. The bands at 353 and 401 cm-1 are assigned as either deformation modes or as r(Bg) and (Ag) modes of terminal WO2. The band at 462 cm-1 has an equivalent band in the infrared at 455 cm-1 assigned as as(Au) of the (W2O4)n chain. The band at 508 cm-1 is assigned as sym(Bg) of the (W2O4)n chain.


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The application of spectroscopy to the study of contaminants in soils is important. Among the many contaminants is arsenic, which is highly labile and may leach to non-contaminated areas. Minerals of arsenate may form depending upon the availability of specific cations for example calcium and iron. Such minerals include carminite, pharmacosiderite and talmessite. Each of these arsenate minerals can be identified by its characteristic Raman spectrum enabling identification.