896 resultados para applicazione, app, mobile, web, takeaway, asporto, ristorazione, ristorante, Android, web


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This chapter surveys the landscape of mobile dating and hookup apps—understood as media technologies, as businesses, and as sites of social practice. It situates the discussion within the broader contexts of technologically mediated dating and digital sexual cultures. By outlining a number of methodological approaches and data sources that can be used in the study of dating and hookup apps, it equips the reader with tools and approaches for investigating hookup app culture in ways that go beyond “media panics” – the familiar combination of moral panics and media effects which is so prevalent in discussions of sexuality in digital media.


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In a road network, cyclists are the group exposed to the maximum amount of risk. Route choice of a cyclist is often based on level of expertise, perceived or actual road risks, personal decisions, weather conditions and a number of other factors. Consequently, cycling tends to be the only significant travel mode where optimised route choice is not based on least-path or least-time. This paper presents an Android platform based mobile-app for personalised route planning of cyclists in Dublin. The mobile-app, apart from its immediate advantage to the cyclists, acts as the departure point for a number of research projects and aids in establishing some critical calibration values for the cycling network in Dublin. 


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A resazurin (Rz) based photocatalyst activity indicator ink (paii) is used to test the activity of commercial self-cleaning materials. The semiconductor photocatalyst driven colour change of the ink is monitored indoors and outside using a simple mobile phone application that measures the RGB colour components of the digital image of the paii-covered, irradiated sample in real time. The results correlate directly with those generated using a traditional, lab-bound method of analysis (UV–vis spectrophotometry).


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The use of smartphones and tablets as become almost banal in these days. Smartphones, besides serving their main purpose of making and receiving calls, come to be one of the main equipments to obtain information from the Internet, using the commonly installed browsers or through the use of dedicated applications. Furthermore, several other devices are also very frequent to the majority of the modern smartphones and tablets in the market (e.g., GPS - Global Positioning System). This devices give the current systems a very high potential of usage. One example of applicability, comes from the wish to find and navigate to events or activities which are or will soon be occurring near the user. The LifeSpeeder platform is one of the first applications in the mobile equipment market of applications which take into consideration exactly what we have just outlined, i.e., a mobile and desktop application which allows the users to locate events according with their preferences and to get help navigating to them. In this paper we briefly describe the LifeSpeeder's front and back-end. © 2014 Springer International Publishing.


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This work project aims to demonstrate how to design and develop an innovative concept of video streaming app. The project combines technology push and market pull theories into developing a product that is more suitable for the customer needs, with the particularity that there is no other way of seeing any place in the world, live and ondemand. An analysis on the bigger influencers in terms of design-thinking and new product development, as Tim Brown or Paul Trott, lead to a better understanding on how There App should evolve, keeping in mind the customer desires and technical features.


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In this research we conducted a mixed research, using qualitative and quantitative analysis to study the relationship and impact between mobile advertisement and mobile app user acquisition and the conclusions companies can derive from it. Data was gathered from management of mobile advertisement campaigns of a portfolio of three different mobile apps. We found that a number of implications can be extracted from this intersection, namely to product development, internationalisation and management of marketing budget. We propose further research on alternative app users sources, impact of revenue on apps and exploitation of product segments: wearable technology and Internet of Things.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia langattomien internet palveluiden arvoverkkoa ja liiketoimintamalleja. Tutkimus oli luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen ja siinä käytettiin strategiana konstruktiivista case-tutkimusta. Esimerkkipalveluna oli Treasure Hunters matkapuhelinpeli. Tutkimus muodostui teoreettisesta ja empiirisestä osasta. Teoriaosassa liitettiin innovaatio, liiketoimintamallit ja arvoverkko käsitteellisesti toisiinsa, sekä luotiin perusta liiketoimintamallien kehittämiselle. Empiirisessä osassa keskityttiin ensin liiketoimintamallien luomiseen kehitettyjen innovaatioiden pohjalta. Lopuksi pyrittiin määrittämään arvoverkko palvelun toteuttamiseksi. Tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin innovaatiosessiota, haastatteluja ja lomakekyselyä. Tulosten pohjalta muodostettiin useita liiketoimintakonsepteja sekä kuvaus arvoverkon perusmallista langattomille peleille. Loppupäätelmänä todettiin että langattomat palvelut vaativat toteutuakseen useista toimijoista koostuvan arvoverkon.


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LEGENDiary es un geoportal 2.0 que permite compartir y explorar las leyendas y cuentos característicos de las ciudades de una manera dinámica y colaborativa. Muchas veces las leyendas forman parte de la historia y cultura de nuestros pueblos o ciudades, LEGENDiary nos permite conocerlas según el territorio donde se ubican. La iniciativa promueve nuevas formas de conocer y explorar el territorio, en general, y las leyendas y cuentos de nuestros pueblos y ciudades, en particular. Un proyecto que permite a los usuarios interactuar y ser protagonistas de esta experiencia. El proyecto parte inicialmente de un contexto español, y se trata de un proyecto hecho a medida de todas aquellas personas interesadas y con curiosidad en compartir, conocer y explorar las leyendas en el territorio. La combinación de las Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica y las Tecnologías 2.0 es el escenario donde surge LEGENDiary, aportando la componente geográfica a las leyendas y cuentos de los pueblos y ciudades en un contexto colaborativo. La iniciativa se lanza el día 16 de noviembre de 2011 en formato concurso con motivo del Día Internacional de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (GISDay). Para llevar a cabo la aplicación se han utilizado dos librerías Javascript (Leaflet y jQuery) de código abierto y gratuito que permiten crear de forma rápida y ligera aplicaciones de mapas interactivos a través de navegadores web (de escritorio y móvil). Como mapa base se ha utilizado Open Street Map.LEGENDiary es una iniciativa del Servicio de SIG y Teledetección (SIGTE) de la Universidad de Girona en colaboración con el Departamento de Geografía y la Facultad de Turismo de la misma universidad, y con elapoyo del Hotel Llegendes de Girona


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Many producers of geographic information are now disseminating their data using open web service protocols, notably those published by the Open Geospatial Consortium. There are many challenges inherent in running robust and reliable services at reasonable cost. Cloud computing provides a new kind of scalable infrastructure that could address many of these challenges. In this study we implement a Web Map Service for raster imagery within the Google App Engine environment. We discuss the challenges of developing GIS applications within this framework and the performance characteristics of the implementation. Results show that the application scales well to multiple simultaneous users and performance will be adequate for many applications, although concerns remain over issues such as latency spikes. We discuss the feasibility of implementing services within the free usage quotas of Google App Engine and the possibility of extending the approaches in this paper to other GIS applications.


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Background: A test battery consisting of self-assessments and motor tests (tapping and spiral drawing) was developed for a hand computer with touch screen in a telemedicine setting. Objectives: To develop and evaluate a web-based system that delivers decision support information to the treating clinical staff for assessing PD symptoms in their patients based on the test battery data. Methods: The test battery is currently being used in a clinical trial (DAPHNE, EudraCT No. 2005-002654-21) by sixty five patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) on 9991 test occasions (four tests per day during in all 362 week-long test periods) at nine clinics around Sweden. Test results are sent continuously from the hand unit over a mobile net to a central computer and processed with statistical methods. They are summarized into scores for different dimensions of the symptom state and an ‘overall test score’ reflecting the overall condition of the patient during a test period. The information in the web application is organized and presented graphically in a way that the general overview of the patient performance per test period is emphasized. Focus is on the overall test score, symptom dimensions and daily summaries. In a recent preliminary user evaluation, the web application was demonstrated to the fifteen study nurses who had used the test battery in the clinical trial. At least one patient per clinic was shown. Results: In general, the responses from nurses were positive. They claimed that the test results shown in the system were consistent with their own clinical observations. They could follow complications, changes and trends within their patients. Discussion: In conclusion, the system is able to summarise the various time series of motor test results and self-assessments during test periods and present them in a useful manner. Its main contribution is a novel and reliable way to capture and easily access symptom information from patients’ home environment. The convenient access to current symptom profile as well as symptom history provides a basis for individualized evaluation and adjustment of treatments.


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The Brazilian start-up Local Wander plans to enter the tourism sector with a mobile application aiming to enable a new form of travel research. A web-based survey has been sent out to the start-up’s target audience (n: 236) in order to gain further relevant information for the designing of Local Wander’s market entry strategy. By applying the diffusion of innovation theory, this thesis could detect five different adopter categories, originally described by Rogers (1962), among Local Wander’s target audience based on their adoption intention. The Early Market was observed to be significantly bigger than the theory predicted. Research revealed four characteristics to be of significant impact on the adoption intention: Relative Perceived Product Advantage, Perceived Product Complexity, Compatibility with digital travel research sources, and the adopter’s Innovativeness towards mobile applications. Specific characteristics in order to identify Local Wander’s early users, the so called Innovators, were detected giving indications for further necessary company market research. Findings showed that the diffusion of innovation framework is a helpful tool for start-ups’ prospective decision making and market entry strategy planning.


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O presente relatório tem por objectivo apresentar e descrever de forma detalhada o projecto “Gestform Mobile – Aplicação Web Mobile para Gestão de Formação”, realizado no âmbito do estágio curricular de fim de curso, do Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Informática, da Universidade da Madeira. O projecto decorreu na empresa Proinov – Consultoria em Gestão, Formação e Multimédia., de 9 de Fevereiro de 2009 a 31 de Julho de 2010. A Proinov venceu o prémio Madeira Inovação Empresarial 2007/2008, com o “Gestform”. O Gestform é uma ferramenta desenvolvida para gestão de Processos de Formação, baseado na Web e pode ser acedida por todos os intervenientes (formadores, formandos, administradores, etc.) via Internet. Com o avançar das tecnologias móveis, surgiu a necessidade de estender o Gestform para uma versão mobile. Pretendeu-se com este estágio criar a versão mobile pretendida pela Proinov, vocacionada apenas para os formadores e formandos. Com a realização deste projecto consegue-se responder aos objectivos enunciados, particularmente em relação à componente realizada neste estágio. Com a criação de uma aplicação mobile, é possível aceder à Área dos Formandos e dos Formadores em qualquer lugar. É um sistema muito vantajoso pois permite realizar as tarefas simples de forma generalizada, a partir de qualquer dispositivo móvel com acesso à internet.