957 resultados para apoptosis, ceramide, APC,p38, JNK, AKT, ASK, cell death


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MicroARN (miARN) ont récemment émergé comme un acteur central du gène réseau de régulation impliqués dans la prise du destin cellulaire. L'apoptose, un actif processus, par lequel des cellules déclenchent leur auto-destruction en réponse à un signal, peut être contrôlé par les miARN. Il a également été impliqué dans une variété de maladies humaines, comme les maladies du cœur, et a été pensé comme une cible pour le traitement de la maladie. Tanshinone IIA (TIIA), un monomère de phenanthrenequinones utilisé pour traiter maladies cardiovasculaires, est connu pour exercer des effets cardioprotecteurs de l'infarctus du myocarde en ciblant l'apoptose par le renforcement de Bcl-2 expression. Pour explorer les liens potentiels entre le miARN et l'action anti-apoptotique de TIIA, nous étudié l'implication possible des miARN. Nous avons constaté que l'expression de tous les trois membres de la famille miR-34, miR-34a, miR-34b et miR-34c ont été fortement régulée à la hausse après l'exposition soit à la doxorubicine, un agent endommageant l'ADN ou de pro-oxydant H2O2 pendant 24 heures. Cette régulation à la hausse causé significativement la mort cellulaire par apoptose, comme déterminé par fragmentation de l'ADN, et les effets ont été renversés par les ARNs antisens de ces miARN. Le prétraitement des cellules avec TIIA avant l'incubation avec la doxorubicine ou H2O2 a empêché surexpression de miR-34 et a réduit des apoptose. Nous avons ensuite établi BCL2L2, API5 et TCL1, en plus de BCL2, comme les gènes nouveaux cibles pour miR-34. Nous avons également élucidé que la répression des ces gènes par MiR-34 explique l'effet proapoptotique dans les cardiomyocytes. Ce que la régulation positive de ces gènes par TIIA realisée par la répression de l'expression de miR-34 est probable le mécanisme moléculaire de son effet bénéfique contre ischémique lésions cardiaques.


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El cáncer gástrico es una de las enfermedades neoplásicas de más alta incidencia y mortalidad a nivel mundial: es el segundo tipo de cáncer más frecuente en el mundo y la primera causa mundial de mortalidad por esta enfermedad. Por su parte, la apoptosis es un proceso importante de muerte celular programada que se presenta durante la embriogénesis, la regulación del sistema inmune y el mantenimiento de la homeostasis tisular. La evasión de la apoptosis por diferentes mecanismos es uno de los aspectos moleculares más importantes en el desarrollo de cáncer. En este artículo se presenta una revisión exhaustiva de la evidencia del papel de la apoptosis vía Fas/FasL en el desarrollo de la carcinogénesis gástrica, inclusive desde etapas tempranas, como la aparición de lesiones preneoplásicas. Finalmente, se evidencia que el desarrollo de más estudios permitiría esclarecer mejor el papel de la vía Fas/FasL en la carcinogénesis gástrica, en sus diferentes estadios.


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Plant secondary metabolites glucosinolates (GSL) have important functions in plant resistance to herbivores and pathogens. We identified all major GSL that are accumulated in S-cells in Arabidopsis by MALDI-TOF MS, and estimated by LC-MS that the total GSL concentration in these cells is above 130 mM. The precise locations of the S-cells outside phloem bundles in rosette and cauline leaves and in flower stalks were visualised using sulphur mapping by cryo-SEM/EDX. S-cells contain up to 40% of total sulphur in flower stalk tissues. S-cells in emerging flower stalks and developing leaf tissues show typical signs of Programmed Cell Death (PCD) or apoptosis, such as chromatin condensation in the nucleus and blebbing of the membranes. TUNEL staining for DNA double strand breaks confirmed PCD in S-cells in postmeristematic tissues in the flower stalk as well as in the leaf. Our results show that S-cells in postmeristematic tissues proceed to an extreme degree of metabolic specialisation besides PCD. Accumulation and maintenance of a high concentration of GSL in these cells are accompanied by degradation of a number of cell organelles. The substantial changes in the cell composition during S-cell differentiation indicate the importance of this particular GSL-based phloem defence system. The specific anatomy of the S-cells and ability to accumulate specialised secondary metabolites is similar to that of the non-articulated laticifer cells in latex plants and thus indicates a common evolutionary origin.


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At sites of chronic inflammation, such as in the inflamed rheumatoid joint, activated neutrophils release hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the enzyme myeloperoxidase to catalyse the formation of hypochlorous acid (HOCl). 3-chlorotyrosine, a marker of HOCl in vivo, has been observed in synovial fluid proteins from rheumatoid arthritis patients. However the mechanisms of HOCl-induced cytotxicity are unknown. We determined the molecular mechanisms by which HOCl induced cell death in human mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs) differentiated into a chondrocytic phenotype as a model of human cartilage cells and show that HOCl induced rapid Bax conformational change, mitochondrial permeability and release of intra-mitochondrial pro-apoptotic proteins which resulted in nuclear translocation of AIF and EndoG. siRNA-mediated knockdown of Bax substantially prevented mitochondrial permeability, release of intra-mitochondrial pro-apoptotic proteins. Cell death was inhibited by siRNA-mediated knockdown of Bax, AIF or EndoG. Although we observed several biochemical markers of apoptosis, caspase activation was not detected either by western blotting, fluorescence activity assays or by using caspase inhibitors to inhibit cell death. This was further supported by findings that (1) in vitro exposure of recombinant human caspases to HOCl caused significant inhibition of caspase activity and (2) the addition of HOCl to staurosporine-treated MPCs inhibited the activity of cellular caspases. Our results show for the first time that HOCl induced Bax-dependent mitochondrial permeability which led to cell death without caspase activity by processes involving AIF/EndoG-dependent pathways. Our study provides a novel insight into the potential mechanisms of cell death in the inflamed human joint. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Exposure to a high glucose medium or diabetes has been found to protect the heart against ischaemia. The activation of antiapoptotic and proliferative factors seems to be involved in this cardioprotection. This study was designed to evaluate the role of hyperglycaemia in cardiac function, programmed cell survival, and cell death in diabetic rats after myocardial infarction (MI). Male Wistar rats were divided into four groups (n = 8): control (C), diabetic (D), myocardial infarcted (MI), and diabetic myocardial infarcted (DI). The following measures were assessed in the left ventricle: size of MI, systolic and diastolic function by echocardiography, cytokines by ELISA (TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-6, and IL-10), gene expression by real-time PCR (Bax, Fas, p53, Bcl-2, HIF1-alpha, VEGF, and IL8r), caspase-3 activity by spectrofluorometric assay, glucose transporter type 1 and 4 (GLUT-1 and GLUT-4) protein expression by western blotting, and capillary density and fibrosis by histological analysis. Systolic function was improved by hyperglycaemia in the DI group, and this was accompanied by no improvement in diastolic dysfunction, a reduction of 36% in MI size, reduced proinflammatory cytokines, apoptosis activation, and an increase in cell survival factors (HIF1-alpha, VEGFa and IL8r) assessed 15 days post-MI. Moreover, hyperglycaemia resulted in angiogenesis (increased capillary density) before and after MI, accompanied by a reduction in fibrosis. Together, these results suggest that greater plasticity and cellular resistance to ischaemic injury result from chronic diabetic hyperglycaemia in rat hearts.


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3D (three-dimensional) cell culture permits a more integrated analysis of the relationship between cells, inserting them into a structure more closely resembling the cellular microenvironment in vivo. The development of in vitro parameters to approximate in vivo 3D cellular environments makes a less reductionist interpretation of cell biology possible. For breast cells, in vitro 3D culture has proven to be an important tool for the analysis of luminal morphogenesis. A greater understanding of this process is necessary because alterations in the lumen arrangement are associated with carcinogenesis. Following lumen formation in 3D cell culture using laser scanning confocal microscopy, we observed alterations in the arrangement of cytoskeletal components (F-actin and microtubules) and increasing levels of cell death associated with lumen formation. The formation of a polarized monolayer facing the lumen was characterized through 3D reconstructions and the use of TEM (transmission electron microscopy), and this process was found to occur through the gradual clearing of cells from the medullary region of the spheroids. This process was associated with different types of cell death, such as apoptosis, autophagy and entosis. The present study showed that changes in the extracellular matrix associated with long periods of time in 3D cell culture lead to the formation of a lumen in MCF-7 cell spheroids and that features of differentiation such as lumen and budding formation occur after long periods in 3D culture, even in the absence of exogenous extracellular compounds.


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Ultraviolet (UV) light generates two major DNA lesions: cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and pyrimidine-(6-4)-pyrimidone photoproducts (6-4PPs), but the specific participation of these two lesions in the deleterious effects of UV is a longstanding question. In order to discriminate the precise role of unrepaired CPDs and 6-4PPs in UV-induced responses triggering cell death, human fibroblasts were transduced by recombinant adenoviruses carrying the CPD-photolyase or 6-4PP-photolyase cDNAs. Both photolyases were able to prevent UV-induced apoptosis in cells deficient for nucleotide excision repair (NER) to a similar extent, while in NER-proficient cells UV-induced apoptosis was prevented only by CPD-photolyase, with no effects observed when 6-4PPs were removed by the specific photolyase. These results strongly suggest that both CPDs and 6-4PPs contribute to UV-induced apoptosis in NER-deficient cells, while in NER-proficient cells, CPDs are the only lesions responsible for UV-killing, probably due to the rapid repair of 6-4PPs by NER. As a consequence, the difference in skin photosensitivity, including carcinogenesis, of most of the xeroderma pigmentosum patients and of normal people is probably not only a quantitative aspect, but depends on the type of DNA damage induced by sunlight and its rate of repair. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Over the past 20 y, the hormone melatonin was found to be produced in extrapineal sites, including cells of the immune system. Despite the increasing data regarding the biological effects of melatonin on the regulation of the immune system, the effect of this molecule on T cell survival remains largely unknown. Activation-induced cell death plays a critical role in the maintenance of the homeostasis of the immune system by eliminating self-reactive or chronically stimulated T cells. Because activated T cells not only synthesize melatonin but also respond to it, we investigated whether melatonin could modulate activation-induced cell death. We found that melatonin protects human and murine CD4(+) T cells from apoptosis by inhibiting CD95 ligand mRNA and protein upregulation in response to TCR/CD3 stimulation. This inhibition is a result of the interference with calmodulin/calcineurin activation of NFAT that prevents the translocation of NFAT to the nucleus. Accordingly, melatonin has no effect on T cells transfected with a constitutively active form of NFAT capable of migrating to the nucleus and transactivating target genes in the absence of calcineurin activity. Our results revealed a novel biochemical pathway that regulates the expression of CD95 ligand and potentially other downstream targets of NFAT activation. The Journal of Immunology, 2010, 184: 3487-3494.


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Propolis, a natural product of plant resins, is used by the bees to seal holes in their honeycombs and protect the hive entrance. However, propolis has also been used in folk medicine for centuries. Here, we apply the power of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism for studies of genetics, cell biology, and genomics to determine how propolis affects fungi at the cellular level. Propolis is able to induce an apoptosis cell death response. However, increased exposure to propolis provides a corresponding increase in the necrosis response. We showed that cytochrome c but not endonuclease G (Nuc1p) is involved in propolis-mediated cell death in S. cerevisiae. We also observed that the metacaspase YCA1 gene is important for propolis-mediated cell death. To elucidate the gene functions that may be required for propolis sensitivity in eukaryotes, the full collection of about 4,800 haploid S. cerevisiae deletion strains was screened for propolis sensitivity. We were able to identify 138 deletion strains that have different degrees of propolis sensitivity compared to the corresponding wild-type strains. Systems biology revealed enrichment for genes involved in the mitochondrial electron transport chain, vacuolar acidification, negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter, regulation of macroautophagy associated with protein targeting to vacuoles, and cellular response to starvation. Validation studies indicated that propolis sensitivity is dependent on the mitochondrial function and that vacuolar acidification and autophagy are important for yeast cell death caused by propolis.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-tumor activity of Amblyomin-X, a serine protease Kunitz-type inhibitor. Amblyomin-X induced tumor mass regression and decreased number of metastatic events in a B16F10 murine melanoma model. Alterations on expression of several genes related to cell cycle were observed when two tumor cell lines were treated with Amblyomin-X. PSMB2, which encodes a proteasome subunit, was differentially expressed, in agreement to inhibition of proteasomal activity in both cell lines. In conclusion, our results indicate that Amblyomin-X selectively acts on tumor cells by inducing apoptotic cell death, possibly by targeting the ubiquitin-proteasome system. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is the major polyunsaturated fatty acid in neuronal cell membranes. We hypothesize that DHA induces a decrease in neuronal cell death through reduced ZnT3 expression and zinc uptake. Exposure of M17 cells to DHA-deficient medium increased the levels of active caspase-3, relative to levels in DHA-replete cells, confirming the adverse effects of DHA deficiency in promoting neuronal cell death. In DHA-treated M17 cells, zinc uptake was 65% less and ZnT3 mRNA and protein levels were reduced in comparison with DHA-depleted cells. We propose that the neuroprotective function of DHA is exerted through a reduction in cellular zinc levels that in turn inhibits apoptosis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background and Objective: Rests of Malassez are clusters of epithelial cells that remain in the periodontal ligament throughout life. However, it has been reported that the number of these structures decreases with age, and some epithelial cells undergo apoptosis in rests of Malassez of young and adult rats. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the incidence of epithelial cell death and the quantitative changes in the rests of Malassez in rat molars of different ages.Material and Methods: Fragments containing the upper molars of rats aged 29, 45 and 120 d were fixed, decalcified and embedded for analysis by light microscopy. In the sections stained by hematoxylin and eosin, the number of rests of Malassez and the number of nuclei of these epithelial structures were obtained. Moreover, the nuclei exhibiting typical features of cell death were also counted in each rest of Malassez. The terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) method for detection of cell death was also carried out.Results: In all groups examined, some rests of Malassez exhibited epithelial cell nuclei with typical features of apoptosis and some of them were also TUNEL positive. From 29 to 120 d of age in rats, the quantitative analysis showed a significant decrease in the total number of rests of Malassez in the cervical, middle and furcation regions of the periodontal ligament. Moreover, a significant decrease of epithelial cell nuclei was concomitant to an increase in the frequency of cell death in the oldest rats.Conclusion: These results suggest that epithelial cell death by apoptosis may be, at least in part, responsible for the reduction in the number of rests of Malassez according to age.