1000 resultados para análisis cluster
El modelo de investigación y pronóstico climático (WRF) es un sistema completamente funcional de modelado que permite realizar investigación atmosférica y predicción meteorológica. WRF fue desarrollado con énfasis en la eficiencia, portabilidad, facilidad de mantenimiento, escalabilidad y productividad, lo que ha permitido que sea implementado con éxito en una amplia variedad de equipos HPC. Por esta razón, el tamaño de los problemas a los que WRF da soporte ha incrementado, por lo que el entendimiento de la dependencia del WRF con los diversos elementos de clúster, como la CPU, interconexiones y librerías, son cruciales para permitir predicciones eficientes y de alta productividad. En este contexto, el presente manuscrito estudia la escalabilidad de WRF en un equipo HPC, tomando en consideración tres parámetros: número de CPUs y nodos, comunicaciones y librerías. Para esto, dos benchmarks son llevados a cabo sobre un clúster de alto rendimiento dotado de una red GigaEthernet, los cuales permiten establecer la relación entre escalabilidad y los tres parámetros estudiados, y particularmente demuestran la sensibilidad del WRF a la comunicación inter-nodo. Dicho factor es esencial para mantener la escalabilidad y el aumento de la productividad al añadir nodos en el clúster.
El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de tener una visión completa de las teorías del liderazgo, teniendo de este una concepción como proceso y poder examinar las diversas formas de aplicación en las organizaciones contemporáneas. El tema es enfocado desde la perspectiva organizacional, un mundo igualmente complejo, sin desconocer su importancia en otros ámbitos como la educación, la política o la dirección del estado. Su enfoque tiene que ver con el estudio académico del cual es la culminación y se enmarca dentro de la perspectiva constitucional de la Carta Política Colombiana que reconoce la importancia capital que tienen la actividad económica y la iniciativa privada en la constitución de empresas. Las diversas visiones del liderazgo han sido aplicadas de distintas maneras en las organizaciones contemporáneas y han generado diversos resultados. Hoy, no es posible pensar en una organización que no haya definido su forma de liderazgo y en consecuencia, confluyen en el campo empresarial multitud de teorías, sin que pueda afirmarse que una sola de ellas permita el manejo adecuado y el cumplimiento de los objetivos misionales. Por esta razón se ha llegado a concebir el liderazgo como una función compleja, en un mundo donde las organizaciones mismas se caracterizan no solo por la complejidad de sus acciones y de su conformación, sino también porque esta característica pertenece también al mundo de la globalización. Las organizaciones concebidas como máquinas que en sentido metafórico logran reconstituirse sus estructuras a medida que están en interacción con otras en el mundo globalizado. Adaptarse a las cambiantes circunstancias hace de las organizaciones conglomerados en permanente dinámica y evolución. En este ámbito puede decirse que el liderazgo es también complejo y que es el liderazgo transformacional el que más se acerca al sentido de la complejidad.
Objetivo: analizar cómo influye la inequidad y la posición socio económica como factores determinantes de la conceptualización de la actividad física, desde la concepción de los determinantes sociales, de forma tal que su revisión conceptual, ayude a constituir la re configuración del concepto de actividad física. Métodos: Exploración de la literatura científica desde la revisión conceptual de artículos seleccionados, utilizando las categorías inequidad y posición socioeconómica para establecer la influencia del concepto de la actividad física en entornos educativos. Y a partir de ella interpretar la re configuración del concepto de la actividad física, desde diferentes concepciones asociadas a los determinantes sociales. Resultados: Se hallaron concepciones de los diferentes autores respecto al concepto de la actividad física. (Peso, raza, índice de masa corporal, edad). Se interpretaron distintos niveles de influencia desde la inequidad y la posición socio económica asociados a la ocupación, el género, sitio de vivienda, nivel de estudio, y la estructura física del entorno. Posteriormente se reportaron resultados desde un análisis explicativo en el cual se interpretan las concepciones de los autores en cuanto al concepto de la actividad física, y como desde ella se establecen relaciones entre la inequidad, la posición socioeconómica y los entornos educativos que incluyen diferentes aspectos sociales para finalmente poder establecer un concepto claro de la re configuración social del concepto de la actividad física, concluyendo que este nuevo concepto social de la actividad física no posee una definición exacta, el análisis de los aspectos sociales de ésta, involucra innumerables concepciones que la influencian y la determinan, en consecuencia el concepto de la actividad física debe ser un concepto en constante evolución y reconfiguración debido a la naturaleza cambiante del ser humano, de las dinámicas sociales y las asociaciones de la salud con los aspectos sociales que se presentan en el diario vivir. Así mismo se evidencia que el concepto de la actividad física se fundamenta en estudios que dejan de lado los aspectos sociales que influencia el concepto y en consecuencia la práctica de la actividad física, esta investigación establece un punto de partida frente a la re configuración social del concepto de la actividad física. Conclusiones: Diferentes organizaciones en el mundo reconocen a la actividad física como una herramienta que favorece la socialización de las personas. Es así como la actividad física, desde el deporte en el campo competitivo y la educación física desde el campo educativo exploran la interacción social de los individuos, esto permite la construcción de valores y fortalece la sana convivencia dentro de las comunidades. Esta trasformación desde el concepto de la actividad física biomédica hasta la actividad física social se evidencia en los documentos revisados, en los cuales la actividad física es estudiada desde las categorías de inequidad y posición socio económica, De ahí que en su conceptualización se involucren diferentes conceptos asociados a los determinantes sociales de la salud, que en definitiva establecen un nuevo concepto de la re configuración social de la actividad física trascendiendo desde la actividad física biomédica o fisiológica hasta un concepto complejo que incluye intereses y particularidades de las personas como lo son la ocupación, la educación, el entorno, el medio ambiente y la estructura física.
The new social panorama resulting from aging of the Brazilian population is leading to significant transformations within healthcare. Through the cluster analysis strategy, it was sought to describe the specific care demands of the elderly population, using frailty components. Cross-sectional study based on reviewing medical records, conducted in the geriatric outpatient clinic, Hospital de Clínicas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp). Ninety-eight elderly users of this clinic were evaluated using cluster analysis and instruments for assessing their overall geriatric status and frailty characteristics. The variables that most strongly influenced the formation of clusters were age, functional capacities, cognitive capacity, presence of comorbidities and number of medications used. Three main groups of elderly people could be identified: one with good cognitive and functional performance but with high prevalence of comorbidities (mean age 77.9 years, cognitive impairment in 28.6% and mean of 7.4 comorbidities); a second with more advanced age, greater cognitive impairment and greater dependence (mean age 88.5 years old, cognitive impairment in 84.6% and mean of 7.1 comorbidities); and a third younger group with poor cognitive performance and greater number of comorbidities but functionally independent (mean age 78.5 years old, cognitive impairment in 89.6% and mean of 7.4 comorbidities). These data characterize the profile of this population and can be used as the basis for developing efficient strategies aimed at diminishing functional dependence, poor self-rated health and impaired quality of life.
The [Ru3O(Ac)6(py)2(CH3OH)]+ cluster provides an effective electrocatalytic species for the oxidation of methanol under mild conditions. This complex exhibits characteristic electrochemical waves at -1.02, 0.15 and 1.18 V, associated with the Ru3III,II,II/Ru3III,III,II/Ru 3III,III,III /Ru3IV,III,III successive redox couples, respectively. Above 1.7 V, formation of two RuIV centers enhances the 2-electron oxidation of the methanol ligand yielding formaldehyde, in agreement with the theoretical evolution of the HOMO levels as a function of the oxidation states. This work illustrates an important strategy to improve the efficiency of the oxidation catalysis, by using a multicentered redox catalyst and accessing its multiple higher oxidation states.
OBJETIVO: Descrever a autopercepção de saúde bucal em idosos e analisar fatores sociodemográficos e clínicos associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 876 participantes em amostra representativa de idosos (65 anos ou mais) de Campinas, SP, em 2008-2009. Os exames odontológicos seguiram critérios padronizados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde para levantamentos epidemiológicos de saúde bucal. A autopercepção da saúde bucal foi avaliada pelo índice Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). Os indivíduos foram classificados segundo características sociodemográficas, odontológicas e prevalência de fragilidade biológica. O estudo de associações utilizou análise de regressão de Poisson; a análise considerou os pesos amostrais e a estrutura complexa da amostra por conglomerados. RESULTADOS: A média de idade dos indivíduos foi de 72,8 anos; 70,1% eram mulheres. A proporção de indivíduos com mais de 20 dentes presentes foi 17,2%; 38,2% usavam prótese dentária total em ambos os arcos; 8,5% necessitavam desse recurso em ao menos um arco dentário. Em média, o índice GOHAI foi elevado: 33,9 (máximo possível 36,0). Manter 20 dentes ou mais, usar prótese total nos dois arcos, não necessitar desse tratamento, não apresentar alterações de mucosa oral e não apresentar fragilidade biológica foram os fatores significantemente associados com melhor autopercepção de saúde bucal (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: A avaliação de autopercepção em saúde bucal permitiu identificar os principais fatores associados a esse desfecho. Esse instrumento pode contribuir para o planejamento de serviços odontológicos, orientando estratégias de promoção em saúde voltadas à melhora da qualidade de vida das pessoas desse grupo etário.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência e fatores associados à doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, de base populacional com 1.441 indivíduos de ambos os sexos e com 40 anos de idade ou mais no município de São Paulo, SP, entre 2008 e 2009. As informações foram coletadas por meio de entrevistas domiciliares e os participantes foram selecionados a partir de amostragem probabilística, estratificada por sexo e idade, e por conglomerados em dois estágios (setores censitários e domicílios). Foi realizada regressão múltipla de Poisson na análise ajustada. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 4,2% (IC95% 3,1;5,4) referiram doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica. Após análise ajustada, identificaram-se os seguintes fatores independentemente associados ao agravo: número de cigarros fumados na vida (> 1.500/nenhum) RP = 3,85 (IC95%: 1,87;7,94), cansar-se com facilidade (sim/não) RP = 2,61 (IC95% 1,39;4,90), idade (60 a 69 anos/50 a 59 anos) RP = 3,27 (IC95% 1,01;11,24), idade (70 anos e mais/50 a 59 anos) RP = 4,29 (IC95% 1,30;14,29), problemas de saúde nos últimos 15 dias (sim/não) RP = 1,31 (IC95% 1,02;1,77), e atividade física no tempo livre (sim/não) RP = 0,57 (IC95% 0,26;0,97). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência da doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica é elevada e está associada ao uso do tabaco e idade acima de 60 anos. Os problemas de saúde freqüentes e redução da atividade física no tempo livre podem ser considerados conseqüências dessa doença.
Background: Identifying clusters of acute paracoccidioidomycosis cases could potentially help in identifying the environmental factors that influence the incidence of this mycosis. However, unlike other endemic mycoses, there are no published reports of clusters of paracoccidioidomycosis. Methodology/Principal Findings: A retrospective cluster detection test was applied to verify if an excess of acute form (AF) paracoccidioidomycosis cases in time and/or space occurred in Botucatu, an endemic area in Sao Paulo State. The scan-test SaTScan v7.0.3 was set to find clusters for the maximum temporal period of 1 year. The temporal test indicated a significant cluster in 1985 (P<0.005). This cluster comprised 10 cases, although 2.19 were expected for this year in this area. Age and clinical presentation of these cases were typical of AF paracccidioidomycosis. The space-time test confirmed the temporal cluster in 1985 and showed the localities where the risk was higher in that year. The cluster suggests that some particularities took place in the antecedent years in those localities. Analysis of climate variables showed that soil water storage was atypically high in 1982/83 (similar to 2.11/2.5 SD above mean), and the absolute air humidity in 1984, the year preceding the cluster, was much higher than normal (similar to 1.6 SD above mean), conditions that may have favored, respectively, antecedent fungal growth in the soil and conidia liberation in 1984, the probable year of exposure. These climatic anomalies in this area was due to the 1982/83 El Nino event, the strongest in the last 50 years. Conclusions/Significance: We describe the first cluster of AF paracoccidioidomycosis, which was potentially linked to a climatic anomaly caused by the 1982/83 El Nino Southern Oscillation. This finding is important because it may help to clarify the conditions that favor Paracoccidioides brasiliensis survival and growth in the environment and that enhance human exposure, thus allowing the development of preventive measures.
Context. Abundance variations in moderately metal-rich globular clusters can give clues about the formation and chemical enrichment of globular clusters. Aims. CN, CH, Na, Mg and Al indices in spectra of 89 stars of the template metal-rich globular cluster M71 are measured and implications on internal mixing are discussed. Methods. Stars from the turn-off up to the Red Giant Branch (0.87 < log g < 4.65) observed with the GMOS multi-object spectrograph at the Gemini-North telescope are analyzed. Radial velocities, colours, effective temperatures, gravities and spectral indices are determined for the sample. Results. Previous findings related to the CN bimodality and CN-CH anticorrelation in stars of M71 are confirmed. We also find a CN-Na correlation, and Al-Na, as well as an Mg(2)-Al anticorrelation. Conclusions. A combination of convective mixing and a primordial pollution by AGB or massive stars in the early stages of globular cluster formation is required to explain the observations.
Context. It is not known how many globular clusters may remain undetected towards the Galactic bulge. Aims. One of the aims of the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) Survey is to accurately measure the physical parameters of the known globular clusters in the inner regions of the Milky Way and search for new ones, hidden in regions of large extinction. Methods. From deep near-infrared images, we derive deep JHK(S)-band photometry of a region surrounding the known globular cluster UKS 1 and reveal a new low-mass globular cluster candidate that we name VVV CL001. Results. We use the horizontal-branch red clump to measure E(B-V) similar to 2.2 mag, (m - M)(0) = 16.01 mag, and D = 15.9 kpc for the globular cluster UKS 1. On the basis of near-infrared colour-magnitude diagrams, we also find that VVV CL001 has E(B-V) similar to 2.0, and that it is at least as metal-poor as UKS 1, although its distance remains uncertain. Conclusions. Our finding confirms the previous projection that the central region of the Milky Way harbours more globular clusters. VVV CL001 and UKS 1 are good candidates for a physical cluster binary, but follow-up observations are needed to decide if they are located at the same distance and have similar radial velocities.
The A1763 superstructure at z = 0.23 contains the first galaxy filament to be directly detected using mid-infrared observations. Our previous work has shown that the frequency of starbursting galaxies, as characterized by 24 mu m emission is much higher within the filament than at either the center of the rich galaxy cluster, or the field surrounding the system. New Very Large Array and XMM-Newton data are presented here. We use the radio and X-ray data to examine the fraction and location of active galaxies, both active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and starbursts (SBs). The radio far-infrared correlation, X-ray point source location, IRAC colors, and quasar positions are all used to gain an understanding of the presence of dominant AGNs. We find very few MIPS-selected galaxies that are clearly dominated by AGN activity. Most radio-selected members within the filament are SBs. Within the supercluster, three of eight spectroscopic members detected both in the radio and in the mid-infrared are radio-bright AGNs. They are found at or near the core of A1763. The five SBs are located further along the filament. We calculate the physical properties of the known wide angle tail (WAT) source which is the brightest cluster galaxy of A1763. A second double lobe source is found along the filament well outside of the virial radius of either cluster. The velocity offset of the WAT from the X-ray centroid and the bend of the WAT in the intracluster medium are both consistent with ram pressure stripping, indicative of streaming motions along the direction of the filament. We consider this as further evidence of the cluster-feeding nature of the galaxy filament.
The mass function of cluster-size halos and their redshift distribution are computed for 12 distinct accelerating cosmological scenarios and confronted to the predictions of the conventional flat Lambda CDM model. The comparison with Lambda CDM is performed by a two-step process. First, we determine the free parameters of all models through a joint analysis involving the latest cosmological data, using supernovae type Ia, the cosmic microwave background shift parameter, and baryon acoustic oscillations. Apart from a braneworld inspired cosmology, it is found that the derived Hubble relation of the remaining models reproduces the Lambda CDM results approximately with the same degree of statistical confidence. Second, in order to attempt to distinguish the different dark energy models from the expectations of Lambda CDM, we analyze the predicted cluster-size halo redshift distribution on the basis of two future cluster surveys: (i) an X-ray survey based on the eROSITA satellite, and (ii) a Sunayev-Zeldovich survey based on the South Pole Telescope. As a result, we find that the predictions of 8 out of 12 dark energy models can be clearly distinguished from the Lambda CDM cosmology, while the predictions of 4 models are statistically equivalent to those of the Lambda CDM model, as far as the expected cluster mass function and redshift distribution are concerned. The present analysis suggests that such a technique appears to be very competitive to independent tests probing the late time evolution of the Universe and the associated dark energy effects.
We discuss the properties of homogeneous and isotropic flat cosmologies in which the present accelerating stage is powered only by the gravitationally induced creation of cold dark matter (CCDM) particles (Omega(m) = 1). For some matter creation rates proposed in the literature, we show that the main cosmological functions such as the scale factor of the universe, the Hubble expansion rate, the growth factor, and the cluster formation rate are analytically defined. The best CCDM scenario has only one free parameter and our joint analysis involving baryonic acoustic oscillations + cosmic microwave background (CMB) + SNe Ia data yields (Omega) over tilde = 0.28 +/- 0.01 (1 sigma), where (Omega) over tilde (m) is the observed matter density parameter. In particular, this implies that the model has no dark energy but the part of the matter that is effectively clustering is in good agreement with the latest determinations from the large- scale structure. The growth of perturbation and the formation of galaxy clusters in such scenarios are also investigated. Despite the fact that both scenarios may share the same Hubble expansion, we find that matter creation cosmologies predict stronger small scale dynamics which implies a faster growth rate of perturbations with respect to the usual Lambda CDM cosmology. Such results point to the possibility of a crucial observational test confronting CCDM with Lambda CDM scenarios through a more detailed analysis involving CMB, weak lensing, as well as the large-scale structure.
The Perseus galaxy cluster is known to present multiple and misaligned pairs of cavities seen in X-rays, as well as twisted kiloparsec-scale jets at radio wavelengths; both morphologies suggest that the active galactic nucleus (AGN) jet is subject to precession. In this work, we performed three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of the interaction between a precessing AGN jet and the warm intracluster medium plasma, whose dynamics are coupled to a Navarro-Frenk-White dark matter gravitational potential. The AGN jet inflates cavities that become buoyantly unstable and rise up out of the cluster core. We found that under certain circumstances precession can originate multiple pairs of bubbles. For the physical conditions in the Perseus cluster, multiple pairs of bubbles are obtained for a jet precession opening angle >40 degrees acting for at least three precession periods, reproducing both radio and X-ray maps well. Based on such conditions, assuming that the Bardeen-Peterson effect is dominant, we studied the evolution of the precession opening angle of this system. We were able to constrain the ratio between the accretion disk and the black hole angular momenta as 0.7-1.4. We were also able to constrain the present precession angle to 30 degrees-40 degrees, as well as the approximate age of the inflated bubbles to 100-150 Myr.
Context. NGC 6522 has been the first metal-poor globular cluster identified in the bulge by Baade. Despite its importance, very few high-resolution abundance analyses of stars in this cluster are available. The bulge metal-poor clusters may be important tracers of the early chemical enrichment of the Galaxy. Aims. The main purpose of this study is to determine metallicity and elemental ratios in individual stars of NGC 6522. Methods. High-resolution spectra of 8 giants of the bulge's globular cluster NGC 6522 were obtained at the 8m VLT UT2-Kueyen telescope with the FLAMES+GIRAFFE spectrograph. Multiband V, I, J, K(s) photometry was used to derive effective temperatures as reference values. Spectroscopic parameters were derived from Fe I and Fe II lines, and adopted for the derivation of abundance ratios. Results. The present analysis provides a metallicity [Fe/H] = -1.0 +/- 0.2. The alpha-elements oxygen, magnesium and silicon show [O/Fe] = +0.4 +/- 0.3, [Mg/Fe] = [Si/Fe] = +0.25 +/- 0.15, whereas calcium and titanium show shallower ratios of [Ca/Fe] = [Ti/Fe] = +0.15 +/- 0.15. The neutron-capture r-process element europium appears to be overabundant by [Eu/Fe] = +0.4 +/- 0.4. The neutron-capture s-elements lanthanum and barium are enhanced by [La/Fe] = +0.35 +/- 0.2 and [Ba/Fe] = +0.5 +/- 0.5. The large internal errors, indicating the large star-to-star variation in the barium and europium abundances, are also discussed. Conclusions. The moderate metallicity combined to a blue horizontal branch (BHB), are characteristics similar to those of HP 1 and NGC 6558, pointing to a population of very old globular clusters in the Galactic bulge. Also, the abundance ratios in NGC 6522 resemble those in HP 1 and NGC 6558. The ultimate conclusion is that the bulge is old, and went through an early prompt chemical enrichment.