998 resultados para affiliation


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Connectedness is a complex idea that seems to mean different things for each individual. For the purposes of this dissertation, connectedness can best be understood as the ways that an individual feels an affiliation with the community of the institution that he/she experiences. This dissertation seeks to uncover the discourses that various stakeholder groups have within the site of a single school concerning connectedness. One of the precepts that this dissertation holds is that connectedness to school has benefits for the individual as learner, the school as a community and potentially the wider community in years to come. This is a theoretical position in the lineage of such theorists as Plato, Rousseau, and Dewey who have argued that education is a transformative practice that could be a tool for solving some of the issues that contemporary societies face. This work uses the theories of Foucault to extend the analysis to argue that connectedness is not a monolithic constant, but rather a complex set of converging and diverging discourses that students must contend with.


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The conifer genus Palissya is reviewed giving special attention to assessing the reliability of Gondwanan material referred to this genus. The collection localities of Australasian specimens are mapped on palaeogeographic reconstructions of Eastern Gondwana at relevant times between 179 Ma and 119 Ma. Australasian and other Gondwanan material previously referred to Palissya is considered to differ substantially from the generic diagnosis. Specimens from the Toarcian of Australasia are shown to be allied to Knezourocarpon; this genus is only known from the Toarcian of eastern Australia. Middle Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous Australasian specimens previously referred to Palissya are likely allied to the Knezourocarponaceae fam. nov. The higher taxonomic affinity of this family is unknown but broadly, its structure is suggestive of ginkgoalean or pteridospermous affiliation. Southern hemisphere specimens were probably catkin-like and megascopically very different from the northern hemisphere Palissya and the two groups are unlikely to be closely related. Consequently, genuine Palissya cones and foliage appear to be restricted to the Rhaetian–Lower Jurassic of the northern hemisphere.


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My thesis concerns the notion of existence as an encounter, as developed in the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze (1925 1995). What this denotes is a critical stance towards a major current in Western philosophical tradition which Deleuze nominates as representational thinking. Such thinking strives to provide a stable ground for identities by appealing to transcendent structures behind the apparent reality and explaining the manifest diversity of the given by such notions as essence, idea, God, or totality of the world. In contrast to this, Deleuze states that abstractions such as these do not explain anything, but rather that they need to be explained. Yet, Deleuze does not appeal merely to the given. He sees that one must posit a genetic element that accounts for experience, and this element must not be naïvely traced from the empirical. Deleuze nominates his philosophy as transcendental empiricism and he seeks to bring together the approaches of both empiricism and transcendental philosophy. In chapter one I look into the motivations of Deleuze s transcendental empiricism and analyse it as an encounter between Deleuze s readings of David Hume and Immanuel Kant. This encounter regards, first of all, the question of subjectivity and results in a conception of identity as non-essential process. A pre-given concept of identity does not explain the nature of things, but the concept itself must be explained. From this point of view, the process of individualisation must become the central concern. In chapter two I discuss Deleuze s concept of the affect as the basis of identity and his affiliation with the theories of Gilbert Simondon and Jakob von Uexküll. From this basis develops a morphogenetic theory of individuation-as-process. In analysing such a process of individuation, the modal category of the virtual becomes of great value, being an open, indeterminate charge of potentiality. As the virtual concerns becoming or the continuous process of actualisation, then time, rather than space, will be the privileged field of consideration. Chapter three is devoted to the discussion of the temporal aspect of the virtual and difference-without-identity. The essentially temporal process of subjectification results in a conception of the subject as composition: an assemblage of heterogeneous elements. Therefore art and aesthetic experience is valued by Deleuze because they disclose the construct-like nature of subjectivity in the sensations they produce. Through the domain of the aesthetic the subject is immersed in the network of affectivity that is the material diversity of the world. Chapter four addresses a phenomenon displaying this diversified indentity: the simulacrum an identity that is not grounded in an essence. Developed on the basis of the simulacrum, a theory of identity as assemblage emerges in chapter five. As the problematic of simulacra concerns perhaps foremost the artistic presentation, I shall look into the identity of a work of art as assemblage. To take an example of a concrete artistic practice and to remain within the problematic of the simulacrum, I shall finally address the question of reproduction particularly in the case recorded music and its identity regarding the work of art. In conclusion, I propose that by overturning its initial representational schema, phonographic music addresses its own medium and turns it into an inscription of difference, exposing the listener to an encounter with the virtual.


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Exploring emotions is a defining feature of psychotherapy. This study explores how therapists explore emotions when they cannot see or hear their clients. In analysing 1,279 sessions of online text-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) we focused on therapists’ commiserations (e.g., “I’m sorry to hear that”) and their affective inferences (e.g., “that sounds very scary for you”). Both practices routinely prefaced moves to pursue a range of therapeutic activities, many of which did not prioritise sustained focus on the emotion that had just been oriented to. By separating message composition from message transmission, the modality used for these therapy sessions enabled therapists to combine orientations to emotion with attempts to shift the focus of discussion. Our analysis finds that although physically co-present and computer-mediated psychotherapy share a common focus on emotional experience, the modality used for therapy can be relevant in the design and use of these orientations. Data are in British English.


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The dissertation examines how emotional experiences are oriented to in the details of psychotherapeutic interaction. The data (57 audio recorded sessions) come from one therapist-patient dyad in cognitive psychotherapy. Conversation analysis is used as method. The dissertation consists of 4 original articles and a summary. The analyses explicate the therapist s practices of responding to the patient s affective expressions. Different types of affiliating responses are identified. It is shown that the affiliating responses are combined with, or build grounds for, more interpretive and challenging actions. The study also includes a case study of a session with strong misalignment between the therapist s and patient s orientations, showing how this misalignment is managed by the therapist. Moreover, through a longitudinal analysis of the transformation of a sequence type, the study suggests that therapeutic change processes can be located to sequential relations of actions. The practices found in this study are compared to earlier research on everyday talk and on medical encounters. It is suggested that in psychotherapeutic interaction, the generic norms of interaction considering affiliation and epistemic access, are modified for the purposes of therapeutic work. The study also shows that the practices of responding to emotional experience in psychotherapy can deviate from the everyday practices of affiliation. The results of the study are also discussed in terms of concepts arising from clinical theory. These include empathy, validation of emotion, therapeutic alliance, interpretation, challenging beliefs, and therapeutic change. The therapist s approach described in this study involves practical integration of different clinical theories. In general terms, the study suggests that in the details of interaction, psychotherapy recurrently performs a dual task of empathy and challenging in relation to the patient s ways of describing their experiences. Methodologically, the study discusses the problem of identifying actions in conversation analysis of psychotherapy and emotional interaction, and the possibility to apply conversation analysis in the study of therapeutic change.


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The announcement of Turkey as a European Union (EU) candidate country in the Helsinki Summit (10, 11 December 1999) marked a distinct change of identity policy and attitudes towards its citizens. A result in the shift of mindset has been the launch of the first public service broadcasting TV channel for Kurdish people on the 1st of January 2009. TRT 6 (Şeş) broadcasting in unofficial Kurdish language is run by Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT). The thesis attempts to elaborate on the discussions surrounding the launch of TRT 6, Turkey’s first public service broadcasting TV channel for its Kurdish citizens. The research aims at finding the discourses of multiculturalism and public service broadcasting through the mainstream Turkish newspapers, Cumhuriyet, Hurriyet, Sabah, Taraf and Zaman. The method used for the research is Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and the representative newspapers of the Turkish print media are under the question: How has the launch of TRT 6, as the first public service broadcasting channel of Turkey in Kurdish language, been discussed by Turkish daily newspapers in terms of multiculturalism and minority media? The most significant results of the research is that the concerning newspapers have mostly discussed the launch of TRT 6 in the same line with their political affiliation. Thus it is comprehensively concluded that the selected newspapers proved holding a high level of political parallelism, and low professionalism. However, it should be noted that Taraf differs itself from others while challenging the hegemonic discourses embedded in the articles of the other newspapers. Moreover, the study detected three types of discourses: Pro-multiculturalism discourse, Unification discourse, and Assimilation discourse. It can be concluded that in Turkey, media owners and even individual journalists have incentives to form ideological alliances with political parties, and media appears to be an instrument of power struggle. Today, Turkey seems to restore Kurdish identity in its identity policy and aims to proceed with the negotiation for membership of the European Union (EU). The country still strives to transform from the traditional nation-state to a multiethnic democratic state, with multiculturalism as a policy discussed throughout the two terms that the AKP government has been in power. However, this transformation is not an easy process because of the deep-rooted traditions of the nation-state structure that has also polarized the Turkish press.


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The demographic history of India was examined by comparing mtDNA sequences obtained from members of three culturally divergent Indian subpopulations (endogamous caste groups). While an inferred tree revealed some clustering according to caste affiliation, there was no clear separation into three genetically distinct groups along caste lines. Comparison of pairwise nucleotide difference distributions, however, did indicate a difference in growth patterns between two of the castes. The Brahmin population appears to have undergone either a rapid expansion or steady growth. The low-ranking Mukri caste, however, may have either maintained a roughly constant population size or undergone multiple bottlenecks during that period. Comparison of the Indian sequences to those obtained from other populations, using a tree, revealed that the Indian sequences, along with ah other non-African samples, form a starlike cluster. This cluster may represent a major expansion, possibly originating in southern Asia, taking place at some point after modern humans initially left Africa.


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South Asian populations harbor a high degree of genetic diversity, due in part to demographic history. Two studies on genome-wide variation in Indian populations have shown that most Indian populations show varying degrees of admixture between ancestral north Indian and ancestral south Indian components. As a result of this structure, genetic variation in India appears to follow a geographic cline. Similarly, Indian populations seem to show detectable differences in diabetes and obesity prevalence between different geographic regions of the country. We tested the hypothesis that genetic variation at diabetes-and obesity-associated loci may be potentially related to different genetic ancestries. We genotyped 2977 individuals from 61 populations across India for 18 SNPs in genes implicated in T2D and obesity. We examined patterns of variation in allele frequency across different geographical gradients and considered state of origin and language affiliation. Our results show that most of the 18 SNPs show no significant correlation with latitude, the geographic cline reported in previous studies, or by language family. Exceptions include KCNQ1 with latitude and THADA and JAK1 with language, which suggests that genetic variation at previously ascertained diabetes-associated loci may only partly mirror geographic patterns of genome-wide diversity in Indian populations.


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Abstract: The paper examines the relationship between Creating Capabilities and political liberalism. Originally founded on the basis of Aristotelian philosophy, the theory of ‘capabilities’ developed by Nussbaum turns to political liberalism in the mid 90’s. Throughout the article, the principles of both perspectives are depicted and contrasted, focusing on the capacity of affiliation, the concept of common good and the idea of freedom. Severine Deneulin argues that the current reality calls for the capabilities approach to be more rooted in a relational anthropology which the Aristotelian ethical tradition is more akin to. This line can be found in Nussbaum’s first approach to the theory of capabilities, where affiliation as an architectonic capability leads to the common good being the end of political action, and practical reason as an architectonic capability leads to reasoning ordered towards the achievement of the common good, to the detriment of individualism.


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Resumen: El presente texto analiza la filiación desde varias perspectivas. En primer lugar, su relación con el matrimonio, mostrando cómo se ha ido separando lentamente todo vínculo entre la institución matrimonial y la procreación. En segundo lugar, y como consecuencia de lo anterior, se hace necesario el estudio de la dimensión biológica de la filiación, la cual posee consecuencias jurídicas muy importantes amparadas en el instituto de la patria potestad. En tercer lugar, se mencionan y analizan los principios jurídicos constitucionales implicados en la filiación. Por último, se mencionan tres desencuentros entre la biología y el derecho: la filiación derivada de las técnicas de reproducción asistida, la filiación adoptiva y la derivada del matrimonio civil entre personas del mismo sexo, en la que podemos ver una “revancha” de la biología.


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[EN] Retail activity in urban areas constitutes a key variable in the health of a city. For that reason, the processes of urban revitalization and retail revitalization run in parallel manner. Integrated management models for urban centres constitute a good framework to harness the competitiveness of the cities and their retail businesses, but they require of all implied participation, by means of a public – private cooperation.


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For some time now, the Latino voice has been gradually gaining strength in American politics, particularly in such states as California, Florida, Illinois, New York, and Texas, where large numbers of Latino immigrants have settled and large numbers of electoral votes are at stake. Yet the issues public officials in these states espouse and the laws they enact often do not coincide with the interests and preferences of Latinos. The fact that Latinos in California and elsewhere have not been able to influence the political agenda in a way that is commensurate with their numbers may reflect their failure to participate fully in the political process by first registering to vote and then consistently turning out on election day to cast their ballots.

To understand Latino voting behavior, I first examine Latino political participation in California during the ten general elections of the 1980s and 1990s, seeking to understand what percentage of the eligible Latino population registers to vote, with what political party they register, how many registered Latinos to go the polls on election day, and what factors might increase their participation in politics. To ensure that my findings are not unique to California, I also consider Latino voter registration and turnout in Texas for the five general elections of the 1990s and compare these results with my California findings.

I offer a new approach to studying Latino political participation in which I rely on county-level aggregate data, rather than on individual survey data, and employ the ecological inference method of generalized bounds. I calculate and compare Latino and white voting-age populations, registration rates, turnout rates, and party affiliation rates for California's fifty-eight counties. Then, in a secondary grouped logit analysis, I consider the factors that influence these Latino and white registration, turnout, and party affiliation rates.

I find that California Latinos register and turn out at substantially lower rates than do whites and that these rates are more volatile than those of whites. I find that Latino registration is motivated predominantly by age and education, with older and more educated Latinos being more likely to register. Motor voter legislation, which was passed to ease and simplify the registration process, has not encouraged Latino registration . I find that turnout among California's Latino voters is influenced primarily by issues, income, educational attainment, and the size of the Spanish-speaking communities in which they reside. Although language skills may be an obstacle to political participation for an individual, the number of Spanish-speaking households in a community does not encourage or discourage registration but may encourage turnout, suggesting that cultural and linguistic assimilation may not be the entire answer.

With regard to party identification, I find that Democrats can expect a steady Latino political identification rate between 50 and 60 percent, while Republicans attract 20 to 30 percent of Latino registrants. I find that education and income are the dominant factors in determining Latino political party identification, which appears to be no more volatile than that of the larger electorate.

Next, when I consider registration and turnout in Texas, I find that Latino registration rates are nearly equal to those of whites but that Texas Latino turnout rates are volatile and substantially lower than those of whites.

Low turnout rates among Latinos and the volatility of these rates may explain why Latinos in California and Texas have had little influence on the political agenda even though their numbers are large and increasing. Simply put, the voices of Latinos are little heard in the halls of government because they do not turn out consistently to cast their votes on election day.

While these findings suggest that there may not be any short-term or quick fixes to Latino participation, they also suggest that Latinos should be encouraged to participate more fully in the political process and that additional education may be one means of achieving this goal. Candidates should speak more directly to the issues that concern Latinos. Political parties should view Latinos as crossover voters rather than as potential converts. In other words, if Latinos were "a sleeping giant," they may now be a still-drowsy leviathan waiting to be wooed by either party's persuasive political messages and relevant issues.


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A presente pesquisa visa investigar as identidades e formas espaciais cambiantes produzidas pelo movimento emergente underground cristão. Situados dentro de um campo mais vasto ao qual estão ligados os evangélicos e jovens de outras redes de afinidade estética , o movimento agrega diferentes grupamentos e manifestações religiosas, identitário-culturais que, a despeito de suas distinções visuais, musicais, rituais e bíblico-doutrinárias, estão unidos por uma causa, na verdade um Ideal: levar Cristo a todas as culturas juvenis urbanas que, historicamente, são alvos de preconceito e negligência por parte das igrejas tradicionais católicas ou protestantes. Assim, configuram heterotopias do sagrado que revelam as novas tendências de identificação, filiação e ritualização religiosas, assim como as novas práticas de compromisso assumidas por estes jovens subversivos que, pela ideia de militância comunitária, lutam simbolicamente contra o institucionalismo, o marketing selvagem e a impessoalidade que dominam o cenário cristão atual, bem como buscam respostas, pela via da cultura, para as inquietações, radicalismos e outros distúrbios de uma Nova Era pós-secular, onde a geografia do sagrado faz-se imanente nos indivíduos, e onde a territorialidade não se restringe mais aos templos e ao controle de autoridades eclesiásticas. Um panorama desse tipo permite compreender como os cristãos emergentes configuram lugares religiosos e itinerários simbólicos para, simultaneamente, reabastecer a fé e alcançar os cativos do Mundo.


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O estudo analisa os discursos de homens e da revista Mens Health acerca do corpo, saúde e sexualidade. Para a construção dos discursos dos homens, realizamos entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 19 homens leitores e nove não leitores. E dois eventos de grupos focais que reuniram 11 homens no total. Foi entrevistado também o editor da revista. Os principais conceitos norteadores deste trabalho foram os de gênero, sexualidade, poder e masculinidades hegemônicas e subalternas. Evidenciou-se que a revista está fortemente atrelada à sociedade de consumo ao estimular a inserção dos homens em um mercado de produtos e serviços até então estranhos a esse gênero. E que suas concepções sobre saúde estão relacionadas a de bem-estar e de individualização que se articulam com os discursos hegemônicos que vêm dando sentido às concepções de saúde e doença atualmente. A publicação investe fortemente na ideia de um corpo musculoso que proporcionará ganhos sociais, sexuais e profissionais aos sujeitos, nem sempre atrelado às questões de saúde. Ela ratifica a heterossexualidade do leitor projetado, expondo o corpo feminino e o sexo heterossexual e silenciando sobre outras formas de sexualidade. Por isso consideramos que a revista se vincula a uma concepção tradicional da masculinidade. Seus discursos, no entanto, não são monolíticos ou isentos de contradição, e também manifestam nuances relativas a um modelo mais contemporâneo de masculinidade, como quando apresenta a ideia de uma nova pedagogia da sexualidade e a valorização dos cuidados estéticos e de saúde com o corpo, aspectos considerados pouco próximos da masculinidade tradicional. Com relação aos discursos dos homens, evidenciou-se que a classe social e a geração são as variáveis mais importantes nas suas concepções sobre corpo, saúde e sexualidade masculina. Que, entre os não leitores, de modo geral, há evidências mais fortes de flexibilização com relação aos padrões mais tradicionais entre os homens mais jovens e/ou de classes mais altas. Enquanto os homens com idade acima dos 30 anos e das classes populares estão mais atrelados às concepções tradicionais. Entre os leitores, observou-se uma grande reflexividade com relação aos discursos da revista demonstrando que eles vêm se apropriando de forma importante dos discursos da revista e ressignificando suas concepções e práticas sobre os três temas da pesquisa a partir desses discursos. E, assim como os discursos da revista, os discursos dos homens, leitores ou não, também apresentaram aspectos contraditórios, ora demonstrando mais afiliação a um novo modelo de masculinidade, ora ao modelo mais tradicional.


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Este trabalho, estruturado em três capítulos, é uma análise crítica da Grammatica Expositiva da Língua Portuguesa de Mario Pereira de Souza Lima, publicada em 1937, pela Companhia Editora Nacional, em sua Bibliotheca Pedagógica Brasileira, Serie 2 Livros Didacticos Vol. 70, somente reeditada, em 1945, pela Livraria José Olympio Editora, sob o título de Gramática Portuguêsa. No primeiro capítulo, faz-se a contextualização histórica do surgimento da Grammatica Expositiva, com a apresentação de seus antecedentes e as correspondentes referências às linhas do pensamento gramatical e do pensamento pedagógico que norteavam as publicações dos compêndios didáticos de estudos gramaticais. Mostra-se a filiação teórica da obra compulsada, no segundo capítulo, no qual se examinam as influências incidentes sobre os procedimentos de interpretação adotados por Mario Pereira. A análise da estrutura da Grammatica Expositiva da Língua Portuguesa é feita, criticamente, no terceiro capítulo, com o intuito de aferir o caráter inovador da abordagem que efetua dos conteúdos gramaticais, explicitando-se as suas peculiaridades, quando confrontada com duas outras obras coexistentes: a Grammatica Expositiva (Curso Superior) de Eduardo Carlos Pereira e a Grammatica Secundaria de Manuel Said Ali, a partir dos critérios de conceituação dos fatos e categorias gramaticais, em especial as classes de palavras e as funções sintáticas. Quanto aos fins pedagógicos e ao perfil do corpus, caracteriza-se a obra, através do exame do conceito de uso padrão adotado, majoritariamente literário, com indícios, entretanto, de preocupação com a variação da língua, com alguns indicadores das diferenças entre o uso brasileiro e o português. Selecionam-se, também, temas acompanhados de comentários, com destaque para o novo, para o descritivamente mais consistente. Em conclusão, é assinalada a singularidade da obra, no contexto dos estudos gramaticais realizados, na época de sua publicação, tendo em vista a sua abordagem inovadora, particularmente, no que se refere à perspectiva morfossintática de exame pela qual se inicia