993 resultados para adhesive systems
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a Influência da associação de catalisadores químicos junto a diferentes sistemas adesivos autocondicionantes e cimentos resinosos de dupla polimerização, na cimentação de pinos pré-fabricados de fibra de vidro, quanto a sua resistência ao cisalhamento por extrusão - push out, seu grau de conversão e nanoinfiltração. Foram utilizadas trinta raízes bovinas extraídas, que tiveram seus canais obturados com guta-percha termoplastificada, divididas em três grupos: G1 - Adper SE Plus /Rely X ARC; G2- Adper SE Plus / Catalisador Scotchbond + Rely X ARC ; G3- Clearfil SE Bond / ED Primer + Panavia F. Após a cimentação dos pinos foram obtidas fatias das raízes, com 1mm de espessura, dos terços cervical (C), médio (M) e apical (A). O ensaio de resistência ao cisalhamento por extrusão foi realizado em máquina de ensaio universal EMIC D500 com carga de 100KN à velocidade de 1,0 mm/min, até o deslocamento do pino. Os dados obtidos no ensaio foram tabulados e submetidos à análise estatística. A análise de variância a dois critérios mostrou que apenas os fatores grupo e profundidade foram significativos, não sendo significativa a sua interação. O resultado do teste de Tukey (ρ≥0,05), para o fator grupo, mostrou que a menor média de resistência ao cisalhamento por extrusão foi obtida pelo grupo 3, que apresentou diferença estatística significativa para os grupos 1 e 2 que não diferiram entre si. Para o fator Profundidade a maior média foi obtida no terço cervical que apresentou diferença estatística significativa para os terços médio e apical que não diferiram entre si: A análise do grau de conversão foi feita após vinte e quatro horas e os fatores estudados foram os cimentos resinosos Panavia F e Rely X ARC e os catalisadores químicos ED Primer e Catalisador Scotchbond, na forma incorporada ou aplicada superficialmente aos cimentos, formando 10 grupos experimentais. Para o grau de conversão, o teste de Tukey mostrou que o catalisador químico não aumentou o grau de conversão do RelyX ARC, já para o Panavia F, este aumentou significativamente seu grau de conversão. Quanto a análise em MEV da nanoinfiltração para o fator grupo, o resultado do teste de Tukey (ρ≥0,05) mostrou que a maior média foi obtida pelo grupo 3 que apresentou diferença estatística significativa para os grupos 1 e 2, que não diferiram entre si. Para o fator Profundidade a maior média foi obtida no terço apical que apresentou diferença estatística significativa para o terço cervical, que não diferiu do terço médio. Conclusões: 1- A associação de catalisadores químicos não aumentou a resistência ao cisalhamento por extrusão dos pinos de fibra de vidro. 2- O cimento Panavia F é dependente de catalisador aumentar o grau de conversão. 3- A associação de catalisadores químicos não foi capaz de alterar o padrão da camada híbrida, representado pela nanoinfiltração. 4- A nanoinfiltração está associada inversamente ao grau de conversão dos sistemas de cimentação, o que contribui negativamente para a resistência adesiva de pinos de fibra de vidro.
O propósito do presente estudo foi analisar o efeito da aplicação de múltiplas camadas consecutivas de dois sistemas adesivos convencionais de dois passos na difusão resinosa e padrão de distribuição dos componentes monoméricos resinosos. Dezesseis terceiros molares humanos hígidos foram tratados com os sistemas adesivos convencionais de dois passos de acordo com as instruções dos fabricantes ou com aplicações em múltiplas camadas consecutivas. Os espécimes foram seccionados paralelamente aos túbulos dentinários e as superfícies submetidas ao polimento com lixas 600, 1200, 1800, 2000 e 4000. Os espectros Raman foram coletados ao longo de uma linha perpendicular a interface adesivo-resina em intervalos de 1 ou 2 m. As medidas de difusão da resina adesiva e distribuição dos componentes monomériccos foram avaliadas pelos picos Raman de 1113 cm-1, 1609 cm-1 e 1454 cm-1. O gradiente de desmineralização usado na determinação da região de hibridização foi avaliado pelo pico de 960 cm-1 da apatita. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a aplicação de múltiplas camadas apresentou uma tendência de homogeneização dos componentes poliméricos, dependente da composição química da resina adesiva.
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar, por meio de mensuração das fendas na interface dentina - restauração de resina composta com utilização de algumas variáveis: fotoativação com lâmpada halógena e com LED; utilização de resina microhíbrida com partículas nanométricas Filtek Z350 ou sem estas partículas Filtek Z250; variação do sistema adesivo (Adper Single Bond 2 ou Adper Scotchbond Multi Purpose); variação da temperatura da resina composta; uso de dessensibilizante dentinário ou não; remoção do colágeno da dentina ou não e variação da intensidade de luz na fotoativação. Foram utilizados 70 molares humanos recém-extraídos, com cavidades circulares na dentina superficial de cada face proximal, foram divididos em 10 amostras para cada variável citada acima. Os dentes foram devidamente restaurados, seguindo as instruções dos fabricantes, para todos os grupos e mantidos em estufa bacteriológica por um período de 7 dias, após este período, foram polidos e as réplicas de resina epoxídica foram confeccionadas a partir de uma moldagem com silicone por adição, as mesmas foram levadas ao MEV, para a análise. As fendas foram mensuradas com o auxílio do software UTHSCSA Image tool e os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística pelo teste t de Student para a obtenção dos resultados. Com base nos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que: os menores valores de fendas marginais foram obtidos quando da utilização de luz halógena (t=3,246 e p= 0,02) e com variação da intensidade desta luz (t= - 8,808 e p= 0,00). Os menores valores relativos de fendas, mas sem diferença estatística significante, foram encontrados, também, quando a resina Filtek Z350 foi comparada com a resina Filtek Z250 (t=-0,426 e p= 0,672) e quando o adesivo Adper Scotchbond Multi Purpose foi comparado com o Sistema Adper Single Bond 2 (t= 0,883 e p= 0,382). Os maiores valores de fendas marginais foram obtidos com a resina Filtek Z350 préaquecida a 60oC (t= -3,961 e p=0,000); com o uso de dessensibilizante dentinário (t=-3,062 e p=0,004) e com a remoção do colágeno pelo hipoclorito de sódio (t= -8,808 e p= 0,000).
F1651, les pili Pap et l’antigène CS31A associé aux antigènes de surface K88 sont tout trois des membres de la famille de type P des facteurs d’adhérence jouant un rôle prépondérant lors de l’établissement d’une maladie causée par des souches Escherichia coli pathogènes, en particulier des souches d’E. coli pathogènes extra-intestinales (ExPEC, Extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli). Leur expression est sous le contrôle d’un mécanisme de régulation transcriptionnel dépendant de l’état de méthylation de l’ADN, résultant dans l’existence de deux populations définies, l’une exprimant l’adhésine (population ON) et l’autre ne l’exprimant pas (population OFF). Malgré de fortes identités de séquences, ces trois systèmes diffèrent l’un de l’autre, principalement par le pourcentage de cellules ON rencontrées. Ainsi, quand CS31A est systématiquement orienté vers un état considéré comme OFF, F1651 présente une phase ON particulièrement élevée et Pap montre deux états OFF et ON bien distincts, selon le phénotype de départ. La protéine régulatrice sensible à la leucine (Lrp, Leucine-responsive regulatory protein) joue un rôle essentiel dans la réversibilité de ce phénomène épigénétique et il est supposé que les différences de séquences au niveau de la région régulatrice modifient la localisation à ces sites de fixation de Lrp; ce qui résulte, en final, aux différences de phase existant entre CS31A, F1651 et Pap.À l’aide de divers techniques parmi lesquelles l’utilisation de gènes rapporteurs, mutagénèses dirigées et d’analyse des interactions ADN-protéines in vitro, nous montrons dans ce présent projet que la phase OFF prédominante chez CS31A est principalement due à une faible interaction de Lrp avec la région distale de l’opéron clp, et que la présence d’un homologue du régulateur local PapI joue un rôle également clef dans la production de CS31A. Dans le cas de F1651, nous montrons dans cette étude que le taux élevé de cellules en phase ON est dû à une altération dans le maintien de Lrp sur les sites répresseurs 1-3. Ceci est dû à la présence de deux nucléotides spécifiques, situé de part et d’autre du site répresseur 1, qui défavorisent la fixation de Lrp sur ce site précis. Tout comme dans le cas de CS31A, la formation d’un complexe, activateur ou répresseur de la phase ON, dépend également de l’action de du régulatuer local FooI, qui favorise alors le déplacement de Lrp des sites répresseurs 1-3 vers les sites activateurs 4-6.
The study evaluated the in vitro influence of pulse-repetition rate of Er:YAG laser and dentin depth on tensile bond strength of dentin-resin interface. Dentin surfaces of buccal or lingual surfaces from human third molars were submitted to tensile test in different depths (superficial, 1.0 and 1.5 mm) of the same dental area, using the same sample. Surface treatments were acid conditioning solely (control) and Er:YAG laser irradiation (80 mJ) followed by acid conditioning, with different pulse-repetition rates (1, 2, 3, or 4 Hz). Single bond/Z-250 system was used. The samples were stored in distilled water at 37 degrees C for 24 h, and then the first test (superficial dentine) was performed. The bond failures were analyzed. Following, the specimens were identified, grounded until 1.0- and 1.5-mm depths, submitted again to the treatments and to the second and, after that, to third-bond tests on a similar procedure and failure analysis. ANOVA and Tukey test demonstrated a significant difference (p < 0.001) for treatment and treatment X depth interaction (p < 0.05). The tested depths did not show influence (p > 0.05) on the bond strength of dentin-resin interface. It may be concluded that Er:YAG laser with 1, 2, 3, or 4 Hz combined with acid conditioning did not increase the resin tensile bond strength to dentin, regardless of dentin depth. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Purpose: To assess in vitro the shear bond strength at the resin/dentin interface in primary teeth after contamination with fresh human blood. Methods: 75 crowns of primary molars were embedded in acrylic resin and mechanically ground to expose a flat dentin surface. The specimens were randomly assigned to five groups (n=15), according to the surface treatment. Group I (control) had no blood contamination. The other groups were blood-contaminated and subjected to different post-contamination protocols: in Group 2, the surfaces were rinsed with water; in Group 3, the surfaces were air-dried; in Group 4, the surfaces were rinsed and air-dried; and in Group 5, no post-contamination treatment was done. In all groups, a 3-mm dentin bonding site was demarcated, Single Bond adhesive system was applied and resin composite cylinders were bonded. After 24 hours in distilled water, shear bond strength was tested at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/minute. Results: Means (in MPa) were: Group 1: 7.1 (+/- 4.2); Group 2: 4.0 (+/- 1.8); Group 3: 0.9 (+/- 0.7); Group 4: 3.9 (+/- 2.2) and Group 5: 1.3 (+/- 1.5). Data were analyzed statistically by the Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance level. Groups 2 and 4 were similar to each other (P > 0.05) and both ware similar to Group 1 (P > 0.05). These groups (2, 3 and 4) had statistically significantly higher bond strengths than Groups 3 and 5 (P < 0.05). Blood contamination negatively affected the shear bond strength to primary tooth dentin. Among the blood-contaminated groups, water-rinsed specimens had higher bond strengths than those that were exclusively air-dried or not submitted to any post-contamination protocol before adhesive application.
The aim of this study was to assess in vitro the influence of Er:YAG laser irradiation distance on the shear strength of the bond between an adhesive restorative system and primary dentin. A total of 60 crowns of primary molars were embedded in acrylic resin and mechanically ground to expose a flat dentin surface and were randomly assigned to six groups (n = 10). The control group was etched with 37% phosphoric acid. The remaining five groups were irradiated (80 mJ, 2 Hz) at different irradiation distances (11, 12, 16, 17 and 20 mm), followed by acid etching. An adhesive agent (Single Bond) was applied to the bonding sites, and resin cylinders (Filtek Z250) were prepared. The shear bond strength tests were performed in a universal testing machine (0.5 mm/min). Data were submitted to statistical analysis using one-way ANOVA and the Kruskal-Wallis test (p < 0.05). The mean shear bond strengths were: 7.32 +/- 3.83, 5.07 +/- 2.62, 6.49 +/- 1.64, 7.71 +/- 0.66, 7.33 +/- 0.02, and 9.65 +/- 2.41 MPa in the control group and the groups irradiated at 11, 12, 16, 17, and 20 mm, respectively. The differences between the bond strengths in groups II and IV and between the bond strengths in groups II and VI were statistically significant (p < 0.05). Increasing the laser irradiation distance resulted in increasing shear strength of the bond to primary dentin.
This study sought to evaluate the influence of thermocycling and water storage on the microtensile bond strength of composite resin bonded to erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Er:YAG)-irradiated and bur-prepared enamel. Eighty bovine incisors were selected and sectioned. Specimens were ground to produce a flat enamel surface. Samples were randomly assigned according to cavity preparation device: (I) Er:YAG laser and (II) high-speed turbine, and were subsequently restored with composite resin. They were subdivided according to the duration of water storage (WS)/number of thermocycles (TCs): 24 h WS/no TCs; 7 days WS/500 TCs; 1 month WS/2,000 TCs; 6 months WS/12,000 TCs. The teeth were sectioned into 1.0 mm(2)-thick slabs and subjected to tensile stress in a universal testing machine. Data were submitted to two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey`s test at a 0.05 significance level. The different periods of water storage and thermocycling did not influence the microtensile bond strength (A mu TBS) values in the Er:YAG laser-prepared groups. In bur-prepared enamel, the group submitted to 12,000 TCs/6 months` WS (IID) showed a significant decrease in bond strength values when compared to the group stored in water for 24 h and not submitted to thermocycling (IIA), but values were statistically similar to those obtained in all Er:YAG laser groups and in the bur- prepared groups degraded with 500 TCs/1 week WS (IIB) or 2,000 TCs/1 month WS (IIC). It may be concluded that adhesion of an etch-and-rinse adhesive to Er:YAG laser-irradiated enamel was not affected by the methods used to simulate degradation of the adhesive interface and was similar to adhesion in the bur-prepared groups in all periods of water storage and thermocycling.
The purpose of this study was to comparatively evaluate the response of human pulps after cavity preparation with different devices. Deep class I cavities were prepared in sound mandibular premolars using either a high-speed air-turbine handpiece (Group 1) or an Er: YAG laser (Group 2). Following total acid etching and the application of an adhesive system, all cavities were restored with composite resin. Fifteen days after the clinical procedure, the teeth were extracted and processed for analysis under optical microscopy. In Group 1 in which the average for the remaining dentin thickness (RDT) between the cavity floor and the coronal pulp was 909.5 mu m, a discrete inflammatory response occurred in only one specimen with an RDT of 214 mu m. However, tissue disorganization occurred in most specimens. In Group 2 (average RDT = 935.2 mu m), the discrete inflammatory pulp response was observed in only one specimen (average RDT = 413 mu m). It may be concluded that the high-speed air-turbine handpiece caused greater structural alterations in the pulp, although without inducing inflammatory processes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of shortening the etching time on the bond strength of a conventional and a self-etching primer adhesive system used in primary tooth dentin.Methods. Flat dentin surfaces were obtained from 24 primary molars, randomly assigned to 4 experimental groups. The adhesive systems Single Bond and Clearfil SE Bond were applied in two groups according to the manufacturers' recommendations. In the other two groups, the adhesives were applied after half-time of acid etching, 7 s for Single Bond and 10 s for Clearfil SE Primer. Resin crowns were built up and after 24 h storage in water at 37 &DEG; C, the teeth were sectioned to produce beams with cross-sectional area of approximately 0.49 mm(2). Specimens were tested in tension at 0.5 mm/min until failure. Fractured specimens were analyzed to determine the failure mode.Results. Tensile bond strengths for Single Bond in primary dentin were higher than for Clearfil SE Bond. Shortening of acid etching time improved bond strength only for Single Bond, while no statistically significant difference was observed for Clearfil SE Bond when both etching times were compared.Significance. No detrimental effect on bond strength was observed when the time of acid etching was shortened in 50%. Shortening the time for a procedure in a small child without compromising the quality of the work is a very important finding for the practicing pediatric dentist. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
There are several studies about the cytotoxic effects of dental materials in contact with the pulp tissue, such as calcium hydroxide (CH), adhesive systems, resin composite and glass ionomer cements. The aim of this review article was to summarize and discuss the cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of materials used for protection of the dentin-pulp complex, some components of resin composites and adhesive systems when placed in direct or indirect contact with the pulp tissue. A large number of dental materials present cytotoxic effects when applied close or directly to the pulp, and the only material that seems to stimulate early pulp repair and dentin hard tissue barrier formation is CH.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)