991 resultados para acetylsalicylic acid


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The high sensitivity and sharp frequency discrimination of hearing depend on mechanical amplification in the cochlea. To explore the basis of this active process, we examined the pharmacological sensitivity of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) in a lizard, the Tokay gecko. In a quiet environment, each ear produced a complex but stable pattern of emissions. These SOAEs were reversibly modulated by drugs that affect mammalian otoacoustic emissions, the salicylates and the aminoglycoside antibiotics. The effect of a single i.p. injection of sodium salicylate depended on the initial power of the emissions: ears with strong control SOAEs displayed suppression at all frequencies, whereas those with weak control emissions showed enhancement. Repeated oral administration of acetylsalicylic acid reduced all emissions. Single i.p. doses of gentamicin or kanamycin suppressed SOAEs below 2.6 kHz, while modulating those above 2.6 kHz in either of two ways. For ears whose emission power at 2.6–5.2 kHz encompassed more than half of the total, individual emissions displayed facilitation as great as 35-fold. For the remaining ears, emissions dropped to as little as one-sixth of their initial values. The similarity of the responses of reptilian and mammalian cochleas to pharmacological intervention provides further evidence for a common mechanism of cochlear amplification.


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Aspirin [acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)], along with its analgesic-antipyretic uses, is now also being considered for cardiovascular protection and treatments in cancer and human immunodeficiency virus infection. Although many of ASA's pharmacological actions are related to its ability to inhibit prostaglandin and thromboxane biosynthesis, some of its beneficial therapeutic effects are not completely understood. Here, ASA triggered transcellular biosynthesis of a previously unrecognized class of eicosanoids during coincubations of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and neutrophils [polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN)]. These eicosanoids were generated with ASA but not by indomethacin, salicylate, or dexamethasone. Formation was enhanced by cytokines (interleukin 1 beta) that induced the appearance of prostaglandin G/H synthase 2 (PGHS-2) but not 15-lipoxygenase, which initiates their biosynthesis from arachidonic acid in HUVEC. Costimulation of HUVEC/PMN by either thrombin plus the chemotactic peptide fMet-Leu-Phe or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate or ionophore A23187 leads to the production of these eicosanoids from endogenous sources. Four of these eicosanoids were also produced when PMN were exposed to 15R-HETE [(15R)-15-hydroxy-5,8,11-cis-13-trans-eicosatetraenoic acid] and an agonist. Physical methods showed that the class consists of four tetraene-containing products from arachidonic acid that proved to be 15R-epimers of lipoxins. Two of these compounds (III and IV) were potent inhibitors of leukotriene B4-mediated PMN adhesion to HUVEC, with compound IV [(5S,6R,15R)-5,6,15-trihydroxy-7,9,13-trans-11-cis-eicosatetraenoi c acid; 15-epilipoxin A4] active in the nanomolar range. These results demonstrate that ASA evokes a unique class of eicosanoids formed by acetylated PGHS-2 and 5-lipoxygenase interactions, which may contribute to the therapeutic impact of this drug. Moreover, they provide an example of a drug's ability to pirate endogenous biosynthetic mechanisms to trigger new mediators.


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A terapia antiagregante é comumente indicada na prevenção e tratamento de doenças cardiovasculares. A dupla antiagregação com clopidrogrel e ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS) tem sido frequentemente adotada em pacientes com Doença Arterial Coronariana (DAC), mas apresenta ineficácia em uma parcela significativa da população com genótipo de respondedores. Essa falha terapêutica nos leva a questionar se outros mecanismos moleculares podem estar influenciando na resposta a esses fármacos. Recentes estudos sugerem que pequenas sequências de RNA não codificantes denominadas microRNAs (miRNAs) podem estar fortemente relacionadas com resposta ao tratamento fármaco-terapêutico, controlando as proteínas envolvidas na farmacocinética e farmacodinâmica. Entretanto, os principais miRNAs que atuam na dinâmica da resposta medicamentosa ainda não foram bem definidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o perfil de miRNAs no sangue total periférico, procurando melhor esclarecer os mecanismos envolvidos na resposta aos antiagregantes plaquetários AAS e clopidogrel. Para isso, selecionou-se pacientes com DAC, os quais apresentavam diferentes respostas à dupla terapia de antiagregação determinadas pelo teste de agregação plaquetária. Baseados nos fenótipos, os perfis de expressão de miRNAs foram comparados entre os valores da taxa de agregação categorizados em tercis (T) de resposta. O grupo T1 foi constituído de pacientes respondedores, o T2 de respondedores intermediários e o T3 de não respondedores. Os perfis de miRNAs foram obtidos após sequenciamento de última geração e os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo pacote Deseq2. Os resultados mostraram 18 miRNAs diferentemente expressos entre os dois tercis extremos. Dentre esses miRNAs, 10 deles apresentaram importantes alvos relacionados com vias de ativação e agregação plaquetária quando analisados pelo software Ingenuity®. Dos 10 miRNAs, 4 deles, os quais apresentaram-se menos expressos no sequenciamento, demonstraram os mesmos perfis de expressão quando analisados pela reação em cadeia pela polimerase quantitativa (qPCR): hsa-miR-423-3p, hsa-miR-744-5p, hsa-miR- 30a-5p e hsa-let-7g-5p. A partir das análises de predição de alvos, pôde-se observar que os quatro miRNAs, quando menos expressos simultaneamente, predizem ativação da agregação plaquetária. Além disso, os miRNAs hsa-miR- 423-5p, hsa-miR-744-5p e hsa-let-7g-5p mostraram correlação com o perfil lipídico dos pacientes que, por sua vez, apresentou influência nos valores de agregação compreendidos no T3 de resposta a ambos os medicamentos. Sendo assim, conclui-se que maiores taxas de agregação plaquetária podem estar indiretamente relacionadas com os padrões de expressão de hsa-miR- 423-3p, hsa-miR-744-5p e hsa-let-7g-5p. Sugere-se que a avaliação do perfil de expressão destes 3 miRNAs no sangue periférico de pacientes com DAC possa predizer resposta terapêutica inadequada ao AAS e ao clopidogrel


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Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novos potenciais metalofármacos de rutênio. Nele são descritas a síntese, a caracterização e a avaliação da ação antiproliferativa de alguns complexos de dirutênio (II,III) com os fármacos antiinflamatórios não-esteróides (AINEs): ibuprofeno (ibp), ácido acetilsalicílico (aas), naproxeno (npx) e indometacina (ind) e também com o ácido γ-linolênico (lin), sobre células cancerígenas. Os compostos obtidos foram caracterizados por análise elementar, espectroscopia de absorção eletrônica, medidas de susceptibilidade magnética, espectroscopia vibracional FTIR e Raman, difratometria de raios X de pó, medidas de condutividade molar e análise térmica (TG, OTAe OSC). Todos os complexos sintetizados apresentam estrutura em gaiola, com os carboxilatos derivados dos fármacos AINEs coordenados à unidade dimetálica Ru2( (II,III), em ponte equatorial, estabilizando assim a ligação direta rutênio-rutênio. As posições axiais são ocupadas por íons cloreto, no caso dos complexos [Ru2(O2(CR)4(Cl] (O2(CR = ibp, aas, npx ou ind), ou por moléculas de água, nas espécies do tipo [Ru2(O2(CR)4(H2O)2]PF6(O2CR =npx e ind). Ensaios biológicos demonstraram que os compostos [Ru2(ibp) 4Cl]•½H2O e [Ru2(npx)4(H2O)2]PF6 apresentam ação antiproliferativa sobre células de glioma de rato C6 in vitro, dependendo do tempo de exposição do meio celular ao complexo. O complexo [Ru2 (lin)4Cl] também apresenta efeito sobre a proliferação de células C6; entretanto, nesse caso, efeitos significativos são observaçlos já nas primeiras 24 h de exposição. Estudos mostraram que as bases adenina e adenosina reagem com o complexo [Ru2(OAc)4(H2O)2]PF6 sem que ocorra quebra da estrutura em gaiola. As bases nitrogenadas substituem axialmente as moléculas de água, formando pontes axiais entre duas unidades de dirutênio (II,III) no estado sólido.


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In this work, the reference drugs, generic and similar to the active ingredients acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, captopril, hydrochlorothiazide and mebendazole were purchased from local pharmacies and studied by thermogravimetry (TG) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Thermal decomposition was assessed to obtain from the Ozawa method the activation energy in inert atmosphere (nitrogen), using three different heating ratios (5, 10 and 20 o C min-1). The pharmaceutical formulation of the AAS reference was the one who presented different from the others (generic and similar) Thermogravimetric profile indicating likely interaction between the active ingredient and excipients. Was observed at the heating rate of the inverse temperature that no linearity of the data, ie, there was no correlation between the percentage of mass loss and the activation energy involved in the thermal decomposition of the pharmaceutical formulation of the AAS reference log graph. The analysis by differential scanning calorimetry was performed in nitrogen atmosphere with a heating rate of 10 ° C min-1. In the analysis of these same drugs, the data curves found on the melting point were, except for hydrochlorothiazide, are consistent with the literature. Hydrochlorothiazide presented a melting point well below that found in the literature, which may be justified due to the interaction of the active ingredient with the excipient lactose. In the study of purity, using the Van't Hoff equation, the reference drugs hydrochlorothiazide and mebendazole reference generic and showed similar impurity content below the limit established that this equation must be greater than 2.5 mol%


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Purpose: To investigate the analgesic properties of fruit extracts of Vitis vinifera (grape) and Punica granatum (pomegranate) in Albino mal mice. Methods: The analgesic activity of fruit extracts of V. vinifera and P. granatum were examined in vivo using thermal stimulus assays (i.e., tail immersion and hot plate) and acetic acid-induced writhing test using acetylsalicylic acid (0.1 g/kg, per os) as standard. The extracts were administered orally in doses of 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 g/kg. Results: In acetic acid writhes test, both fruit extract pretreatments (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 g/kg, per os) significantly decreased the number of writhes (p < 0.0001) in a dose-dependent manner compared to control. The Index of Pain Inhibition (IPI) values following V. vinifera extract treatments were 36.52 % (1.0 g/kg), 66.67 % (2.0 g/kg) and 89.71 % (3.0 g/kg) which were significantly different from those for P. granatum extracts (45.39 %, 1.0 g/kg), 70.93 %, 2.0 g/kg) and 86.88 %, 3.0 g/kg) at equivalent doses of 2.0 and 3.0 g/kg of the extracts The fruit extracts of both species increased the reaction latency time. In tail-immersion assay, only the fruit extract of P. granatum significantly increased the response to heat stimulus at doses of 2.0 g/kg (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The hydroalcohol fruit extracts of P. granatum and V. vinifera have potential analgesic effects. Further studies are needed to determine the active component responsible for this effect.


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Introducción: El cáncer colorrectal es una patología con alto impacto en la salud pública, debido a su prevalencia, incidencia, severidad, costo e impacto en la salud mental y física del individuo y la familia. Ensayos clínicos realizados en pacientes con antecedente de infarto al miocardio que consumían ácido acetil salicílico (asa), calcio con y sin vitamina D, mostraron asociación entre el consumo de estos medicamentos y disminución en la incidencia en cáncer colorrectal y pólipos adenomatosos. Objetivo: Evaluar la literatura sobre el uso de asa, calcio con y sin vitamina D con relación a su impacto en la prevención del cáncer colorrectal y pólipos adenomatosos. Métodos: Se realizó revisión sistemática buscando ensayos clínicos realizados en pacientes con factores de riesgo para cáncer colorrectal y pólipos adenomatosos que usaron asa, calcio con y sin vitamina D fueron incluidos. Resultados: se escogieron 105 para la revisión sistemática. Conclusiones: Es necesario desarrollar más estudios que lleven a evaluar el efecto protector de la aspirina, calcio y vitamina D. En los artículos revisados la aspirina a dosis de 81 a 325 mg día se correlaciona con reducción de riesgo de aparición de CRC aunque la dosis ideal, el tiempo de inicio y la duración de la ingesta continua no son claros. Hacen falta estudios que comparen poblaciones con ingesta de asa a diferentes dosis.


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Background There is evidence that certain mutations in the double-strand break repair pathway ataxia-telangiectasia mutated gene act in a dominant-negative manner to increase the risk of breast cancer. There are also some reports to suggest that the amino acid substitution variants T2119C Ser707Pro and C3161G Pro1054Arg may be associated with breast cancer risk. We investigate the breast cancer risk associated with these two nonconservative amino acid substitution variants using a large Australian population-based case–control study. Methods The polymorphisms were genotyped in more than 1300 cases and 600 controls using 5' exonuclease assays. Case–control analyses and genotype distributions were compared by logistic regression. Results The 2119C variant was rare, occurring at frequencies of 1.4 and 1.3% in cases and controls, respectively (P = 0.8). There was no difference in genotype distribution between cases and controls (P = 0.8), and the TC genotype was not associated with increased risk of breast cancer (adjusted odds ratio = 1.08, 95% confidence interval = 0.59–1.97, P = 0.8). Similarly, the 3161G variant was no more common in cases than in controls (2.9% versus 2.2%, P = 0.2), there was no difference in genotype distribution between cases and controls (P = 0.1), and the CG genotype was not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer (adjusted odds ratio = 1.30, 95% confidence interval = 0.85–1.98, P = 0.2). This lack of evidence for an association persisted within groups defined by the family history of breast cancer or by age. Conclusion The 2119C and 3161G amino acid substitution variants are not associated with moderate or high risks of breast cancer in Australian women.