953 resultados para YOUTH CULTURE
[In Swedish: Varje dag ägnar sig mängder av ungdomar åt att skriva, läsa och kommentera fanfiction, berättelser baserade på karaktärer från redan kända verk. I fanfiction förflyttas förlagans miljöer och karaktärer in i andra sammanhang där nya historier skapas. Ungdomarna gör sina texter tillgängliga på olika nätsajter, där läsare över hela världen i interaktion med skribenterna kan kommentera och påverka. Detta möjliggör en kraftfull skrivprocess där aktörerna agerar som både författare, läsare och kritiker. Läs mer om boken på studentlitteratur.se]
This chapter contributes to the existing body of knowledge on fan fiction by reporting the findings from a quantitative and qualitative study on fan fiction in a Swedish context. The authors contextualize the fan fiction phenomenon as a part of a larger transformation of the media sphere and the society in general where media consumers’ role as collaborative cultural producers grows ever stronger. They explore what kind of stories inspire the writers and conclude that as in many other parts of the entertainment industry, fan fiction is dominated by a small number of international media brands. The authors show how fan fiction can play an important role in the development of adolescents’ literacies and identities and how their pastime works as a vehicle for personal growth.
In this chapter the authors discuss and informal learning settings such as fan fiction sites and their relations to teaching and learning within formal learning settings. Young people today spend a lot of time with social media built on user generated content. These media are often characterized by participatory culture which offers a good environment for developing skills and identity work. In this chapter the authors problematize fan fiction sites as informal learning settings where the possibilities to learn are powerful and significant. They also discuss the learning processes connected to the development of literacies. Here the rhetoric principle of “imitatio” plays a vital part as well as the co-production of texts on the sites, strongly supported by the beta reader and the power of positive feedback. They also display that some fans, through the online publication of fan fiction, are able to develop their craft in a way which previously have been impossible.
The Medics “Foundations” is a full-length album of popular music completed over a 13-month period and released in 2012, with work taking place in Byron Bay’s 301 studios and Brisbane’s Airlock studios. “Foundations” contributes to studies in the field of music production, as well as furthering research into the place of Indigenous youth culture within contemporary rock music. The music draws on elements of folk, post rock and hardcore to create a dynamic and cinematic sound, framed by lyrics that focus on spirituality, nature and a connection to the land. Artists such as At the Drive In and Mars Volta were referenced in the production of the record. Scholars such as Joe Bennett have argued that the relationship between songwriting practice and song product is an under-explored area in popular musicology, and, by using a practice-led research methodology, the production of “Foundations” extends these creative inquiries. “Foundations” was produced with the assistance of a competitive grant, the Cultural Minister’s Council Breakthrough initiative, which assists emerging Indigenous contemporary musicians. The album was well received and positively reviewed, resulting in the band signing a record deal with Warner Music and a publishing deal with Albert’s Music. It was album of the week on Triple J and several singles were placed on high rotation. A review on Themusic.com.au highlighted the production work: “Producer Yanto Browning has captured the impassioned live intent the band have built their reputation on and bottled it into 11 impeccable tracks, the album maintaining their onstage vigour while polishing it just enough to allow it to burn brightly through the speakers.” As a result of the record, The Medics were invited to play Splendour in the Grass, the national Big Day Out tour and a series of shows in South America.
In 1996, Emma Baulch went to live in Bali to do research on youth culture. Her chats with young people led her to an enormously popular regular outdoor show dominated by local reggae, punk, and death metal bands. In this rich ethnography, she takes readers inside each scene: hanging out in the death metal scene among unemployed university graduates clad in black T-shirts and ragged jeans; in the punk scene among young men sporting mohawks, leather jackets, and hefty jackboots; and among the remnants of the local reggae scene in Kuta Beach, the island’s most renowned tourist area. Baulch tracks how each music scene arrived and grew in Bali, looking at such influences as the global extreme metal underground, MTV Asia, and the internationalization of Indonesia’s music industry. Making Scenes is an exploration of the subtle politics of identity that took place within and among these scenes throughout the course of the 1990s. Participants in the different scenes often explained their interest in death metal, punk, or reggae in relation to broader ideas about what it meant to be Balinese, which reflected views about Bali’s tourism industry and the cultural dominance of Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital and largest city. Through dance, dress, claims to public spaces, and onstage performances, participants and enthusiasts reworked “Balinese-ness” by synthesizing global media, ideas of national belonging, and local identity politics. Making Scenes chronicles the creation of subcultures at a historical moment when media globalization and the gradual demise of the authoritarian Suharto regime coincided with revitalized, essentialist formulations of the Balinese self.
Directly after the horrific events of September 11, 2001, many Americans were saying the same thing: the world has changed forever. They were overwhelmed with a sense that “the party was over.” It was clear that America had lost its innocence; it now had to “grow up.” Much of the fiction produced since 9/11 and with 9/11 at its core provides evidence of the larger cultural belief that September 11 was a turning point (much like adolescence) from which there is no turning back. In this chapter, I examine how three post-9/11 novels—Lorrie Moore’s A Gate at the Stairs, Joyce Maynard’s The Usual Rules, and John Updike’s Terrorist—position readers to understand September 11 as a moment that changed how young Americans come of age.
Satanism in the Finnish Youth Culture of the 1990s The aim of this study was to investigate Satanism among Finnish youth in the 1990s. Thematic interviews of young Finnish Satanists are the basic material of this study. The research employs a theoretical framework derived from narrative psychology and the role-theoretical thinking of Dan P. McAdams. The young Satanists in Finland have been divided into two different groups: the criminal and drug using "devil-worshipping gangs"; and the more educated and philosophically oriented "Satanists" (Heino 1993). What can we say about this division? In the 1990s around Finland, there were young people calling themselves as devil- worshippers (either singular or in groups). They were strongly committed to a mythical devilish and cosmic battle, which they believed was going on in this world. They had problems with their mental health, also in their family socialization and peer groups. In their personal attitudes they were either active fighters or passive tramps. There were also rationally oriented young Satanists, that were ritually active and mainly atheistic. They strongly expressed their personal experiences of being individual and of being different than others. In their personal attitudes they were critical fighters and active survivors. They saw their lives through the satanistic 'finding-oneself experience'. They understood themselves as a "postmodern tribe" (Michel Maffesoli's sosiocultural concept): their sense of themselves was that of a dynamic collectivity which is social, dynamic, nonlocal and mythically historical. Death and black metal culture in the 1990s formed a common space for youth culture, where young individuals could work out their feelings and express their attitudes to life using dark satanic themes and symbols. The sense of "otherness" (also other than satanic) and collective demands for authenticity were essential tools that were used for identity work here. Personal disengagement from satanic/satanistic groups were observed to be gradual or quite rapid. Religious conversions back-and-forth also accured. At the end of the 1990s all off satanism in Finland bore a negative devil-worshipping stigma. Ritual homicide in South-Finland (Kerava/Hyvinkää) was connected to Satanism, which then became unpopular both in the personal life stories and alternative youth cultural circles at the beginning of the 2000s.
In Estonia, illicit drug use hardly existed before the social changes of the 1990s when, as a result of economic and cultural transformations, the country became part of a world order centred in the West. On the one hand, this development is due to the spread of international youth culture, which many young people have perceived as being associated with drugs; on the other hand, it results from the marginalisation of a part of the population. The empirical part of the study is based mostly on in-depth interviews with different drug users conducted during between 1998 and 2002. Complementary material includes the results of participant observations, interviews with key experts, and the results of previous quantitative studies and statistics. The young people who started experimenting with illicit drugs from the 1990s and onwards perceived them as a part of an attractive lifestyle - a Western lifestyle, a point which is worth stressing in the case of Estonia. Although the reasons for initiation into drug use were similar for the majority of young people, their drug use habits and the impact of the drug use on their lives began to differ. I argue that the potential pleasure and harm which might accompany drug use is offset by the meanings attached to drugs and the sanctions and rituals regulating drug use. In the study both recreational and problem use have been analysed from different aspects in seven articles. I have investigated different types of drug users: new bohemians, cannabis users, in whose case partying and restrictive drug use is positively connected to their lives and goals within established society; stimulant-using party people for whom drugs are a means of having fun but who do not have the same restrictive norms regulating their drug use as the former and who may get into trouble under certain conditions; and heroin users for whom the drug rapidly progressed from a means of having fun to an obligation due to addiction. The research results point at the importance not only of the drug itself and the socio-economic situation of the user, but also of the cultural and social context within which the drug is used. The latter may on occasions be a crucial factor in whether or not initial drug use eventually leads to addiction.
A dissertação trata de recente fenômeno juvenil urbano marcado pela identificação com um estilo musical chamado emo; os jovens que fazem parte dessa cultura juvenil se consideram mais emotivos que as outras pessoas em geral. Os emos caracterizam se também pela negação, tanto de uma identidade de grupo quanto da associação estigmatizada com um estilo específico de se vestir, se comportar e se expressar. As questões teóricas presentes nesse trabalho discutem como emos se utilizam das categorias nativas, emoções e expressões de sentimentos para representar a música, os indivíduos e o próprio grupo. A abordagem analítica central é sobre esta articulação entre música e emoção como um recurso identitário. A Internet é uma importante referência para os sujeitos pesquisados, e como ferramenta de investigação está acompanhada de considerações metodológicas sobre a etnografia virtual.
A sociedade na qual vivemos vem passando por grandes transformações que influenciam os modos de construir conhecimentos e veicular informações, as formas de se relacionar com o outro, a maneira de perceber o mundo e a si mesmo no mundo. Estas mudanças são marcadas pela interatividade, pela conectividade, pela velocidade, pela multilinearidade, pela complexidade e pela fragmentação tão presentes na cultura digital. Os jovens, nascidos em meio a estas transformações, vivenciam essas marcas em suas práticas culturais cotidianas, construindo uma nova lógica que orienta seu modo de perceber e agir na sociedade. No entanto, ao mesmo tempo em que os jovens orientam suas ações a partir dessa lógica que chamo nesse trabalho de cibercultural, vivenciam uma lógica linear na escola, o que acaba por produzir um hiato entre as culturas juvenis e a cultura escolar. Buscando contribuir para a construção de práticas pedagógicas mais concernentes às necessidades dos jovens contemporâneos, este estudo se propôs investigar o papel mediador das tecnologias digitais nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem. O estudo foi desenvolvido em uma escola de Ensino Médio Integrado, na zona norte do Rio de Janeiro, na qual os alunos têm acesso, em período integral, às disciplinas do currículo do MEC integradas às disciplinas de formação técnica voltadas às tecnologias digitais. Este projeto é fruto de uma parceria da Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Rio de Janeiro com um instituto privado, cujo objetivo é construir um espaço de pesquisa e de inovações em educação. A pesquisa se configurou como um estudo de caso, embora algumas reflexões possam contribuir para debates mais amplos em educação. O estudo apoiou-se teórico-metodologicamente nos Estudos Culturais Latino-americanos (Martín-Barbero e Canclini), que trazem contribuições para pensar o papel das mediações nos processos de recepção dos meios comunicacionais. Baseia-se, também, nos estudos sobre juventude (Dayrell e Carrano) que ajudaram a construir um olhar para os jovens pesquisados a partir do lugar ativo e protagonista de suas práticas dentro e fora da escola. Complementando estes aportes teóricos, o trabalho se fundamenta, ainda, nos estudos sobre a relação dos sujeitos com os ambientes virtuais ou ciberculturais (Lévy, Lemos e Santaella). As entrevistas realizadas com jovens e professores da escola e as observações em sala de aula foram exercícios de alteridade e exotopia, inspirados em Mikhail Bakhtin. O trabalho foi tecido numa perspectiva dialógica, buscando trazer para o texto impresso as experiências vividas no campo e os debates desencadeados a partir dessas experiências, propondo alguns caminhos para contribuir com uma escola mais significativa aos novos tempos.
A tese intitulada No cenário do tempo presente: um estudo sobre os valores hodiernos nas culturas juvenis, constitui uma investigação analítica acerca dos valores permanentes socializados pela cultura juvenil contemporânea. No fluxo transitório inerente à conjuntura da sociedade hodierna, postula-se a existência de valores compartilhados por jovens oriundos de distintas realidades sociais, familiares e educacionais. A pesquisa se propõe a apreender os ditos valores em meio aos contextos particulares das experiências juvenis. Para tal, adota como lócus de investigação, escolas públicas e privadas com características pedagógicas, filosóficas e socioeconômicas diferenciadas. Propugna-se o desenvolvimento da análise sobre três eixos principais: a questão do tempo presente, com suas características dinâmicas e a própria história que a define no seu processo em desenvolvimento; a questão da juventude, desdobrada nos jovens específicos desta pesquisa localizados nas culturas juvenis consideradas como unidade que encampa a diversidade; a questão dos valores observados tanto à luz da história, que os produz como a dos jovens que os elege desde o exercício da liberdade enquanto pessoa humana. Assim, pretendemos realizar um trabalho profícuo no tocante ao avanço e aprofundamento no conhecimento das questões atinentes à Juventude e Ética no tempo presente.
Esta pesquisa se construiu a partir do encontro com a ONG Centro Cultural Cartola da comunidade da Mangueira, no Rio de Janeiro. Nós refletimos sobre algumas questões relativas aos processos subjetivos com os quais se relacionam as crianças e jovens que participam de atividades culturais do centro, a partir justamente das experiências vividas neste espaço. Nosso foco se concentra nas crianças e jovens que integram a orquestra de violinos, grupo que denominamos grupo orquestra. Concretizamos nosso intento através de pesquisa participativa, focalizando, sobretudo, as perspectivas de futuro desses sujeitos em relação à inserção na sociedade e no mundo do trabalho. Nós buscamos nos aproximar da realidade do campo para conhecer como se dava a participação desses jovens nas atividades culturais e artísticas, e entender como elas contribuíam para o processo de produção de subjetividade e formação de uma concepção sobre a vida profissional deles. Realizamos encontros de grupos operativos que procuraram investigar como cada jovem enxerga sua situação atual e seu projeto de futuro. Nesta dissertação, fruto de tal intervenção, tecemos uma discussão sobre os aspectos das experiências subjetivas emergentes no centro cultural, bem como sobre os processos de produção de subjetividade e a temática da identidade cultural. Abordamos também o conceito de grupo e sua relação com a formação e transformação do sujeito. Além disso, refletimos sobre a função do trabalho para a configuração e reconfiguração do mundo social
Die relativ geschlossene Welt der mitteleuropäischen Tonalität ist mittlerweile längst nicht mehr in Kunst und Unterhaltung geschieden, vielmehr im Zeitalter der Medien in eine lange Reihe musikalischer Teilkulturen zerfallen. Diesem Phänomen war die Jahrestagung 1982 des Arbeitskreises Musikpädagogische Forschung gewidmet, deren Ergebnisse den vorliegenden Band füllen. Wenn auch — unter anderem durch die kurzfristige Absage einiger grundlegender Referatthemen — beileibe nicht alle Fragen des vielschichtigen Problemfeldes hinreichend beantwortet werden konnten, so darf dennoch konstatiert werden, daß auch offene Fragen die eminente Bedeutung des Tagungsthemas keinesfalls geschmälert haben. Dies hat sich gerade in dem erneut versuchten Dialog mit musikalischen Praktikern (einem Jazz- und einem Punkmusiker, einem Chorleiter, einem Komponisten Neuer Musik, dem Leiter einer Mandolinengesellschaft, einem U-Musik-Redakteur) im Rahmen einer Podiumsdiskussion erwiesen. (DIPF/Orig.)