950 resultados para X-rays: bursts


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We report on the long-term X-ray monitoring with Swift, RXTE, Suzaku, Chandra, and XMM-Newton of the outburst of the newly discovered magnetar Swift J1822.3–1606 (SGR 1822–1606), from the first observations soon after the detection of the short X-ray bursts which led to its discovery, through the first stages of its outburst decay (covering the time span from 2011 July until the end of 2012 April). We also report on archival ROSAT observations which detected the source during its likely quiescent state, and on upper limits on Swift J1822.3–1606's radio-pulsed and optical emission during outburst, with the Green Bank Telescope and the Gran Telescopio Canarias, respectively. Our X-ray timing analysis finds the source rotating with a period of P = 8.43772016(2) s and a period derivative P = 8.3(2)×10−14 s s−1, which implies an inferred dipolar surface magnetic field of B sime 2.7 × 1013 G at the equator. This measurement makes Swift J1822.3–1606 the second lowest magnetic field magnetar (after SGR 0418+5729). Following the flux and spectral evolution from the beginning of the outburst, we find that the flux decreased by about an order of magnitude, with a subtle softening of the spectrum, both typical of the outburst decay of magnetars. By modeling the secular thermal evolution of Swift J1822.3–1606, we find that the observed timing properties of the source, as well as its quiescent X-ray luminosity, can be reproduced if it was born with a poloidal and crustal toroidal fields of Bp ~ 1.5 × 1014 G and B tor ~ 7 × 1014 G, respectively, and if its current age is ~550 kyr.


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We present a long-term phase-coherent timing analysis and pulse-phase resolved spectroscopy for the two outbursts observed from the transient anomalous X-ray pulsar CXOU J164710.2−455216. For the first outburst we used 11 Chandra and XMM–Newton observations between 2006 September and 2009 August, the longest baseline yet for this source. We obtain a coherent timing solution with P = 10.61065583(4) s, Ṗ = 9.72(1) × 10−13 s s−1 and P̈ = –1.05(5) × 10−20 s s−2. Under the standard assumptions this implies a surface dipolar magnetic field of ∼1014 G, confirming this source as a standard B magnetar. We also study the evolution of the pulse profile (shape, intensity and pulsed fraction) as a function of time and energy. Using the phase-coherent timing solution we perform a phase-resolved spectroscopy analysis, following the spectral evolution of pulse-phase features, which hints at the physical processes taking place on the star. The results are discussed from the perspective of magnetothermal evolution models and the untwisting magnetosphere model. Finally, we present similar analysis for the second, less intense, 2011 outburst. For the timing analysis we used Swift data together with 2 XMM–Newton and Chandra pointings. The results inferred for both outbursts are compared and briefly discussed in a more general framework.


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We study the timing and spectral properties of the low-magnetic field, transient magnetar SWIFT J1822.3−1606 as it approached quiescence. We coherently phase-connect the observations over a time-span of ∼500 d since the discovery of SWIFT J1822.3−1606 following the Swift-Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) trigger on 2011 July 14, and carried out a detailed pulse phase spectroscopy along the outburst decay. We follow the spectral evolution of different pulse phase intervals and find a phase and energy-variable spectral feature, which we interpret as proton cyclotron resonant scattering of soft photon from currents circulating in a strong (≳1014 G) small-scale component of the magnetic field near the neutron star surface, superimposed to the much weaker (∼3 × 1013 G) magnetic field. We discuss also the implications of the pulse-resolved spectral analysis for the emission regions on the surface of the cooling magnetar.


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We report on the discovery of a new member of the magnetar class, SGR J1935+2154, and on its timing and spectral properties measured by an extensive observational campaign carried out between 2014 July and 2015 March with Chandra and XMM–Newton (11 pointings). We discovered the spin period of SGR J1935+2154 through the detection of coherent pulsations at a period of about 3.24 s. The magnetar is slowing down at a rate of P˙=1.43(1)×10−11 s s−1 and with a decreasing trend due to a negative P¨ of −3.5(7) × 10−19 s s−2. This implies a surface dipolar magnetic field strength of ∼2.2 × 1014 G, a characteristic age of about 3.6 kyr and a spin-down luminosity Lsd ∼1.7 × 1034 erg s−1. The source spectrum is well modelled by a blackbody with temperature of about 500 eV plus a power-law component with photon index of about 2. The source showed a moderate long-term variability, with a flux decay of about 25 per cent during the first four months since its discovery, and a re-brightening of the same amount during the second four months. The X-ray data were also used to study the source environment. In particular, we discovered a diffuse emission extending on spatial scales from about 1 arcsec up to at least 1 arcmin around SGR J1935+2154 both in Chandra and XMM–Newton data. This component is constant in flux (at least within uncertainties) and its spectrum is well modelled by a power-law spectrum steeper than that of the pulsar. Though a scattering halo origin seems to be more probable we cannot exclude that part, or all, of the diffuse emission is due to a pulsar wind nebula.


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The efficiency of a Laue lens for X and Gamma ray focusing in the energy range 60 ÷ 600 keV is closely linked to the diffraction efficiency of the single crystals composing the lens. A powerful focusing system is crucial for applications like medical imaging and X ray astronomy where wide beams must be focused. Mosaic crystals with a high density, such as Cu or Au, and bent crystals with curved diffracting planes (CDP) are considered for the realization of a focusing system for X rays, owing to their high diffraction efficiency. In this work, a comparison of the efficiency of CDP crystals and mosaic crystals was performed on the basis of the theory of X-ray diffraction. Si, GaAs and Ge CDP crystals with optimized thicknesses and moderate radii of curvature of several tens of metres demonstrate comparable or superior performance with respect to the higher atomic number mosaic crystals generally used. A simplified approach for calculating the integrated reflectivity of the crystals is applied. A bending technique used during this work to realize CDP crystals consists in a controlled surface damaging induced by a mechanical lapping process. A compressive strained layer of few micrometres in thickness is generated and causes the convex curvature of the damaged side of the crystal. Another new bending technique is developed and the main results are shown. The process consists on a film deposition of a selected bi-component epoxy resin on one side of crystal, made uniform in thickness by mean of a spin-coater. Choosing the speed of spin-coating, so changing the thickness of the film, a control of radius of curvature can be obtained. Moreover the possibility to combine the two bending technique to obtain CDP crystal with a stronger curvature in rather thick crystals was demonstrated. Detailed characterization of Si, and GaAs CDP crystals at low and high x-ray energies are performed on flat and bent crystals obtained with the damaging and the resin deposition technique. As expected an increase of diffraction efficiency in asymmetrical diffraction geometry in CDP crystals with respect to the flat ones is observed. On the other hand an unexpected increase of the integrated intensity in symmetrical geometry, not predicted by the theory, is observed in all the measurements performed with different set up. The experimental trend of the integrated reflectivity as a function of the radius of curvature is in a good agreement with that predicted by the theory of bent perfect crystals, so it is possible to conclude that the surface damage has a limited effect on the crystal reflectivity. A study of the integrated reflectivity in the energy range of interest (100÷350 keV) in CDP crystals realized with damaging and resin deposition technique at symmetrical and asymmetrical geometries was performed at ILL Institute. Also at these energies the diffraction efficiency of bent crystals was much larger (a 12 time increase is observed for bent crystals in asymmetrical 111 geometry) than that measured in flat crystals. The diffraction efficiency of CDP crystals realized with both techniques tends to coincide with that of flat crystals at very high energies (> 200 keV). This suggesting that also real flat perfect crystals can be considered as strongly bent or mosaic crystals at very high X ray energies.


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We report on an ~63 ks Chandra observation of the X-ray transient Swift J195509.6+261406 discovered as the afterglow of what was first believed to be a long-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB 070610). The outburst of this source was characterized by unique optical flares on timescales of second or less, morphologically similar to the short X-ray bursts usually observed from magnetars. Our Chandra observation was performed ~2 years after the discovery of the optical and X-ray flaring activity of this source, catching it in its quiescent state. We derive stringent upper limits on the quiescent emission of Swift J195509.6+261406, which argues against the possibility of this object being a typical magnetar. Our limits show that the most viable interpretation on the nature of this peculiar bursting source is a binary system hosting a black hole or a neutron star with a low-mass companion star (<0.12 M ☉) and with an orbital period smaller than a few hours.


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Bone diseases such as rickets and osteoporosis cause significant reduction in bone quantity and quality, which leads to mechanical abnormalities. However, the precise ultrastructural mechanism by which altered bone quality affects mechanical properties is not clearly understood. Here we demonstrate the functional link between altered bone quality (reduced mineralization) and abnormal fibrillar-level mechanics using a novel, real-time synchrotron X-ray nanomechanical imaging method to study a mouse model with rickets due to reduced extrafibrillar mineralization. A previously unreported N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mouse model for hypophosphatemic rickets (Hpr), as a result of missense Trp314Arg mutation of the phosphate regulating gene with homologies to endopeptidase on the X chromosome (Phex) and with features consistent with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLHR) in man, was investigated using in situ synchrotron small angle X-ray scattering to measure real-time changes in axial periodicity of the nanoscale mineralized fibrils in bone during tensile loading. These determine nanomechanical parameters including fibril elastic modulus and maximum fibril strain. Mineral content was estimated using backscattered electron imaging. A significant reduction of effective fibril modulus and enhancement of maximum fibril strain was found in Hpr mice. Effective fibril modulus and maximum fibril strain in the elastic region increased consistently with age in Hpr and wild-type mice. However, the mean mineral content was ∼21% lower in Hpr mice and was more heterogeneous in its distribution. Our results are consistent with a nanostructural mechanism in which incompletely mineralized fibrils show greater extensibility and lower stiffness, leading to macroscopic outcomes such as greater bone flexibility. Our study demonstrates the value of in situ X-ray nanomechanical imaging in linking the alterations in bone nanostructure to nanoscale mechanical deterioration in a metabolic bone disease. Copyright


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A theory for the emission of X-rays from a high density gaseous plasma interacting with CO2 laser is given. It predicts a sharp increase in the X-ray intensity for densities close to the critical.


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We discuss two temperature accretion disk flows around rotating black holes. As we know that to explain observed hard X-rays the choice of Keplerian angular momentum profile is not unique, we consider the sub-Keplerian regime of the disk. Without any strict knowledge of the magnetic field structure, we assume the cooling mechanism is dominated by bremsstrahlung process. We show that in a range of Shakura-Sunyaev viscosity parameter 0.2 greater than or similar to alpha greater than or similar to 0.0005, flow behavior varies widely, particularly by means of the size of disk, efficiency of cooling and corresponding temperatures of ions and electrons. We also show that the disk around a rotating black hole is hotter compared to that around a Schwarzschild black hole, rendering a larger difference between ion and electron temperatures in the former case. With all the theoretical solutions in hand, finally we reproduce the observed luminosities (L) of two extreme cases-the under-fed AGNs and quasars (e.g. Sgr A') with L greater than or similar to 10(33) erg/s to ultra-luminous X-ray sources with L similar to 10(41) erg/s, at different combinations of mass accretion rate, ratio of specific heats, Shakura-Sunyaev viscosity parameter and Kerr parameter, and conclude that Sgr A' may be an intermediate spinning black hole.


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This thesis is a study of the x-ray scattering properties of tissues and tumours of the breast. Clinical radiography is based on the absorption of the x-rays when passing right through the human body and gives information about the densities of the tissues. Besides being absorbed, x-rays may change their direction within the tissues due to elastic scattering or even to refraction. The phenomenon of scattering is a nuisance to radiography in general, and to mammography in particular, because it reduces the quality of the images. However, scattered x-rays bear very useful information about the structure of the tissues at the supra-molecular level. Some pathologies, like breast cancer, produce alterations to the structures of the tissues, being especially evident in collagen-rich tissues. On the other hand, the change of direction due to refraction of the x-rays on the tissue boundaries can be mapped. The diffraction enhanced imaging (DEI) technique uses a perfect crystal to convert the angular deviations of the x-rays into intensity variations, which can be recorded as images. This technique is of especial interest in the cases were the densities of the tissues are very similar (like in mammography) and the absorption images do not offer enough contrast. This thesis explores the structural differences existing in healthy and pathological collagen in breast tissue samples by the small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) technique and compares these differences with the morphological information found in the DEI images and the histo-pathology of the same samples. Several breast tissue samples were studied by SAXS technique in the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. Scattering patterns of the different tissues of the breast were acquired and compared with the histology of the samples. The scattering signals from adipose tissue (fat), connective tissue (collagen) and necrotic tissue were identified. Moreover, a clear distinction could be done between the scattering signals from healthy collagen and from collagen from an invasive tumour. Scattering from collagen is very characteristic. It includes several scattering peaks and scattering features that carry information about the size and the spacing of the collagen fibrils in the tissues. It was found that the collagen fibrils in invaded tumours were thinner and had a d-spacing length 0,7% longer that fibrils from healthy tumours. The scattering signals from the breast tissues were compared with the histology by building colour-coded maps across the samples. They were also imaged with the DEI technique. There was a total agreement between the scattering maps, the morphological features seen in the images and the information of the histo- pathological examination. The thesis demonstrates that the x-ray scattering signal can be used to characterize tissues and that it carries important information about the pathological state of the breast tissues, thus showing the potential of the SAXS technique as a possible diagnostic tool for breast cancer.


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It is well known that protein crystallizability can be influenced by site-directed mutagenesis of residues on the molecular surface of proteins, indicating that the intermolecular interactions in crystal-packing regions may play a crucial role in the structural regularity at atomic resolution of protein crystals. Here, a systematic examination was made of the improvement in the diffraction resolution of protein crystals on introducing a single mutation of a crystal-packing residue in order to provide more favourable packing interactions, using diphthine synthase from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 as a model system. All of a total of 21 designed mutants at 13 different crystal-packing residues yielded almost isomorphous crystals from the same crystallization conditions as those used for the wild-type crystals, which diffracted X-rays to 2.1 angstrom resolution. Of the 21 mutants, eight provided crystals with an improved resolution of 1.8 angstrom or better. Thus, it has been clarified that crystal quality can be improved by introducing a suitable single mutation of a crystal-packing residue. In the improved crystals, more intimate crystal-packing interactions than those in the wild-type crystal are observed. Notably, the mutants K49R and T146R yielded crystals with outstandingly improved resolutions of 1.5 and 1.6 angstrom, respectively, in which a large-scale rearrangement of packing interactions was unexpectedly observed despite the retention of the same isomorphous crystal form. In contrast, the mutants that provided results that were in good agreement with the designed putative structures tended to achieve only moderate improvements in resolution of up to 1.75 angstrom. These results suggest a difficulty in the rational prediction of highly effective mutations in crystal engineering.


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Scattering of X-rays and neutrons has been applied to the study of nanostructures with interesting biological functions. The systems studied were the protein calmodulin and its complexes, bacterial virus bacteriophage phi6, and the photosynthetic antenna complex from green sulfur bacteria, chlorosome. Information gathered using various structure determination methods has been combined to the low resolution information obtained from solution scattering. Conformational changes in calmodulin-ligand complex were studied by combining the directional information obtained from residual dipole couplings in nuclear magnetic resonance to the size information obtained from small-angle X-ray scattering from solution. The locations of non-structural protein components in a model of bacteriophage phi6, based mainly on electron microscopy, were determined by neutron scattering, deuterium labeling and contrast variation. New data are presented on the structure of the photosynthetic antenna complex of green sulfur bacteria and filamentous anoxygenic phototrophs, also known as the chlorosome. The X-ray scattering and electron cryomicroscopy results from this system are interpreted in the context of a new structural model detailed in the third paper of this dissertation. The model is found to be consistent with the results obtained from various chlorosome containing bacteria. The effect of carotenoid synthesis on the chlorosome structure and self-assembly are studied by carotenoid extraction, biosynthesis inhibition and genetic manipulation of the enzymes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis. Carotenoid composition and content are found to have a marked effect on the structural parameters and morphology of chlorosomes.


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Inelastic x-ray scattering can be used to study the electronic structure of matter. The x rays scattered from the target both induce and carry information on the electronic excitations taking place in the system. These excitations are the manifestations of the electronic structure and the physics governing the many-body system. This work presents results of non-resonant inelastic x-ray scattering experiments on a range of materials including metallic, insulating and semiconducting compounds as well as an organic polymer. The experiments were carried out at the National Synchrotron Light Source, USA and at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France. The momentum transfer dependence of the experimental valence- and core-electron excitation spectra is compared with the results of theoretical first principles computations that incorporate the electron-hole interaction. A recently developed method for analyzing the momentum transfer dependence of core-electron excitation spectra is studied in detail. This method is based on real space multiple scattering calculations and is used to extract the angular symmetry components of the local unoccupied density of final states.


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The first observations of solar X-rays date back to late 1940 s. In order to observe solar X-rays the instruments have to be lifted above the Earth s atmosphere, since all high energy radiation from the space is almost totally attenuated by it. This is a good thing for all living creatures, but bad for X-ray astronomers. Detectors observing X-ray emission from space must be placed on-board satellites, which makes this particular discipline of astronomy technologically and operationally demanding, as well as very expensive. In this thesis, I have focused on detectors dedicated to observing solar X-rays in the energy range 1-20 keV. The purpose of these detectors was to measure solar X-rays simultaneously with another X-ray spectrometer measuring fluorescence X-ray emission from the Moon surface. The X-ray fluorescence emission is induced by the primary solar X-rays. If the elemental abundances on the Moon were to be determined with fluorescence analysis methods, the shape and intensity of the simultaneous solar X-ray spectrum must be known. The aim of this thesis is to describe the characterization and operation of our X-ray instruments on-board two Moon missions, SMART-1 and Chandrayaan-1. Also the independent solar science performance of these two almost similar X-ray spectrometers is described. These detectors have the following two features in common. Firstly, the primary detection element is made of a single crystal silicon diode. Secondly, the field of view is circular and very large. The data obtained from these detectors are spectra with a 16 second time resolution. Before launching an instrument into space, its performance must be characterized by ground calibrations. The basic operation of these detectors and their ground calibrations are described in detail. Two C-flares are analyzed as examples for introducing the spectral fitting process. The first flare analysis shows the fit of a single spectrum of the C1-flare obtained during the peak phase. The other analysis example shows how to derive the time evolution of fluxes, emission measures (EM) and temperatures through the whole single C4 flare with the time resolution of 16 s. The preparatory data analysis procedures are also introduced in detail. These are required in spectral fittings of the data. A new solar monitor design equipped with a concentrator optics and a moderate size of field of view is also introduced.


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Analysis of the genomic sequences of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium has revealed the presence of several homologues of the well studied citrate synthase (CS). One of these homologues has been shown to code for 2-methylcitrate synthase (2-MCS) activity. 2-MCS catalyzes one of the steps in the 2-methylcitric acid cycle found in these organisms for the degradation of propionate to pyruvate and succinate. In the present work, the gene coding for 2-MCS from S. typhimurium (StPrpC) was cloned in pRSET-C vector and overexpressed in E. coli. The protein was purified to homogeneity using Ni-NTA affinity chromatography. The purified protein was crystallized using the microbatch-under-oil method. The StPrpC crystals diffracted X-rays to 2.4 A resolution and belonged to the triclinic space group P1, with unit-cell parameters a = 92.068, b = 118.159, c = 120.659 A, alpha = 60.84, beta = 67.77, gamma = 81.92 degrees. Computation of rotation functions using the X-ray diffraction data shows that the protein is likely to be a decamer of identical subunits, unlike CSs, which are dimers or hexamers.