947 resultados para Which-way experiments
Tendências sócio-culturais costumam ser incorporadas no mercado de consumo na forma de produtos e campanhas publicitárias. Para isto, as empresas tendem a resignificar as tendências para que se tornem argumentos de venda de seus novos produtos. Este estudo toma como objeto um produto lançado no mercado, no caso a Maxi-Goiabinha da Bauducco, e discute através de referências bibliográficas e outros exemplos de mercado como se dá a re-significação deste produto em específico. O objetivo desta dissertação é identificar de que maneira as tendências de alimentação saudável foram simplificadas, transformadas em ícones e exemplificadas através de um estilo de vida pela publicidade do produto Maxi-Goiabinha. O estudo busca os elementos que serviram como influência da campanha, a razão da utilização destes elementos e quais os potenciais impactos do produto no mercado em que está inserido. A escolha do produto Maxi-Goiabinha é interessante por ser um produto de uma marca notoriamente indulgente, a Bauducco, que procura se inserir num mercado com argumentos saudáveis que não faz parte do posicionamento original da marca. A relação mostra a fragilidade da marca para manter a sua identidade ao ser confrontada com a oportunidade de maior faturamento ao se aproveitar de uma tendência de mercado. Conclui-se que a publicidade provê os consumidores de informação e a partir desta, eles passam a procurar por características mais saudáveis no mercado de consumo, o que gera uma transformação potencialmente positiva no mercado. No entanto, ao se utilizar como ícones de seus comerciais pessoas que mostram um balanço perfeito entre saúde, vida pessoal e vida profissional, pode-se gerar um aumento da ansiedade no consumidor médio para se tornarem tão bem sucedidos quanto este homem ou mulher ideal. Discute-se se as escolhas disponibilizadas pela indústria no atual contexto de consumo oprimem ou libertam o consumidor, pois ao mesmo tempo em que lhe é dado o poder de escolha, também lhe é cobrado, através dos ícones das publicidades, ser feliz e bem sucedido em dezenas de facetas e papéis que acompanham a multiplicidade da vida contemporânea.
No presente trabalho discorremos sobre o fenômeno que o mundo tem testemunhado nas últimas décadas, a judicialização da política, em que as cortes têm, cada vez mais, fortalecido o seu poder. Nesse novo cenário, a judicialização vem sendo acompanhada pelo constitucionalismo e pelo “judicial review”. As abordagens teóricas sobre o tema, por sua vez, não estão aptas a servir como modelo de justificativa para toda e qualquer judicialização, mas cada uma delas serve para explicar de que maneira ela vem acontecendo em um determinado país. Aqui no Brasil, um importante termo para designar tal ascensão do Judiciário é conhecido como supremocracia e uma das abordagens teóricas relaciona-se justamente a sua origem, qual seja, ao processo de entrada dos Ministros na mais alta corte, o STF, por meio do processo de sabatina, realizada pela Comissão de Constituição, Justiça e Cidadania. É na análise desse processo empírico que se detém o presente estudo, a fim de verificar a dinâmica política e jurídica do recrutamento dos Ministros para a nossa corte superior.
A aprendizagem organizacional tem se apresentado como tema relevante nos estudos organizacionais. Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar, a partir da percepção de gestores responsáveis pela gestão de pessoas ou do conhecimento, de que maneira as organizações judiciárias implementam práticas que possam facilitar o processo de Aprendizagem Organizacional. A base teórica foi desenvolvida a partir das teorias sobre a aprendizagem organizacional, conhecimento e competências. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como qualitativa e descritiva e os dados foram coletados por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo. Para a pesquisa de campo, optou-se pela realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestores de quatro diferentes Tribunais, estaduais e regionais federais. A análise dos dados demonstra que as organizações judiciárias vêm implementando ações vinculadas ao aprendizado organizacional, mas, ainda, há um grande desafio em potencializá-las na busca de um crescimento coletivo. Revela, ainda, a importância da coordenação dessas ações e do contexto que facilite o aprendizado, além de indicar que alguns fatores podem inibir esse processo. Nota-se o entusiasmo dos gestores e o esforço na implementação de tecnologias e práticas e a constatação, por parte dos mesmos, de que o Poder Judiciário teve um avanço nos últimos anos.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar o instrumento denominado Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (AAE) aplicado ao contexto brasileiro, para descobrir (1) se a AAE pode ser efetiva no sentido de influenciar de fato a tomada de decisão e alterar a cultura governamental em relação ao meio ambiente; (2) quais fatores podem influenciar a efetividade; e (3) de que forma a dimensão jurídico-institucional pode influenciar a efetividade. Para tanto, este trabalho fará, em primeiro lugar, um referencial teórico sobre a AAE e sua efetividade, adotando a premissa de que efetividade, para os efeitos deste trabalho, é o mesmo que “a influência real da AAE no processo de tomada de decisão e a alteração da visão governamental a respeito do meio ambiente” – o que pode por consequência promover o desenvolvimento sustentável. Esta primeira parte também apresentará as vantagens, obstáculos e boas práticas da AAE de acordo com a literatura, e brevemente descreverá a institucionalização da AAE no Brasil e na Holanda (como um exemplo de caso bem sucedido). Na segunda parte, será apresentado um estudo de caso da AAE feita para o Programa de Geração Hidrelétrica de Minas Gerais (PGHMG), a fim de verificar sua efetividade e quais fatores tiveram influência sobre ela. O terceiro tópico então extrairá lições do caso PGHMG, especialmente considerando a dimensão jurídico-institucional da AAE, e como ela pode influenciar sua efetividade. A questão a ser respondida, nesta terceira parte do trabalho, é se uma norma aberta que dá ampla oportunidade para o governo decidir se, quando e como implementar a AAE (como no caso PGHMG) é a regra ideal no contexto brasileiro. A hipótese deste trabalho é de que a AAE tem a potencialidade de ser efetivamente utilizada no processo de tomada de decisão governamental brasileiro e alterar a visão governamental a respeito do meio ambiente, possuindo o condão de promover o desenvolvimento sustentável, apesar de ter de superar obstáculos consideráveis relacionados a questões políticas e institucionais; para ser implementada em escala nacional, ainda segundo a nossa hipótese, é necessário desenvolver normas mais restritivas em relação à discricionariedade administrativa, de forma a criar um procedimento de AAE obrigatório pelo governo.
Nowadays, the act of mourning configures as a circumstance of isolation and social anguish due to the impossibility to express the pain by those who suffer the loss of a dear one. At the same time, the symbolic relations established between society and the cemetery contains interpretations about death, pain and fear which confer to the visits a special and individual feature. In this context, this dissertation tries to analyse the formation of a sociability observed among visitors of the Morada da Paz a private cemetery located in Natal/RN as well as the frequency of the visitors to the necropolis. Therefore, the research was accomplished from the observation of the existent relations among these actors whose meetings have procured links based on the experiences´ exchange about pain and bereavement. In this sense, this study tries to analyse, as its principal point, in which way the Morada da Paz space and the relations established there are being appropriate by the visitors in their mourning process, trying to understand what are the role of these bond in the elaboration of the loss for these people
Under the circumstances of the desestatization that penetrate Brazilian economy in the 90‟s, new features in the monopoly of oil by the Union were designed by the constitutional amendment number 9. of 1995. This deep change in the legal regime of oil sector brought the possibility of entrance to small and medium size producers in this industry, especially through the production activities developed in mature and marginal fields of oil, which are located mainly in northeast region of Brazil. Considering that the intervention of state over the economy finds its guidelines and limits in Federal Constitution disposals, the present work investigated in which way states regulation, mainly through taxation rules, has obeyed the constitutional regime in force, and specially, the reduction of regional inequalities principle. By mean, firstly, of an analysis of central concepts (mature fields, marginal fields, small and medium size producers) we observed that the imprecision over the conceptual aspect has constituted an obstacle to a specific states‟ regulation, directed to this newborn class of producers, whose growth has been pursuit by the state. That is verified in the case of concession procedures, and also, concerning the taxation system applied to small and medium size producers. Examining the main constitutional principles related to this universe which are the legality, equality, privileged treatment to small enterprises, contributive capacity, and reduction of regional inequalities we conclude that it is legally possible, a truly specific regulation, including a special taxation regime, to the small and medium size producers whose activities are concentrate over mature-marginal fields, aiming the concretization of the Brazilian state main goals
This dissertation aims at analyzing some relations established between teachers‟ formative proposal for docent knowledge and pedagogical practices in the Special Program of Professional Formation to Basic Education (Proformação in Portuguese) with the objective of investigating how teachers evaluate knowledge acquired during their course formation to identify its improvement in their pedagogical practice. This is a Pedagogical Program of the State University of Rio Grande do Norte chosen to be analyzed. The objective is to investigate how teachers, Proformação/Pedagogy course students evaluate privileged knowledge in that university formation and how the relation between this knowledge and their pedagogical practice are experienced in classroom as teachers, defining in which way knowledge constructed and reconstructed during the course contributes for an improvement of their pedagogical practices. We have interviewed fourteen Proformação/Pedagogy last-term teachers, emphasizing the analysis of their point of view as social actors related to docent university formation in service. The principles for this investigation comprehend a qualitative approach, in a case study modality, with an exploratory tendency, presented in the introductory section and along four chapters. The research is theoretically guided by Andoino (1998), Bardin (2009); Laville e Dione (1999); Bogdan and Biklen (1994), Hernandez Sampieri, Hernandez Collado and Baptista Lúcio (2006), among others. We justify this thematic choice, considering docent formation and its interface with an improvement for students‟ leaning, taking into account the strict relations between those elements. We have discussed on docent formative paradigms, based on a multireferential perspective, whose main authors that developed research in this area are: Gómez (1998), Sacristán e Gómez (1998), Tardif (2002), Altet (2001) Paquay e Wagner (2001), Garcia (1999), Baldi (2008), La Torre e Barrios (2002). We interviewed fourteen teachers, all of them in the last term of the Program. In the second chapter, we justify the choice of the subject, approaching docent formation and its relation with basic teaching. We understand that there is a strong relation between those aspects. In the third chapter, we discuss on some docent formative paradigms, among them, Gomes (1998), Sacristán and Gomez (1998), Tardig (2002), Altet (2001) Paquay and Wagner (2001), Garcia (1999), Baldi (2008), La Torre and Barrios (2002). We introduce the Pedagogical Program structure and specify which formative paradigms characterize it and identifying that one of the most prominent paradigm is a practical perspective with emphasis on reflexivity about the practice based on the premise that docent formation is be based on from learning to practice theory. We present an data analysis obtained from thematic categorization extracted subjects‟ discourses and, at the end, we discuss on evaluation of the teachers involved in the research related to the course contributions to provide an improvement for pedagogical practices developed by them inside their classrooms. We consider, thus, that teachers evaluate the Program as a guideline for (re)construction of diversified knowledge, which, in turn, provides the development of abilities to analyze classroom situations based on pedagogical theories and to develop investigative practice based on everyday experience. The results point out that some implications are relevant, among them: the thematic-choice, discussed previously, needs other kinds of investigations. The relation between theory and practice proposed in formation programs requires more systematic studies considering others aspects that characterize teaching process, and mainly, to provide investigative proposals of and about such practices
This work study of solar distillation feasibility in effluent of petroleum industry: produced water, making possible your reuse for irrigation of oleaginous cultures or fodder crops or in steam generation, as well the transport phenomena involved. The methodology for development of this project was to characterize the effluent to be treated and to accomplish physical and chemical analysis in the distilled, to build distillation equipment, concomitant operation of both equipments and implementation of data processing and economical evaluation. The methodology used for all parameters is outlined in APHA (1998) and sampling of the type compound. The feeding of distillation equipment was performed with treated effluent from UTPF of Guamaré. The temperature was monitored throughout the distillers and during the time of operation. The distillers feed occur, as a rule, for sifon. The distillers were operated by a period of 17 months between July 2007 and February 2009, in which 40 experiments were performed. The radiation and temperature datas were acquired in the INPE s site and the temperature inside of the distillers was registered by DATALOGGER Novus. The rates of condensation (mL / min) were determined by measuring of the flow in a graduate test tube of 10 mL and a chronometer. We used two simple solar effect distillers of passive type with different angles in coverage: 20 ° and 45 °. The results obtained in this study and the relevant discussions are divided into six topics: sample characterization and quality of distilled; construction of distillers; operation (data, temperature profile), climatic aspects, treatment of data and economical analysis. Results obtained can be inferred that: the energy loss by the adoption of vessel glass was not significant, however, complicates the logistics of maintenance the equipment on a large scale. In the other hand, the surface of the tub with a glass shield on the equipment deterioration, both devices showed similar performance, so there is not justified for use of equipment 450. With regard to the climatological study it was verified that the Natal city presents monthly medium radiation varying in a range between 350 and 600 W/m2, and medium of wind speed of 5 m / s. The medium humidity is around 70% and rainfall is very small. The regime of the system is transient and although it has been treated as a stationary system shows that the model accurately represents the distillers system's 20 degrees. The quality of the distilled with regard to the parameters evaluated in this study is consistent with the Class 3 waters of CONAMA (Resolution 357). Therefore we can conclude that solar distillation has viability for treat oilfield produced water when considered the technical and environmental aspects, although it is not economically viable
This work is a result of an research that aims to understand in which way the work The Ancient City of the French historian Fustel de Coulanges built a moral model for the institutions and for the construction of the French territory in the century XIX understood like The Modern City . Our intention is to present a study on the way like the ancient city it was built, when nationalist of century XIX is taking into account his connections with the space reforms and the discussion in France. In this sense, we go besides the works of the historiography of the century XIX on this subject and of the articles and tests of the beginning of the century XX, when urbanity planner tied the narrative Scientifics of Fustel with the discussion in France of this period and his contribution, through this connection between history and space, with the national education of the individuals and the formation of the French identity. In this way, we understand which History, Nation and Space were the bases of sustenance of the theory of Coulanges about The Ancient City and of the formation of the French territory. Besides, the discussion historiography between Frenchmen and Germans on the origins of his respective nations influenced Coulanges the perspective of narrating a history of the Antiquity, taking into account the cultural approach of the past and the modern Institutions
Nowadays, there is a tourism phase in the city of Natal/RN called internationalization of tourism , which shows a tourism model with a planning and an administration, based on the needs of the visitors. Such process shows that the production as well as the reproduction of the city spaces with the goal of favor tourism excludes of its composition the effective participation of local subjects. Thus, the research is a result of the perception of tourism as an activity with a meaningful power of transformation of the social and natural space taking into account the low participation of the residents in the decisions of the tourism activities in the city of Natal/RN. Despite that reality, it is possible to note Natal that civil society, starts to mobilize its citizens trying to develop collective actions to low the negative impacts caused by the bad planning as wells not efficient tourism administration, trying to put in action the right of the local population to take part in the decisions of the city activities. Having this panorama as background, this paper aims at investigating in which way the mobilizing action of the social capital in Natal has contributed to change the spatial production which is part of the process of expansion of tourism in Natal/RN? The research presents a temporal picture which starts in the year of 1980, when occurs the first effective state intervention aiming to develop tourism in the capital, taking into account an analysis of 2012. Concerning the spatial picture, the research investigates the beaches of Natal which concentrates criteria and actions such as: visitation, tourism appeal and focus of investments, highlighting the following beaches: Ponta Negra, Areia Preta, Praia dos Artistas, Praia do Meio, Praia do Forte and Redinha. This study is of a descriptive and exploratory nature concerning its goals. With respect to the treatment of its object it is a qualitative research. The data was collected through structural interviews, with open questions. Regarding the methodological choices, it was used the content analysis proposed as well as the collective discursive subject methodology. The results show that there´s not yet in Natal a meaningful social capital related to tourism, capable to change the spatial production related to the activity. It should be stressed that Natal social capital presents difficulties concerning the incentive to trust, spontaneous cooperation and the civic participation, which are the foundation for the development of an effective social capital, which makes it harder for a more expressive articulation in the reality in Natal/RN. It should be stressed, as an answer to the research questions, that tourism in Natal/RN is represented by social and spatial segregation. In other words it emphasizes mainly the action of hegemonic agents (State and market), leaving little room for the participation of society. It can be noticed that the actions related to tourism in Natal keeps the popular participation out of the way. Thus, it can be said that the social capital in Natal/RN does not yet contribute to a more fair spatial production related to the expansion of the tourism as well as the well being of the population of Natal/RN. In conclusion, it should be taken into account that this participation do exists but not in a meaningful way. In other words, it´s not enough yet to cause meaningful changes in the actions which tourism needs nowadays in Natal/RN
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC