906 resultados para Wedge and strip anode


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Scopo dello studio: la cardiomiopatia aritmogena (CA) è conosciuta come causa di morte improvvisa, la sua relazione con lo scompenso cardiaco (SC) è stata scarsamente indagata. Scopo dello studio è la definizione della prevalenza e incidenza dello SC, nonché della fisiopatologia e delle basi morfologiche che conducono i pazienti con CA a SC e trapianto di cuore. Metodi: abbiamo analizzato retrospettivamente 64 pazienti con diagnosi di CA e confrontato i dati clinici e strumentali dei pazienti con e senza SC (NYHA III-IV). Abbiamo analizzato i cuori espiantati dei pazienti sottoposti a trapianto presso i centri di Bologna e Padova. Risultati: la prevalenza dello SC alla prima osservazione era del 14% e l’incidenza del 2,3% anno-persona. Sedici pazienti (23%) sono stati sottoposti a trapianto. I pazienti con SC erano più giovani all’esordio dei sintomi (46±16 versus 37±12 anni, p=0.04); il ventricolo destro (VD) era più dilatato e ipocinetico all’ecocardiogramma (RVOT 41±6 versus 37±7 mm, p=0.03; diametro telediastolico VD 38±11 versus 28±8 mm, p=0.0001; frazione di accorciamento 23%±7 versus 32%±11, p= 0.002). Il ventricolo sinistro (VS) era lievemente più dilatato (75±29 ml/m2 versus 60±19, p= 0.0017) e globalmente più ipocinetico (frazione di eiezione = 35%±14 versus 57%±12, p= 0.001). Il profilo emodinamico dei pazienti sottoposti a trapianto era caratterizzato da un basso indice cardiaco (1.8±0.2 l/min/m2) con pressione capillare e polmonare tendenzialmente normale (12±8 mmHg e 26±10 mmHg). L’analisi dettagliata dei 36 cuori dei pazienti trapiantati ha mostrato sostituzione fibro-adiposa transmurale nel VD e aree di fibrosi nel VS. Conclusioni: Nella CA lo SC può essere l’unico sintomo alla presentazione e condurre a trapianto un rilevante sottogruppo di pazienti. Chi sviluppa SC è più giovane, ha un interessamento del VD più severo accanto a un costante interessamento del VS, solo lievemente dilatato e ipocinetico, con sostituzione prevalentemente fibrosa.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Experimente beschrieben, die zu einem vertieften Verständnis fundamentaler Prozesse bei der elektrochemischen Herstellung von Dünnschichten, sog. Targets, für kernphysikalische und -chemische Studien führten. Targets wurden mittels 'Molecular Plating' (MP) hergestellt, indem eine Elektrodeposition aus organischem Medium in der Regel bei konstantem Strom in Zwei-Elektroden-Zellen. Die Resultate erlaubten, optimierte Herstellungs-bedingungen zu ermitteln, welche die Produktion deutlich verbesserter Targets erlaubten. MP bei konstantem Strom ist ein massentransportkontrollierter Prozess. Der angelegte Strom wird durch einen konstanten Fluss elektroaktiver Spezies zur Kathode – auf der die Schicht wächst – und Anode aufrechterhalten. Die Untersuchungen zeigten, dass das Zellenpotential des Elektrodepositionsystems immer durch den Ohm'schen Spannungsabfall auf Grund des Widerstandes der verwendeten Lösung dominiert wurde. Dies erlaubte die Herleitung einer Beziehung zwischen dem Zellenpotential und der Konzentration der elektroaktiven Spezies. Die Beziehung erlaubt die Erklärung des gemessenen zeitlichen Verlaufs des Zellenpotentials während der Abscheidung als Funktion der Elektrolytkonzentration. Dies dient als Basis, auf der nun ein umfassenderes Bild der Prozesse, die für die charakteristischen Minima im Potentialverlauf einer Abscheidung verantwortlich sind, gewonnen werden kann. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Minima mit der fast vollständigen Entfernung (durch Abscheidung) der aus einem gelösten Salz erzeugten Nd-Ionen korrespondieren. Die abgeschiedene Spezies wurde als Nd3+ identifiziert, vermutlich als Carboxylat, Oxid oder Hydroxid, was auf Grund der hohen negative Werte des Standardredoxpotentials der Lanthanide verständlich erscheint. Von den vorliegenden elektroaktiven Spezies tragen die Nd3+ Ionen nur zu knapp 20% zum Gesamtstrom bei. Durch Elektrolyse tragen auch die Lösungsmittelkomponenten zu diese Strom bei. Die Gegenwart von elektrolysiertem Lösungsmittel wurde in Analysen der Dünnschichten bestätigt. Diese waren immer mit chemi- und physisorbierten Lösungsmittelmolekülen bedeckt. Die Analyse der Dünnschichten zeigte, dass die Oberflächen von einem furchenartiges Netz durchzogen waren, und dass diese während des Trocknen der Schichten nach dem MP entstanden. Ob die Schichten an Luft oder in inerter Atmosphäre trockneten, hatte keinen Einfluss. Es wurden Experimente mit mehreren Lösungsmitteln durchgeführt, die sich deutlich in ihren physikalischen Eigenschaften, v.a. dem Siedepunkt, unterschieden. Furchenfreie Dünnschichten konnten insbesondere bei MP in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) erzeugt werden. Die Verwendung von DMF in Kombination mit einer Abscheidung auf sehr glatten Substraten erlaubte die Produktion von sehr homogenen, glatten und defektfreien Schichten. Diese waren vermutlich geringeren inneren Spannungen während des Trocknens ausgesetzt, als Schichten auf raueren Substraten oder solche, die aus flüchtigeren Lösungsmitteln hergestellt wurden. Die Oberflächenrauigkeit des Substrats und das gewählte Lösungsmittel wurden so als Schlüsselfaktoren für die Produktion hochqualitativer Schichten identifiziert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass mit MP eine sehr effiziente Methode zur Herstellung homogener Schichten mit exzellenter Ausbeute ist. In weiteren Experimenten mit dem primordialen Alpha-Emitter 147Sm als Modellisotop wurde die Eignung solcher Schichten als Alpha-Quelle untersucht. Sowohl die Energieauflösung als auch der Anteil der Alpha-Teilchen, die den Detektor erreichten, waren von den Quelleneigenschaften abhängig. Die Effekte wurden verschiedenen Variablen der Dünnschicht zugeordnet, welche die Alpha-Spektren beeinflussten. Dominant war die Wahl des Lösungsmittels und die Rauigkeit des Substrats. Dies beeinflusste Schichtdicke und -morphologie sowie die Art des Schichtwachstums und veränderte die Detektionseffizienz in Alpha-Messungen bis zu 15%. Nur homogene, ebene Schichten, die aus DMF auf glatten Substraten abgeschieden wurden, eignen sich optimal als Alpha-Quelle. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse erlauben die optimierte Herstellung nuklearer Targets durch MP. Künftige Anwendungen beinhalten insbesondere die Herstellung von Targets für neutroneninduzierte Spaltexperimente und untergrundarmeAlpha-Messungen sehr kleiner Aktivitäten.


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OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to compare coronary collateral function in patients after bare-metal stent (BMS) or drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation. BACKGROUND: Drug-eluting stents have an inhibitory effect on the production of cytokines, chemotactic proteins, and growth factors, and may therefore negatively affect coronary collateral growth. METHODS: A total of 120 patients with long-term stable coronary artery disease (CAD) after stent implantation were included. Both the BMS group and the DES group comprised 60 patients matched for in-stent stenosis severity of the vessel undergoing collateral flow index (CFI) measurement at follow-up and for the duration of follow-up. The primary end point of the investigation was invasively determined coronary collateral function 6 months after stent implantation. Collateral function was assessed by simultaneous aortic, coronary wedge, and central venous pressure measurements (yielding CFI) and by intracoronary electrocardiogram during balloon occlusion. RESULTS: There were no differences between the groups regarding age, gender, body mass index, frequency of cardiovascular risk factors, use of cardiovascular drugs, severity of CAD, or site of coronary artery stenoses. Despite equal in-stent stenosis severity (46 +/- 34% and 45 +/- 36%) and equal follow-up duration (6.2 +/- 10 months and 6.5 +/- 5.4 months), CFI was diminished in the DES versus BMS group (0.154 +/- 0.097 vs. 0.224 +/- 0.142; p = 0.0049), and the rate of collaterals insufficient to prevent ischemia during occlusion (intracoronary electrocardiographic ST-segment elevation > or =0.1 mV) was higher with 50 of 60 patients in the DES group and 33 of 60 patients in the BMS group (p = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Collateral function long after coronary stenting is impaired with DES (sirolimus and paclitaxel) when compared with BMS. Considering the protective nature of collateral vessels, this could lead to more serious cardiac events in the presence of an abrupt coronary occlusion.


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In this study, the use of magnesium as a Hall thruster propellant was evaluated. A xenon Hall thruster was modified such that magnesium propellant could be loaded into the anode and use waste heat from the thruster discharge to drive the propellant vaporization. A control scheme was developed, which allowed for precise control of the mass flow rate while still using plasma heating as the main mechanism for evaporation. The thruster anode, which also served as the propellant reservoir, was designed such that the open area was too low for sufficient vapor flow at normal operating temperatures (i.e. plasma heating alone). The remaining heat needed to achieve enough vapor flow to sustain thruster discharge came from a counter-wound resistive heater located behind the anode. The control system has the ability to arrest thermal runaway in a direct evaporation feed system and stabilize the discharge current during voltage-limited operation. A proportional-integral-derivative control algorithm was implemented to enable automated operation of the mass flow control system using the discharge current as the measured variable and the anode heater current as the controlled parameter. Steady-state operation at constant voltage with discharge current excursions less than 0.35 A was demonstrated for 70 min. Using this long-duration method, stable operation was achieved with heater powers as low as 6% of the total discharge power. Using the thermal mass flow control system the thruster operated stably enough and long enough that performance measurements could be obtained and compared to the performance of the thruster using xenon propellant. It was found that when operated with magnesium, the thruster has thrust ranging from 34 mN at 200 V to 39 mN at 300 V with 1.7 mg/s of propellant. It was found to have 27 mN of thrust at 300 V using 1.0 mg/s of propellant. The thrust-to-power ratio ranged from 24 mN/kW at 200 V to 18 mN/kW at 300 volts. The specific impulse was 2000 s at 200 V and upwards of 2700 s at 300 V. The anode efficiency was found to be ~23% using magnesium, which is substantially lower than the 40% anode efficiency of xenon at approximately equivalent molar flow rates. Measurements in the plasma plume of the thruster—operated using magnesium and xenon propellants—were obtained using a Faraday probe to measure off-axis current distribution, a retarding potential analyzer to measure ion energy, and a double Langmuir probe to measure plasma density, electron temperature, and plasma potential. Additionally, the off axis current distributions and ion energy distributions were compared to measurements made in krypton and bismuth plasmas obtained in previous studies of the same thruster. Comparisons showed that magnesium had the largest beam divergence of the four propellants while the others had similar divergence. The comparisons also showed that magnesium and krypton both had very low voltage utilization compared to xenon and bismuth. It is likely that the differences in plume structure are due to the atomic differences between the propellants; the ionization mean free path goes down with increasing atomic mass. Magnesium and krypton have long ionization mean free paths and therefore require physically larger thruster dimensions for efficient thruster operation and would benefit from magnetic shielding.


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In this paper we present results on measurements of the dielectric strength of liquid argon near its boiling point and cathode-anode distances in the range of 0.1 mm to 40 mm with spherical cathode and plane anode. We show that at such distances the applied electric field at which breakdowns occur is as low as 40 kV/cm. Flash-overs across the ribbed dielectric of the high voltage feed-through are observed for a length of 300 mm starting from a voltage of 55 kV. These results contribute to set reference for the breakdown-free design of ionization detectors, such as Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LAr TPC).


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Numerous large igneous provinces formed in the Pacific Ocean during Early Cretaceous time, but their origins and relations are poorly understood. We present new geochronological and geochemical data on rocks from the Manihiki Plateau and compare these results to those for other Cretaceous Pacific plateaus. A dredged Manihiki basalt gives an 40Ar-39Ar age of 117.9+/-3.5 Ma (2 sigma), essentially contemporaneous with the Ontong Java Plateau ~2500 km to the west, and the possibly related Hikurangi Plateau ~3000 km to the south. Drilled Manihiki lavas are tholeiitic with incompatible trace element abundances similar to those of Ontong Java basalts. These lavas may result from high degrees of partial melting during the main eruptive phase of plateau formation. There are two categories of dredged lavas from the Danger Islands Troughs, which bisect the plateau. The first is alkalic lavas having strong enrichments in light rare earth and large-ion lithophile elements; these lavas may represent late-stage activity, as one sample yields an 40Ar-39Ar age of 99.5+/-0.7 Ma. The second category consists of tholeiitic basalts with U-shaped incompatible element patterns and unusually low abundances of several elements; these basalts record a mantle component not previously observed in Manihiki, Ontong Java, or Hikurangi lavas. Their trace element characteristics may result from extensive melting of depleted mantle wedge material mixed with small amounts of volcaniclastic sediment. We are unaware of comparable basalts elsewhere.


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Forty-three core sections from Sites 434, 435, 438, 439, and 440 on the landward side and six core sections from Site 436 on the seaward side of the Japan Trench were obtained through the JOIDES Organic Geochemistry Advisory Panel for study of the origin and state of genesis of the organic matter associated with these continental slope, accretionary wedge, and outer trench slope sediments of the Japan Trench. The lipid fraction of these sediments is derived primarily from terrigenous organic matter and thus is allochthonous to the area. The associated kerogen fraction is of mixed allochthonous and autochthonous origin. The total organic carbon content seaward of the trench is less than that on the landward side. The composition of this organic matter is similar but not identical to that found in the landward side sediments. The organic matter within these sediments is in a diagenetic state in which geopolymerization of biogenic organic matter is nearly complete, but microbial alteration is still occurring.


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 125 recovered serpentined harzburgites and dunites from a total of jive sites on the crests and flanks of two serpen finite seamounts, Conical Seamount in the Mariana forearc and Torishima Forearc Seamount in the Izu-Bonin forearc. These are some of the first extant forearc peridotites reported in the literature and they provide a window into oceanic, supra-subduction zone (SSZ) mantle processes. Harzbutrgites from both seamounts are very refractory with low modal clinopyroxene (<4%), chrome-rich spinels (cx-number = 0.40-0.80), very low incompatible element contents, and (with the exception of amphibole-bearing samples) U-shaped rare earth element (REE) profiles with positive Eu anomalies. Both sets of peridotites have olivine-spinel equilibration temperatures that are low compared with abyssal peridotites, possibly because of water-assisted diffusional equilibration in the SSZ environment However, other features indicate that the harzburgites from the two seamounts have very different origins. Harzburgites from Conical Seamount are characterized by calculated oxygen fugacities between FMQ (fayalite- magnetite- quartz) - 1.1 (log units) and FMQ + 0.4 which overlap those of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) peridotites. Dunites from Conical Seamotmt contain small amounts of clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and amphibole and are light REE (LREE) enriched. Moreover; they are considerably more oxidized than the harzburgites to which they are spatially related, with calculated oxygen fugacities of FMQ -0.2 toFMQ + 1.2. Using textural and geochemical evidence, we interpret these harzburgites as residual MORB mantle (from 15 to 20 % fractional melting) which has subsequently been modified by interaction with boninitic melt ivithin the mantle wedge, and these dunites as zones of focusing of this melt in which pyroxene has preferentially been dissolved from the harzbutgite protolith. In contrast, harzburgites from Torishima Forearc Seamount give calculated oxygen fugacities between FMQ + 0.8 and FMQ + l.6, similar to those calculated for other subduction-zone related peridotites and similar to those calculated for the dunites (FMQ + 1.2 to FMQ + 1.8) from the same seamount. In this case, we interpret both the harzburgites and dunites as linked to mantle melting (20-25 % fractional melting) in a supra-subduction zone environment The results thus indicate that the forearc is underlain by at least two types of mantle lithosphere, one being trapped or accreted oceanic lithosphere, the other being lithosphere formed by subduction-related melting. They also demonstrate that both types of mantle lithosphere may have undergone extensive interaction with subduction-derived magmas.


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The fate of subducted sediment and the extent to which it is dehydrated and/or melted before incorporation into arc lavas has profound implications for the thermo-mechanical nature of the mantle wedge and models for crustal evolution. In order to address these issues, we have undertaken the first measurements of 10Be and light elements in lavas from the Tonga-Kermadec arc and the sediment profile at DSDP site 204 outboard of the trench. The 10Be/9Be ratios in the Tonga lavas are lower than predicted from flux models but can be explained if (a) previously estimated sediment contributions are too high by a factor of 2-10, (b) the top 1-22 m of the incoming sediment is accreted, (c) large amounts of sediment erosion are proposed, or (d) the sediment component takes several Myr longer than the subducting plate to reach the magma source region beneath Tonga. The lavas form negative Th/Be-Li/Be arrays that extend from a depleted mantle source composition to lower Th/Be and Li/Be ratios than that of the bulk sediment. Thus, these arrays are not easily explained by bulk sediment addition and, using partition coefficients derived from experiments on the in-coming sediment, we show that they are also unlikely to result from fluid released during dehydration of the sediment (or altered oceanic crust). However, partial melts of the dehydrated sediment residue formed at ~800 °C during the breakdown of amphibole +/- plagioclase and in the absence of cordierite have significantly lowered Th/Be ratios. The lava arrays can be successfully modelled as 10-15% partial melts of depleted mantle after it has been enriched by the addition of 0.2-2% of these partial melts. Phase relations suggest that this requires that the top of the subducting crust reaches temperatures of ~800 °C by the time it attains ~ 80 km depth which is in excellent agreement with the results of recent numerical models incorporating a temperature-dependent mantle viscosity. Under these conditions the wet basalt solidus is also crossed yet there is no recognisable eclogitic signal in the lavas suggesting that on-going dehydration or strong thermal gradients in the upper part of the subducting plate inhibit partialmelting of the altered oceanic crust.


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Segmented ionization chambers represent a good solution to monitor the position, the intensity and the shape of ion beams in hadrontherapy. Pixel and strip chambers have been developed for both passive scattering and active scanning dose delivery systems. In particular, strip chambers are optimal for pencil beam scanning, allowing for spatial and time resolutions below 0.1 mm and 1 ms, respectively. The MATRIX pixel and the Strip Accurate Monitor for Beam Applications (SAMBA) detectors are described in this paper together with the results of several beam tests and industrial developments based on these prototypes.


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Acercarse a las obras de José M. García de Paredes, y mirarlas como un conjunto de ideas que nos indican una manera de pensar y de hacer arquitectura, nos explica un ideario que persiste en el tiempo. Tomando prestado el término “explicar” en el sentido que Stravinski le da en su Poética musical1: desplegar, desarrollar, describir una cosa, descubrir y aclarar su génesis, se comprueban las relaciones que cosas aparentemente dispersas tienen entre si, cómo se originan las obras para saber cómo determinan la arquitectura, una vez que ésta tiene vida propia y uso, pasado el tiempo. El motivo de esta tesis se encuentra en el orden, análisis y estudio de su archivo, realizado a partir del año 1990. García de Paredes, titulado en Madrid, fue arquitecto entre 1950 y 1990 y se inició en la arquitectura en un tiempo tan complejo como el actual. No fue un teórico de la arquitectura, si bien conoció en profundidad su teoría y dejó escritos y reflexiones sobre la manera de abordar el proyecto. Quizás no fue un arquitecto radicalmente innovador y sus obras son silenciosas, aunque muchas encierran planteamientos rotundos que permanecen voluntariamente en penumbra. Sin embargo sus obras son nítidas, tienen el valor de la coherencia y son valiosas por el conocimiento y por los valores que transmiten. Han cumplido su objetivo y ahora son parte de los lugares para los que se construyeron y parte de la vida de las personas para las que se proyectaron. En gran medida, poseen ya la pátina del tiempo. Su obra, no muy extensa, aúna ideas necesarias para abordar la práctica del proyecto y para llegar a ese voluntario resultado final en el que la arquitectura sea, además de una expresión personal, una actividad social capaz de hacer mejor la vida de las personas. Mirar la arquitectura de García de Paredes a través del estudio de todas las cuestiones que intervienen en ella y convertir su conocimiento en un instrumento útil de trabajo en el proyecto, es el objetivo de esta tesis. Así se analizan determinadas obras para exponer temas de antes y de ahora, ideas que son a la vez antiguas y contemporáneas. Este ideario sobre la arquitectura de García de Paredes no pertenece sólo a un tiempo, pues la bella utilidad social de la arquitectura y cómo llegar a ella a través del conocimiento y de la economía intelectual, sigue vigente. Y este objetivo tiene claramente una segunda lectura, pues al poner en valor el ideario de su obra, la presente tesis constituye tanto un homenaje como un agradecimiento al arquitecto. Sintetizar este ideario ha necesitado tanto del tiempo para organizar un archivo como de la práctica de la arquitectura para constatarlo. Durante una década, entre 1981 y 1990, trabajé en el estudio de José M. García de Paredes, con la mirada enfocada hacia los proyectos que entonces se desarrollaban en su estudio. En esos años, la música y las secciones de las salas de concierto llenaban las mesas de dibujo. En 1990, tras su inesperada marcha, me encontré con un legado de documentos que constituyen un fragmento de la arquitectura contemporánea española, que encierran la explicación de proyectos y planteamientos que son respuesta clara a la realidad de su momento. La preparación entonces de la documentación para las tres monografías sobre su obra me llevó a ordenar, clasificar y a documentar los fondos del estudio de manera sistemática y cronológicamente. Los documentos, conservados en archivadores y tubos sin numerar, desvelaban una obra en un momento en el cual el escenario de fondo del debate sobre arquitectura era ético. De manera casi artesanal y próximo de un grupo coherente de arquitectos, algunos vinculados también a las artes plásticas, García de Paredes utiliza los medios materiales a su alcance, interpretando la realidad de una forma personal, alejada de la frialdad del movimiento moderno estricto, con una voluntad de mejorarla y de prescindir de todo aquello que no fuera necesario. Las obras dan respuesta a esa realidad de tal manera que la transforman, como si de un “mágico realismo” se tratara. Estos documentos con olor a antiguo, más que narrar una historia, explican la manera en que se ha hecho esa historia, cómo las biografías y los acontecimientos se entrelazan para llegar al conocido resultado final. Y de un primer análisis, disponiéndolos a la vista de un mismo tiempo, va surgiendo otro interés que no es el de explicar su obra sino el de observar el proceso de trabajo de un arquitecto para desvelar un método de proyecto. Sobre el método de trabajo de un músico, Azorín se pregunta en su artículo “Vida imaginaria de Falla”: “Es fácil ver trabajar a un pintor, no es tan fácil ver enfrascado en su labor a un literato, aunque en las redacciones solamos ver cómo escribe un poeta que hace artículos para un periódico. ¿Pero cómo imaginamos a un músico en su tarea?. ¿Cómo escribe un músico?. ¿Es que siente de pronto un arrebato lírico y un poco desmelenado, los músicos deben llevar el pelo largo, se sienta al piano y comienza a tañer como una inspirada pitonisa?. ¿es que se levanta a media noche y, arrebatado por la inspiración y a la luz de la luna, si la hay, escribe febrilmente esas garrapatitas que vemos en los hilos telegráficos de la música?" Manuel de Falla en una carta le responde: “Nada de eso, mi querido amigo, mi trabajo de compositor no es tan misterioso como usted imagina: podría compararse al de un escritor que fuera a la vez arquitecto”. ¿Y cómo trabaja un arquitecto?. La complejidad del proceso arquitectónico nos presenta sin embargo resultados finales que sólo a través de una observación minuciosa permiten entrever el recorrido desde el pensamiento hasta la obra acabada. El escritor narra lo que ve o imagina y el arquitecto construye y da forma a esa realidad o a esos deseos y para ello debe mirar, escuchar y debe saber hacer. Analizar este proceso nos lleva inexorablemente a desvelar las claves que hacen valiosas determinadas arquitecturas. En junio de 1986 García de Paredes escribe el texto “Tres paisajes con arquitecturas”4. El texto describe tres paisajes culturales diferentes en distintos tiempos. El primero que describe es el Madrid neoclásico y el significado que tiene en este paisaje el Museo del Prado. El segundo paisaje se denomina “Alhambra versus Carlos V” y en él relata un delicado escenario donde se entrelazan distintas cuestiones relativas a la intervención en lugares históricos. En el tercer paisaje “Paisaje con Ruinas” tras describir las hermosas ruinas físicas del pasado concluye con una reflexión: “Hay ruinas y ruinas… Pero quizá no sean estas las verdaderas ruinas de nuestro tiempo. Qué clase de ruina producirá nuestra modesta arquitectura del siglo XX?. Nuestro legado no debería leerse en clave de piedras como las de otras épocas que no disponían de otro lenguaje que el de construir para los tiempos. Sin embargo es posible que surjan otras claves, quizá aún no bien conocidas, que sean para las generaciones futuras de tan clara lectura como la de este tercer Paisaje”. Encontrar esas claves contemporáneas, es el objeto de este paseo por las obras y escritos de García de Paredes. Mirar, suprimido el tiempo, los planos, dibujos, escritos, libros y fotografías del archivo del arquitecto, ordenando y comprendiendo los motivos que propiciaron cada obra, nos lleva a pensar que la arquitectura de cada momento es sólo un desplazamiento de los anteriores. Nada ahora es completamente distinto de lo que era entonces y la arquitectura de antes puede ser interpretada, más allá de aspectos formales, por otras generaciones, desdibujándose el tiempo donde pretendemos ordenarla. Este legado de claves conceptuales nos es útil ahora para conocer lo que permanece en la arquitectura pensando en cuestiones actuales a través de papeles antiguos. El legado de esa “modesta arquitectura” no se debe leer pues en clave de “piedras”, como expresaba García de Paredes. Gran parte de sus obras se construyen con materiales sencillos y la lectura de su valor no es directa. Sin embargo explican en qué momento la arquitectura pasa a ser un hecho capaz de transmitir intenciones ocultas y convertirse en una actividad social en sintonía con la realidad. Desvelar esta colección de ideas para enfocar cuestiones de arquitectura, en el convencimiento de que este ideario es tan válido hoy como entonces, nos acerca a ese utópico método de trabajo del arquitecto. En este ciclo abierto se han seleccionado determinadas obras que permiten plantear mejor las cuestiones que ilustran su razón de ser y así pues se suceden lugares y personas, números y geometrías, música, artes plásticas y arquitecturas. ABSTRACT Looking at the work of José M. García de Paredes as a set of ideas that outline a way of imagining and producing architecture, explains a vision that has persisted in time. Employing the word “explain” in the same sense as Stravinsky in his Poetics of Music: deploying, developing and describing something, discovering and clarifying its origins as a way of observing the relationships between things and the way designs originate in order to understand how they determine the architecture, once it has a life and use of its own after time has passed. This thesis is based on an analysis of the archives of José M. Garcia de Paredes, which began in 1990. After graduating from the Madrid School in 1950 —an equally complex time as today— he continued to practise architecture until 1990. He was not an architectural theorist but he had a deep understanding of theory and left essays and ideas on the way to tackle projects. Although he may not have been a radically innovative architect and his work may seem subdued, much of it embodies categorical approaches, which are deliberately overshadowed. Nevertheless, his work is sharp, consistent and is valuable for the knowledge and values it transmits. It has served its purpose, it now forms part of the places for which it was built and has become part of the lives of the people it was designed for. To a large extent, his buildings already show the patina of time. While not large in number, they bring together the ideas needed to put a project into practice and arrive at an end result in which the architecture is also a personal expression, a social activity that makes life better for people. The discourse takes a new look at the architecture of Garcia de Paredes through an analysis of all the issues involved in order to turn the resulting knowledge into a useful tool for project work. It therefore now, ideas that are old but at the same time contemporary. This vision time. The beautiful social utility of his architecture and the way he arrived at it through knowledge and intellectual economy still remain valid. The synthesis of this vision has required much time to organize the archive and also a professional architectural practice to put it into perspective. The preserved documents reveal a body of work that was designed at a time when ethics shaped the underlying scenario of the Relación de architectural debate. The architect used the material resources at his disposal in an almost craftsman-like way, in the company of a congruent group of architects. He interpreted reality in a personal way, removed from the coldness of the strict Modern Movement, striving to improve it and strip off anything that was unnecessary. His buildings responded to their context in such a way that transformed it, as if they were “magical realism”. Another line of analysis emerged from an initial analysis, with all the documents in view at the same time: not to explain his work but rather to study the design process of an architect in order to discover a method. In 1986, García de Paredes wrote “Three landscapes with architectures”, which describes three cultural landscapes in different times. After describing the beauty of the physical ruins of the past, the third landscape, “Landscape with Ruins”, concludes with this observation: “There are ruins and ruins ... But these might not be the real ruins of our time. What kind of ruin will be produced by our modest 20th century architecture? Our legacy should not be interpreted in the key of mere stones, like those of past eras which had access to no other language than construction for all times. Other keys, perhaps not yet familiar, may well emerge and be as legible for future generations as this third Landscape”. This tour of the work and writings of Garcia de Paredes is aimed at discovering these contemporary keys. The legacy of such keys can now help us to know what endures in architecture; thinking about current issues through the perspective of old papers. Having set aside the time factor, looking at the drawings, essays, books and photographs from the architect’s archives, organising and understanding the reasons that gave rise to each work, I now believe that the architecture of each moment is only previous work that has been shifted. Nothing is completely different now from what it was back then. The architecture of the past can be interpreted by other generations, looking beyond the aspects of form, blurring the time factor when we want to order it. For this purpose I have selected particular works that permit a better enunciation of the issues that illustrate their rationale, hence the succession of places and people, numbers and geometries, music, art and architectures.


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The following data paper summarizes diatom biostratigraphic data from sediments drilled in the Costa Rica accretionary wedge during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 170. Quaternary through lower Miocene diatom zones characteristic of the equatorial Pacific region are recognized in the reference section, Site 1039, which was drilled on the downgoing Cocos plate. At Sites 1040-1043, where the recovered silty clay units are primarily wedge and apron sediments that overlie the underthrust sections, diatoms are generally low in abundance, and complete zonation of the cores was not possible above the décollement surface.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Cortical midline glia are critical to the formation of the corpus callosum during development. The glial wedge is a Population of midline glia that is located at the corticoseptal boundary and expresses repulsive/growth-inhibitory molecules that guide callosal axons as they cross the midline. The glial wedge are the first cells within the cortex to express GFAP and thus may express molecules specific for glial maturation. The corticoseptal boundary is a genetically defined boundary between the cingulate cortex (dorsal telencephalon) and the septum (ventral telencephalon). The correct dorso-ventral position of this boundary is vital to the formation of both the glial wedge and the corpus callosum. Our aim was to identify genes expressed specifically within the glial wedge that might be involved in either glial differentiation, formation of the corticoseptal boundary or development of the corpus callosum. To identify such genes we have performed a differential display PCR screen comparing RNA isolated from the glial wedge with RNA isolated from control tissues such as the neocortex and septum, of embryonic day 17 mouse brains. Using 200 different combinations of primers, we identified and cloned 67 distinct gene fragments. In situ hybridization analysis confirmed the differential expression of many of the genes, and showed that clones G24F3, G39F8 and transcription factor LZIP have specific expression patterns in the telencephalon of embryonic and postnatal brains. An RNase Protection Assay (RPA) revealed that the expression of G39F8, G24173 and LZIP increase markedly in the telencephalon at E16 and continue to be expressed until at least PO, during the period when the corpus callosum is forming. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.