938 resultados para Water in oil emulsion


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An attempt has been made to study the effect of time and test procedure on the behaviour of partial discharge (PD) pulses causing failure of oil-pressboard system under power frequency voltages using circular disc shaped samples and uniform field electrodes. Weibull statistics have been used to handle the large amount of PD data. The PD phenomena has been found to be stress and time dependent. On the basis of stress level, three different regions are identified and in one of the regions, the rate of deterioration of the sample is at a maximum. The work presents some interesting features of Weibull parameters as related to the condition of insulation studied in addition to its usual PD characteristics


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The reactions of p-nitrophenyl alkanoate esters with dialkylaminopyridine (DAAP) and its related mono- and di-anionic water-soluble derivatives have been studied separately in three different microemulsion (ME) media. These were (a) oil-in-water ME (O/W), (b) water-in-oil ME (W/O) and (c) a bicontinuous ME, where oil and water are in nearly comparable amounts. All the ME systems were stabilized by cationic surfactant, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr) and butanol as a cosurfactant. The second-order rate constants (k(2)) in the microemulsion media were also determined : over a phase volume (phi) of approximately 0.13-0.46. In order to explain the contribution of effective concentration of the nucleophiles in the aqueous pseudophase, corrected rate constants k(2 phi) = k(2)(1 - phi) were obtained, The rate constants of the corresponding hydrolytic reactions were also examined in CTABr micelles. While the DAAP catalysts were partitioned between the micellar and aqueous pseudophases in ME, the hydrophobic substrates were found to be mainly confined to oil-rich phases, Present results indicate that the main effect of ME media on the hydrolysis reaction is due,to both electrostatic reasons and substrate partitioning.


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The catalytic conversion ATP + AMP -> 2ADP by the enzyme adenylate kinase (ADK) involves the binding of one ATP. molecule to the LID domain and one AMP molecule to the NMP domain. The latter is followed by a. phosphate transfer and then the release of two ADP molecules. We have computed a novel two-dimensional configurational free energy surface (2DCFES), with one reaction coordinate each for the LID and the NMP domain motions, while considering explicit water interactions. Our computed 2DCFES clearly reveals the existence of a stable half-open half-closed (HOHC) intermediate stale of the enzyme. Cycling of the enzyme through the HOHC state reduces the conformational free energy barrier for. the reaction by about 20 kJ/mol. We find that the stability of the HOHC state (missed in all earlier studies with implicit solvent model) is largely because of the increase of specific interactions of the polar amino acid side chains with water, particularly with the arginine and the histidine residues. Free energy surface of the LID domain is rather rugged, which can conveniently slow down LID's conformational motion, thus facilitating a new substrate capture after the product release in the catalytic cycle.


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A distinctive feature of the Nhecolandia, a sub-region of the Pantanal wetland in Brazil, is the presence of both saline and freshwater lakes. Saline lakes used to be attributed to a past and phase during the Pleistocene. However, recent studies have shown that saline and fresh water lakes are linked by a continuous water table, indicating that saline water could come from a contemporary concentration process. This concentration process could also be responsible for the large chemical variability of the waters observed in the area. A regional water sampling has been conducted in surface and sub-surface water and the water table, and the results of the geochemical and statistical analysis are presented. Based on sodium contents, the concentration shows a 1: 4443 ratio. All the samples belong to the same chemical family and evolve in a sodic alkaline manner. Calcite or magnesian calcite precipitates very early in the process of concentration, probably followed by the precipitation of magnesian silicates. The most concentrated solutions remain under-saturated with respect to the sodium carbonate salt, even if this equilibrium is likely reached around the saline lakes. Apparently, significant amounts of sulfate and chloride are lost simultaneously from the solutions, and this cannot be explained solely by evaporative concentration. This could be attributed to the sorption on reduced minerals in a green sub-surface horizon in the "cordilhieira" areas. In the saline lakes, low potassium, phosphate, magnesium, and sulfate are attributed to algal blooms. Under the influence of evaporation, the concentration of solutions and associated chemical precipitations are identified as the main factors responsible for the geochemical variability in this environment (about 92 % of the variance). Therefore, the saline lakes of Nhecolandia have to be managed as landscape units in equilibrium with the present water flows and not inherited from a past and phase. In order to elaborate hydrochemical tracers for a quantitative estimation of water flows, three points have to be investigated more precisely: (1) the quantification of magnesium involved in the Mg-calcite precipitation; (2) the identification of the precise stoichiometry of the Mg-silicate; and (3) the verification of the loss of chloride and sulfate by sorption onto labile iron minerals.


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The quality of tap water from water supplies from 14 districts of Kerala state, India was studied. Parameters like pH, water temperature, total dissolved solids, salinity, nitrates, chloride, hardness, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, fluoride, sulphate, phosphates, and coliform bacteria were enumerated. The results showed that all water samples were contaminated by coliform bacteria. About 20% of the tap water samples from Alappuzha and 15% samples from Palakkad district are above desirable limits prescribed by Bureau of Indian Standards. The contamination of the source water (due to lack of community hygiene) and insufficient treatment are the major cause for the coliform contamination in the state. Water samples from Alappuzha and Palakkad have high ionic and fluoride content which could be attributed to the geology of the region. Water supplied for drinking in rural areas are relatively free of any contamination than the water supplied in urban area by municipalities, which may be attributed higher chances of contamination in urban area due to mismanagement of solid and liquid wastes. The study highlights the need for regular bacteriological enumeration along with water quality in addition to setting up decentralised region specific improved treatment system.


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An imbalance between breakup and coalescence of drops in turbulent liquid-liquid dispersions leads to inversion of phases the dispersed phase becomes continuous and vice versa. An increase in the rate of coalescence of drops is expected to decrease the dispersed phase fraction at which inversion occurs. In the present work, we increased the rate of coalescence of drops by adding electrolyte to pure liquid-liquid dispersions. The experiments carried out for three representative liquid-liquid systems show that contrary to the expectation the addition of an electrolyte increases the dispersed phase fraction at which inversion occurs for both, oil-in-water and water-in-oil dispersions. The step-down experiments confirm that the addition of the electrolyte increases the rate of coalescence of drops in lean dispersions under the same conditions, thereby confirming an anomalous effect of the presence of an electrolyte on the stability of dispersions. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Layer-wise, distance-dependent orientational relaxation of water confined in reverse micelles (RM) is studied using theoretical and computational tools. We use both a newly constructed ``spins on a ring'' (SOR) Ising-type model (with Shore-Zwanzig rotational dynamics) and atomistic simulations with explicit water. Our study explores the effect of reverse micelle size and role of intermolecular correlations, compromised by the presence of a highly polar surface, on the distance (from the interface) dependence of water relaxation. The ``spins on a ring'' model can capture some aspects of distance dependence of relaxation, such as acceleration of orientational relaxation at intermediate layers. In atomistic simulations, layer-wise decomposition of hydrogen bond formation pattern clearly reveals that hydrogen bond arrangement of water at a certain distance away from the surface can remain frustrated due to the interaction with the polar surface head groups. This layer-wise analysis also reveals the presence of a non-monotonic slow relaxation component which can be attributed to this frustration effect and which is accentuated in small to intermediate size RMs. For large size RMs, the long time component decreases monotonically from the interface to the interior of the RMs with slowest relaxation observed at the interface. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4732095]


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A new Cu(II)-picolinate complex was synthesized and characterized by single crystal X-ray crystallography. The complex crystallizes in the centrosymmetric triclinic space group P (1) over bar (no. 2). Picolinate in the complex extends the neutral unit into a 1-D chain through mu(2)-bridging carboxylate. The complex has a hydrogen bonding acceptor in the second coordination sphere allowing lattice water to assemble neighboring chains. Water self-assembles to form a zig-zag 1-D chain. The adjacent chains are assembled by C-H center dot center dot center dot O interactions result in the formation 2-D hydrogen bonded network. The overall hydrogen bonding between water chain and Cu-picolinate network yields a 3-D hydrogen bonded coordination network. X-ray structural analysis, FTIR and thermal analysis have been used to characterize the reported compound in the solid state.


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Coastal marine environments are important links between the continents and the open ocean. The coast off Mangalore forms part of the upwelling zone along the southeastern Arabian Sea. The temperature, salinity, density, dissolved oxygen and stable oxygen isotope ratio (delta O-18) of surface waters as well as those of bottom waters off coastal Mangalore were studied every month from October 2010 to May 2011. The coastal waters were stratified in October and November due to precipitation and runoff. The region was characterised by upwelled bottom waters in October, whereas the region exhibited a temperature inversion in November. The surface and bottom waters presented almost uniform properties from December until April. The coastal waters were observed to be most dense in January and May. Comparatively cold and poorly oxygenated bottom waters during the May sampling indicated the onset of upwelling along the region. delta O-18 of the coastal waters successfully documented the observed variations in the hydrographical characteristics of the Mangalore coast during the monthly sampling period. We also noted that the monthly variability in the properties of the coastal waters of Mangalore was related to the hydrographical characteristics of the adjacent open ocean inferred from satellite-derived surface winds, sea surface height anomaly data and sea surface temperatures.


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Since the time of Kirkwood, observed deviations in magnitude of the dielectric constant of aqueous protein solution from that of neat water (similar to 80) and slower decay of polarization have been subjects of enormous interest, controversy, and debate. Most of the common proteins have large permanent dipole moments (often more than 100 D) that can influence structure and dynamics of even distant water molecules, thereby affecting collective polarization fluctuation of the solution, which in turn can significantly alter solution's dielectric constant. Therefore, distance dependence of polarization fluctuation can provide important insight into the nature of biological water. We explore these aspects by studying aqueous solutions of four different proteins of different characteristics and varying sizes, chicken villin headpiece subdomain (HP-36), immunoglobulin binding domain protein G (GB1), hen-egg white lysozyme (LYS), and Myoglobin (MYO). We simulate fairly large systems consisting of single protein molecule and 20000-30000 water molecules (varied according to the protein size), providing a concentration in the range of similar to 2-3 mM. We find that the calculated dielectric constant of the system shows a noticeable increment in all the cases compared to that of neat water. Total dipole moment auto time correlation function of water < dM(W) (0)delta M-W (t) > is found to be sensitive to the nature of the protein. Surprisingly, dipole moment of the protein and total dipole moment of the water molecules are found to be only weakly coupled. Shellwise decomposition of water molecules around protein reveals higher density of first layer compared to the succeeding ones. We also calculate heuristic effective dielectric constant of successive layers and find that the layer adjacent to protein has much lower value (similar to 50). However, progressive layers exhibit successive increment of dielectric constant, finally reaching a value close to that of bulk 4-5 layers away. We also calculate shellwise orientational correlation function and tetrahedral order parameter to understand the local dynamics and structural re-arrangement of water. Theoretical analysis providing simple method for calculation of shellwise local dielectric constant and implication of these findings are elaborately discussed in the present work. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We have investigated the impact of partially wetting particles of tens of micrometers on inversion instability of agitated liquid liquid dispersions. Particles of this size can be easily separated from the exit streams to avoid downstream processing-related issues. The results show that the presence of hydrophilic particles in small quantities (volume fraction range of 2 X 10(-4) to 1.25 x 10(-2)) significantly decreases the dispersed phase fraction at which water-in-oil (w/o) dispersions invert but leaves the inversion of oil-in-water (o/w) dispersions nearly unaffected. The addition of the same particles after they are hydrophobized decreases the dispersed phase fraction at which o/w dispersions invert but leaves the inversion of w/o dispersions unaffected. These findings suggest an increased rate of coalescence of drops when particles wet drops preferentially and a marginal decrease when they wet the continuous phase preferentially. High-speed conductivity measurements on w/o dispersion show transient conduction of a few hundred milliseconds duration through voltage pulses. Close to the inversion point, voltage pulses appear at high frequency for even 7 cm separation between the electrodes. The presence of hydrophilic particles produces a nearly identical signal at a significantly lower dispersed phase fraction itself, close to the new lowered inversion point in the presence of particles. We propose formation of elongated domains of the conducting dispersed phase through a rapid coalescence-deformation-breakup process to explain the new observations. The voltage signal appears as a forerunner of inversion instability.


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This article is the result of experimental studies of the rheologv, viscosities, surface tensions, and atomization of water-methanol and diesel emulsions. The Span 80 and Tween 60 are employed to make three emulsifying agents, Y01, Y02, and Y03, with viscosity of 1.32-1.5 Pa s and HLB values of 5.36, 4.83, and 4.51, respectively. In the water-in-oil emulsions, the aqueous phase is between 10% and 50%; the agent concentration added is 0.8-8.0%. The viscosity of the emulsions is 0.003-0.02 Pa s, and the surface tens ion is 0.04-0.1 N/m. The types and concentrations of agents significantly influence the viscosity of the emulsions, and the higher concentration of the aqueous phase (<50%) in creases the viscosities of the emulsions, especially for higher agent concentration. Interfacial membrane and HLB values of the agents can explain all these phenomena. Higher aqueous phase concentration and agent viscosity results in larger Sauter mean diameter.


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A mathematical model for coupled multiphase fluid flow and sedimentation deformation is developed based on fluid-solid interaction mechanism. A finite difference-finite element numerical approach is presented. The results of an example show that the fluid-solid coupled effect has great influence on multiphase fluid flow and reservoir recovery performances, and the coupled model has practical significance for oilfield development.


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The water problems confronting Hallandale are similar to those of other coastal cities of southeastern Florida which are undergoing rapid growth with tremendous increase in water demand. The highly permeable Biscayne aquifer underlying the Hallandale area is an excellent source of water; however, the permeable nature of the Biscayne aquifer would permit the intrusion of sea water, if fresh water levels were lowered excessively, as well as the infiltration of urban or industrial contaminants, from land surfaces and surface water bodies. This study is to provide the hydrologic data necessary for proper water resource development and planning in the Hallandale area. (40 page document)