990 resultados para Walker, Marquise


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Desde el segundo gobierno de George Walker Bush, estudiosos de las Relaciones Internacionales, analistas políticos, periodistas y los medios de comunicación en general, manifestaron su preocupación por el lenguaje religioso que dicho presidente usaba en sus discursos, y por la forma como las posturas religiosas del gobierno Bush estaban afectando la política exterior de los Estados Unidos. Surgieron hipótesis que indicaban una fuerte influencia evangélica en la toma de decisiones del mandatario norteamericano en los temas internacionales, sobresaliendo en estas consideraciones las relaciones entre Estados Unidos e Israel. El hecho de que las ideas religiosas se mezclaran con la política y pudiesen dirigir las relaciones entre los Estados causo bastante conmoción. Especialmente en un país donde la religión y la política se creían separadas una de la otra. Una relación digna de ser analizada en la medida en que parecía estar afectando la política de Estados Unidos hacia Medio Oriente; punto clave de los temas geopolíticos más críticos de hoy en día como lo son el terrorismo, el petróleo y el llamado “choque de civilizaciones”. La cooperación entre Estados Unidos e Israel y la política exterior estadounidense hacia el Medio Oriente fueron temas prioritarios en la agenda de la administración de George W.Bush. La cuestión clave era entonces comprobar si efectivamente dichas políticas fueron una en prioridad debido a la presión de los grupos evangélicos en el gobierno republicano de Bush hijo, o por el contrario, si la política de cooperación con Israel respondía más a una política de Estado que trasciende la coyuntura del gobierno Bush.


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Este estudio de caso, pretende analizar el uso de las herramientas de marketing político, desde las elecciones primarias hasta la elección presidencial en el 2004 en Estados Unidos, en la que George W. Bush del Partido Republicano busca la reelección frente a su rival John F. Kerry del Partido Demócrata.


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Colección de treinta historias y poemas de amor para los niños pequeños, entre los que se encuentran: 'Miss Polly', 'Clown', 'The Big Big Sea', 'The Elephant Tree'.


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The Walker circulation is one of the major components of the large-scale tropical atmospheric circulation and variations in its strength are critical to equatorial Pacific Ocean circulation. It has been argued in the literature that during the 20th century the Walker circulation weakened, and that this weakening was attributable to anthropogenic climate change. By using updated observations, we show that there has been a rapid interdecadal enhancement of the Walker circulation since the late 1990s. Associated with this enhancement is enhanced precipitation in the tropical western Pacific, anomalous westerlies in the upper troposphere, descent in the central and eastern tropical Pacific, and anomalous surface easterlies in the western and central tropical Pacific. The characteristics of associated oceanic changes are a strengthened thermocline slope and an enhanced zonal SST gradient across the tropical Pacific. Many characteristics of these changes are similar to those associated with the mid-1970s climate shift with an opposite sign. We also show that the interdecadal variability of the Walker circulation in the tropical Pacific is inversely correlated to the interdecadal variability of the zonal circulation in the tropical Atlantic. An enhancement of the Walker circulation in the tropical Pacific is associated with a weakening zonal circulation in the tropical Atlantic and vise versa, implying an inter-Atlantic-Pacific connection of the zonal overturning circulation variation. Whether these recent changes will be sustained is not yet clear, but our research highlights the importance of understanding the interdecadal variability, as well as the long-term trends, that influence tropical circulation.


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The courtship behavior of the navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella, was examined in a wind tunnel. Sixty nine courtship sequences were analyzed and successful sequences divided into two categories: rapid courtship sequences, which involved few breaks in contact, short or no periods of male/female chasing and lasted <10 s between initial contact and mating; and prolonged courtship sequences, which involved many breaks in contact, extended periods of male/female chasing and lasted >10 s. Fifty six (81%) courtships were successful (50.7% rapid courtship and 30.4% prolonged courtship); the remaining 13 (18.8%) sequences were failed courtships. Of failed courtships, 9 (13.0%) were due to males losing contact with females during courtship chases and 4 (5.8%) due to females flying away immediately after male contact. Of all courtship sequences involving a break in contact during a chase, 38.5% resulted in an unsuccessful mating attempt. These findings contrast with previous studies of the courtship behavior of the navel orangeworm, potentially indicating that the type of bioassay used to study courtship may have a large effect on the behavioral sequences displayed. We evaluate several diagnostic techniques for the analysis of sequences of behavioral transitions.


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Fish oil supplementation has been shown to improve the cachectic state of tumor-bearing animals and humans. Our previous study showed that fish oil supplementation (1 g per kg body weight per day) for 2 generations had anticancer and anticachetic effects in Walker 256 tumor-bearing rats as demonstrated by reduced tumor growth and body weight loss and increased food intake and survival. In this study, the effect of fish oil supplementation for 2 generations on membrane integrity, proliferation capacity, and CD4/CD8 ratio of lymphocytes isolated from mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus of Walker 256 tumor-bearing animals was investigated. We also determined fish oil effect on plasma concentration and ex vivo production of cytokines [tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-6, and IL-10]. Lymphocytes from thymus of tumor-bearing rats presented lower viability, but this change was abolished by fish oil supplementation. Tumor growth increased proliferation of lymphocytes from all lymphoid organs, and fish oil supplementation abolished this effect. Ex vivo production of TNF-alpha and IL-6 was reduced in supplemented animals, but IL-4 and IL-10 secretion was stimulated in both nontumor and tumor-bearing rats. IL-10 and IFN-gamma plasma levels was also decreased in supplemented animals. These results suggest that the anticachetic effects of fish oil supplementation for a long period of time (2 generations) in Walker 256 tumor-bearing rats may be associated to a decrease in lymphocyte function as demonstrated by reduced viability, proliferation capacity, and cytokine production.


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Here we investigated the effect of lifelong supplementation of the diet with coconut fat (CO, rich in saturated fatty acids) or fish oil (170, rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) on tumor growth and lactate production from glucose in Walker 256 tumor cells, peritoneal macrophages, spleen, and gut-associated lymphocytes. Female Wistar rats were supplemented with CO or FO prior to mating and then throughout pregnancy and gestation and then the male offspring were supplemented from weaning until 90 days of age. Then they were inoculated subcutaneously with Walker 256 tumor cells. Tumor weight at 14 days in control rats (those fed standard chow) and CO supplemented was approximately 30 g. Supplementation of the diet with FO significantly reduced tumor growth by 76%. Lactate production (nmol h(-1) mg(-1) protein) from glucose by Walker 256 cells in the group fed regular chow (W) was 381.8 +/- 14.9. Supplementation with coconut fat (WCO) caused a significant reduction in lactate production by 1.6-fold and with fish oil (WFO) by 3.8-fold. Spleen lymphocytes obtained from W and WCO groups had markedly increased lactate production (553 +/- 70 and 635 +/- 150) when compared to non-tumor-bearing rats (similar to 260 +/- 30). FO supplementation reduced significantly the lactate production (297 +/- 50). Gut-associated lymphocytes obtained from W and WCO groups increased lactate production markedly (280 +/- 31 and 276 +/- 25) when compared to non-tumor-bearing rats (similar to 90 +/- 18). FO supplementation reduced significantly the lactate production (168 +/- 14). Lactate production by peritoneal macrophages was increased by tumor burden but there was no difference between the groups fed the various diets. Lifelong consumption of FO protects against tumor growth and modifies glucose metabolism in Walker tumor cells and lymphocytes but not in macrophages. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Aims: The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of obesity and insulin resistance on tumor development and, in turn, the effect of insulin sensitizing agents. Main methods: Male offspring of Wistar rats received monosodium glutamate (400 mg/kg) (obese) or saline (control) from the second to sixth day after birth. Sixteen-week-old control and obese rats received 5 x 10(5) Walker-256 tumor cells, subcutaneously injected into the right flank. Some of the obese and control rats received concomitant treatment with metformin (300 mg/kg) by gavage. At the 18th week, obesity was characterized. The percentage of rats that developed tumors, the tumor relative weight and the percentage of cachexia incidence were analyzed. The tumor tissue was evaluated histologically by means of hematoxylin and eosin staining. Key findings: Metformin did not correct the insulin resistance in obese rats. The tumor development was significantly higher in the obese group, whereas metformin treatment reduced it. After pathological analysis, we observed that the tumor tissues were similar in all groups except for adipocytes, which were found in greater quantity in the obese and metformin-treated obese groups. The area of tumor necrosis was higher in the group treated with metformin when compared with the untreated one. Significance: Metformin reduced Walker-256 tumor development but not cachexia in obese rats. The reduction occurred independently of the correction of insulin resistance. Metformin increased the area of necrosis in tumor tissues, which may have contributed to the reduced tumor development. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Recently, the deterministic tourist walk has emerged as a novel approach for texture analysis. This method employs a traveler visiting image pixels using a deterministic walk rule. Resulting trajectories provide clues about pixel interaction in the image that can be used for image classification and identification tasks. This paper proposes a new walk rule for the tourist which is based on contrast direction of a neighborhood. The yielded results using this approach are comparable with those from traditional texture analysis methods in the classification of a set of Brodatz textures and their rotated versions, thus confirming the potential of the method as a feasible texture analysis methodology. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This Thesis project is a part of the research conducted in Solar industry. ABSOLICON Solar Concentrator AB has invented and started production of the prospective solar concentrated system Absolicon X10. The aims of this Thesis project are designing, assembling, calibrating and putting in operation the automatic measurement system intended to evaluate distribution of density of solar radiation in the focal line of the concentrated parabolic reflectors and to measure radiation from the artificial source of light being a calibration-testing tool.On the basis of the requirements of the company’s administration and needs of designing the concentrated reflectors the operation conditions for the Sun-Walker were formulated. As the first step, the complex design of the whole system was made and division on the parts was specified. After the preliminary conducted simulation of the functions and operation conditions of the all parts were formulated.As the next steps, the detailed design of all the parts was made. Most components were ordered from respective companies. Some of the mechanical components were made in the workshop of the company. All parts of the Sun-Walker were assembled and tested. The software part, which controls the Sun-Walker work and conducts measurements of solar irradiation, was created on the LabVIEW basis. To tune and test the software part, the special simulator was designed and assembled.When all parts were assembled in the complete system, the Sun-Walker was tested, calibrated and tuned.


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If one concedes that the Freudian unconscious is inseparable from a society attached to its past, for example, its phallocentric traditions, Guattari’s alternative model dealing with "the production of subjectivity" offers a new perspective (1995: 11). From this vantage point, it is possible to map the way "every individual and social group" models the creation of subjectivity, a subjectivity "composed of cognitive references as well as mythical, ritual and symptomatological references" (1995: 11).


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Spirtuality is at the heart of Deborah Walker's enigmatically engaging works. Drawing on the interpretive nature of a philosophical world view, Walker presents a figurative structure imbued with a calmness, stillness, and sophistication. Elegantly dressed characters are warmly depicted witha touch of theatre and drama, their serene gaze gentle, sometimes melancholy and reflective.